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Technical test - Theory

Slinger/Signaller A40

Ques ons Only - MSLO Pack

No. Ques on Answers Max.


1 On what type of loads would a spreader 1

beam be used? Long loads

2 How can a qualifica on or card benefit a Credibility 1

slinger/signaller? Proof of skills
Improve job prospects
3 On hoist-rope li*ing equipment, how does The longer the line, the slower the swing 1
the rope or line length affect loads swings?

4 When checking the condi on of li*ing To avoid sharp parts 1

accessories, why must gloves be worn? Skin contamina on
Load contamina on
Accessories contamina on
5 What possible effects does excessive rain Reduces visibility 2
have on the li*ing opera on? Increases load weight up to 20%
Makes load slippery when using fibre slings
6 What makes up the total (or gross) weight The load itself 3
of a load that is to be li*ed? Any accessories
The hook block
7 What does The Health and Safety at Work They must SUPPLY and MAINTAIN plant that is 3
Act require employers to do with regards free from risk and safe to use
specifically to plant?
8 a) When is a trial li* carried out and b) When the weight is taken on each occasion 4
name THREE checks to be made? Should be level
Should be fully supported
All accessories fiAed correctly
9 Before being guided by a signaller for a pick To stop un l sight is regained 1
and carry duty, what instruc on should be
given to the machine operator by the
signaller if they lose sight of each other?

10 When using more than one li*ing By bow shackle 2

accessory, how should they be secured to
the crane hook?

Classifica on: Official

11 Travelling with extra-long loads can be More likely to strike structure, persons, machines 1
more hazardous for what reason? etc

12 Polyester webbing slings are coloured and W.L.L 2

have black lines. What do the different Working load limit
colours and number of lines indicate?
13 a) On the li*ing-capacity diagram chart a) Shortening clutch 3
within Sec on A40, name component A b) It shortens 1 leg of a mul -leg chain sling
and b) state its func on.

14 If radios are to be used during the li*ing 1) Can everyone use the radio 5
opera ons, what FIVE ac ons and checks 2) BaAery strength/spares
must be made by the slinger/signaller 3) Channel
before use? 4) Call signs between sender/receiver
5) Signal strength

15 The legs of a chain sling should be no more It is reduced 2

than 90 degrees apart from each other.
What happens to the SWL if the angle is
16 What are the TWO ac ons that a 1) Checks are made according to the 2
slinger/signaller undertakes on li*ing manufacturers requirements as a minimum
accessories during pre-use inspec ons? 2) All faults are reported immediately
17 If assis ng in fiHng a fly jib to the crane, To avoid accidents/incidents and damage 2
why is it important that the manufacturer's
procedures are followed precisely?

18 What is the defini on of, or how can a A hazard is a SITUATION where there is a 3
hazard be described? POTENTIAL threat or risk to:-

19 Name THREE ways in which wind speed can 1) It can stop opera ons 3
affect the li*ing opera on. 2) It can create excessive load swing
3) It can speed up/slow down slew speed
20 Wind speeds can be variable throughout Monitored regularly 1
the working day. What ac on must be
taken to ensure safe working condi ons are
21 What are the possible outcomes of facing Guilty: - 3
prosecu on for not complying with Fined
legisla on and regula ons? Imprisoned
Not guilty: -
Case dismissed

Classifica on: Official

22 If aAaching accessories to a quick-hitch To avoid the accessories CATCHING on the 2
coupler of a machine such as an excavator, coupler, which restricts movement. Causing
give TWO reasons why the coupler should bending/twis ng of the accessories.
be lted in the downwards posi on (ram
23 If the hook block of a hoist rope-equipped 1) The opera on must stop 2
li*ing equipment inadvertently 2) The machine inspected for ALIGNMENT and
(accidentally) lands, what is a possible CROSSOVER on the pulleys and hoist drum
24 What TWO checks need to be made before 1) Clear of any hazards 4
a load is to be lowered into a trench or 2) Trench is fully supported
excava on?
25 Which parts of a slewing-type li*ing From the centre of the slew ring to the centre of 2
equipment is the radius (for li*ing) the hook block
measured from?
26 Why should checks be made to li*ing To check for any damages during the opera on 1
accessories a*er work has ceased?

