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12.1 Objectives
12.2 Use of Grid and Guides
12.3 Create a Photo Album
12.3.1 Add photographs to photo album
12.3.2 Add a caption to picture
12.3.3 Improve the presentation of pictures in the photo album
12.4 Background style of slide
12.5 Apply layout to slides
12.6 Slide Master
12.7 Inserting Objects in the body placeholder
12.7.1 Insert Picture
12.7.2 Insert SmartArt Graphics
12.7.3 Insert OLE Objects
12.7.4 Insert Table
12.7.5 Insert Hyperlink
12.7.6 Insert Chart
12.8 Insert slide number and Date and Time
12.9 Resize and Move Images within Slides
12.9.1 Control level of transparent of graphic/picture object
12.10 Animation Effect
12.10.1 Removing animations from slide
12.11 Add Move to slide
12.12 Add Sound to slide
12.13 Present the Slide Show
12.14 Set up Slide Show
12.15 Transaction effect
12.16 Record narration
12.17 Rehearse timings
12.18 Package a Presentation
12.19 Tips to design slide
12.20 Let us sum up

12.1 Objectives
In the previous unit, you have understood applications of the PowerPoint in offices and basic
functions of the software in designing of a presentation. This unit explains advanced functions of
the MS PowerPoint that can transform an ordinary presentation into a professional presentation
by adding graphic, ClipArt, animation etc. to slide. After reading this unit, you will be able:
 to insert picture, ClipArt, SmartArt, graphics and chart in the slide,
 to add animation effects to slide,
 to add media clips (audio and video file) to slide,
 to record narration, and
 to demonstrate the presentation and customize its behaviour during display

12.2 Use of Grid and Guides

You can use grid and guides for placing objects and pictures at the precise location on slide. A
guide consists of two straight lines intersecting at right angle. The movements of lines are
independent of each other; however angle of intersection is always 90o. The grid is shown as
intersections of horizontal and vertical lines placed at equal interval across the slide. You cannot
reposition the intersections of lines in grids as you can do in guides. You can activate grid or/and
guides in a slide by right clicking in blank area of the slide, you will get the pop-up menu as
shown in the left side of Figure 1. Click on Grid and Guides options, results in dialogue
window as shown in the right side of the figure. Click on check box of the Display drawing
guides on screen to display the guides on the slide.

Fig. 1

The grid can be displayed on the screen by clicking on the check box of the Display Grid on
screen label. You can set spacing between grids by redefining spacing in grids in the textbox of
Spacing label under Grid setting.

Lines of guides can be moved by bringing mouse pointer over the line at outside of the slide and
drag the line. Other line of the guides remains stationery, while one of the lines of the guides is
moving through drag action. Use the same step to move other line of the guides. The intersection
of lines of the guides helps in placing objects on the slide. Lines of the guides can be dragged
and intersection can be reposition to place picture or other objects at the precise location. First
position the cross section in the guides, at the location, where picture is to be placed, then moves
that picture to the cross section of the guides. More than one guides can be placed at a time over
a slide to set the position of object on slide.

The alignment of objects to crossing of lines of guides or grid is known as snapping. Click on the
check box of Snap Objects to grid shown in fig 1 to align pictures or objects to the nearest cross
section of lines of the grid. Objects can be aligned to nearby objects by clicking on the checkbox
of Snap objects to other Objects. This function works even when the grids and guide are not
visible on the slide. After aligning objects to grid or guides, you can make grid and guides
hidden so that they are not visible during presentation or printing. Clear the check boxes of
Display drawing guides on screen and Display grid on screen labels of grid and guidelines
windows (Fig 1). If you are not able to move any objects at location of your interest then
examine whether checkboxes of snapping objects to grid or other objects are checked, clear these
checkboxes at take objects at any place on the slide.

12.3 Create a Photo Album

You can create a presentation of photo album. You can add personal and business photographs in
the photo album. You can make your photo album more attractive by adding colorful
backgrounds and themes to it. A theme can be defined as a combination of visual impact to
define colors, fonts and styles, layouts, border shape, position and size of photographs. Theme
can be applied to all the slides of a presentation with single command without any change in
contents of slides. Selected theme is applied automatically to every slide of the photo Album.
You can add caption next to each photograph in photo album.

To create a new photo album, click on New in the Office button menu, click on Installed
templates. Contemporary Photo Album is listed as one of the installed template; select this
template to start the designing of a photo album. Slide of photo album can have space of
photograph, title, caption, frame shape and empty textboxes. PowerPoint can arrange positions
of frame of photo and body placeholder of other objects to have presentation of your interest.
Click on arrow key () next to the New Slide icon under the Home Tab, it will suggest different
predefined layouts of photo album, as shown below. Select one of the layouts to design the photo
album. When you click on New Slide icon instead on its arrow key, a new slide with default
layout as set by slide master will be open in the photo album.

