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Quantitative Mineral Resource Assessments—An Integrated Approach:

Book · March 2010

DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780195399592.001.0001


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2 authors, including:

Donald A. Singer
United States Geological Survey


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Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250

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Ore Geology Reviews

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / o r e g e o r ev

Progress in integrated quantitative mineral resource assessments

Donald A. Singer
10191 N. Blaney Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Three-part resource assessments, begun over 30 years ago, provide a framework for making decisions concerning
Received 7 October 2009 mineral resources under conditions of uncertainty. The parts include general locations of undiscovered deposits
Received in revised form 8 December 2009 that are delineated from a deposit type's geologic setting; frequency distributions of tonnages and grades of well-
Accepted 3 February 2010
explored deposits that serve as models of grades and tonnages of undiscovered deposits, and number of
Available online 12 February 2010
undiscovered deposits that are estimated probabilistically by type. Recently improved deposit density models
show how to make probabilistic estimates of numbers of undiscovered deposits. Significant progress has been
Models made showing how to reduce uncertainty and risk by the practical integration of the fundamental kinds of
Densities information needed by decision-makers. The approach is founded on internally consistent mineral deposit
Scales models that help convert the output of assessments into forms helpful to decision-makers. This integration of
Uncertainty models and methods is a source of strength that reduces the chances of biased estimates, but it is also a burden,
Risk requiring careful development of models and applications of methods. Before decisions are made on where to
explore, decisions must be made about what to explore for and whether it is worth the risk.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction integration of the fundamental kinds of information needed by the

decision-maker. The integrated approach to assessment presented here
People making decisions concerning minerals and public lands, focuses on three assessment parts and the models that support them.
resource adequacy, national policy, regional development, or explora- The first part uses models to estimate possible tonnages and grades of
tion investments would like to know the exact consequences of the undiscovered deposits. The second part develops mineral resource maps
decisions before the decisions are made. Unfortunately, it is not possible that explore whether an area's geology permits the existence of one
to inform these decision-makers about amounts, discoverability, or or more types of mineral deposits. The product of this part of the
economics of undiscovered mineral resources with any certainty. The assessment is the identification of so-called permissive tracts of land. For
kind of assessment recommended here is founded in decision analysis those areas that are permissive, the third part of the assessment
in order to provide a normative framework for making decisions con- develops estimates of the possible number of undiscovered deposits of
cerning mineral resources under conditions of uncertainty. Decision- different types. The mineral deposit models are used to aid in
makers need information on the general locations of undiscovered construction of the three parts and to help convert the output of the
mineral resources, amounts of undiscovered metals, and estimates of three parts into forms helpful to decision-makers.
the number of undiscovered deposits. However, an estimate of the In this review paper of three-part quantitative assessments, mineral
amount of undiscovered metal would be of limited value to a decision- deposit models that play a central role in these assessments are
maker because it neglects the considerable uncertainty that should be discussed first. Grade and tonnage models that serve as both a kind of
attached to the estimate and it ignores the issue of whether the metal deposit model and one of the three parts of assessments are presented
might be economic to extract. Before decisions are made on where to next. The second assessment part, an overview of the delineation of
explore, decisions must be made about what to explore for and whether permissive tracts follows. Procedures for estimating the number of
it is worth the risk (Singer, 2008a). Ways to capture the uncertainty, risk, undiscovered mineral deposits that are consistent with the models are
and economic effects without violating important assumptions about provided and methods of integrating the results are then presented. In
resources are addressed by integrated quantitative mineral resource each part, the focus is on some of the recent advances in technology
assessments that have been developed and tested over the last 30 years supporting these assessments. Preceding these technical matters a short
(Singer and Menzie, 2010). history of the three-part assessment provides some context.
Some of the tools and models discussed here are useful for selection
of exploration sites, but that is a side benefit. The focus is on the practical 2. Short history of three-part assessments

Over the last forty years, some companies have responded to

E-mail address: competition for limited funds by conducting internal studies of the

0169-1368/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.A. Singer / Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250 243

