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(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated To VTU, Belagavi-590018)

Accredited by National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A’ grade
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy Layout

Mini Project Report on

Arduino Based Smart Irrigation System
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of
Batch No:- A3
Bachelor of
Engineering in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Submitted by

Under the Guidance of

Suganthi N
Professor Dept. of
E&E Engg.
DSCE, Bengaluru



Page 1 of 31
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi – 590018, Approved by AICTE & ISO 9001:2015
Accredited by National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A’ grade
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy
Layout Bengaluru-560078



Certified that the mini project report entitled “Arduino Based Smart Irrigation System” carried out by
KARAN S bearing USN:1DS23EE406, ATHMIK H R bearing USN:1DS23EE402, MADHU A bearing
USN:1DS23EE413, KARTHIK K bearing USN:1DS23EE407 are bonafide students of DAYANANDA
SAGAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, an autonomous institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi in
partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering during the year 2023-2024. It is certified that allcorrections/suggestions indicated for Internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the departmental library. The mini project
report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirementsin respect of work prescribed for the said

Signature of the Signature of the HOD

Guide Ms. Dr.M.Premkumar
SUGANTHI Professor & HOD
Assistant Professor Dept. of E&E Engg.DSCE,
Dept. of E&E Bengaluru
Engg. DSCE,

Name of the Examiners Signature with date

1. ........................................... ..........................................
2. ........................................... ..........................................

Page 2 of 31
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi – 590018, Approved by AICTE & ISO 9001:2015
Accredited by NBA, National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A’ grade
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy
Layout Bengaluru-560078



We, Karan S(1DS23EE406), Athmik H R(1DS23EE402), Madhu A (1DS23EE413) and Karthik K

(1DS23EE407),respectively, hereby declare that the mini project work entitled “ Digital IC’s
Tester ” has been independently done by us under the guidance of ‘Ms Suganthi N, Assistant
Professor, EEE department and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, at Dayananda
Sagar College of Engineering, an autonomous institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi during the
academic year 2023-2024.We further declare that we have not submitted this report either in part
or in full to any other university for the award of any degree.



Page 3 of 31

The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be incomplete
without the mention of people who made it possible and under whose constant guidance and
encouragement the task was completed. We express our sincere regards to the Management of
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru.

We express our sincere regards and thanks to Dr. B G Prasad, Principal, Dayananda Sagar College of
Engineering, Bengaluru. His incessant encouragement guidance and valuable support have been
immense help in realizing this mini project.

We express our sincere regards and thanks to Dr. Premkumar M, Professor & HOD, Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru. His
incessant encouragement guidance and valuable technical support have been immense help in realizing
this mini project. His guidance gave us the environment to enhance our knowledge, skills and to reach the
pinnacle with sheer determination, dedicated and hard work.

We would like to express profound gratitude to our guide Prof. Kavitha K, Assistant Professor,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering,
Bengaluru who has encouraged us throughout the mini project. Her moral support enabled us to
complete our work successfully.

We express our sincere thanks to Mini project Coordinator Dr. Suchana Mishra, Assistant Professor,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for her continues support and guidance. We
thank all teaching and non-teaching staff of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department for their
kind and constant support throughout the academic Journey.

KARAN S …………….....
ATHMIK H R …………….....
MADHU A …………….....
KARTHIK K …………….....

Page 4 of 31

An Arduino-based Smart Irrigation System integrates sensors, microcontrollers, and actuators to

optimize water usage in agriculture. This innovative system addresses the challenges of
conventional irrigation methods by employing real-time data acquisition and automated decision-
making processes. At its core, the system utilizes soil moisture sensors to measure the moisture
content of the soil, ensuring that irrigation is triggered only when necessary. This data is
processed by an Arduino microcontroller, which executes algorithms to determine the precise
amount of water needed based on predefined thresholds and crop requirements. Through a user-
friendly interface, farmers can set parameters such as soil moisture thresholds and irrigation
schedules, ensuring flexibility and customization. Moreover, the system incorporates weather
forecasting data to enhance decision-making, adjusting irrigation plans based on anticipated
weather conditions. Actuators controlled by the Arduino microcontroller manage irrigation valves,
ensuring accurate and efficient water delivery to crops. By optimizing water usage, the Arduino-
based Smart Irrigation System not only conserves water resources but also enhances crop yield
and quality, offering a sustainable and cost-effective solution for modern agriculture.

