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Chapter–2: Units and Measurements

CBSE syllabus for this year

Need for measurement: Units of measurement; systems of
units; SI units, fundamental and derived units. significant
figures. Dimensions of physical
quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications.

Kindly do the assignment in your physics registers


Dimensions of physical Quantities

The dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to

which the base quantities are raised to represent that

The dimensions give the nature of the physical quantity.

For example, metres, foot, inches are different units of length but
they have the same dimension length and they all measure length.
In the same way kilograms and pounds measure the mass and
they share the dimension mass. Usually the dimension of a
physical is represented in square brackets [ ]

The expression which shows how and which of the base quantities
represent the dimensions of a physical quantity is called the
dimensional formula of the given physical quantity
For eg dimensional formula for length is [L ]

The equation obtained by equating a physical quantity with its

dimensional formula is called the dimensional equation of the
physical quantity. Eg
Length =[L ]


The base or fundamental dimensions for the fundamental physical
quantities are

Physical Quantity Dimension

Length [ L]
Mass [M ]
Time [T ]
Electric current [A ]
Temperature [K ]
Luminous intensity [Cd ]
Amount of substance [mol ]

All other physical quantities represented by derived units can be

expressed using the combination of the fundamental dimensions.

For example, we will derive the dimension for the area. It is

expressed as the product of lengths (Area = Length × Breadth)

Applying the dimensions, we get

[ L ]× [ L ] = [ L ]2 =[ L2] which means that the area has two

dimensions of length. The exponent or the power to which the base
quantity is raised represents the number of dimensions of that
quantity present.

Example : Find the dimensional formula for force

Force= mass× acceleration
=mass × (length)/(time)2
= [ M ][ L ]/ [ T2 ]
= [ M ][ L ] [ T-2 ]
Thus force has one dimension in mass, one dimension in length
and -2 dimensions in time.

Try it yourself
Derive the dimensional formula for
a) Volume
b) Density
c) Velocity
d) Acceleration
e) Force
f) Momentum
g) Work

● Energy
● K.E
● P.E
● Power
● Frequency
● Gravitational constant
● Pressure
● Wavelength
● Efficiency
● Angle
● Trigonometric ratios
Look at appendix A 9 at the back of NCERT book 1.



You are required to write the dimensional formulae of the above

physical quantities in your register.
The ones left out are not required to be done at this point
in time.


Dimensional analysis and its applications

Dimensional analysis is a method to find or check the relations

between the physical quantities.
The basis dimensional analysis revolves around the concept of
When we write an equation involving the relationship between
physical quantities in the form of mathematical expression we
must make sure that the units on both sides are same.

If the units do not match, it means that the equation is not

The identical units in the numerator and the denominator can be
cancelled. Similarly the same can be done for the dimensions of a
physical quantity.

Dimensional consistency
We can only combine (add or subtract) the similar physical
quantities. For instance, velocity cannot be added to force, or the
Temperature added to speed.

The simple principle of dimensional consistency is that the

quantities on the right hand and the left hand sides of the equality
sign in any given physical law must have the same dimensions or
the same combination of the dimensions. This principle is useful in
checking the correctness of an equation

Uses of Dimensional Equations

The dimensional equations have got the following uses:
1. To check the dimensional correctness of a given
2. To convert a physical quantity from one system of
units to another
3. To derive the relation between various physical quantities.
4. To find the dimension of constants in a given relation


To check the dimensional correctness of a given equation

Now let us consider the famous equation by Einstein


where E is the energy of a body and m is its mass and c is the

velocity of light in vacuum.

The dimensions of energy are [M] [L2] / [T2] and velocity [L] /[T]

Equating the LHS and RHS,

[M] [L2] / [T2] = [M] ([L] /[T])2

[M] [L2] / [T2] = [M] [L2] /[T2]

Notice that the dimensions on both sides are same.

Therefore this equation is a simple, dimensionally consistent

equation combining mass, energy and velocity.


