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The diagram illustrates how the public park has changed from 1920 to the present.

Overall, it is evident that the park has been significantly re–arranged, with the addition of more
entertainment facilities over the given period.

In 1920, visitors could enter the park from the northern entrance on Arnold Avenue or the
southern one on Eldon Street. However, the park now features a new entrance from an
underground car park. A fountain was located at the heart of the park, with a large stage for
musicians to the left. At present, the fountain has been replaced by a large rose garden
surrounded by many seats, while the stage has been demolished to make room for an
amphitheater for concerts.

Previously, there were two rose gardens to the north and south of the stage, and one to the right
of the northern entrance, with many seats placed next to them. Now, only the rose garden to the
north remains. The northeastern corner, which used to house a pond for water plants, and the
southeastern corner, which featured a glasshouse, have now been replaced by a café, a
children’s play area, and a water feature, respectively.
Task 2
In the debate between high salary and job satisfaction, it is essential to recognize the profound
impact that satisfaction has on an individual's overall happiness and career performance. While
a high salary may seem attractive, prioritizing job satisfaction will promote a more favorable
work environment and enhance personal satisfaction.
First, job satisfaction acts as a catalyst to promote employees' intrinsic motivation. When
individuals find satisfaction and enjoyment in their work, they are more likely to be dedicated
and committed to their tasks. Unlike the lure of a huge paycheck, intrinsic motivation fueled by
job satisfaction leads to sustained engagement and productivity over the long term.
Second, a workforce prioritizing job satisfaction will be more dedicated and committed to their
role. Employees who derive satisfaction from their work are willing to go above and beyond to
achieve organizational goals. Unlike those motivated solely by salary, individuals motivated by
job satisfaction are more likely to invest time and effort to master their craft, leading to quality
work: higher performance, and greater innovation within the organization.
In short, although a high salary may bring temporary satisfaction, it pales compared to the
multifaceted benefits of job satisfaction.

Over the past few decades, many ideas have emerged aimed at supporting society. One of the
ideas that was proposed but is still gaining traction is requiring high school students to perform
community service to support their communities. I don't entirely agree that it should be enforced,
and this article will explain why.

First, engaging all learners in volunteer and charity activities helps them develop empathy. One
of the main goals of education is to create an enlightened generation that knows how to help
others through their empathy. Research shows that empathy, responsibility, and sensitivity are
qualities that begin to develop during adolescence. Additionally, you gain insight into life's
problems when you encounter them directly.

On the other hand, a compelling argument against mandatory community service in high
schools is the need to prioritize academic courses and ensure that poor students have adequate
time to study. High school is a critical period of academic preparation where students must focus
on acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to prepare for higher education or a future career.
Many studies show that learners who have the opportunity to work in the community place less
emphasis on developing and gaining a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In short, while community service is a valuable experience for every student, mandating it into
the high school curriculum is not the most effective approach. Instead, schools should focus on
providing students with opportunities for voluntary and meaningful community involvement.

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