Page 5 of 31


1. Introduction 8-10
2. Detailing of the Work 11-11
3. Components 12-21
4. Working 22-23
5. Circuit Diagram 24-24
6. Program 25-26
7. Result 27-28
8. Reference 29-30
9. Conclusion 30-31
10. CO’s 32-32

Page 6 of 31
: Agriculture plays a vital role in the global economy, and efficient water
management is essential for sustainable farming. Traditional irrigation systems often lead to water wastage
due to over-irrigation or inefficient water distribution. Smart irrigation systems, leveraging modern
technology, offer a solution to these problems by optimizing water usage based on real-time data. Arduino-
based smart irrigation systems are cost-effective, flexible, and customizable solutions that help farmers
manage water resources efficiently.
Smart irrigation systems utilizing Arduino technology represent a pivotal advancement in agricultural and
environmental management, blending the precision of technology with the necessity of efficient water
usage. In recent decades, the world has faced escalating challenges related to water scarcity, exacerbated
by climate change and population growth. These factors have underscored the critical need for innovative
solutions in water management, particularly in agriculture, where irrigation consumes a substantial portion
of global freshwater resources.
Traditional irrigation methods, reliant on manual timing or basic timers, often result in inefficient water
usage and significant losses due to over- or under-watering. Such practices not only strain water supplies
but also contribute to soil degradation and decreased crop yields, impacting both economic returns and
environmental sustainability. In this context, the emergence of smart irrigation systems powered by
Arduino technology represents a transformative leap forward.

Arduino, as an open-source electronics platform, offers flexibility and affordability, making it accessible
for developing sophisticated irrigation systems tailored to specific agricultural needs. These systems
integrate sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers to gather real-time data on soil moisture levels, weather
conditions, and plant water requirements. By leveraging this data, smart irrigation systems can
autonomously adjust watering schedules and volumes, ensuring that plants receive optimal moisture
levels precisely when needed.

The implications of smart irrigation extend far beyond mere efficiency gains. By minimizing water
wastage and runoff, these systems contribute to water conservation efforts, supporting sustainable water
management practices crucial for mitigating the impact of droughts and climate variability. Furthermore,
by maintaining soil health through precise moisture control, smart irrigation systems promote enhanced
crop growth and yield stability, bolstering food security in regions vulnerable to water stress.

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Beyond agriculture, the adoption of Arduino-based smart irrigation holds promise for urban landscaping,
golf courses, and public parks, where water conservation is equally vital. These systems can be scaled and
customized to suit diverse environments and irrigation demands, demonstrating their versatility and
applicability across different sectors.

Moreover, the accessibility of Arduino technology empowers farmers, researchers, and innovators to
collaborate and continuously refine irrigation strategies. Open-source principles encourage the sharing of
knowledge and the development of new solutions, fostering a community-driven approach to tackling
global water challenges.

In conclusion, smart irrigation systems utilizing Arduino technology represent not just a technological
innovation but a crucial step towards sustainable water management in an increasingly water-stressed
world. By enhancing water use efficiency, preserving soil health, and supporting agricultural productivity,
these systems play a pivotal role in safeguarding our water resources for future generations while meeting
the growing demand for food production in a changing climate. As such, the development and adoption of
smart irrigation systems are essential for achieving both environmental resilience and agricultural
sustainability in the 21st century and beyond.

Smart irrigation systems use sensors, controllers, and communication technologies to monitor
environmental conditions and automate the watering process. These systems can adjust irrigation
schedules based on soil moisture levels, weather forecasts, and plant needs, ensuring that crops receive
the right amount of water at the right time.

Page 8 of 31

The main objectives of our projects is as follows :-

 Water Conservation

 Enhanced Crop Health and Yield:

 Precision Irrigation Management:

 Cost Savings

 Environmental Sustainability

 Scalability and Adaptability

 Data-Driven Decision Making

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The Arduino-based smart irrigation system aims to enhance agricultural efficiency by automating the
process of watering plants based on real-time environmental data. This system typically comprises several
key components: sensors to measure soil moisture, temperature, and humidity; a microcontroller (Arduino)
to process sensor data and make decisions; actuators such as water pumps or solenoid valves to control
water flow; and a communication module for remote monitoring and control, often via Wi-Fi or GSM.

