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The chart below represents the trades of online shops for retail sectors in New

Zealand in 2003 and 2013, This report will illustrate the overall concept of these 2
pies and make comparison where relevant.
Overall, each chart represents different years and, in both charts, we have 4 keys
which has been showed in different colors such as: travel with black color,
Film/music with black and white, books with gray and clothes by white colors in
addition, there has been increases in trade of books and cloths however, its
different kind of story for films/music and clothes because the transaction of
those two had decreased.
Moreover, if we look closely there are some changes in the transactions in this
past 10 years for instance: in 2003 traveling had gone up around 36 precent but it
had dropped to 29 precent on 2013. Across the same 10 years period and
considerable amount of people chose to buy film/music thickets over travel
thickets. Making it the retail sector with the highest overall share.
In 2003, the clothing industry boasted significantly however, it dropped to 16
percent by 2013, however books share increased from 19% to 22% in this last 10

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