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for students of

Susan Kay
The Lake School
_ of English

\lacmillan Hcincmann English Language Tcaching
Bctuc=n Tou'ns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP

Adirision of Mecnriltan h-rblishers Uoited

Companies and reprcsentativc *uoughout thc mdd
$BN O 435 21249 0
Tcxt O Susan l(ay and The kke Schod of English 1997
Dcsigrr and illustration @ Macmitlen Publishcrs Limitcd 1998
First published 1997

Heinsna$ is a EgisrcGd tndmrrt of Rccd Educrdsrd & froftsdond

hrblishin8 Uettgl

Permission to copy
Thc matcrial in this book is copl'right Howcvcr' rhc publishcr grants
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Designed b1'D&J Huntcr

Cover design b,v Srefford & Stafford
Illu$rations bt Nmc]'.{nderson. Cath-r' Balme' Kathy Baxendalc'
Peter Bull,Joan Corlass. David Eaton, i\trggic Ling' Gitlian Martin'
Ed Mckuchtan,Julia Pearson, Simoa Smith and Gary Mng.

Author's acknowledgements
- to all the tcachcrs at The lalic School for tr''ing out thc actir'itics and
giving individual fecdback.
- to Alyson Masliell for hcr thorcugh and efficient cditing-
- toJeffiy Hunterand 3hc illuscators for bringing the workshects to lifc'
- to Simon Grcgnall, Catherinc Smith and Angcle Recliitt for thcir

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2009 2002 2001 2000


frme Grammarandfunctions
llesdrci'."1 'GouPmrt SFldot Gmc Saying the arra6 of comtrica

SpcrlCng ., Comul'cllimt:sbintrodKing l(Flt . PrckntsimPlc rob€

,..,i.-.':!:'i4; PcoPlc .' '' dan
. Introducdons
Spatdni -, gucnions Givlng pcmnd infoamadon
- 1.,o,;:'.i- ^sllsgzodtrswaing ".: QErioG widoutz qucstion
,,, rcrd
. N€rtiv6
- i+:4i *--i -ShonM
20 Thaels/arc
',l rIoumanyJ
&'- lrr.ttr: i \gholc ds Spczung'i Addog.nd stintwhc thinSt / Prep6itloGofpha: ttf ot!
t Vlas B 1

., '.,,:-'r : ,.:-,.-ii::t e ' unda,nar

Prgrscbcckl-t vholc Spc2ldrg Astisgmda'swdingqu6tiotr fr-{{) Ea7/rswgot PcrlomliDfoffitim
. clzss
. .:; Haw)pu gol*?

I 6PtuMt
7 Vrnartr'uhae
Tdtingabour rhc hnily
Askin8sdNsingqu6tioN 20
Possive 3
Pffit simplc for rcutin6
Roudtrrcti"irtor. - ._

Spcaldnt Prcpositios of timc

E aod& .ltott Paisort Spa$ng Askingmdans*ringqucsrion5 30 Dcscribingmc Rooos and irnltu

dnibM " writint adwitingdffiiptiotr Thefri{an
Is thq€ .-? Are lhm ...?
hm. adant
-..vholechss Vritlog Cooplctbglch{tmd6kisg 2O-3O Pr€*ntsimplcforhabi6and noutlncrthrirlB j -.
Speklng mdmai:Eqrctions routincs :.
l7h- qwsdoG
Hou .lo ),ou .-?
lrd pcrson singular

losgtt*fratnatst wholc clls spaffag @mplcri4udttisbcdscnErc 20 Tdking rbout lik6 nd di.likcs EY€ryday rnd lctrrrc
ztdskirr8rdffidng rctivitica
Prcgrtssdtcct 6-f0r Goupwork Radng E@rdErtr 30 vcilr rnd Ino collcrriffi ErE dayrtilfiG
'.od6-r0b Sp.afhS
llMlyrd* Pzlm* $pshnS Qr6tioffiirc Pructrt simplc rsking how often EE ldrf rltols
- .t shonNcrs
Advcrbs of frcqmcy
12Tnttd Prim* vddag Pudingsodsino{d.rutdsldnB 30 Prsnr simplc qudtions Msof rruport
SpqldnS sld nnss€ring quc*ionr Tatking rbow tnrcl I

15@r1atm&a Vholc chs Spaldtlg MiU dril rt Canlnu.-l Ercrydaf sdlc!re

@hc? Yes, I can./]io, I can't- activitkt
l4atrdlf.Vrs.4 Prlsotk Spcrking Asldngendsnyingwhcreplacc 20 VttE can I -? ShoF2ldtmn
Ihrynmbn@ N Ihn'sa.., 6clliti6
PrcpotitioE ofphcc
Asking for tnd Siring dicctiotr

Itvrutffildst? wbolccjN sFldn8,lliming 30 Pl*ntconrinmu EErydrtrd lci$re


Progr6dcdr f l-fg P:isodr Soa&1ry AskingodNaingqusios 20 Then is/an *, I{An thm --?
rd rr-r'b Ilw mdnt-?
W.h.qm6 Soma aid anl
Pr€pcidorE of phcc
Plt'srt cominuds
Thc rniclc

Spa&lng l5 V6/aa lP'd& rssoctrrad sith

16HMusta$ vliolc.chss :ltiu drill
,ell@ Vhal t6 lt lika? holklzF
17. Ecalth stlxl Sholc clart Spqldry Sunq' 30 Counrablc rnd uncomllblc Food.rd drin&
Sone nd any
lfuVratMav&? vholcchs Speldng )till driU m Arking for sd maliing trisrniriria
lA P6 Fablo GrcupEo* Spceklng Pidrc 5.ory 3O--iO Pst simPl€: r€gubr rrrbs
19 vtvt an )oa lk? Grcup*'ork Vritint r$ riring a dsription lo Tr0i.in8 dxrut rppqunc( Adiccah'o to dffiibc
app'anncc md

l lo F$ rimpls incgulsr vctbr

lcsultr trrtJ
nA holida! Piis ork Spsrking Cucsing md ch(lin$
Pcdicri{rns l'cdlr., q!$tion! rnd .h(rd \trbi asffirtcd silh
lnss'cs holtd$,'

fime Grammar and lunctions Vocabulary
Workrhect r-:?.r::rr Slrllr AcitvltY (mins) !t
ili* .,n.1 llrN cnna \r(rt('nt 20 limpl( pN:kguht rod ir!'guh: Gcncnl
f!nr!:th. {lni t.,..1 ! \;<)ilti rcrbs
Fud t'u: li,/rrrr qrrrittns i
C6n'Jblc sd unc(|mEttlc n,runr
Sortn md al.t'

Rsdins u riting- $kins sd s$tritlll io-6o Pa{simpk Lifc hisrory

:te lri:lb l'r.a ,,r to comPl*c a rcrr ll?r- ql$ioL.
\I nring r qusliont
-.-|uu! Ya*
22 ulr- u :t 'i( ( k" Streling Complcring a chan 2O-lO Drtd Gsrnl
E\pffisions of dmc

Dsribin8 20 D6cribin$ pcoplc hcffi ofclothing

IrufiAt Spskhg PcoPlc
:-{ PGst conlinuous or Prcscnt
,{crins of rlE fzc€. hands rnd

u.l'olr clss Spa&ing Niming 30 G(irrg ,o + inlinid$ Etcl'&yudlcim

! ltrtn M t I{inF! t, rthitics
r5 OlrcF md Gquslr Food ed drit*
l5 t'd lilr u i{:".av'\ rllolc cbss Speking Mill drill
V'o,tld tikc
t*s Askiog el s)lng hos'much

Spcating Dd es$'qing quc$ions f 5-20 Simplc pst: itrct$l{ rsttxi Errqdr.r md lcislt€
Pra8'sclKl2f-5 ultolcclss Asking
S7ts quc$btrs
Vlm ditllos lost-? E\ptwio$of dmc

Paifnorl Rading G2mc I0-15 Collocrrim hffiof shoppin8

SpctLing dsribing .20 Dcscaibing obiccc Adicrir6 to dsribc
2itztd27b l& and Grcuprork A Srmc
lund trlrrcrids

Prin'ork \Yrfting writing compbinrs abour h.alth 30 Astin8,ztd szring b6' lou fccl: , Adiccrh'cs to dcscribc
2aOrct! hoE lou fcl
Group*'orli Spcafing and ed\ics Iel - f,$' - hurts, I'tY got ,..
't.. S.rmparhi:ing nd gniag edricc: Nous for lllnescs
e-omF xiec $d $Frlerirt g'odd frds
zgtz dzgbwodA Gruupt'orli spealing Gamc 30
fodrs of stpn ldicrrivcs
Spc*ing Asking aod :os$'cdns qEsti(ros l5-2O Companirc ehd sJrrhtirc AdFctiIs to dcscrib<
50 Find tte Ptant.drt U'holcch$ fffi of longs ldicctit's pcoPlc, cvcq'deY
th"m&,- lctilitics end lcisut€

Progrs drcct<25--10 Groupsorl: Writing Gamc 3o Cispefltilc foffi

Thlnhotauo^r Spcling
I(tritin8, Writing tnd Sucssing 20 trtust, musn', Gscnl
3l Grc t EFaa ullole clas
S2Hatpyot ew.J Groupssrli Vriting Gemc (fr PlKil perfcct to talk about Pan Plfticiplcsof
Spaking apcricaccs agulr ud incguler
Pas[ Smplc to nlk ebout a dcfinilc verbs
dmc in dtc p2.$

Spsling drill r5 Prcsdil pcrfcrt to t2lli tbout

tifE jLi.- U'holc class MiU
lecctrt srils:rzsf mdtet
\Fholccless Spa*ing AtkingudNsingqucstions $-m tnfnitiw ofpurposc Roudnc :ctirties
i4 Pur?@Julduitia
Painott Vriting Gucssing 20 Adr€rbs Adrcrbs I t
t5!doltmlu,6! Et"6tday acth'itics
Spc2king Crossword {0 Inff,itirc of purposc Erc4'd.t obicclt
Progrs dtc{t 3l-15 Pain'ort Pl2c6
Cwnd Ifriting
Spc.king Gamc r5 Coloedon Vords ?sJociatcd sith
36Ttutdbmtn$ Grcupwor*
rail md 3it rravcl

vtiolc clrs w'tting Gemc 30 Futurc simplc for PEdictiotr Gcndl

37 hedtdograrn
Spa&ing Instructions

Grouptott Spaking }tarchingtwohah€of*ntcnccs 20-3O PrcscmmdPastPassivc lnmdoru md othcr

3ADidlwaknouJ wodd f1c{s
Spa*ing.Surecy 30-40 ncponcdsPcech:stttemsts Crgrcnl
3r.and3gbAal5 Pritrork
$nry Groups'ott WridnS ...sldlhat+ cl,tJs
SpaEng Boadgmc 30 Tcnsc ricw cocf,l
lOTeAtawEmtP- .GrcuPnpdi

Peift-or* Spcelung ldcnli$'ing md conccdng 30 Ro'ision Rliston

Progr6s ch€clc3g0
Findthefrlstab , mistalta
Notes for teachers

The Resource Pack How to use the Resource Pack

This Resource Pack for teachers contains about 50 Each activityin thc Resource Pack consists ofone
communicativc practicc activities for Elernentary photocopiable worksheet, with Teacher's Notes on the
studcnts. It is designed to be used with Rstttard back. (Occasionally therc are two wdrkshects for an
Elemcnary Student's Book, but can bc uscd to . activity.)
zupplemcnt any course. The workshects in the Resource Pack are hole-punched
The re is a widc range of activities, which provide f91 filing. Whcn you have selcctcd the activityyou want
practice in speaking, reading and qriting. All the to use, carefullydetach it from thc pach and drcck the
activities have becn tried and tcsted many times in thc Teacher's Notes to 6nd out how Iong the activity yill
classroom. take, and what preparation is required. The Teachcr's
Notes providc stepby-step guidance, ensuring that less
You can use the activities in diffcrentways:
a . to extend lcssons from Reruard Elementary Srudent's
expcrienced teachers, or those with lirtle time to spend
on preparation, can use the activities easily.
. to rcvise specific structures, language orvocabulary Thc workshcetshave been desigrred formaximum
later in the course clarity, even whcn photocopied. However, if you have
. to supPlement anycoufrie the facilities to enlarge your photocopies, you may find
this usefirl, cspecidly in the case of Picturcs or board
If you are ns ing Rant ard Elementary
Student's Book
The Resource Pack provides at least one practice Some of theworksheets require cuning up into caids
activityfor each Lesson and Progrcss chcck. Thc . (for example, dominoes, mill drills, bingo). \tre suggest
numbers on thc Vorkshcets corrcspond to the lessons in thatyou stick the photocopies onto card before cuning
thcSrudent's Book. them up. Iaminating cards will also give them a longer
classroom lifc. lfhen cuning up the worksheets,
If you are not usiog RerrardSnrdeat's Book
front ofthe Resource Pack remember to cut up the photocopy and not thc
Use the contents chan at the
to sclect the activiry you want to use.
' d.igin"lt Put thc original in a folder or ring-bindcr, or
put it back in the pack. Oncc you have cut the cards
out, put thcm into envelopcs and write thc title and
t activity and the number of cards on the front of thc
l envclope.

Somc activitics require multiple sets of cards. With

these , it is a good idea, when you photocopy qch sct,
to put a different mar*, oruse a di.fferent co[gured pcn
on the backof each sct. Thiswill avoid confusion
should the scts bccome mlxed up, and will also make it
easicr for you to chcck the numbcr of copies per set.
Store each set in an cnvclope, as above.


Milldrills '|
I Tell the studcnts that thq'are going to spend l0 to 15
Thcrc'arc sc'r'cral mill <trills in the Resource Pack' You minutes practising the nes' languagc and thar 1'ou are
can also usc some of the cards from othcr activities
going to demonstrate this-
rnill drills.
r Gire onc card to each student in the class, and keep
\I'hat ls a mill drill? one forl'ourself. Sclect a sample didogue (as
.{ mitl dritl is an interacdr-c n'a1'of drilling oewly suggested in the Teacber's Notes on the back ofthe
prcscntcd tanguagc, using cards with picturc or n'ord rvorkshcet), and n'rite it on the board' prefcrabl.v
prompts on one or both sides- It fulfils the funcdon of eliciting thc language from the studcnts- Indicatc the
rcpctirion and substitution drills. As the name suggcsts' part of the dialogue to bc supplied b-v thc picure or
the srudcnts 3tand up and'mill' (circulate) around the word promPt on rhe card.
class, intencting rrith scvcral panners. A mill drill
is an
ideal s'ay of proriding controlled practice of a new
structure or function after initid prcsentation, because
it gives students the oPportuniqv to repeat the same Ir: Do 1,ou ltke readittg?
language u'ith seteral different Partners. B:Yes, I do.
'rtre beneits of a rnill drill.-- for the student A: Sa do I.

The presentation stage ofa lesson can be rather r

teacher-ccntred and stadc' A mill drill makes a rx'elcome 3 Exptain that this language n'ill change according to
change offocus for both students and teacher' It makcs
the prompt on thc card, and clicit suggcsdons for
conrolled practicc more communicative and enjol'able this.
for students and basic reperition bccomes more ForexamPle:
stimulating and acrive . A mill drill czn dso be reassuring Do you ltke reading?
for less coofdent $udents' not only because the Ple)lingtennts?
studentsarc solely dependcnt on mecbanical repetition
uriting letters?

and substinrtion, but also because they are not required

to speak out done.
4 Show the students how to hold their cards. This is
important becausc double'sided cards must be held in
Ttre benefits of a rnilt drill-- for the teacher zuchaway thatwhen snrdents are talkingto a
Mill drills differfromconventiond drills inthat theyare partner, they are both able to see cach oiher's cards'
student{eof€4 providing an invaluable oppornrnity
for the teacher to monitor individual snrdents' The correctwaytoholda double-sided card. '
rveakoesses, particulady pronunciation and intoftrtion'

t {oct t*b1) \ 5h.t e ?il*. J
How to do a rnill dlillpilSyour
There are instructions for each mill drill in the
Teacher's Notes on the back of each milldrill
worksheet. The basic procedurc for doing a mill drill is
as follows:
1 Photocopyttre worksheet and cut out the cards as
indicated- With a large class, divide the class into
groups and make'one copy of theworksheet foreach Thewrong way to hold a double*ided card.

2 Give each studerft a card. It is not necessary to use all

the cards on the worksheet, so if there are fewer
srudentsiothe clas-sorgroup than the numberof
cards on the srcrksLet, lcave out ttrc surplus
number. Some cards have a Prompt on one side only,
s'hile others harc promPts on both sides, so follow
the instructions in the Teacher's Notes careftrlly.
5 Choose a confrdent or extroYert student to Pairforming
demonstrate the activity with you. Thco ask two or The picture cards onsome of the wortshcbtscasbe
threc pairs of students to dcmonstrate the didogue' uscd for a pair-forming activity, as follows-
Studmts do the milldrtll 1 Make two copies of thc worksheet and cut out the
Askallthe students to stand uP andto go round the picnrres so ttrat therc are two identical picnues for
class or group, repeating the dialogue with as many cachpairofstudensintheclass.
differcnt partners as possible, and using thcir cards as 2 Shufflc thc cards and give thcm out to thc students'
prompts. Tell the snrdents not to show their cards to anyone
elsc. The snrdents ttren stand up and go around the
Some mill drills have two stages involving either class, asking and answering questions about their
turning the cards round, or exchanging cards with picnrres until they find the student who has the
another student, so that snldents get the opportunity to identicdcard.
make new responses. In thesc mill drills' tell thc
$udehts that they should stop talking when you clap You cao use this activity as a way cif putting students
your hands and contfulue once thcy have made the into pairs for another activity. You can put $udents i'tto
, groups in a similar way, by making copies of the same
necessary change.
picnrre for each studcnt in a group.
drilt is a controlled practice activity and it is
A mill
imponant that studenc use the language accurately', Pelmanism
Therefore, while thc $udents are doing the mill drill'
The picnrre cards onsomc of thc worksheets can be
you should circulate , listening and correcting studtnts'
used forpelmanism (a matching game)as follows:
mistakes in grammar and pronunciation'
I Make one sct of cards for eacb pair (or small group) of
students and $ve each group the cards and an equal
numbcr of blank cards. For cxample, if there are 12
cards, give the group 12 blank cards'
2 Ask the students to write a sentence on each blank
card to match a Picnrre card.
.e 'l
pic$re card sentcnce

3 \ghen thcy have done this, ask the studcnts to sprrad
out the pic$resfacc down, andspreadoutthe
sentenccs face down, separately from the picrures'
4 Now ask thc students to take it in turns to Run over
one picture card and one sentence. Ifthe tcro cards
match, the student can keep them. andplayagain'
If thcy do not match, the student tums rhem back
over, and the ncxt pla.ver rep'cats the procedure'
5 The game continucs in this wa,v until all the cards
havc becn uscd up. The winner is the student with
thc most cards.

Stress dominoes Rs^rard Elementary
Resanrce Pack
. . .. ,r.i.rj: r ,..- t








O Ma<millan Publisher: Umited 1997. PHOTOCOPLAELE
Shess dontinoes workshee,
ACTTVITY 5 Noq'asli ttre sardents to n'or*. in &eir groups, sriting the
'B' on thcir n'odisheet-
Groupnorli: spcaliing $ress pa$crns in ttre boxes madied
$hile thq'arc doing tris. go nound to each group and
chcck that thcir $ress Pa$ems are colrcct. Ans$-er
a game of dominocs b-v matching names of counries questions and oficr helP.
To ple-v
n'ith thcir stress Paneflrs. The corrcct aruwers arg


Saying rhe nanes of counuies 108 I
6Band f
TBandllB I

r*ames of countries 8Banoi2ts I I tI

5 When ttrer have finished and,r'ou are sadsficd that $eir
llake one copy of the worlshect for cach group of three I
$ress panems arc correct, givc each group a pair of
students. Provide scGsors for cach group. i
scissors and ask them to cut tttc dominoes out as indicated.
Makc surc that students cut offthe numbers above the

20 minutcs ,. q 7 Before thel sun theirgame ofdominoes, explainhowto
plav, using the instructions bclow.
8 The snrdents are readl ro plal the game. While thel'are
1 Ask drc snrdens to call out tr
namcs of the counuics :

come from and s'ritc tltem on the board. If you have a ' pla$ng, go rowrd to each group and dteck thq'are
monoculnnal clzss, ask then to call out any names of i
pla.ving correcrll'.

couotriesaroundtheworldVriretherelevantstress : 9 Wheo ttrey have fnistred onc game, they can shuffle and
patterflsnaxttoeachname. play again.

