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Total No. of Pages : 4] Code No.

B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. I Semester (3YDC) Examination, May - 2022
Course Code No. & Name : UG101AEC- AECC

Time : 1½ Hour] [Max. Marks : 40

[Min. Marks : 16


[Marks : 2 × 6 = 12]

Instructions to the candidates:

A¿¶ýÅÆæÿ$®ËMæü$ Üç *^èþ¯@þË$ :
a) Answer any two of the following questions.

D M“ üì …¨ ÐésìýÌZ HOÐþð ¯é Æðÿ…yæþ$ ³ç{ Ô¶ý˲ Mæü$ Üç Ð@þ*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķý$…yìþ.

b) Each question carries 6 marks.

³ç{ † ³ç{ Ô¶ýM² üæ $ 6 Ð@þ*Ææÿ$PË$.

1) Gender Roles.
f…yæþÆŠÿ ´ë{™þè Ë$.

2) Family as an Agent of Socialization.

ÝëÐ@þ*hMîüMæüÆæÿ×ý ³ç{ M“ üì Ķý$ÌZ Mæü$r$…º Ð@þÅÐ@þÜç ¦ ³ç{ ¿êÐ@þ….

3) Gendered division of Labour.

f…yæþÆŠÿ B«§éÆæÿ…V> ³ç ° Ñ¿¶ýf¯@þ.

4) Honour killings.
³ç Ææÿ$Ð@þ# ß
ç ý™èþÅË$.

[Marks : 2 × 10 = 20]

Instructions to the candidates :

A¿¶ýÅÆæÿ$®ËMæü$ Üç *^èþ¯@þË$ :
a) Answer any two of the following questions.
D M“ üì …¨ ÐésìýÌZ HOÐþð ¯é Æðÿ…yæþ$ ³ç{ Ô¶ý˲ Mæü$ Üç Ð@þ*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķý$…yìþ.
b) Each question carries 10 marks.
³ç{ † ³ç{ Ô¶ýM² üæ $ 10 Ð@þ*Ææÿ$PË$.

5) a) Distinguish sex and gender. Explain how gender relations lead to gender
Üò MŠüÞ , f…yæþÆŠÿ ° Ñ¿ôý¨…^èþ…yìþ. f…yæþÆŠÿ Üç …º…«§éË$ AçÜÐ@þ*¯@þ™èþËMæü$ GÌê §éÇ ¡Ýë¢Äýñ * ÑÐ@þÇ…^èþ…yìþ.
b) Discuss the relationship of gender and power. Discuss the contribution
of gender studies scholers towards understanding power from gender
f…yæþÆŠÿMæü$, A«¨M>Æ>°Mìü E¯@þ² Üç …º…«§é°² ^èþÇa…^èþ…yìþ. A«¨M>Ææÿ… Üç ÓÆæÿ*´ë°² AÆæÿ…¦ ^óþÜç $MøÐ@þyæþ…ÌZ
f…yæþÆŠÿ A«§þæ ÅĶý$¯@þ… HÑ«§þæ …V> ™øyæþyµ þì …¨?

6) a) Discuss the significance of Human Rights of women and the special

provisions of CEDAW.
Ð@þ$íßýâê ß
ç ýMæü$PË ´{ ëÐ@þ¬RêÅ°² ^èþÇaÜç *¢ Üí .C.yìþ.G. yæþº$ÏÅ.ÌZ ³õ ÆöP¯@þ² ³ç{ ™óþÅMæü ÑçÙĶý*˯@þ$ ™ðþËç³…yìþ.


b) What are the major challenges that contemporary times are throwing at
gender identities?

f…yæþÆŠÿ Væü$Ç¢…³ç #Ë ÑçÙĶý$…ÌZ ™èþÌñý™èþ$¢™þè $¯@þ² ³ç{ §« é¯@þ Ð@þÆæÿТ þ@ *¯@þ Üç Ð@þ$çÜÅ˯@þ$ ™ðþËç³…yìþ.

UG101AEC/2022 2

[Marks : 8 × 1 = 8]
Instructions to the candidates :
A¿¶ýÅÆæÿ$®ËMæü$ Üç *^èþ¯@þË$ :
a) Answer all the following questions.
M“ üì …¨ ³ç{ Ô¶ý˲ $ A°²…sìýMìü Üç Ð@þ*«§é¯éË$ Æ>Ķý$…yìþ.
b) Each question carries 1 mark.
³ç{ † ³ç{ Ô¶ýM² üæ $ 1 Ð@þ*Ææÿ$P.