Fig 2
12.3.1 Add photographs to photo album

1. Click the arrow () under the Photo Album icon ( ) under the Illustrations sub
group of the Insert tab, then click on the New Photo Album the following dialogue box
appears the screen.

Fig 3

2. In the Photo Album dialog box, specify the location of photographs under Insert
picture from label by clicking on the File/Disk button to browse through
folders/directories for pictures and graphs stored in computer, to be added in photo
3. Select the appropriate picture and then click on Insert command button. The selected
picture name is reflected under the Pictures in Album frame and its preview is
displayed in the next frame.
4. Repeat this step until you add all the pictures to be added in the photo album. The
Pictures in Album frame has listing of all the pictures selected for the photo album. The
next frame only displays the preview of the picture under the focus. If you want to
preview any picture of your photo album, then click on its file name from the listing of
Pictures in Album frame and view it in the Preview: window.
5. If you want to change the order of pictures listed under the Pictures in album, click the
name of picture, which is to be rearranged in the listing, and then use the arrow
buttons( ) at the bottom of this frame to move the selected picture up or down in
the list.
6. Once you have finalized the sequencing of photographs In the Photo Album dialogue
window, Click on Create command button to insert selected pictures into photo album.
Each photo is added to individual slide. The PowerPoint offers a number of themes to
improve style of the photo album. If these themes do not meet your requirements, you
can get more themes for the PowerPoint from the internet.
Fig 4

12.3.2 Add a caption to picture

You can add captions to each picture in your photo album. The caption of a picture is a short
narration about it is placed next to picture in the slide.
1. On the Insert tab of the ribbon, under the Illustrations sub-group, click the arrow of the
Photo Album icon and then click the Edit Photo Album option. You will get the
following dialogue window.

Fig 5
2. Click on check box of the Captions below ALL pictures, under the Picture Options: to
insert captain along with each picture in all slides of the photo album. If this check box is
unavailable, you must first choose a layout, which can accommodate caption for
pictures, under the Album Layout frame, from the Picture layout: combo box, select a
layout other than Fit to slide option to insert caption with each picture.
3. Click on the Update command button. The PowerPoint uses name of picture as caption
text by default for all pictures inserted in photo album,
4. In Normal view mode, click on the caption text placeholder, and then type the caption.

12.3.3 Improve the presentation of pictures in the photo album

1. Bring the photo album In the Edit Photo Album mode
 To display all the pictures in your photo album in black and white, select the ALL
pictures black and white check box, under the Picture Options: label,
 Select a layout for the photo album from the Picture layout combo box under the
Album Layout frame. The layout decides the presence of caption of photo and set
number of pictures in each slide. Click on Browse button placed against Theme:
to select and apply specific theme to all slides of photo album.
 Decide frame for picture by selecting it from the Frame shape: combo box under
the Album Layout frame, if this option is not available then first select other than
Fit to slide option for picture layout from the Combo box of Picture Layout label.
 To add a separate slide with text box after a specific picture, click at the picture
that succeed a slide with text box and then click New Text Box.
 To rotate, control brightness or contrast of individual picture, double click the
concerned picture to get Picture Tools on the ribbon.
 To rotate a picture clockwise, click .
 To rotate a picture counter-clockwise, click
 To increase the contrast, click .
 To decrease the contrast, click .
 To increase the brightness, click .
 To decrease the brightness, click .

12.4 Background Styles of Slide

Background style of slide defines the layout and visual of background of objects placed in that
background of slides. Picture, shapes, colors or patterns may be used as background of slides.
Background may be applied to specific slides or to the entire presentation. You can change the
background of your presentation, at any time, by selecting appropriate background style. The
changing of background does not change contents and layouts of objects embedded in that slide.
The background styles are displayed as thumbnails in the Background Styles gallery under the
Background sub group on the Design tab of the ribbon. When you point to specific background
style thumbnail, you can preview how the background style will affect your presentation. If you
like a specific background style, click over it to apply it as background of current slide. When
you change the theme, it automatically changes the display of background. Similarly,
background style of the slide over write on background set by theme.

Add a background style to your presentation

1. Select slide or a group of slides in which background style is to be re-designed.
2. Click on the arrow key () next to Background Styles in the Background sub group of
the Design tab of the ribbon to see various background styles.

Fig 6

3. Right-click on the background style needed by you

 To apply the chosen background style to the selected slides, click on Apply to
Selected Slides.
 To apply the background style to all the slides in your presentation, click on Apply
to All Slides.

You can customize background style, when predefined styles failed to meet your requirement.
Select the slide where background is to be customized. Click on arrow next to Background
Styles, under Background sub group of the Design tab of the ribbon. Click on the Format
Background option. A new dialogue window (Format Background) appears on the screen with
various options to format the background.