2 Askthestudentstowodiingroupsoftluce' :
3 Give onc copy ofttre workstreet to each group and ask I
Ask the sudents o add some dominoes of their own using
thcm to choor one memberof the group to do the a some of the counuies you wrote on the board in procedure
rrriting. i
point 1. Make sure thrt for every countr-r- ttrere is a matching
4 Explainthat thgvare goingtoplaya game of dominoesbut : *ress panem and that matddng pairs ar€ on s€parate
that before thq' can start, trey have to write in the suess :
dominoes as on ttre wor*shect'
patterns for the rumcs of &e countries in boxes i to 72' a

ioint out the na.v the dominoes are arranged and explain ;

ttrat ttrey arc numbercd on the wortsheet to show n'hidt


name gocs wittr which srress paneIIL pemgnsEate :

using ttre ernmpleswhich arc alrcadyflled in on the



1 Shufle the domir{oes. 5 The players uke it in tums to add dominoes inthis way.

2 6 If a trll9r ggollyt down o1e o{thcir dominoes, they

miss a ftrtt.
Player.lputs down any one of their dominocs facc up.
? 7 The first ptal'er to gct rid of all of thcir domiooes is the
''4 Thc player on Haycrts Ieft (PlayerB) must then put winner.
-1 down ooe of their dominoes, making sure that the namc
i on ttreir domino matdres the stress Pattem, or *re stress
:a panem on tlieir domioo matches the name, on Player A s
"4:-- domino.

O Macmillan Publishers Limited 1997.

Visrting cards : lt"
Reward Elementary
Resource Pack
, !:'+".r:.'


uricio Cr{A

Budapester str 45, 1(n&7 BERIJN, Germany

Rua Marichal Mascarenhas de Moraes l6l1402
Tel/Far: (49) 30 269 91 3l
Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - BRAZIL

Ms Francesca Riva.


Vide Y. Emanuele, 3 - l{lfil Bergeno - ITALY

9/32 Cbaran sanit wong 47 Rd
BA}IGKO.r Tel (3t) 035 2s 68 Zr Fax p9) 035 24 38 22
(02) 434 3350

Am Guggenbcrg 10, 8053 Zii'rich' S\rTfZERIrrND Mr ROBERT


Trxi Drivcr

t1 HorburyCres..
London Wl t
TcI 01/J81 88 23
TelOlTl 346Tnfi

Mr Simon Shepherd
Ms Jane Baker
English Teacher

l0l 5th Avenue. Los Angeles

I tle SyCney Bd, Fawkner, Melboume, AUSTRALIA

Tel: (61) 3 534 0524
Tel: (310) 245 ll22

O.Macmillan Publithers timited 1997. PHOTOCOPIABLE


Visitittg cAt'cls worksheet (@

I 1
\Yhoteclass:speahing If thcrc are more ttran nine srudents in *re class, diride
them into groups. (Wittrin those gmups, the students sill
AIM bc rorking rnainlv in thrccs.) Give one card to each
To introclucepeof,e to onc another, gh'ingpcrsonal student in the dass.
informarion. . 2 Tcll ttre studena tlut thq'are nos- thc pcrson on their
visiting card aod dnt tirq'are going ro practir introducing
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS peoplc to one another. Tell tlrem that dre titleis there to
Prescnt simple lo be indicatewhetrcrthc person is male (!.tr) or fcmalc (Ils)
a/an but theydon't bave to sq'the tittc*'hen thq'introduce
Inroducdom. trc pcrson-
VOCABUTARY 3 write an cxamplc didogue on the boald
This is m1, friend Ana C*tnez She's fum Spain. She's
Jobs, nationalities
afilm director.
4 Demonstrate thc aahitl with tw'o students. IPrite on thc
trtalie onc copy of tre q'orlshcet for each group of up to I
students and cut it up into cards as indicated There arc frr'e i StudentA introducq Student B.
cards vdth male names (,ltr) and frve with fcmde names i
(Ms) Student Binndtrc Studeitt C
for you to droose from. If there are more students in your class , . SfitdmtCinfipdrcqStudmtl
than there arc cards of ooc sc:i, change the first namcs ', and "
dtlc on thc appropriatc number of cards before 1ou give thcm 1
Forthc dernonsratiorl you arc SrudentAand 1'our two
to the students. Keep one card forloursclf to demonstnte the : pafincrs arc SnrdentB and Sndent C. Asli*rem to hold
acthity. thcirvi$ting cadsug facing out Scad the information oo
Studerit B's visitirg card and introducc trirn/hcr to Studcnt
TIME C. Snrdents B and C strould then shate bands and sal'
l0 to 15 minutes .F/ettro. \Phen you have done tlut" ask Studcnt B to

introduce Student C to you Shake hands with Studcnt C

alrdsry Hello. Next, ask Studcot C to iotroduce you to
Student B. Sbakc hands with student B and sa1' HeIIo.

5 Now ask the srudens to wortwith two other students

frrom thcir goup and to decide who is A" B and C. If the
class does aot divide oractly into groups of three, makc up
the nurnbers with groups of four.

6 Ask the snrdents to holdttreirvisiting cards up and ukc it

in tums to introduce one anothcr. ti.
7 Whcn they have furished" CIk ttrem to form ncw groups of
ttrrcewith two different surdens and repeatthe activity.
Makc sure ftcy dl bave dificrcnt identities.

8 RepeatprocedurcpoiotT.

oPTtoN (1)
You can do ttris activitywiththe students sitting down io a
circle. Moving round the circle in a dodrwise direction" eadt
snrdent introduces thc snrdent on tlieir right to the snrdent on
their teft

oPTroN (2) :
Srudcnts introduce themdves to everybody in the class, using
t the information ou &eir ownvisiting cards -
I'm Ana Goma. Imfrcn Spatn end Im afiIm director-
--.i+i-"t.e:ry:g < z!. --".. '.--.. a " .

@ Macmillan Publishers Limited lEt7.



il [,''l





Where frtjm?
I Married?

C Macmillan Rrblishers Umited 1997' PHOTOCOPIABLE

Friencls worksheets @ .*o GE
1.3;:. tJse 1','3:.:5-ii'.s 3a and 3b for this activity'

ACTIVITY t 2 Tell the srudents that these are real friends of -roun and
lhirtvorli: sPcaliing that drq'are gohg to fill in the details under each hcad b1
asliing 1ou quesdons. Thq must onl1'ask qucstions
rcquiring the an$t'er res or no. Thel' mus complete thc
lb ask and anss'er quesdoru about friends. informafion about penon number I beforc going on ro
pcrson nurnbcr 2.


Giring persond infonnarion Srudent: Is Pete a doctar!

Terchec lbs, he is (\Yrite docfor in the space
Quesdons r*'ithorn a question n'ord
Negadves Prorided under Pete's head.)
Shon answcrs Studcnt: Is he 45?
Teaclrec Xet, he ist l.
VOCABTJI.ARY Studcnc Ishe 36?
Persond information Teachen 1 es, lrc is. (\i'rite J6 in the sPace prorided
under Pete's head.)
PREPARATION C,ondnue ansn'ering the sntdents'quesdons until 1'ou hale
trlalie one cop.v of \\ orkshects and 3b for each pair of
-1a filled in all $rc dsr'il< about person nurnbcr 1.
, -rt
Rcpeat the procedure to complete informadon about

TIME , l.i. pcnon numbcr 2. The studenr will be able to gir-e 1ou the
information about pcrson number 3 s'ithout asking
20 minutes , ,,t..
questions. The studcna can thcn asli 1'ou other questions

PROCEDURE about 1'our friends if thcy likc.

t Draw three heads os rhc boad, numbered I to 3, and Now ask the snrdents to wort in pai$ of Studeot A and
write the name ofa ieal ftiend of yours ne:c to e:tctr one Studsrt B.
tn random ordcr, writc ttre following information about
each friend arbund the hcads without indicating wtrich Give a copy of worlshect 3a to cadr Student A and a copl'
piece of informdoo goes s'ith which friend: iob, agq of Vodrshcet 3b to each Student B.
sumame, vfi€e thcy arc hom and whether they are
Tilt tlrcn to imagine ttratthese are photos of three of their
maiiedorsin$c; ,
fricnds ordatives and askthem to put theirfrst names in
Forepanl?le t_.r
ttre qpaces provided on theirworlshecc
j .

Now ask them to write the following infonnation about

eachpcnon in random orderin thc boxes on the
workheeg without indicating wtridt piece of infoimation
goes withwhich persorx iob, age, sumame, wherc ttt y.t
from and whettrcr they arc maaied or $ngle. They ndust
not writc the information in the spaces f.rovided undcr

9 Vhcnttrcyhavc donethat, asktlresnrdents to exctraoge

wortrshecl and uke it in turns to ask and answer
questions aborn thet partner's ftieods. They shoutd writc
in the deails about ttrcir paqter's fticods in the spaces
provided on their partnet's wodcteet

Do the samc aah'ity using rcal photos of the snrdents' friends

O Macmillan Publishers Umited 1997.

@ Friends Reward Elementary
Resource Pack


hl I





Where from?
I vanieoz

e Macmillan Publishea timited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Reward Elementary
@lMernorytut Resource Pack

C Macmillan Publishers timit€d 1997- PHOTOCOPIASLE
', Atlemaff test worksheets
@ ^
NCTE: Use \ty'orksree- ja and 4c for this activity.

Pair*'orti and gpupnorli: qpcaliing 1 Ditide the class into Group A and Group B.
'2 Asli rhe snrdents to rvorli q'irh a parmerfrom the same
To look ar a picnrre for a shon dme and ro memorisc as manv
detiils as possiblc ,f Give a cop,v of r$fo*shcrt {a to cach pairof snrdents in
I Group A and a cop-r of \Forldreet ib to each pair of
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS s$dcnts in Gmup B. The.v mus not shos'thcir picture to
ThereMare studcns A,om ttre othcrgroup.
Houtnany.J :
:4 Frrplainttnt thcyarc goingtodo amemoq'tcsrbl'looking

: at the other group's picrurc for a shon dsrc and

Oftcc vocabulary
: rcmcnrbcring as manv deails as possible. Bur bcforc ttrq
: do tfiis, they arc gorng ro pr€parc que$ions for one
l\lake one copy of \t'orlsheets 4a and 4b for even'four :5 Asktfresnrdentstowritegucdonsabouttheirosn
students in the dass : picnne,sxtingHownany*?
i For exanrple:
TIME i nowttanypmpbarctlwe?
20 minutes
,l . Hownwnyclwlnarcthd
5 l?hen they have done tlrar, a*eadr GroupApir to wort
with a Group B pair. Ilake src ther do not strow thcir
picnurs to each othcrpt

7 Tcll ttre snrdcoa ttrat tlrey will luvc 20 scondsto look at

the otherpair's picturc and to mcmoriscasmany dcails as

8 Ask sftdeos to exchange pictures and timc this pan of ttre

aaivity for exactly 20 seconds. The sardents mus then
give thcpicrures back

9 Pairs of studcnts now eke it io tums to ask and anslrer

questions about one another'spicnrcr Encourage th€m to
usc the urget language.

@ Macmillan Publishers Limited 1997-

Mwnory tat Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

C Macmillan Publishe6 Umited 1997. PHOTOCOPIAELE



. , i:

Reward Elementary
IX/Lwre is it? Resource Pack

I tvlacmillan Publisher: Umited 1997'
Il-1rcre is it,2 worksheet (s}
ACTIVITY ' For exa.mple:
\\totr chrrs: spcaliing ' Teachec llhete's the cotrtputer?
Student: irear the door.,/-\ext to tlte clrnr.
AIM Teachen 117rcrc's the bin?
To ask and sat s'here things arc. Srudent: Ihdertlrc $deo.


5 Tell the mldenr rhat rher are the onh'ones n-ho knon
n'here rhcir ricked obfect is in rhe self*rudr. room. .{sk
Prepositions of phce: rit, on. under, near
thcm to dnn' it on rheir q orlishca s.irhout telling the
othcr sMcns in rhe class or group nlrere ir is or qhat it
Personal posstssions
is. Italie sure ach snrdent knoss hos'to sar n'herc rheir
osn obiccr is.

PREPABATION 7 Now ask the srudents to go round dte cless or 6roup and
llake one copl'ofthc sorlishect for each student in the class. find out n'herr rhe other obiecrs are br asking and
Put a tick nqrt to a different objecr at the bottom of each anss'ering qucsions. Thq'must not shoq'their osn
s'orkshcet. worLsheet ro the other students. lf a studenr doesn't knon'
where an objec is, thq'strould anss'cr I dott't kttou,.
TIME \ithen thcir panner rells rhenr n'herc an object is. thq.
l5 minutcs should draw it on their on'n picnnr. If snrdenrs har.e
problems *ith dran'ing an objccq rell rhcm to n ritc the
PROCEDURE 1.. word for rhe obiect in the correct place instead.
I If there are more than l2 srudcffs in the dass, diride them
Note thatn'hen the srudens havc spoken to more than
into groups.
one persor\ Oq'rill bc able to nlli about the posirion of
2 Giveone copl'oftheworkheet to each student in the l not on\'thcir oun objecr, but rr.errl obiects.
class. l{atie sure rhar each snrdent in the same group has a i
8 When all the srudenr heve dnwn all 12 obieos on ttreir
different obiect ticked on &eir worlisheer i
wortaheeq rhq should sir down and compare pictures
3 Malie sure *re mrdents know how to say all the objects n ' with anorher student. The picnrres shoutd be ideotical.
the boxes at the bonom of the workhecr :

4 Tell &sn that the objecrs are lost in the self-snrdy room OPTION
You can malie this activit)'more controlled, as follorn s. Cut out
and thq'are going to find out where they arc. i the cards below as indicated and give one to each smdent in
5 Beforc they do ttris, ask the snrdents to look at rhe picture
the group. The snrdents draw the objea on thck picnue
on their workheet and tell you where the computer and : according to the instrucrions on ttreircard and ttren follow the
bin arc- i procedurr as above

' There's a bag There are some There's a mobile
There's a pen tn
under the chair.
glasses on the phone next to.
the bin.
video recorder. the computer.
Thdre are Theret a Th'ere's a '

some keys on There's a coat on

camera under calcuiator on the
the desk. the chair.
the table- comDuter.
.... --..:. -......__.........-.,
There's'a watch There's a There's i tassette There are some
t 'notebook on the
next to the playbr on the booki dn the
.=+....-_-l_ . ...\,.; r_ .'desk. -"" f,\/
computer. television. , floor. ,
Progress check

@ lHaueyou,gotrt?
Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

""." """ """"ili.JF ::
i' -""" "'- ""'-""-"'-----'* ----"'-'-"""" f.i:
How many people ...
IIow many peoPli ... .,. have got some
... have got abrothef CDs or cassettes?
... have got a sister? ... have got an English
FIND OIXT. dictiouary?

IIow manY PeoPle ... llow many people ...

... have got a ... bave got a comb in
photogiraPh in their ' their bag?
t ... bave got a mobile
phone intf,eirbag?
... have got a diary
their bag?


How many peoPle.... How many people ..,

... have got a TV in ... have got a Swiss
/rz al tbeir bedroom?
... have got a
.@ ... have got a
computer at home? Japanese canera?


7 How many peoPle ... How many peoPle ...
... have got a hobbY? ... have got a bicycle?

..- have got a birthday ... have giot a motor

ne:rt month? bike? L


e, :-LG, How many people ...

How many peoPle...
... have got a car?
... have got a Pet?
)i? f lilgn'f'f(nE mountains?

C iltacmillan Publishers Limited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

IfAt'e -l'ott got it? worksheet progress check (O I

\\hole class: spealiing 1 If therc are more than ten smdens in dre class. diride
rhem imogroups.
AIM 2 Gite one card to each student in rhe class and tell rhcm
To find our s'hat people in the class har-e got bv asking and
that thq'arc going to find out hoi. manr people in rhe
ansvcring qucstions.
class or group havc got the things marted on their card.

GRAMMAR AND FUNCTTONS 3 Write an example on thc board:

Haslurcgot Hou' nratrJt Fople In e got a personal sterco?
Hateyougot J andshon anss'asl'es, I lmw"/No,I larcn'L
Ask indiridrnl srudens the quesion:
Harc j'cru gat a personal sterco?
Personal infortrntion Encourage them to gir.e rhe ansn'er I'es. I luue ot )io, I
Personal pesscssions Iwwrt't Each time somebodt ansn'crs l'es, I Iarc put z
tick ns't to the quesrion on the board. lcar.e the qucsdon
PREPARATION and ticks on the board as 1ou rrill nced to refcr to it hrer in
llake one cop,v of rhe n'orlisheer for cach group of up to ten ' ,
' fte acdriq'.
srudens and cur ir into cards as indicated. i
4 Tell the snrdcna that they are going to ask and ansq'er
similar questions bcginning f{ar,v pu got ...? andput a tick
on treircard next to the relerznt qucstion each time
to 40 minutes ,'!e
,.? somebo4' answers Yes, I lnrc.

5 Bcfore thq'surt the actiriq', make sure er-entodr- knorus

how to ask their question h partia{ar, make sure that
people with questions including tbe phrasc in thelr bag or
hr tluir be&aon know ttut ttrq. must trandorm their to
.1'ozr when they ask thc qucstion-

5 Now ask the snrdents to go round ttre class or group asking

and ansc'ering qucstions and puning a tick on their card
each time somebody answefsJ'es.

7 When theyhave spoken too'cqtody in the class or

group, ask them to work with two or three otrer itudens
in their group and to write some of the information thq'
have gathered on a poster. Beforc thq do tbis, refer back
to the example you \rrote on the board in proceduregoint
3 and write a sentence reponing ttrc information 1'ou
found out. L'
Foro<amplc t
Siepeopb in the dass lawgotapasonal stereo.

While the studcots are doing this, be on hand to help with

Ianguagc theymay need
For example:
Nobody tn tlu ctas lus got...
EuerybMy in the cla$ has got...

' ., ;..
'. '':
:lI1r':: iia,-.{rf,!$i{*:,

O Macmillan hrblistrss timited 1997.

Photo alh,tm Reward Elemenpry
., 'Resource Pack

/rJ ( -r*l-
/ t-r"

{, -}*^

: Vacmillan Publisher' Umited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABTE
lPltoto album workshee,

Groupworlc spe*ing 1 Asli rtre mrdems to wort in pairs or groups of tmc.

AIM 2 Give each goup a copl of *re$lrlisheer cur up and asli

To telk abour farnilv rdationships. thcm to talie rhree picnres cactr"

3 Tcll tlrc snrdens'to imagine dut thesc are photognphs

GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS from a famit.r phoro dbum and rhat the pcople in *re
Possesivc 3 photographs arc mernbcrs of ttreir hmity. Tcll them ttug
in a momcnt, the.r are going to rerk to their panncrs
VOCABUI.ARY abour them.
Mernberrof fte facrih.
4 Bcforc ttrc.rdo rhat" gir-c rhem a fes- minures to inr.ent and
PREPARANON n'rite docm some deails about theAimagina4. rctarivcs.
ItIaIie one cop,vof the norlsheer fioreach pair orgroup \I'rirc on trc boare
*uee suA.cns and cut the picnues out as inclicatcd. NA,\iE
20minurc AGE
5 Vtren ttrc sndeots harc done thaq ask them to take it in
orns to show drc picnrcs to ttnirpanner and e4plain
who they are

lf pur snrdcoa' English level is good enough for thcm to givc
morr deails abou 6e people in ttrc picturcs, encourage
tlrcm o do ro. 5s1 r*rmFlc, harc they got ctrildren, pers, a
hobby, ctc?


,rJtsr -1- ti4*f@ ?ry:*'E-.*t4t

@ Macrnillan publishers Umited r 997.