possible number of undiscovered deposits in a region, the possible 3. Linked deposit models
values of these deposits, and the chances of finding them. Classifying
the deposits into types considerably reduces the work of determining Mineral deposit models are the focus of this section. These models
their possible values, the geologic settings where the deposits might are the keystone in combining the diverse geoscience information on
occur, and the chances and costs of discovery. Quantification of this geology, mineral occurrences, geophysics, and geochemistry used in
information provides a foundation for analyzing the uncertainty and resource assessments and mineral exploration. Probably the most
risk of the exploration investment. Thus have some exploration important part of creating mineral deposit models is the planning
programs been justified and funded. For the most part, these studies stage in which consideration of the purpose and possible uses of the
have been considered company confidential and are not publicly models should determine the character of the models. Construction of
available. However, the key elements of these studies are the same as these models is an iterative process where changes in a deposit type's
those needed for decisions about public lands, regional development, descriptive model, for example, affects and necessitates changes in the
and resource development issues that are discussed here. type's grade-and-tonnage model. It is the internal consistency of these
An early publication showing the power of delineating tracts of models that provides the strong foundation upon which unbiased
land for deposit types using geology and using grade-and-tonnage assessments can be made — achieving this internal consistency
models with associated estimates of the number of undiscovered requires much time-consuming work for their proper construction.
deposits was in an assessment of a 1:250,000-scale quadrangle in
Alaska (Richter et al., 1975). An order of magnitude increase in com- 3.1. Descriptive models
plexity came in a 1:1,000,000-scale assessment of about 80% of Alaska
in which eleven new grade-and-tonnage models were developed and Descriptive mineral deposit models are critical to construction of the
144 tracts were delineated with eighty-five estimates of number of first part of assessments, the grade-and-tonnage models. Additionally,
deposits (Eberlein and Menzie, 1978; Grybeck and DeYoung, 1978; descriptive models are the primary source of guidance for linking geo-
Hudson and DeYoung, 1978; MacKevett et al., 1978; Singer and science information to deposit types in the second part of assessments,
Ovenshine, 1979). delineation of permissive tracts. In order to properly serve this function,
An assessment of Colombia's mineral resources led to the first descriptive models focus on observations, use theories of deposit origins
publication of descriptive (Cox, 1983a,b) and linked grade-and- only to suggest what to observe, and should have their model properties
tonnage models (Singer and Mosier, 1983a,b) that were precursors to documented at the scale of assessments.
a more compressive compilation of mineral deposit models authored Descriptive models, such as those in Cox and Singer (1986), have
by thirty-seven scientists (Cox and Singer, 1986). A robust method two parts. The first describes the geologic environments in which
of combining probabilistic estimates of number of deposits, grades, the deposits are found; the second gives identifying characteristics of
and tonnages without relying on some strong assumptions was deposits. The second part of the descriptive provides the identifying
developed by David Root (Root et al., 1992). The methods, procedures, characteristics of the deposits themselves, particularly emphasizing
and models developed in support of this form of assessment aspects by which the deposits might be recognized and used to dis-
were finally given the name “three-part assessments” in 1993 (Singer, criminate one type from another, such as mineralogy, alteration, and
1993a). The word “part” is used rather than “step” to indicate that geochemical and geophysical anomalies. In some cases, the typing of
these assessments are not always done in the same sequence. More known deposits and occurrences helps to identify geologic environ-
important than the name was the recognition that the success of this ments not indicated on geologic maps. The arrangement of descriptive
form of assessment depends on it being an integrated approach. models is designed to focus on host-rock lithology and tectonic setting,
That is, no part of this system of models and products of estimation the features most easily obtained from a geologic map.
has any meaning in isolation. In some published models, some of these rocks and textures, such as
A series of later assessments also provided the experiences porphyry or breccia, are only identifiable on detailed maps due to the
necessary to identify where models and techniques of assessment small aerial size of the bodies. The contents of the descriptive model
could be improved. A few examples that cover a range of scales and might be correct but are not useful at the scale of some mineral resource
deposit types are listed. Grade and tonnage plots were introduced in a assessments. In general, scales of observations in the “Geological
three-part assessment of undiscovered mineral resources of the Environment” section of descriptive models have not been identified,
Medford, Oregon 1:250,000 scale quadrangle (Singer et al., 1983). In and yet scales are important in the application of these models in
a study of tin resources of Alaska, the method of assigning prob- assessments because differences in map scale frequently reflect
abilities to anomalies was used to estimate the number of undiscov- differences in the information content of the maps. “Age Range” refers
ered deposits (Reed et al., 1989). Economic outputs were introduced to the age of the event responsible for the formation of the deposit.
in an assessment of sediment-hosted copper deposits in the Kootenai “Depositional Environment” refers to the geologic setting of the
National Forest of Idaho and Montana (Spanski, 1992; Gunther, 1992). deposit. “Tectonic Setting” is concerned with major tectonic features
An assessment of undiscovered gold, silver, copper, zinc, and lead or provinces. “Associated Deposit Types” are listed as deposit types
mineral resources was conducted in Nevada at 1:1,000,000 scale (Cox whose presence might indicate suitable conditions for the formation
et al., 1996; Singer, 1996). A resource assessment of the Venezuelan of deposits of the type portrayed by the model.
Guayana Shield was published in 1997 (Schruben et al., 1997). A Descriptive models discussed above have been developed on the
1:1,000,000-scale assessment of gold, silver, copper, zinc, and lead basis of expert knowledge. An alternative, more time-consuming
resources of the United States was preformed by the U.S. Geological method of developing descriptive models is to gather data from well-
Survey (Schruben, 2002) where the majority of undiscovered mineral explored deposits of each type to determine how commonly different
deposits were estimated to exist under cover. Working together, the attributes and combinations of attributes occur after expert classifi-
geologic surveys of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and the United cation of the deposits. Quantifying mineral deposit attributes is the
States used a three-part assessment to delineate permissive tracts and necessary and sufficient next step in statistically classifying known
to make probabilistic estimates of the amounts of copper, molybde- deposits by type. Quantified deposit attributes can also provide a firm
num, silver, and gold in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in the foundation to identify which observations on geologic and other maps
Andes (Cunningham et al., 2008). The accomplishments reported here should be effective in delineation of tracts and perhaps identifying
reflect many years of work by a group of dedicated researchers who sites for detailed exploration.
participated in assessments, developed methods, and constructed For example, to determine if quantified mineral deposit models
mineral deposit models. would be useful in classifying unknown deposits into types, data on
244 D.A. Singer / Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250