I. Multiple Choice Questions.

ºç ß ý$O â ñ ý _a M æ ü { ç ³ Ô¶ ý ² Ë $.

7) Who is the Author of the book “The Second Sex”.

“¨ Ü
ò Mæü…yŠþ Üò MŠüÞ” V“ üæ …£æþ Ææÿ^èþÆÿ¬™èþ GÐ@þÆæÿ$?
a) Prof. Rama Melkote b) Simone de Beauvoir
c) Prof. Vasantha Kannabhiran d) Mary Wollstonecraft
G) ´{ ÷. ÆæÿÐ@þ* Ððþ$ÌZPsôý ¼) Üí Ð@þ$¯Œþ yìþ º$Ð@þÆŠÿ
Üí ) ´{ ÷. Ð@þÜç …™èþ Mæü¯é²ÀÆ>¯Œþ yìþ) Ðóþ$È ÐéÌŒýÝùt¯þŒ M“ >‹œt

8) Suffragette moment is a struggle for

Üç œç{ VðüsŒý E§æþÅÐ@þ$… §óþ°MøçÜ… ´ùÆ>yìþ…¨.
a) Voting Rights
b) Property Rights
c) Reproductive Rights
d) Recognition of domestic work
G) Kr$ ß ç ýMæü$PË$ ¼) BíÜ¢ ßç ýMæü$PË$
Üí ) ³ç #¯@þÆæÿ$™éµ§þæ Mæü ß
ç ýMæü$PË$ yìþ) Væü–çßý Üç …Ææÿ„æü×ý ³ç °Mìü Væü$Ç¢…³ç #

9) The Universal Declarating of Human Rights was adopted in the

ç ýMæü$PË ³ç{ Mæür¯@þ Üç …Ð@þ™èþÞÆæÿ… ______.
ÝëÆæÿÓf±Ä¶ý$ Ð@þ*¯@þÐ@þ ß
a) 1948 b) 1946
c) 1942 d) 1938

UG101AEC/2022 3
10) The process of bringing up boys and girls according to cultural norms
of a society is known as _______.
Üç Ð@þ*f…ÌZ Byæþ, Ð@þ$Væü ³í ËÏͲ Ýë…çÜP –†Mæü ÑË$Ð@þË B«§éÆæÿ…V> ³ò …^óþ Ñ«§é¯é°² HÐ@þ$° A…sêÆæÿ$.
a) Socialization b) Patriarchy
c) Gender Sensitization d) Gender Parity
G) ÝëÐ@þ*iMæüÆæÿ×ý ¼) ³í ™èþ– ÝëÓÐ@þ$Å…
Üí ) f…yæþÆŠÿ Üç µ –çßý yìþ) f…yæþÆŠÿ ´ëÇsîý

II. Fill in the Blanks:

Rêä˯@ þ $ ç ³ NÇ…^è þ …yì þ :
11) NHRC stands for _______.
G¯Œþòßý^ŒþBÆŠÿíÜ ç³NÇ¢ õ³Ææÿ$______.

12) The _____ Amendment of the Indian constitution provides a reservation

of 1 3 of the seats for woman in village panchayats.

______ ¿êÆæÿ™èþ Æ>gêÅ…Væü Ü

ç Ð@þÆæÿ×ý ³ç{ M>Ææÿ… Ý린Mæü Üç …çÜ̦ ZÏ Ð@þ$íßýâ¶ýËMæü$ 33%›{´ë†°«§þæ Å… Mæü͵…^éÆæÿ$.

13) CERD Stands for ______.

íÜ.C.BÆŠÿ.yìþ. ç³NÇ¢ õ³Ææÿ$ ______.

14) The law on sexual harassment at workplace was enacted in the year
« …ç³#Ë ^èþrt… AÐ@þ$Ë$ÌZMìü Ð@þ_a¯þ@ Üç …Ð@þ™èþÞÆæÿ… ______.
³ç °^óþÜõ ^ør ÌO ýñ …WMæü Ðóþ¨


UG101AEC/2022 4

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