Here's a detailed breakdown of how such a system might work:

1. Sensors: Soil moisture sensors detect the level of water in the soil, ensuring that plants receive adequate
hydration without overwatering, which can lead to root rot or nutrient leaching. Temperature and humidity
sensors provide additional environmental data to optimize watering schedules based on weather conditions.
2. Microcontroller (Arduino): This serves as the brain of the system, receiving input from sensors and
making decisions based on predefined algorithms or user-set parameters. The Arduino processes sensor data
to determine when and how much water to release, ensuring optimal conditions for plant growth.
3. Actuators: Water are activated by the Arduino to release water into the soil when moisture levels drop
below a specified threshold. This automation reduces the need for manual intervention, making irrigation
more efficient and consistent.
4. Communication Module: Many smart irrigation systems include a communication module (like Wi-Fi or
GSM) to enable remote monitoring and control. Users can access real-time data and adjust irrigation
settings via a smartphone app or a web interface, regardless of their location.
5. Power Supply: The system typically operates on a low voltage DC power supply, often using batteries or
solar panels for sustainability and to ensure continuous operation, especially in remote agricultural settings.
6. Software and Algorithms: Customized algorithms within the Arduino's programming dictate how often
and for how long water should be applied based on sensor readings and environmental conditions. These
algorithms can be fine-tuned to suit different plant types and local climate variations.

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The following are the major components used in this project:

 Arduino UNO
 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
 Soil moisture sensor
 IC 7805


Fig 3.2 Arduino UNO Board

The Arduino Uno stands as a beacon of accessibility and innovation in the realm of electronics prototyping
and development. Engineered to simplify the process of creating interactive projects, this versatile
microcontroller board has garnered immense popularity among hobbyists, educators, and professionals
alike. Its robust design, user-friendly interface, and expansive ecosystem of shields and modules make it a
cornerstone in the world of embedded systems.

At its heart lies the ATmega328P microcontroller, running at 16 MHz and equipped with ample memory
for storing programs and data. The Uno boasts 14 digital input/output pins, including 6 capable of pulse-
width modulation (PWM), alongside 6 analog input pins. This configuration enables seamless interfacing

Page 11 of
with sensors, actuators, and other electronic components, empowering users to prototype a wide array of
applications—from simple LED blink projects to sophisticated IoT devices.

Powering the Arduino Uno is straightforward: it can draw power via USB connection from a computer or
through an external power supply connected to its barrel jack. A built-in voltage regulator ensures a stable
5V supply for the microcontroller and connected peripherals, enhancing reliability in diverse operating

Programming the Arduino Uno is facilitated by the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), a
user-friendly platform that supports the C and C++ programming languages. The IDE simplifies code
writing, compilation, and uploading processes, enabling users to focus on creativity and functionality
rather than intricate technicalities.

The Uno's versatility extends beyond its hardware and software capabilities. It is compatible with a vast
array of shields—stackable expansion boards that add functionalities such as Ethernet connectivity,
wireless communication, motor control, and more. This compatibility, coupled with its open-source nature,
fosters a vibrant community where users freely share projects, libraries, and knowledge, propelling
innovation and collaboration.
Whether employed in classrooms for educational purposes, in laboratories for rapid prototyping, or in
homes for DIY projects, the Arduino Uno embodies the democratization of electronics. It empowers
enthusiasts of all skill levels to transform ideas into tangible creations, thereby bridging the gap between
imagination and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Page 12 of
Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Fig 2.2 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Temperature and humidity sensors play a pivotal role in modern technology, providing essential data that
influences decisions across various industries and everyday applications. These sensors are designed to
measure and monitor ambient conditions, offering valuable insights into environmental comfort, agricultural
practices, industrial processes, and more.

Temperature Sensors: Temperature sensors detect and quantify thermal energy in the form of heat present
in a specific environment. They convert temperature variations into electrical signals that can be processed
and analysed by electronic devices. Common types of temperature sensors include:

 Thermistors: These are semiconductor devices whose electrical resistance changes with temperature.
They are cost-effective and commonly used in consumer electronics and industrial applications.
 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs): RTDs are made from materials such as platinum, whose
resistance changes predictably with temperature. They offer high accuracy and stability, suitable for
precise measurements in scientific and industrial settings.
 Thermocouples: Thermocouples consist of two different metal wires joined at one end. They generate a
voltage proportional to the temperature difference between the measurement junction and the reference
junction. Thermocouples are rugged and widely used in harsh environments.
 Infrared (IR) Sensors: IR sensors detect thermal radiation emitted by objects and convert it into
temperature readings. They are non-contact sensors, suitable for measuring temperatures of distant or
moving objects.

