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TIME: MARCH 12, 2024
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

A. Content Standards:
The Learners understanding of: Philippine literature in the period of Emerge as a tool to assert one’s
identity strategies in listening to viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and
associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech, passive/active voice, simple
past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standards:
The learner transfer learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending
informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies;
expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect and
connectors correctly and appropriately.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives:

EN7LT-IV-h-3: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other
II. CONTENT: Lesson 5: Making Inference
Lesson 6: Expressing one’s Beliefs/Convictions Based on a Material Viewed
1. QUARTER 3 – Module in English: Module 1
Topic: Long Quiz #3: Lesson 5 and 6
2. Additional Materials
3. Other Learning Resources: Questionnaire

A. Routinary Activities
Today’s prayer leader? (The student leads the prayer.)
Let’s bow our head and feel the presence of God

Go back to your proper sits and pick those pieces of trash under
your chairs.

Now, Ms. Secretary is there absentees today? There are no absentees for today,
None? Well, very good! ma’am.
B. Motivation
C. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment)

G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily

H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson

I. Evaluating Learning
Well, today we’re just going to have your Long Quiz #3. And at this
Long quiz it covers your lesson 5 and 6. So I’ll give you to 5mins to
review. No borrowing of notebooks and I only allow written notes.
Is that clear, class?

Five minutes start now. Yes, ma’am.

(After five minutes) (The students reviewing their
Time’s up! notes.)
Arrange your chairs one seat apart.

Alright, put your bags on the floor. (The students arranging their
Only 1 whole sheet of paper, pen and the questionnaire I will see on chairs into one seat apart.)
your table.

Get one and pass.

As you can see, there is a sign at the questionnaire that “Do not
write anything on this paper”.
Do not forget to write your name, grade and section and the date
Label it as your Long Quiz #3 Lesson 5 and 6.

LESSON 5 & 6
Name: ______________________________________________
Date: _____________
Grade and Section: ____________________________________
Score: _____________

Lesson #5: Making Inference

Read and answer the questions carefully. Then choose
the letter of your answer.
1. Grandpa sees that his chocolate cake is all gone. Brad has crumbs on Answer key:
his mouth. What do you think happened?
A. Brad baked his own cake. C. Brad needs to Lesson 5:
brush his teeth better. I.
B. Brad ate Grandpa's chocolate cake. D. Brad ate Grandpa 1. B
2. Gavin plays baseball and accidentally breaks a window. How do you 2. A
think he feels? 3. A
A. He is scared of getting in trouble. C. He feels happy and
4. D
excited he threw the ball so hard.
5. B
B. He can't wait to break another window. D. He is thinking he
6. D
should study his spelling words.
7. C
3. The desert if a very hot, dry place. How might a coyote stay cool?
8. A
A. Sleep during the day and hunt at night. C. Take a bath in the
9. D
10. B
B. Grow thicker fur. D. Build a home
using a cactus.
4. Which detail tells you that Mrs. McCoy is hungry?
A. Her eyes filling up with tears. C. She is limping
around the room.
B. She starts reading a book. D. Her stomach
growls loudly.
5. Isabel's soccer team cheered. The coach gave them a trophy. What
do you think happened?
A. They missed the goal. C. The coach got
kicked out of the game.
B. They won the game. D. The other team
won the game.
6. Tate stamps his feet and crosses his arms. How do you think he
A. joyful B. tearful C. lonely D. angry
7. Many animals in the forest eat insects. Why might one kind of insect
look like a stick?
A. To stand out in the forest. C. To blend into the
B. To warn animals not to eat it. D. To move faster in
the trees
8. How might a character act if he felt sad?
A. Put his head down and sigh. C. Yell and jump up
and down
B. Smile and wave. D. Laugh until his sides
9. What might Kimberly do when she is worried?
A. Practice Dancing. C. Take a nap in her
B. Play a board game. D. Pace back and forth
10. Penguins live in cold, windy places and gather in large groups. Why
do you think they stand close together?
A. To hunt for fish more easily. C. To dance
B. To stay warm. D. To hide from their
Answer the following question. II.
1. What is inference? 1. Inference is reading between
___________________________________________________________ the lines using what you see or
______________________________ what you read and you already
2. How can you make an inference? know.
___________________________________________________________ 2. I can make an inference by
______________________________ reading a text.
3. Write the equation of how you can write your inference. 3. What I see/ What I read + What
___________________________________________________________ I already know (Schema) +
______________________________ Inference
4. What are the tools that can help you infer? (2points) 4. Prior Knowledge
___________________________________________________________ 5. Textual Evidence

