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Recovery & Towing Vehicles


Relevant to:

Business Unit: Mining

Division: Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations

Document Owner: General Manager Mining West

Revision Status:
Revision Section Page/s Revision Description Reviewed By Approved By
19/06/09 All All Initial MDL Issue P Johnson S Rodgers
Library Ref.: M-SF-047
Recovery & Towing
Revision Date: 19-Jun-09
Vehicles Procedure -

Table of Contents

1 PURPOSE......................................................................................................................................... 3

2 SCOPE.............................................................................................................................................. 3

3 RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................... 3

4 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 4

5 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................... 4

5.1 Assistance.................................................................................................................................. 4
5.2 Use Correct Equipment.............................................................................................................. 4
5.3 Guidelines for Safe Recovery of Light Vehicles ......................................................................... 5
5.4 Guidelines for Safe Recovery of Heavy Equipment ................................................................... 6
5.5 Recovery of Dump Trucks Using a Ripper Mounted Sling......................................................... 7
5.6 Recovery of Dump Trucks Using a Towing Sling....................................................................... 7
5.7 Sling Specification and Care ...................................................................................................... 8

6 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................ 9

7 ATTACHMENTS, REFERENCES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS .................................................. 9

7.1 Attachments ............................................................................................................................... 9

7.2 References and Related Documents ......................................................................................... 9

Relevant to: Document Owner: General Manager Mining West Page 2 of 9

Business Unit: Mining Change Control: Level 3
Division(s): Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations
Library Ref.: M-SF-047
Recovery & Towing
Revision Date: 19-Jun-09
Vehicles Procedure -

To standardise recovery procedures within Macmahon’s scope of operations, and to prevent harm
or injury to personnel and damage to equipment


This procedure provides Macmahon’s minimum requirements and shall only be implemented in
response to, and consideration of, a formal risk assessment as provided in the project safety
management plan.

This procedure applies to all Macmahon employees and subcontractors involved with recovery and
towing of vehicles.


Project Manager

ƒ Provide adequate resources to safely recover and tow disabled or bogged plant.
ƒ Report all notifiable incidents to the external authorities as required.


ƒ Notify the Site Senior Executive when the recovery of plant or towing process involves heavy
equipment, a rollover or engulfment prior to recovering or towing the plant.
ƒ Ensure an investigation is conducted for plant involved in an incident resulting in the necessity to
recover or tow plant.


ƒ Oversee all the recovery of the plant or towing process involving heavy equipment, rollovers or
ƒ Notify the Production and Maintenance Superintendent when the recovery of plant or towing
process involves heavy equipment, a rollover or engulfment prior to recovery or towing the plant.
ƒ Ensure an inspection is done of all lifting and towing equipment used in the recovery or towing
ƒ Ensure only competent people are involved in the process.
ƒ Instigate the investigation process for plant involved in an incident thus requiring recovery or

Employees and Subcontractors

ƒ Report all breakdowns requiring assistance to recover or tow plant.

Relevant to: Document Owner: General Manager Mining West Page 3 of 9

Business Unit: Mining Change Control: Level 3
Division(s): Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations
Library Ref.: M-SF-047
Recovery & Towing
Revision Date: 19-Jun-09
Vehicles Procedure -
ƒ Report all incidents and near misses.
ƒ Ensure a risk assessment is conducted for all tasks involving the recovery or towing of plant.


Light Vehicle - 4wd, utility, wagon, personnel carrier, lighting plant, welding trailer, pump trailer, car
Light Plant - Highway type service truck, fork lift, integrated tool carrier (IT), elevated work platform
(EWP), and non - slewing crane.
Heavy Equipment - Dump truck, scraper, water-cart, excavator, dozer, loader, wheel dozer, grader,
slewing crane, low loader, semi trailer.
Recovery - The process of freeing a vehicle from a bogged position.
Recovery Vehicle - The vehicle used to tow another vehicle from a bogged position.
S.W.L. - Safe Working Load, as specified on the device.
Shall and Should - The word “shall” is to be understood as mandatory and the word “should” as
non-mandatory, advisory or recommended.
Warning - Precedes steps that may cause personal injury.
Caution - Precedes steps that may cause Equipment or Property damage.
Note - For general information relating to a clause in the procedure or following sections or group of
Check - The word means to physically do something.
Inspect - The word means to look at an object and note any discrepancies or obvious damage.
Report - The word means to report to your immediate supervisor or other nominated person.


