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Gia Maureen N. Del Rosario

BSEd Sciences 3A
Sir RS Wilson D.R. Constantino

Lesson 1 – Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

A. Activity
List down the attributes of a quality teacher.

1. Teacher must engage students in learning and share his/her best practices in teaching.
2. He/She must always willing to listen to his/her students.
3. Teacher must be patient, kind and caring.
4. Teacher has dedication with his/her teaching or profession.
5. Teacher must develop strong and good relationship with his/her students.

D. Application
Create a poster from the information given on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
using your preferred medium. You can also use computer software.

Write a reflection on the importance of PPST as a guide for pre-service teachers to become quality teachers
in the future.
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, or PPST. To make sure that the teachers will be
properly equipped and prepared to teach, teachers provides us with the criteria and requirements for both the
pre-service teachers and those who are currently in their profession. Additionally, it will act as our guide for
how instructors are promoted and how they get more degrees and restitution. The domains needed to qualify
as a teacher are included in the PPST. This set of standards instructs educators, particularly pre-service
teachers, on what to know, how to behave, what to acquire, and what to consider and utilize to enhance
learning quality and accomplish learning skills. PPST is an excellent framework for becoming a successful
teacher to the In order to attain our targeted educational goals, we must identify better approaches to
improve our teaching of pupils. We believe that a quality-based education results from professional
instructors who are capable of providing quality instruction, thus it helps us grow and improve so that we
may be an effective professional teacher with our profession. It encourages educators to adjust to the
ongoing systemic changes in education. In order to establish clear expectations regarding the results in both
the learning and teaching sectors, it is also used as a measure of recognizing and assessing instructors'
performances and needs, if there is anything that needs to be improved.

Matching the following concepts with their correct definitions. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space before the number

Column A
C 1. It provides standards that define teacher quality in the Philippines.
E 2. These teachers possess the requisite knowledge, skills, and values that support the teaching and learning
A 3. These teachers exhibit a commitment to inspire the education community and stakeholders for the
improvement of education provision in the Philippines.
G 4. These teachers manifest an in depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching and learning
B5. This domain recognizes the importance of teacher’s mastery of content knowledge and its
interconnections within and across curriculum areas.
I 6. This domain emphasizes the central role of teachers in establishing a learning environment that is
responsive to learner diversity.
J 7. This domain addresses the teacher’s knowledge of and interaction with the national and local
curriculum requirements.
D 8. It values personal and professional reflection and learning to improve practice.
H 9. Provides a basis for building public confidence in and support for the work of teachers.
F 10. They are professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the teaching and learning

Lesson 2 – Guidelines per Program

A. Activity

Answer the following questions:

1. Why do you want to become a teacher?
One of my professional goals is to be a teacher this is my childhood aspirations, which is to educate
children. I desire to instruct.For them to fulfill their own aspirations, ambitious dreamers. I want
to educate youth in order to serve them, and for me to be employed as a tool to help them achieve their life
goals, just like I do when I was a young child. I want to encourage and persuade them that obtaining an
education is essential for success and ensures life whenever we experienced life-changing success. I want
to inspire young people with the belief that they can succeed in life through education.
2. What do you think are the role of teachers?
A role of a teacher is to teach, encourage, and inspire students and emphasize the value of education to
young people. It is they who model teachers for their pupils. They provide assistance accomplishing every
student's goal of finishing their education, which studies. Teachers are essential to the development of a
nation because they produce and develop knowledgeable and skilled people that will eventually support the
growth and innovation of the country. Additionally, the teacher's job is to bring and place each pupil has
hope despite any obstacles they may face during their educational processes. They'll serve as their
a parent, a guardian, as well as a trustworthy individual ready to pay attention to their students.

3. What do you think are the expected attributes of a teacher?

The qualities that are needed of teachers are that they must first create a positive rapport with his/her
students because establish a setting that is secure and welcoming for the students. Additionally, they are
willing, passionate, and dedicated to teaching their pupils because if they have these qualities, they will find
it easy to help their students reach their learning objectives. She or he must be ready to listen to students at
all times, but especially when they are discussing personal issues that are interfering with their academic
performance. Only the teacher can assist the student in resolving these issues. Additionally, for learning to
be successful and simple, there must be good communication between the teacher and the pupils. Last but
not least, a teacher must view their job as a calling or a mission, one that involves educating every kid,
rather than merely a way to make money or gain recognition.

D. Application

Review the CMO for your respective program. Analyze it base on your past experiences in studying the
program.Write your answer on the space below.

