IAFA 451

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I. A. F.

A-451 Received from _____________________________________________________________

No demand Certificate for Contractors, Agents, etc, (Para A) Clearance Certificate for store-
keepers and Cashier in A.S.C, M.E.S. Ord, E.M.E, etc. (Part B) and clearance Certificate for the sum Rupees_____________________________________________________________
MES Contractors (Part C)
being the amount in refund of my security deposit in full. Which was deposited in the form of-
(See Financial Regulation for the Army in India, Part I, and Regulation for the M.E.S )

Part A
I (a)__________________________________________________________________________
To the
be hereby acknowledge to have received payment in full from (d)________________________
Stamp for
For all articles supplied and services rendered by me in connection with (e)________________ sums exceeding Signature_________________________
And certify that I have no further claim whatsoever against government, in connection while or Rs. 5000.
arising out of said contract, which remain unadjusted___________________________________

______________________ Signature
______________________ of two Signature of contractor defacing a Notes- 1-* When only the official appointment held by the Paying Officer is stated in the
witness stamp if executed in India Certificate, a short reference to the fact of payment should be written on or across
witness the certificate and signed by the Disbursing Officer ( adding his rank ) who
______________________ to store refunds the security.
______________________ keepers & 2-+ Here mention the full particular of the security. E.g. Post office Cash
Cashiers in Certificate No. and date. G.P. Notes No. and date , Post Office Saving Bank
Part B ( f ) A. S. C.
M.E.S., Ord, Account No Fixed deposits, receipts, etc, etc.
B.M.E.., etc
It is herby certified that there is no charge against No._______________ Instruction for filling in Part A
Rank ___________________Name_____________________on account of property, stores or
monies belong to Government and that all Government property, stores or monies in his charge This form will be used the final no-demand certificate for all contractors, agents, etc. of any
have on this date been dully accounted for and are in proper order. department or corp., and will be completed as follows:-
Station _______________________ Signature___________________________ (a)- Full name and residence of the individual and father’s name, if an Indian.
C. A. S. C./D. A. D. S. & T. / G. E / C. W . E / C . E / O. G. E. S. D / C. O. O. O / O. O. (b)- Specify whether employed as a contractor, agent, or In any other capacity, and for
Area what supplies work, etc.
Independent Sub- Area
Part C ( f ) (c)- Specify the station, department, force, etc, to which the contract or agreement applied.
(d)- Specify in full the appointment of the paying officer, but see not above.
Certified that there are no demand outstanding against the contractor in respect of the Contract
Agreement No___________________ dated ________________ 20 for_________________ (e)- Specify the nature of the contract or agreement.
_________________________________________ (f)- The part which is not applicable should be scored through.
Unit Account, Garrison Engineer R.A.O.L.A.O. Officer I.C
G.E’s Office _______Division M.E.S E.M.E. Section
Note:Part B should be scored through when the Certificate at Part A only is required and vice versa.

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