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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

Quarter 4- Week 1
At the end of the session, learners should be able to:
S9FE-IVA-34- Describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile

Concepts: Experiential Learning, Inquiry Based Learning, and Problem Based Learning
Have you tried throwing a stone horizontally, used a slingshot or shot an arrow at
different angles? Or have you played or watched basketball games? Can you tell how the
ball moves when the player scores a basket? How do you describe the motion of the ball?
The stone thrown at a certain height or angle, a slingshot, an arrow and the ball
thrown into the basket are examples of projectiles. A projectile is an object that is initially
thrown into the air and continues to move on its path with the action of gravity.
Projectile motion is a motion of an object thrown horizontally or at an angle
other than 900 with the horizontal. Every projectile motion has two components: vertical
and horizontal motion. The horizontal component is uniform motion while the vertical
component is a free fall or a uniformly accelerated motion.
Neglecting air resistance, when the player throws the ball horizontally it follows a
curved path due to the influence of gravity and inertia as shown in Figure 1.1. The
horizontal motion of the projectile is the result of the tendency of any object in motion to
remain in motion at constant velocity (zero acceleration, same speed and same direction)
due to inertia. Due to the absence of horizontal forces, a projectile remains in uniform
horizontal motion.
On the other hand, gravity influences the vertical motion of the projectile, thus
causing the ball to fall freely at a uniformly accelerated motion with a vertical acceleration
of - 9.8 m/s2 (the ball falls with an increasing velocity of 9.8 m/s every second) as shown
in figure 1.2

Figure 1-1. Projectile motion

Figure 1- 2. Velocities in Projectile motion
mstpedregosa/ rsabuyco / eogerminal /mcdgalupar/ ichlatonero / cenava Page 1
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

Variables Horizontal Motion Vertical Motion

Forces No Yes. The force of gravity
Acceleration No Yes. “g” is downward at
Velocity Constant- same speed and Changing by 9.8 m/s every
direction second

Table 1-1. Summary of Projectile motion

Variables Horizontal Motion Vertical Motion

Velocity vx = d/t Vfy= Viy + gt
Acceleration ax = o ay = g = - 9.8m/s2
Displacement R =dx = Vxt dy =Viyt + ½ gt²
dy= Vfy2 – Viy2
Time t = dx/vx t= vfy – viy

Table 1-2. Equations for Projectile motion

vx = horizontal velocity vy = vertical velocity
dx= horizontal displacement Viy = initial vertical velocity
ax = horizontal acceleration vfy = final vertical velocity
dy = vertical displacement or height ay = vertical acceleration
t = time

Illustrative examples:

1. Zed throws a ball with an initial horizontal velocity of 15 m/s from the top of a building.
It hits the ground after 2.6 seconds.
a) What is the final vertical velocity of the ball just before it hits the ground?
b) How far is the ball from the base of the building?
c) How high is the building?

Given: Solution:
ay = g = -9.8 m/s2 a) vfy = viy+ g t
viy = 0 m/s vfy= 0+(-9.8 m⁄s2 )(2.6s) = - 25.48 m/s
vix = 15 m/s Vfy= -25 m⁄s
tfall = 2.6 s
b) R = vx x t = ( 15 m/s ) ( 2.6 s ) = 39 m

Asked: c) dy = viy t+ ½ gt2

a) Vfy= ? h= -d= -[(0 m⁄s)(2.6s)+ 1/2(-9.8 m⁄s2 )(2.6s2)]
b) dx = R = ? h = -(0 + - 33. 124 m) = 33m

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

2. A pool ball leaves a 0.60-meter high table with an initial horizontal velocity of 2.4 m/s.
Predict the time required for the pool ball to fall to the ground and the horizontal
distance between the table's edge and the ball's landing location.
Given: V ix= 2.4 m/s V iy = 0 m/s dy= -0.60 meters
ax=0 m/s2 ay= g = - 9.8 m/s2
Asked : dx = ? t=?
a) dy =viy t + ½ gt2 b) dx = vx .t
-0.6m = 0 m/s (t) + ½ (-9.8 m/s2) t2 dx = 2.4 m/s (0.349 s)
-0.6m = ½ (-9.8 m/s ) t
2 2
dx = 0.84 m
-0.6m = -4.9 m/s2 t2
t2 =0.122 s2
Take the square root of both sides of the equation
t= 0.349 s

1. Pavico, J. M. F. et al. (2018). Exploring Life Through Science Series: The New Grade 9.
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., p. 363 – 375.
2. Science Grade 9 Learners Module. Motion in Two Dimentions. p.292-304 pdf.
3. Science Grade 9 Teachers Guide. Motion in Two Dimentions. p.222-238 pdf.
5. Mainar, L.B, et al. (2020) First edition Science– Grade 9 -Alternative Delivery Mode -Quarter
4 – Module 1: Horizontal and Vertical Motions of a Projectile First Edition, 2020,
Department of Education, Region 6- Western Visayas p. 1 -pdf

General Instruction:
Below is the sample format which you will follow in all the Activity Sheets throughout
the quarter. Use short size bond paper for your answer sheet.
Subject: ________________________________ Subject Teacher: ______________________
Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________________
Week No. _______________________________ Activity No. _________________________
Adviser: ________________________________ Score: ______________________________

Week 1 - Activity 1

A. Critical Thinking: Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is a projectile? Cite examples of projectiles from your environment.
2. Differentiate the vertical and horizontal components of projectile motion?
3. Why does horizontal motion of a projectile have a zero acceleration?
4. What will likely happen to objects thrown vertically upward when they reach
maximum height?

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

5. If we throw a stone in a pond, a shot put, an angry bird computer game, a

football or a bullet, all these activities have one thing in common. What is
common among them? Explain briefly

B. Problem Solving:
1. A water balloon is thrown from the window of a 2 – storey building with an
initial horizontal velocity of 12 m/s. If the window is 15 m above the ground,
calculate the following:
a) the time for the balloon to hit the ground; and
b) the maximum horizontal distance travelled by the balloon.

2. A cat leaps horizontally from the window of a house. It landed on a level

ground 120 m away from base of the house 5.0s later.
a) At what horizontal speed did it leap?
b) How high is the window?