5.1 Assistance

The Operator of any light vehicle, light plant item or heavy equipment shall immediately stop their
vehicle/machine and call for assistance when they become aware of being (or suspect they may be)

The operator shall not attempt to free the vehicle unaided, either by driving or by other means.

5.2 Use Correct Equipment

The Project Manager and Maintenance Supervisor shall ensure appropriate devices and equipment
are available for recoveries of bogged vehicles when the site is set up /operations commence.

The Project Manager, Maintenance Supervisor, Shift Supervisor/s must ensure that:

Relevant to: Document Owner: General Manager Mining West Page 4 of 9

Business Unit: Mining Change Control: Level 3
Division(s): Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations
Library Ref.: M-SF-047
Recovery & Towing
Revision Date: 19-Jun-09
Vehicles Procedure -
ƒ Dedicated towing devices and equipment are used for towing purposes. There is no interchange
between towing and lifting equipment.
ƒ All towing devices and equipment to be marked clearly “For Towing Only”.
ƒ Fibre rope or flat slings and towing devices or an approved towing strop are to be used for
recovery or towing, unless specifically authorised by the Project Manager.
ƒ Towing devices are connected horizontally between the bogged vehicle and the recovery vehicle.
ƒ The front wheels of the bogged vehicle should be in line with the direction of tow.
ƒ All towing operations are coordinated using either radio or predetermined hand/visual signals. All
Personnel involved shall be able to see/hear all communications either directly or by effective
ƒ The area in which the vehicle/machine was bogged is identified and marked as hazardous until a
Supervisor has carried out an inspection, and the area rectified by grading, dozing and/or filling.

Note: Metal to Metal contact is not permitted when pushing a disabled or stuck vehicle or machine,
unless the vehicle/machine has a purpose designed push pad.

The Project Manager is the only person who can authorise variation to this rule. The Project
Manager shall assess and directly supervise the push recovery operation.

5.3 Guidelines for Safe Recovery of Light Vehicles

The project manager, maintenance supervisor or shift supervisor is responsible for ensuring the
most appropriate recovery vehicle and equipment is used.

The Shift Supervisor shall ensure:

ƒ Assessment of conditions and best recovery method is made before attempting recovery.
Consider the potential for damage to hoses, tanks, drive train and steering mechanism as part of
the assessment.
ƒ Recovery of light vehicles is achieved using a fibre rope or fibre belt sling or approved towing
ƒ Slings are attached to designated towing points (attached directly to chassis). DO NOT attach a
sling to a tow ball.
ƒ Light vehicles are towed out forwards, where possible, with the driver giving assistance by
selecting the appropriate gear and applying moderate acceleration.
ƒ All persons on foot are cleared from the towing operation, to a distance of 1.5 times the length of
the rope/sling, prior to taking the strain on the towing equipment.
ƒ Personnel remain clear until given permission by the operator of the recovery vehicle.
ƒ A pre-start inspection is carried out before the vehicle returns to service.

Note: A light vehicle/light plant should be used as the recovery vehicle where possible.

Relevant to: Document Owner: General Manager Mining West Page 5 of 9

Business Unit: Mining Change Control: Level 3
Division(s): Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations
Library Ref.: M-SF-047
Recovery & Towing
Revision Date: 19-Jun-09
Vehicles Procedure -
5.4 Guidelines for Safe Recovery of Heavy Equipment

The project manager, maintenance supervisor or shift supervisor is responsible for ensuring the
most appropriate recovery vehicle and equipment is used. The order of preference is:

ƒ Dozer
ƒ Loader
ƒ Grader
ƒ Other

The Shift Supervisor shall personally supervise the recovery process. The Shift Supervisor must
inform the Maintenance Supervisor prior to commencing any recovery operations.

