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Subject/Paper : Mathematics Paper 1 Exam Seat No. : ____________

Form : Four Group : ____________

Time allowed : 90 minutes Teacher : ____________

Instructions to Students:

1. Total mark for this paper is 75.

2. There are three sections in this paper which consists of 16 pages.

3. Answer ALL questions.

4. Unless otherwise specified, all working must be clearly shown.

5. Unless otherwise specified, numerical answers should be either exact or correct to 3

significant figures.

6. The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

7. Only permitted calculators may be used.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

SECTION A(1) (25 marks)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Show the steps of solution, otherwise full marks will not be given.

1. (a) Simplify (a − i )(1 + 2i ) , where a is a real constant.

(b) Find the value of a such that (a − i )(1 + 2i ) is a pure imaginary number.
(3 marks)

2. It is given that f ( x ) = and f ( 3) = −3 .
ax + 5
(a) Find the value of a.
(b) Hence, find the value of 3f (1) + 2f ( 2 ) .

(3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

(-3a 2 b)3
3. Simplify and express the answer with positive indices. (3 marks)
9a 6 b-2

4. Let f(x) = x3 + mx − 4, where m is a constant. When f(x) is divided by x – 1, the remainder

is –2. Find the remainder when f(x) is divided by x + 3. (3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

5. (a) Factorize x2 − 9 and x2 – 6x + 9.

1 2 1
(b) Simplify 2 - 2 + .
x - 9 x - 6x + 9 x + 3
(4 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

6. Let A(a, 3) be a point on the straight line L1 : x + 2 y − 5 = 0 .

(a) Find the value of a.
(b) If the straight line L2 passes through A and is perpendicular to L1 , find the
equation of L2 . (3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

7. In the figure, BD is the angle bisector of ADC . AD is a diameter of the circle. If

DAC = 42 , find CAB . (3 marks)

8. In the figure, AD is a diameter of the circle where O is the centre. ABCD is a cyclic
quadrilateral and ÐDAC = 40° . Find the value of x. (3 marks)


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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

SECTION A(2) (25 marks)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Show the steps of solution, otherwise full marks will not be given.

9. In the figure, ABCD is a square of side 5 cm. P and Q are

points on AB and BC respectively such that PB = BQ and the
area of APD is equal to that of PBQ. Let AP = x cm.
(a) Prove that x 2 -15x + 25 = 0 . (2 marks)
(b) Find the area of quadrilateral PQCD. (3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

10. Let f (x) = 2x3 + 7x2 – 7x – 30 and g (x) = f (x – 1).

(a) Find g (x). (2 marks)
2x + 5x + 3
(b) Show that x + 2 is a factor of g (x). Hence, simplify . (3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

cos  + tan  1
11. Given that = …… (*).
cos  − tan  5
(a) Rewrite (*) in the form of a sin 2  + b sin  + c = 0 where a, b and c are non-zero
constants. (3 marks)
(b) Hence solve (*) for 0    360
o o
(2 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

12. In the figure, the coordinates of the vertices of ABC are y

A(0 , 5), B(1 , –2) and C(–7 , 4). The perpendicular from A A(0 , 5)
to BC meets BC at M. The equation of BC is C(–7 , 4)
3x + 4 y + 5 = 0 .
(a) Find the equation of AM. (2 marks) M
(b) Find the coordinates of M. (1 mark)
(c) Find the area of ABC. (2 marks) x

B(1 , –2)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

13. In the figure, O is the centre of the circle and AD is a diameter. BO//DC.

(a) Show that ODC = 2OAB . (2 marks)

(b) Show that OB is the angle bisector of CBA . (3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

SECTION B (25 marks)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Show the steps of solution, otherwise full marks will not be given.

14. The figure shows the graph of the parabola y = 2x 2 -12x which cuts the x-axis at the
origin O and at N. ABCD is a rectangle, where A and B are points on the x-axis while C
and D are points on the parabola.

