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Write your mid-smester reflection in learning English in Google Formprovided as the one in
Part 1. You have to write at least 500 words.

Nama : Sanjaya Krishna

NIT : 2330231

Prodi : TMP 1A

In the mid-semester 2 English class taught by Mrs. Damar Isti Pratiwi, or commonly known as Mrs.
Priska, my friends and I have learned a lot about tenses and vocabulary in English. In every meeting,
we always test our English abilities through Socrative given by Mrs. Priska. In this second semester,
we were given several projects that must be completed before the final semester exams, namely
making a video with the theme of railways. Furthermore, we were also assigned to make a self-
introduction video with one of the lecturers and ask for their signature. Additionally, we were also
asked to collect as many signatures as possible from the lecturers.

Thank you for your response regarding our experience in learning English in the mid-semester 2
course with Mrs. Damar Isti Pratiwi or commonly known as Mrs. Priska. I am glad to hear that we
have learned a lot about tenses and vocabulary in English.

I highly appreciate the use of Socrative as a tool to test our English abilities during each meeting. It is
an effective way to assess our understanding of the material taught.

Moreover, I would like to discuss some projects that have been assigned to us during this
semester.One of the projects is creating a video with the theme of railways.This project provides us an
opportunity to be creative and apply the knowledge of English that we have learned into real-life
context.It also helps improve our speaking skills and presentation skills in English.
Furthermore,the task requires us create an introduction video about ourselves with one of lecturer then
ask for their signature.This assignment is a good chance for us to interact directly with lecturers and
deepen understanding about academic culture within university environment.

I am also aware that one challenge in learning foreign languages is improving conversational fluency
on daily basis with native speakers.In this regard,I feel there's still lack opportunities for direct
practice on interactions between classmates or teacher.May be,Mrs.Priska can provide suggestions or
recommendations outside class hours activities such as joining english conversation club or language
exchange program ,where students can talkinng english towards native speaker or foreigner from
another students will more motivated,and feel more connected regarding what they already
obtained at classroom

Overall,I feel satisfied with my progress in learning english within half semesters.There has been
significant improvement especially in mastering tensesand vocabularies.However,in terms speaking
there's still room for improvement,to become more fluent when having conversation.with native
speaker.Together.with friends,I am continue.learning.and
achieve that goal.Thank you.Mrs.Priska.for.your guidance throughout half semester up until future,the.learning process will become.more.qualitative

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