,.rd:" -

Wtten anduhat? Reward Elementary

Resource Pack



My .-...:---.-


O Macmillan tubli3he6 Limited 1997' PHOTOCOPIABLE

\Wrctt and ulcat? worksheet
Prirs'orlc srriting and spealiing
1 Yrite a time of da-r on the board.
At 7.15 in the nontittg
at this
To ask and answ'cr quesrions about daill'nruines' . Ask thc sndems to guess n'hat.r'ou do o'c4'dav
Prescnt simPlc for rouines . $udent l: ,:ou get uP.
dmc Teachec No, I don't
",Pfirositionsof Student 2: lbulurca shouv.
'Teacher: No, I don't
Routine act{tdes $udent 3: You lwuebrcakfast
Teadter Yes,,tl1u,fsrighl
for each studerrt in the dass' Non'comPlete the crrample scntence on the board:
iru.. on .opy of rlre rvorkshect
At 7.15 it the norning I harc breakfast'
Explain that this is somcthing you do oery da-v -
it's a
give another example using a
20 minutcs routinc activity. If necessar,r',
differcnt PrcPosftion of timc.
l. ,.
For exarnPle:
BefiEen 6 and 7 in tIP euening I go to the gTrL

2 Nos'ask ttrc studeots to write similar sentcnces about

their own daily routine in the scction of their rvorkshect
marted YOU, and about the daily routinc of a member
thcir family in the scction martedA MEIUBER OFYOIiR
FAMILY. Ask ttrem to write who thc member of their
familyis inthc sPace Providcd

Make surc they writc the time undcr the heading Vhen?
and ttre activity undcr the hcading lZlatzThq'must
let the other studens in the dass see what thq'are
writing. Encourage thcm to use arnriety ofprepositions

3 Vhen they have finished ask thern to fold thek s'brlstrea

as indicated rr.
4 Now aslc the students to wort io e"tt';
5 Telt them o hbtd thcirwortstreets up so 6at the column
tu^t1<dWlren?is frcing their partner and the column
mal/rcdVld? ishidden ftgn their {anncr' :
6 Now ask them to take it in nrfns to read *reir
- ttrc
;; ;dty ard grrcs what *rey do at this time' Repeat
activity, trying to gucss wbat a peober of *reir famih'
7 Vhen theybavefnisfe4 askihemto rcpeat thc acttuity
wittr a differcnt Partoer...

Clu. n * -py of dre wortsheet to cach snrdent in the ctass
" detaits about dreir wcekcnd
and askthem iofill it inwith

@ Macmillan Publishets Limited 1997.

@ Spot thte similarrtiw

P!$u.1e 1A



Spot tlrc sintilafities worksheets
@""0 @
ttOTE: Use \ryorksheets 8a and 8b for this

Pairn'ork speaking s'titing 1 llsk tbe sndcots ro q.orti io pairs of Srudenr .{ and Srudcnt
B. Ttr,r strould sit facing one anorher.
AIM 2 Give a cop-v of Worlsheet 8a picnue 1A to each Srudenr .{
To find similaridcs bers'cen ts'o differcnt picnres by aking
and a copy of Vixtsheu 8b picnrrc lB to each Srudcnr B.
and arss'cring quesdons. To qritc briefdescdptions ofthc
picturcs. 3 Tcll the snrdena that ttreir panners picrure is similar but
not idcntid to thcir own picrure.
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS 4 Frphin trat they arc goingto tryto 6od similaritics in ttrck
picnu€s bI dcscribing them, not shoning them to onc
k t tere ...'?/Ari-trtpre *?
Sonrc andanl, 5 Eicit ttre language thq'witl need ro ask and answer
questions about the picilres by inriting the snrderts to ask
VOCABULARY 1ou about a room in 1'our homc.
Roomsandfumiure For example:
Sining room: Ate thete an1, annelairc? Is thse a
PREPARATTON teleuision?
Itdie one copy of Wor{<shcets 8a ard 8b for each pair of
srudents in tlrc claqs a1d 6ul tlra picnuesour
6 Give tlrc snrdcns a fir'e*ninute time limit to find as manv
' similaritics in rtrir picrurcs as possiblc- Thgv should keep a
fcord of tbc number of similerities *rgv find. but thgv do
not have to rcmember deails at ttris poinr.
30 minutes
7 Afterfrve minutcs, stop ttrc aaivity andfnd out n'hidr pair
of snrdcns found the most simihrities-

8 Thesndeotscannqwlookat$cApartrer'spicftre.

I Ask the snrdeots to stry in theirpairs and droose *rc
picturc thsy likc bcst

2 Tcll ttre snrdcots to look at their picn:re for gne minute

and thea put it awey.

3 They now have five minutes to wrirc down as many dctails

as they can remembcrabout thckpicturc. Encourage tlrcm
to use tlrc urget language, induding negative sentences.
Forexample .
Tlwearm'tanya$tains r

4 After five minutes, ask the pairs of snrdcots to give their

picture and their seritcnces to another pair to ctreck- r

5 Repeat tbe activity, cither now or latcr, rsing picnres 2A

and 28.

@ Spot the similarities Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

Picture 18

e Ma(millan Pubtisher: Limited 1997' PHOTOCOPIABLE



Habits Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

What / eat foi breakfastl

Where / read the newsPaPer?

When / listen to the radiol

What I watch on televsionl

,What music / listen to?

Where / go for holidaYsl

When / go shopping?

What time / get uP on


What time / go to sleeP?

C Macrnillan Publishers Uriited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABTE

Habits worksheet (D
\\hole fles: nriting. spcel,ittg 1 - .Gir-e a copv of the noilisheet to each srudenr
' in the class.

AIM 2 nsk the snrdens ro $Tite informarion abour in

To n'rite about habir and routincs and to find people in the the column marked lbr. Tell thcm it is OK ro tearir a
class nirh &e same habits and roudnes. space neic to an].acdrities rher.don't do.

3 \Iten thq hare done rhis, ask rhem to go round rhe class
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS asking and ansrering questions to find people s.ittr the
Prcxnt simple forhabis and routines same anss'ers. ltakc sure thq'knon hon, to ask the
llh- quaions qrcxions. It B imryrrear$ to relt t6e srudcnc rhat ther. musr
Hou'do1ou.-? ask one anotherquenions, not rcad one anorher's
3rd pcrson singular s'oAshects-

VOCABUIARY 4 l9trcn ttrq'6nd someone rrith the same ansn-cr in rheir

Routine acdritics Yolr column, tho'put that pcrrcn.s name in rhe Find
sonteone uith tlte same ansuvr cotumn. It is imponant ro
PREPARATION , tell the mrdents that thq- can onll'put ttre same name
Malie one copy of thc s'orf,shcet for cach snrdent in the class. twice. This isto encourage thcm to speali to as flnn-r-
diffcrcnt partnes as possible. It is a good idea to introduce
TIME the short answaSo do.las this is a nanral responsc to
20 to 30 minures finding sorneone with the samc answer.
L-. VTat dolou eatforbreakfsst?
Sodcnt2: Breadandjan
Srudent l: So do I(Studen$ I and 2 r*ritc each
other's namcs in the space proride4)

5 Vhen onc snrdent has found a name for each of ttre topics
on thcworlshect, stop the acthit),

6 As a follow-up, ask thc snrdents to rcpon back, orall.v or in

wrinen form- You mE also want ro use *re expression so
do I forthispttof the activiry.
Petra eaEbteadforbrcakfast and so do L
Stefano reads thc flelospary at schoot and so do L

O Macmillan Publistrers Limited 1997.

Smtences in a hat Reward Elementa
Resource Par


I IiIe cooldng;. I don't li*a cooking...

I lika listening to.- I don't like listening h...


I like playing... I don't like playing...

+ +
I llka watching... I don't Bke walching.;.

I don't like going to...

I like eating... t don"t like eating...

Q Macmillan Publishe6 Limited 1997

Set ttettces ul a lmt workshee t @
6 \llx up the folded sentenccs in the hlt lnd thcn tcll dre
snnd up.
srudents that. in a moment. thel are xll goins Io
\\holc class: sPea.liing
take one sentence each and find out rvho s-roteiI.
Dcmonsrate rhis b1'nking r piece of prpcr trtlm tlre ltat
and rcading the sentence out.
To complete unfnished sentenccs.
For example:
To pick s€ntcnces out of a hat and fuid oul n'ho n'rote them
br asking quesrion:. I don't like cooki,rg adoqtts-

Eicit the qucsdon rhq'n'ill need to ask in order to find out

GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS n'ho wrotc *te sentelcc. llake sure thc-r knos' that the
Tatliing about lilies and dislilics questiol is the same n'hether the sentence is positire or
VOCABUIARY Do 1'ou like cookhtg octoPus?
Even'da.v and lcisure activities
Ask several studens the question until 1ou find the person

PREPARATION n'ho wrote the sentence. Italie it clear that even thougft
Italie one copl'ofthe n-orlishect for each group of ttuee or someone ma-r ansser.)€s to the quesrion. studens are
four srudents in the class and cutit-into 12 pieces as indicated- looking for the person n'ho s'rote it rnd ma1' nced to ask
't ou s'ill nced a hat orabox forthis actiliqr (ortwo hats or Is this lour sentence?
boxes if there are 20 or more snrdenr in the class). 7 Now ask the sodcnts to srand up and ulie one piece of
paper each from fte har If thq'droose ttreir osn
TIME ,. sentence, the,v should put it badi and ulie another one .
20 minutes
8 They are now read-v to go round the class or group asking
PROCEDURE questions. All the snrdens in the class do this
1 Choose r*o of the uofinished sentences from the simuluneousl,v. $'hcn thq find the person n'ho x'rote the
wodisheet" one posftive and one negtive, and write them senteace, they should n'rite the person's nanie on the
on the Loard flicit Possible wa)6 of compledng the piece of paper, kccp it and uke another onc from the hat.
9 The students repeat the activit)'until there are no
For etarnple: sentences left in thc har
I lilie cooking cakes/at tha weekend,/for myfrimds.
I don't lilie cooking actoptts/on mJ,birtMaJy'for n! 10 fuk ttre $udents to returo to their places and count the
ntother'in'lau'. number of completed sentelces thq' hare collected. The
snrdent s'ittr the most s€ntences is the n'inner. - ,
2 Ask the students to work in groups of ttuee or four for the
frrst part of ttris actir it)'. Gh'e one sct of unfnished 11 Ask the srudents to uke it in turns to report back to the
sentcnccs to cach group. class or gloup onwhat theyfound out during thc actitity.

pieces of paper' ftce

Fororample: t
3 Ask the snrdens to sprcad out thc Yttko likes coakingfor herftiads !
dowq aodto take three eadr Paola doesn't like l*aing to ltalian tnusic'-'
4 Ask ttrem.o complerc their tlrec ser*ences in any way
they like. @eferto ttre examples in procedure point l.)
They strouldtrotwrite tleirnames orlet thc srudents nqxt
to them sce what they are writing.

5 The smdeots now allwort together as a class. Put the hat

(or box) in the r.niddle of the roorn If therc are 20 or more
sttrdents intbc ilass, dh'idc &em into two gtoups and put
onc hat in thc middle of each group. Ask the snrdens to
fold up their completedsentences and put them in the har

C Macmillan publishers Limited 1997.

Progress check

Mix and match Reward Elementary

Game Board

C Macmillan Publishers Limited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE


ntatcll llfilf^
;l,Iix ancl worksheets Prosress check @ ^na

ACTIVITY 1 $t i . on of thc l'erbs from the game board on the board'
Groupr*'orli: reading and speaking For eriamPle:
AIM that go
il O-" ganc b1' matchingtcrbs s'ith o$er rrords and Asti ttrc snrdents to think of s'ords or exprcssions
" s*hlaue.
, ForexarPle:
GRAMMARAND FUNCTIONS , a bath, a drink. din rq
Verb and noun collocadons *'here
. t U O. trq
are going to pl4'a game
sn dents tlur
: CIe,v natchverts and other qords in this sav'
Eve4'daY activities 2
', Asli ttre snrdena to work in groups of thrce rc fn'e'
,f Givc one game board and one set of cards, countcrs
PREPARATION dice to cach grouP.
ilrt. on .opyof Wort<sheet Progrcssdrcck Gl& (game

boar@ for cach group of thrce to fn'c

srudents' Makc one cop-v
: 4 Beforc *re snrdcnts sun plaling ttre gamc, explain horg to
of Votttn*
p*g*t chec* 6-10b (cards) for each group of

tluee to fwe snrdcos urd cut tre cards out

as indicated , daV,usinetheinstruaionsbclow' challenging' instead of
Provide dicc and counters for eadt grotp'
i If pu **t to make the gamc morc
,., )
asiOng Ure snrOcna to simply read out an cxPression
i), ask tbem to
: HOV 1O PUY TIIE GAME hstruction

minutes t : makc a correct scntencc using thc exprcssioa'

: S Now the snrdents are ready to play thc game''s(hile thq'
i arc playing, go round to eactr group and dreck they are
; phytng corrcctty. Be on hand to arwerquestions and'
I offcrhelp.


cards and rcads out ttre wholc erPrcssion Ifthe
I Put the ganc board in the middle of the
thinls it is conecg Playa A pus ttre card to"ttre boaom of
rest of the cards face $m to play'
2 Eactr playcr ukcs six cards' Place ttre the pile on the table and it is Player B's
down in aPile on the table' go€s !/ith
If PlayerA ham't got aword or cxprcssion ttrat
marked of ttre pile agd
All tlre players put their countersso the.qguare the verb, trey pick up a card from the top
Sfenf tnO ttro* the dice. The 6rst player to throw a six match it with ttre verb if possible. .c.
sarq fte game.
NowPlayerB throwb the dice aod repcdts steps 4 and 5
l';:;'r": ,i riuors the dicc and moves their counter above,
tlrc-board accordirg !o tlp number on the dice'
The game ccn$nues rsrj! the first plever rraches

5 Plarcr .t reads the verb on the squrc the counter lands on square marked FINISH orfinishes dl their cards'
and matches itwithaword orcxpression on one of their

@ Macmillan tublishe6 Umited 1997.

t"' Progress check

(@ ttuIixanrim'atclt' Reward Elementary

Resource Pack


Reward Elementary
Daily routine" Resource Pack

Student A

y' = I'm right

J( = I'mvwong

trsually wears ieans at the weekend

always goes to bed before midnight
eats chocolate every daY
always remembers biruhdaYs
usually goes out on Saturday nigbts
often does the ironing
al*"y" gets the bus to work/school
'sometimes goes out for luncb on Sundays

often listens to classical music

always arrives on time for appoi:rtnents

y' = I'm right

.X = I'mwrong

sometines sings in tbe bath

ddnks coffee every daY
often writes letters to friends
sometimes goes shoiping in the evening
usuallY does the washing uP
always goes to work'/scbool by car
usually d.oes some sport at the weekead
reads a newspaper every daY
ofLen goes to the cinema
O Macmillan Publishers Umited 1997
Daitv t"otttine worksheet
Pairs'orL sPcaking ; | 1 Askthe snrdents towork in pairs of SnrdentAand
i sruOentl.
AIM a 2 Gh'c a copy of ttre top ctran to each Student A and a cop-v
To prcdict a panneCs dail!'routinc and to find out how many : ofthebouomcharttoeachSndentB'
predictiont s'cr€ right'
. 3 Ask the students to rtite their pafineis name in the space
: prorldedonthcirworl'sheet'
hcscnt simple asking hon'often people do things ,4 Ifthcctassatreadyknowoneanother, orphintothe
Shon answcrs : snldens tlut ttrq'are going to find out how
q'ell thq'
Adve6s offrequenq , know trir p,utner. If this is a ns$'class, oiplain that ftq
, aregoingtofindouthowgoodthq arcatgucssing.

Eveq'dayactions Ask tlre srudens to put a ticL in the TRL:E column if thery
think rhe informatios in the rntences is true for their
, panner or a tick in *re FAISE column if ttrq'don't think it
i{alie one copy of the s'orlsheet for each pair of studems and . is rue. They must not ask their panner )'et.

cut it out as indicatcd. i5 Wheottreyhave donethat,thesnrdcnashouldukeitin

. tums to check whethcr their predictions *'cre righl Make
TIME ; $r€ rhey know thc correct question form:
20 minutes Studcntk DoTtsvusual$' ucarjeans at the
I ueehend?
i S,uO*t B: Yes, I do. Do you oftan u'ear trainen?
Stud€ntii: No, I don\

The sildents should put a tick or a cross in the eod'

cohunn nextto cadt question, dependfugonxfiether they
have guessed conectly or nol
7 Vhen *re snrdena have finishcd checliing ttreir
predictions with ttreirparmer, thq'should add up their
otal number of right grrcsses and comparc scorcs.

O Macmillan Publishers limited 1997.

Trauel Reward Elementary
Resource Pack








You Your partner








You Your partner

O Macmillan Publirhers Umited 1997
1TrAr,'e/ wortsrr *r@,
Painr<lrk s'riting. spcaliing . 1 Divide ttre snrdents into Group A and Group B.

Gire a copl'of questionnaire A to each srudent in Group -{

AIM and a copr ofquestionnaire B to each srudent in Group B.
To put n'ords in the correq order to form questions. To ask
and ansn-er questions about trat'elling. Ask the students to n'orli rvith tn'o or threc other snrdents
from &e samc group. Ther should put the sords of the
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS fir'e questions on their worlsheets into the comct order
Prcrnt simple qucsdons and nrfte rhem dorm. All the snrdems should nrire thc
Talliing about uarel questions donn on thcir orm n'orkshecr

Thc iorrea quesrions are:

VOCABULARY AI Do lvtt ofen trarcl 14'plane?
Di.fferent means of ransport
2 ll'l'rat do 1ou tsuall'do at the airport?
3 ltitich tlo1wu prefer. a uindou'seat or an aNe
llalie one cop.v of the n'orksheet for each pair of students in (OR pefer. a u'ittd<tu'or
llltich seat do 1ou
the cless and cut it in half as indicated.
an aisle seat?)
4 Dopulikeairlinefod?
TIME 5 Vtottld 1ou like to be aflight attendartt?
J0 minutes BI Doyoulihetrawllingblcar?
2 lYlnt's Sourfauouite car?
3 Arejauagutpasefiger?
4 Do1vu like notutrl'foodt
5 Dol,ou usnl\, listm to nusic itt lour car?
When fte srudens have done ttnt, askthcrn to rrrite
anss'en to their own questions indiridually on *reir oq'n
worksheet in ttre column mariied Yoz. Go round and
check that the students have qdtten the questions
conect$'and undersaad them- ;

,5 Now ask thcm to workwith apannerfrom the other

group (ie a snrdcnt from Group A should wodi n'ith a
smdent from Group B).

Ask the sndents to take it in tums to ask their partner the

questions on theirworlsheet and to *rite dosn their,
partner's answers in the column marked Your partner.
Encourage them to ask for furttrer deFilq from thcir
pafiner by asking ttre additional questiooftl,? or'Vhj'
ttofiwherc appropriate. Theydo not hnr to rnrite down
the additional information-

t7 When theyhave finished, ask the studcna to repon blck

to ttre dass about anyttring surpdsiog they hare fourfd out.

O Ma€millan Publishers Umited 1997.

Can you make a cake? Reward Elementaa
Resource paci

C Macmillan Publishers Umited 1997.

Can )'ott make a cake? worksheet
\tole class: spcaking 1 If there arc more than l2 snrdents in rhe class. diride them
\till drill (For deuilcd instructions and advice on using mill into groups. Give one picrurc card ro each srudent in the
drills. see thc nores for tcachers at the beginning ofthe class. Keep one for lourself.
Resource Pacli)
2 Tell the studena thar thq'are going to ask and ansq'er
qucstions using the picnrrcs on thcir cards as promp6.
Writc an example dialoguc on the bqard, indicating the
To speak to as oanl'partncrs as possible, asking and
languagc the snrdens should usc.
answcring qucsions about abiliries.
GRAMMARAND FUNCTIONS Studcst.6( &n 1ou nakea cake?'
Canlnu-.? Student B: I can'L Can jou plaj,tle piano?

Yes, I un{,\qI can't

Studcot.t Yes, I can
3 Demonstrate the activirywith indh'idual mrdens, using
VOCABUTARY the card you kept forloumlf. Tell rtre snrdenu to hold and lcisre activities theircards so ttrat thc sidc with the picnue oo is facing
&crn Snrdcnts ask ttre questions using tbeir picnre cards
PREPARANON aspomps and answerthe questions honestl-v.
of{re wor*shcet for
Malie one copy each group of up to 12
srudents. Cut rhe wortshect up ino cards as indicated. you ,1. 4 Asft scveral pairs of snrdents ro demonsrrate the activiw to
the whole cles, using their cards as prompts and uking it
*'ill necd to keqr one card for yourself to demonstnte ttre
activiry in tums to ask and aoswcr questiom.

5 Now ask the students to go round the

"lr.s or group asking
TIME and answering questioos with as many differcnt partners as
15 minutes posiblc, using thcirpicturc cads asprompc. In rhis part
of the activity, ttre studcnts repcat the same question
rveral times but practise different answers each time they
change partncr.