Fig 7

Background styles make impressive impact when presentation is made on the overhead projector
or monitor. However, the dark colour background makes it difficult to read handouts. It also
consumes lot of ink in printing the presentation.

Fig 8

You can hide background fill effect of slides, while printing to improve visibility of text. Select
the slide, where you want to hide background. Click on the check box of the Hide Background
Graphics option under the Background option of the design tab to hide the background. Thus,
you can hide the background without removing it. It can be make visible again by clearing this

12.5 Apply Layout to Slides

The layouts define positioning and formatting for objects over the slide. Contents to body
placeholder to objects can be added later at these positions during the designing of individual
slide. The following figure shows all of the elements that can be included in a slide, designed
with the MS PowerPoint 2007.

Fig 9
The Layout makes the designing of slide easy, also, helps in keeping consistency in layout across
the slides in a presentation. The position of title, sub-title, picture, chart, text box, ClipArt,
SmartArt, etc. are displayed with the help of the body placeholders. You cannot add a new
placeholder directly to a slide. The placeholders for various objects can be added with the help of
templates and slide master. The slide master is similar to template. The layout of new slide can
be adopted from slide master.

When you create a presentation in the MS PowerPoint, the first slide is called Title Slide. The
default layout of the title slide has two text boxes, upper text box is to add title and lower text
box is to add subtitle.

Fig 10
If standard layouts failed to meet your requirements then you can create your own layouts with
the help of slide master and apply them in designing of slides for your presentation. You can also
use templates to retain consistence across all the slides in the presentation. Use the following
steps to apply layouts in your slides.
1. Select slide or slides where a specific layout is to be applied in the Slides Navigation
2. On the Home tab, in the Slides sub group, click on arrow key () next to Layout to
view different layouts supported in PowerPoint and apply one of these to the selected
slides by clicking over it.

Fig 11

12.6 Slide Master

Designing and formatting of a slide take lot of time. You have to do it repeatedly for each slide
of the presentation. It is difficult to retain consistency in layout and format across slides. This
problem can be resolved with Slide Mater. The slide master is equivalent to template. The
designing of slide is easy and convenient with the help of slide master. It provides background
colours, styles and structure to all the slides of the presentation. The Slide Master can define
layout for title, text box and body placeholders for objects, which are added by default at every
new slide in the presentation. The layout of the slide master is recognized as the Master
Title and Master Body objects. The Slide Master is created only once and it is automatically
added to every new slide. Still you have freedom to design layout of each slide as per your need.
Contents and objects to body placeholder can be added later. Layout of Objects in the master
slide can be revised at any time. The revised layout of slide master is automatically applied to all
the slides where this slide master is already applied. Thus, the Slide Master helps in retaining
consistence in format across the slides and enjoys the flexibility. A presentation can use one or
more slide masters to set layout and style of slides.

Add a Slide Master

1. Click Slide Master under the Master Views sub group on the View tab

2. Click on Insert Slide Master under the Edit Master group, the default Slide master
opens with very few objects. You can add new objects in the slide master. You can
add body placeholders of objects in the slide master.

3. Right click on the current Slide Master in the navigation pane, click on Insert Layout
option from the pop-up menu, click the arrow next to Insert Placeholder under the
Master Layout, and then click a body placeholder of object desired by you, the cursor
change to + sign, now drag the mouse over the slide at the position where, new object
is needed.

4. You can remove unwanted or default placeholder by clicking the border of the
placeholder, and then press Delete key or right click on the objects to be deleted and
select Cut option from the pop-up menu. Click on Close Master View command to
close the master slide. The added slides in slide master are visible under the custom
design group of the Layout option of the Slides subsection of the Home tab. You can
apply the layout of the Slide Master on existing or new slides from the Layout icon
of the Home tab.

5. Slide Master can be saved as template. Click on Save As option on the Microsoft
Office Button . Type a file name, in the File name textbox and in the Save as
type list, click on PowerPoint Template, and then click on Save command button to
save the template.

12.7 Inserting Objects in the placeholder

Template and master slides define the position and size of various objects on the slide. The
objects may be in the form of drawing, pictures, texts, ClipArt, SmartArt, table, chart etc.
Objects in a slide are independent entity and each object is designed separately. You can insert
already exiting objects at the place and position predefined for this purpose with the help of
Insert tab of the ribbon.

12.7.1 Insert Picture

Pictures can be added to fill the body placeholder of an object, which can accommodate pictures.
Placeholders for the SmartArt, ClipArt and Shapes objects can accommodate pictures, drawing
and shapes in slides. The SmartArt graphics is an integral component of the MS office. These
objects can be identified by icons at the centre of the body placeholder of objects. These objects

are identified with icons at the center of the object’s placeholder. A placeholder
can have one or more of the following eight icons at the centre of the placeholder to represent the
insertion of contents, text, table, chart, SmartArt, picture, ClipArt or Media Clippings.