Using the principle of dimensional consistency, find out the

correct expression for kinetic energy of a body of mass m and
velocity ν from the choices given below.
a) K= m2ν3
b) K= mν
c) K=(½)mν2
d) K= (½)mν2+mν


1 Which of the following quantities has the dimensions [M0 L0 T 0]

A. Density B. Stress C. Strain D. Strain Rate


2 [M1L0T-2 ] is the dimensional formula of
A Force B. Pressure C Surface Tension D Energy

3 What is the dimensional formula of (a) gravitational constant (b)

Surface tension

4 Name a pair of physical quantities which have different natures

but same dimensional formula?

5 What is the dimensional formula of (a) Pressure gradient (b) Co-

efficient of viscosity.

6 Give two examples of dimension less variables.

7 Name the physical quantities that have dimensional formula

[ML–1 T–2]

8 Check the correctness of the given equations

(1) P=hdg where P is pressure,d is density and g is

acceleration due to gravity.
(2) F=mv2/r where F is force, m is mass, v is velocity and r
is radius
(3) F=6πηrv where where F is force,η is coefficient of
viscosity, v is velocity and r is radius
(4) R=u2sin2ϴ/g where R is distance, u is initial speed , gis
acceleration due to gravity
(5) V=u+at
(6) S=ut+1/2at2
(7) V2-U2=2as where symbols have usual meanings

To convert a physical quantity from one system of units to
The dimensions of a physical quantity are independent of the
system of units used to measure the quantity in.
Like 10m=100 cm


Or n1u1=n2u2
Here n1 and n2 are called numerical values and u1 and u1 are the
units in the 2 systems.

Let us suppose that M1 , L1 and T1 and M2 , L2 and T2 are the

fundamental quantities in two different systems of units.
We will measure a quantity Q (say) in both these systems of units.

Suppose, a, b, c be the dimensions of the quantity respectively.

In the first system of units, 𝑄 = 𝑛1 𝑢1 = 𝑛1 [ 𝑀1𝑎 𝐿𝑏1 𝑇1𝑐 ]
In the second system of units, Q = 𝑛2 𝑢2 = 𝑛2 [ 𝑀2𝑎 𝐿𝑏2 𝑇2𝑐 ]

As 𝑛1 𝑢1 = 𝑛2 𝑢2

𝑛1 [ 𝑀1𝑎 𝐿𝑏1 𝑇1𝑐 ] = 𝑛2 [ 𝑀2𝑎 𝐿𝑏2 𝑇2𝑐 ]

Substitution of the respective values will give the value of n1 or n2

[ 𝑀1𝑎 𝐿𝑏1 𝑇1𝑐 ]

𝑛2 = 𝑛1 ]
𝑀2𝑎 𝐿𝑏2 𝑇2𝑐

Convert 1 J to erg.

Sol. Joule is the S.I. unit of work. Let this be the first system if
units. Also erg is the unit of work in the CHS system of units. This
will be the second system of units. Also n1 = 1J and we have to find
the value of n2

𝑛1 [ 𝑀1𝑎 𝐿𝑏1 𝑇1𝑐 ] = 𝑛2 [ 𝑀2𝑎 𝐿𝑏2 𝑇2𝑐 ]

The dimensional formula of work is [M1 L2 T−2]. As a result

a = 1, b = 2 and c = -2.

Also M1 = 1 kg , L1 = 1 m, T1=1 s and M2 = 1 g ,L2 = 1 cm, T2=1 s

Solving and substituting


[ 𝑀1𝑎 𝐿𝑏1 𝑇1𝑐 ]
𝑛2 = 𝑛1 ]
𝑀2𝑎 𝐿𝑏2 𝑇2𝑐
n2 = 107
Hence, 1J = 107 erg

Solved example 2 from NCERT

A calorie is a unit of heat or energy and it equals about 4.2 J
where 1J = 1 kg m2 s–2. Suppose we employ a system of units in
which the unit of mass equals α kg, the unit of length equals β m,
the unit of time is γ s. Show that a calorie has a magnitude 4.2 α–
1 β–2 γ2 in terms of the new units.