Lesson 6: Explaining How a Selection Maybe Influenced

by Culture, History, Environment, or Other Factors
I. Write which part of the plot of the story “The
Wedding Dance” in each number. Choose your answer
inside the box below.

Exposition Climax Falling Action

Rising Action Resolution

___________1.There is more intensity when Awiyao says he does not

want any other woman. Lesson 6:
___________2.There is more intensity when Awiyao says he does not I.
want any other woman. 1. Climax
___________3.The story opens with Awiyao entering his and Lumnay’s 2. Rising Action
house to invite his ex-wife to join the dance. 3. Exposition
___________4.When Awiyao was fetched by his friends and he had no 4. Resolution
choice but to go back to the wedding. 5. Falling Action
___________5.When they have to follow their tribe’s tradition.
II. Read these excerpts taken from the story you have
just read. Then answer what is asked for in the
questions that follow.
1. The people of the surrounding countryside believed that the tree was
sacred because an anito or spirit lived in it. And, whenever anyone of
them passed by it, he would stop for a while and pray. He would also
1. Culture
leave an offering of food in a coconut shell and ask the anito for good
2. Nature
fortune. What factor influenced the selection? 3. Culture
A. culture B. history C.nature D. 4. Culture
environment 5. (Answer may vary)
2. One day during a great storm, there was an awful noise; and a big
ball of fire was seen at the foot of the sacred tree. Then suddenly the
tree fell down, as though it had suddenly grown weary and had laid
down to rest. A. What factor influenced the selection?
A. culture B. history C.nature D.
3. Well, then, I’ll tell you, said the priest. First, offer a pig as a gift to the
anito. Then ask him to let you take some of his gold. Tell him that you
need it. Tell him that you want to buy rice and other things for
yourselves and your children. What factor influenced the selection?
A. culture B. history C.nature D.
(4-5). Cenon’s news made everybody in the village happy. The priest, or
mambunong, was particularly happy, for the news merely proved that
what he said was true.
A. What factor influenced the selection?
A. culture B. history C.nature D.
B. Explain briefly why you consider it as your choice.
III. Read the text of the story and answer the questions that follow.
Write the letter of the correct answer before the
_____ 1.Based on the story, Balatoc and Itogon are places known for?
A. fishing B. mining C. hunting D.
farming III.
_____ 2.People offered food to an anito in the sacred tree and ask for 1. B
good fortune. Sacred in the statement means? 2. B
A. tall B. holy C. young D. 3. D
golden 4. D
_____ 3. The mambunong assured the people that their fear of a bad 5. B
omen is contrary because they always respected the anitos in the
sacred tree. This trait shows that the people are:
A. optimistic B. religious C. obedient D. all
of the above
_____ 4. When Cenon found the pieces of gold, what did he do?
A. He dug the gold. B. He shared the gold. C. He informed his
neighbors. D. He kept it as a secret.
_____ 5. How did the people show that they respected the
mambunong? All of these are trueexcept:
A. They offered a pig to the anitos. C. They asked
permission from the anitos.
B. They did not believe the mambunong D. They implored that
they will use it for their own living.
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m
Possible’.” –Audrey Hepburn
Time’s up!
Exchange paper with your seatmates.
(Students raising their hand.)
Alright, who got the highest score?
Very good, class!

That’s all for today. Goodbye and thank you, ma’am

Goodbye, class. Ecka.
J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

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