3. Study the diagram below. Copy the table in your answer sheet and provide
the necessary data needed and answer briefly the questions below.
Time Horizontal Vertical
(s) velocity (m/s) velocity (m/s)
0 15m/s 0

1 - 9.8 m/s

2 15m/s

a) What is the increase in the vertical velocity per unit time?

b) What happens to the horizontal velocity of the ball as the time increases?
c) Why did the ball follow a curve path?

C. Application:
1. Choose a ball game/ throwing event played during Palarong Pampaaralan.
Identify and discuss different types of passing/throwing/ tossing that relates
to projectile motion. Explain briefly.

2. To score in a basketball game, the player jumps a little and throws the ball in
the court ring. The motion of the ball is referred to as an example of
projectile motion. What advantage does jumping give to their chances of

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

Quarter 4- Week 2
At the end of the session, learners should be able to:
S9FE-IVa-35- Investigate the relationship between the angle of release and the
height and range of the projectile

Concepts: Experiential Learning, Problem Based Learning, Simulation Activities , PPT presentation

Are you fond of playing or watching volleyball games? Based on experiences and
observations in your PE class, how does the player serve the ball? Does the player serve it
horizontally or at an angle with the horizontal?
When a volleyball player served the ball, he served it an angle with the horizontal in
order for the ball to surpass the net. This type of motion is another typical example of
projectile motion. But this time, it is a projectile launch at an angle between 00 – 900. If air
resistance is neglected, the ball follows a parabolic trajectory path . This results from the
combined motion in horizontal and vertical directions as shown in figure 2.1 below.

Figure 2.1 Projectile launched at an angle

If a projectile is launched at an angle either below or above the horizontal, the initial
velocity must be resolved into its horizontal, Vix and vertical, Viy component where:

Vix = Vi cos θ and Viy = Vi sin θ

A projectile launched at an angle Ɵ above the horizontal rises to a maximum height, dy

before it descends and lands at a horizontal distance from its launching point . This horizontal
distance is called Range (dx)which is measured on the assumption that the projectile returns
to the same level from which it is launched.
A projectile launched at an angle Ɵ above the horizontal rises with a decreasing
vertical velocity component, Vy and falls with an increasing vertical velocity , Vy and moves
horizontally with a constant horizontal velocity, Vx. Furthermore, this type of projectile follows
time and speed symmetries. Time symmetry means that the time it takes for a projectile
to reach maximum height is equal to the time for it to land on the same level as its starting
point. Speed symmetry shows that the speed of a projectile at any point above the starting
point on its way up is equal to its speed at the same height on the way down. The absolute
values of the angles that these speeds make with the horizontal are also equal. However, the
velocities are not equal because they point in opposite directions. Refer to Figures 2.2 and 2.3
in page 6.
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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

Figure 2.2 Time Symmetry Figure 2.3 Speed Symmetry

The maximum height reached by a projectile depends on the angle of projection for
a given initial speed. A projectile fired at an angle close to 900 stays longer in the air and
attains a greater height. Vertical velocity component at maximum height is zero while
horizontal velocity component is constant or it is equal to the initial horizontal velocity of the
The range depends also on the angle of projection. For a given initial speed, raising
the angle of release to 450 increases the range. Maximum range is attained at 450. Any
angle higher than 450 decreases the range. In addition, complementary angles give the same
range for a given velocity. Thus, angles of projection of 300 and 600, 150and 750 and other
complementary angles, for a given velocity cover the same range. See the Figure 2.4 below.

Kinematics of Projectile Motion

Projectile motion can be analyzed using the five kinematic equations of motion. Table
2.1 below summarizes the equations application for each component of projectile motion.
Table 2.1 Horizontal and Vertical Components of Projectile Motion
Horizontal Vertical
Acceleration ax= 0 m/s ay = g = -9.8m/s2

Velocity vix = vi cosθ viy = vi sinθ

vfx = vix =Vx vfy = viy - gt

Displacement dx = Vxtt dy = vfy2 - viy2

dy = viyt - ½ gt2
Where vix = initial horizontal velocity viy = initial vertical velocity
dx= horizontal displacement dy = vertical displacement or height
ax = horizontal acceleration ay = vertical acceleration

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

The following sign conventions shall be used in determining the components of projectile
1. Distances above the origin are positive, while distances below the origin are negative.
2. Upward velocities are positive, downward velocities are negative.
3. Acceleration due to gravity g is always negative. The origin is the point of release.
Illustrative Examples:
1. A ball is projected from the ground with an initial velocity of 25.0 m/s at 30.0 0 above the
horizontal. Find the (a) horizontal and vertical components of its initial velocity, (b) total
time of flight, (c) maximum height attained by the object and (d) its range.
Given: Vi = 25.0 m/s θ =30.00
Asked: a) Vix and Viy b) tt c) dy )R
a) Vix = Vi Cosθ= (25.0m/s) Cos30.00 c) dy = Vfy2 - Viy2
Vix = 21.65063509 m/s 2g
Vix = 21.7 m/s dy = 0 - (12.5m/s)2
Viy = Vi Sinθ= (25.0m/s) Sin 30.0 0
dy = -156.25 m2/s2
Viy = 12.5 m/s -19.6 m/s2
dy = 7.971938776 m
b) tt = tup + tdown = 2 (tup) dy = 7.97 m
tt = 2(Vfy - Viy) = 2(0 – 12.5m/s )
g - 9.8 m/s2
tt = 2(1.275510204 s) d) R = Vx . tt
tt= 2.551020408 s R = (21.7m/s) (2.55 s)
tt = 2.55 s R = 55.335 m
R = 55.3m
2. A ball is projected from the ground with an initial velocity of 25.0 m/s at 60.0 0 above the
horizontal. Find the (a) horizontal and vertical components of its initial velocity, (b) time
to reach maximum height, (c) total time in air , (d) maximum height attained by the
object, and (e) its range.
Given: Vi = 25.0 m/s θ =60.00
Asked: a) Vix and Viy b) tup c) tt d) dy e) R
a) Vix = Vi Cosθ= (25.0m/s) Cos 60.00 d) dy = Vfy2 - Viy2
Vix = 12.5 m/s 2g
dy = 0 - (21.7 m/s)2
Viy = Vi Sinθ= (25.0m/s) Sin 60.00 2(-9.8m/s2)
Viy = 21.65063509 m/s dy = -470.89m2/s2
Viy =21.7 m/s -19.6 m/s2
dy = 24.025 m
b) tup = Vfy - Viy = 0 – 21.7m/s dy = 24.0 m
g - 9.8 m/s2
tup = 2.214285714 s e) R = Vx . tt
tup = 2.21 s R = (12.5m/s) ( 4.42 s)
R = 55.25 m
c) tt = tup + tdown = 2 (tup) R = 55.3m
tt = 2 (2.21)
tt = 4.42 s