(a) Find the coordinates of N. (2 marks)

(b) Let the coordinates of A be (k, 0).
(i) Write down the coordinates of B and D in terms of k.
(ii) Find the area of ABCD in terms of k.
(iii) If the area of ABCD is 32, find all possible values of k.
(6 marks)

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Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

15. The cost ($C) of printing x posters in a

printing factory can be calculated by
log C
log C = m log x + log k , where m and k are
positive constants. The figure shows the (3, 4)
graph of log C against log x for the given
relationship. The graph passes through (3, 4)
and cuts the vertical axis at (0, 2).
(a) Find the values of m and k. (4 marks)
(b) Express C in terms of x. (2 marks) (0, 2)
(c) Susan claims that if 3375 posters are
printed, the average cost per poster will
be less than $6.5. Do you agree?
log x
Explain your answer. (2 marks) 0

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

16. The figure shows the circle ABCD with O as the centre. E and F are points outside the
circle such that AB//FE. DGBE and CGOAF are straight lines. It is given that EC is the
tangent to the circle at C.


(a) Prove that C, D, F and E are concyclic. (3 marks)

(b) Someone claims that FD is the tangent to the circle ABCD at D. Do you agree?
Explain your answer. (3 marks)

(c) If M is the mid-point of FE, prove that MC = MD (3 marks)

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Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

***** END OF PAPER *****

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

Marking Scheme

1a. (a − i )(1+ 2i )
= a + 2ai − i + 2 ----- 1M
= (a + 2) + (2a − 1)i ----- 1A

1b. a+2=0
a = −2 ----- 1A

2a. f ( 3) = −3
= −3 ----- 1M
3a + 5
3a + 5 = −1
a = −2 ----- 1A

2b. f ( x) =
−2 x + 5
3f (1) + 2f ( 2 )
 1   2 
= 3 + 2

 −2 (1) + 5   −2 ( 2 ) + 5 
   
=5 ----- 1A

(-3a 2 b)3
9a 6 b-2
-27a 6 b3
= ----- 1M for using (xy)m = x m y m
9a 6 b-2
= -3a 6-6 b3-(-2) ----- 1M for using n
= x m-n
= -3b5 ----- 1A

4. f (1) = 13 + m - 4 = -2 ----- 1M
m=1 ----- 1A
f (x) = x 3 + x - 4
f (-3) = -27 - 3- 4 = -34 ----- 1A
The remainder is –34.

5a. x 2 - 9 = (x - 3)(x + 3) ----- 1A

x 2 - 6x + 9 = (x - 3)2 ----- 1A
1 2 1
5b. - 2 +
x - 9 x - 6x + 9 x + 3

1 2 1
= - + ----- 1M
(x - 3)(x + 3) (x - 3) x + 3

x - 3- 2x - 6 + x 2 - 6x + 9
(x - 3)2 (x + 3)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

x 2 - 7x
= ----- 1A
(x - 3)2 (x + 3)

6a. a + 2(3) − 5 = 0
a = −1 ----- 1A

6b. m L1 = −
m L2 = 2 ----- 1A
Equation of L2 :
y − 3 = 2( x + 1)
2 x − y + 5 = 0 (or y = 2 x + 5 ) ----- 1A

7. ACD = 90 ----- 1A

2BDC + 42 + 90 = 180
BDC = 24 ----- 1A
CAB = BDC = 24 ----- 1A

8. ACD = 90  ----- 1A
ADC + ACD + 40  = 180 
ADC = 50  ----- 1A
x + 50  = 180 
x = 130  ----- 1A

1 1
9a. (5)( x) = (5 − x) 2 ----- 1M
2 2
x 2 -15x + 25 = 0 ----- 1 f.t.

9b. x 2 -15x + 25 = 0
x = 1.9098 or 13.0902 (rejected) ----- 1A

Area of quadrilateral PQCD

= 25 – 5(1.9098) ----- 1M
= 15.5 cm2 ----- 1A

10a. g (x) = f (x – 1)
= 2(x – 1)3 + 7(x – 1)2 – 7(x – 1) – 30 ----- 1M
= 2(x2 – 2x + 1)(x – 1) + 7(x – 1)2 – 7(x – 1) – 30
= 2(x3 – 3x2 + 3x – 1) + 7(x2 – 2x + 1) – 7(x – 1) – 30
= 2x3 – 6x2 + 6x – 2 + 7x2 – 14x + 7 – 7x + 7 – 30
= 2x3 + x2 – 15x – 18 ----- 1A

10b. g (–2) = 2(–2)3 + (–2)2 – 15(–2) – 18 = 0 ----- 1M

∴ x + 2 is a factor of g (x).
g (x) = (x + 2)(2x2 – 3x – 9) = (x + 2)(x – 3)(2x + 3) ----- 1A