27 Two boom/jib equipped cranes are working 1) CO-ORDINATION of the cranes by the 3
in the same vicinity that encroach on the supervisor/co-ordinator via the AP
opera ng radius of each. What ac ons 2) Slew limiters/an collision
would the li* plan or method statement
normally specify?

28 When working with non-hoist rope li*ing A) Await confirma on that it’s SAFE TO 6
equipment e.g. excavator, forkli* etc. just APPROACH
before going to aAach or disconnect a load, B) Isolate controls
a) what ac on should the slinger/signaller C) To avoid UNPLANNED MOVEMENT of the
undertake, b) what ac on should the aAachment
machine operator undertake and c) explain
29 What TWO things should be considered 1) Easily accessible 2
when selec ng a place of refuge or safety 2) The area is free from moving plant and any
within a designated plant manoeuvring other dangers
30 Name FIVE proximity hazards which could 1) Weather 5
affect a li*ing opera on. 2) Structures
3) Overhead obstruc ons (power lines)
4) Pedestrians
5) Vehicles
31 When undertaking a pick-and-carry duty, An overturn can happen due to the centre of 2
explain why turning, even gently, with a gravity of the load exceeding the vehicles WHEEL

Classifica on: Official

suspended load can cause an effect on the

32 On the li*ing capacity diagram chart within a) A flat web sling 4

in Sec on A40: a) what is the type of sling b) Single choke hitch
shown in item B and b) what is type of
hitch shown?
33 List SIX factors that must be taken into 1) Is the task allowed on site 6
account by both the machine operator and 2) Is the machine capable and within limits
slinger/signaller if a suspended load is to 3) No overhead obstruc ons
be travelled across a site. 4) The road surface is suitable
5) Is help available
6) All tasks follow the li* plan
34 Name THREE ways in which a 1) Plan opera ons for efficiency 3
slinger/signaller can minimise their impact 2) Work efficiently
upon the environment during li*ing 3) Dispose of waste correctly
opera ons. 4) Use bio-oils/fuels
35 If guiding an item of li*ing equipment 2 Metres 2
undertaking pick-and-carry du es near an
open trench which has a depth of 2 metres,
what is the minimum distance to maintain?

36 State the func ons or job role of the a) AP plans the li* 3
following personnel: a) appointed person, b) Supervises the li*
b) crane/li*ing opera ons supervisor, c) c) Sets up the crane and follows instruc ons
li*ing equipment operator.
37 On a busy construc on site, how would the By wearing different coloured P.P.E. 1
slinger/signaller be iden fied to the li*ing
equipment operator?

38 Name FIVE items that should be listed 1) Entrance/exit to site 5

within a site traffic management plan. 2) Pedestrian walkway
3) One way traffic system
4) Holding areas
5) Restricted areas
39 Give FOUR reasons that may cause mobile 1) Working on slopes 4
type li*ing equipment to overturn. 2) Over loaded
3) So* ground
4) High winds
5) Excessive load swing

Classifica on: Official

40 Name FOUR different types or levels of 1) Verbal warning 4
sanc on that can be applied (by employers 2) WriAen warning
and judicial bodies) to slingers/signallers 3) Sacked/fired
who do not comply with, or follow 4) Prosecu on
legisla on and regula ons.

41 What is meant by centre of gravity, or how The point of balance 1

is the centre of gravity determined, on a
load to be li*ed?
42 a) On mobile-type li*ing equipment, what a) Track wheels and stabilizers 3
can apply loading or pressure to the b) Reduce overall weight of crane. (Remove
ground and b) name TWO ways that counterweight).
pressure can be reduced. Place mats to increase the area of the ground
bearing items.

43 When can barriers/signs marking a li*ing Only when authorised vehicles are 1
opera ons working area be removed? entering/leaving the are and MUST be replaced
44 What is the purpose of a risk assessment? A risk assessment IDENTIFIES and PLACES control 2
measures on hazards.

45 Suspended loads with a large surface area They can be more affected by the wind. 2
need addi onal care for what reason?