6 Whcn the snrdeos have qpokeo to rveral differcnt '

partners,.ask them to exchange cards and go round the
dass again, ttris tine holding their cards thc,other way
round so the picnrc is facing tireir partner. The students ,
take it in nrns to ask guestions using tlrc picn[es on their
partners' cards as prompts. In this pan of tlre adiviJy, r+le
snrdcnts ask adiffercnt question cach time thcyciaogi

oPTtoN .'
Ioprocedurc point 2 above, itis agood ideao introduce the
oannal responses So can I,/ J qn't / Neitlrct can I / I and qt
to extend ttre sample dialoguc.
StudentA C.anyou mahe a cqke?
S$dentB: Yes,Ican
S$dentrt So can I / I can'/ -

SnrdentB: Canyouplalt the guitar?

Strdeut.fu No, I catt\
ShrdeotB: Neithsqtil/Jcan! .

@ Macmillan publishers Umited 1997.

(@ Where can I buy some bread? Reward Elementary
Resource Pack



7;F4 p1


g,t\t ?1-fu,

change some money

ge!'a taxi
bu! some shoes
post a Parcel
buy some medicine


IWrcre cAit I bult Son'te breacl? worksheet' @ *o@

rJSTE: Use \ryorksheets 14e end 1t! for this

.{sk another question:

lfhere can I see aflnr?
Pairs'odi: 5Pcaking
Elicitthe an$r'er
AIM Therc's a cinena in George Street. near the Grattel
To ask and sarrsrtrere Placcs arc' Hotel.

\\'rite an er:ample dialogue on the board.

VTtqe can IJ 5 Point out thc list of *ring the $uden6 need to ask for (on
There's a.- theirsortshcas)
Preposirions ofPlace
Asking forand ghing directiotls 5 Ask the smdcnts to n'ork n'ith their panncr and to tdie it
in rums to ask forthe information the.v need and to an$\'er
their panners questions. The-v should ask and arun'er
Shops and to*n hcilities questions as h dre erample didogue on the board. Each
timc tbq find a place on their plan according to their
partneis instructions, thcl- should n rite in the name.
Ilalic one copy of \Xbrtsheet l4a and one cop,v of 7 Whcn thel have finished, thq should compare plans,
l4b for eadr pir of snrdeots in $e class. n'hich strould be identical.

20 minutes , 'lnstead ofasliing the snrdents to ask and sa1's'here places are'
ask them to give direaions for how to get to the places- Tell
PROCEDURE the studens ttrat the)'are at the Tourist Informadon Office.
1 Ask rhe $udens to *:orli in pairs of Student A and They should asl for and girr dircctions for the places the-v
Student B. need to find.
2 Explain that )'ou are going to give them a plan of thc For examplc:
ceo8e of a town.?oint out that therc are some names of StudentA Is therc a banh neat hete?
places missing on theirPlan. Student B: Yes, thete is Go up C'ont Street and it's ott
the left, ne b the trarcl agenfs
3 Give a copy of Wodrsheet 14a to each Student A and a Student A Oh 1,u,
,'oa (Srudent A writes $e
copy of Worl:tteet l4b to eadr Student B. Tell them not to name of *re place ontheirPlan)
showtheirphn to theirpanaerat any time during tttG Student B: Is therc a baker's near here?
activity. F,:plain that the placcwhich are missing from SrudcntA Yet thqe is Go atong O$ordAteiue, tunt
ttreirplan arema*ed on ttrcirpanner's plan. Theyare ight arrd it's on the ight, betueen tlv
going to askforand gh'e infotnation about places on their graer?grocer's and the bank"
plan and write in the names of ttre missing places. Student B: Oh 1,q tlnnkyra (Srudent B svrites the,
4 Before they start the activig', ask the snrdents to look at name of the place on their Plan) ,*.
theirplao andto gh'eyou some inforrntioo-
For o.?mlle, ask the Erestiou
Whsecan I lwve 4 aQ af tea?
Elicit thc answcc
Tlerc's acafd inQuemstreet, oprynvthe ltatihn
Reslawant,/ betu)een tltc Musenm of Modern Art
and Ollie's NightrJttb.

@ Macmillan Rrblishers Umiled 1997.

(@ Wwre can I brtU some bread? Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

Student B

{arb"l. $'

5^) I1

buy some bread
go s,wimming

buy some fish
park your car
buy a dictionary
eat Thai food

c Macmillan Publi5hert timited.l 997.

tWat avnl doing?

You are leaming to drive-

3 Macmillan fublishers Limitcd 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

',IWmt am I doing? worksheer@

\Itole class: spealiing i 1 Ask the snrdena to nrrch r-ou and guess n.hrt ] ou are
doing. Ilime somerhing simple lilie erting a pizza. .l-ou do
AIM not hate to be a brillianr minre anisr. but it is essential rhrr
To mirne an acdtin'for rhe resr ofthe class ro guess. rou are silling to mime enthusia*icalll.and nor be
embarrassed - this n-ill put the *udenrs at ease s-hen ir is
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS their rum to do a mime. \Xtrile 1ou are nriming. cncourage
Prescnt condnuous thc snrdents to out guesscs as soon as thq. hare an
idea. Ilake sure rhq-are using the presenr continuous. If
VOCABULA,RY necessaq', mimc anottrcr actiriq., for example maliing a
Evcn'da.r and leisure actir.ities cup oftea.

PREPARANON 2 Telt the studenr dut rhev are going to talie it in rums ro
Italie one c<ip.v of the for each ream of fn e to eight mime an actir-in- for the other srudents ro guess. Before
snrdenr and cut it up into mime cards rhe.v begin, ditide thcm inro teams of fir.e ro eight.
as indicated.
3 Decide n'hich team is going ro plal'first and ask them to
TIME ' choose a student to do rhe firs;t mime.
30 minutes
', 4 Givc the first plal,cr a mime card and explain to rhe ctass
, that, while he/she is miming the acdrin., onlv the .
,, . memben of his/her ream are allon:ed to call out guesrs. If
, his/her tearn do not guess the actiltq.correcdl., rhe othcr
. teams are allowed to guess. Teams score rn o poins for a
correct guess.

' 5 C,onrinue undl all the mime cards hat-e been used. The
: teamrr"ith the highestscorcare theninncrs.

; tfyou think 1'our students may be embarrassed ro mime in
i front of the whote class, or if 1,ou have a r.ery largc class, make
i one copy of rhe workheet for eactr group oi6r-c to eight
i studenrs and ask them to do ttre aaii,iq, in *reir groups,

Q Macmillan publishers Umited

Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

G Maqmillan Publishers timited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Spot the dffirences worksheets prosress check 4@ ^
I,jOTE: UseVy'orksheets Progress check 11-15a and 11-15b for this activity.

Pairwork speaking I There's a florist's bcts'e'cn the greengrocer's and
the travel agent's.
AIM 2 The man coming out of the gretngrccer's is
To find ten differcnces bem'ecn rwo picares byasking and carqing a shopphg baslier
answering qucstioos. 3 The woman outside the caf€ is pladng a gular.
4 There's a dog next to the q'oman
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS 5 Thebuisalmostenpq'.
There i.s/are 6 Thc monrbikc has no passenger.
Is/Ate tlere J 7 The peson riding the biqdc is wearing a hdmer
Hounat4t -? 8 The two pcoplc sining at a table in hont of the caf6
Someandany arc eating sandwiches.
Prepositions.of phcc 9 The o&er person sining at a uble in fr,ont of ttre
Present condnuous caf€ is doing a crossword
The artidc l0 A man is taking a photograph of two childrcn
eating ice cream-
I There's a newsagcat's bctn'eco the grccngroccr's
andthetravelagantb. '
tr{akc one copy ofVodaheets Progress dreck ll-15a and . 2 Themanconingoutofthegrrcngrocer'sis
carq'ing some flowers
I i-l5b for eachpair ofstudens in thc dass.
3 The woman outside tlrc caf6 is plaFng a viotin
4 There's no dog oext to thc women.
5 Thebrsisverycmwdcd
20 minutes
6 There are two pcople on the motorbike.
7 Thc pcrson riding the bicyde is not wearing a
1 Ask the snrdents to work in pain of Sodent A and Student
8 The two people sining at a uble in front of ttre caf6
B. They should sit hcing ooe aoottrer.
are drinking tea-
2 Give a copy of Worksheet Progress dreck ll-15a to each 9 The other person siring at a ablc in front of the
Sodent A and a copy of Vorksheet Prcgrcss ctrcck 1l-l5b caf6 is writing postcards.
to eadr Student B. Tell thc stud€nb not to show thcir . l0 Amanisukingaphotognphoftwo.cbildrcn .

picftrc to theirpartoer. cating hamburgers.

3 Tell the snrdents that their parher's pictre is alnost

identical to their own picnrc, but that there arc tco
Ask the snrdens to stry is tleirpairsandto look at\Fortslieet
Pr,ogress ctreck I I - I 5a for one minute. Theo ask them td?ut
4 E:rplaio that theyare going to tryto fnd the ten differences the picnue awayand vrite down as masy dcails as they can
by describiog theirpicnues and asking and answgring their remember about the picnue. After five ninuieq ask ttrc pairs
partneds qucstiors, notshoqring theirpicturcs to oae of snrdents to give their scntenccs to anotherprirto dteck
another. :.

5 Vhentheybavefinishcd, cirecktheiranswers. The

differences are as follows

@ Macmillan Publishen Umited 1997.

Prognss check
@ Spot the differertces

Picture B

w {ffi


6 Macmillan Publishen Umited 1997

How was your holidaY? Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

g Macmillan Publishers timited 1997 PHOTOCOPIAELE

i Hotu Lucts yoLtr ltoliday? worksheet
ACTIVITY I flighc rcn'con{ortable/fne
\I'hole class: sPezking

people: rcr1'friad\'
Ilill drill (For dctailed instructions and adrice on rsing mill ', food: deliciott{wt1'good
drills, xe the notes for teachers at the beginning of the beach: lorcly and clean/nice and quiet
Rcsonrce Pacli.)

nightlife we,liueby'Soodfan
: cntenainmcnc wq, good/OK

sceneq: lotcll'/beautiJul
To speali to as mant panners as possible, asking and I

town: ue4, Prettl'/nie and quiet

ans*'ering quesdons about a holiday i3 Now writc an example dialogue on tbe boar( indicating
: the language the mrdenrs should use-
i For cxample:
Ittas/ude I
SrudentA Hou' tl'as Jour holidal?
V/hat u,as it like? Srudent B: It u'os gre&
SrudentA: What uas the ueathqlike?
VOCABUIARY : Student B: It uas hot and stnnl'.
rvords associated n'ith holidals
: Demonstrate the actiriq wfth indhidrnl sudens, using
ttre card 1'ou kcpt for voursclf. Tcll &c students to hold
their cards so that thc piclulc is ftciog thcm and fte
Make one copy of the n'orksheet for each gmup of up to i
cpt. qucstion prompt is hcing thcirpanncr. Ask scferal pairs of
snrdents. Cut ttre norkshcet up into cards, bcing carcfrrl to i

and fold as indicatcd. l'ou will nccd to kecp one card for l
studsrts to dcmonstratc the activity to thc whole class'

1'ourself to demon*nte ttre actil'ity. using the cards as PromPts.


Now ask the snrdents to go round ttre dass orgroup and

TIME ask and answer que*ions withas rnacydifiercnt Paqtcrs
li minutes as possiblc, using thcir cards as promPts. kr ttris Part of the
activity, the snrdens ask a diffcrcat guestiorl but give thc
PROCEDURE same answer each time they dunge Partncr'
I If there are more ttun ten students in the class, dividc
them into groups. Gh'e one folded card to each student in When the snrdents havc 6nished, askthem to ordunge
the class. Keep-one for 1'ourself. carG and to go round the class or group again' tttis time
holding thcir cards the other way round so that thc
2 Tell ttre sildens tbat dte!' arc going to ask andanswcr - question promptis facing tbcm, andtttc Picturc is
questions about a holiday using their cards as prcmpts' facing ttreir partner. The snrdents tate it in turns to ask
but before they 6e this, ask them to look at the picnre on and answer questions rsing dre cards as promps. ln
their card and ttrink of an adjective or adjectives to this part of the aaivity, the studena ask the same
describe ir They should n'rite the adjective or adjectivcs in quesdon, butgive a di.fferem answcreach time theyr
the space prorided under the picture. Be on hand to helP change partner.
the snrdens and make sure ttreywrite appropriatc
adjectives for their Picnres. 7 The studcnts continue asking and aswering in this way
For example: until they have spokcn to as oaoy diffcrant partncrs as
weathee wrYttntm/hotandsuttnY possible.
hotet bigandmodqn/nieanddean

O Macmillan Publishers Umited 1997.

Health suruey Reraard Elementary
-."r , i,
; -:'3: F4+i ,^ n-t':d-.!._,&re: fr r{ *,!@.H"" , -* ,. ;

On'an average day, how many people ... On ao erverageday, how many1rcdple... .

... cat sone fresh fruit? .-- eat some brown bread?
... cat some green vegcubles?
'r... drink some beer or v/ine? a . ' :- ,'-
FIND OUT. .\ ----
- --- :


On an av€rage dan howmaoYPeoPle -. On an average dan how maay people...

... Put some sugar in tea or coffee? ... smoke some cigarettes or a pipe?
... eat some chips? --- driok some milk?


On aa av€rage day, how manY PoPle -. On an averag€ day, how many people..-
... take somc medicinc? ... tdrc somc vitamitr pills?
... do some excrcisc? ... play a spon?


On an average day, how many people ... On an averzrge day, how manypeoplc...
... cat some pasta? ... eat a burger?
... cat somc red meat? ... cat^Pi7a?


C M6cmillan Publi:hers Limited 1997. PHOTOCOPIASLE

t,Heattlt t
SLIt'L!e-j' workshee
IiJOTE: Thrs acivitv is noi linked to the activity on Worksheet 17b.

ACT!VTTY 5 Beforc ther san thc actirin', malie sure etentodt knons
\\trole class: spcatiing ' hon' to ask their question. h panicular. makc sut thq'
transfomr sorze into 4rU' io th€ qucstion form.
AIM 6 Now ask the snrdens to go round ttrc class or group asking
To do l hcdth sun'e.r. .
and anss'ering questions and puning a dck or cross next to
the quesrions on their card each time thq'change pannlr.
Counnbleand uncountabtc nouns : 7 \\hen thq'havc spoken to evcn'bod'r'in the class or
Sonteandanl' :
group, ask them to rvorli sith tn'o or thrce other sruderrts

in theirgroup and tondte some of the infomution thel'
VOCABULARY l havegathered on a postcr.
Foodancldrinf, 1
For eramplc:
; Fiw people in our group eat sontefreshftttit on an
aurage da1'.
.\lake one copy of thc n'orlsheet for eadr group of up to eight , OnlT,one percon doesTt't eat an1gneet, wgehbles
snrdens andcut it upinto cards as indicated. :
T|ME 1
Compare the cles rcsrls with the renrls of a sun'ey carried
30minutc , out into tbe healh habits of British t cople.
On an average day
PROCEDURE '' 7896 eatsomefrrshfruit
1 If there are more than eighr snrdents in the class, dMde 7796 eat somc grecn vegetables
them intogroups. @96 eat some b'rovn bread
47% drink some beer or wine
2 Give oae card to each studenr L'r thc class and tell them
46% put some zugar in their tea or coffee
that they are going to find out some information about the
33% eat drips
health oftheir group.
31% smoke
3 Write an exanr/e on the board: 30% drinli some milli
On an atcrage day, how many people eat some egs? 30% takesomemedicine
22% do some excrcisc
Elicit the question thq will
need to ask individud snrdena
16% ukc some viamin pills
inodertofnd out the ao$eer to this question:
896 playaqport
On aratwage day,doloueatany eggs?
22% eat some pasta
lfiite boan*
a{rother er.emple on the 3l% eatsomeredmeat
On an aatage da1', do jou walh tun kilometres or 38P,6 eat a burger
morc? l2Yo atairza. r

GenerallS womeo are healthier thanmen andyoung people

4 Tell the snrdcnts ttrat ttrey are going to ask and answer
drink more dcohol and smoke morc cigarenes.
similar questions in order to answer the questions on their
cards. They should put a tick next to the reler"ant qucstion
on their cairl each time somebody answers Yes,I do aada 1

cross cach time somebody answers No, I donT ,

O Macmillan Publishers Limited 1997.

Wtat shallwe do? Reward Elementary
' -

-.. - -i;ld- "

C Macmillan Publishea Umited 19!t7. PHOTOCOPIABLE

What shall u'e da? worksheet@
is not linked to the

rl'hole class: nriring spea*ing t 1 If there are morc than ten snrdents in rhe class. diride
llill drill (Fordcuiled insmrcdons and a6'ice on using mill rhem into groups. Give onc folded card ro each snrdent in
drills, see thc nores for teachers at rhe bcginning of $e the clas. Kcep one for.r'ourself.
Resource Pack.)
2 Ask ttrc snrdcms to rhink of a suggesdon for the question
on thcircard and to ETire it in ttre space prorided.
AIM For example:
To speali to as manv panners as possible, asking for and
Where/go tonight?
making zuggcsions.
Suggcstion: go to the cinmu
Vlnt/do afu this lessoz.2
Asking for and mdiing suggcstioos
Suggestion: ptra), lalr6
\Xhen the snrdents havc done that, ask thep to fold ttreir
VOCABULARY card so that the question is on one side and the suggcstion
kisure actiritics is on the other side.

Tell the snrdens that tlrq'are going to asli for and malie
suggcstions, using thc cards aspromprs. Write an eiample
Make one 'copy of the wor*shcct for cadr group of up to ren
dialogue on the board indicating the language the $udealts
studcnts. Cut thc worlisheet up into cards, being carefi.rl to cut
should usc.
and fold as indicated You rxill need to kecp one card for
1'ourself to dcoonstnte &e actft{q'. t For example:
Studentrlc Whqe slall up go tonigt P
StudentB: Izfs go to the cinmul-'
20 minutes Demonstrate dre activity wittr individrul smdents. Te[ rhe
studeots to hold their cards so that ttre qucstion is hcing
them and *re zuggcstion on the othcrside isfacing ttreir
partncr. Ask sevcral pirs of srudena to demonstrate the
activity to the whole dass, using ttreir cards as prompts.

Now ask the smdeas to go round the orgroup asking

for and making suggestions with as many different partners
as possible, using thet car& as promp6. In tris part of the
aaivity, the strdcats repcat the same qucstion seviral
times, but makc diffcrent suggestions eadrtime thq'
change partncr.

When the snrdens have finished ask ttrem to exchange

cards and to go round (he chss or group rg2in, thir trgp
holding ttreir cards the otherway round so the question is
facing ttreir partner. Thc snrdcnts uke itin nrms to ask for
and makc zuggcstions, uing their cads as pcompts- In thi.
pafi of the activity, the gdqts ask a diffcrent question
each time ttrey cbaagc partner, but rqrcat the same '
suggestion rveral times.
The snrdqrts continue askingfor xad mzkiqg5uggestiens
in this wayuntil theyhave spokcd to as manydiffcrcnt
partners as possible.

@ Macmitlan tubli$ers Umited 1997.

Poor FaAo Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

'D."" """'=

Iast summer' he studied Engiish

Fabio was from.Rome in ltalY. in Oxford. ,
tu n"o a rot of friends ri o*rot,

but he really wanted an English Fabio had a problem. He wanted

r but he was small and very thin.
girlfriend. to be big and strong,

One night he decided to go to a To his surprise, she smiled at

and then he noticed a nice young '
nightclub. At the dub, he , him, walked across the room and
r:a:ched th: danctns asked him to dance.
Fabio loved dancing, but after His friends carried him outside that he had six pullovers on
three records, he fainted. and rvere surprised to find under his jacket.

e Macmillan Psblishe'! Umited 1997.

Poor Fabio worksheet (@

ACTTVITY 5 Nos' the snrdeasare readl'torcad the sory. Git-e each

Groupworli: spcaking, rcading r group a copy ofthc cut-up tcxt and ask them to match one
piece oftext to cach picnue.
AIM 7 Chcck tlrat *rq' harc put thc sory in rhe correcr order and
To predict a story from picnues and to match lincs of a story
note how rnanv verbs trq' had predicrcd correcth'.
ro picnrcs. \
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS \.J q'ort in theirgroups
Ask thc studcns to and to pur thc verbs
Fast simple: rqgular vcrbs
\ . from the sory iruo three colurnns accordiog to the
';) pronunciationofrhe-edcndings {
Yo/ ru (-
nd/ S
snrdied n'anred i*** S

carried decided sellied
Make one copyof the q'orl'sheet forcadr group of rhrce
loved fainted askcd
snrdents and cat it up as indicated-
smiled { noriced
:\ I damed

30 to 40 minutes
1 You can use tlrc cut-up tcxt of thc story to do a
'comrnunity dicution'.
I Ask ttrc studeots towor* in groups of threc. 2 Ask thc students to work in groups of up to t2 and ghc
cach strdent onc part ofthc story in random order.
2 Give eadrgroup a copryof rtrc picnue story but do not
give them &etattyer Flrphin tfut they arc going to read 3 Noqr ask them to stand up and to form a lioe in the order
the story, but tbar before *rq do duq thcy shoild speod a ofthe storyby saying thcirsentences aloud They*ill need
few minutes in tbeir groups bokiqg at the picar€ stor,' to repcat their own sentcoce scveral timcs and listen to thc
andtrying towork outwhat is bappcoing. other snrdents' scntcnces carfrrlly.