Answer: Considering the unit conversion formula,

n1U1 = n1U2
n1[M1aL1bT1c] = n2[M2aL2bT2c]
Given here, 1 Cal = 4.2 J = 4.2 kg m2 s–2.
n1 = 4.2, M1 = 1kg, L1 = 1m, T1 = 1 sec
n2 = ?, M2 = α kg, L2 = βm, T2 = γ sec
The dimensional formula of energy is = [M1L2T-2]
⇒ a = 1, b =1 and c = -2 Putting these values in above equation,
n2= n1[M1/M2]a[L1/L2]b[T1/T2]c
= n1[M1/M2]1[L1/L2]2[T1/T2]-2
= 4.2[1Kg/α kg]1[1m/βm]2[1sec/γ sec]-2 = 4.2 α–1 β–2 γ2

Assignment for application 2

1 Convert a power of 500W into a system of CGS units.

2 Convert 60J/sec to a system which has 500g, 1cm and 1 minute

as fundamental units

3 Convert 100 J/sec to a system which has 100g, 1mm and 1

minute as fundamental units.

4 Convert 1 N into the CGS system.

5 Find the value of G in the CGS system.


6 Find the value of 1 dyne in a system of units which has 100m, 1g
and 30 sec as fundamental units.

7 Density of mercury is 13.6g/cc. find its value in SI system.

8 Surface tension of water is 7.2 dyne/cm ,find value in SI system.


To derive the relation between various physical quantities.

The idea of dimensional consistency can be sometimes used to

deduce relation among the physical quantities. This can be done, if
we the dependence of the physical quantity on other two or more
physical quantities or linearly dependent variables are known.
Let us try this example.

Consider a simple pendulum, having a bob attached to a string

that oscillates under the action of force of gravity as shown in the
figure below. Suppose that the period of oscillation (T)of the simple
pendulum depends on its length (l),mass of the bob (m) and
acceleration due to gravity (g).Derive the expression for its time
period using the method of dimensions.

The time period(T) is dependent on the quantities l, g and m and T

can be written as the product of l, g ,m :
T= k lx gy mz ----------------eq(1)

k is a dimensionless constant and x, y and z are the exponents.

Now applying the dimensions on both the sides,

[L0M0T1] = [L1]x[L1T-2]y[M1]z

Since L0=1; M0=1, we have included on the LHS for convenience.

In the RHS we have applied the dimensions of mass, acceleration
due to gravity and length.


[L0M0T1] = [L]x[L y ][T-2y][ Mz]


Equating the exponents of the dimensions on both the sides,

x+y=0 ; -2y=1; and z=0
1 1
Therefore, x=-y and x=½y; x= ,y= − ,z=0
2 2
Substituting the values of x,y,z in equation (1),

T=k l½g½m0

(i.e) T=k√
Now the expression for the period of oscillation is deduced, but the
value of the constant cannot be found.
The value of k= 2π and now the above equation becomes,
Dimensional analysis is thus useful in obtaining the relationship
between those physical quantities which are interdependent.

4 To find the dimension of constants in a given relation

Watch this video

Hooke’s law states that the force, F, in a spring extended
by a length x is given by F = −kx.
According to Newton’s second law F = ma, where m is the
mass and a is the acceleration. Calculate the dimension of
the spring constant k.
Answer: Given, F = -kx
⇒ k = – F/x
F = ma, the dimensions of force is:
[F] = ma = [M1L0T0].[M0L1T-2] = [M1L1T-2]
Therefore, dimension of spring constant (k) is:
[k] = [F]/[x] = [M1L1T-2].[M0L-1T0] = [M1L0T-2] or [MT-2] …

Solved example (NCERT):