The Maintenance Supervisor is required to assess the situation and identify any hazards or potential
for damage to the bogged equipment during recovery activities.

The Maintenance Supervisor shall take the following actions:

ƒ Personally oversee the recovery process.

ƒ Appoint a qualified Maintenance person to oversee the recovery process.
ƒ Determine there is no requirement for maintenance personnel to oversee the recovery process
due to low risk.
ƒ Give verbal approval to the Shift Supervisor to proceed with recovery.

The Shift Supervisor shall:

ƒ Not proceed with the recovery until the Maintenance Supervisor has given approval to proceed.
ƒ Assess vehicle stability and the potential for damage to hoses, tanks, drive train and steering
mechanism, in conjunction with the Operator of the recovery vehicle.
ƒ Ensure that towing devices are attached to manufacturer designated towing points, or towing
points, which have been approved by the manufacturer and attached in accordance with
manufacturer’s specifications.
ƒ Ensure personnel handling any steel towing device wear gloves.
ƒ Ensure two people shall position any towing device.
ƒ Ensure all personnel are cleared to a position three (3) times the length of the towing device, or a
minimum of fifteen (15) meters from the towing operation. This is to occur before any strain is
taken on the towing device. The Operator of the recovery must approve entry of personnel within
the radius (above) before any person is permitted to enter.
ƒ Arrange for the use of a second dozer if required.
ƒ Ensure the dozers work side by side, using separate towing slings and angled approximately 10
degrees from the centre line of the bogged vehicle.
The Shift Supervisor and Maintenance Supervisor shall conduct a damage assessment on the
recovered vehicle/machine and determine the most appropriate action/s.
Relevant to: Document Owner: General Manager Mining West Page 6 of 9
Business Unit: Mining Change Control: Level 3
Division(s): Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations
Library Ref.: M-SF-047
Recovery & Towing
Revision Date: 19-Jun-09
Vehicles Procedure -

ƒ Non - damaged equipment to be returned to operations.

ƒ Damaged equipment to be removed from service until repairs have been completed
ƒ Raise and complete an incident report and forward this (by fax) to the safety department within 24
ƒ Notify the Operations and Maintenance Managers of the incident.

5.5 Recovery of Dump Trucks Using a Ripper Mounted Sling

The Shift Supervisor shall ensure:

ƒ The dozer Operator assesses the extent to which the truck is bogged, including the potential for
damage to hoses, tanks, drive train and steering mechanism.
ƒ The Dozer and Truck Operators are able to communicate without interruption, allocate a separate
radio channel for the duration of the recovery.
ƒ All other personnel/vehicles are a minimum of 10 meters clear of the operation.

The Truck Driver shall:

ƒ Spot the Dozer Operator back until the ripper mounted sling can be placed over the cotton reel (if
fitted) at the front of the truck.
ƒ Await the Dozer Operators advice that slack in the sling is being taken up.
ƒ Select the appropriate gear and apply moderate acceleration and limiting the speed to less than 6

The Dozer Operator shall then:

ƒ Free the sling from the cotton reel by crowding the ripper back.
ƒ Steer the Dozer to the left and out of the way of the truck, or
ƒ Inform the truck operator where this is not possible and confirm the direction of travel.
ƒ Confirm that the Dozer is clear of the path of travel of the truck, enabling the truck operator to
power on.

5.6 Recovery of Dump Trucks Using a Towing Sling

Fibre rope or flat slings shall not be used to recover heavy equipment.