the minerals reported present in fifty-five different types of deposits have been found to require new coefficients. Long's (2009) analysis
were compiled and used to statistically discriminate eight of the shows that real mining capacities are higher than suggested by the
deposit types. Using fifty-eight minerals and six generalized rock Taylor equation and are significantly different for open-pit and
types, 88% of the deposits not used in training a neural network were underground block caving versus other underground mining meth-
accurately classified into the correct eight types (Singer and Kouda, ods. These results in turn require reexamination of the relations
1997). Just knowing whether there are marine mafic volcanic rocks or between capacities and capital and operating costs.
marine felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks near the deposits
increased the correctly classified deposits in the validation set from 3.3. Density models
88% to 98%. Clearly, digital mineralogy and simple rock types can be
useful in classifying well-studied deposits. Digital models offer the In estimating the number of mineral deposits, a robust method is
advantages over expert-created descriptive models in that the infor- based on mineral deposit densities, which are a form of mineral
mation is documented and reproducible and can be used in clas- deposit model wherein the numbers of deposits per unit area from
sification and prediction (Singer, 2006). well-explored regions are counted and the resulting frequency dis-
tribution enables estimation of the number of undiscovered deposits.
3.2. Cost models Deposit densities can be used either directly for an estimate or
indirectly as a guideline in some other method.
Questions about the economics of undiscovered mineral deposits Deposit-density models have been designed to be used within the
are central to one of the original reasons for developing three- three-part form of assessment, which affects how the models should
part assessments. Although the objectives and aversion to risk may be constructed. In three-part assessments, estimates of number of
be different for mining enterprises and governments, the kind of undiscovered deposits explicitly represent the probability (or degree of
information needed by the decision-makers is similar (Scott and belief) that some fixed but unknown number of undiscovered deposits
Dimitrakopoulos, 2001). In resource assessments of undiscovered that are consistent with the grade-and-tonnage model exists in the
mineral deposits and in the early stages of exploration, including delineated tracts. Determining a mineral-deposit density requires
planning, a need exists for prefeasibility cost models. These models, unambiguous definitions of what is a deposit and what are the rules
which separate economic from uneconomic deposits, help assessors for delineation. Mineral deposit-density models start with the areas of
and decision-makers focus on targets that can benefit society or the well-explored control tracts where the number of deposits that are
exploration enterprise. In three-part assessments, these models can be consistent with the grade-and-tonnage model are used.
used to eliminate deposits that would probably be uneconomic even Some research has been conducted on densities of several deposit
if discovered. Economics of deposit sizes helps determine priorities of types so that these ratios can be more widely used as a guide for
deposit types selected for constructing grade-and-tonnage models. number-of-deposit estimates (Bliss et al., 1987; Root et al., 1992). Most
Here we focus on simplified cost models for mining and beneficiation of these studies provide point (i.e., single) estimates of the number of
(milling). These models, derived from those developed by the staff of the deposits per unit area. Singer et al. (2005) summarized the ideas behind
U.S. Bureau of Mines to assist in mineral-resource assessments (Camm, these mineral deposit-density models and provided individual esti-
1991, 1994), do not require an engineering background or detailed mates for porphyry copper control tracts around the world. More
designs of full cost models to be of use. Thus, they can be used for esti- recently deposit density models were developed for volcanogenic
mating project economics in an assessment or the early stages of a massive sulfide deposits (Mosier et al., 2007).
mineral exploration program. The models can be applied to a number of One assumption that might be made is that mineral deposit densities
types of deposits, and can be adjusted for changes in the location of the are constant across all sized control tracts. A common way to estimate
deposit or changes in prices. The models are capable of generating cost deposit density is to average the number of deposits per permissive area
estimates at a level of uncertainty that is common to prefeasibility over a number of permissive tracts. This practice ignores possible effects
studies commonly performed by mining companies before extensive of size of permissive area on deposit densities and ignores the frequency
drilling of a prospect. Camm (1991) presented models of the capital and distribution and variability of densities. Each of these can affect
operating costs required to build and operate a mine and mill and the estimating uncertainty and reducing possible bias in estimated number
infrastructure that supports them. These models do not estimate the of undiscovered mineral deposits. Porphyry copper deposit densities
costs of preproduction exploration, permitting, environmental studies, can be used to illustrate these issues (Singer et al., 2005; Singer, 2008b;
taxes, corporate overhead, site reclamation, concentrate transportation, Singer and Menzie, 2010).
or smelter and refinery charges. Due to economies of scale, we can Tracts containing porphyry copper deposits, referred to as control
expect that the higher the rate of production per unit of time, the lower areas, were outlined along borders of hosting geologic terrane and/or
the cost per unit of volume. Thus, capacity to produce is a central focus of along regional zones of related porphyry intrusions with modifica-
economic cost estimation. All cost estimates in the U.S. Bureau of Mines tions on the basis of deposit ages and distributions of major structures.
method are derived from the estimated daily mining capacity or its The 33 porphyry copper control areas were outlined using geologic
derived estimated mine life. Because of this, unbiased estimates of daily maps ranging from 1:2,500,000 to 1:240,000 scale. The extent to
mining capacities are critical. Mining capacity and depth are used to which rocks or sediments younger than the porphyry copper deposits
estimate capital investments that vary by mining method and to cover the permissive tracts or deposits needed to be examined for two
estimate milling capital investments that vary by type of mill. Equations reasons. Firstly, in most situations, covered permissive tracts cannot
for operating costs of mines and mills are also a function of capacity and be considered to be well explored. Therefore, inclusion of covered
depend on mining and milling method. These various estimates, along parts of permissive tracts would improperly increase the size of the
with assumed metal prices and rate of return, provide a basis for permissive tract. Secondly, counting mineral deposits that have been
estimating an economic filter. found under cover as part of the deposit density would distort density
Although not all costs are included and the estimates are rough, statistics and lead to misleading or biased estimates of how many
these models serve to discriminate clearly uneconomic from clearly undiscovered deposits might be present in an assessed tract. Boundaries
economic deposits at an early assessment stage. The forms of these of mapped rock units form the primary basis for drawing limits of
equations appear to be robust, but the coefficients to the equations are permissive belts or tracts. Preliminary control area boundaries are
based on costs estimated more than twenty years ago and need to be typically extended using interpolated geology and geophysical surveys,
estimated using modern costs. In addition, the coefficients to the such as aeromagnetics, to identify where younger rocks or sediments
fundamental equations relating mine capacity to tons of ore recently conceal permissive rocks. Scale of the maps can have a strong effect on
D.A. Singer / Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250 245