Page 13 of
Humidity Sensors: Humidity sensors measure the amount of moisture or water vapor present in the air or
other gases. They are essential in controlling indoor climate, optimizing industrial processes, and ensuring
optimal conditions for sensitive equipment. Types of humidity sensors include:

 Capacitive Humidity Sensors: These sensors measure humidity by detecting changes in capacitance
caused by the absorption of moisture into a dielectric material. They are accurate, responsive, and
widely used in consumer electronics and environmental monitoring.
 Resistive Humidity Sensors: Resistive humidity sensors use a hygroscopic material whose resistance
changes with humidity levels. They are cost-effective and suitable for applications where moderate
accuracy is sufficient.
 Gravimetric Humidity Sensors: These sensors measure humidity by weighing a hygroscopic material
that absorbs moisture. They offer high accuracy but are typically more complex and expensive, used in
precise scientific and industrial applications.

Page 14 of

Fig 2.3 16x2 LCD DISPLAY

The 16x2 LCD display is a compact and versatile screen widely used in electronicprojects for visual output
and user interfaces.Typically, these displays feature a resolution of 320x240 pixels, providing adequate
clarity for text, images,and graphical elements. They are equipped with an integrated driver IC, simplifying
interfacing with microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP32. Communication is commonly
established using SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) or I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocols, ensuring
compatibility with a wide range of development platforms. Physically, these displays are compact and
lightweight, making them suitable for integration into portable devices and space-constrained
environments. They typically come with backlighting, ensuring visibility in various lighting
condition .

Page 15 of


A soil moisture sensor operates by measuring the volumetric water content in soil. It typically consists of
two main components: the sensor probes and a circuit board. The probes, often made of metal or
conductive material, are inserted into the soil. When the sensor is powered, it sends an electrical signal
through the probes. The moisture in the soil affects the conductivity between the probes. This change in
conductivity is then detected and converted into an electrical signal, which the circuit board processes. The
processed signal can be read by a microcontroller or data logger, providing a quantitative measure of the
soil's moisture content. This data can be used for various applications, such as irrigation management,
agricultural research, and environmental monitoring. The installation of a Soil Moisture Sensor involves
soldering the socket’s pins to corresponding pads on the PCB (Printed Circuit Board), ensuring stable
electrical connections. Careful alignment during soldering is crucial to prevent damage to the socket
or PCB and to maintain reliable contact between the IC and the circuit board.

Page 16 of
HC-05 Bluetooth Module

Fig 2.5 GSM Module

The HC-05 is a popular Bluetooth module widely used for wireless communication in embedded systems.
It operates using the Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) and can be configured as either a master or a
slave. The module supports UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) interface, making it
compatible with various microcontrollers and development boards. With a range of up to 10 meters and a
data transfer rate of up to 2.1 Mbps, the HC-05 is suitable for applications such as wireless data logging,
home automation, and robotics. It features easy-to-use AT commands for configuration, allowing users to
set parameters such as baud rate, device name, and passkey. Its low cost, reliability, and ease of integration
make the HC-05 a popular choice among hobbyists and professionals alike.

Page 17 of

Fig 2.6 IC-7805

The IC-7805 is a popular linear voltage regulator that provides a stable 5V output from a higher voltage
input, typically ranging from 7V to 35V. Part of the 78xx series of fixed linear voltage regulators, the 7805
is widely used in electronic circuits to ensure a consistent voltage supply for various components. It can
deliver up to 1.5A of current with appropriate heat sinking. The IC-7805 includes internal current limiting,
thermal shut-down, and safe-area compensation, making it a reliable choice for protecting circuits from
overcurrent and overheating. Its three-terminal design (input, ground, and output) simplifies integration
into a wide range of applications, including power supplies, microcontroller-based projects, and various
electronic devices. Due to its robustness and ease of use, the IC-7805 is a staple component in both
hobbyist and professional electronic designs.

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Fig 2.7 Motor drive

A 12V motor driver is an essential component in many electronic and robotic projects, enabling the control
of 12-volt DC motors. These drivers serve as an interface between the low-power control signals from
microcontrollers or other control systems and the high-power requirements of DC motors. They can handle
the current and voltage demands of motors, which typically range from 0.5A to several amps, depending
on the specific driver model.

Motor drivers often come with built-in protection features such as overcurrent protection, thermal
shutdown, and undervoltage lockout, ensuring safe and reliable operation. Commonly used motor driver
ICs include the L298N, L293D, and TB6612FNG, which offer dual H-bridge configurations, allowing for
bidirectional control of two motors or independent control of a single motor.