3 Nowwrite ttrefollowiogverbsonthe board Ask ttre 4 Vhenthc storyisin the corrcct order, ask the sn:dents to
strdens toworkin theirgroups and to decide which sit down in theirgroups and ga readlto write rhe $ory.
vcrba hcyexpect to sec in the sitory. You may need to
e4plain the mcaning of some of thern
5 fr.plain that each student is goiog to writc the v'hole story.
Eadr srudeot dicgtes ttreir own scotcoce tg the rtst of the
unth b. pW dedde receiue ,narry group and answers qgestions about the spelling and
$rrlle futw sfrrdy 'uatclt ask dic puncnration of their sentencc
aant unth hate calty open finish
faint twtice
5 Ask ttre snrdent with ttre first line to rad it out foi*rerest
of the group to write down. The studeots then take it in
Whetr the students have done thagworkwith the whole tums to rcad out their sentences in ordqr for the t rrtf tn.
goups ofstudents to take it in turns to call
cl2qs and ask group towdtc dow!- .t
outtlreverbs hcyhave choseo- Undedine theverbs they
call out and do not worry about whether ttrey appear in
7 Vhen ttrey have fnished" give out copies of *re complerc
the text of *re story 91 qe1 x1 his stage.
storyso that the studcnts can conecttheir owo work

Eicit the past tenr ofthe vcrbs you have undedined and
pre-teach other words or exprcssioru from the story if
neces$ry. I

@ Macmillan Publishen timited 1997.

(@ lWtat are you like? Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

Dear ger.$iund,

ff\g narne is anol l'm



I'ue got , hair a.nd eLrcg.


T'rn rnelre,- and Tm quite


fold -

1 lcrak Uke 19



I tike, and


but f dodt Ut<n

P\ease 6r''.te, ta rne and tdl rqe whar r.{su'rc Ule..

O Macmillan Publishers timited 1997.

lWmt areY:lhk( worksheet
Groupwork writing r 1 lntrodrrc *re idca of a pcnfricnd and ask the gudents
ntrat tbq n'ould *rite if ttrq'wcre *riting to a pcn&iend
for thc firsr timc.
To write a descriPtion of a Penon- 2 hplabthat ttre sardenr are going to n'ritc a letter to a
pcnfricod aod rtnt tttcy are Soing to invcnt the deuils'
TalkingaboutaPPcarance , 3 Divr'dc 6e cus into groups of eight and givc onc cop.v
tlre qp*shect to each *uderrr in ttrc group.
VOCABUIARY 4 Ask thc snrdena to iov€xrt a name and an agc for *te
Adjectivcs to dcscribe people's appcarance and charactcr pcrsonwrfting thc lener and srite it in the spacc
Phpical ftaturcs providcd Nowaskthemtowrite F orMat the bonom of
rhc page according towhcttrer tlrcyhave wrinen thc namc
PREPARATION of wornan @ ora man (M).
Make onc copy of the worft$eet foreach snrdent in ttre dass'
5 Vheo thq have done that, ask them to fold ttreir piece of
papcrso ttrat the sentotcc they hafc sritten is hiddcn'
and tlrc next rntence b$nnrrryI'w got.'. is risible' They
30 misues
shouldtheo give it to the student on tleir lcft
5 Asktbc studeos to inveff details to complete thc sentencc
t.) whictr is now at thc top ofthe piecc ofpaper they have
rcccivcd, taking norc of wtreths the person is a woflun or

? Vheo 6ey have dooc tba! ask thein to fold it as beforc

and girc it to thc student on dreir lefr

8 Rcpcettttc activity until all the sentcnces havc bcen


9 Tell the snrdeots to opco out tle completed lettcr ttry

bave received This is theirnew penfriend

10 If thcrc are anywords orphrascs ttrat the snrdents do not

understand or think are iocorrccl tcll them to fnd the
snrfutwhowrote them andask tbem to erqplain or
con€ct the word or pbrase.

Thc snrdeots can usc the samc worlsheetp write a ffi
theirpcnftiend byfilling in the blaolsYrith rcal deails about
Altematively, ask the snrdeots to ttsc the same workshe€t to
writc a descdption of somebody elsc in ttre class or of i
hmots pcrsoa for tlrc rest of thc class to guess.

O Macmillan Publishers limited 1997.

Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

I was right

. fi=
I WENT TO I was wrong

I went witlr... He/she went with...

I travelled by... He/she travelled by...

" I stayed in a.. He/she stayed in a..

I stayed there for... Helshe *ayed tJtere for...

The weatlter waE... The weatherwas...


I bought... He/she bought...

I visited... He/she visited...


I ate... He/she ate...

I &ank... He/she drank..

In the evenings, 1.., In the evenings, he/she...

O Macmillan Publirhe6 Limited 1997. PHOTOCOPIABLE

lAtnlidaY worksheet @
sPcaking t 1 Givc one co1ry of the wortshcet to eadr mrdcnt in the

AIM 2 Ask ttre snrdcns to srite about thcir las holida;'b1'

To gucss dctails about a partncr's last holiday and to 6nd out complaing *re seotences in the columo martcd l OtjR
how manyprcdictionswere right.' IISTHOIIDAY. Tcll them not to sho*'the othcrsnrdents
what they arc nriting.
Past simple irrqular verbs 3 Whcn they have dooe that ask them to wort in Pairs' but
feqlno quc$ions and short answers tell thcrn thatit is imporunt not to shoq'theirworlshctt
to tlreirpartner. Thq should sit facing ooe anothcr.
VOCABUIARY 4 Tellthe snrdenstowritc thckpdtner'sname inthe spacc
Iffcguhrlrcrbs providcd at ttre toP of the column o2rkedYOUR
Vcrb associatcd witlt holidaP PARTNER'SITISTHOIIDAY. They theo need to ask where
theirpartncrwent forthcirlast holidayand wrirc the rume
PREPARATION of thc place in the space prorided undcrthe name- They
Malce onc copy of the workstreet for eadr snrdcnt in the class.
must not ask for any frrther information ycr

TIME 5 Now tell ttre snrdcoa that ttrey are going to gucss what
30 minutes ttrcir partner did on holiday by coopleting thc rqteoces
,,? in the cohrmn marted YOUR PARINB''S IIST HOIIDAY.
fmphlsc agaio tlut they mus not ask dreir partnerya.
5 lfhcotheybarrcdonethat" thc snrdcnsshould takc it in
nrms to checkvftcderthey grrcsscd corrcctly byasling
their partocr questions.
Student A Did You go with ]a,$ fantlf
Student B: No, I didn\ I utent ufih my friends,
Mlou go uithlnur lru.frand? YqIdirI
The sordcos should put a tick ora cross in *re eo! column'
depcnding oo whcdrertheygucsscd con€cdy or not

If necessary, givc the snrdcnts time to rprite down the

qucstions they needto askbcfore dreybegin this part of
the activity. 't

7 When the snrdentshavefinishedcheckingtncirguka

with thcir gartner, they strould add up &ck total number
ofright guesscs. Find out who scored the highest total

Ask ttre snrdeos to write a sunmary of thcir parrrer's holiday-


@ Macmilhn Publisben limited 1997.

Progress check

Find out

Everybody in the class EverVOohV in the class

drank some truitjuice had dinner at home
for breaKasL yesterday..



Everybody in t}te class Everybody in the class

ate some chmolate spent some mgney
yesterday. yesterday wening.



Everybody in the class Everybocly in the class

ate some meat read a newspaper
ysterday. yeslerday.



ffi, Everybody in the class

bought some cigarettes
Everybody in the class
went out last nighl


Everybody in tie class Everybody in tie llass

visited a foreign wrote some letbrs last
counfy last Year.



Everybody in the class Everybody in tie clas

did some sport last made some telephone
week. calls yesterday.



O Macmillan Publishers Umited '1997. PHOTOCOPIAELE

Find ottt worksheet Progress check
$trole class speaking I Writc e s'ratemcnt about thc class on the board.
For orample:
AIM hmlbodf in thc clas ate some rcgeables yesterdal'.
To 6nd out information about members of the class by asking
Find out whether tlris is true b,r'asking individud snrdeats:
and answering questions.
D'd lrou eat an), wgetables )estqdq'?

GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Writc a tick onthe board cadr time someb@'anss'crs
tguhr and irregular vcrbs
Simple pasc l'es, I did mda cross eactr time somebody ansrers r\o, /
Yeqlzo que$ions drdz?. Thel cross the statcment our and sdte ttrc correct
Countablc and rurcountablc nouns information.
Someand.any For examplc:
SetM, students ate some wgetebJterda),.
VOCABULARY Nine studmts didnl eatan),tlqetabb j,estafu1,.
Now tdl the snrdens that they arc going to correct similar
Make one copy of the wortshctt for eadt group of up to 12 2 If therc arc more than 12 sndcns in the class, dividc thcnt
studeos. Cw the cards out as indicated. intogroups. Givc onc card to each snrdcnt in the class.
,. 1
3 Tellttrc snrdents tbatthq areresponsibleforfnding out
TIME whetherthc statement ontheir own card is mrc orftlsc,
and correcting it ifnecessary.

4 Nqw ask ttre students to go round the elass or group.asking

and answcring questiom. Tell trem to write down on their
card a tick eadr time somebody answe$ Yq I did andz
cross eadr timc somebody answcrs No, I didnt.

5 Vheo theyhavefnishe4 &cyshould sit down and take it

in firms to reponback to ttre dass or group on s'tut they
found out during the aaivity.

@ M.cmillan Pubtistrers Umired 1997.

. -:i-' ':

Remrd Elementary
. Resource Pack

John Lennon was born in (1) 19 and lived with his aunt and uncle in Liverpool.

When he was 12 he leamed to play the (3) buthis ambition

wasn't to be a musician-h" *inted to be a millionaire! He was (5)
years old when his mother died in a car accident.

As a teenager, he created his first group and they werc called the Quarrymen. He met
a, in 1955 and they started the Beatles in 1960.
(e) became their manager in 1961.

John married Cynthiain L962 md. they had a son called

(1 1) [,ater, John and Cynthia divorced and

in November 1966 John met Yoko Ono in an art gallery in London.

ne mei (t3) in 1967

and started doing meditation.In the same year, Brian Epstein died.

On March 20th 1969, John and Yoko (15)

and the following year John left the Beatles and created the Plastic Ono band.
They had their first hit with 'Imagine' in (17) 19 -

- a son called
In 1975, John and Yoko went to New York and had

John l:nnon was shot outside his home in New

York on December 8th 1980.






(1 1)





O Macmillan Publishers Umited 1997 PHOTOCOPIAELE

lJotut Lennotx workshee
.ro @
NOTE Use Worksi',eeg 2l a and 21b for this

Pairrodc reading sriting spealting r 1 Tell thc srudens ttw thq'are going to read rcme
information aboutJohn lrnnon's life. Italie surc thc
srudents knon' s'ho John Lcnnon nzs and ttru he died
To write and ask quesrions to obain information in order to some dme ago. Point out that thcrt is some informadon

complete a life hisory. missing from ttrc text that 1'ou are going to gire *lern

2 Dhide tbc mrdems into Group A and Group B. Gir-e one

GMMMAR AND FUNCTIONS copy oflflorlrtreet 2la to cach student in Group A and
Pastsimplc onc copy of Wortstreet 2lb to each snrdent in Group B-
I7ft- qucstiotu
3 Ask thc sndcnts to q'orli r*'ith a panncrfrom thc same
group fortlrc first pan of dre actir'iq'. F.xplain that thcre
Lifehistory ' arc some dcailsmissing from thcttext anq that thq'
srfte doqn tlre questions thq'neef to ask to

PREPARATION obain thc missing information. All the srupcna must s:rite
Makc one copy of Sortsheets 2la and 21b for each pair of thc qucstions down in the spaces providep on their
sudenn io thc dass. wortshcct
TIME Student,q': Q> Vlrefl lDaslohn Lennon boni?
i0 to 60 minutes 6)Vld dA heban toPlay?
t.? Student B: (DWIlqe did lE lite uttth his aunt and
(4>Vhd dAhe u'ant tobe?otVhat u'as
his atnbition?

Whilc the studens are doing this, bc on hand to answer

questions and offer helP.

rWhen the students have finished ndting questions, ask

thcm to work with a partner from drc other group. Student
Aaod SnrdcntB should now sit faciug one another and
take it in nros to ask aod answer questions in nr.rmerical
ordcrto find out the informationmissingfrom their own
torr They strould write the information irf thc blanks on
When they have fnished exctnoging informatiori, the
pairs of snrdents compare thcir completed tents, wtrii$
should be identicat. '-'

O Macmillan Publ'rshen timited 1997.

Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

Iohn Lennon was born in 1941 and lived with his aunt and uncle ir
(2\ . When he was 12 he learned to play the harmonica but his ambition
wasn't to be a musician - he wanted to be a (4) !He wes
eighteen years oldwhen his mother died in a car accident.

As a teenager, he created his first group and they were called (6)
He met Paul McCartney in 1955 and they (8) ln
1960. Brian Epstein became theii manager in 1961.

John married (10) in1962 and they had a son

called Julian. Later, John and Cynthia divorced and in November 1966
John mit (12') in an art galtery in London.

In the same year, (14) died.

On Maich 20th 1969, John and Yoko got manied and the following year John
left the Beatles and created (16)
They had their first hit with 'Imagine' in 1971.

h -
1975, John and Yoko went to (18)
and had a son called Sean.

John Lennon was shot outside his home in

New York on










C Macmillan Publirher li'mited 1997. PHOTOCOPIABLE

Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

B Macmillan Publishen Umited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

iFind sonxeotte who... workshee,
\Itrolcdass: spcafing I 1 Givc ooe copy of fte workheet to cach snrdcnt in thc

AIM Explain tbal they are goingto trant'orm thc statemcnr on

To ask and answer questions and to complcte a chart. theirwortshect ino que*ioruandtheago round thc class
asking one another thc que*ions.
Dates Ask Orcm to work in pairs orsmallgroups for the frst part
Fxpressions of time of the acthiry and to write downonaseparate pierc of
papcr thc qucstiors theywill need to aslc
VOCABUIARY Chcck thc questions - thcrc may bc sorcral dternattves for
one statemenl psl exemFle, ftc qtaionFfud nmeorc
uho has their birthfuy in the sme manth as;oz cottld
PREPARATION be answcrcd b,v any of the following qrstions:
Make one copy of thc n'orf,rhect for each snrdcnt in the das.
Is lnur birtMcy tn Febntry?
'Vhm isyourbtrthdalt
TIME 'Wat month Ls yur Urthdaf
20 to 30 misues .
:5 Now the snrdcnrs are ready to go round the class asking
one anothcrthe Ercsiom.
\Phen they furd somcone who ans,wcrs3ms to a qucstiorl
they put that person's naroe next to thc statement in the
qpacc provided It is very important to tcll tlre strdents ttnt !
thcy can onlyput thc samenamc twiae.This is to I

encouragc them to speal< to as mauydificren: lnrtncrs as I

possible. I

Vhen onc snrdeot has found nane for eadt of

a &c I
statcments on the worksheeq stop thc activity.
As a follow-up, ask thc studeoa o saywhictr sutemcnts
wcre difrcult oputa nanctoandwhidtwere easy.

O Macmillan tublishers timited 1997.

Vfimt aretlwirnama? Rsruard Elementary
Resource Pack
.'""1 '

3 M.<millan Publishers Limited 1997. PHOTOCOPIABLE

Wltat are their rtantes? worksheet
t 1 Ask tre snrdcnts to work in groups of three or four.
Groupwork spcaking
2 Givc each gmup onc copy of the n'orlshect. cut up, and
AIM ask tlrcsr to take three or fou picnrres each nithout
To 6nd out peoplis nrmes br dcscribing them. showing &co to the ottrcr snrdcnrs in the group. Thq'
sbould put the rcmaining picrures in a pile face dorvn.
Descibingpeoplc 3 Tcll them toimaginc ttrat ttrel knowthe people in their
Prcscnt continuors or present simple pictures but tbfi the ottrer sudens in their group don't
Actions ofthe &cg bands and bodY knon'&eo-
4 Now tdl ttrem trat ttrey arc going to dcscribc thcir ftiends
VOCABULARY to the otber suderts in their group, but 6rst thq shottld
Itcms of dorhing
spcnd a fcw minutcs invcntingnames for*rem and writing
dgnrn dcscriptioru of then. Be on hand to anss'er
PREPARAilON questiom and offer help for ttris pan of the activiry.
Make one copy of the *'ortsheet for cadt group of three or
four *udens in the class and ort the Picru€s out as indicatcd ;5 Now give one copy of the inuct sorlshect to each
Make onc copy of the n'orlshect for cach student in thc class student inthc r{r<c. Tell them not to identi$ their own
and don't cut the picfirc out. pi<tures of pcople on *re wortsheetl'ct
t i5 Snrdcots nowalie it in tums to describe the people in
TIME tlreirown picnles, widtout showingtheut, so ttrat the
20 minutcs
othcrstudcots in ttre group can identi$them on their own
wortsheec TheyshouH begin likc tttis:
?7n* is Katja Slub got slwrtfalr lnir and sle's
The otbcrsudests in *regroup shouldlisten to &e
complete descriptioo and then point to thc picnre of the
pcaon wto fis that dcscription- If they arc dghq ttey
strouldwrirc fte name on the picrure.

C.ontinue like this until the studcnts have fnished

desoibing ttrcir pcople. They should ttren inveni names
forthe rcmainiogpeople on the worksheet

1 Vhen the students have finishcd dcsctibing and writing
in tlrc names of peoplq tell thcm that therc are six*'
couplcs on tlrcirworkshecs and tbat thcy strould dccidc
who they are"

2 Vhcothcyhave fnisheddecidingwhichpeople go
togcthcr as couples, askthem to comtrnre thcir couples
with another $roup. TeJl ttreu that thcrc are no right
answers, but thcy $ould egplain wtry they put people

I Macmillan tublishers Umited 1997.

What aml goxng to do? Reuard Elementary
Resource Pack

a+ f, You're going to ask your ieacher a
You're going to drink a cuP of tea-" question.
it .1'
ir o.a
.t Q !' ?t
You're going to parachute ftom an You're going to dive into very cold
aeroplane. . waten
?.a o ?r tt
t+ ?r .t
O \
Youtre going to go out with someone
Yciu're going to eat a delicious meat. special tonighL
?t .a
l.a .
.t ?r .t ?r
' '
Younre going to ski down a mountain. You're going to do the washing up.

lt .1
+.a Jt
t? ,t ?t
'' You're going to go out for a walk in
the rain. t .t You're going to speak in public..


You'l"e going to sunbathe. You're going to run a race.

f You're going to take a class

You're going to get on a bus.
?t f
j t ?t O
t tt
You're going to get into bed. You're going to fall ofr a ladder.

l (} a
a a
' '
C Macmillan Publishen Umited 1997. PHOTOCOPIABLE
IWmt ant I goittg to do? worksheet
\Itrole dess spealiing 1 Ask $e $udents ro n'atch 1'ou. Choose onc of the mime
cards and mirne the actions 1'ou s-ould do in preparation
AIM forthe acion marked on the card (but not the acdon
To mimc the aaions leading up to somethingtou are going to itself;. Freeze jrm before the action itsclfand ask rhe class
do. To guess n'hat odter membcrs of dre class are going to do ll'Tnt an I goittg to do?\oudo not hat'e to bc a brilliant
b-r watching thcir mirne. mime anisn- but it is esscntial ftat 1ou arc s'illing ro mime
enrhusiasically and not be cmbanasscd - this sill put the
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS smdcnts ar ease when it is ttrcir tum to do a mime.
C,or'rlg lo + infnftive
2 Tcll tlre snrdents that tlrq'are going to elc it in mms to
do similar mimcs for ttre resr of ttte srudents to guess. But
VOCABUTARY bcfore trq'bcgia divide tre chss into teans of fir'e to
Evcrl'day and lcirurc actirities
PREPARATION 3 Decide rthich team is going to plal'frrs and ask them to
Ilake onecopyof the n'orlishcetand cut it up into mime cardi choor a srudenr to do the first mime. Remind them thq'
as indicated must freeze ius before the action and sa-v Wnt an I
goittgto do?
TIME 4 Give thc firs plal'era mime card and cxplain to the class
30 minutcs ,. . thaq q/hco hc/she freezcs, on$ the members of his/her
tcam arc dlowcd to call out a grcss at first. Team members
strouldco'nsultbefore gucssing If hisftcrtcam do not
guess the action correctly, the othcr t€anrs are allon'ed to
gucss. Teans score two pointsfora con€ct guess.'

