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Ref: WH-WHG-629-0000-JAS-LTR-MN-000003

Date: 26 June 2024

To : SHADE Corporation LTD

Contract : DD-2021-281

Subject : Urgent Attention Required: Safety, Quality, and Project Execution Issues at
Wadi Hanifah Buildings Package

Dear M/s Shade,

We are writing to express our serious concerns regarding recent shortcomings in your site team's
performance related to safety, quality, and project execution at the Wadi Hanifah Buildings Package
site. Pursuant to clause 4 Contractors General Obligations we consider that you are failing to fulfil
your obligations in respect of the quality of information required un clause 4.2 and also your
Representative left site without appointing a delegate in accordance with Clause 4.4.6, we hereby
advise the M/s Shade to provide immediate remedial action with regards to below stated concerns.

Safety Compliance:

We have observed violations of heat stress management protocols, particularly the lack of readily
available cold drinking water and other proper worker welfare facilities especially during the ongoing
summer season. This disregard for worker safety is unacceptable and puts workers and staff at risk.
M/s Shade is accountable for ensuring their safety with due compliance of safety regulations. A stop-
work order has been issued to rectify these critical issues. We hereby instruct your immediate
intervention and implementation of sustained corrective actions.

Progress Meeting Requirements and Quality Control:

The following observations from today's weekly progress meeting necessitate improvement:

• Outdated Presentation: The presentation materials were two weeks old and lacked proper
• Template Issues: The use of a generic template without proper edits indicates a lack of
attention to detail and quality control. Numerous errors and a lack of thorough review were
evident, reflecting poorly on your commitment to established quality standards. These issues
raise concerns about the overall quality of project deliverables.

Project Management:

The absence of Mr. Mohammed Alagha, the construction manager, without any notification is
concerning and contributes to the issues mentioned above.
Path Forward:

We consider M/s Shade a valued partner in this project. To ensure a successful and sustained
collaboration, we expect a significant improvement in the following areas:

• Safety: Implement immediate and corrective actions to address heat stress management

• Quality: Critical documentation like he PQP has taken more than three months to get approval
code B (with numerous comments). We would like to see a better submission approach from
M/s Shade.
• Communication: Maintain clear and consistent communication channels, including timely
notification of staff absence.

We expect a prompt response outlining the specific actions you will take to address these concerns.
Failure to do so will necessitate further escalation and potential project schedule delays due to non-
compliance with contractual obligations.

We are confident that by working together, we can overcome these challenges and ensure the
successful completion of the Buildings Package.


Paul Lonsdale
Project Director

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