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

3. How does the angle of projection in sample problems 1 and 2 affect the maximum
height and range of the ball given the same initial velocity?
The higher the angle of launched, the longer its total time in air and the higher the
vertical distance reached. On the other hand, the range obtained when launched in 30 0 is
equal to the range obtained at 600. These angles, 300 and 600, are complementary angles.
1. Pavico, J. M. F. et al. (2018). Exploring Life Through Science Series: The New Grade 9. Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc., p. 363 – 375.
2. Science Grade 9 Learners Module. Motion in Two Dimentions. p.292-304 pdf.
3. Science Grade 9 Teachers Guide. Motion in Two Dimentions. p.222-238 pdf.
(Reminder: Please follow the format in the first activity.)
(Reminder: Please follow the format in the first activity.)
Week 2 - Activity 2
A. Critical Thinking: Answer the following questions briefly:
1. A rock is thrown at an angle. What will likely happen to the horizontal
component of its velocity as it moves upward? Why?
2. A rock is thrown at an angle. What will likely happen to the vertical component of its
velocity as it moves upward? Why?
3. A projectile is launched 350 at a speed of 18m/s, neglecting air resistance at
what speed and angle will it return to its original level? Why?
4. A projectile is launched at an angle of 250 from the horizontal. It strikes the
ground at 360m away from the point where it was launched. For what other
angle of launched at the same speed would the projectile land at the same range?
5. How does the angle of projection affect the range and the maximum height of a
B. Problem Solving: Solve the following exercises below. Show your complete solution and
box your final answer.
1. A cannon is shot at 35.00 angle with an initial speed of 28.0m/s.
(a)Calculate the initial horizontal and vertical component of its initial speed.
(b) How long will the bullet of the cannon be in air?
(c) How far away from the cannon will it land?
2. A baseball player hits the ball with an initial velocity of 24.0 m/s at an angle of 250
with the horizontal.
(a) What is the magnitude of its initial horizontal and vertical velocity?
(b) What is the maximum height reached by the ball?
(c) How long was the ball in air?
(d) How far away from the player will the ball land?
C. Application:
1. How can knowledge of projectile motion help improve your performance in sports
2. Some people in the Philippines and in other parts of the world celebrate New Year,
Christmas, weddings and fiestas by firing a gun into the sky, called celebratory firing.
Why do government officials prohibit such practice? Explain briefly.

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

Quarter 4- Week 3
At the end of the session, learners should be able to:
S9FE-IVb-36- Relate impulse and momentum to the collision of objects (e.g.,
vehicular collision); an
S9FE-IVb-37- Infer that the total momentum before and after the collision is equal.

Concepts: Simulation, PPT Presentation, Experiential Learning, Role Playing

You probably have heard these lines in a Sports News, “UST Tigers defeats FEU
Tamaraws as they gain momentum during the third and fourth sets of the UAAP Women’s
Volleyball.” Or, maybe you have watched a WWE match where the announcer said “John
Cena lost his momentum when he fell after bumping against The Big Show who was more
massive than he was.”
Momentum is often used to describe how difficult it is to bring a moving object to a
stop. The harder it is to stop, the greater is its momentum. Momentum can be defined as
“mass in motion”. All objects have mass, therefore any moving object will have a momentum.
In physics, momentum (p) of an object is equal to its mass (m) multiplied by velocity (v).
In equation, p=mv. The SI unit for momentum is kg m/s. The momentum of an object
changes if its velocity and mass changes.
On the other hand, Impulse is used to quantify the effect of force acting over time
to change the momentum of an object. It is represented by the symbol I and usually
expressed in Newton-seconds or kg m/s. Impulse (I ) is the product of net force F, acting
on the object for a given time (Δt). The equation for impulse is given as; I = F⋅ Δt
In the previous lesson on Newton’s Laws of Motion, the second law of motion or the
Law of Acceleration can be stated in terms of the relationship of impulse and momentum.
F = ma
Substitute a= Δv/Δt , F = mΔv/Δt
Since Δmv = Δp
So, F = Δp/Δt
Rearranging the equation, we get, FΔt = Δp
or, FΔt = m (vf - vi)
Note that Δt = ( tf – ti). Setting ti = 0, you have ,
Ft = m (vf- vi)
This equation is known as Impulse Momentum Theorem helps us establish the
connection between the two concepts. It states that the change in momentum of an object
is equal to the impulse of the force exerted on it. In equation:
Impulse , I = change in momentum, Δp
I = Δp
Ft = m (vf - vi)

Law of Conservation of Momentum

Law of Conservation of Momentum states that whatever is the nature of the collision,
the momentum, before, during, and after is equal or the same. The momentum of a system
is constant if no external forces are acting on the system.

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

In equation,
Momentum before (p) = Momentum after (p')
∑p before = ∑p after
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1’ + m2v2’
Where: m1 is the mass of object 1 m2 is the mass of object 2
v1 and v2 are the initial velocities v1’ and v2’ are the final velocities

Elastic Collision Perfectly Inelastic Collision

Two objects collide and separate Two objects collide and stick together

p1 + p2 = p1′ + p2′ p1 + p2 = p1’+ p2′

m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1′ + m2v2′ m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1 + m2)v′

Illustrative Examples:
a) Momentum
A 2 Kg cart is loaded with a 2 Kg set of bricks and moving with a velocity of 0.5 m/s
eastward. (a) Calculate the momentum. (b) What happens to momentum when there are three
sets of bricks? (c) What happens to the momentum of a 4kg loaded cart, when the velocity is
Given: m1= 2kg (cart) m2= 2kg (per set of bricks ) v= 0.5 m/s , East
Asked : a) p1 = ? b) p2 = ? c) p3 = ?
a) p1 = mv
p1 = (4kg )x (0.5 m/s)
p1 = 2 kg.m/s

b) p2 = mv
p2 = (8 kg )x (0.5 m/s)
p2 = 4 kg.m/s
When mass is doubled, the momentum also doubles.

c) p3 = mv
p3 = (4 kg )x (1.5 m/s)
p3 = 6 kg.m/s
When velocity is tripled, the momentum also triples.
b) Impulse
A baseball player hits a 0.142 Kg ball and bounces off the bat with a speed of 25 m/s.
What is the impulse imparted to the ball?