These drivers are widely used in applications like robotics, automated systems, and hobby projects,
providing precise control over motor speed and direction. With the ability to interface with PWM (Pulse
Width Modulation) signals, they enable efficient speed control, making them ideal for tasks that require
variable motor speeds, such as wheeled robots, conveyor belts, and RC vehicles.

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A 12V water pump is a versatile and compact device designed for various applications, from small-scale
gardening and irrigation systems to RV water systems and marine uses. These pumps are typically powered
by a 12-volt direct current (DC) power source, such as a battery or solar panel, making them ideal for off-
grid and portable applications. The primary function of a 12V water pump is to move water from one place
to another, providing a steady and reliable flow of water for the intended use.

The working mechanism of a 12V water pump is relatively straightforward. When the pump is connected to
a 12V power source, the electric motor inside the pump is activated. This motor drives an impeller or
diaphragm, depending on the type of pump. In a centrifugal pump, the impeller rotates at high speed,
creating a centrifugal force that pushes water through the pump and out through the outlet. In a diaphragm
pump, the motor drives a diaphragm back and forth, creating a vacuum that draws water into the pump
chamber and then pushes it out through the outlet.

One of the key advantages of a 12V water pump is its portability and ease of installation. These pumps are
often lightweight and compact, allowing them to be easily transported and installed in various locations.
Additionally, they are designed to be energy-efficient, consuming minimal power while delivering a
consistent water flow. This makes them an excellent choice for applications where power availability is
limited, such as in remote cabins, boats, or during camping trips.
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An Arduino-based smart irrigation system is an innovative solution designed to optimize water usage and
automate the process of watering plants, making it highly efficient and user-friendly. This system leverages
the capabilities of the Arduino microcontroller, various sensors, and actuators to monitor environmental
conditions and control the irrigation process accordingly. The core idea behind this system is to ensure that
plants receive the right amount of water at the right time, reducing water wastage and enhancing plant

The working of an Arduino-based smart irrigation system begins with the deployment of multiple sensors in
the garden or agricultural field. These sensors typically include soil moisture sensors, temperature sensors,
and humidity sensors. The soil moisture sensor is a critical component that measures the volumetric water
content in the soil. When the soil moisture level falls below a predefined threshold, it indicates that the soil
is dry and needs watering. Temperature and humidity sensors provide additional environmental data that
can influence the irrigation schedule, ensuring that the system adapts to changing weather conditions.

The Arduino microcontroller acts as the central processing unit of the system. It continuously collects data
from the sensors and processes this information to make real-time decisions about watering. The
microcontroller is programmed with specific algorithms that determine when to activate the irrigation
system based on the sensor readings. For instance, if the soil moisture sensor detects that the moisture level
is below the threshold, the Arduino will trigger the water pump to start watering the plants. Conversely, if
the moisture level is adequate, the system will remain inactive, conserving water.

To control the water flow, the system uses relays connected to the Arduino. These relays act as switches that
can turn the water pump on or off. When the Arduino sends a signal to the relay, it closes the circuit,
allowing current to flow to the water pump, which then starts pumping water through the irrigation pipes to
the plants. The system can also be integrated with solenoid valves that control the flow of water to different
sections of the garden or field, enabling zone-specific irrigation. This ensures that each plant or crop
receives the appropriate amount of water based on its specific needs.

Moreover, an Arduino-based smart irrigation system can be enhanced with additional features such as a
real-time clock (RTC) module for time-based scheduling and wireless communication modules like Wi-Fi

Page 21 of
or Bluetooth for remote monitoring and control. With an RTC module, the system can be programmed to
irrigate at specific times of the day, further optimizing water usage. Wireless modules allow users to
monitor sensor data and control the irrigation system remotely using a smartphone or computer, providing
convenience and flexibility.

Data logging is another important aspect of the smart irrigation system. By storing historical sensor data, the
system can analyse trends and make more informed decisions over time. For example, it can adjust the
irrigation schedule based on seasonal changes or identify patterns that indicate potential issues with the soil
or irrigation infrastructure.

Page 22 of

Fig 4.1 :Schematic Diagram

Page 23 of

PROGRAMMING: Following is the program used in our project –

#include <DHT11.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

#include "humidity.h"

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

DHT11 dht11(6);

void setup() {






void loop() {

int humidity = dht11.readHumidity();

if (humidity != DHT11::ERROR_CHECKSUM && humidity != DHT11::ERROR_TIMEOUT) {

Serial.print("Humidity: ");


Serial.println(" %");

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);




} else {


Page 24 of

int A=analogRead(A0);



Serial.println("motor on");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("motor off");



Serial.println("motor off");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("motor on ");


Page 25 of

After rigging up the circuit and uploading the code, the following results were obtained

Page 26 of

Page 27 of
1. Banerjee, S., & Pujari, A. (2015).Smart Irrigation Using Arduino and Cloud Computing. International
Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 4(5), 927-930.

