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TIME: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

A. Content Standards:
The Learners understanding of: Philippine literature in the period of Emerge as a tool to assert one’s
identity strategies in listening to viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and
associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech, passive/active voice, simple
past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standards:
The learner transfer learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending
informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies;
expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect and
connectors correctly and appropriately.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives:
EN7LT-IV-h-3: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other
EN7LT-I-a-1: Discover literature as a means of connecting to a significant past
EN7LT-II-a-4.11: Identify the distinguishing features of literature during the Period of
EN7LT-III-a-5: Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique identity and to better understand
other people
II. CONTENT: Expressing one’s Beliefs/Convictions Based on a Material Viewed
1. QUARTER 3 – Module in English: Module 1
Topic: Elements of the Short Story and The Wedding Dance by Amador T. Daguio
Pages 73-92
2. Additional Materials
3. Other Learning Resources: PowerPoint
A. Routinary Activities
Today’s prayer leader? (The student leads the prayer.)
Let’s bow our head and feel the presence of God

Go back to your proper seats and pick those pieces of

trash under your chairs.

Now, Ms. Secretary, are there any absentees today? There are no absentees for today, ma’am.
None? Well, very good!
B. Motivation
Before we formally go to our topic let us have this warm
up activity.
This activity is called “Sounds Like. “

Now, what is the first picture?

Yes? The first picture is call.

And the second picture? It is a chair.
Adding those words, call + chair what word will be
form? The word is Culture.
Very good!

Do you know the name of the ship of Luffy?

Alright! How about the second picture? That ship is named Merry or Going Merry.
So, what is the word when you add the word Merry and Age, ma’am?
The word is Marriage.
Let’s see if you answer the next pictures.
The first picture is dense, and the second picture is

The second picture is sing.

The word is Dancing.

Adding dense and sing is what?

Very good, class!
C. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
At the end of this lesson, the learner is expected to:
a. Identify the elements of a short story
b. Summarize the story
c. Adapt learning’s from the story
Is that clear class? Yes, ma’am.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New
Skills #1
Seems you enjoyed our activity.
Those words are related to our topic today.
Do you know the elements of the story? Yes, ma’am.

First element of a story is Characters.

Everybody read. (The students read the definition of

Alright, so Characters in a story can be? It can be a person or an animal.

Very good!

Next is Setting.
Everybody read. (The students read the definition of

Again, what is setting? It is when and where the events in the

story happen.
Local Color is also inside of the setting.
Everybody read what local color is. (The students read the definition of local

Local color is used to refer to customs, traditions, dress,

and other things which give a place or period of history
its own particular character.
Again what is local color? It is a term applied particularly to
literature and the arts.
Alright, then the next element is the plot.
Everybody read. (The students read the definition of plot.)

Plot has 5 parts. Do you know what are the 5 parts of Yes, ma’am.
Can you recite the 5 parts? The 5 parts of plot are Exposition, Rising
Action, Climax, Falling Action and
Now, Let’s proceed to the next element which is

We already tackle this last meeting right? Yes, ma’am.

So, what is conflict in other word? Conflict in other word is problem in the
Precisely! So what are the six types of conflict? The six types of conflict are Character vs
Character, Character vs Self, Character vs
Nature, Character vs Society, Character vs
Technology, and Character vs
Good Job!

Now, let us have the Solution.

Everybody read. (The students read the definition of
This is when the story what? Solution in the story is when the problem
or conflict has been resolve.
Last element is the theme.
Everybody read. (The students read the definition of

Based on what you read what is theme? Theme is the moral or the lesson that we
get from the story.
Very good!
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New
Skills #2
Now that let’s recall the elements of the story using the
story of “The Wedding Dance” by Amador T. Daguio.

I already give you the copy of this story, right? Yes, ma’am.
Let us have first the background information of the
author of the story.
Kindly read Student A. (Student A read the information about the
author which is Amador T. Daguio.)

Thank you Student A.