Given: m=0.142 Kg, V1 =0 m/s V2 = 25 m/s

Asked: I =?
I= p2 – p1
I = m v2 – m v1
I = (0.142 kg) (25 m/s) – (0.142 kg)(0 m/s)
I = 3.55 kg m/s = 3.6 kg m/s _baseball-hit-clipart-hitting-a-baseball-clipart/

Conservation of Momentum
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A 3.0 x 102 cart moves on an air track at 1.2 m/s. It collides with and sticks to another
cart of mass 5.0 x102 g, which was stationary before the collision. What is the velocity of the
combined cart after collision?
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

c) Conservation of Momentum
A 3.0 x 102 g cart moves on an air track at 1.2 m/s. It collides with and sticks to another
cart of mass 5.0 x102 g, which was stationary before the collision. What is the velocity of the
combined cart after collision?


Cart 1 m1= 3.0 x 102 g =0.30 kg v1=1.2m/s (before collision)

Cart 2 m2= 5.0 x102 g =0.50 kg v2=0 (before the collision)

The total momentum of the system is conserved before and after the collision.
Momentum before (p) = Momentum after (p')
(pcart1 + pcart2) before = (p’cart1 + p’cart2) after
(m1v1) before + 0 = (m1+m2) vafter
0.36 kg.m/s = (0.80 kg) vafter
0.45m/s = vafter

References :
1. Science Grade 9 Learners Module. Impulse and Momentum. p.304-311 pdf.
2. Science Grade 9 Teachers Guide. Impulse and Momentum. p.238-240 pdf.

(Reminder: Please follow the format in the first activity.)
Week 3 - Activity 3A
A. Critical Thinking: Answer the following questions briefly:
1. Relate momentum to impulse and collision. What factors affect momentum?
2. What causes changes in momentum?
3. Differentiate the impulse of a volleyball player jumping and spiking the ball and a
player who serves the ball?
4. If you fell from the bed on a concrete floor you can get more body pain when
compared to falling on a heap of sand? Explain briefly.
5. The law of conservation of momentum is based on which law of motion?
Cite real-life examples.

B. Problem Solving:
1. A truck whose mass is 15 000 Kg is loaded with sand and gravel of 100 Kg has a
velocity of 45 m/s west. What would be the car's new momentum if….
a. its velocity was doubled?
b. its velocity was tripled?
c. its mass was doubled (by adding a greater load)?
d. both its velocity was doubled and its mass was doubled?

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(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

2. Consider a 2,000 kg jeepney travelling at 10 m/s toward another car. After the
two cars collide, they couple together and move along at 6 m/s. What is the
mass of the second car?

C. Application:
1. How are airbags used to lessen injuries when a car crashes? Explain Briefly.
2. A boxer commentary during the match of Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather
was heard over the live forecast that the People’s Champ Manny Pacquiao was riding
the punch of Mayweather as he allowed the punch of his opponent to land on his head
when he moved backward to increase the impact time. Why did he relax his neck and
move his head upon the impact? Explain briefly.

Activity 3B -Performance Task 1 (Review Paper)

Goal- Make a one-page review paper of a local news article from any of the following,
(RMN, Aksyon Radio, Bombo Radio, Daily Guardian, Panay News) which focuses
on vehicular collision.
Role- You are an expert in physics doing an investigation and analysis of concrete
examples of relationship of impulse and momentum to the collision of objects.
Audience-You need to explain to your readers the importance of knowing the physics
concepts to warn/avoid injuries and promote road safety.
Situation- There has been an increase in incidents of vehicular accidents in the city
and in the province of Iloilo. As a critique/analyst and as somebody who is
knowledgeable in physics, you will be explaining concepts.
Product – You will make a review paper about a local news article on vehicular
accidents applying the concepts of impulse and momentum.
Standards and Criteria- Your output will be rated and must meet the following
standards based on the rubrics below.

Use this guide in drafting your paper:

I. Introduction- Describe the core idea of the news.

(a short paragraph regarding what the news is all about.)
II. Body- Discuss your educated opinion on the parts of the news which highlights
physics concepts. (example: identify the car with greater momentum, speed and
Kinetic energy and how they are related to the amount of damage/injury.)
III. Conclusion- State your opinion about the importance of physics concepts in road

Note: Submit a copy of the news article together with the review paper.

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(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9


Criteria Excellent (4) Satisfactory(3) Fair (2) Needs

Improvement (1)

Accuracy and 91-100% of the 81-90% of the 71-80% of the Less than 71 % of
Relevance (30%) information is correct information is information is correct the information is
and relevant correct and relevant and relevant correct and relevant

Content 91-100% of the 81-90% of the 71-80% of the Less than 71 % of

information information presented information information presented the information
(Scientific is supported by presented is is supported by presented is
evidence) (40%) scientific evidence supported by scientific evidence supported by
scientific evidence scientific evidence
Demonstrated The paper is very The paper is Organization of paper Presentation of
Understanding organized and organized and and presentation of ideas and facts is
and Clear presentation of ideas presentation of ideas and facts may not clear and does
Presentation of and facts is ideas and facts is lack important details. not show the main
Facts (20%) exemplary proficient points.
Promptness in The output was The output was The output was The output was
submission submitted on time. submitted within submitted a day after submitted 2 days
(10%) the day but not on the deadline. after the deadline.
the specified time.

Quarter 4 - Week 4
At the end of the session, learners should be able to:
S9FE-IVd-40- Perform activities to demonstrate conservation of mechanical energy.

Concepts: Powerpoint Presentation, Problem Based Learning,

Are you familiar with the pole

vaulting? The Law of conservation of
Energy is applied in sports such as pole
vaulting. The kinetic energy of the vaulter
while he is running is converted to elastic
potential energy of the pole as the pole
bends. As the pole unbends, the elastic
potential energy it possesses is converted
to the gravitational potential energy
propelling the vaulter upward and over the
bar. Bautista, FS& Canyong, PM, 2015,Kto12 Science Grade9

Energy is the capacity to work. It is stored in different forms and can transfer and
or transform. Law of Conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created nor
destroyed. It is only transformed from one form to another. Work is a measure of the
amount of energy transferred to the object.