46 Give TWO examples of where The Work at 1) Access and egress from a raised plaPorm 2
Height Regula ons may apply to li*ing 2) Access and egress- for aAaching accessories
opera ons. to a high load.
47 When working with slewing type-li*ing a) The gap can close causing the counterweight to 3
equipment in a restricted/confined area: a) strike objects/persons/structures
what danger can be present with regards b) When the gap is less than 600mm
to the machine’s counterweight, c) Maintain the gap or block access.
b) when should measures be taken and c)
what measures should be implemented?
48 If a load is inadvertently slewed rather 1) The load will TRAIL THE JIB 2
quickly by the operator of an item of li*ing 2) The load may swing OUT OF RADIUS causing
equipment, what TWO ini al effects does it overturn.
have on the load whilst slewing?
49 During inspec ons, damage has been 1) Taken out of service – tagged “DO NOT USE” 2
found to a li*ing accessory. What TWO 2) Discard it in a safe place
ac ons must be taken?

Classifica on: Official

50 a) On hoist rope-equipped li*ing A) Increasing the number of lines increases 2
equipment, how does the number of lines li*ing capacity in certain configura ons
or falls of rope affect the li*ing capacity B) Reducing the lines increase hoist speed
and b) how is hoist speed affected when
the number of lines (or falls of rope) is

51 During the li*ing opera on, part of the A) The li* must stop and the li* plan 3
task cannot be carried out as detailed in amended
the li* plan. a) What ini ally must happen B) The A.P
to the li*ing opera on and b) who
authorises any changes?
52 The slinger has to use new li*ing Enough instruc on, informa on and training on 3
accessories that they are unfamiliar with. that type
What do Regula ons (e.g. LOLER 98) and
other guidance require the slinger/signaller
to have?
53 What must be taken into account if a Check there is sufficient head room to enable the 3
suspended load is being li*ed with an load to be li*ed off the ground
accessory e.g. chains, which has extra-long

54 The safe working load (SWL) of a mul -leg 1) Each leg is equally loaded
chain sling only applies in what TWO 2) The inclusive angle does not exceed 90
condi ons or configura on? degrees

55 List SIX typical subject areas that should be 1. First aiders 3

covered in a site induc on. 2. Fire points
3. Assembly points
4. Ppe
5. Excava ons
6. Severity
56 a) Who is allowed to issue li*ing A) Only competent authorized persons 3
accessory test cer ficates and B) A*er tes ng
b) when are they issued?
57 Before guiding and assis ng the movement A) The machine is SET UP FOR TRAVEL 2
of mobile li*ing equipment that is being B) The operator
reposi oned to carry out a new li*ing
opera on a) what should the
marshaller/signaller ensure and b) with
58 What are the ideal condi ons for li*ing 1) In a dry place hung up off the ground 2
accessories to be stored? 2) Out of sunlight

Classifica on: Official

59 a) What is the purpose of a Method A) a document that gives step by step instruc on 4
Statement, li* plan and b) what is required on how to carry out SAFELY and work-related task
of the slinger/signaller? B) follow it

60 Prior to undertaking signalling du es for 1) Iden fy a safe place of refuse 4

pick-and-carry du es, describe FOUR 2) Check for any slips, trips and fall hazards
ac ons to be made by the slinger/signaller 3) Maintain eye contact with driver at all mes
to ensure their own safety? 4) Stay clear of the machines path
61 What is regarded as the danger or hazard The working radius/slew track of the 1
zone during a li*ing opera on? boom/jib/dipper arm

62 Only two legs of a 6 tonne four-leg chain 3T 1

sling are being used. In principle, what is
the maximum load that can be li*ed with
that sling?
63 When a suspended load is being travelled, As low to the ground as possible WITH OUT 1
in what posi on should the load be TOUCHING THE GROUND

64 What needs to be inspected on a 1) Approved for li*ing 2

quickhitch coupler of an excavator if 2) SWL must be known
aAaching li*ing accessories for the li*ing of 3) AAachment point is undamaged
slung loads? 4) The pins are secure
65 Name the FOUR stages of the hierarchy of 1) eliminate/reduce the need for movement 4
control for vehicle/plant manoeuvring 2) Isolate an area
opera ons 3) Establish a moving area in a larger
working area using marshals
4) Directly marshal vehicles through the site
66 A 1-tonne webbing sling is aAached to a 800KG – 20% 2
load using a choke hitch. What is the
maximum weight the accessory is allowed
to li*? (Note. The tester may provide a
different figure in order to check