the extent of cover portrayed — detailed maps commonly show more deposits, but if four deposits were known, estimates of number of
cover than do regional maps. Due to their large aerial extent, porphyry undiscovered deposits would be 1, 3, and 6 at the 90, 50, and 10th
copper deposits located mostly under younger cover can have part of percentiles respectively.
their alteration zones exposed. To prevent miscounting deposits that Analyses of podiform chromite, porphyry copper, and volcano-
belong to the exposed permissive terrain, the percentage of cover genic massive deposits strongly suggest that, at least within a deposit
associated with each deposit was estimated and density estimates were type, size of permissive tract should be used to help make unbiased
made by counting only those deposits that are at least 50% exposed. estimates of number of deposits. Median deposit size in 109 control
Thus, deposit-density estimates are formed from known deposits that tracts for 10 different deposit types has also been shown to be related
are consistent with the grade-and-tonnage models and are located in to deposit density (Singer, 2008b). The regression is significant at the
exposed control areas. Percent cover for each deposit was measured 1% level, and deposit size explains 75% of the variability in density
from detailed maps and cross sections of deposits. The area of each tract (Singer, 2008b). Rather than developing the relationship between
(in square kilometers) and the percentage of each belt covered by deposit size and density, more progress was made by considering
postmineral rocks, sediments and ice were estimated. Before deposit- both deposit size and the area of permissive tracts to predict deposit
density estimates are made, the area permissive for a deposit type density (Singer, 2008b; Singer and Menzie, 2010). A regression using
should be adjusted for the portion that is covered by removing the both area permissive and deposit size explains 91% of the variability in
covered portion. deposit density. The equation was developed with 109 control areas
Estimates of porphyry copper deposit density (in deposits per square and the high percentage of the variation in number of deposits
kilometer) were formed as the ratio of exposed deposit number to the explained by area and deposit size suggests that the equation and its
total exposed belt area — covered explored deposits were not included associated prediction interval equations are quite robust.
in calculation. To make the deposit-density estimates accessible to more Deposit density decreases as the map scale increases for both
readers, the estimates were multiplied by 100,000. These modified volcanic-hosted massive sulfide and porphyry copper deposit types
deposit densities can be considered as the number of porphyry copper (Singer and Menzie, 2008). More general map scales mean that areas of
deposits per 100,000 km2 of permissive rock — this form of estimate geologic units that could contain a particular deposit type appear to be
may be more easily discussed and remembered because the estimates larger than the same areas on detailed maps because of the inclusion of
represent whole numbers of deposits. A histogram of porphyry copper units that are not permissive, but are not differentiated on the more
densities per 100,000 km2 has a skewed distribution like that observed general geologic map. Although it is possible that more general maps
for podiform chromite and volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. With contain proportionally more cover over permissive rocks, the only study
skewed distributions, a few high values have a very large influence on testing this relationship (Singer et al., 2005) suggests that it is not
the mean density. However, the mean is only one measure of central correct. If the scale-effect area added in an assessment contains only
tendency. geologic units that are not permissive, the density of deposits estimated
A further improvement in increasing the precision of number-of- should decrease because no additional area that is really permissive has
deposit estimates can be made by examining the relationship between been added, but the variability about the estimate should be larger by
the area permissive for a deposit type and the number of deposits in the the addition of area containing zero deposits.
control tracts. For porphyry copper deposits, the linear regression line The deposit-density models recently developed are powerful tools
and associated prediction interval equations are (Singer and Menzie, in estimation of the number of undiscovered mineral deposits. The
2009): universal regression model provides unbiased and reasonable estimates
in most situations. These models were typically constructed with
R50 = −1:0252 + 0:42788 log10 ðareaÞ ð1Þ mineral deposits defined by certain consistently applied rules, such as
  distance to adjacent deposits, grade-and-tonnage models that follow
2 2
L90 ; U10 = R50 Ft sy j x √ 1 + ð1 = nÞ + ðlog10 ðareaÞ−4:622Þ = ðn−1Þsx these rules, and permissive tracts also defined by consistent rules. As
ð2Þ a consequence, these density models should not be expected to be
applicable to other situations such as belts of rock that are not per-
Where, area is permissive area in km2, mean area is 4.622, missive. For most deposit types, these relationships represent robust
t = t10,31df = 1.309, sy|x = 0.2444, n = 33, s2x = 0.2912, and R50, L90, and methods to estimate the numbers of deposits and the total resources
U10 estimates are used as exponents of 10. The expected number of in delineated tracts. For some deposit types, these predictors might not
deposits can be estimated as 10 to the power of: work properly because of the difficultly of delineating the boundaries
of permissive rocks. A related situation might occur where there are
log10 EðNÞ = log10 ðN50 Þ + ððlog10 ðN10 Þ− log10 ðN50 ÞÞ=t Þ = 2 ð3Þ widespread covering materials and the permissive geology under the
cover represents a small part of the total area that cannot be separately
delineated (Singer and Menzie, 2010). In such cases, these regression
Estimates made this way are for total number of deposits in tracts. To equations would tend to overestimate the resources. Integration of
estimate number undiscovered, the known number in a tract must be geophysics and extrapolated geology would reduce the number of such
subtracted from the expected number (Eq. (3)). This requires revising problems.
the expected number and variance and estimating a new median and
90th and 10th percentiles. Regression variance is estimated as: 3.4. Grade and tonnage models
varN = ðlog10 ðN10 Þ− log10 ðN50 ÞÞ = tÞ ð4Þ Grade-and-tonnage models occupy the position of being both a
kind of deposit model and one of the three parts of assessments.
Revised estimates of median number of deposits adjusted for Frequency distributions of tonnages and average grades of well-
number of known deposits are 10 to the power of: explored deposits of each type are employed as models for grades and
  tonnages of undiscovered deposits of the same type in geologically
E ðN Þ
log10 ðN50 Þ = log10 10 −known number –varN = 2 ð5Þ similar settings. Grade-and-tonnage models (Cox and Singer, 1986;
Singer, 1993b) combined with estimates of number of undiscovered
Log10(N50) is used in place of R50 in Eq. (2) to make probabilistic deposits are the fundamental means of translating geologists' resource
estimates of undiscovered deposits that account for known deposits. assessments into a language that decision-makers can understand and
For example, in a 19,000 km2 tract, estimates would be 3, 6 and 14 use. Data utilized to construct these models include average grades of
246 D.A. Singer / Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250

