LESSON Listening

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Subject: English Language

Form: 3 Active

Number of students: 35

Date: 03.04.2010

Time: 10.00 a.m – 10.55 a.m. (55 minutes)

Topic: Costumer Request

Theme: People

Focused skills: Listening

Integrated skills: Listening, speaking, and writing

Sub skills: Listening for main ideas and supporting details

Speaking using correct pronunciation

Prior Knowledge: Students are familiar with describing themselves/peers and how to
greet their friends at certain occasions. Students wrote an essay describing their favorite

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for main ideas and
supporting details and speak fluently with others with 90% accuracy
Steps Content Activities Remarks/
Teacher talks about 1. Teacher shows a picture
Set Induction how to greet (costumer ordering a drink) and 1. Picture
customers. asks students what they see in 2. Moral value:
(5 minutes) the picture. Politeness
2. Students respond accordingly.
3. Teacher explains different (Appendix 1)
greetings (thank you, welcome..)
and discusses with students
when to use such greetings

Teacher plays a 1. Teacher plays a recording and 1. Worksheet

Introduction recording distributes comprehension - questions &
questions. answers
(10 minutes) 2. Students pay close attention 2. Recording
and answer the questions in the (3mins 27
worksheet given. seconds)
3. Teacher plays the recording
twice. (Appendix 2)

Students 1. Teacher divides students into Situation/ dialogue

Development conducting a role 5 groups (7 students per group)
play session 2. Students are given a situation 2 Worksheets
(30 minutes) involving a shop-keeper and
costumer. Teacher asks all the Aim: Social
different groups to present the Interaction
activity in different ways/tone
- Rude shop-keeper (Appendix 3)
- Polite shop-keeper
- Rude costumer
- Polite costumer
- Demanding costumer
3. While 1 group presents at a
time, the other groups are given
worksheets to fill in the blanks.
4. Teacher corrects student’s
pronunciation/intonation and
praises students accordingly.
Writing activity. 1. Teacher instructs students to Homework
(Take home) write up a short dialogue instructions
Closure between a teacher and a
Teacher student. Feedback Session
(10 minutes) summarizes the 2. Students jot down the
lesson. activity and take home this (Appendix 4)
3. Teacher concludes this
lesson by asking students
(Eg: How was the lesson
today, what did they learn,
the different greetings…)
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
 What did the man receive as a gift?
 What does he not want the present?
 What can he do with the gift?
 What could he exchange it for?
 What would he like?
 What kind of style does he like?
 Does it cost more or less than the wallet?
 Can he find anything that costs the same as his wallet?
 What does he decide he wants to do?
 Who would he like to speak to?
 What does the woman think the manager will say?
 Where has the manager been?
Suggested answers:

1. A wallet

2. He already has several and he doesn’t like it

3. He can exchange it for something else

4. Key rings, scarves , women’s purses and jewelry

5. A head scarf

6. Classical

7. Less

8. No

9. He wants his money back

10. The manager

11. He will say the same thing

12. At lunch
Appendix 3
Follow and read aloud the replayed dialogues:
Offering and asking for help
The shopkeeper: Hello. Can I help you with anything?

Customer: Yes. Can I look at that watch, please?

The shopkeeper: It’s a good watch. Water-proof and very accurate.

The shopkeeper: Is there anything else I could show you?

How about our scarves? They’re new. They’ve just arrived.

Talking about prices

The shopkeeper: Mm. How about two hundred and eighty dollars? Just for you.

Customer: It’s still too expensive. I think I’ll look for something else.

Customer: I’d like to get three pairs. Could you give me a discount?

The shopkeeper: Mm. They’re very cheap already. Oh well. Two hundred dollars for
three pairs then.

Making and responding to suggestions

Mandy: Why don’t you buy three? Do they have lady sizes? Maybe I can get one and
make it three.

Sam: That’s great idea!

Shopkeeper: How about this one. This style is very popular.

Mandy: Yes, it’s nice. I’ll take it.

Responding when the shop doesn’t have something

Mandy: But it’s a large. Do you have a smaller size?

Shopkeeper: I’m sorry, we don’t have any in stock at the moment. We’ve ordered
some and they should be in next Friday.

Asking for and responding to a bargain

Customer: Will you give me a discount?

Shopkeeper: Well, I can give you a ten percent discount.

Customer: I travel from very far away. Make it twenty percent discount.

Shopkeeper: Mm. All right then. A twenty percent discount, just for you!
Customer: But we’re thinking of buying two. So, how about giving us a bigger
Shopkeeper: Okay. Three hundred dollars for two then.

Worksheet 1

Watch and fill in the things that Sam and Mandy are interested in buying in the right







These words may be helpful to you: post cards, pyjamas, Chinese seals, sports shoes,
pearl necklaces, ties
Worksheet 2

Watch and make notes of the replayed dialogue between Sam and the shopkeeper. Guess
what the shopkeeper is saying.
Use your own words and fill in the blanks after you have finished watching the role

Shopkeeper: (1)_____________________________________________?

Customer: Yes. Can I look at that watch, please?

Shopkeeper: (2)_____________________________________________

Customer: I see. How much is it?

Shopkeeper: Three hundred dollars.

Customer: Three hundred dollars. It’s too expensive.

Shopkeeper: (3)_______________________________________________

Customer: It’s still too expensive. I think I’ll look for something else. Thank you.
Appendix 4
Homework instructions.

A student was absent last week for her English Classroom. She met her teacher the
following day to ask for the homework and task that was given out. Write a short
dialogue between the student and her teacher. (5 Marks)
- Remember to include greetings in the conversation.
- Use simple and short sentences.
- The conversation should not be less than 80 words.

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