The Shift Supervisor:

ƒ Will ensure the Dozer Operator assesses the extent to which the truck is bogged, including the
potential for damage to hoses, tanks, drive trains and steering mechanisms, and reports any
doubt thy may have.
ƒ Shall coordinate recovery of heavy equipment using Dozers and manually attached slings

Relevant to: Document Owner: General Manager Mining West Page 7 of 9

Business Unit: Mining Change Control: Level 3
Division(s): Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations
Library Ref.: M-SF-047
Recovery & Towing
Revision Date: 19-Jun-09
Vehicles Procedure -
ƒ Shall ensure that another machine is attached strategically to provide stability where there is a
ƒ Allocate a separate radio channel to the Dozer and Truck Operators to enable communication
without interruption for the duration of the recovery.
ƒ Ensure all other personnel/vehicles are clear of the recovery operation for a minimum of 1.5 times
the length of the tow rope/sling, before recovery operations commence.
ƒ Ensure that towing strops are attached to manufacturer designated towing points, or towing
points approved by the manufacturer and attached in a manner specified by the manufacturer.
ƒ Notify the Shift Supervisor if recovery is unsuccessful.

The Shift Supervisor shall:

ƒ Attend the location and assess the stability of the truck.

ƒ Ensure stabilising is completed before authorising the load to be lifted
ƒ Confirm personnel/vehicles are clear (as above).
ƒ Instruct recovery personnel to attempt recovery.
ƒ Instruct the Truck Operator to tip the road if recovery is unsuccessful.
ƒ Instruct the Dozer Operator to disconnect the tow line and clear the road from the rear of the
ƒ Ensure the Dozer Operator maintains a minimum of 0.5 meter clearance from the truck tray.
ƒ Direct the Truck Operator to lower the tray.
ƒ Direct the reconnection of the tow line.
ƒ Instruct a second Dozer to assist if required.

5.7 Sling Specification and Care

The Project Manager and Maintenance Supervisor shall ensure towing slings are available and are
capable of being used for the vehicles and equipment on site.

Polyester round slings used for recovering light vehicles shall have a minimum NATA approval SWL
of at least 35 tonnes, and a minimum NATA approved breaking strength of 240 tonnes.

Steel wire rope slings used for recovering heavy equipment shall have a NATA approved SWL of
25% of the combined mass of the vehicle being recovered.

The Project Manager and Maintenance Supervisor must ensure the towing point on any plant
designed to carry loads is designed for towing the vehicle to recovery under fully loaded conditions.
A shackle of suitable size and appropriate rating shall be used to connect the sling to the towing
point where slings could be damaged at the towing point.

All towing devices shall carry the following information:

ƒ For towing use only

Relevant to: Document Owner: General Manager Mining West Page 8 of 9

Business Unit: Mining Change Control: Level 3
Division(s): Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations
Library Ref.: M-SF-047
Recovery & Towing
Revision Date: 19-Jun-09
Vehicles Procedure -
ƒ The NATA approved SWL
ƒ The device serial number
This information is entered into the Chains and Slings Register by the Project Safety Advisor or
Maintenance Supervisor. Towing devices shall be stored in a clean, dry, well ventilated area.
Regular inspection of towing devices should be carried out by the Project Manager (or delegate) and
the Maintenance Supervisor at monthly intervals.


The potential hazards associated with Recovery and towing Vehicles

ƒ Heavy and light vehicle interaction

ƒ Insufficient communication with other road users
ƒ Dusty conditions and slippery conditions
ƒ Breakage of towing device /devices


7.1 Attachments

7.2 References and Related Documents

ƒ Chains and Slings Register (PEFM09)

ƒ Incident Report Form G-228
ƒ Maintenance Inspection Records/ Matrix (PECL10)
ƒ Surface Pre-start Inspections Procedure M-SF-017
ƒ Breakdowns and Towing Procedure (P-147)

Relevant to: Document Owner: General Manager Mining West Page 9 of 9

Business Unit: Mining Change Control: Level 3
Division(s): Surface
Site: All
Department: Operations

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