A famous relation in physics relates ‘moving mass’ m to the
‘rest mass’ mo of a particle in terms of its speed v and the
speed of light, c. (This relation first arose as a consequence
of special relativity due to Albert Einstein). A boy recalls
the relation almost correctly but forgets where to put the
constant c. He writes 𝒎 = ( 𝟐)𝟎𝟏/𝟐)
Dimension of m (mass) = [M1L0T0]
Dimension of m0 (mass) = [M1L0T0]
Dimension of v (velocity) = [M0L1T-1]
∴ Dimension of v2 = [M0L2T-2]
Dimension of c (velocity) = [M0L1T-1]
Applying principle of homogeneity of dimensions, [LHS] =
[RHS] = [M1L0T0]
⇒ The equation (1- v2)½ must be dimension less, which is
possible if we have the expressions as:
(1 – v2/c2) The equation after placing ‘c’

v2 1/2
(1 – )


A book with many printing errors contains four different
formulas for the displacement y of a particle undergoing a
certain periodic motion:
(a) y = a sin 2π t/T
(b) y = a sin vt
(c) y = (a/T) sin t/a
(d) y = (a 2) (sin 2πt / T + cos 2πt / T )
(a = maximum displacement of the particle, v = speed of
the particle. T = time-period


of motion). Rule out the wrong formulas on dimensional
Given,Dimension of a = displacement = [M0L1T0]
Dimension of v (speed) = distance/time = [M0L1T-1]
Dimension of t or T (time period) = [M0L0T1]
Trigonometric function sine is a ratio, hence it must be
(a) y = a sin 2π t/T (correct )
Dimensions of RHS = [L1] sin([T].[T-1] ) = [M0L1T0] = LHS
(eqation is correct).
(b) y = a sin vt (wrong )
RHS = [L1] sin([LT-1] [T1]) = [L1] sin([L]) = wrong, since
trigonometric function must be dimension less.
(c) y = (a/T) sin t/a (wrong ✗)
RHS = [L1] sin([T].[L-1] ) = [L1] sin([TL-1] ) = wrong, sine
function must be dimensionless.
(d) y = (a 2) (sin 2πt / T + cos 2πt / T ) (correct )
RHS = [L1] ( sin([T].[T-1] + cos([T].[T-1] ) = [L1] ( sin(M0L1T0) +
cos(M0L1T0) )
= [L1] = RHS = equation is dimensionally correct.

Solved example
The kinetic energy K of a rotating body depends on its
moment of inertia I and its angular speed ω. Considering
the relation to be K = kIaωb where k is dimensionless
constant. Find a and b. Moment of Inertia of a sphere
about its diameter is (2/5)Mr2
Dimensions of Kinetic energy K = [M1L2T-2]
Dimensions of Moment of Inertia (I) = [ (2/5)Mr2] = [ML2T0]
Dimensions of angular speed ω = [θ/t] = [M0L0T-1]
Applying principle of homogeneity in dimensions in the equation
K = kIaωb
[M1L2T-2] = k ( [ML2T0])a([M0L0T-1])b
[M1L2T-2] = k [MaL2aT-b]
⇒ a = 1 and b = 2
⇒ K = kIω2


Dimensional constants are constants which possess
dimensions are called dimensional constants. E.g. Planck’

Dimensional variables are those physical quantities which

possess dimensions but do not have a fixed value are called
dimensional variables. E.g. Displacement, Force, velocity etc.

Limitation of Dimensional analysis

Following are the limitations of the dimensional analysis.
1. It does not give information about the dimensional constant.
2. if a quantity depends on more than three factors having
dimension, the formula cannot be derived.
3. We cannot derive the formulae containing trigonometric
function, exponential functions, logarithmic function, etc.
4. The exact form of relation cannot be developed when there
are more than one part in any relation.
5. It gives no information whether a physical quantity is scalar
or vector.

ASSIGNMENT for applications 3,4

1 Assuming that the period of vibration of a tuning fork depends

upon the length of the prongs and on the density and Young’s
modulus of the material, Find by the method of dimensions a
formula for the period of vibration.