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Mechanical Energy (ME) is the energy acquired by the object upon which work is
done. It is an energy that is possessed by an object due to its motion or its position. Energies
are expressed in Joule or in N.m. where 1 J = 1 N.m
Forms of Mechanical Energy:
1. Potential Energy (PE) – is the energy in matter due to arrangements of its parts, its
composition, location and structure. It is commonly considered as a stored energy
having the potential to do mechanical work.
Various Forms of Potential Energy:
a) Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE)- energy possessed by the object due to its
vertical position or height.
PEgrav = mgh
Where: m = mass (kg) g = -9.8 m/s2 h= height (m)
b. b) Elastic Potential Energy- the energy stored in elastic materials as the result of
stretching or compressing
P𝑬𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒔 = 𝒌𝒙𝟐
Where: k = Force constant of the spring or rubber (N/m)
x = elongation or compression of the spring or rubber (m)
1. 2. Kinetic Energy (KE) is energy possessed by the object in motion. It is dependent on
the mass and velocity of an object
𝑲𝑬 = 𝒎𝒗𝟐 .
Where: m = mass (kg) v = velocity (m/s)

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

The equation ME = KE + PE, where ME is Mechanical Energy, KE is Kinetic Energy,
and PE is Potential Energy, tells us that if there are no dissipative forces (like friction)
acting on an object, the total mechanical energy of the object is conserved. This is the Law
of conservation of Mechanical Energy.
Further, the law states that the decrease in object’s potential energy is equal to the
increase in its kinetic energy but the total mechanical energy remains constant.

Illustrative Examples
1. In a roller coaster ride in an amusement park, do you know what sets it into motion? The
principle behind the motion of a roller coaster and pirate’s ride demonstrates transformation
of mechanical energy.

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Examine now what happens to the mechanical energy of a roller coaster. If the cart
moves from the highest position, the potential energy is at its peak while the kinetic energy
is at its lowest. And as it moves downward, the potential energy decreases while the kinetic
energy increases. And in going up the track, the kinetic energy is at its peak while the
potential energy is at its lowest. And the cycle repeats in going up and down the track but
the mechanical energy is always conserved.
The law of conservation of mechanical energy states that, ignoring frictional force
and other external forces, the total mechanical energy, which is the sum of its kinetic and
potential energies, remains constant at all points in the system.

2. Consider a 2-kg object that is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. The table
below describes the position, speed, kinetic energy, potential energy, and mechanical
energy of the object at different times.
Time (s) Position Velocity Potential Kinetic ME ( J) =
(m) (m/s) Energy (J) Energy (J) KE+PE
0 0 20 0 400 400
1 15 10 300 100 400
2 20 0 400 0 400
3 15 -10 300 100 400
4 0 -20 0 400 400
It can be seen from the table that at any point in the motion of the object, the total
mechanical energy of the object remains unchanged or constant. The loss of the potential
energy of the ball equals the gain in its kinetic energy and vice versa.

3. A 10-kg roller coaster car

starts from rest at point A as
shown in the figure.
a. Calculate the total ME of
the car at point A.
b. Find the KE of the car at
point B.
c. Calculate the total
mechanical energy of the Bautista, FS& Canyong, PM, 2015,Kto12 Science Grade9
car at point C.
Given: mass= 10 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 hA =15m hB = 3m hC=6m
Solution :
a. MEA = PEA+KEA=mghA+1/2mv2
=10 kg(9.8m/s2)(15m) + 0
=1470 J
Note: KE at point A is zero because the object is at rest ( vA=0)
b. MEB = KEB +PEB ; therefore, KEB = MEB - PEB
PEB=mghB=10kg (9.8 m/s )(3m)
= 1470J – 294 J
= 294J = 1176 J
c. The total mechanical energy at any point remains the same or constant,
therefore: MC = MA = MB = 1470 J

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1. Bautista, F.S. & Canyong, P.M. (2015). K to 12 Science Grade 9. Vicarish Publication and
Trading, Inc.. p 282 – 286.
2. of Conservation of Mechanical Energy/Lesson-3
4. Science Grade 9 Learners Module. Conservation of Mechanical Energy. p.257-262,
339 - 345 pdf.
5. Barrera, J.C. , (2021). First Edition. Science 9 Activity Sheet No. 5 Conservation of
Mechanical Energy. Department of Education Region 6 – Western Visayas, p 1-2, pdf.

(Reminder: Please follow the format in the first activity)

Week 4- Activity 4

A. Critical Thinking
a. Supply what is asked on the following situations below. Unless otherwise stated, assume
there is no friction involved.
Fill in the missing values, use g = 10m/s2
(Hint: use eq. ME=GPE+KE)

Science Grade 9 Learners Module. Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Guide Questions:
1. What is the total mechanical energy possessed by the skater?
2. Why is it that the potential energy of the skater at location 1 is zero?
3. Compare the kinetic energies of the skater at locations 1& 2.
4. Where is kinetic energy maximum? minimum?
5. Where is potential energy maximum? minimum?
6. Describe the Mechanical energy of the skater as it gains height? How about
as it goes down?

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b. The figure shows a metal block sliding down the loop-the loop. The four positions
a, b, c, d of the block at different times are shown.

Bautista, FS& Canyong, PM, 2015,Kto12 ScienceGrade 9 Grade9

1. Rank the positions of the block from highest to lowest kinetic energy.
2. Rank the positions of the block from lowest to highest kinetic energy.
3. Rank the positions of the block from highest to lowest mechanical energy.
4. Define the Law of Conservation of Mechanical energy.

B. Problem Solving
1. A 70-kg springboard diver jumps from a height of 3 meters above the water.
At what amount of kinetic energy will he hit the surface of the water?

2. A 2-kg object is dropped from rest from a height of 5m above the ground.
What is the total mechanical energy of the object when it has fallen by 1
meter with respect to the ground?

C. Application
1. You are running across the room and bumped into your brother, pushing him
to the floor. What causes your brother to move? Explain using the concept of
the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

2. Water can produce electricity. How are you going to apply the law of
conservation of mechanical energy in the production of electricity through
falling water from falls? Create an essay discussing the step by step process of
producing electricity from falling water.

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Quarter 4 - Week 5
At the end of the session, learners should be able to::
S9FE-IVE-42- Construct a model to demonstrate that heat can do work.