2. Kumar, R., & Patel, K. (2014). Automated Irrigation System using Wireless Sensor Network and GSM
Module. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 3(2), 1484-1487.

3. Singh, R., & Kaur, R. (2016). Smart Irrigation System using Arduino and GSM Module. International
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), 6(5),
184- 187.

4. Kumari, S., & Verma, M. (2017). Smart Irrigation System Based on Arduino. International Journal of
Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE),
5(7), 112-115.

5. Verma, P., & Gaur, A. (2018). Implementation of Smart Irrigation System Using Arduino.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
(IJARCCE), 7(1), 34-38.

6. Hussain, A., & Shah, A. (2017). IoT Based Smart Irrigation System Using Arduino. Journal of
Electrical Engineering and Automation (JEEA), 3(2), 54-60.

7. Sharma, N., & Singh, A. (2015). Arduino Based Automatic Plant Watering System. International
Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR), 4(4), 246-249.

8. @EngineersElectronics
9. I

Page 28 of


The Arduino-based smart irrigation system represents a significant advancement in agricultural
technology, combining the principles of automation, IoT, and efficient resource management to address the
challenges of traditional irrigation methods. By leveraging the capabilities of the Arduino platform, this
system can monitor and control various environmental parameters, such as soil moisture, temperature, and
humidity, to optimize water usage and ensure the health of crops. The integration of sensors and actuators
allows for real-time data collection and decision-making, enabling precise irrigation schedules tailored to
the specific needs of the plants. This not only conserves water, a critical resource, but also enhances crop
yield and quality by maintaining optimal growing conditions.

The scope of an Arduino-based smart irrigation system extends beyond mere automation. It embodies the
potential to revolutionize agriculture by making it more sustainable, efficient, and adaptable to changing
climatic conditions. The system can be customized and scaled to suit different types of crops, varying field
sizes, and diverse geographic locations. Furthermore, the data collected can be analyzed to gain insights
into crop performance, soil health, and water usage patterns, which can inform future agricultural practices
and policies. The connectivity features of modern Arduino systems, including wireless communication and
internet access, allow farmers to monitor and control their irrigation systems remotely, providing
convenience and flexibility.

In addition, the Arduino-based smart irrigation system is accessible and cost-effective, making advanced
irrigation technology available to small and medium-scale farmers who may not have the resources to
invest in high-end commercial solutions. The open-source nature of Arduino encourages innovation and
collaboration among the agricultural and tech communities, leading to continuous improvements and new
features that can further enhance the system’s capabilities. Educational institutions and research
organizations can also benefit from this technology by using it as a tool for teaching and conducting
experiments related to smart agriculture and environmental monitoring.

Moreover, the environmental benefits of this system are substantial. By reducing water wastage and
promoting efficient use of resources, the Arduino-based smart irrigation system contributes to

Page 29 of
the conservation of water bodies and reduces the energy required for water extraction and distribution.
This, in turn, lowers the carbon footprint associated with agricultural activities. The ability to adapt to
different environmental conditions also means that this technology can support sustainable farming
practices in regions facing water scarcity and other ecological challenges.

In conclusion, the Arduino-based smart irrigation system represents a transformative approach to modern
agriculture. Its ability to automate and optimize irrigation processes offers a solution to the growing
need for sustainable and efficient agricultural practices. The broad scope of this technology, encompassing
various applications, customization options, and environmental benefits, underscores its potential to make a
lasting impact on the agricultural sector. By embracing this innovative system, farmers can enhance
productivity, conserve resources, and contribute to a more sustainable future for agriculture

Page 30 of
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi – 590018, Approved by
AICTE & ISO9001:2008 Certified) Accredited by NAAC & NBA
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy Layout Bengaluru- 560078



Course Outcomes: After completion of the course, the graduates will be able to

CO1 Identify and assemble various electrical and electronics components

CO2 Design basic electrical and electronic circuit/models
CO3 Building of electrical and electronics circuits.
CO4 Connect as an individual or in a team in developing technical mini projects
CO5 Conclude and write project related activities and findings.

Mapping of Course outcomes to Program outcomes and PSOs:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3

Signature of
Internal Guide
with date

Name of the Candidates: Section – Roll No. -USN - Signature of the Students

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