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Pre-Content/content Learning Outcome/Objectives

. General Specific
Pre- content – Ask The students will be able to : The students will be able to :
introductory questions to the
students: apply pre-reading strategies to answer the introductory questions to
set a purpose for reading and to lead to the understanding of the lesson
Do they keep or have kept a increase comprehension.
diary? When did they seem to
write in it? Was there a
pattern? Would they want
other people to read their
diary? Why or why not?

Content explore the life and times of research on Anne Frank’s life and
-Introduction Anne Frank World War II
-Comprehension reflect knowledge of text & describe Anne’s relationship with her
-Flow Chart extrapolate father, grandmother, Mrs Kuperus and
-Characterization Mr. Keesing
-Writing answer factual, inferential,
extrapolative and reference to context
Post-content mention the reasons why she considers
‘kitty’ as her best friend.
Diary Writing: create a timeline arrange the facts from Anne’s life in
chronological order
highlight the character traits of analyse the qualities of Anne Frank to
Anne write a character sketch
imbibe the qualities of courage and
use appropriate format and explore appropriate language and
style of writing a diary. expression associated with writing a

Homework/ Assignment:
Q1. What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?
Q2. Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?


Teacher's Activity Student's Activity Teacher's Observation And

Teacher will: Students will: .
ask introductory questions answer the questions
. Teacher will write her observations
after completion of the topic

provide a brief historical get a thorough understanding of

introduction about World War II WW II and answer the research
and give research based questions based questions( Annexure a)
(Annexure A)

elicit responses of textual answer the questions and write

them in the notebooks
complete the given worksheet based
instruct the students to complete on the given clues.
the timeline on Anne Frank

analyse the given situations and

carry out a discussion on the traits to write a character sketch of
important aspects of Anne’s life, Anne Frank.
thereby bringing out her traits
write the diary entry using
provide prompts for diary writing appropriate language and format.
(Activity- Journal Buddies:
Activity: Journal Buddies
Annexure B)

Teaching Aids : Smart Board, Internet ,reference book, worksheets, Poster, Text Book, Audio
Methodology/Innovative Methods: Recall, Interpersonal Intelligence Evaluation, Discussion,
Interdisciplinary Links: Social Science (History)
H.O.D Coordinator Vice-Principal Principal

Annexure A

Answer the following questions:

1. What was a death camp in the time of Hitler?

2. When was the first concentration camp established & who were the inmates?

3. What is a death camp? How many were there? Where were they located?

4. What does the term “Final Solution” mean and what is its origin?

5. What were the first measures taken by the Nazis against the Jews? (Any two)

6. What was done to women, children, babies & infants?

Annexure B: Experiential Learning

Lesson: From the Diary of Anne Frank
Activity name Journal Buddies !
Level X
Skill Expressing, Creating, Self- awareness
Time 40 minutes
Grouping of students individual
Materials Pens and papers

Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to:

 chronicle their feelings about things around them

 articulate the problems faced by young adults

Teacher’s Activity- The Teacher will:

 provide them tips on how to start writing a diary like: create an introductory entry, decide
on what to write about, act lie you’re writing to a trusted friend etc.
 show them a sample of diary entry
 instruct the students to select a problem that is more pressing to them during the period of
adolescence and write about it.

Students’ Activity- The Students will:

 analyse Anne’s frankness, honesty and sincerity in writing her diary accounts.
 brainstorm what they are going to write about
 ask questions to themselves and write their answers.
 express their feelings in their entries.
 Setting up (giving instructions – guidelines, objectives, rules, time limit): 5 minutes
 Writing time: 25 minutes
 Discussion and feedback: 10 minutes
Suggestive Prompts for Diary Writing

1. Mention any incident when the words spoken by someone to you brought about a change in
your perspective. What did they say, and why did it have such an impact on you?

2. Mention about the time when you started to realise ‘responsibilities’. Also, write about what
you feel most responsible for.

3. Write about something that you wish you could say to someone. What is it, and whom
would you like to say it to? Is there anything stopping you from saying it?

4. What changes did you feel in everyone’s attitude towards you when you became a
teenager? Mention how easy/ difficult it was to deal with the situation.

5. Write about the time when you wanted to install a social networking site and your parents
did not agree. How did you deal with the situation? Were you able to convince them?

Space for Writing:




















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