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A Mini-Project Report on
“3D Display using8*8*8 LED CUBE “
Submitted in partial fullfilment for the requirement of the award of degree of




Under the guidance of

Dr.Anita R,
Associate Professor,
Dept. of ECE

JnanaPrabha, East Point Campus, VirgonagarPost ,Bidarahalli ,Bangalore-560049

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


JnanaPrabha, East Point Campus, Virgonagar Post, Bidarahalli, Bangalore-560049

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

This is to certify that the synopsis titled “8*8*8 LED CUBE” is a bonafide work being carrying
out by Manish Mayank bearing USN:1EP19EC027, Megana L bearing USN:1EP19EC027, Annu
Kumari bearing USN:1EP19EC003, Ashwini K S bearing USN:1EP19EC004 in partial fulfilment
for the requirement of the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and
Communication Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, during the
academic year 2021-2022. It is certified that all the corrections/suggestions indicated during internal
assessment have been incorporated in this report and deposited in departmental library. The report
has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements prescribed by the university.

Signature of GuideSignature of HODSignature of Principal

Dr. Anita R, Dr.Yogesh. G. S Dr. Sateesh T. K.
Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, EPCET Principal, EPCET
Dept. of ECE, EPCET

External viva:
Name of the Examiners: Signature with date


We, MANISH MAYANK bearing USN:1EP19EC025, MEGANA L bearing USN:1EP19EC027,
ANNU KUMARI bearing USN:1EP19EC003, ASHWINI K S bearing USN:1EP19EC004 hereby
declare that the project titled “3D Display using 8*8*8 LED CUBE” is carried out at EAST POINT
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, under the guidance of Dr. Anita R,
Associate Professor, department of ECE, East Point College of Engineering and Technology,
Bangalore for partial fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and
Communication Engineering under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.


Place: Bangalore




Behind every achievement lies an unfathomable sea of gratitude to those who actuated it, without
whom it would never have come to existence. To them our praise the word of gratitude imprinted not
just on this paper but deep in our heart.

We express our profound gratitude towards Dr. S M Venkatpathi, Chairman, East Point
College of Engineering and Technology, for providing necessary infrastructure and also honour to
Dr. T.K SATEESH, Principal, EPCET, for creating good environment for carrying out our project.

We extend our earnest gratitude to Dr. Yogesh G S, Head Of the Department ,Electronics &
Communication Engineering ,EPCET for his motivation and constant support.

Our sincere thanks to our guide Dr. Anita R, Associate professor, Dept of ECE, for her guidance
and encouragement throughout the course of project preparation and completion. Her timely
assistance and valuable suggestions were the motivation factor for the completion of the project

Dr. Sachin Sharma, Professor and Dr. V. Navya,Associate Professor, Dept of ECE, Mini-
Project Co-ordinators, who has helped us in several ways to learn and explore things by guiding us
and providing us with all the required support.

We also thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff of ECE Dept, for their valuable guidance. Last
but not least, we would like to utilize this opportunity to express a sense of gratitude and love to
beloved family and to our dearest friends for their support and strength.
3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022




3. HISTORY 4-5







7. LIMITATIONS 24 - 25







11. REFERENCES 34 - 35

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


In this report three dimensional display is been presented in this , which is driven by a
microcontroller. A new form of display has been introduced in the LED arena. Any size cube of
A*A*A can be effectively implemented which are cheap as well as rugged. A three dimensional
mosaic of light emitting diode is formed in a cube which is comprised of light emitting diodes
arranged in the dimensional matrix. This LED cube is like a LED screen, but it is special in that it
has a third dimension, making it 3D. Think of it as many transparent low resolution displays. In
normal displays it is normal to try to stack the pixels as close as possible in order to make it look
better, but in a cube one must be able to see through it, and more spacing between the pixels
(actually it's pixels since it is in 3d) is needed. The spacing is a trade-off between how easy the layers
behind it are seen, and pixel fidelity. Since it is a lot more work making a LED cube than a LED
display, they are usually low resolution. A LED display of 8x8 pixels are only 64 LEDs, but a LED
cube in 8x8x8 is 512 LEDs. Cheapness and ruggedness is result of the simplicity of this design. The
circuit comprises of a cube connected to a micro controller which is in turn connected to a laptop.
The display patterns are sent by the laptop.