Fig 12
Click on the icon of picture ( ) inside the placeholder to add a picture in the placeholder, you
will get a dialogue window similar to the Windows Explorer to select picture for the selected
placeholder of object. Pictures are shown in miniature form. Locate the folder, where pictures of
interest are stored, click on pictures to be inserted in the placeholder in the slide. Click on Open
command button to insert selected picture in the current object.

Fig 13

When you insert a picture in the slide, Picture Format tools appear at the ribbon. You can edit
picture with various options available under the picture format tools. You can edit picture at any
time by right clicking over the picture, click on Change Picture option from the pop-up menu
and select new picture for the slide. When you delete a picture, the icons at the centre of the
placeholder are again visible. Thus, body placeholders for picture object cannot be deleted; you
can only fill it with picture or keep it blank. The body placeholder, when empty can be made
make invisible by applying fill effect using a colour resembles with background of the slide.
Right click inside the placeholder of picture, click on Format shape from the popup menu and
get the following dialogue window. Click on Fill to set the background of the placeholder of
Fig 14

If you have already added a picture to placeholder, right click on the picture. Click on Format
picture, you will the following dialogue box, select Picture or Texture fill option under the Fill
Tab. Here you can select one of various textures to fill the placeholder frame. If the fill effect
match the background or theme colour pattern than placeholder frame become invisible. There
are various options such as line color and line style, line Shadow, 3D Format, 3D Rotation etc to
improve styles of the picture.

Fig 15

The ClipArt are simple images, icons and drawing packed in MS Office in the form of galleries.
They occupy very minute storage space. The placeholder of ClipArt objects can be identified by
icon at the centre of the placeholder. Click over this icon, results in the following window to
select and insert images from the ClipArt gallery in the slide. Clipart gallery opens in a separate
window on the right side of the slide, where images collections of the clipart are categories into
different groups. Select the appropriate group, miniatures of images from that group are
displayed immediately underneath and choose image of your interest and press OK command to
insert that image in the placeholder of ClipArt object.
Fig 16

12.7.2 Insert SmartArt Graphics:

The placeholder for the SmartArt graphics can be recognized by icon at the centre of body
placeholder. The SmartArt graphics are used to draw shapes, flowcharts and organization charts.
It is used to express the text information in graphical ways to have presentation that is more
impressive. The SmartArt graphical lows you to insert simple shapes such as lines, rectangle,
Circle, list, process, cycle, hierarchy, pyramid etc. Select the body placeholder of SmartArt
graphics object, click on SmartArt graphic icons under the Illustrations sub group of Insert tab
of the ribbon to add SmartArt graphics inside the placeholder or click at this SmartArt icon at
the centre of placeholder of SmartArt object. You will get the following window to insert
SmartArt graphics. Click on one of the diagram needed in the slide and click on OK command
button to insert selected drawing in the slide. Now you can add text to give a meaning to
SmartArt drawing.

Fig 17
12.7.3 Insert OLE Objects
The OLE is a program integration technology used to share information between
applications. All components of the MS-Office support the OLE, so that documents,
worksheet and presentations can be easily linked with other components of the MS-Office
and other applications. Source of information of OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)
objects are maintained by other applications and these objects are not actually bring into the
presentation while designing of the presentation. These objects are embedded into slide
through link to its source.

When you copy an object in the presentation, whatever changes would take place in the
source objects after insertion into slide, are not reflected in the slides until the fresh copy of
the revised object is not copied in the affected slide. When external objects (prepared under
other applications) are copied inside slide, it results in multiple copies of the same objects on
the same computer for different purposes. If size of embedded object is very large then it
leads to wastage of storage space and make size of the presentation bulky. Objects can also
be embedded in the presentation through OLE object by linking placeholder of object to
original source rather copying it inside slide body placeholder. Whenever OLE based objects
are modified, these changes are automatically reflected in the presentation under the
PowerPoint. Thus, the OLE based objects are easy to control and provide consist information
across applications. You can easily edit and control the presentation by linking objects
through OLE. The OLE based objects are popularly known as no placeholder objects. The
OLE based objects also avoid duplication of objects. MS Word’s documents, Pdf files,
audio/Video files, MS Excel worksheet, chart, MS Access database and report scan be
embedded in slide through OLE object. Focus on the object placeholder where OLE based

object is to be inserted. Click on Object ( ) under Text subgroup of the Insert tab, it
result in the following dialogue window.

Fig 18

Select the type of object to be inserted. Once you select the type of document to be inserted,
click on OK button, you will get the following window to insert document/file in format
specified by you to interest an OLE object.
Fig 19

12.7.4 Insert Table

Click on table icon ( ) inside the body placeholder of objects to add a table inside a slide. A
dialogue window as shown below appears to decide number of rows and columns needed in the
table. Enter the numbers to get a table of appropriate and click on OK button. A blank table with
desired number of columns and rows is added inside the object’s placeholder. Pressing of tab
key, when cursor is in the last cell (rightmost) of the last row of the table, a new blank row is
added at the end of the table.