each metal or mineral commodity of possible economic interest and the

associated tonnage based on the total production, reserves, and
resources at the lowest possible cutoff grade. These data represent an
estimate of the endowment of each of many known deposits so that the
final models can accurately represent the endowment of all undiscov-
ered deposits. For deposit models, we try to use a spatial rule to deter-
mine which ore bodies should be combined so that we can have a
consistent sampling unit that can be applied to the undiscovered
deposits. For example, ore bodies of volcanic-hosted massive sulfides
were combined into single deposits based on a 500-m rule of adjacency
(Mosier et al., 2009). This necessary operation affects the associated
grade and tonnage and deposit density models and the estimates of the
number of undiscovered deposits (Singer and Menzie, 2010).
Grade-and-tonnage models are presented in a graphical format to
make it easy to compare deposit types and to display the data. The plots
show grade or tonnage on the horizontal axis, and the vertical axis
always is the cumulative proportion of deposits (Figs. 1–3). All tonnages
are reported in millions of metric tons. Grades not available (by-
products) are represented as below the lowest value plotted and are
therefore not shown. Plots of the same commodity or tonnages are
presented on the same scale; a logarithmic scale is used for tonnage and
Fig. 2. Cumulative frequency of average zinc grade of carbonate-hosted igneous related
most grades. Each dot represents an individual deposit (or, rarely, a zinc-lead (CAig) deposits. Each circle represents an individual deposit. Intercepts for
district for some models), cumulated in ascending grade or tonnage. the 90th, 50th, and 10th percentiles of the observed distribution are provided. Source
Where a large number of deposits is plotted (e.g., in Cox and Singer, Singer et al. (2009).
1986), individual numbers represent a count of the number of deposits.
Grade-and-tonnage data are usually displayed either as univariate or
as bivariate plots. In univariate plots, the data are sorted from smallest The purpose of grade-and-tonnage models is to provide unbiased
to largest and are plotted against the proportion of the deposits that representations of the grades and tonnages of undiscovered mineral
are as large as or larger than each deposit. The median of the data (50th deposits in a tract or belt. A new model is required in any situation
percentile) is either the observed median or is estimated from logged where an existing grade-and-tonnage model can be shown to be a
data, the 90th and 10th quantiles are either observed quantiles or biased model of the undiscovered deposits. When only one or two
are calculated using the standard deviation of the logged data, and a explored examples of a deposit type are known in a local area, it is
curve is often fitted to these data. Observed quantiles are desirable when common to believe that the deposits represent a special subtype or
a lognormal distribution is not appropriate or when there are missing new type because the deposits are almost never exactly the same as
grades because fewer assumptions are required about why some grades the “typical” deposit in every respect. Local deposit grades and
are missing. A univariate plot is made for tonnage and each grade for tonnages are never the same as model median or mean grades or
which a significant proportion of the deposits report grades. The scales tonnages, and typically some unusual mineral or some trace element
and intervals for tonnage and each commodity, such as zinc, are the is present that is not mentioned in the model.
same for all deposit types to allow direct comparisons of types.

Fig. 1. Cumulative frequency of ore tonnage of carbonate-hosted igneous related zinc-

lead (CAig) deposits. Each circle represents an individual deposit. Intercepts for the Fig. 3. Cumulative frequency of average gold grade of carbonate-hosted igneous related
90th, 50th, and 10th percentiles of the observed distribution are provided. Source zinc-lead (CAig) deposits. Each circle represents an individual deposit. Intercepts for
Singer et al. (2009). the 10th percentile of the observed distribution is provided. Source Singer et al. (2009).
D.A. Singer / Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250 247