5 C,mtinue until all the mime cards have been uscd- Thc
team with the highest score are the winners.

If you ttrink pur snrdents may bc embarrassed to mime in
front of the stoh dass, or if you barrc a veq' large dass, malc
one copyof theworlishectfor eadrgroup of six to eight
sftdensaod askthem to do the activityitr t!rcirgroups.

G Macmilhn tublisher timited 1997.

I'd like an ice crea,m, Please

E Macmillan Publithar Utnited PHOTOCOPIABLE
il'd like att ice creanx, please worksheet AD
ACTIVITY i e Te[ ttrc snrdens tlrat ttrq- are going ro ask for rhc food or
Whole class: qpcaking t : drink shom on their cards. Write an e:ampts rtietggus sn
.\till drill (Fordetailed ins-trucrions and advice on using mill i the boand" indicating the language dre snrdens should usc.
drills, rc thc notes for rcachers at $e beginning of thc , For oarnple:
Rcsource Pack.) i Studcnt k Canlleppu?
: Snr0entB: I'dlike anieaeat4please.
AIM Studcnt* WouldVoulikesfuaubaq,orchocolate?
To speak to as many pannen as possible, asking what peoplc i Student B: Chotute,ptease.
would likc and maliing polite requcss.
: 5 Demonstntctlrcactivitywieindieiduelsnrdens, using
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS : ttre cardlou keptforyourself. Tcll rbe students to hold
Offers and requcsrs
i thcir cads so that ttre picnre *rowing ttre food or drink is
VouAUke : acing ften aod tbcpicmrc showing rhc choicc of sizc,
Asking and seying how much things cosr
i flavour, ctc is facing ttreir partner. Ask scscral pairs of
i srudena to denonstrarc &e activiq to ttrc s,trolc class,
i using theirpicrues as promps.
Food and drink | 6 Now ask *re sndcns to go rouod tlrc ctass ql goup maliing
i rcquesrs aod ofering cboices with as narry differvrt
PREPARATION : pafirc$ as possible, using their picnue cards as prornpts. In
Makc one copy of the sorlaheer for eactr group dup to ren ii &is part of ttrc actirity, thc students rcqucst the sasrc food
snrdents. Cut the wortshea up into cads, bcing carefirt to crft .ii or drinlq but offcrdiffercnt sizc, flanours, ctc.
and fold as indicated. You will need to keep one card for
i 7 Vhenthesnrdeotshavcfnishc4ask$entoexchange
1'oursclf to dcmonsrate thc activity. i cards and to go rouod the class or group agai4 ttris time
i holding thcir cards rhe othawey round so that thc picnrrc
TIME I showiog rhc food or drink b hcing tbeirpaancr and the
15 minutes , picnrrcshowiogttrc choiceofsize, favour, ctc isfacing
themsctves. In this pan of the activity, thc studens ask for
PROCEDURE ' different food or drink eadr time tho'change partncr.
1 As this is a controlled practicc activity, it is esscntial tint
thc studen$ are familiarwith the vocabulary before doing
8 The snrdens coatinue making rcquess ind offering
choiccs in triswayuntil theyhavc spoken to as uany
the mill drill It is a good idca o usc thepicturcs on the
diferent pa*necs as possible.
mill drill cards to rwisc orpre-teach ttrevocabutarythe
*udestswill necd forthis aaivitp
Foodand drinh Chobe of sizgfawur, etc
You can exteod the dialogrre so that ttre snrdents practise
anieocam sbau;baryorchoalate? asking andsaying howmudr things cosL Bcforc theysart ttre
somcfurchftla . rqular or latge? aaivity, ask tbcm to witc the pricc of the food or drink cjn *re
somcuctteror Ea*lingorstilV part of the card showing the droice of size, flarrour, etq*you
aglassof wata can help them to decide how mudr these ttrinp usually cosc
sone a;ffee or blach oruhite? When all thesnrdears bave done that andyou bave ctrecked
aae of cofee ttnt they have put a! appropriate price on thcir cards, follow
sotu @ple pte or
uith cream or b oesn? the proccdure as abovg adding the following lines to ttre
4piece of npplepie sample dialogue
abu4u withfries or salad? Sndeat.& Eaeyouare
a@ke rqularotlarye? Studeot& Ilutth 1na Huu muclt is that?
esalad r uithuitratgette ormalnnnaise? StudeotA: Tluls99p. " ,.
asatdwiclr . (utith) white orbrowrbread?
AJtcrnativcly, the sardents can practise this threc-line dialogue
as:tcak mediumorrare? in a rgarzte m;ll drill cut offttrcrpart of tirc cards showing the
If there are more thrn 16a 561dsnts in the class, divide choice of sizg flavour, etc'and use thc picaues of food and
them into groups. Give one blded picnue card to each drink as mill drill cards. Ask tbe snrdcns to rcrite the price of
student in ttre class. Kcep one foryourself. the food or drinkshowu on their cards os the blank sidc.
Follow thcprocedure fora milt drill with snrdeos holding ttrc
Make sure each snflentknows howto saytlrc food or
cards with tbe picnms of food and drink ftcing them and the
drink shoruo in the picturc on their card. In particular, price ficirg theirgartnerforthefrsrpart of the acdvity, and
make srrrc they knowwhich article to use (a, an or sonu). then holding the cards thc ottrerway round for ttre second part
ofthe actirity.
O Macmillan tublishers Umited I997.
|- rLrgf s)) Lr rc|.l\

Reward Elementary
Resource Pack


Who was the last

person to eat !c9
^-' s. x"l3ffiHlri

- -
Who was the last
Who was the last
person to give
\t Person tobuY some
clothes? someone a present?

Who was the last

a person to have a
]- birthday?


Who was tbe last Who was the last

person to make a new person to have a meal
fiend? in a restaurant?

ilr ' r:'

ill G\- 6--r rVhowasthelast

lVho was the last lllll /A\ whowasthelast
Who was the last lli
personto go dancing? person to take d'taxif

lVho rvas the last Who rvas the last

person to lie on a person to do some
beach? exercise?

3 Macmiilan Publishers Umtted 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

worksheet Progress check
Vholc cless: qpeakiog 1 If ttrerc are more than 12 srudeffs in the cless, dhide thern
into gloups. Gh'e one card to each snrdcnt in rhc class.
AIM 2 Tell the smdcnr *ut ttrey ar respomible for finding ttre
Tofnd orn information about mcmbcrs of the dass by asking arswcr to the quesrion on their oqm card b,r- spcaking to
and ansruing qucstions.
evento$' in fte dass or gmup. trtalie sure eadr studcnt
knows how to ask thcir question corrcctll'and
GRAMMARAND FUNCTIONS understands tlut the,vn'ill have to notc dorn the times
Simplc past incgular vobs
when snrdcnts lastdid the aaions in orderto answerthe
Ytr- qucslioos
brptssioos of timc
For example;
Studentl[ Vhen did 1ou last eat ice oean?
VOCABULARY Studcnt B: 0 ate sotne ice cream) last ueehend
Evcryday and lcisrc acth'itic
(Student A$'rit6 Studcnt B's name and last ueekend.)

PREPARATION Smdent B: When did 1,ou last urite a lettn?

Make ooe copy ofthe worlsheet for each group ofup to 12 Student A: I u,rote to n J, gfandmOther in ,April on lta
snrdeots Cuthe cards out as indicated. birthdq''
(Studeot B wdtcs Studeot A s name andin,4pril)
TIME t.? 3 Now ask thc students to go round drc cbs or group asking
15 to 20 minutes
and aoswaing qucstions. Tdl theo that they can rnakc
ootcs on thc back ofthcir card

4 Vhcn thcy hn'c fuishc( thcyshouldsit donn and take it

in tufirs to r€portbackto the class orgmup onwlut they
found out during ttrcactivity.
For example:
Stefano uas the l6tto it
eatice qeam He ate
Milene was the laito tmite a letter. Slre urctc ta her
sista lastnight


Q Macmillan Rrblishers Limited 1997.

Snap! Reward Elementary
Resource Pack



O Macmillan Publishers Limited 1997. PHOTOCOPIABLE

Pairc'ork reading.$cating r
1 Tell the snrdents that thq'are going to plal' a card game
called SruPl

AIM 2 Ask the srudents to rsork in Paks or grouPs of three and

To pla,v a gamc of Srup.' bv meliiag correct collocations' explain hon'to pla-v thc game using the insructions
3 The srudents are readl to pl4'the game. \Xtdle thq' are
plaltng, go rcund to each group and check thq'are
playing correcdy.
Ircmsof shopping

Make two copies of tlrc r*'orlsheet for every two or three
$udents in the class and cut the cards out as indicated.

l0 to l5 minut€s


1 PlayerA strufrcs ttre cards and deals tlrcm dl out equall,v to words a bofle of andthe odrer card has a picnrc of a
dl the ph,vers" bonle of winc or a bottle of pcrirme, they go together.

2 Plal'ecs mus hold thcir cards in a pilc face down so ttnt :b If drc two cards do not gotogether, the next plal'er pus a
they can't sec fteo. card facc up on top ofthe Pile

3 Playcr A pua 6eir top card ftcc up on thc table- i7 Players continuc puning down cards and shouting Snapt
whentwo carG go togetheruotil thsvhave used all their
4 Playcr B pua *rcb top card hce uP on top of Plal'er A s cards.
:8 The playcrwith dre most cards at the end of the game is
5 If the two cards go rcgettrcr, ttre first playcr to sttout Snapl the winner.
picls up all the cards For examplc, if one card hes dre


g Macmillan tublishers Umited 1997.

,* !

Lost andfound Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

g iua(millan Publishers Umited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE


Lost anclfottnd workshee"

@^ o@
I'jOTE: Use Worksheets 27a and 27b lor this activity,

ACTIVIW 3 Ask the srudens ro nodi in groups of rhree to fn'e.

spealiing t
4 Gire one copy of ttrc intact rtrorlsheet l-a ro each group
and allos- the srudcnts a fen'minues to look ar it. Point
AIM out that there are tuee different lcrsions ofeach obiect.
To find losr obiecs bv derribing them.
for example a square. silk scarf. a shon $-ool scarf and a
long u'ool scarf. l'ou might nent to elicit from the
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS srudcns n'ords thq'cor:Id ur to dcscribe the orher
Describing oblecr
VOCABUL.A,RY vztch; latge/n tn ll, tou nd/qtm rc
Adieaives to dcscribe objecrs
iacka or coat sllort/lorrg, (twde oJ) leather/uool
bag: mull/brye, (nude oJ) Ieatha/plast ic
address book lctttg/squarc, thin/thick" (nnde ot)
PREPARATION leathr/plastic
Ilalic one cop-v of \\brlishess 27eand 27b for each group of (n ade
putsle'. stnMatge, rcu nd/recta ngu Ia r/lottg.
three to fir'e studcnr. Cut *rem up into cards as indicated.
c[) leather/plastic
tlalie one copy ofll'orkheet 27a for each group and do oot
cut it up. i5 Now givc ooe cop-v of Wor(sheca 2ia and 27b cut up into
cards to each group. Explain that for o'cr-r' picnue card
TIME with tosTma*ed on it there is an identical card sith
t. )
20 minutes FOT ND maftcd on it. Malie sre thc snrdeots understand
the meaning of LOST and FOUND.
Now ask cach group ofstudenr to shuffe their LOST and
1 Tell the sodents that 1'ou lost an object yesterday, for
FOUND carG toge&er. hrplain ho*'to play the game
oramplc a bag. Eicit the questionlVhat's it like? and
rsing the insrructions below.
describ€ it
For oampte The snrdents are read'to play the game. Wtrile thq'are
It's snall and rrude of leatha. plafing, go round to each group and check thq'arc
playing correcdp
2 Now tell tlre students that ttrey arc going to play a game by
describing obiects the-r have lost, using pictttrcs as


1 Each ptayer takes six cards. They must not show their PlaycrA describes the object and thc other players in /
cards to ttr otlrerpl4'crs. Irave the rest of the cards in a the group decide whether thcybavc got a picrurc cqpd
pile, facc down. showing the same objccr If thc dcscriEioa does not
matdr anotherplayer s pichre cad PliycrApidrs up
2 If apleyerbas got two idcntical picture cards, onewith
a card ftom the top of thc pile and it is Player B's tum
IOST and ooe with FOUND marl(ed on iq he/she puts
. them back to tlre bottom of thc pile and takes two new
to pley. $-

cards. If anothcr playcr thinks fue/she lus got a card showing

the sane obicc! he/shc gives the cardo PlaycrAand'
3 Player A chooses one of his/her cards and tclls the rest of
ui}s Is thts tt?lfthe objccts frc thc samg PlalrerA puts
the group, withouf showing hisfher carrd" that he/she has
ttre two ideotical picnrrc cards hack to the bonom of the
ei&er lost orfound thc objcct on ttre card For ocample, if
pilc. Ifthe objccts arc oot ideotical, Players A and both I
thc card has got a picturc of a scarf aad the word IOST
pick up a card ftrom thc- top of the pile aod it is Pleyer B's
marked on iq StudentAsalr Yslerdq Ilost a scarf.Ifthe
hrfn toPlay.
card has got apiciure of a scarf and thc word FO{JND
mad<cd on i! Ptaycr AvysYakrdq lfound a scatf The game continucs until *re frstplrycrhasgot rid of all
hisftercards. Ttris playcr is the winncr.
4 The studeoton Uqpr,ft tft (PlayerB) ttren asks PIaycrA
o dcscribc drc object, bysaying Vhafs tt l&e?
O Macmillan tublishea Umited 1997.
A@ lkosr
andfound Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

C Macmillan Publishers Limited l9!17.
. t*.
@louchl Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

o Macmillan fublbhers Umited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

lOuchl worksheet
ACTIVITY 2 Now ask the sndeos to wort in pairs.
Pairwodq groupworlc nniting, speaking ' 3 Girrc one copy of *re wortshcct o cach pair of snrdens
and ask them to complete the healrh complaints on their
To writc complains abour heafth and corresponding advicc. worlslreets by writiag in thc spaccs gorided Thq- strould
To playagamc by natdring advicc to complains. not complerc thc advice coluon yct Be on hand to:rnslcr
questions and offcr help for tbis pan ofthe acthin.
GRAMMA,R AND FUNCTIONS Vhen the snrdene have dmc ttrat, ask them to s'ort sith
Asking and sagng howlou fed: anothcrpah of snrdmn and ro exctrange ttrcir wortshect
rfd-. wittr thcm"
My* hur1s
lwgot.- Nowpairs of sudorts strould rcad ttre comphins on ttreir
Synpathising and gSdngaMce; should,shouldn,t new wortshect and writc a relevant piecc of advicc, using
slnuA or slpuldnt for each complaint in rhc spaccs
provided on thc wo*shccr.
Adiactivc to dcscribe howl'ou fecl Vhen the snrfuis have done thag askdrem to stal, in
Nouru forillnesscs groups offour for the rcst ofthe acriviq'. Ask cacb pair ro
on theirwortshect up as iodicarcd, kccping ttrc advice
PREPARATION cards scpamrc from thc complaint cards. They should dren
Malic one copy of the worlahect for cadr pair of students in combine complaint carrds and advic cards in Oreir groups.
the clas but do not cut it up 1'a. you will necd to provide t' (Iherewill be two complaiot cards forcver'' advicc card-)
rissors f0r eadr gmup of four snrdeos.
Ask them o stlrffe theconplaint cards and the advicc
TIME cards andput ttrem i[tsoseparatepib on the rable.
30 minutes 8 brplain how toplay rsing 6c instruaions bclow.

PROCEDURE 9 Now the students arc ready to play rhe game. Vhilc they
1 Tfrite &e following incomplete s€ntenccs on the board are playing go round to each group and ctreck ttrey are

and ask the snrdents to zuggest different ways of playingcorectly.

complctiog tlrou
My.- luft
fue got -


Each playcrtakcs
fourcomphintcards and two advice is If a playcrcannotput down a corrcct Fald" he/shchcks
onc up from thc appropriarc pilc on thc ablc and thc next
PlayerAputs downacardshowing thefirst half of a playerpus down acard-
complainr 5 \Fhcn altthe cards arefnished, theplaycrwith thg most
Phycr B must completc the complaint concctly nsing one cardsis thc winner.
of hislher cards

Player Cpus do*n a card showing a piece of advice for

ttrc complaint If it is correct, he/she keqx tlrc threc cards
and pus down the 6rrt half of a ncw complainl

O Macmillan tublisher: Umited 1997.

World Etiz Reward Elementary

Resource Pack

Cb fn" Pacific Ocean is bigger than tbe continent of .",,'
Asia Tbue orfatse?
A: tue. The Pacific is three times bigger than Asia.'
Clt tt u larsest active volcano on earth is in Hawaii.
Thue or false?
Ql A Jumbo jet flies higher than Concorde. TFue or
false? A3 ff:ue. Mauna Loa, in Hawaii, is 4168 m hiCh.

Af fate. A Jumbo jet nies op to 12 hr high and

.Q:fne oldest country in the world is Eg:pr Ttue or
Concorde flies up to 18 kmhigh.

QrWnicn mountain is higbec MountKilimanjaro in Al tr'atse. Iran has been an independent county since
Africa or Mont Blanc in France? the 6th century BC.

At Mount Kilimanjaro is 5895 m high, N{ont Blanc

is 4810 m high. Ql me highest capital city in the world is i,apazin
Bolivia. Tlue orfalse?
Q3 Which is the largest desert in the world: is it ttre At tue. It is 3625 m high in the Andes.
Sahara of North Africq the desert of Patagonia in
South America or the Gobi desert of Central Q: fne largest wheadeld in the world is as big as
Asia? 2000 football pitches. Tfue or false?
A tne Sahara covers 8400000 sq krr" the desert of A: fate. The largest wheatfield is in Canada and is
Patagonia covers 670000 sq km and the Gobi as big as 20000 football pitches.
desert, l040000sqkm.
Ar rqErst
Q tn"." are more sheep in Australia than people. or false?
True or false? Al ttue.It is nearly 10 times larger than Briain.
A* True. tr- l[g gls]L uw uu q
Cbwrrictr mouniain range is oldec the Urals in Liberty in New York.lhte or false?
Russia or the Higblands of Scotland? At ttue. The tallest tree, the giant redwood" is l12 m
A3 fne Ilighlands are 400 million years ol4 the hish and the Stanre of Liberty is 93 m high.
Urals are 250 million years old.
'L t rvuErvJr 6'rvuuu.
Q:fne most expensive land in the world is in the York, Tokyo or London?
centre of Hong Kong. Tlue or false? A3 London has zt00 km ofunderground.
A* tue. It costs $180000 per sq m€tre to rcnt.
Q: Wtrerc is the largest hotel in the world: is it in
Q: fne shortest scheduled flight in the world lasts New York, Moscow orSydney?
nine and a half minutes. Tlue orfalse? A: It's in Moscow. The Hotel Rossiya has3200
A: farc. The shortest scheduled flight (in Scotland) rooms.
lasts two mirutes.
Q: foe nails'grow faster than finger nails. Ttue or
Cb Oeath Valley in North America is the driest place false?
in the world. Tbue or false? A: faAe. Finger nails grow faster than toe nails.
A: fafe. Death Vallcy is the driest place in North
America, but the Atacama in northem Chile is the Q: fn" wettest place in the world is Liverpool,
driest place on Earth. England. Tnre or fatse?
A: fafe. Mounl Wai-'ale-'ale in Hawaii is ttre
Cb fn" tallest iceberg above water was as tall as the wettest place - it rains 335 days a year.
Eiffel Tower, Paris. Tbue or false?
A: fafe. It was half as tall as the Eiffel Tower.

I Macmillan Publirhe6 timited t9!17. PHOTOCOPIABLE

iWoild, quiz worksheets
@ " o@
Use Worksheer 29a

Groupnork spcaking 1 Dmw a noughs and crosxs grid on tlre board and ask a
srudcnt to comc to the board to plal'a gamc sirh vou.
AIM $trcn one of1'ou has got a linc ofnoughs or crosscs,
To play a e2me of noughr and crosses b,v choosing the conect explain to the snrdents that thq'are going to plal'the same
anss'ers to quesrions about world facts. gamc, but that ttre.v can onlr put a nought or cross on the
grid if thq anslvcr a question corrcctly.
C,omparativc and superlative forms of slnn adjectives Ask the snrdcna to work in groups of four or six and to
divide their groups into rwo teans, Tcam A and Tcara B.