Fig 20

You can also add table by selecting body placeholders of object, which can retain table, and then
decide the dimensions of the table by clicking on arrow key on Table icon ( ) under Insert
tab. Drag over grids of rows and columns results in insertion of a table in the selected object of
slide. Table Tools tab appears on the ribbon, when table is under focus, to make it more
attractive. Commands under the Table Tools tab are grouped into four groups i.e. Table style
options, Table styles, WordArt styles and Draw Boarders. You can add borders, change the
appearance of lines of the boarder of cells and manage width, height and background colours of
cells of the table with the help of various options available under the Table Tools tab of the

12.7.5 Insert Hyperlink

This option is used to hyper link web pages to objects and textbox of slides. Web pages may be
available through Internet, while making a presentation or these may be saved in your computer
(it is popularly known as off-line mode in later case). When you link internet based web pages in
presentation then your computer shall be connected to the Internet. Once you click on
hyperlinked text or object information from linked web pages is displayed in your presentation.

The web pages can be hyperlinked to texts or pictures of a slide. When hyperlink is attached to
text, its colour changes to blue and text becomes underlines. When you take mouser pointer over
the hyperlinked text or image then pointer shape changes to the hand pointing shape ().
Whenever you click on hyperlinked text or image, while making presentation, the slide displays
information from web pages linked with slide. To insert hyperlink in slide, first selects the

object or text to be hyperlinked. Click on Insert tab, click on the Hyperlink icon ( ) under
the Links subgroup. You will get the following dialogue box. Specify the address/location of the
web-page, to be linked with selected object in the textbox placed against the label Address:.

Fig 21

Click on ScreenTip… button situated on the right upper corner of the dialogue window to add
tips or short description about the information hyperlinked with the object. During the slide
show, when pointer moves over the hyperlinked text, this description/tips pop-up immediately
over the screen to assist the presenter.

12.7.6 Insert Chart

You can insert Chart inside body placeholder, which can accommodate chart. Such placeholder

can be easily identified with the Chart icon ( ) at the centre of the placeholder. Click on the
chart icon inside the placeholder or select the body placeholder, meant for chart and then click on
Insert tab and click on Chart option under the Illustrations sub-group. The MS Excel will be
opened automatically to select data and design a chart. The chart designed with MS Excel is can
be embedded in the Current slide. When you have focus on chart in a slide then Chart Tools tab
is displayed in the ribbon to format and revise the chart.

Fig. 22
12.8 Insert Slide Number and Date and Time
You can add slide number, date and time at any position on a slide. It can be added to text box,
title box, sub-title, header and footer of the slide. Click on the body placeholder, where slide
number is to be inserted. Click on Slide number under the Text subgroup of Insert tab of the
ribbon, the number of the current slid will be inserted automatically in the selected object
placeholder in the active slide. If you click in empty space in a slide or has focus on an object,
which does not allow texts then you get the following window to include slide number inside the
header or footer area of the slide under focus.

Fig 23

You can also directly click on Header & Footer icon under the Text sub-group of the Insert tab
of the ribbon, when there is no body placeholder for objects, which can hold text, you will get
the above dialogue window to set header and footer area of the slide.

This dialogue window has provision to insert date and time along with slide number. Click on
the check box against the Date and time label to insert current date and time at header or footer
areas of the slide. Decide format for the date and time from the available formats in the combo
box. Click on the check box of Slide number label to insert slide number in the header or footer
areas of slide.

In the Header and Footer dialog box, on the Slide tab, click on the check box of the Footer
label and then type text needed in the footer area of the slide.

 To add the date and time, click on the Date and time check box.
 To add the slide number, click on the Slide number check box.

To add slide numbers, date and time to the footer of in the current slide, only click on Apply
command in dialogue window, fig 23. To add slide number or date and time to the footer of
all of the slides, click on Apply to All command. The other tab of the window i.e. Notes and
Handouts result in following dialogue window. Options under this window are similar to
those available on Slide tab. Typed text along with date and time defined in this tab is
displayed over the note page area of the affected slides.
Fig 24

12.9 Resize and Move Images within Slides

Click on image that is to be moved. A rectangle frame with a yellow circle on the top of the
image appears around the selected image. The frame has blue colour small circles at the corner
and blue colour small rectangles at the middle of line of the frame. The Yellow circle at the top
of the frame is used to rotate the picture. Click over the yellow circle and drag it to rotate the
image in the direction as desired by you. Take pointer close to border of the image, it changes to
double arrow line ( ) when it is over the border. Now drag the mouse to resize the image. This
function is similar to resizing of the window, as learnt by you in the forth unit of the first block
of the course. When you take mouse pointer to the corner of the framework, the pointer changes
to diagonal double arrow line ( ), now Drag the mouse to resize the picture, in this case the
aspect ratio (ratio of height and width) does not change, thus picture does not lose its shape while
resizing. In earlier case the figure changes in size and shape (aspect ratio). You can use the same
technique to shrink or enlarge size of textbox. When you take pointer over the picture, it
changes to cross hair pointer ( ), now you can move the picture at desired location through
drag action.