The project is a 3D LED CUBE DISPLAY (8x8x8 PIXELS) which displays different patterns stored
in the microcontroller. This LED cube is like a LED screen, but it is special in that it has a third
dimension, making it 3D. Think of it as many transparent low resolution displays. In normal displays
it is normal to try to stack the pixels as close as possible in order to make it look better, but in a cube
one must be able to see through it, and more spacing between the pixels (actually it's voxels since it
is in 3d) is needed. The spacing is a trade-off between how easy the layers behind it are seen, and
voxel fidelity. Since it is a lot more work making a LED cube than a LED display, they are usually
low resolution. A LED display of 8x8 pixels are only 64 LEDs, but a LED cube in 8x8x8 is 512
LEDs, an order of magnitude harder to make! This is the reason LED cubes are only made in low

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


The goal of this project is to be able to output and modify the LED array fast enough to see a
persistent image. A three dimensional display is been presented in this project which is driven by a
microcontroller. A new form of display has been introduced in the LED arena. Any size cube of
A*A*A can be effectively implemented which are dimensional mosaic of light emitting diode is
formed in a cube which is comprised of light emitting diodes arranged in the dimensional matrix.
Cheapness and ruggedness is result of the simplicity of this design. The circuit comprises of a
cube connected to a micro controller which is in turn connected to a laptop. A microcontroller has a
dedicated input device and often (but not always) has a small LED or LCD display for
output .Microcontroller is often small and low cost. Today the technology has advanced to such an
extent that has come a need to display electronic messages to satisfy all purposes, whether it is
business or domestic use. The solution found to satisfy this need is the matrix display systems using
LED‟s and LCD‟s. Different kinds of matrix systems are available today which are capable of
displaying messages, graphics, logos and moving animation that are sure to capture and hold the
attention of any audience. It provides instantaneous, flexible communications when and where
they’re needed most.
This LED cube has 512 LEDs. Obviously, having a dedicated IO port for each LED would be very
impractical. We would need a micro controller with 512 IO ports, and run 512 wires through the
cube. Instead, LED cubes rely on an optical phenomenon called persistence of vision (POV).If we
flash a led really fast, the image will stay on our retina for a little while after the led turns off. By
flashing each layer of the cube one after another really fast, it gives the illusion of a 3d image,
when in fact we are looking at a series of 2d images stacked onto one another. This is also called
multiplexing. With this setup, we only need 64 (for the anodes) + 8 (for each layer) IO ports to
control the LED cube.
The displays patterns are sent by the laptop. We have chosen the implementation of this project
based on our teams experience and the simplest methods by which we see to complete our goals.
When constructing the actual LED array we have chosen to construct the array in layers, verifying
that all LEDs function after every step. Due to close proximity soldering there is a high chance that
some of them may burn out and we would like to catch this early on.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


One of the first people to explore the use of LEDs to display objects in 3D is Stephen

W. Boyer. He handed in a patent for a “Light Art Structure” on May 22, 2001. The system has been
described as an ornamental design for a light art structure using 125 LEDsembedded into acrylic
tubes. It was first presented in an exhibition in Chicago in 1999.The 3D display cube v1 was the
starting point of a series of works using 3D displays by New York-based artist James Clar in 2002.
In the first version produced in collaborationwith Todd Holoubek, Cindy Jeffers, and Danielle
Lee100 LEDs were imbedded into clearacrylic planes. In total, ten planes with 100 LEDs each made
up a cube with 1000 voxels, increasing the number of pixels compared to the previous version by
Stephen W. Boyertenfold. Following this first prototype, the 3D display cube v3 in 20032 was a
handmadeversion with freestanding LEDs that were not embedded in an acrylic plane. Each of the
1,000LEDs could be controlled individually with a refreshing rate of sixty frames per second via
aserial input.Students of electrical engineering at the Delft University of Technology in the
Netherlands created a 3D display in May 2006, The display consisted of 8,000 suspended ping-pong
balls that each contained a red LED light. It was able to play the games of 3Dsnake, 3D ping pong,
and 3D duck hunt, and was also able to display mobile phone textmessages and simple animations.
The display used four kilometers of copper wire, three kilosof solder, a couple of hundred meters of
aluminium brackets and eight printed circuit boards.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


3-D LED Cube Making of Three dimensional cube devices: In this project they build a 3D LED
cube. This project was done with the help of arduino, previously this was a simple LED cube but
they used Arduino uno microcontroller based on the ATmega328P. They just connected USB to the
computer and power it with an AC to DC adapter or a battery to get turn ON.