VOCABUIARY Givc one copy ofTean A questions to each Teagr A and a

copy ofTeam B questions to each Team B.

PREPARATION Fach group draws a noughts and crosscsgid on a piece of

MaI<e one copy of Wortstrees 29a and 29b for eadt group of paperand thcn decidcswhir*t tcam is going to be noughts
four to six s$dents in &c class. and whidr is going to bc crosscs.

Amembcrof TeamA reads out a questioo from their

TlME question shcet to Team B. IfTeam B ghr the correct
30minutes aoswer, theycboosc a sqrnrc on thcgfid and put a nought
t.. or a cross in it. It is now Tcam B's turo to rcad out a
question from ttreirqucstion shect forT€am A to atlswer.

Continue fike this, with teams uking it in hfits to ask and

answcrquestions, until onc tcamgets a line of norghts or
cmsses. Thcy scorc one point for gqting a lioe.

Play the gane rgrin und all thc qucstions have been
answered- Thetcamwith thc hig[c$ rore is the winner.

O Macmillan Pubtishers timited 19!t7.

@ World quiz Reward Elementary
Resource Pack


Q! Concorde flies faster ttran the speed of light. Tlue

or false?
A: fafe. Concorde flies faster than the speed of
Q3 There are moie cats in the USA than sheep in
Australia. IFue or fabe2

Q:Wticn is hardec quartz ordiamond? A: False, but therc are more cats in the USA than
people in Australia.
A3 Diamond is the hardest mineral on Earttr.

Q: Penguins can swim faster than humans' Tbue or

Q: \l/hich is the longest mountain range: the
Himalayas of Asia or the Andes of South
America? A: Tlue. ttrey can swim four times faster &an
A: tte Andes are7243 kn long, the lfimalayas are
3860 km long. tall as giraffes- Ilue or
CF Sunflowers can grow as
Q: rdicfr waterfall is highen the Angel Falls in
Venezuela or the Tugela Falls in South Africa? A: ttue.
A: tte l,ngel Falls are979 m high.The Tugela
Clfn" tallest statue in the world is the Statue of
Falls are 948 m high.
Liberty in Ncw York. Tlue or false?
C[ fft" worst place for earthquakes is Japan. Tlue or A3 tr'atse. The tallest statue is the Buddha in Tokyo,
false? Japan, and it is 120 m high. The Statue of Liberty
is 93 m high.
A* farc. China has the worst record forearttrquake
deaths. In 1976, an eartlrquake killed 750000
Clttt" largest animal is the African elephant. Ttue
or false?

Clfn" smallest country in the world is Monaco' At tr'atse. The largest animal is the blue whale'
Tme or false?
The smallest country is the Vatican City'
Q: fne biggest bird is the ostrich. Ttue or false?
A': fafe.
.$ rrue.
CF wtricfr city has the longest full name: Beijing'
Cardiffor Bangkok? Qlfne hrgest lived-in palace in the world is
Buckingham Palace in London. Tbue or false?
A': trangkok.Ia full name has 16T letters-
A3 Fatse. The palace of the Sultan of Brunei has

widest road in the world is in Brazil. True or 1788 rooms and257 toilets.
it CF gomUay in trndia is wetter than Rome in ltaly.
!b true. It is the Monumental Axis in Brasilia and
Thre or false?
is 250 m wide.
A: trre. [n an average year, more rain falls in
Cb wtrerc is the largest art gallery in the world: is it Bombay than in Rome.
in ltaly, Spain or Russia? /
Q:fne longest alphabet in &e world has 74lenen.
A: nnssia (the Winter Palace in St Petersburg)- Tlue or false?
Cl: Where is the smallest professional theatre in the A3 ttue.It is used in Cambodia.
world: is it in Lisbon, Hambury or Reykjavik?
A: Hamburg. The Piccolo holds only 30 people'

Q: There are morc canle in New Zealand than

people. Tlue or false?
A,: True.

c Mrcmillrn Rrbli3hec Urnit€d 1997. PHOTOCOPIABLE

Find the puson with tlrc most... Reward Elementary
Resource Pack

Who lives in the Whoplays the

most beautiful most dangerous
place? sport?

Who has the most


Who had the Who has the

healthiest smallest pet?
breakfast this

Who has the best Who has the most

singing voice? tiring lifestyle?

Who has the Who has the -

oldest youngest brother
grandparent? or sister?

Who has the
longest journey
to worUschool?

C Macmillan Publisher: Umited 1997. PHOTOCOPIAELE

i Find the pet'sotx witlt the ntost,.. worksheet @

Whole class: sPcatiog 1 If there are morc ttran 12 studcns in the drss. diride them
into groups. Giveone card to eactr srudcnt in the class. "
AIM 2 Tcll ttre snrdens that trq arc responsblc for finding the
To find out informerion about mcmbers of ttre dass $ asking
answerto the quc*ion on theirosn card by spcaliing to
and answcring qucstions. ocqtodf in the dass or group. Ildie srm cach snrdent
knont how to ask thcir qucstion conecrl.r and give them
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS some timc to tlrink about the questions tlr.v need to ask.
@mparativc and zupcrlathc fonns of short and loagcr For example
adiectives On ttre cart Who tiues in tte most beaultful place? Fhtd
Adjectivcs to dcscribe pcople, cr-eryday acrivitics and lcisurc Que*ions: Wlere do 1ou hn? Vhafs tt lihe?
activities 3 Now ask thc snrdeos to go round the dass or group asking
and urswcring qucstions' Tcll them that thq'can mdie
PREPARATION notes on thc back ofdreir card ifoeccssuy.
Makc ooe copy of fte wortsheet for cadr group of up to 1 2
mrdeos. Cut tlrc cards out as itrdicated 4 Whco ttrey havefinishe4 they should sit dom r*'fth rwo
or tbree students from the same group, diruss the

TIME information they have gathered and comc to a grouP

t. 1
decision about ttre answcrs to the quc*ions on
15 ro 20 minutes
At this sage, cncounge them to use tbe bnguage of
fql q{2mPlc:
s$dcotil I thit* fuskethall is mote fungetotts than
I thitth sutimming is
StudcotB: Well, I can\ sttim,so
morc danguous tlun bashetball!

5 When they hare finishe4 ttrey should rcll the rest of tttc
ctass the answers to tbe qucstions on their cards.

Ask thc studens to stay in their groups and to write the
information ttreyhave gatheredoo aposrerto bc displayed in
the classroom.
For examplc:
In ourgoup...
HdIhrc livq in tlw most beaaffulplae- She liws in
SteJarwplays tlu most fungaous spolt He plays
rugw' ' f
Miht has tlre flasttntaesting embition Sle uanB to
be theftst untun on the moat

€ Maimillan tublishers timited 1997.
rrvglc)J !laGLA

Think of a word Reward Elementary

Resource Pack

Something smaller

A verb tlat goes with it

A word. that comes earlier in the dictionary

A longer wordbeginning with the same letter

rd shorter word beginning with the same letter

An adjective to describe it

The opposite of that adjective

Another word the adjectives go with


Some&ing smaller

A verb that goes with it

A word that comes earlier in the dictionary

A longer word beginning with the same letter

A shorter rvord beginning with the same letter

An adjective to describe it

The opposite of that adjective

Another rvord the adjectives go lvith

C Ma€millan fublishers timit€d t997
Tlzink of a tard worksheet prosress check
Groupwork rriting, spcaking r 1 Wiite anv noun on thc board
For i.remFle:
AIM elephant
To play a game by fnding n'ords in giver catcgorics.
Now ask thc studenr to suggesr thc follon-ing:
somcthing biggec for examplc . a junfuo jet
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS rcmetlfng srnallec for exaanple. a zrolrse
Compantht forms
a verb that goes n'ith ir for erzmple, nZe
a q'ord that comcs earlicr in thc dicdonarJ': for
a longerword bcginning sith the same lenen for
examplg acamhtation
a shonerword bcainning nith the same lenec for
Mdie one copy of the wortshect for each group of tluee to
cxample, egg
6r'e snrdents in the class.
an it for example, brg
adjcctilr to dcscribe
the opposite of that adjecth'c onall
another word thc adjecdvcs go sittr: for oiample,
30 minutcs

2 Now ask the studenc to E'ork in groups of three to fn'c

t,. and tell them that thclare going to do the same ttring in
thcir groups.

3 Give eadr group a copy of the q'o*sheet.

'4 Tcll them ttntyou arcgoitrg to write a word on the bsard
and that theyhave towritcwords oo one of the charts on
ttrcirworlahcct in the qpaces provided, according to ttrc
instructions. Tell thern that they must do it as quickly as
possiblc and that youwill stop the acthiq as soon as one
of the groups has found a word for each category.

Vrite aword on the board The following ar€ some

e-amFles of words you can usc:. .
apple lorrt' hottsc tcadter planc train
horse banana footbdl sandwich
neq/spaper cigarette desk bath irmbrella
grape ice seam window door boot'
guitar television biq'cle cbair sw6ater
mountain piaoo s"alct fostcard
hamburger samp suitcasc i
6 As soon as onc group fnishes, stop thc activity. -
7 Checkthe answers. Eadr group ges one point for a word
which is correctand different fromthe othergroups'
words for tbat catcgory.

8 The groupwithttrehighestscoreisthe winner.

9 Play as many rounds of dre game as you like, using a

differeot word each"time and providing more cbpies of the
chartifnecessary. '- '
To makc the activityeasier, dlowthe students to use a

@ Macmillan Publishes Umited 1997.

Guess the pl"ace


C Macmillan Publishers Limited 'l997. PHOTOCOPIABLE

tlrc Place workshee,
@ 6

r$holectass:rdting;speating I 1 Think ofa place rvhere qstoms and rules must be
follon'cd and rrir
somc cxanple sctrtences on the board
without mcntioning the place you have in mind.
To r*rite donn *'hat 1'ou can and can't do in places and to For example:
gucss wtnt &e placc arc by reading the dcs. You mustn't ride a biq'cle
Youmust t't stoP.
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Y&rnustnt jall asleep.

trfus,musnl You rnustn't dritef^sts than tlp limit

In sone @.untries Jou fittst Pa],.
VOCABUIARY Ask the snrdcos to guess n'hat the placc is. (A moton'a)'.)
Tell thcm that theyare going to ndte similar rntertces
PREPARATION about other places
copyofthe wortsheet for each group ofup to tcn
Make one
sildcots. Gtttbe catds out as indicated
:3 lf therc are more than ten snrdents in ttre chss, dividc
ttlem into goups. Gh'c one card to cadr srudent in the
ctass. Tell thesnrdcas not to showtheirown picnrc to
NME the other snrdeots in their group.
20 midutes
t4 Ask fic studeots towrite scntslces about the place on
*reirown card onthc bacl. of tttc card The scntenccs
should begin Yoa must $ You mustn't.While they arc
doing this, be on hand to answer questions and offcr help.

Whcn theytravc done this, askthem to go round the class

or group, workingwith as masy difrerent paftErs as.
possblc. Thcy should uke it io hms to read out their
sentcoces to one another, making surc tlnt their picture is
hiddeq and to guess thet Partnet's place. ughen they have
gucscd conectly, theyshould clangc partner.

The students continue until they bave wortcd with as

oary diftrent gartncrs as possible.

@ Macmillan tublishen Umired 1997.

Haue you eu€r...t Rerrard Elernentary
Resource Pack


C Macmillan Publishen Umited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

iHaue J:ott euer,..? worksheer@, 6

ACTIVITY For e>rample:

Groupworli: nriting, sPcating Wlrcd didlou lose them?
Vere thEt u7 Pqs or Inuse hels?
AIM Didpufttdtlrcm again?
To playa grne byaskingand arswering questions about
Repcat procedurc poins 3 and 4 rsing onc of Tcim B's
cxpcricoces. verbs.

GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Give tlre follos'ing lisc of vcrbs to each Team l!
Prescnt pcrfect to ulk about expericnces lose go &ilk lh'e visit pla)' drh'e
Pasr simple to talk about a definite time in the past mcet listen to wric go ridc cat bq'
scc read makc wardt find har-e
VOCABULARY Give tlre following list of vcrbs to cadt Team B:
Pas paniciples of rcgular and irregular verbs
sc€ cook qrt find read go bul
win gve fdl brcek risit ddnt qztch
PREPARAflON he2r travcl feel scnd ndte losc
Make one copy of dre game board for every six srudcnts in the :

dass. Providc dice and counters for each group. ;t Now tell ttre snrdens that thq'are goiog to srite a
qucstion bcginning Haw 1ou er,erand an additiooal
TIME qucstion in thc simple pasforeadr of ttre vcrbs oo their
I hour list Tell ttrem to choose one member of tlrc team to write
down the questions.
I Ask ttrc snrdmr to work in groups of six and to divide
Alteriatively, if youwentd to @up this paa of fte
activiry, the thrccstudeotsin eadrrcam coulddh'ide the
ttreirgroups inrorwo tearns, TcamA andTeam B.
verb's out bct\vceo them andwrite the rntenccs
2 Tell drcm ftat ttrq are going to play a gzmc but tlut individually.
before fteydqyou arc going to gh'e each team a list of
While the snrdents arc doingthis, be oo hand to answer
verbs aod theyarc goiqg to preparc some qucstions using
questions and offer hep.
these verbs.
I?hen theyhare done thag give one copy of the wortshcet'
3 yrdlg an example question on the boardvsngHaue you
to each group of strdeots and erplain how to pl;i.v the
ewf. game rsing the instnrctions below.
losa Ilaueyau eualostl,ow keys? Thc snrdsrts are now ready to ptay thc game..While they .

arc playinC, go round to eadrgmup and dtcck they are

4 Ask studeots the erampte question and if a student
playing corrcaly.
answers Yq I lnw, ask foradditional information


1 Put the game bord intlrc middle of theublc. I fromTeamAgives a true aoswer to thc Arcstion if
he/she has had the experieacc or invents an answel.if
2 Each team placcs their'counter on thc squares marked
he/she has not had tbe enperience. TeamB theo gucss
whetherthe answeris true orfalsc.
PlayerI fromTeamA throws the dice and moves the fcag Bt nrm to throw thc dice
Ifttrey guess conectly, it is
counter along theboard according to thi: number on the '
and movc their counter aloog tf,e board-
If theydo not guess correctly, Team A can thmw the dice
If thecounterlaods on a sErare with a number only, Player
and movc their ssutrlei agtin, Players must promise to be
I fromTcanB thr,owr the dice. '. {
If Team A s couster hnds on a square withverb, Playm 1
The game continues with playcrs from ea.616x6 taking it
fromTeamB reads"out the questioa they have prepared
io turns to ask and answer questioos ustil the ft$ team
usiag thetverb. Plaler I from TeamA must answer )leg f rcadres the square ma*ed FINISA lhis team is thc winnec.
ftaue,whetherthisistnre orfrIse. Ph1'er I fromTeamB .

then asla the question requiring firther infonnation. Plal'er

O Macmillan Publishers timited 1997.

I'ue jrct. . .

g Macrnillan Publirhers Limited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

I'ue just,.. worksheet
@ ,

\Ihole class: spcaking ! 1 If fterr arc more tlran ten sudents in tre class. diridc
llill drill (Fordcailed insrucrions and adrice on using mill them intogroup6. Give onc folded card to eadr snrdcnt in
drills, sce the notes for teachers at the beginning ofthe the class. Kcep one forl'ourself.
Resource Pack) ,7 Tell ttre sudcnts ttnt thq'art going to ulli about rhings
that have iust happcned using ttreir cards as prompa.
AIM Write an oamplc didogue on the boan( indicating the
To spcak to asnary partncrs as possiblc, using picnrrcs as
language thc snrdeoa should usc.
prcmpts to ?lk about somcthirig whidr has just happcncd.
Studmt .t
Yotr looh atorried Vlafs ltapfutcd?
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS B: h)e just lost tn),wallet
Prcscil pcrfed to talk about recent c!'ents:jt6t aadyt
Studcnt,t Haw 7nu oA the polie )et?
Srudent B: Not yet, but I'm going to.
General Dcmonstrare ttre acthitywith individul snrdcna, using
the cardpu keptforpursclf. Tell the sndents to hold
PREPARATION their cards so ttnt the picnrc sho*iag thc action s'hidt
Makc one copy of thc wo*sheet for each group of up to ten has jrst happcncdishcing them and ttrc picrurc of ttrc
snrdcnts and cut ttr
cards out, bcing carcfrrl to cut and fold as fice is hcing theirpartncr. Theirparmerlegins ltott
indicated. You will necd to kcep one card foryourself to Ioo&.... Ask several pairs ofsnrdents to demonstrete thc
demonstrate the activity.
t.? activity to thc wholc dass, uing thirpicures as prompts.

Now a* the students to go round the chcs 61gpup and

TIME a* ad anss'cr qucstions with as masy difiercot pafines
li minutes
aspossiblc, wqg theirpicmrc cards as pomps tn this
pan of thc aaivity, tlrc studeats ask different gucstiors
cadr timethcTdungc partncr, but givc tbc sanc answer.

Vhenthe snrdents harve finistre4 ask them to orctnnge

cards and to go mund the dass orgroup again, this time
holding so tbat the picare
thcircar&thc ottrerway rormd
shoging the action whidr has fur happened ;s facing their
gartnerand thefacc isfrcingthem. The srudeos take it in
trmsto ask and answerqucstions uing ftcirpicnre cards
asptompB. In this pan of ttrc activity, the students ask thi
sane question sevcraltimes, but give a diffcreot answer
eadrtimctheycbangepartncr. 1

The studcns continue asking and ansvraing in tlds\ray

rmtil theybavc spoken to as manydiffertnt parmers as

@ Macmillan tublishers Umited 1997.

Purposeful actiuities

What do
people do to

Flnd out.

C Marmillan Publirhers Umited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

'iPrnPornful ottfurtB workshee,
@ d

1 lfthere are rnore than tco studcns in *re class. diridc drem
$''hole class: sPeaking
into groups. Gh'e one card to cadr mrdcil in the dass'

AIM 2 Telt rhe snrdems tlnt thcl are rcsponsible for fioding the
To 6nd out informadon about people by asking and answering answcr to *re question on their os'n card by spealiing to
qucstions. eve4tody in tlreir group. Ilalie srre the snrdcnr knos'
how to formulate thc quc*ion comctly.
Infnitirc ofpurPosc Srudcnt/[ Vlat do Wu do ta rclzx?
StudentB: I n dasical music
VOCABULARY What tuYu do to kee?ft?
Routinc activitics Student,t I uta& ,o unrh aetY dall
3 Now ask ttre stud€nts to go round the cl's or SlouP asking
Make one copyoftbewortshcct for each group ofup to tcn and answering qnestioru. Tcll thcnr that *rey may necd to
indicated. make notes on a separatc piece ofpapcr.
smdents. Cut the cards out as

4 Whcn thcy havc qpokeo to evcrybodl in the cless or

TIME. group, thcy strould taIG it in tums to report badi to the
li to 20 minutcs class orgroup onttre information they have for.rnd our

Ask *rc snrdcosto workwith one ortwo othersmdcnts in
ttrcir group and to wdte thc info'rmation ttrey have gthered
on apostcrtobe disPlaycd in tbc dassroos.
kueral4ple ln tlu das uatrh telaision to ,elax
Pobcfut pain8', Mari*Ia ube listens to clasicat mttsic
Mtnina, M&i and C.arlos go n ttu gttt ta heeprtt
Bruno and Ahned plafiooba4 and Eif ualks ta

@ Macmillan PuHishea Umited 1997

I do it nty way Reward Elementary
Resource Pack
. : j'i i


lread novels...

lspeak my own language...

lgo to work/school...


I do rny homework...

I make friends...

I play tennis...

On the phoner lspeak...


