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- the connections that exist between people who have recurring interactions that are
perceived by the participants to have personal meaning.
- how we interact and behave with other people
Why is it important and What are its benefits?
- we feel connected to others in ways that we can't experience when we are
alone, or when we have only superficial relationships.
- lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, greater empathy,
and more trusting and cooperative relationships.
- relationship we have with our co-workers, distant relatives, and acquaintances

• MIDDLE ADOLESCENCE (15 – 17 years)

- puberty-related changes continue
- characterized by increased importance on intimate relationships, physical appearance,
and trying to achieve independence from parents.
- period of forward growth
What type of relationship does middle adolescence have?
- concerned about their attractiveness or how they look and may have
frequently changing relationships.
- sometimes they may avoid going out in public altogether if they feel self-
- there is also a worry about sexual attractiveness
- may often complain about their parents preventing them from becoming
independent, and they may withdraw from them. They may find they are in conflict with
parents or guardians because they don't want to be told what to do or prevented from
being the person they want to be. There is an intense focus on peer groups during
middle adolescence, and teens in this stage tend to confide in each other more than
they do their parents.
• LATE ADOLESCENCE (18 – 21 years and beyond)
- the ability to make independent decisions is well developed in this stage of
- notice a more developed sense of humor
- they spend time examining their inner experiences and often have an increased
concern for their futures
- complex thinking processes are used to focus on less self-centered concepts and
personal decision making
What type of social relationship does late adolescence have?
- teenagers will develop more intimate and dyadic (dyadic – communication
relationship between two people) relationship. They are now capable of expressing their
thoughts, feelings and has developed deeper understanding in the opinion of other


- they can encourage or reinforce healthy behavior, like positive academic engagement;
help youth develop positive social skills like cooperation, communication, conflict
resolution, and resisting negative peer pressure; and evidence suggests that positive
friendships in adolescence can lay the groundwork for successful adult relationships,
including romantic relationships
- healthy relationships support good mental health, while social isolation and poor
relationships can be risk factors for mental health conditions like depression and
anxiety. Part of building strong relationships is having good, open, and regular
- enhanced self-esteem, popularity and social status, social competence,
autonomy/independence, increased feelings of self-worth and protection against
feelings of social anxiety.

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