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Name: ___________________ Date:

Answer all questions

1. A _____________ is a view of an area from above. It shows the rivers,

mountains, streets and buildings in an area.

2. The ___________ is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth

3. Features shown on a map are marked by _______________

4 __________________is the color of water in maps while

_________________ is the color of forests on maps.

5. Write names of the following features used on maps (bridge, church,

castle, campsite)

6. A group of buildings where people live is called a


7. ___________ is a substance put in soil to make plants grow better.

(climate, fertilizer, pesticide)
Dana, a village in Jordan

8. Is this a large scale map or a small scale map?_________________

9. Name two seas that form part of Jordan’s border with other countries.
________________ and _______________

10. Which is the smallest of the three seas shown on the map?

11. In which direction is the capital city of Amman from Dana?


12. decide whether each one uses a small or large area of land. Complete the
table below. ( farm, dentist’s surgery, park, shopping mall, supermarket,
baker’s shop, car factory, bank, apartment block, hotel. )

small area of land large area of land

13. complete the table about countries, one has been done for you.

country capital city currency flag

wales cardiff pound sterling



14. What is an endangered species?


15. name 3 species that are endangered.


16. Every year an average school throws approximately 45kgs of rubbish per
pupil- that’s a lot of rubbish!

What can you do to make sure your school throws away less rubbish?

17. Name the four seasons in the world?

a) ________________________
b) ______________________
c) ________________________
d) _______________________

18. Draw a picture of the Earth tilted and it's summer in france.

19. which kind of weather delays which kind of transport. you can use some of
the words in the word box.

ice snow fog mist rain dust storm

gale thunderstorm hurricane tornado

car truck motorc bicycle train ship bus aircraft


20. A letter is a way of sending messages. Here are some other ways. What
are they?
21. write a short message to your friend in school. include three questions you
would like to know about the place where he lives

General knowledge (10mks)

1. Which is the tallest mountain in the world?______________

2. Which is the latitude that runs through the center of the Earth?
3. Which country has the highest population? ____________________
4. Which is the longest river in the world?
5. Which is the largest desert in the world?______________________
6. Which is the largest island in the world?_________________________
7. Which is the coldest continent in the world?____________________
8. Which is the world’s smallest country?__________________________
9. How many countries are present in Africa?
10. What erupts from a volcano?_______________________

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