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Second Round

Day 1

1 Determine the maximal possible length of the sequence of consecutive integers which are
expressible in the form x3 + 2y 2 , with x, y being integers.

2 In the convex pentagon ABCDE following equalities holds: ∠ABD = ∠ACE, ∠ACB =
∠ACD, ∠ADC = ∠ADE and ∠ADB = ∠AEC. The point S is the intersection of the
segments BD and CE. Prove that lines AS and CD are perpendicular.

3 Find all functions f : R → R for which the equality

f (f (x) − y) = f (x) + f (f (y) − f (−x)) + x

holds for all real x, y.

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Second Round

Day 2

1 We have an n × n board, and in every square there is an integer. The sum of all integers on
the board is 0. We define an action on a square where the integer in the square is decreased by
the number of neighbouring squares, and the number inside each of the neighbouring squares
is increased by 1. Determine if there exists n ≥ 2 such that we can turn all the integers into
zeros in a finite number of actions.

2 We are given a triangle ABC such that AC = BC. There is a point D lying on the segment
AB, and AD < DB. The point E is symmetrical to A with respect to CD. Prove that:

3 We have a positive integer n such that n 6= 3k. Prove that there exists a positive integer m
such that ∀k∈N k≥m k can be represented as a sum of digits of some multiplication of n.

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