Concepts: Discussion with Powerpoint Presentation, Problem Based Learning

Heat is a form of energy that flows from a region of high temperature to a region
of low temperature. For example, when you put an ice cube into a glass of hot water,
energy is transferred from the hot water to the ice cube, causing the ice cube to melt and
the temperature of the water to drop. Heat was transferred from the hot water into the ice
cube. This concept suggests that heat is not a property of matter. That is, objects do not
contain heat. When heat is absorbed by the ice, part of the energy absorbed is used to
break the intermolecular force of attraction among the molecules of ice and another part is
used to increase the average distance among the molecules of the ice. When heat is
removed from the hot water, the average kinetic energy of the water molecules decreases,
causing the temperature to drop.
The energy that is transferred to the ice is changed to the energy of the molecules
of the ice. The total energy of all the molecules in a material is what we call internal
energy which refers to the sum of all the potential energy and kinetic energy of all
molecules in the material.
Heat and work are two different methods of energy transfer. Heat transfer is
determined by temperature differences while work involves forces exerted through a
distance. Nevertheless heat and work can produce identical results like both can cause
temperature increase. For instance, the air inside a bicycle tire increases its temperature
when left under the heat of the sun. You can also increase the temperature of the air
inside by pumping air into the tire. Both processes can change the internal energy of air
inside the tire.

Illustrative Examples

Consider a gas filled cylinder with a

movable piston at one end as shown in the figure
5.1. When the cylinder is heated, the temperature
of the gas increases, expands and pushes the
piston upward. In this case, part of the heat
absorbed by the gas is used to change its internal
energy and another part is used to do work on its
surrounding (work done on the piston). The law
of conservation of energy suggests that the total
amount of energy of the air inside the piston
remains the same. Bautista, F.S. & Canyong, P.M. (2015). Kto 12
Science Grade 9. Vicarish Publication
Figure 5.1 A gas filled cylinder with movable piston
This means that,
Q= W + ΔU
where Q = the amount of heat flowing into a system during a given process
W = the net work done by the system
ΔU = the change in the system’s internal energy

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This is derived from the conservation of energy given as how heat is related to work.
Joule (J) is used as the SI unit for energy.
The amount of heat added to the system equals the work done by the system plus
the change in the internal energy of the system. This means that heat is positive when heat
is added to the system (the system absorbs heat) and negative when heat is removed
from the system (the system gives off heat). On the other hand, work is positive when the
system performs work on its surrounding (the system expands) and negative when work is
done on the system (the system contracts).

Heat Does Work

The transfer of energy in the form of heat is associated with changes in the
temperature or changes in the state of a sample of matter. But is that all? Can heat do
anything else? The answer is Yes! Energy transfer in the form of heat can result in the
performance of work upon the system or the surroundings. Devices that utilize heat to do
work are often referred to as heat engines. In general, an engine is a device that does work.
A heat engine is a device that uses heat transfer as the source of energy for doing work.
Study the illustration and table below to understand how a four-cycle-stroke gasoline
engine does work.

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The internal combustion engine of an automobile is an example of a heat engine.

Most internal combustion engines use a four-cycle process. As the fuel is burned (reacted
with oxygen) in the engine, energy is released from the system of chemicals. There is a heat
transfer from the hot system to the surrounding air of the cylinder. This transfer of heat to
the air in the cylinder does work upon the piston, driving it downward. The piston is
connected to the crankshaft of the car. The back and-forth movement of the piston within
the cylinder results in the rotational motion of the crankshaft and the generation of the
energy required to set the car in motion. The internal combustion engine is an example of a
heat engine. In this case, the internal energy stored in the chemical (gasoline) is converted
to thermal energy (the flow of heat) which results in the performance of work.

B. Sample Problem
A gas-filled cylinder is fitted with a movable piston at one end. When 60J of heat is
added to the gas, it expands, pushing the piston upward and performing 40J of work on it.
What is the change in the internal energy of the gas?
Given: Heat added to the system (the gas absorbs heat)
Q = + 60J
Work done by the system (the gas expands)
W = + 40J
Find: ΔU (change in the internal energy)
Formula : ΔU = Q - W
= + 60J – (+40J)
ΔU = + 20J
Explanation: The internal energy of the gas increases by 20J. During the process, the
temperature of the gas increases.
1. Bautista, F.S. & Canyong, P.M. (2015). Kto 12 Science Grade 9. Vicarish Publication and
Trading, Inc.. p 344 – 348.
2. Science Grade 9 Learners Module. Heat and Work. p.353-355 pdf
3. Science Grade 9 Teachers Guide. Heat and Work. p.268-269 pdf
4. Heat transfer (2020). Retrieved from
/3/2/0/5/32053441/ heattransferpracticeworksheet__1_.pdf on June 22, 2020.
5. Galindez, A. (2021). First Edition Science – Grade 9 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 –
Module 5: Heat and Work , First Edition,. Department of Education – Region III,
Matalino St., Diosdado Macapagal Center Maimpis, San Fernando City. p. 6- pdf.

(Reminder: Please follow the format in the first activity.)

Activity 5 - Week 5

A. Critical Thinking: Answer the following questions briefly:

1. Differentiate positive work from negative work.
2. How is heat energy related to work?
3. How does a heat engine work?
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4. In what way can a system attain positive heat? negative heat?

5. The First Law of Thermodynamics is considered as another version of the Law
of Conservation of Energy. Explain why?

B. Direction: Using the pictures below, construct a diagram of how a human body
transforms heat to work. Give a brief explanation how the transformation happens .

Carrying a Food Pushing a Digestion of Sleeping or

bag heavy cart food resting on June 22, 2020.

C. Problem Solving: Show your complete solution and box your final
1. If 150J of energy is added to a system that does not apply external work, by how
much internal energy of the system is raised?
2. A 120J of energy is added to a system that does 40J of external work, by how
much internal energy of the system is raised?
3. What is the change in the internal energy of a system when 100J of heat goes
out of the system and 230J of work is done on the system? If the system is an ideal
gas confined in a cylinder fitted at one end with a movable piston, what happens to
its temperature?

D. Application

James Prescott Joule remarked in his paper on mechanical equivalent of heat that
the temperatures at the top and bottom of a waterfall must be different.
Pagsanjan Falls in Laguna is 120 - m high. Assume that all potential energy
possess by the water at the top is completely converted into heat energy as it falls. In
which part of the waterfall has a higher temperature? Support your answer.