So, Amador T. Daguio is a famous writer and poet
during his time.

But before we formally go to the story, let’s answer this

“What’s More?” orally.
(All of the students read the directions for
the activity.)

Everybody read the directions.

Yes, ma’am.

The answer in number one is STAR.

Alright, you just say it if your answer is STAR or

CROSS. Is that clear?

Now, who wants to read and answer number 1?

The answer in number two is CROSS.

Alright, how about number 2?

The answer in number three is STAR.

The answer in number four is STAR.

The answer in number five is STAR.

The major characters in the story are

Lumnay, Awiyao, and Madulimay.

Excellent! Number 3?

Well done! Let’s see number 4?

And last, number 5.

The setting in the story is in Mountain

Village in the Philippines.
Very good, class!

Now, let’s use the elements of the story in the story of

“The Wedding Dance” by Amador T. Daguio.
Who are the major Characters in the story “The
Wedding Dance?

Rising Action
Falling Action

And the minor

character in the story
And the setting of the story is where?

The type of conflict that is in the story is

Character vs Society.
It is because Awiyao needs to follow his
tribe’s customs which he need to marry
another woman even he still love Lumnay.

Good Job!
Next is the plot.
There is five (5) parts of the plot. What are the five (5)
parts of the plot?

Gangsas symbolizes the man of the tribe

which is they are strong.

Dance symbolizes the celebration and

Later, you are going to perform the plot of the story. happiness after the wedding of Awiyao
And the conflict in the story is this. and Madulimay.

The fire symbolizes the love and hate.

Love because of the burning intensity of
both love and hate that Lumnay feels in
the situation.

The beads symbolize the promise that

Awiyao made to Lumnay.

What type of conflict is this? Why?

Well, that’s right!

(The students watching attentively in

order to fully understand the story.)

And these are the symbolic elements in the story.

What do you think Gangsas symbolizes?

How about the Dance?

And the fire symbolizes what?

Then the beads?

And last, the theme of the story is:

In love or if you love someone you have to sacrifice

your happiness in order to follow the customs or
tradition that you believed.

Let as watch this short video of the story “The wedding

(The teacher presents the video in the class.)

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative

Alright, bring out your English notebook.
Answer this activity called “What’s More”.
Answer only.

Everybody read the directions.

Alright, you may now start answering.

Answer key:
1. B
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. D
G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and
Skills in Daily Living
We’re not done yet.
I have three questions here related to the story.

The story influenced by the culture or

environment because of the customs that
they need to follow from their tribe and
the dance or the celebration after the
wedding ceremony.

Great answer!
How about this.

If I were Awiyao, I would not follow the

tribe’s customs. It is okay for me to be
with the person I love even s/he cannot
bear a child. Even my treasures cannot
pass on to another generation. As long as
I’m with the person I really love.

What a tearful answer. It touches my heart.

Very good!
And last question.

Lumnay accepted the situation by running

away from the village.

Alright, she runaway to do not see Awiyao and

Madulimay happy to their wedding.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about
the Lesson
And last question.

Lumnay accepted the situation by running

away from

Alright, she runaway to do not see Awiyao and

Madulimay happy to their wedding.
I. Evaluating Learning

J. Additional Activities for Application or

I am going to divide you class into 4 group.
(The students start counting one to four.)
So please, go back to your proper seats.

For group 1, you need to get the dialogue of the

character from the story. And of course the plot in the
story is highlighted.
And for group 2.

You have to draw the six symbolic elements that I

discuss earlier. And you also have to explain each when
you are presenting.
Then, group 3.

Yes, ma’am.

Group three, you already know how you make tableau

right? The plot in the story group 3.

And last, group 4.

Search a song that you could relate it into the story of

Awiyao and Lumnay.
And this will be the criteria for your performance Yes, ma’am.
tomorrow. No, ma’am.

Goodbye and thank you, ma’am Ecka!

Is everything clear to you class?

Any question?

Alright, goodbye class!

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