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6 years old, boy

FT, Vacuum BW : 2.68

CW : 20kg

Presented with
Loose stool 1/7 – frequency 3x
- Bristol 6

Vommiting 1/7- frequency x2

Abdominal Discomfort 1/7

History of eating outside food

tolerating orally well
No sob/chest pain/rapid breathing
No recent covid/dengue cases

On examination, alert concious, oriented, pink crt <2s, good pv

 BP : 122/70
 PR: 77 bpm
 RR : 20
 Temp 37.4
 Spo2 : 97%

Lungs : Bi basal Crept

PA : Soft Non Tender
CNS intact

Oral Cavity : Dry

IMP : Acute Gastroenteritis

Meds as prescribed
TCA Stat if s/sx worsening / if not improving
22 Years old, male

Presented with
Fever 1/7
RN 2/7
Cough 2/7
Sore throat 1/7
Muscleache 1/7

Covid at home negative

tolerating orally well
No sob/chest pain/rapid breathing
No GI Losses
No recent covid/dengue cases
No other active complaint

On examination, alert concious, oriented, pink crt <2s, good pv

 BP : 133/72
 PR: 77 bpm
 RR : 20
 Temp 37
 Spo2 : 100%

Lungs : clear
PA : Soft Non Tender
CNS intact

Tonsil : Injected, Grade 2, Multiple ulcer

IMP : Tonsillopharygitis

Meds as prescribed
TCA Stat if s/sx worsening / if not improving
22 Years old, male

Presented with
Cough > 2 weeks
- productive

Covid at home negative

No sob/chest pain/rapid breathing
No GI Losses
No recent covid/dengue cases

On examination, alert concious, oriented, pink crt <2s, good pv

 BP : 133/72
 PR: 77 bpm
 RR : 20
 Temp 37
 Spo2 : 100%

Lungs : clear
PA : Soft Non Tender
Tonsil : Injected, Grade 2, Multiple ulcer

IMP : Bronchitis secondary to Prolonged cough

T Prednisolone 30mg OD 5/7
Syp Zecuf 15mls TDS 5/7
T NAC 600mg OD 5/7
TCA 5/7, to review s/sx
- If phlegm clear, to start Syp Linctus 1mls TDS 5/7
- If phlegm still persist, for neb Pulmicort then Syp Ambroxol
Cicumcision notes

10 years old boy

CW :

Circumcision done

Syp Winofen 10mls TDS 5/7
Germacid Cream LA TDS 5/7
TCA if s/sx infection/fever/swollen

Both kidney are normal in size and parenchymal echogenicity

Renal calculus measuring 0.4 x 0.2 cm over left kidney
No hydronephrosis or hydroureter bilaterally
Urinary bladder distended, no calculus within

Liver Normal in size with heterogenous parenchymal echogenicity

Portal Vein Patent, no biliary dilatation, no focal liver lesion
Gall Bladder distended, calculus within; largest measuring 0.3cm

Head Injury Advice – TCA stat to ED for CT Brain/Reasseesment

 Loss of consciousness
 New deafness in one or both ears
 Problems understanding or speaking
 Loss of balance or problems walking
 Blurred or double vision
 Any weakness in one or both arms or legs
 Inability to be woken
 Any vomiting
 Bleeding from one or both ears
 Clear fluid coming out of your ears or nose
 Any fits (collapsing or passing out suddenly)
 Drowsiness when you would normally be wide awake
 Severe headache not relieved by painkillers such as paracetamol
GERD Advice
1. Eat smaller meals.
2. Eat slowly.
3. Don’t lie down right after eating
4. Avoid: Alcohol, Caffeine, Carbonated beverages, Chocolate, Spicy foods, Fatty foods
5. Maintain an upright posture during meals and for 45 to 60 minutes after eating (to avoid
backflow of stomach contents)
6. Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight (added weight increases intragastric
7. Elevate the head of the bed about 6 inches when sleeping
8. Stop smoking (smoking relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter)
9. Avoid eating within 2 to 3 hours of bedtime
10. Avoid clothing that is tight around the stomach area

Day 6 of life
DOB 27/2/24, 0037 via normal SVD
BW : 2.6kg
MBG : A+ve
G6PD : Normal
TSH : 3.041

Types of feeding : BFOD + FM

Frequency : 1 hourly, 30 mins to 1 hour
Stool Color : yellow
BO : > 10x - minimal
PU : > 10x
Active Complaint :

CW : 2.45kg
Active o handling, good hydration, AFNT
Jaundice : chest
Lungs : clear, no recession
PA: Soft not distended
Umbilical Stump : Clean

TSB level : 214 - 308(LR)

Next TSB 5/3/24
Encourage BFOD

Eye Hygiene Advice – Conjuctivitis/Chalazion

- Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes. This can worsen the condition or spread it to
your other eye.
- With clean hands, wash any discharge from around your eye(s) several times a day
using a clean, wet washcloth or fresh cotton ball.
- Do not use the same eye drop dispenser/bottle for your infected and non-infected
- Wash pillowcases, sheets, washcloths, and towels often in hot water and detergent;
wash your hands after handling such items.
- Stop wearing contact lenses until your eye doctor says it’s okay to start wearing
them again.
- Clean eyeglasses, being careful not to contaminate items (like hand towels) that
might be shared by other people.
- Clean, store, and replace your contact lenses as instructed by your eye doctor.
- Do not share personal items, such as pillows, washcloths, towels, eye drops, eye or
face makeup, makeup brushes, contact lenses, contact lens storage cases, or
- Do not use swimming pools.
Allergic Rhinitis
Mometasone Nasal Spray II/Ii TDS 5/7
T Dexa II/II OD 5/7
T Piriton !

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