Lab MANUAL (1)

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Course Title: Software Solution for Business

Course Code: 22BAH-155
Credits: 2
Degree: BBA
Semester: II Semester

Compiled By
Ripandeep Kaur

Sr. No. Experiment Name Teacher Sig. CO
1 Study of computer components and CO1
accessories and computer Memory and its
2 Study about Ms Word: - Introduction, CO4
page layout, copy, paste, paste special,
working with fonts, working with table
in Ms Word.
3 To create Mail Merge using Ms Word. CO2
4 To sort data and use of filter in Ms CO4
5 Use of functions in Ms Excel. CO3
6 Use of formulas and how can we insert CO5
charts in Ms Excel.
7 To create technical and complex CO5
spreadsheets for data analysis.
8 Introduction of Ms Powerpoint with its CO4
basic window and Steps to create, open,
save a ppt and also mention steps for
copy and delete a slides in Ms
9 Use of images, videos and charts in Ms CO4
10 Choose any topic related business and CO4
make a ppt for that topic using all Ms
Powerpoint options.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Student learn about computer basic structure and
memory its types.

Experiment 1: Study of Computer Components and Accessories and Computer memory

and its types.

Q1. Define Computer.


Q2. Explain following features of a computer

1. High speed.
2. Reliability and Accuracy
3. Storage and Retrieval of Large volumes of data/Information.
4. Ability to Communicate with other Computers

Q3. Draw a block diagram of Computer below and write function of each unit with

Block diagram of Computer

Unit Function
1 Central Processing

a) ALU

b) Control Unit

2 Memory

3 Input device

4 Output device



The memory required to store a word formed with 8 Bits of data/Information is

called a BYTE.
Normally One byte of memory is required to store one Character.

1 Kilo Byte (KB) = 210 Bytes = 1024 Bytes

1 Mega Byte (MB) =210 KB = 1024 KB
1 Giga Byte (GB) = 2 MB = 1024 MB
Primary Memory: This type of memory is in the form of semiconductor IC's. The
advantages of this type of memory include compact size, high speed operation, low
cost etc. But as these are fixed on the computer motherboard itself, there are
limitations to the amount of memory which can be put on the motherboard. Primary
memory are of two types:

1) RAM (Random Access Memory): This is a read and writes type of Memory
which is used by the computer as a scratch pad.
2) ROM (Read Only Memory): This is only read type of memory. This memory is
used for purposes like storing basic programs required by the computer at the
time of startup (called BIOS).
Secondary Memory: - Mainly Magnetic or semi conductor type of media, (except CD
which is an optical type of media) is used as Memory for storage of Data/Information.
Variety of storage media types is used depending on the amount of

information to be stored.
Q1. Define Computer Memory.

Q2.Fill the capacity and type of memory columns in the following table:-

Sr.No. Type Type of Memory Capacity

1 Floppy Disk

2 Hard Disk

3 Magnetic Tape

4 Compact Disk
5 Pen Drive



8 Cache Memory

9 CD-R

10 CD-RW

11 SSD

Q3. Fill the following Table.

1 Bit
8 Byte
1024 Bytes
1024 KB
1024 MB
1024 GB
1024 TB
1024 PB
1024 EB
1024 ZB
1024 YB
1024 BB

Q4. Write the full form of KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB and BB.



Q5. Define Main Memory and Secondary Memory with its types.


Experiment Outcome: - At the end of this experiment, student would gain

basic knowledge of computer with computer memory and its types.
Experiment Objective:-In this Experiment Student learn about Ms Word and its basics in

Experiment 2: Study about Ms Word: - Introduction, page layout, cut, copy, paste,
paste special, working with fonts, working with table in Ms Word.

Note: - Solve the following questions and write steps that you done in Practical Class.

Q1. Define Ms Word.


Q2. Define Cut, Copy and Paste with Shortcut Keys.


Q3. What is the difference between paste and special paste?


Q4. Write down steps for to change page orientation portrait to landscape with

Q5. Write down steps for to change text type, text color and text size with screenshots.
Q6. Write down steps for to change text uppercase to lowercase and also mention steps
make text bold, italic, underline with screenshots.

Q7. Write down steps for insert table in Ms Word with screenshots.

Q8. Write down steps for add rows in table in Ms Word with screenshots.

Q9. Write down steps for add columns in table in Ms Word with screenshots.

Q10. Write down steps for convert text into table in Ms Word with screenshots.
Q11.Write down steps for merging cells in table Ms Word with screenshots.

Q12. Write down steps for add page border in Ms Word with screenshots.

Experiment Outcomes:-In this Experiment Student learn about Ms Word and its basics in
detail with live practical examples.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Student learn about mail merge.

Experiment 3: To create Mail Merge using Ms Word.

Note: - Solve the following questions and write steps that you done in Practical Class.

Q1. Define Mail Merge.


Q2. Write down advantages and disadvantages of mail merge in ms word.


Q3. Mention the steps for start mail merge in ms word with screenshots.

Experiment Outcome:-In this experiment Student learn about mail merge in detail like how
can we start mail merge, add recipient, run mail merge in detail.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Student learn about basic ms excel with filtering
and sorting of data in excel.

Experiment 4: To sort data and use of filter in Ms Excel.

Note: - Solve the following questions and write steps that you done in Practical Class.

Q1. Define Ms Excel.


Q2. Define Sort.


Q3. What do you mean by filtering of data in ms excel.


Q3. Create a following table in spreadsheet and sort the data in ascending order and
attach a screenshot of sorted data as answer with steps.

Names Values
Aman 20
HarJot 100
Ritika 10
Anu 2
Zeba 1
Kiran 160
Cherom 24
Gagan 14
Q3. Create a following table in spreadsheet and sort the data in descending order and
attach a screenshot of sorted data as answer with steps.