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Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

2x 2 + 5x + 3
(2x + 3)(x +1)
(x + 2)(x - 3)(2x + 3)
x +1
= ----- 1A
(x + 2)(x - 3)

cos  + tan  1
11a. =
cos  − tan  5
2 cos  + 3 tan  = 0
sin 
2 cos  + 3 =0 ----- 1M
cos 
2 cos 2  + 3sin  = 0
2(1 − sin 2  ) + 3sin  = 0 ----- 1M
2sin 2  − 3sin  − 2 = 0 ----- 1A

11b. 2sin 2  − 3sin  − 2 = 0

sin  = − or sin  = 2 (rejected) ----- 1A
 = 210 or  = 330o
----- 1A

12a. m BC = −
m AM = ----- 1M
Equation of AM: y= x+5 (or 4 x − 3 y + 15 = 0 ) ----- 1A

12b. 4 x − 3 y + 15 = 0 ----- (1)

3x + 4 y + 5 = 0 ----- (2)

x = -3, y =1, i.e. M = (-3, 1) ----- 1A

12c. Area of ABC

=  (1 + 7) 2 + (-2 - 4) 2  (0 + 3) 2 + (5 - 1) 2 ----- 1M
= 25 sq. units. ----- 1A

13a. ODC = DOB (alt.  s, CD//OB)

= 2 DAB ( at centre twice  at circumference)
= 2OAB

Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 2
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 1

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

13b. Let CBO be  .

BCD = CBO =  (alt.  s, CD//OB)
BAD = BCD =  (  s in the same segment)
OA = OB (radii)
OBA = BAD =  (base  s, isos.  )
\ ÐCBO = ÐOBA = q
Hence OB is the angle bisector of CBA .

Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 3
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 2
Case 3 Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. 1

ÐODC = ÐCBA (  s in the same segment)
OA = OB (radii)
ÐOAB = ÐOBA (base  s, isos.  )
∵ ÐODC = 2ÐOAB (proved in (a))
Hence OB is the angle bisector of CBA .

Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 3
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 2
Case 3 Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. 1

14a. 2x 2 -12x = 0 ----- 1M

2x(x - 6) = 0
x = 0 or x = 6
\ The coordinates of N are (6, 0). ----- 1A

14bi. The coordinates of B and D are (6 - k, 0) and (k, 2k 2 -12k) respectively.

----- 1A + 1A

14bii. Area of ABCD

= (6 - k - k)[-(2k 2 -12k)] (since AD > 0 ) ----- 1M
= (6 - 2k)(12k - 2k 2 )
= 4k 3 - 36k 2 + 72k ----- 1A

14biii. 4k 3 - 36k 2 + 72k = 32 ----- 1M

(k - 2)(k 2 - 7k + 4) = 0
7 - 33 7 + 33
k = 2 or k = (or r.t. 0.628) or k = (rejected) ----- 1A
2 2

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2016-2017) Exam Seat No. : _______________

4−2 2
15a. m = = ----- 1M + 1A
3−0 3
log k = 2 ----- 1M
k = 100 ----- 1A

15b. log C = log kx m ----- 1M

C = 100 x 3
----- 1A

15c. When 3375 posters are printed, the average cost per poster
=$ ----- 1M
= $6.67
 $6.5
Hence, Susan’s claim is disagreed. ----- 1A f.t.

16a. GAB = GFE (corr.  s, AB//FE)

CAB = CDB (  s in the same segment)
\ C, D, F and E are concyclic. (converse of  s in the same segment)

Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 3
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 2
Case 3 Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. 1

16b. ∵ AC is a diameter of the circle ABCD and EC is the tangent to the circle at C.
\ ACE = 90 
∵ C, D, F and E are concyclic.
\ FDE = FCE = 90  ----- 1A

∵ O does not lie on DB.

\ DB is not a diameter of the circle ABCD. ----- 1A
\ FD is not the tangent to the circle at D.
Thus, the claim is incorrect. ----- 1A f.t.

16c. FCE = 90  (tangent ^ radius)

C, D, F and E are concyclic. (proved in (a))
\ FE is a diameter of the circle passing through C, D, F and E.
(converse of  in semi-circle)
∵ M is the mid-point of EF.
\ M is the centre of the circle passing through C, D, F and E.
\ MC = MD (radii)

Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 3
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 2
Case 3 Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. 1

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