To avoid the situation where every deposit is considered to be inventory of known deposits and prospects in and near the region being
unique and therefore prediction is not possible, the well-explored – assessed. Because of incomplete deposit descriptions, it is often difficult
i.e. completely drilled – known deposits in the local area should to identify deposit types for many prospects, occurrences, and some
always be tested to see if they are statistically different from the deposits, but those that can be identified increase confidence in domains
general model. The known deposits falling on the published grade- delineated for the deposit type. Typed prospects may indicate the
and-tonnage model is not an adequate test because all of the known possibility of some deposit types where the type had not been expected
deposits might have tonnages that are on the low tonnage part of the or place limits on the kinds and sizes of deposits that could occur
model, suggesting a mismatch between known deposits and the elsewhere. The map of deposits and occurrences classified into deposit
model. Tonnages and grades of the known deposits in an area being types then serves as a check on the accuracy of the delineation of tracts
assessed should always be properly tested against the model before permissive for types rather than a determinant of the delineation.
the assessment. With respect to the issue of providing representations Geochemistry of stream sediments, rocks, or soils may suggest deposit
of the grades and tonnages of undiscovered mineral deposits in a tract types and aid delineation of domains for some deposit types.
or belt, the most appropriate test is a t-test of the average tonnage Geophysical tools contribute by identifying extensions of permissive
and grade(s) of the local deposits compared to the model. Of course, rock units under cover and identifying rock units in poorly mapped
all of the data should be in log form. The t-test gives the probability areas and, in some cases, geophysics can identify favorable rock units,
that the difference between the two means happened by chance such as hydrothermally altered rocks. Permissive boundaries are
alone. Typically, the tests have been if the probability of t is less than reduced only where it can be firmly demonstrated that a deposit type
0.01, then the difference is deemed significant, that is, not caused by could not exist.
chance, and we reject the hypothesis that the known deposits in the It is natural to want to order the tracts into those that are more
tract are a random sample from the model. The probability level of the favorable and tracts that are less favorable. Delineation of favorable
test, 0.01, was selected in an attempt to balance the costs associated areas frequently is applied in different ways by different people because
with making an error of rejecting a model when it is appropriate and of the difficulty of defining commonly acceptable operational rules for
the error of accepting a model when it is not appropriate. For each the term “favorable.” Favorableness of different tracts can be captured
tract that contains at least one deposit that is deemed well enough by the estimated number of undiscovered deposits of various types and
explored to be included in the grade-and-tonnage model, the tonnages by the possible value of those types. In three-part assessments, it is
and grades of all of the well-explored deposits in that tract should be desirable to subdivide a permissive tract into two or more new tracts
compared to the remaining well-explored deposits in the world that are that have different kinds of information, different numbers of
part of the general grade-and-tonnage model. In situations where no undiscovered deposits, or possibly different amounts of uncertainty
well-explored deposits are known in a tract, we assume that the general about the number of deposits. Designation of a tract as permissive does
model containing all deposits is the best representative of the not imply any special favorability for the occurrence of a deposit, nor
undiscovered deposits in the tract because we have no basis of selecting does it address the likelihood that a deposit will be discovered there if it
a more specific model for the tract. The cost of rejecting the general exists.
model, if in fact it is the correct model, is the introduction of a biased Understanding and recognizing the geologic settings associated
model. Rejection of the general model suggests that one is confident that with different deposit types require an experienced geologist and a
the undiscovered local deposits are significantly different than the quality geologic map. The best available map that is consistent with
general model. This is a strong statement that needs to be documented. the scale of the final assessment map typically becomes the base map
If the well-explored deposits are significantly different in size or for the assessment. Identification of the “best” map is a function of
grade, then the local deposits should be examined to see if they belong whether a map differentiates rock and age units that have a bearing
to a geologically homogeneous subset of the original grade-and-tonnage on recognizing the geologic setting of a deposit type. Geologic cross
model. Where a different model is needed, the guiding principle should sections are essential to projecting surface geologic relations into the
be to provide an unbiased model of the grades and tonnages of the subsurface and to identify the extent of cover. Frequently, it is necessary
undiscovered deposits in the tract. Given two models that provide to augment published geologic maps because the delineation must
unbiased estimates, pick the one with the larger number of deposits include undiscovered resources under cover. In these situations, the
because it will be more robust. geology under cover and depth to basement needs to be estimated and
here geophysical information plays a central role.
4. Delineation The most useful geologic predictor of metal production in many
places is the percentage of cover, such as alluvium. The more cover, the
The geologic settings used to define the mineral grade-and-tonnage lower historic metal production. The reason for the relationship has
and descriptive models are keys to identifying where the deposit type more to do with difficulty of exploring under cover than it does the
could occur, which is the second part of an assessment. To be able to existence of undiscovered metal-bearing deposits under cover. Undis-
consistently assess the undiscovered mineral resources of regions, areas covered mineral deposits commonly occur beneath some sort of cover.
are delineated where geology permits the existence of deposits of one or Therefore, an assessment must be able to predict what might be present
more specified types. These areas, called permissive tracts, are based on in covered areas. A geologic map is the primary local source of infor-
geologic criteria derived from deposit models that are themselves based mation for delineating domains and identifying which domains are
on studies of known deposits within and outside the study area. Tracts permissive for different deposit types. This presents a challenge to
may or may not contain known deposits. Boundaries are defined such assessors because, for most areas, geologic maps of the rocks beneath
that the probability of deposits of the type delineated occurring outside cover are not available. About 50% of the surface is covered by appar-
the boundary are negligible, that is, less than 1 in 100,000. ently barren rocks and sediments in many large regions, such as
Areas are excluded from these tracts only on the basis of geology, Australia, the United States, and parts of Europe. Because the majority of
knowledge about unsuccessful exploration, or the presence of barren mineral deposits exposed at the surface are believed to have already
overburden exceeding some predetermined thickness. A geologic map been found, a prime concern of assessments in such cases is the nature of
is the primary local source of information for delineating tracts and and depth to possible mineralized systems under this cover.
identifying which are permissive for different deposit types. Map scales With the power of modern computers and digital data sets, there is
affect the quality and nature of information available for delineations considerable interest in using GIS technology to delineate permissive
and determine the extent to which geologic units are combined and tracts or to identify possible targets. Where permissive rocks are
how cover is represented. An important kind of information is an exposed, this technology allows rapid and precise delineation. In
248 D.A. Singer / Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250