Fig 26
Fig 27

Right click on the object, select size and Position option from the pop-up menu. You will get the
following dialogue window. Set the size, rotation and position of the selected picture and click of
close to apply the changes.

Fig. 27
12.9.1 Make the Graphic/Picture Transparent
When you place more than one objects overlapping each others, over a slide then you have to set
their order of display and set the transparency level so that overlapping images can be displayed
properly and produce desired visuals. Select a picture overlapping other objects, picture format
tools tab appear on the screen. This has four sub-groups in the Picture Format tools tab Adjust,
Picture styles, Arrange and Size. Under the Adjust group, click on the Recolor option, you
will get the following dialogue window.

Fig 28
Select one of the color variations from dark to light colours. The light colour dilutes the intensity
of the picture. You can also customize the strength of the color by clicking on More Variations
in dialogue box shown in fig 28. You click on Set Transparent Color option to make the image
transparent. The mouse pointer change to icon ( ), now click over the image to be made

If there is overlapping images/objects inside the slide, then you can change order of the images.
Images of high importance can be placed on the top of other images. Select the images, whose
order is to be changed by right clicking on the image and change the order of image by selecting
one of the option Bring to Front or Send to Back options from the pop-up menu, to change
order of the selected shape with respect of other pictures or shapes, overlapped by the selected

Fig 29

You can collect related shapes on a slide to form a group. The grouped images and shapes
behave like a single image. Images in a group can be moved, resized and redesigned together.
Relative size, position and design of images of a group are maintained across all components
within the group, when grouped images are moved or resized. First, press Ctrl key and then click
on all shapes to be part of a group. Once you selected all related shapes then right click to get the
pop-up menu, take pointer to Grouping option and then click on Group option to club all
selected images as a group. Now all the selected shapes behave like a group. You can apply
alignment, rotation, move and resize operations the group.

12.10 Animation Effect

Animation can be defined a simulation of movements created by displaying a series of images or
slides in quick succession. Animation scheme of the PowerPoint adds preset visual effects to
text, pictures, images, drawing and chart on the slide. Select the object where animation is to be
applied. Click on the Animations tab to view various animation options. Frequently used
animation effects are listed as combo box under the Animations sub-group of the Animations
tab. If predefined animation effects failed to meet your animation requirements then click on
Custom Animation icon to design your own style. First, select the object to be animated. It may
be texts, pictures, SmartArt, Clip Art or other shapes. When you click on the Custom
Animation icon of animation subgroup of animation tab, the Customer Animation Pane appears
on the right hand side of the current slide as shown in upper corner of fig 30. First decide the
entering behaviour of the object during the slide show, click on Add Effect and then take pointer
over Entrance option, you have another cascade menu to add more animation effects to animate
entrance of the object. To give more emphasis for the selected object, click on Emphasis option
from the Add Effects button, a cascade menu display various effects to enhance emphasis effects
such as spinning of text, changing color, font style, grow/shrink content during display of
presentation. Similarly, you can define exit behavior of the selected objects. The last option of
the Add Effect icon is Motion Paths. The motion paths option is used to make the selected
object/text to move in a track defined by you. You can add more than one animation effects to
an object, which will be displayed in the chronological order of adding these animations to slide
at the time of designing of the animation for the slide. The order of animation can be changed by
clicking on animation effect, under the Custom Animation window, to be re-ordered and than
drag it in the listing of animations added to slide to get desired sequence of animation effects.

Click on the Play button inside the Custom Animation window or icon of preview
subgroup of the Animation tab to preview the animation effect added to presentation.

Fig 30

Direction option of the Modify: Box frame is active only for Entrance and Exit animation
behaviour to decide the direction of the animation (Upper part of fig 130). The direction of
entrance and exit of the animated object can be either of In or Out, select one of these options
from the combo box of Direction: label and run slide show to understand impact of In and Out
option on motion of objects.
Speed: This button is used to decide speed of the animation. Set the speed of the animation from
the combo box of the Speed: label. The options available in combo box to sets the speed of
animation are Very Fast, Fast, Medium, Slow or Very Slow. Under Motion Path effect, set the
Path: label to either of Unlocked or Locked. The lock position of the path allows you to secure
the path so that you can modify the start position without interrupting the end position. When
Path is unlocked, you can change both the ends of the direction path. The following table
describes the behavior of object and Path based on position of Path: as Unlocked or Locked.