A Volumetric 3-D LED Display :

Mr. David Wyatt, Mr. Lawrence Wujanto Making of a volumetric 3D LED display:[2] In this
Volumetric 3D LED display, they converted 2D animations into an 3D display by using SVGA
which is Super Video Graphics Array used to cover wide range of computer display. The software
used in this project is Xilinx ISE to show the SVGA output. Music visualiser module is also uses
audio input to generate 3D samples with the cube.

3-D LED Cube

Mr. Hardik Soni, Mr. Saurabh Kataria, Mr. Akshay Kumar, Mr. Shivam Agarwal Making of 3D cube
device: This project creates a 3D LED cube which is able to display various animations. For this
cube they had used RGB lights and they constructed project using MATLAB to build 3D interactive
character or images. They also used bit angle modulation by which they can improve brightness of
LED. Mr. Luke Ausley, Mr. Joshua Moyerman, Mr. Andrew Smith[1] Making 3D LED Cube This
project builds 3D LED Cube. The main aim of this project is to create 3D animations, static and
dynamic graphics and also consist of computer communicating using an Ethernet connect..

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


4.1. 74HC595 IC

Fig.4.1.1. Pin configuration of ICFig.4.1.2 Logic symbol

74HC595 is a shift register which works on Serial IN Parallel OUT protocol. It receives data serially
from the microcontroller and then sends out this data through parallel pins. We can increase our
output pins by 8 using the single chip. We can also connect more than 1 shift register in parallel

4.2 Arduino Nano

The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328P
released in 2008. It offers the same connectivity and specs of the Arduino Uno board in a smaller
form factor.

The Arduino Nano is equipped with 30 male I/O headers, in a DIP-30-like configuration, which can
be programmed using the Arduino Software integrated development environment (IDE), which is
common to all Arduino boards and running both online and offline. The board can be powered

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

through a type-B mini-USB cable or from a 9 V battery.[2]In 2019, Arduino released the Arduino
Nano . Every, a pin-equivalent evolution of the Nano. It features a more powerful ATmega4809
processor and twice the RAM.

It has 22 input/output pins in total.

14 of these pins are digital pins.

Arduino Nano has 8 analogue pins.

It has 6 PWM pins among the digital pins.

It has a crystal oscillator of 16MHz.

It's operating voltage varies from 5V to 12V

Fig.4.2.1 Arduino Nano R3

4.3 LED:

LED, in full light-emitting diode, in electronics, a semiconductor device that emits infrared or visible
light when charged with an electric current. Visible LEDs are used in many electronic devices as
indicator lamps, in automobiles as rear-window and brake lights, and on billboards and signs as
alphanumeric displays or even full-colour posters. Infrared LEDs are employed in autofocus cameras
and television remote controls and also as light sources in fibre-optic telecommunication systems.

LEDs are “directional” light sources, which means they emit light in a specific direction.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Fig.4.3.1 LED

4.4Tinned Copper wire

Tinned copper wire is ideal in this application because of the potential for high temperatures. It’s
also possible to use bare copper wire for electrical grounding, though it may be somewhat less safe.
Outdoor or underground uses: In places like subway systems or where copper wiring is necessary
outdoors, tinned wiring can be particularly useful. Using bare copper in these situations would
expose it to weather and elements that would cause the wire to erode.

Tinned copper wire is also easier to solder to connections as tin is a key element in soldering,
ensuring all parts of the wire are protected against corrosion.