I learned this after reading the CHED Memorandum Order that each program offered under the
Bachelor of Secondary Education has specific minimal requirements that must be met through a
predetermined set of learning outcomes As a science-majoring education student, I am expected to
demonstrate a thorough understanding of scientific principles and concepts, apply scientific inquiries to
teaching and learning, and most importantly, use effective science teaching strategies that make use of a
variety of assessment tools and techniques. These comprises performance metrics that will be met in order to
attain successful learning outcomes. Additionally, the CMO shows the curriculum's sections, specializations
or majors, and required and optional/concurrent courses. The courses in the science major refer to the
disciplines students will study during their semesters and the units they must accomplish.

Identify the following. Write your answer on the space
provided for.
BEEd 1. an undergraduate teacher education program designed to prepare individuals intending toteach in
the elementary level
BTLEd 2. an undergraduate teacher education program that equips learners with adequate and relevant
competencies in the area of Technology and Livelihood Education, particularly for the TLE exploratory
courses form Grades 4-8
BTVTEd 3. aims to develop highly competent and motivated teachers in technical and vocational education
in their area of specialization
BECEd4. this program provides students with fundamental understanding and application of the
principles or early childhood care and education, as well as experience in the application of these principles
BPEd 5. PE is a seamless activity of designing and delivering learning activities, providing quality
instruction, managing the classroom and assessing student learning, modeling as well as mentoring
BSEd 6. an undergraduate teacher education program designed to equip learners with adequate and
appropriate teaching skill in their selected field of specialization, the secondary level

Write how you can contribute in the achievement on the goals of your particular program.

Being a field study student allows me to develop and assist in achieving the objectives of the Bachelor of by
requesting information about my coordinating in secondary education asking for advice from the teacher on
how to make my lessons better in order to improve my teaching performance. Naturally, I must be willing
to listen to and accept input from my mentor, whether it is positive or negative, if I am to be able to
recognize and better myself. Additionally, as a potential educator and student As a scientific teacher, I need
to be able to develop and construct many approaches and instructional techniques to give my courses.
Additionally, to develop real, performance-based activities It will test their knowledge of the subject and
put it to use Science by means of practice or experimentation. We all know how difficult it is to
comprehend the idea of science, thus as a teacher, we must show that we have a thorough comprehension of
the simply science.Being experts in our field is important for us as teachers preparing to teach because of
how we can instruct the pupil the realizing that if we, the teacher, don't have it on, they will get what they
want our own, therefore before instructing or creating your class,Before engaging in dialogue, we must first
master its subject application. We cannot rely solely on one strategy or procedure. Our lesson must be
delivered using a variety of approaches, including the ability of the pupil to thoroughly comprehend and
absorb the information whenever possible.

Lesson 3 – Deployment of Pre-service Teachers on Experiential


A. Activity

Write in the box below your duties and responsibilities as Field Study Student.

My duties and responsibilities as Field Study Student:

● Observe the actual situation inside the classroom.

● Assist the students if needed and if possible.

● Communicate regularly with the coordinating teacher.

● Behave professionally as if you’re already a professional teacher.

● Be an active participant or intern in the classroom.

● Keeping the class do their work whenever the teacher is not around.

● To give help and guidance to students whenever they ask for help.
● Must be on-time and attends class regularly.

● Submit all the requirements for the Field Study.

Identify who should perform the following duties and responsibilities:

Field Study Student 1. Submit requirement on the scheduled time.

TEI College Supervisor 2. Coordinate with the cooperating schools regarding the activities of student-
Cooperating Teacher 3. Mentor/Coach the Field Study Students.
College Dean 4. Prepare the Memorandum of Agreement between the TEI and the Division
TEI College Supervisor5. Write a report regarding the activities of Field Study Students.
Cooperating School/Principal 6. Coordinate with TEI supervisor on tasks and issues concerning field study
assignments and problems.
School Division Offices 7. Monitor and evaluate the capacity of the cooperating schools.
Regional Office 8. Ensure the Experiential Learning courses are controlled and monitored.
College Dean 9 Prepare a detailed communication referring to the FSS deployment to the school principal.
Field Study Students 10. Take the field study courses congruent
to their professional education subjects.

What steps do you take as future teachers to prepare for the field study more instructive, beneficial,
and pertinent to your preparation as a potential teacher? I will actively participate in the classroom as a field
study student to make my Field Study experience more significant, beneficial, and pertinent to my
preparation as a future teacher. If possible and if you truly understand the subject, you can volunteer to teach
the class. Active involvement also includes participating in the conversation and making an attempt to teach
the class when your mentor asks you to. In order to develop his or her abilities and knowledge in the
classroom, the student teacher must act and conduct professionally and model professional teaching
behavior. I will approach my mentor for input in order to enhance my performance as a pre-service teacher.
Allow myself to feel the environment and perform professionally. Watch my mentor teach and deliver his or
her teachings, and take notes that you can use as standards for your future career.