2 If v,a ,x and t indicate velocity, acceleration, distance and time

respectively ,find values for m and n for the following parts.
(a) xn= vm/ t 2 (b) t= xman

3 If Force = (x/density) is dimensionally correct, the dimension of

x are

(A) MLT–2 (B) MLT–3 (C) ML2T –3 (D) M2L –2T –2


4 If velocity v, density p and frequency f are taken as fundamental
quantities then express linear momentum and surface tension in
terms of these quantities.

5 If v stands for velocity of sound, E is Modulus of elasticity and d

the density, then find x in the equation v = (d/E)X
A 1 B ½ C 2 D -½

6 Write the dimensions of a and b in the relation P = 𝑎 𝑥 +

𝑏𝑡 2 Where P is pressure, x is distance and t is time.

7 Assuming that the mass of the largest stone that can be moved
by a flowing river depends upon v, velocity of flow, p, density of
water and g acceleration due to gravity. Derive an expression for
mass using dimensions

8 Force of viscosity F acting on a spherical body moving through a

fluid depends upon its velocity (v), radius (r) and co-efficient of
viscosity ‘η’ of the fluid. Using method of dimensions obtain an
expression for ‘F’.

9 Wavelength λ associated with a moving particle depends upon

its mass m, its velocity v and Planck’s constant. h. Find
dimensionally the relation between these quantities.

10 Write the dimensions of a/b in the relation F = a√ x + bt2 Where

F is force, x is distance and t is time.

11 Derive by the method of dimensions, an expression for the

energy of a body executing S.H.M., assuming that this energy
depends upon; the mass (m), the frequency (v) and the amplitude
of vibration (r).

12 The magnitude of force experienced by an object moving with

speed v is given by
F=kv2. Find dimensions of k.


13 The escape velocity v of a body depends on:
(i) the acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ of the planet,
(ii) the radius R of the planet. Establish dimensionally the relation
for the escape velocity.

Significant Figures

Video Link

Every measurement has some error involved with it. So it is

necessary to report the measurement using significant figures. It
denotes how precise the measurement is done.

Normally, the reported result of measurement is a number that

includes all digits in the number that are known reliably plus the
first digit that is uncertain.

The reliable digits plus the number of reliably known digits

in a measurement is the called the number of significant

If we say the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is 1.62 s,

the digits 1 and 6 are reliable and certain, while the digit 2 is
uncertain. Thus, the measured value has three significant figures.

The length of an object reported after measurement to be 287.5 cm

has four significant figures, the digits 2, 8, 7 are certain while the
digit 5 is uncertain.

Rules to count Significant Figures

1 A choice of change of different units does not change

the number of significant digits or figures in a

2 All the non-zero digits are significant.


Eg 124354 has 6 significant figures ,
234 has 3 significant figures

3 All the zeros between two non-zero digits are

significant, no matter where the decimal point is, if at

39078 has 5 significant figures.

20.089 has significant figures.
3.09 has 3 significant figures.

4If the number is less than 1, the zero(s) on the right

of decimal point but to the left of the first non-zero
digit are not significant.

0.00 2308 has 4 significant figures.

.098 has 2 significant figures.

5 The terminal or trailing zero(s) in a number without

a decimal point are not significant.
12300 has 3 significant figures
340000 has 2 significant figures

6 The trailing zero(s) in a number with a decimal

point are significant.

The numbers 3.500 or 0.06900 have four significant figures


However, Suppose a length is reported to be 4.700 m. It is

evident that the zeroes here are meant to convey the
precision of measurement and are, therefore, significant. But
4.700 m = 470.0 cm = 4700 mm = 0.004700 km .Since the
last number has trailing zero(s) in a number with no
decimal, we would conclude erroneously that the number has
two significant figures, while in fact, it has four significant


figures and a mere change of units cannot change the
number of significant figures.

● To remove such ambiguities in determining the

number of significant figures, the best way is to
report every measurement in scientific notation (in
the power of 10. In this notation, every number is
expressed as a × 10b, where a is a number between 1 and 10,
and b is any positive or negative exponent (or power) of 10.