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Quarter 4 - Week 6
At the end of the session, learners should be able to:
S9FE-IVf-43- Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make heat
Concepts: Pictogram, Powerpoint Presentation, Brainstorming
Have you tried drinking hot beverages such as coffee, milk, chocolate, and tea?
Have you felt that warm temperature coming from the beverage container flowing to your
hands as you hold the cup? Why is this so?
It’s because there is a transfer of energy and energy can never be created from
nothing nor can it be destroyed into nothing, it can only be transformed from one form to
another (First Law of Thermodynamics, 2020). This flow causes changes in heat and work.
Remember that work can be easily transformed into heat. All the work we do in overcoming
friction is completely changed to heat. Example, eating (which is a method of work due to
tearing and chewing food particles) can be completely converted into heat (which is the
product of mechanical and chemical combustion and absorption of nutrients occurred in the
digestive system). Reversing the process is impossible such as changing heat completely
into works. To make it possible, we have to convert some heat to mechanical work. This will
happen only using heat engines.
Heat will always flow from an object with
a higher temperature to another with a lower
temperature (Second Law of Thermodynamics).
In hot reservoir- energy is created
through combustion of fuel. Then the working Figure 6.1 Heat Engine in hot and cold reservoir
body converts the heat energy into mechanical
energy (work).
In cold reservoir- the energy that
cannot be turned into work is dumped and goes
to heat up the cold reservoir. This conversion
maybe done only by using heat engines.
Heat engine is a device that changes thermal
energy into mechanical work. It enables heat
energy to be converted to kinetic energy
through the medium of a working fluid.
Figure 6.2. Actual image of a heat

An actual image of a heat engine is

shown in figure 6.2. Figure 6.3 shows
the system heat flow wherein heat is
transferred from the source, through
working fluid in the heat engine and
into the sink, and in this process some of
the heat is converted into work.

Figure 6.3 The heat cycle

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Thus, whether it is coal, gas or nuclear power, 80% of the world’s electricity is
derived from heat sources and almost all of the energy conversion processes used convert
the thermal energy into electrical energy as shown in figure 6.4

Figure 6.4 Energy conversion process

There are two kinds of heat engines: internal and external combustion engine. They
are classified according to where the combustion takes place. If the fuel is combusted
inside the engine chamber, it is an internal combustion engine. When the fuel combustion
takes place outside the engine, it is an external combustion engine. Gasoline, diesel engine
and our human body are examples of internal combustion engine while steam, piston
engine and the atmosphere are examples of external combustion engine.
Table 1 and figure 6.5 below presents and describe the four-cycle stokes of a
gasoline engine (an example of a heat engine).

Deped Science 9 student manual p.362 pdf.

Figure 6.5 . Image of the Four-cycle Strokes

Cycle stroke Movement of the Piston What happened to the

mixture of gases?
Intake Moves down Filled in the cylinder
Compression Moves upward Compressed into fractional amount
Power Moves down Ignited by the spark plug
Exhaust Moves up Expelled out by the exhaust pipe
Table 1. The four cycle- stroke of a gasoline engine.
Reference :
1. Science Grade 9 Learners Module. Heat Engines. p.361-364 pdf.
2. Science Grade 9 Teachers Guide. Heat Engines. p.272-274 pdf.
3. Boyle, L. (2020). First Law of Thermodynamics. Retrieved from
4. Electropedia (2005). Energy Conversion and Heat Engines. Retrieved from
5. Bullos, F., III, et al. ((2021). First Ed. SAS Quarter4 MELC7 Week 6 Heat Engines. DEPED Region
6, Western Visayas p. 2-4 pdf.

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(Reminder: Please follow the format in the first activity.)

Week 6 - Activity 6

A. Familiarizing four-stroke cycle engine. Fill the table by studying the four-cycle
stroke gasoline engine then read and answer the questions that follow (Bullos, F.
III, 2021).

Figure 6.6. The Four-cycle stroke gasoline engine

1. What happens to the gas if it is heated inside the engine’s cylinder?

2. What happens to the piston and the gases during compression stroke?
3. What is the function of the spark plug? What is its effect to the mixture’s
4. Describe the piston and the gases during the power stroke.
5. In exhaust stroke, what happens to the piston and the mixture of gases?
6. What do you think is the effect of this exhaust gas into the environment?
B. Critical Thinking: Answer the following questions briefly.
1. How does the piston behave during intake stroke? What happens to the gas
2. Can we consider heat engine 100% efficient? Why?
3. Are there instances of heat transfer in the four strokes engine? If yes, cite these

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4. How does heat transfer make the four strokes engine work?
5. Is it possible to construct a heat engine that produces no thermal pollution? Why?
C. Application:
1. As a student, how can you help to minimize the effects of thermal pollution?
2. Identify one heat engine in your home. Discuss how it operates.

Quarter 4 - Week 7
At the end of the session, learners should be able to:
S9FE-IVh-j-46- Explain how electrical energy is generated, transmitted, and

Concepts: Research Based Learning, Discussion using Powerpoint Presentation

Have you ever imagined, what life would be if there is no electricity in this
technological era? Electricity is part of our daily life and it is hard to imagine life without it.
Today, you are enjoying the comfort of using technologies powered by electricity by simply
turning on your lamps, mobile phones, laptops, and other electrical devices. Without
electricity, you are going to rely on fire, moon, and sun for light, and on muscle power to do
work for you. All the leisure brought about by modern technology will be useless. Modern
society would grind to a halt.
Sources of Electrical Energy
Electricity is generated using either renewable or nonrenewable sources.
Nonrenewable energy sources such as fossil fuels like crude oil, coal and natural gas, are
more rapidly used than formed. Fossil fuels, which require thousands or even millions of
years to form, are derived from the remains of living organisms.
Renewable sources of energy that can be replenished naturally include biomass,
hydropower, geothermal energy, wind power, solar energy, and biofuels.
Most of the energy sources in the Philippines come from fossil fuels. To reduce
country’s dependence on fossil fuels and to minimize the country’s exposure to price
fluctuations in the International market, the Philippine Congress passed Republic Act
9513(Renewable Energy Act of 2008). This act aims to promote the development,
utilization, and commercialization of renewable energy sources.
Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy
How is Electricity Produced?
Electricity undergoes a series of processes before it reaches you. It is generated at a
power plant by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by
combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing
water, wind and geothermal energy. Some Power Plants located in the Philippines are
presented in table 7.1

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Name Type Source Location Region Capacity Operational?