67 What should the slinger confirm with the If its working 1

li*ing equipment operator regarding the
audible alarm (if fiAed) when seHng up to
carry out a li* ?
68 What is the difference between a contract CONTRACT LIFT- the company plans, supervises 4
li* and a ‘standard’ crane hire? and supply its own crane/opera ves ECT

Crane/operator follows the clients li* plan

Classifica on: Official

69 Name THREE ways that a hired-in 1) Be on me 3
slinger/signaller can contribute in ensuring 2) Work safely
repeat business with the client or principal 3) Co-opera ve with others
contractor. 4) Follow rams/MS
70 Why must the hoist rope of an item of To avoid the load dragging which could cause 2
li*ing equipment (mobile/crawler crane excessive swing crea ng overload
etc.) be kept ver cal before li*ing any
71 Explain THREE factors that could affect the 1) Missing signs 3
integrity of a li*ing opera ons exclusion 2) Missing barriers
zone and safe movements within the zone. 3) Missing marshals
72 If seHng up to li* loads in a A physical segrega on of the public to protect 3
pedestrianised area, state ONE factor that them from overhead loads
needs to be taken into account by the
73 a) Name THREE different types of li*ing A) BOW SHACKLE – apply mul ple accessories – D 6
accessories, and b) state ONE advantage of shackle only
each compared to other types of available B) WEB SLING – light and used for fragile loads-
li*ing accessories. cant with a chain sling as will damage a fragile
C) MULTI LEG CHAIN – aAached to mul ple li*
74 a) What does the safe working load (SWL), A) it is the maximum li*ing capacity for a GIVEN 4
as stamped on li*ing accessories, indicate? CONFIGURATION
b) what ac on should be taken if the SWL B) not to be used
is not marked on a li*ing accessory?

75 How does the use of a swivel hook assist in A) It helps the slinger to control the load 2
the li*ing opera on? B) It prevents accessories from twis ng

76 What informa on is needed when S) size 3

es ma ng the weight of a load? M) material + 20%
S) structure Hollow/solid
77 What THREE main du es of The Health and A) take reasonable care of yourself and others 6
Safety at Work Act must employees who may be affected by your acts or
follow? omissions
B) co-opera ve with employers
C) not to interfere with any health and safety
78 What could affect the strength of the signal 1) Distance between radios 2
if radios are being used between the li*ing 2) Buildings
equipment operator and the 3) Outside interference
slinger/signaller? 4) Low baAery
79 During a li*, it is suspected that a li*ing 1) Stop the li* 2
accessory exceeded the rated capacity. 2) Lower to the ground
What would be the course of ac on? 3) Remove accessories

Classifica on: Official

4) Thoroughly test/examine

80 With lighter boom construc on on boom It can increase radius 2

or jib-equipped cranes, how does the
deflec on of a boom or jib affect the li*ing
of a load?
81 Why are those undertaking A) Because the work they do with 4
slinging/signalling du es generally machines/loads
regarded as ‘safety-cri cal’ workers? B) can create GREATER dangers and hazards
82 a) What is meant by the rated (li*ing) A) the maximum li*ing capacity for a GIVEN 2
capacity of li*ing equipment and b) who CONFIGURATION
determines it?
B) the manufacture

83 If a load is being travelled or slewed, what 1) Time and distance taken for the load to stop 4
TWO possible factors should the slinger 2) Any poten al swing
take into account?
84 State the possible effect on an item of It can become unstable due to an increase in 1
li*ing equipment if it is posi oned on a radius
slope and li*s a load?
85 a) What determines the minimum A) voltage, type of support I.E wooden 4
distances that any part of plant and poles/pylon
machinery has to be kept from overhead B) high voltage can jump long distances in certain
electricity lines and b) explain why a condi ons
distance should be kept?

Classifica on: Official

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