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Trinity International SS

Lab report on C-Language

Computer Science

Submitted By:
Submitted To:

Name: Shahisha Adhikari Lal Krishna Malik

Class: 11’J1’ Computer Science Department


Kathmandu, Nepal


Trinity International SS


C-language (String)

● SUBMISSION DATE: 2024/2/27

● SUBMITTED DATE:2024/2/27


● Objective
C is a widely used, general-purpose programming language with a
straightforward syntax developed by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970s. Known
for its efficiency and versatility, C is a procedural language that allows for
low-level memory manipulation, making it suitable for system programming and
embedded systems. Its portability across different platforms, support for
structured programming, and a rich set of standard libraries contribute to its
enduring popularity. C's influence is evident in the design of many modern
programming languages, and its emphasis on procedural organization and direct
access to memory addresses provides developers with a powerful tool for
creating efficient and portable software.
● Acknowledgment
I want to express my sincere appreciation to my teacher friends and family members for
their crucial assistance in finalizing my C-language lab report. Their unwavering support,
from elucidating intricate concepts to providing constructive feedback, played a pivotal role
in navigating the complexities of the assignment. Their collaborative efforts created a
conducive atmosphere for concentrated work, contributing significantly to the successful
completion of the task. I am genuinely grateful for the encouragement and guidance I
received, which not only made the learning experience enjoyable but also enriched my
comprehension of C programming.
In conclusion, the lab experiment on C-language input and output revealed insightful findings
regarding the mechanisms of data handling in programming. The results demonstrated specific
patterns or observations. This aligns with or deviates from our initial hypotheses, indicating the
robustness of C-language functions in managing input and output. The significance of these findings
lies in their practical implications for real-world programming scenarios, showcasing the efficiency and
reliability of C in data processing. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the limitations of the
experiment, such as any constraints. To improve future studies, one might consider suggestions for
improvement. Overall, this experiment contributes valuable insights to the understanding of C-
language functionality, offering a foundation for further exploration and application in the field of

3. Book
4. Practical files
5. Class work

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