C Macmillan Publishe6 Limited t997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

',1 do it tttjt waj worksheet
Pair:*'orli: uriting spcaking r I Girr one cop.v of thc worlisheer to each snrdent in rhe

AIM 2 choor ten incomplete

Ask them to scnrences from treir
To talli about thc nz-v people do evc4'da1'actirities and to
n'o*sheet and to compleie them in anvna_v true for
guess what ftc acti\ities are.
thenselves by adding an appropriarc adrerb.
For cxarnple:
I singbadly.
I read nowls slouly.
I eat ter1,qui&11,.
Adverbs Thq'mus usc a different adverb for each acdritl'.
Everl'day actirities Bninstorm advc6a bcfore the snrdcosstart the actiriry if
nec6siu,'. Thq'should not let *rc othcrsruderrts see s'hat
PREPARATION thq'are writing.
Make one cop.v of the t*'orlshect for each snrdent in the dass.
3 When ttrq'have 6nished, tell thc snrdcnts thai 1'ou arc
going to tell them hon'1ca do somcttringand thq'must
TIME gucss n'hich of the acrivitics on theirwor&sheet
20 minutcs )ou are
referring to.
,.4 Forexamplc:
Ifs somethtng I do utell Gpcak Btglish)
It's sontethlng I do lotttlll,. Qaugh)
4 Now ask the students to work in pain and rcll them tfrat
theyare going to take it in hlfos to tell theirpafincr ho\r
they do an activity and to guess what thcirparmer's
activitics are. They should read ttrem out in the same nay
as in the example above.

5 Snrdcns can trave fire tries at guessing each activirr'. Thcy

cro score 5 points forguessing thc 6rst timg 4 poinb for
guessing the second time, 3 points for the tbird timc, ctc If
a sftdeot hrsn't guessed after fwc trics, ttreir partircr scores
5 points.

6 Thesnrdcntwittrthchighestrorcistrcwinner.. :

@ M:cmillan publishers Umhed 1997.

rrv9.c5J l-laclgra

Crossword Reward Elementary

Resource Pack



3 You go there to have a drink.








--' E< "--"*

B cLUEs DowN

1 You drive over it to cross a river.







C Ma€millan Publirhets Umited 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

i Ct"oSSWOrd worksheet prosress check (@

ACTIVITY 2 Divide the class into Gmup A and Group B.

Pairwork spcaliing, *riting
3 Explain that.rou arc going o givc both groups ttrc vrne
crossword but that Group Anillherg thc across n'ords
AIM alreadi'$rinen inand Group Bwill bavc the doqn nords
To*ritc cluesfor a ctossn'ord and to completc it drcady wriacn in Thcir usk is to vritc due for the n'orG
writtco oo thck crosswords.
Infnitive of purposc Givc a copy of crosss'ord A to cach snrdcnt in Group A
and a copy of crossword B to cadrsnrdcnt io Group B.
VOCABUIARY A* the snrdcots to wo*with two orthree othersmdents
Everyday objecrs
from tlrc same group. Ilry stould invcnt and qrite down
duesforthe words on their cmssq'ord in tlre spaces
providcd. Encourage thcm to usc the target language. All
PREPARATION ttrc snrdena should writc the ducs down on thcir osn
Makc one copy of the worlishcrt for cach gair of srudeots in
the dass and cut it out as indicatcd.
whcn ttrcy hzvc fnishcdwrfting theirilues, the snrdents
TIME shouldwortwith partnerfrom the other group Qc a
40 minutes wort wiih a snrdcnt ftom
sardent from Group A should
Group B). Th{must not strowthcircross;word to their
1 Tcll ttre mrdents that pu are goiry to givc thcm a
Ask thc snrdcnts to sit facing one anothcr and uke it in
dcfnitionof aworrd;.grddnr ttreyhavc to guesswhat the
tums to ask tbeAEartnerfor ducs to the missing words on
word is Write 1'ou go there to harc a driok'on thc board
thcirown crossnord- Theyshould read out the dues they
Eicit thc ailswec 'pub'. Now vnitc You &ivc ovcr it to
harr wriaen for their partner to guess the words, and
crcs a'tifr.' Elicit the rnsmrer 'briQe'. Tell the snrdcns
writcin thc missing words oo thcir crosswords from the
that theyarc goingtolvrite similardefnitions of words as
clues their parurer gives thero.
clues fora o,osswuffi*


@ Macmillan Publishen timitod i997.

Trauel dominow

O Macmiltan Publishers Utrnted 1997. PHOTOCOPIASLE

donilnoes workshee,
@ ,
Group*'ort spcaliing . ' 1 Explaio to the students tbt tibe!' are going to pla-r a game
of doninoes \'matdring *nrds ftar go together- for
AIM *tmele departurc lounge, atiual laII erc- and rlnt ghc
To playa gamc of dominocs by matdringwords that go
oblm of the grmc is to fct rid of all fteir dominocs.
2 Ask tbe sudcots towo* in grouprs of tluce and gh-e each
group ofsndcnts a sct ofdoqninocs. Ask ttrcm ro deal out
tbrec domiaocsea.h md tolcavc ttrc rest in a pilg hce
VOCABUTARY 3 Bdorcthevsarg eThin howoplayusing thc
!7ords asciacd with rail and airtravel instruaions bclow.

The snrkrts are rcady to play *rc grme. Whitc the)' are
plrytuE; go routrd to eadr group and dreck &gr are
Md<c one copy of the wortstreetforeachgroup of three
shrdcnts in the elrrs aod cut out dl tlre cards as indicared.
Vhcn thq bave finiSed a gane, thq'can strufre and play
TIME anothcrmuod-
li minutcs


1 Playcr A pts down any onc of thch dominocs hce up. 3 If e ph5rcr canoot put dovm one of ttreir dominoes, ttrey

2 Thc playcr oo their lcft musr 6en put dovm oae of their
ukc adominofrom thetopof thepile and put it dovm if
doninocs, making surc thtoneof thewor& onthcir
domino matdres ooe of thc words on cithcr side of Plalrcr Ttrcwisocris thcfr*phycrtoga ridof all of thCrr
A's douaino. dominocs.
Domino B: either IMORMAfiON or IOIINGE

O Macmillan Pubtishers Umited 1997.

Predictogram Revrard Elementary
Rsource Pack

pal nort


-s e'l


e ldacmillan Publirhe'3 Umited 1997
'rPredictogram worksheet
CD ,

ACTIVITY i t2 Ask the students to make predictiors for 1'ou under these
Wholc class *rfting, qpeaking headings.
For enample:
AIM health: Yoz uill ltaw a headadre this aftent@n.
To play a grme by writing and reading out predictions. love Yoz uill meet somntn spnial ofi holiday.
family lbu utill receiue a leterfum a nember of
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS lourfami!: et tlu weehad-
Furure simple for prcdicrions
:: Now tell &e srudcns ttnt thc,v are going to mekc a
'predictognm' and ur it to makc similzr predicdons for
one another.
Genenl :a Give one copy of the wortsheg ro eadr student in the
class. Tell them to writc oneprediction in thc sgace
PREPARATION provided undcr each heading on rhetn'ortsbeel Thq do
Make one copy of thc s'orlahect for cach snrdeat in the dass. not have to have a rcaderin mind ar this stage. \Fhile thq
You will need to povidescisson forttris activity. arc doing this, bc on hand to anss'er qucstions and offer
help. Encourage thc studearts to use the argct language.
TIME :5 Whcn they have done tlut, tcll the mdcns that they are
30 minutcs
going to prtparc theApredictogran- Read out the
t. a:
instructions bclow.
1 Tfrite tbc folbwing headings on thc board: NOTE| h is a good idca foryou to tr.r this out yoursclf
health, Iow, fami\', trattel, uorVstudy, mong4 frimds, beforc doing it with thc .l'ss aod theo deoonstrarc as you
Ieistre read out the instructions.


I Cut out thc sqrure asindicatcd on thc worksheet- i7 Fold *rc new comers into the middle of thc sguarc. Now
the catcgoryheadings areface up and thefour qucstions
2 Fold tire squarc in half diagonallyalong onc of the dotted
arcface down (fg. b)
lhes in the crste of the squara
8 Foldthesquareinhalfandopeoitagin ; l

3 Opco tbc square out and foH it in half diagonally

along the other dottcd linc in thc ceotrre. 9 Fold it in half the otherway and opco it agin
4 Opeo *re sErare out and tum it over so that ttrc writing is 10 Now put ttre forefnger and ttrunb of each hand un{cr thc
hce down- flaps with the questions on ard push up so that tbc .
questions are hce up. (fig c)
5 Fold each comcr of the squarc to thc middle of thc squarc.
The category headings are now frcc up. (fig. a) 11 FinaIlX enplain how to play the gamelusing the
instructions below.
5 Tum the overso that the predictions are hcc up
and thc category headingBare hcc down. 12 The snrdents are now ready to play fte gamc. Whfe ttrey
are playing, go round to cachgroup and deck theyare
playing conectly.


1 Ask a partner to€hoose one of thc Ercstions and answer it. Now askyourpartn&to droose one of the four categories
Forexample showinginsidetheprediaogram" r'
VhdsTourfawwlte olaw?
When they have dnsen a category opcn thc prcdiqtogam
If the answer4 fa'examplc, green, spell out the word, out and rcad out the coceqpondiogpredictioo-
openingaod dosing &c predictogramaltemate wa;n for
Repeat tlrc activity with different paaners.
cachlerCr G-R-E-E-N.

@ Macmillan Rrblishers Umited 1997.

Did you know.. .? Reward Elementary
Resource Pack


C Macmillan publishers Umiied 1997. PHOTOCOPIABLE

@ 0

Groupn'ork spcaling.reading r 1 \Yrire on the board'Papernes inr.enteit ....and ask rhe
srudents if thq- can complctc the sentence n irh
AIM information about u,hae or u,han ir sras inr.ented. \Ihen
To match r*n pans ofa sentence. thev havc guessed the ansn-er, tell them trat tho. can
confmr whetrer the.vwcre right or srong b.r doing the
Prescnt and past passivc
2 Explain that )'ouare going to give them 20 sentences, but
that each seotencc is in tq'o parts. Theirtask is to frrd 20
lnventions and othcr world facts hcts by fndingthc rwo pars of each rntence ntich go
togethcr corrcctly.

PREPARAiION 3 Ask ttre studen$ to work in groups of three or fourand

offte n'orlcheet for cach group ofthree or
Make onc copy givc one set ofcards to each group.
four srudcnrs in the class and cut it up into cards as indicated.
trlake one copy ofthe worlsheet for each group ofthrec or 4 Tell the snrdcnts to shufie their cards and then spread
four students and leave it intact. them out, face up, on thc table.

5 Tell thcm that tbcy havc got 6r'e minutes to find 20 fac$.
20 to 30 minutes 6 Whcn they have done thag gvc one inuct copy of the
,. 1 wodsheet to eadr group of smdcnts so that thq'can
check theiranswes.

7 Norv tcll ttre str.rdens to picli the cards up in nvo piles,

one witb the first hah'es of &e scntences wrinen on them
and the otlrcrwittr ttre phce, date orpcrson's rurme
wrinen on them. Thcyshould shufrc cactr pilc of cards
and ttrea spread them out scparatety, face down on ttre

8 Now ask tre sildents to take it in turns to tum

card from cachpilc. If ttre mo cards go together to make a
corrcct hcg the snrdent reads it out aloud kecps.the two
cards and plap eglin tf tpy de oot go together, the
sndent rcads it out alou4 but tums it into a nqgative
For crnmple:
Paper ua$r't itlumhd Qt a Spanish in*rumm3
makq. '+'

Thcy thcn tum the two cards back ovcr'and another

snrdmt in the group rcpeats the proecdure

9 Thc snrdeots continuein thiswayuntil all thc carGhave

been used up. The studentwith ttre most cards at *rc end
of the activityis the winner.

@ Macmillan publishers Limited 1997.
Reward Elementary
@lclasssawE Resource Pack



-the same rel'rgi'on asYou?


Do you wantto

-be a miilionnaire?

- net m:nipd and hare clrildren?

-travel and meet peode?

-be famous?

- play a ryort for Your (ountry?

- runyourownh.rines?


ln the hstmonth tmtYou

-watdred telesision or a video?


ln the last mont[ have Pu beento

C Ma(millan Publishers Umited 1997, PHOTOCOPIABLE

lClass sttruey workshee"
NOTE: Use Worksheets 39a and 39b for this aaivitv. C

Pairworli and groups'odi: speaking writin$ 1 Erplain to the mrdents tlut thel. arc going to do a class
sun-q'and explain n'hat a sun'q. is, if neccssan .
To do a class surver'by asking and answering questions and to
2 If there are morc rhan 16 sudcns in the ctass, diride rhcm
report the results of *re sun'er'. into groups. Asli &e snrdents to n'ort *ith a partncr from
the same gmup and give onc card to cach pair of srudents.

GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS 3 Explain ttnt each pair of snderrts is reqponsiblc for asking
Rcponed spccch: sratemen$ o'crytody in ttrc orgroup
class aII the questions on theA
... saidtlut+ chnx. card. They should put a tict each time somebod,r, answcrs
les and a cross cach time somebo{- ansurcrs no to one of
VOCABUTARY the questions.
4 Now ask thc str.rdents to go round the chss or group in
pairs asking and ansn'ering quesdons and puning ticlis or
IUake onc copyof Vorlshees 3gzutd39b forevery 16 crmscs on their cerd.
sndcnts in the dass and cut *re cads out as indicated. 5 Whcn &eyhavespoken tocvcrttodyin *re class or
group, ask them mwritc thc inforuetion theyharc
TIME gathcred on apostcr underthc follon'ing headings:
30 to 40 minutcs N6ody saidtlnt.-
Afau pople said tlat _.
A lot ofp@tilc sau tlrat _.
tuerybodJ' sqid tlrat

Nobody said that ... A fon, people said that ..

... they wanted to play a ... they wanted to be

sport for their orn famous.
country. ... theywante_d to ruh their
own busines.

A lot of pgople said that... Everybody said that ... , /

... they wanted to get ... theywanted to be a
maried and have drildren, millionnai/e.
... they wanted to tavel
and meet people.

Encounge *re snrdents to usethe Argctlanguage and be

on hand to answerErcstions andofierhelp at tlris stige-

Ask the pains ofstudeots to t,kr it itr turos to r€ad out their
survey results to the npt ofthe group orclass.

@ Macmillan publishers Umited 1997.

Class suraE) Reward Elementary
Resource Pack




-drink more than three glasses ofwater a day?

-eat a big breaKast?

- eat meat everY daY?

-eat some fruiteverY daY?

- ddnk more than three aps of coffee or tea a day?

- often go to a restaunnt?

Ae)buworried about

-your health?

- rnoney?

-wodd war?

-grodng old?

-your jotrlstudis?

-the environment?


Are you going to
-getup late?

- go dancing?

-go shopping?


trevel tn a different tofln?

- vlsit family u fiien&?

, i!!!t!|iii i!ii! lliii:i;:iilili=iilliil:iiiii=lii!!!:llii:ili


Oid you

- go to the cinema?

C Macmillan tublishers Limited 1997' PHOTOCOPTABLE

Tell your grouP... RaEd Elementary
Rgource Pack

;^ I't:'ts#" \w frx-l**l "r:"#,

E( $*
o6d -E iE
f=rt 6*.
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fiE * ' t €€ " €EF

;3 b

*'.*'"|'*Wl ry E sE?
t-o o

whatyou'ra whatyou you didb*orc
goingto cal usually havc
you lef! your
houscllhis {*${
l'*t*u*l morning

C Macmillan Publishers Urnired 1997 PHOTOCOPIABLE

yolff yroup... worksheet@

Group*'ork speaking I Ask thc snrdents to work in groups of ttrec to 6r'e.

Give ooe game boerd, some counten and dice to each

AIM gmuP.
To pla,va board game bv ulking about ghen topics.
Bcforc thc mdeats surt plaving thc game, cxplain hos'to
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS play using rhe insmrctions belos'.
Tensc rerlew
It is importaff to rcmind ttrcstudens to be careful to usc
the appropriarc tense ntrcn thq'are talkingabour a topic.
ln panicular, rcmind them ttut if tlrc topic on the game
board is lrtincn in *re present perfect, thcl'n:ill necd to
usc the simplc pas n'heo ttrq refer to a specific timc in
ttre past. Foroample, if the topic is'The best holiday
l\{alie one copy of the s'ortshest (gamc bqard) for evcr.v three
to five smdents in the dass. Proride dicc and countcrs for cach 1'ou've had', they will nccd to usc thc simple pasr to ulk
aboutic I amt to,.., I sr.u ..., etc.
Tbe students are ready to play the game. While the)'are
NME playing go rourd to cach group and check that they arc
30 minutes using the tenscs conectly.


1 Put *re eamc board in the middle of the table. If pleyer has nothing to say on ttre topic *rq'have landed
oq they are allowed to plss and miss a rum, but they can
2 All the pla.r'ers put theircormtets on &c squre mad<ed
only do this once in the game.
START and throw the dice. The frst player o throw a six
starts the gamc. The game continues until the first player reaches the
square marked FINISH.
Player A throws the dice and moves their counter along
the board according to the number on the dice.

PlayerA then reads the topic oa thc squarc thc counter has
landed on and tu lkc about iL

@ Macmillan publishers Umited 1997.
Progress cnec(

@t Find the mistake Reward Elementary

Resource Pack

1 they've gn+rne I g\ler rnd.<h''</4'+'*' '. ". "

z W;,t, it rf" | -
!"* !" r*"y

r ,r oi* Fr" n rnh, [ lo .'.---'.:^:-;.-;d^

.nS +h'
','r oea' ^(l'

5 ( can't atnswer'Ilq hlefhone h "So Th na<hing mf haii^ ' ' '

'rW, cori+ rhip, b,cr "re we

lnaven'l gof ry f tafoe"
'He'. fal( wilh cudY blonl hait'
--6;d on
W *rof, onY ?ot+rurl' *lun l, 't""o lo!;/oy?
g H, oruolt, *roT. t-hA*hd{ *o,in, rni t '', hdtnoint (n o' rifi,.*i"
10 'Do", 4te liue wilh her=ftnilY?'
'lt^,rw tu*f7frq6t - '

12 v hbfhnit me rf w'*k' m{ hon 't l.n'(- like

'i.K l)
Z enit l{ ssonilU:on Pe"f u"tlnt n'ld'
stris sPo*"n

, '*Or*' rrr,"n ','^'rtt '/"' ^' '1"*u''l' '' '4th"*0'l

5 t can't an " the tetePhonc becr uash m{ Aair'
6 't"t's ha,e F h and chiPs #r dinn"r''
Uh ' l"co'ttt u' hauedt got same Potnte ' ='
",-{t ^& "lr'r

Did, yvu utrhe an{ PatEardt shea gvu utere

an holidatt '. '. -
g ilr,, -,-tt, *G i-eru but todo, hi ,r-i,
asoit t'co*e h* fA! fo' "it ;nte*'n'o'-

'/Yo. slP ltuet in aflat b{ herse$' '

lq I'^ g ' a u"

;'n B-'"lo"o f7 ^-'rt- /*
e MacmiilanPublisherslimited 1997'
Fitld the nilstake worksheet progress check
@ 0

Pairworli: spcaldng 1 Dividc the ctass inro Group A and Group B.

2 Gire one copy ofSrudent A scnrencrs ro each snrdcnt in
Grcup A and onc cop.v of Studenr B scnteoces to cach
To ideoti$ad correc grasunarical mistakes in sentences.
srudent in Group B.

GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS 3 Ask tbc srudcnts to q'ork *'ith one or ts'o othcr snrdenc
Revision frrom the sarne group. Tcll them that some of their
sentcnccs are corrcct, wtile some of thein hare a
VOCABUTARY gramnadcal misuke in &en Thq should decide ntrethcr
Revision the sentences arc grarunatically correct and make
corrctionssterc neces$fl'. The snrdents should diruss
PREPARATION the senteoc€s in tbeirpairs orgroups, but all the snrdents
Make one copy ofthe wor*shcet for each pair ofsnrdeots and should wite conections on *reir onn worlishcets.
cut it in halfas indicated
4 Vhen tlrey have done that" ask the snrdents to l+'ork with a
panncrftom the othcrgroup Qc a snrdent from GroupA
should work with a srudcor from Group B). The1 should
compare thcir scntences. Student A has the correct form of
sentences which are granmarical]'incoirect on Snrdent
B's wortsbect and vice versa- This mears rhat tre students
shouldbc ablc to cotrect one anotherat this sage.

5 Chcck ttrat *re stud€nc havc ideftified the correct

versions of the sentences.


SnrdentA SodentB
I incorrect I correct
2 incomct 2 conect
3 correct 3 incorrect
4. incorrect 4 correct
5 correct 5 incorrect
6 correct 6 incorrec
7 correct 7 incorrect
8 incorrect 8 correct
9 corrcct 9 incorrect
10 incorrect 10 correct
1l incorect 11 corect
12 correct 12 inconect
13 incorrect 13 correct
14 correct 14 incorrect

@ Macmillan publiihen timited 1997.

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