Rules for arithmetic Operations with Significant


Addition and Subtraction

When combining (adding or subtracting) measurements which
have different number of significant figures, the answer should
contain the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point
as in the measurement with the least decimal places.

Consider this example, we are adding these three readings,

45.51m, 23.701m, 87.2m.By simple arithmetic addition we get
156.411m.But it should be reported as 156.4,because the
measurement with the least accuracy “87.2” has only a digit after
the decimal point.

Multiplication and Division

The same principle holds good when multiplying or dividing the
measurements, the final answer should contain as many
significant figures as the number with least significant figures.

Consider the example, the mass of an object is measured to be

5.231 g and the volume is measured to be 2.5 m3.The density is
calculated as

D=5.231/2.5 = 2.0924 g/m3


But the volume “2.5” has only two significant figures and the
density should be reported with only “two” significant figures,
therefore the density is 2.0 g/m3

Scientific notation
Scientists work with very large numbers to very small numbers
like the distance between the earth and the sun to the radius of
the nucleus. There arises a lot of confusion in determining the
number the significant figures while reporting the measurements.
In order to remove all these ambiguities it is necessary to express
the measurement in scientific notation or exponential notation.

The scientific notation is written as a product of two numbers,

a coefficient ×10an exponent
the coefficient is a number from 1 to 10 and is usually expressed
one digit left to the decimal point,
the exponent is positive or negative and gives the position of the
decimal point in the number.

Example: The diameter of the earth is 12800000 m, but using the

scientific notation it can be easily expressed as 1.28×107m.
-The diameter of the hydrogen atom .000000000106 m, which can
be conveniently written in scientific notation as 1.06×10-10m.

Rules for Rounding off

If the results of the calculation contain many significant figures it

can be rounded off.

Consider the number 2.567, it can be rounded off to three

significant figures as 2.57,since the insignificant digit “7” is
greater than 5,we add 1 to the preceding digit “6”.If the number is
2.563,it must rounded off to 2.56, since the insignificant digit is
just dropped as it is less than 5.


Suppose the number 2.565, the insignificant digit is 5,in that case,
if the preceding digit is even, the insignificant digit just dropped
or if it is odd then the 1 is added to the preceding digit.(i.e)the
preceding digit “6” is even and insignificant digit “5” is just
dropped. The number now becomes 2.56.

If it is 2.575, the preceding digit “7” is odd and it is raised by 1

and the number becomes 2.58.


(1)Find the number of significant figures in

a) 5mL --------------------
b) 5. 2 g --------------------
c) 1000ml --------------------
d) .0008s --------------------
e) .0045 --------------------
f) 23.4×10 ---------------------

(2)Find the number of significant figures in the results of the

a) 12.89g+10.114g -----------------------
b) 80.5 m-0.0092m -----------------------
c) 32.34mm-13.2354mm --------------------------
d) 1.576÷2.3 --------------------------
e) 45.32×5 --------------------------

3 Convert the following numbers to Scientific notation

a) .00067543 ----------------------------
b) 45000000000 ----------------------------
c) 26.4354 ----------------------------
d) 56.89 ----------------------------
e) .000000000000076 ----------------------------


4 Write the number of significant figures in the following
a 3.098 b 0.00675087 c 9.0807 d 20.00 e 0.009807

5The speed of light in vacuum is 2.99792458×108m/s. How can it

be rounded off to one significant figure?

6 The value of π=3.1415926… has large number of significant

figures. How can you round off to three significant figures?

7 The length, breadth and thickness of a rectangular sheet of

metal are 4.234 m, 1.005 m, and 2.01 cm respectively. Give the
area and volume of the sheet to correct significant figures.

8 The mass of a box measured by a grocer’s balance is 2.300 kg.

Two gold pieces of masses 20.15 g and 20.17 g are added to the
box. What is the total mass of the box, according to correct
significant figures ?


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