some GIS-based approaches, delineations under cover are dealt with could be considered worthy of estimation, and even in small regions,
by using a buffer around the exposed permissive rock. Unless the we would need to estimate millions of “deposits.” In three-part
geologically permissive rocks are specifically mapped using interpo- assessments, the parts and estimates are internally consistent in that
lated geology and geophysics, this delineation under the cover delineated tracts are consistent with descriptive models, grade-and-
violates the principals of delineating permissive tracts. For example, tonnage models are consistent with descriptive models and with
if a buffer zone around the exposed permissive rocks was used for the known deposits in the area, and estimates of number of deposits are
permissive tract under cover in Fig. 4 (after Scheibner, 1998), the extent consistent with grade-and-tonnage models. Considerable care must
of covered permissive rock would have been incorrectly estimated, be exercised in quantitative resource assessments to prevent the
resulting in poor estimation of the number of deposits under cover, and introduction of biased estimates of undiscovered resources. Biases can
it also would have completely missed the part that is permissive for be introduced into these estimates either by a flawed grade-and-
covered porphyry copper deposits. In this case, tract boundaries can be tonnage model or by the lack of consistency of the grade-and-tonnage
extended using results of geophysical surveys to identify where model with the number-of-deposit estimates. For this reason,
permissive rocks are concealed by younger rocks or sediments. Recent consistency of estimates of number of deposits with the grade-and-
advances in 3D GIS are increasingly being made where solid geology is tonnage models is the most important guideline.
developed forming the basis for proper delineation. In the assessment, an important factor affecting estimates of number
of deposits is the proper distinction between known deposits and
5. Number of deposits prospects. Deposits referred to as “discovered” or “known” are reported
in the published literature as being well explored in three dimensions
The third part of an assessment is estimation of some fixed, but and not open in any part and to have published tonnages and grades.
unknown, number of undiscovered deposits of each type that exist in Explored metal occurrences not meeting these criteria are classified as
the delineated tracts. Until the area being considered is thoroughly and prospects even if they are being mined if there is an indication that more
extensively drilled, this fixed number of undiscovered deposits, which resources are expected. Such a definition is necessary to avoid either
could be any number including 0, will not be known with certainty. double counting or missing some resources. Some of these prospects
Estimates of the number of deposits explicitly represent the probabil- typically represent some of the undiscovered deposits estimated.
ity (or degree of belief) that some fixed but unknown number of In many cases, experts make estimates of number of deposits. When
undiscovered deposits exist in the delineated tracts. As such, these geologists place on a map an inferred contact between two rock units
estimates reflect both the uncertainty of what may exist and a measure that has not been seen, subjective judgment is used. The same is true
of the favorableness of the existence of the deposit type. Uncertainty is when tectonic boundaries are placed on maps in large regions. Examples
shown by the spread of the number-of-deposit estimates (quantiles) from different fields of study (Murphy and Winkler, 1984) demonstrate
associated with the 90% quantile to the 10 or 1% quantile — a large that under some conditions subjective estimates can be unbiased and
difference in the numbers suggests great uncertainty. Favorability can reliable. For example in Fig. 5, more than 150,000 subjective estimates
be represented by the estimated number of deposits associated with a made by meteorologists of the probabilities of precipitation are plotted
given probability level or by the expected (mean) number of deposits. against the observed relative frequency of precipitation. For every
This number of deposits has meaning only in terms of a grade-and- forecast probability except the 100% estimates, the estimates fall on the
tonnage model. If this requirement did not exist, any wisp of minerals expected 1:1 slope, demonstrating unbiased estimates. Singer and
Menzie (2010) report on an experiment in well-explored but culturally
masked areas comparing geologists' estimates of the number of deposits
to the number of known deposits showing that such estimates can be

Fig. 4. Example of delineating permissive tract under cover. Solid circles are well- Fig. 5. Comparison of subjectively estimated chance of precipitation and observed
explored porphyry copper deposits and open circles are not completely explored frequency. Numbers near symbols represent number of estimates at that forecast
deposits. Modified after Scheibner, 1998. probability. The straight line represents no bias. After Murphy and Winkler (1984).
D.A. Singer / Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250 249