Position of the Path Drag object Drag Path

Locked Path does not move with Only starting point of the Path
objects move,
Unlocked Path moves with objects Both the ends of the Path can
Table 1
Start: This option is used to decide how to start an animation On Click option will initiate the
animation only after the mouse button is clicked presentation during display of With Previous
option will initiate the animation automatically as soon as the previous slide is completed.

12.10.1 Removing Animations

All the Animations or a particular animation effect of specific objects can be removed at once.
All the animations of specific object are removed with the help of Animations group and
individual effect can be removed by using the Custom Animations pane.

Animations group (remove all at once from a slide)

1. Select the slide, having object, where you would like to remove animation effect.
2. Select the object from which you want to remove the animation.
3. In the Animations tab under the Animations sub group click on the Animation: pull-
down combo box menu and select No Animation option. All animation on focused
object will be removed

Custom Animation Pane (remove animation one by one from specific object)
1. Select the slide with the animation you would like to remove.
2. If the Custom Animations pane is not visible then click on the button
in the Animations subgroup of the Animations tab.
3. In the Modify effect list, select the animation to be removed.
4. Click on icon to remove the selected animation effect.

12.11 Insert Move to body placeholder

First click on body placeholder of an object, which can hold media objects, it can be recognized

by icon at the centre of the body placeholder and then click on the icon under Media
Clips of the Insert tab to add a video clip in your presentation. Once you click on this icon a
dialogue window, similar to Windows Explorer, appears to select move file for your
presentation. Click of clip of your interest and press on OK command button to insert selected
clip in slide. PowerPoint will prompt, whether move will run automatically when slide is
displayed during presentation or run when users click on the slide.

Fig 31

You can also add movies to slide by clicking on Media Clip object icon at the centre of the body
placeholder you will get windows explore like dialogue windows so select media clip for the
object under focus.

12.12 Add Sound to slide

First, click on the body placeholder of an object, which can hold media. You can insert sound by

clicking on icon under the Media Clips of Insert tab. You will get Windows Explorer like
dialogue window to select sound for presentation. Once you opt a sound for the slide. Computer
displays a dialogue window seeking your opinion whether sound will be played automatically or
when you click during the slide show. The insertion of sound in a slide is highlighted with sound
icon on the slide. Double click on this icon to have a preview of sound. When you click on
the sound icon, Sound Tools is highlighted in the ribbon to improve and edit the attached sound
in the slide. This tab offer options to control volume and other behaviors of sound clip. If you
want sound to repeat continuously till the display of the next slide then click on the check box of

the Loop until Stooped label. You can hide the icon of sound during the slide show by
clicking on the check box of Hide During Show labels shown in fig 32.

Fig. 32

Sound can be set to start automatically and it may keep on playing repeatedly until the next slide
appear on the screen or sound can continue till the end of the presentation. Sound can also be
adjusted in such a manner that it run on specific slides with various options available on sound
tool tab.

12.13 Present the Slide Show

Once you finalize a presentation. Click on View tab of the ribbon, click to Slide Show under the
Presentation Views sub group. You can also start slide show by using F5 shortcut key. The slide
is displayed on the entire screen during slide show. Click mouse button or hit spacebar to move
to next slide. You can also use arrow keys to change focus to adjacent other slides. Up or left
arrow keys can be used to go backward. Right or down keys are used to move forward. The slide
show continues till the last slide. The presentation will open in the normal edit mode
automatically at the end of slide show. You can abandon the slide show at any time by pressing
Esc key.

You can auto set the demonstration of presentation by changing slides automatically after a fixed
time slot without pressing any key or mouse button. Click on Animations tab, click on check
box of the Automatically After: label and set the time to switch to next slide automatically. You
can bring the display of your presentation to original position i.e. shifting of slide manually by
clearing the check box of the Automatically After label and click on check box of the On
Mouse Click. Now, next slide is displayed during slide show on mouse click. The Slide Show
tab of the ribbon reflects various options to control the behaviour of presentation during slide
show. These options include:
 Preview the slide show from the beginning
 Preview the slide show from the current slide
 Set up Slide Show through Custom Slide Show option

12.14 Set Up Slide Show

Clicking on the Set Up Slide Show option under the Set Up option of the Slide Show tab results
in the following window. Options under this window are used to set advanced features of
presentation during the slide show.

Fig 33

Options under the Set Up Show option allow you to set preferences and control slide show.
These options include:
 Whether the show will run automatically or will be presented by a speaker,
 The looping options, whether loop continues until Esc key is pressed,
 Narration option, (narration feature is explained later in this unit).
 Slide show will start from the beginning or from specific slides
 Resolutions of monitor, while making presentation.