Q4. Create a following table in spreadsheet and filter the data according to values and
attach a screenshot of sorted data as answer with steps.

Marks Marks Marks

Name Total
1 2 3
Harleen 45 55 48 148
Jyoti 35 47 40 122
Kiran 50 56 55 161
Kamal 40 35 58 133
Zara 51 49 60 160
45 57 42 144
Yuvraj 41 50 35 126
Amrita 35 48 54 137
Mukul 49 56 59 164
58 45 52 155
Riya 47 46 53 146

Experiment Outcome:-In this experiment Student learns about basic ms excel with filtering
and sorting of data in excel in detail with examples.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Student learns about functions in excel.

Experiment 5: Use of functions in Ms Excel.

Note: - Solve the following questions and write steps that you done in Practical Class.

Q1. Define functions in excel.


Q2. Write any four examples of functions.


Q3. What is the purpose of If function in excel?


Q4. What is the purpose of AND function in excel?


Q5. Write down the example for IF function with steps and screenshots in detail.

Experiment Outcome:-In this experiment Student learns about functions of excel in detail
like IF or AND.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Student learns about formulas and charts in excel.

Experiment 6: Use of formulas and how can we insert charts in Ms Excel.

Note: - Solve the following questions and write steps that you done in Practical Class.

Q1. What do you mean by formula in excel?


Q2. How can we type formula into a cell?


Q3. Write down the purpose of SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX and COUNT formulas
with example.

Q4. Create a following table in spreadsheet and perform addition and average in table
and attach a screenshot of completed table for answer. The table is: -

Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Total
45 125 44 14
100 101 88 54
58 78 99 74
47 99 55 16
96 54 66 20
35 98 22 98
78 74 33 100
99 22 47 74
152 12 67 85
57 88 59 65
91 74 96 88
59 72 78 54
57 80 45 78
74 45 80 25
88 79 46 26
Q5. Define Charts in excel.

Q6. Write down names of any six charts.


Q7. What is the Difference between pie chart and doughnut chart?

Q8. Create a following table in spreadsheet and generate a line chart of the table and
attach a screenshot of chart for answer. The table is: -

45 125 44 14
100 101 88 54
58 78 99 74
47 99 55 16
96 54 66 20
35 98 22 98
78 74 33 100
99 22 47 74
152 12 67 85
57 88 59 65

Q9. In above generated graph add drop lines, data labels, chart title and gridlines and
attach a screenshot of that graph as answer.
Q10. Let assume a data of population by yourself and generate a pie chart of that table
and attach a screenshot of that graph as answer.

Q11. What is the difference between drop lines and high low lines in lines in excel.

Experiment Outcome:-In this experiment Student learns about formulas in excel like
purpose of different formulas and how can we type formula into a excel. In this student also
learns about chats in detail line insertion etc.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Students practice ms excel by own self again.

Experiment 7: Create complex spreadsheets and perform data analysis.

Important Note: - In this experiment students need to assume data by own self and need to
perform analysis on data like filtering, sorting, apply formula, remove duplicates values and
other options that should be already teach by teacher. As an answer of this students need to
attach screenshots of their work that was done in practical lecture.

Experiment Outcome:-In this experiment Students practice ms excel by own self again.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Student learns about basic Ms PowerPoint.

Experiment 8: Introduction of Ms PowerPoint with its basic window and Steps to

create, open, save a ppt and also mention steps for copy and delete a slide in Ms

Note: - Solve the following questions and write steps that you done in Practical Class.

Q1. Define Ms PowerPoint.


Q2. Attach a picture of basic window of Ms PowerPoint and explain.


Q3. Write down steps to open Ms PowerPoint in computer with screenshots.


Q4. Write down steps to add a new slide in ppt with screenshots.
Q5. Write down steps to save and open existing ppt in Ms PowerPoint with screenshots.

Q6. Write down steps to copy and delete a slide in Ms PowerPoint with screenshots.

Experiment Outcome:-In this experiment Student learns about Ms PowerPoint with its
basic window and Steps to create, open, save a ppt and also mentions steps for copy and
delete a slide in Ms PowerPoint.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Student learns about images, videos and charts in
Ms PowerPoint.

Experiment 9: Use of images, videos and charts in Ms PowerPoint.

Note: - Solve the following questions and write steps that you done in Practical Class.

Q1. Mention the steps to insert picture in Ms PowerPoint with screenshots.


Q2. Mention the steps to insert video in Ms PowerPoint with screenshots.


Q3. How can we add picture border and picture effects in Ms PowerPoint picture also
mention the steps with screenshots?

Q4. Write down steps for add graph in Ms PowerPoint with screenshots.
Q5. In above generated graph add chart title, data labels, data table and axes with

Experiment Outcome:-In this experiment Student learns about images, videos insertion and
charts insertion in Ms PowerPoint with example.
Experiment Objective:-In this experiment Students practice Ms PowerPoint by own self
again by making one ppt.

Experiment 10: Choose any topic related business and make a ppt for that topic using
all Ms PowerPoint options.

Important Note: - In this experiment students need to assume data by own self and need to
make ppt with chats, images and other options. As an answer of this students need to attach
screenshots of slides in practical file.

Experiment Outcome:-In this experiment Students practice Ms PowerPoint by own self

again by making the ppt on any business related topic in detail.
CO and PO’s Mapping

CO-PO Mapping

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O1

CO1 2 3 - - - 2 - - 2 - - 3 - - 3 -

CO2 3 - 2 - - 3 3 - 3 - - 2 - - - -

CO3 - - 3 - - - - - - - - 3 - - - -

CO4 - - 3 - - - - - 2 - - - - - - -

CO5 3 2 - 3 - 3 2 - - 3 - - - - - 3

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