Agus 1 Hydroelectric Water Maria Cristina X 80.5 Yes
Falls, Iligan City
Calaca Thermal Coal Calaca, IV-A 300 Yes
Thermal Plant Batangas

Tiwi Plant Geothermal Earth’s Tiwi, Albay V 234 Yes

Bohol Diesel Diesel-Power Fossil Fuel Dampas, VII 22 Yes
Plant Tagbilaran City
Bataan Plant Nuclear Nuclear Bataan III No
Amlan Hydroelectric Water Amlan, Negros VII 0.9 Yes
Hydroelectric Oriental
Panay DPP 1 Diesel Fossil fuel Dingle, Iloilo VI 92.2 Yes
PCPC Coal-Power Coal Concepcion, VI 135 Yes
Calumangan Diesel Fossil fuel Bago City VI 31 Yes
Diesel Plant Negros
Nabas Wind On shore Wind Wind Nabas, aklan VI 36 Yes
Ph1 Turbine
TAREC On shore Wind Wind San Lorenzo, VI 54 Yes
Turbine Guimaras
ENERVANTAG Diesel Fossil fuel Panit-an, Capiz VI 11 Yes
E Diesel Plant
PEDC Coal Coal-Power Coal La Paz, Iloilo VI 317.4 Yes
Fired Plant City
PANAY Diesel-Power Diesel Ingore, Lapaz, VI 94.9 Yes
POWER Iloilo City
PB 101 & 102 Diesel-Power Diesel Bo. Obrero, VI 64 Yes
Iloilo City
Table 7.1. Power Plants Located in the Philippines
A power plant or power station is a facility where energy is generated from energy
sources. There are two types of power plants: Thermal and Kinetic. They both produce
electricity in similar ways, using a source of energy to turn a turbine, which in turn rotates
either the coil or magnets of a generator.

production of rotation of
source of energy rotation of coils or production of
to rotate the blades of magnet of electricity
turbine turbine generator

Figure 7.1 Flow diagram for generation of electricity in power plants

How is electricity transmitted and distributed?
From the power plants, electricity is then made to travel along cables and wires called
transmission lines as shown in figure 7.2. Transmission lines are commonly put up between
transmission substations which are regulated by the National Power Corporation.
Transmission lines may either be constructed overhead on towers or they may be
underground. They are operated at high voltages, send out large amounts of electrical power
and extend over considerable distances.
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From the generating station, the transmission substations step up the voltage to a
range of 138,000 – 765,000 volts. Within the operating area, transmission substations
reduce (step down) the transmitted voltage to 34,500 – 138,000 volts. This power is then
carried through lines to the distribution systems located in the local service area.
The distribution system connects the transmission system to the customer’s
household. MERALCO is in charge of electrical energy distribution in Metro Manila. The
distribution substations further step down the voltage to 2,400 – 19, 920 volts. A step-down
transformer further reduces the voltage to 220 V – the standard AC voltage in the
Philippines. This voltage powers most of the electrical appliances we have at home.
Figure 7.2 Distribution and Transmission of Electricity

1. List of Existing Power Plants(GRID-CONNECTED) as of DECEMBER 2020,(2022). Retrieved from
mber_2020.pdf on March 4, 2022.
2. Pavico, J. M. F. et al. (2018). Exploring Life Through Science Series: The New Grade 9.
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., p. 450– 456.
3. Science Grade 9 Learners Module. Electricity and Magnetism. p.375-383 pdf.
4. Science Grade 9 Teachers Guide. Electricity and Magnetism. p.281-287 pdf.
5. Sabinay, ZM (2021). First Ed. SAS Quarter4 MELC8 Week6-7 Generation, Transmission and
Distribution of Electrical Energy.DEPED Region 6, Western Visayas. p.4-8 pdf.

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(Reminder: Please follow the format in the first activity.)

Activity 7 – Week 7

A. Direction: Study table 7. 1 in page 26. Power Plants Located in the

Philippines and answer the questions that follow (Sabinay, 2021).
1. Where is your place of residence?
2. What source of energy is nearest your place?
3. What electric power plants are present in your area?
4. What source of energy can supply a larger power plant capacity?

B. Matching Type. Carefully analyze the pictures and match the descriptions to the
pictures. You may write your answer as follows: Ex. 1-A where, 1 is the picture
number and A is the matching description.

1 4


A The electric current then runs through the power lines to the substation transformer
where voltage is lowered to between 2000 and 13000 volts.
B The steam powers a turbine which spins a huge magnet inside a copper wire. Heat
energy converts to mechanical energy which then converts to electrical energy in the
C Steam is generated at the electricity plant by the burning of fossil fuels – or at a
nuclear or hydroelectric plant.
D Electricity flows from the power plant through wires to the step up transformer. The
transformer raises the voltage so it can travel long distances – its raised as high as
756,000 volts.
E Electricity is then taken through the lines to a pole transformer –or a transformer box
if underground – and voltage is lowered again to between 120 and 240 volts.
F From here electricity comes into your home through a service box, where your meter
is located to measure how much you use. Wires take electricity around your home
powering your lights and all your other appliances.

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only) Physics 9

C. Generating Electricity: Read the given information below, copy the appropriate
keywords found on the box below to complete the diagram ( Sabinay, 2021).
In most power stations, electricity is generated by burning fuels. Coal, oil and
natural gas are the common fuels for generating electricity.
A power station has three major parts: a boiler, a turbine and a generator. Fuels
are burnt in the boiler to boil water. The boiling water produces steam. The steam
drives the turbine. The turbine rotates and drives the generator. Electricity is produced
when the generator rotates. During this process, energy is converted from one form to
another. The chemical energy of the fuels is changed into heat energy, which boils the
water. The heat energy in steam is changed into kinetic energy in the turbine. Then the
kinetic energy is changed into electrical energy by the generator.
Coal Water Electricity
Keywords Natural gas Kinetic energy Heat energy
Steam Generator Oil

DIAGRAM: How electricity are generated?

D. Critical Thinking: Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What cause power loss in the transmission of electricity from the power companies to
our houses?
2. Is it ok to attach a step-up transformer rather than a step-down transformer on
service post at home? Why?
3. How are the different energy sources transformed into electricity for our home use?

E. Application:
How are the generation of electricity and climate change related? Support your

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