Fig.4.4.1 Tinned Copper Wire

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

4.5IC Base

This is a standard 28 pin IC base allows user to connect the ICs with the circuits. IC sockets are
generally for preventing damage to IC's from soldering and while testing multiple circuits. These are
made from Black Thermoplastic and tin-plated alloy contacts. One end is notched to aid in

IC sockets (integrated circuit sockets) act as static connectors between integrated circuits (ICs) and
printed circuit boards (PCBs).

Fig.4.5.1 IC BASE

4.6 Transistor BD241B:

Characteristics of BD241B Transistor:

Type: NPN

Collector-Emitter Voltage: 80 V

Collector-Base Voltage: 90 V

Emitter-Base Voltage: 5 V

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Collector Current: 3 A

Collector Dissipation: 40 W

DC Current Gain (hfe): 25

Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range: -65 to +150 °C

Package: TO-220

Fig.4.6.1 TransistorBD241B

4.7 Capacitor 100Uf:

100uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor is a high quality electrolytic capacitor which offers long life and
high reliability. Electrolytic Capacitors are most commonly used type of capacitors in Electronic
Circuits. Electrolytic Capacitors have 2 Polars - Positive and Negative.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Fig.4.7.1 100uF Capacitor


A push-button (also spelled pushbutton) or simply button is a simple switch mechanism to control
some aspect of a machine or a process. Buttons are typically made out of hard material, usually
plastic or metal.To start wiring your push button switch, connect the green C public pin wire to the
positive terminal of the power source. Then, make a mutual connection between the red LED wire
and the positive terminal of the circuit or appliance you want to control and connect to the blue

Fig.4.8.1 Push Button

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


A push-button (also spelled pushbutton) or simply button is a simple switch mechanism to control
some aspect of a machine or a process. Buttons are typically made out of hard material, usually
plastic or metal.A printed circuit board (PCB) is the board base for physically supporting and wiring
the surface-mounted and socketed components in most electronics.The PCBs are mainly used to
provide electrical connection and mechanical support to the electrical components of a circuit. They
are prevalent in electronic devices and can be easily identified as the green-colored board in most
cases.Printed circuit boards, otherwise known as PCBs, are the electronic boards that are used in a
majority of electronic devices, including phones, household appliances and pieces of medical
equipment. Typically, PCBs are made from non-substrate materials with layers of copper circuitry.

Fig.4.9.1 PCB Board

4.10.RESISTOR 220 OHM:

Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within circuits.
In electronic circuits, resistors are used to limit current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active
elements, and terminate transmission lines among other uses.

220 Ohm resistance is represented by Red, Red, Black code.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Fig.4.10.1 220 ohm Resistor



The Arduino Integrated Development Environment - or Arduino Software (IDE) - contains a text
editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for common
functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and
communicate with them.

Fig.4.11 Arduino Software

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Circuit Diagram

Fig.5.0. Circuit Diagram of Connections

LED Cube Hardware Design:

Building Cube

The first thing we need to build is a template for each horizontal layer. The template will make it so
that the LED’s in each of the 8 layers are equidistant and that things come out in a square, with the
LEDs evenly distributed
After drawing out grid of 2,5 cm x 2,5 cm squares, We used a center punch to mark the center of
each 'cross-hair' on the grid. Next, we drill holes at each spot just big enough so that the LED fits
snuggly into them, not too tight, not too lose.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

We started by placing the top right LED in the template. Then place the one to the left, positioning it
so that it's cathode leg is touching the cathode leg of the previous LED.After some time with the
soldering iron it's finished, and we have the LED cube64+8 wires have to go from the controller to
the LED cube. The ground layers use an8-wire ribbon cable. The cathodes are connected with 64-
wire cables. To drive LED CUBE we need two electronic circuits:

 Multiplexer circuit board

 Controller circuit board

We gathered from the last step that an 8x8x8 LED cube requires 64+8 IO lines tooperate. No AVR
micro controller have that many IO lines available. To get get the required64 output lines needed for
the LED anodes, we will create a simple multiplexer circuit. Thiscircuit will multiplex 11 IO lines
into 64 output lines. The multiplexer is built by using acomponent called a latch or a flip-flop. We
will call them latches from here on.

Build the controller: Power terminal and filtering capacitors

The power supply consists of a screw terminal where you connect the GND and VCCwires, some
filtering capacitors, a switch and a an LED to indicate power on.