12.15 Transaction effect

You can decide the behavior of your presentation between two slides. Slide transactions are
animation effects displayed between two slides. Click on Animation tabs of the ribbon; select
one the transaction effect from the list under the Transaction to This Slide sub-group. You can
also add sound during the transaction period and decide the speed of the truncation. The
transaction period should be very short, otherwise it may deviate the attention of the viewers.
Transition speed and sound should be in synchronous so that sound stops at the time next slide
appears on the screen. Examine the synchronism between transaction time and sound with the
help of the Preview of the slide show. Once you finalize the transition effect. You can apply this
transaction effect to all the slides of the presentation by clicking on Apply to All option under
the Transaction to This Slide sub-group of the Animations tab.

The Advance Slide options under the Transaction to This Slide sub-group decide transaction
behavior from one slide to another. Click on the checkbox On Mouse Click, if transaction takes
place on clicking of mouse or you can set time for automatic transaction from one slide to
another by click on the check box of Automatically After: option and set the time in spin
textbox. Next slide will be displayed automatically after the time set by you in later option.

12.16 Record Narration

When you want to record narration for slides:
 Display presentation in Slide Sorter view, option for which is available under the View
tab of the ribbon or at status bar
 Select the slide for which you need narration
 In the Slide Show tab under the Set Up sub group, Click on the Record
Narration button. You will get the following dialogue window

Fig 34

 Click on Set Microphone Level … to set the levels of audio input

 Click on Change Quality to set the level of the quality of audio narration
 Click OK to record the narration, start narrating about the slides in microphone, the next
dialogue window will ask, whether narration will be recorded for current slide or for the
first slide, Select appropriate option and record the narration

Fig 35

 Click on Stop button to finish the recording of the narration.

12.17 Rehearse Timings
You can rehearse your presentation show to make it sure that it fits within specific time frame
allowed to demonstrate the presentation. While you are rehearsing, use the Slide Timing option
to record time taken in making presentation. You can use the recorded rehearse times to advance
the slides automatically, while making presentation to your audience to finish the presentation in
stipulated time period. Use Rehearsed Timings feature of the PowerPoint to rehearse the
demonstration of presentation and finish it in stipulated period of time.

 Click the Rehearse Timings button in the Set Up sub-group of the Slide Show tab
 The Rehearsal toolbar appears and the slide time box, note the timing taken in
demonstration of the presentation. Presentation is displayed in the slide show mode

Fig. 36
 Practice speaking and advancing of slides as you would do at the time of demonstrating
 Make a rehearsal of the entire presentation
 If you want to keep record of time taken in demonstration of presentation for reference in
future or automatically switching of slides of the presentation to finish the demonstration
in stipulated period of time, then click on Yes button in the window shown below
otherwise click on No button to avoid wastage of memory.

Fig. 37
The Slide Sorter View display the time allotted to individual slide as noted by rehearse tool.

Fig. 38

12.18 Packing a Presentation

When you have finalized the designing of a presentation and want to forward it to other or take it
away from your desktop for demonstration then use Publish command from the Office Button
to eliminate dependence of presentation on PowerPoint. This command copies all slides and files
concerned with your presentation on a CD. All additional files needed to support demonstration
of presentation are also copied in the CD. If you have included movies, audio or pictures in your
presentation, these media files are also copied to CD. To package a presentation on CD:
 Click the Microsoft Office Button
 Click Publish
 Click Package for CD
 Type a name for the CD
 Click of Add files option to get additional files copied on the CD
 Click Copy to CD or Copy to Folder to pack presentation on CD or folder.

12.19 Tips to design PowerPoint

1. Slides are not to present detailed information. Sentences should be very precise and short.
Audiences’ level of knowledge, cognitive skills, command on language should be kept in
mind, while in designing contents of slides,
2. The uses of animation in slides should be confined to highlight the significant contents of
the presentation. Adding of too much animation may deviate attention of viewers from
the main contents,
3. Language should be easy. Stay in your control,
4. Do not over load the presentation with ideas and information. A presentation should not
have more than 15 slides,
5. Colours of the background and that of contents and texts should be in contrast so that
viewers setting in the last row can easily differentiate and read contents. Similarly use
font style and size that makes contents easily readable from distance. Some time, fancy
fonts make reading of slide difficult,
6. Do not copy and paste slides from different sources. The presentation may lose
consistence across slide, when contents are exported from various sources in
presentation. If contents in a presentation are taken from different sources then ensure
consistence, in structure, style and layout across slides.
7. Important picture, text in slides should have gap from rest of the contents of slides, so
that these content immediately catch attention of viewers and
8. Presentation must have more images, charts, and graphics rather plain texts.

12.20 Let us sum up

You have learnt advanced functions and features of the PowerPoint images from make
presentation more stylish and impressive. You gained mastery in inserting pictures, images from
ClipArt gallery, graphics, charts, sound, and moves in the body placeholder and in editing these
objects. When contents are exported from various sources in presentation to improve the
presentation. You can add animation effects to make presentation more attractive. You are
advice to repeat functions and procedures explained in this unit to gain mastery in using MS
PowerPoint in designing of presentations.

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