Decades of experience of subjective and objective forecasting in assessments. If assessments were conducted only to estimate amounts
meteorology provide insight into how the process of making subjective of undiscovered metals, we would need contained metal models and
assessments in mineral resources might be improved. Murphy and estimates of the number of undiscovered deposits. Grades are simply
Winkler (1984) found that consensus schemes performed better than the ratio of contained metal to tons of ore, so contained metal estimates
almost all individual forecasters and that the best forecasts were made are available for each deposit. In the simplest of all cases, one could
when objective forecasts were part of the information supplied to multiply the average contained metal in a deposit type by the expected
subjective forecasters. Among their recommendations were more number of undiscovered deposits to make an estimate of the expected
effective use of many information sources, motivation to encourage metal endowment. Such an estimate would be of limited value to a
forecasters to improve their performance, provision of formal proce- decision-maker because it neglects the considerable uncertainty that
dures to assist forecasters in quantifying their uncertainty in terms of should be attached to the estimate, and it ignores the issue of whether
probability, and quick and extensive feedback concerning performance. the metal would be economic to extract.
Commonly, expert judgment is used in mineral assessments because For these reasons it may be desirable to combine the estimates of
of the high uncertainty of such estimates and, more importantly, the undiscovered deposits with the grade-and-tonnage data via Monte
data upon which such estimates must be made typically represent a Carlo simulation and to evaluate the proportion of the resulting
mixture uneven in coverage, types, and quality. A formal elicitation resources that will be economic under some assumed conditions. To
process should be used in that particular criteria are used, experts are properly combine these various estimates, the algorithms developed
selected, the method is designed, and the response mode is specified by Root (Root et al., 1992) are appropriate. In the MARK3 program (Root
(Meyer and Booker, 2001). The general approach used in estimating et al., 1992; Bawiec and Spanski, 2009), the probabilities associated with
numbers of undiscovered deposits in three-part assessments has the intermediate numbers of deposits between the three estimated at a
evolved on the basis of experience in earlier assessments and the 90% level, a 50% level, and a 10% level are estimated. A unique underlying
results of experiments to test the ability of experts to estimate undis- probability distribution cannot be specified on the basis of the elicited
covered deposits. Some of the changes adopted in using experts to distribution alone. Root et al. (1992) provide a methodology for
estimate undiscovered deposits have included use of digital information obtaining a probability distribution that is consistent with these quantile
in mineral deposit models, use of teams of experts to estimate undis- estimates.
covered deposits, calibration of estimators through the use of formal Using the methods of Root et al. (1992), suites of deposits from the
training sets or through apprenticeship, formalization of the process appropriate grade and tonnage model are grouped according to metals
by which estimates are elicited, introduction of statistical guides such contained. The suites form the basis for distributions and dependencies
as deposit densities to assist experts, and development of mechanisms in two ways to perform the simulations of grades and tonnages. One
that feedback implications of their estimates to the estimators. option uses approximations of lognormal distributions of the tonnages
There are no fixed methods for making estimates of number of and grades, and the other uses approximating piecewise linear dis-
undiscovered deposits. On the basis of experience and logic, however, tributions. The second, more commonly used, is called the empirical
a number of methods can be used directly or as guidelines to make option. The user of the simulation program selects the desired option.
these estimates. In most three-part assessments, the final estimates Because of the complexity of the algorithms needed to account for
were made subjectively by experts and many have employed one or dependencies among the variables and for producing unbiased
more of the methods as guidelines. Two guidelines have been most representations of the model grades and tonnages, a detailed descrip-
commonly used. The first guideline is that estimates are by deposit tion of the methods is not produced here, and the reader in referred to
type and must be consistent with the grade-and-tonnage model and the original source (Root et al., 1992).
not with the population of mineral occurrences or weak manifesta- Each of the 4999 realizations of each simulation that produces a
tions of an ore-forming process. Thus, the estimated number of deposits deposit (some realizations might have zero deposits) has a tonnage
must match the percentile values of the grade-and-tonnage model. For and one or more associated grades. Because only some of the deposits
example, for any estimate, approximately half of the estimated used to create grade-and-tonnage models were economic to mine, it is
undiscovered deposits should be larger than the median tonnage, and not clear which, if any, of the simulated undiscovered deposits might
about 10% of the deposits should be as large as the upper 10% of the be economic to mine in the future. Simulated grades and tonnages
deposits in the tonnage model. The second guideline is the use of along with assumed prices of metals allow the calculation of value per
mineral deposit densities. Deposit densities can now be used to provide ton and gross value of each deposit. Costs of each of these simulated
a guideline for expert judgment or used directly for estimates of the deposits could be estimated by using the cost models discussed above
numbers of most kinds of mineral deposits. Density estimates should be and in Singer and Menzie (2010).
the final estimates on the number of undiscovered deposits where no
information is available to refine the estimates, such as under cover. 7. Summary
A comparison of estimates from the generalized deposit density
equations to those of experts is available from a study on orogenic In order to provide a framework for making decisions concerning
gold under cover in the Stawell zone of Victoria, Australia, reported by mineral resources under conditions of uncertainty, the goal in three-
Lisitsin et al. (2009). The combined estimates by five experts of the part assessments has been to provide unbiased estimates of undiscov-
number of undiscovered gold deposits under cover was 10, 33, and 60 ered mineral resources and then to minimize the uncertainty associated
deposits at the 90, 50, and 10% certainty levels, whereas the generalized with the estimates. We try to make explicit the factors that can affect a
deposit density estimates are 11, 33, and 94. Except for less uncertainty mineral-related decision so that the decision-maker can clearly see the
expressed by the experts as shown by their 10% estimate being lower possible consequences of the decision. This is the key to reducing risk in
than the regression estimate, the estimates are not different. The experts mineral exploration.
did not know the regression estimates at the time they made their In this paper some advances made over the last 30+ years that have
estimates. improved the three-part form of quantitative mineral resource
assessment are summarized. The success of this form of assessment
6. Integrating the parts depends on it being an integrated approach. Integrated mineral deposit
models are at the core of three-part assessments because they reduce
If the decision-makers needed information only on the general uncertainty about locations, amounts, and values of resources and
locations of undiscovered mineral resources, the output of part two reduce the chances of biased estimates. Grade and tonnage models
(delineation of permissive tracts) would be adequate for these can provide unbiased representations of grades and tonnages of
250 D.A. Singer / Ore Geology Reviews 38 (2010) 242–250

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