Build the controller: IC sockets, resistors and connectors

Our main design consideration here was to minimize soldering and wiring. We opted to place the
connectors as close to the ICs as possible. On the output-side, there is only two solder joints per LED
cube column. IC-resistor, resistor-connector. The outputs of the latches are arranged in order 0-7.


A LED cube is like a LED screen, but it is special in that it has a third dimension, making it 3D.
Think of it as many transparent low resolution displays. In normal displays it is normal to try to
stack the pixels as close as possible in order to make it look better, but in a cube
one must be able to see trough it, and more spacing between the pixels (actually it's voxels since it
is in 3d) is needed. The spacing is a trade-off between how easy the layers behind it are seen, and
voxel fidelity. Since it is a lot more work making a LED cube than a LED
display, they are usually low resolution.

A LED display of 8x8 pixels are only 64 LEDs, but

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

a LED cube in 8x8x8 is 512 LEDs, an order of magnitude harder to make! This is the reason LED
cubes are only made in low resolution. A LED cube does not have to be symmetrical; it is possible
to make a 7x8x9, or even oddly shaped ones. This LED cube has 512 LEDs. Obviously, having a
dedicated IO port for each LED would be very impractical. Thus there comes the need of a micro
controller with 512 IO ports, and run 512 wires through the cube. Instead, LED cubes rely on an
optical phenomenon called persistence of vision (POV). When a led is flashed really fast, the
image will stay on the retina for a little while after the led turns off. By flashing each layer of the
cube one after another really fast, it gives the illusion of a 3d image, when in fact we are looking at
a series of 2d images stacked onto one another. This is also called multiplexing.

With this setup, there exists the need of only 64 (for the anodes) + 8 (for each layer) IO ports to
control the LED cube. There are anodes, cathodes, columns and layers, for this led cube.

In order to light up an LED, we have to run current from the anode to the cathode.
The LED cube is made up of columns and layers. The cathode legs of every LED in a layer
are soldered together. All the anode legs in one column are soldered together.

Each of the 64 columns is connected to the controller board with a separate wire. Each column can
be 3D LED CUBE DISPLAY (8x8x8 PIXELS) controlled individually. Each of the 8 layers also
has a separate wire going to the controller board. Each of the layers is connected to a transistor that
enables the cube to turn on and off the flow of current through each layer. By only turning on the
transistor for one layer, current from the anode columns can only flow through that layer. The
transistors for the other layers are off, and the image outputted on the 64 anode wires are only
shown on the selected layer. To display the next layer, simply turn off the transistor for the current
layer, change the image on the 64 anode wires to the image for the next layer. Then turn on the
transistor for the next layer. Rinse and repeat very fast. The layers will be referred to as layers,
cathode layers or ground layers.

The columns will be referred to as columns, anode columns or anodes.

1. In order to light up an LED, we have to run current from the anode to the cathode.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

2. The LED cube is made up of columns and layers.

3. The cathode legs of every LED in a layer are soldered together.

4. All the anode legs in one column are soldered together.

5. Each of the 64 columns is connected to the controller board with a separate wire.

6. Each column can be controlled individually. Each of the 8 layers also has a separate wire
going to the controller board.

7. Each of the layers is connected to a transistor that enables the cube to turn on and off the
flow of current through each layer.

8. By only turning on the transistor for one layer, current from the anode columns can only
flow through that layer.

9. The transistors for the other layers are off, and the image outputted on the 64 anode wires are
only shown on the selected layer.

10. To display the next layer, simply turn off the transistor for the current layer, change the
image on the 64 anode wires to the image for the next layer.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


Fig.5.1. PCB Board Soldering Fig.5.2 Back View of PCB


Fig.5.3 Integration of IC base to circuit

Fig.5.4 Soldering LED’s in rows

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Fig.5.5 soldering setup Fig.5.6. Stacking LED Layers

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Fig.5.7. Stacked LED Fig.5.8. LED 8*8*8 Display



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


LED has two legs one positive and one negative .The positive end is connected to the pillars of LED
cube which acts as anode. The negative one is connected to the layer. Hence, to switch on a
particular LED we have to give current to the corresponding pillar and ground the layer. LEDs offer
a huge variety of benefits but at the same time they cannot be viewed as the optimum solution for
every lighting-related application. Here, in no particular order, we list some of the main advantages
of LEDs, together with some of the challenges faced by these devices.

