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hello, i'm mary by name.

nice to meet youSo sorry to infringe on your privacy,Its

said that 'A picture is worth a thousandwords, but when I saw yours,it was more
than words could explain.The charmingprofile is irresistible,though a little
personal message but your look tells a lotabout a nice personthank you for replying
my message i really Appreciate it, i will love to know moreabout you,you seem to be
a nice person and I am very curious to learn more aboutyou if possibleQUESTION TO
ASK HIM AND ANSWER1.Do you care for a chat and get to know each other more better?
Cool and nice to chat with you now!!!2.where you from???i guess that is a nice
place to livei'm originally from florida old are you??i'm
29yrs4.i hope am not too young for you???you are also the perfect age for me5.Are
you married and how about kids???Am single never married with no kids,but I have
been in a bad relationshipbefore and I don't want that to happen to me
anymore6.what happened to your last relatioship if you dont mind me asking????My
ex-hurt and cheated on me a lot that is why i broke up with him causedying little
by little while cheating on me that is why i broke up with him7.How long have you
been single and do you like being single?Am single now over 1yr and I hate it cause
it is lonely.8.How long have you been on this site and what are you really looking
for onhere???am here looking for a serious and long term relationship with the
right manfor me9.What do you do for a living?i'm a stylist, i work from 6am to 3pm
in the afternoon10.What do you seek for in a relationship?I want a serious and long
term relationship that involves commitment thatwill lead to marriage with the right
man for do you treat your woman??i treat my man like a king and respect
my man much did you think you can please your womani please my man
with everything, with sex and do whatever he asked for causei dont like man my to
be complaining about me13.What qualities are important in your mate you look for in
a woman and whatwould you want from your partner?

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