Light quality:

Most cool-white LEDs have spectra that differ significantly from a black body radiator like the sun
or an incandescent light. [3] The spike at 460 nm and dip at 500 nm can cause the color of objects to
be perceived differently under cool-white LED illumination than sunlight or incandescent sources,
due to metamerism, red surfaces being rendered particularly badly by typical phosphor-based cool-
white LEDs. However, the color rendering properties of common fluorescent lamps are often inferior
to what is now available in state-of-art white LEDs.

Temperature dependence:

LED performance largely depends on the ambient temperature of the operating environment. Over-
driving the LED in high ambient temperatures may result in overheating of the LED package,
eventually leading to device failure. Adequate heat-sinking is required to maintain long life. This is
especially important when considering automotive, medical, and military applications where the
device must operate over a large range of temperatures, and is required to have a low failure rate.

Blue pollution:

Because cool-white LEDs (i.e., LEDs with high color temperature) emit proportionally more blue
light than conventional outdoor light sources such as high-pressure sodium lamps, the strong
wavelength dependence of Rayleigh scattering means that cool-white LEDs can cause more light
pollution than other light sources. The International Dark-Sky Association discourages the use of
white light sources with correlated color temperature above 3,000 K

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


 Energy Efficient
 No warm up Period
 Not Affected by Cold Temperatures
 Directional
 Environmental friendly
 Controllable
 It is a compact and hence uses less area coverage.
 It can be display clearly in dark room as well as well lighted rooms/outside conditions.
 It has efficient power management and can be control across the world using IOT.


 Blue Hazzard .
 Light Quality.

 Temperature Dependance .
 Blue Pollution.
 Voltage Sensitivity.
 Project is heavily hardware oriented.
 Time constrains.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Patterns Implemented

RAIN Cube Jump Fig.7.3. Glow

Fig.7.4. Axis Fig.7.5. UP & Down Fig.7.6. woop-woop

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


Fig.8.1. 3D Block Representation


Fig.8.2.Commercial Advertisement

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


Fig.8.3. 3D Object Representation


Fig.8.4.3D Television Display

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022

Conclusion and Future Scope

We were successful in completing our mini project “3D LED CUBE DISPLAY (8x8x8 Pixels)”. It
was a wonderful experience as we attained basic knowledge on different steps in circuit
manufacturing such as circuit testing and debugging, soldering components, PCB fabrication etc
that will surely help us in our career in electronics field. By doing this project we also came to
know about the advantages and disadvantages of our project and its future development. Today we
have a 3D world; a 3D revolution will be formed in the
upcoming years.

This project can be upgraded to a great extent by suitable add-ons and we expect a bright future for
our project in the coming years.

The main applications of our project include toys, advertisements, study material, research
purposes etc.

3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022



3D DISPLAY USING 8*8*8 LED CUBE 2021-2022


 Arunapantetal., (2016) “Three Dimensional Array, 512 LEDs, LED Cube”. Published in
InternationalJournal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science, ISSN no: 2348-3121.

 Shin-Mim Liu and Kaung-Chang Chou, “The Design and Implementation of a Low Cost
360 Degree ColorLED Display System”, IEEE Transaction and Consumer Electronics,
Volume 57, No. 2, May 2011.

 Ding Yanchuang and GuoJinying ,“LED Display Screen and Proteus Simulation based on
single chip

 Microprocessor”, 2nd INT. Conference (ICIECS) ,Vol. 1 ,No. 4 , 25-26 DEC. 2010
 Chao – Huang Wei and Phuong –Nhung Bui “Implementing a web based remote
controlled system for Led dotmatrix display”.

 Anurag Singh et al., (2015) “Three Dimensional Cubic Display and Lattice Analysis Using
89C51 Microcontroller”. Published in International Journal of Engineering Research &
Management Technology ,ISSN: 2348-4039.


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