Lesson 4 – Mentoring and Coaching Pre-service Teachers

A. Activity
In your own understanding define the following:
1. Mentoring
● A mentor is a person who provides advice in the form of skills, knowledge, and experience in a certain
sector. It lays forth a clear expectation for what will happen next. They help the practitioner develop and
enhance both themselves and their performances by offering advice and support.

2. Coaching
● Coaching aims to increase a person's abilities and potential do for their pupils. They were more
concerned with what would occur right away than with what would occur afterwards. It helps teachers
to let their students fully express their skills and potential. It also makes a whole effort to train in order
to attain the required results.

3. Role
● Role is defined as the position you are in. It can be also your part to play or to demonstrate.

4. Responsibilities
● Responsibility is defined as the tasks and duties you are doing which also reflect your role. It is also a
commitment in doing actions.

5. Etiquette
● Etiquette is a set of rules which is followed to act or behave according to your profession. This will
guide you how to act ethically, morally and professionally.

As a pre-service teacher, write a one-page reflection about coaching and mentoring in relation to the Field
Study course.

While mentoring entails a mentor who serves as a learner's role model, coaching in field study relates
to professional development and tries to assist students in improving their practice it makes people
optimistic about taking action. By examining their needs, having motivation, abilities, and thoughts, as well
as the process of aiding a person to progressive adjustments in their path, coaching and mentoring both
enable an individual or the learner to realize their full potential.Field study coaching and mentoring are
essential for the success and growth of the aspiring instructors.The cooperating teacher is one of the mentors
and coaches of the students who will watch over their performances, provide a concrete and meaningful
feedback not just to highlight the strong points of their performances but also to highlight the weak points,
which will be your inspiration to create more and to give more of yourself in the field. For instance, our
mentor will assist us in comprehending how an online course will be conducted as well as the required
teaching materials and assessment tools. The mentor will share his or her skills and experiences with the
mentees so they may get a sense of how they will do in an online course.When you need a capability
assessment that enables the continual and efficient improvement of your performance, turn to coaching. One
of the most important elements that will influence how field study students develop and advance toward
working in the field is coaching and mentoring. It acts as ongoing advice, monitoring, and evaluation to see
if any developments have occurred.
Mr. Enrico O. Manaid, Principal III
Gen. Gregorio Del Pilar Integrated School
Sta. Ana, Bulakan, Bulacan

The Bulacan State University Meneses Campus Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Sciences
students will be taking the Field Study Course we are asking your honorable office for permission to admit
students and allow us to observe and complete our field study course in your school. The fieldwork will start
on September 21 and last through December 15, 2022. Every Thursday from 7:00 am to 10:00 am, they will
be able to observe for three hours with a specific focus on junior high school pupils. This is related to the
CMO Series of 2005, "The New Education Program," for Teacher Education Institution, which states that all
education students must participate in field study before practicing teaching so they can reflect, observe, and
evaluate the actual classroom environment. We are hoping that we can get your approval.

Gia Maureen N. Del Rosario
FS Student

Lesson 1: Cooperating Teachers –Qualification and Responsibilities

A. Activity and D. Application:


I can infer from the image that there is a leader guiding and mentoring his followers. For the
success of their work, they may also collaborate and exchange ideas. Before developing a
relationship with his mentees, a mentor must first establish rapport.


This image illustrates how our instructor and cooperating teacher serves as our mentor,
guiding, supervising, and instructing us on how to master a particular subject. For instance, as FS
students, our cooperating teacher will: mentor us in our pursuit of becoming or practicing us being
educators in the future.


It is about mentoring, teaching and guiding individuals towards their future work.

This picture shows the celebration of the success of each other, they celebrating the wins.

Write down your expectations from your Cooperating teacher.

What I'm expecting for from my cooperating teacher is that she'll propose various teaching
approaches and techniques to enhance student learning, particularly in light of the current state of the
educational system. In an online setting where students will be paying attention and actively participating in
the discussion, I anticipate that she will mentor us and teach us how to create lesson plans, create our
instructional materials, and conduct effective and efficient discussions.She will demonstrate how the
discussion is organized and what types of assessment should be utilized to evaluate the students' learning. I
anticipate that she will constantly keep an eye on our progress and provide feedback on our performance,
especially in the areas where we need to strengthen or grow. Additionally, I hope she will give me advice on
how to behave, go about my job, and develop into a qualified teacher. She needs to be willing to listen, see,
and have an open heart in order to help us become better at what we do.

Lesson 2: Key Persons and the Role in Experiential Learning

A. Activity
Identify the following:

Cooperating principal 1. S/he assigns the qualified cooperating teacher to pre-service teachers in DepEd.
TEI Coordinator 2. Coordinates with DepEd Coordinator (regional/division) on the conduct of the
internship activities.
Cooperating teacher 3. Guides the pre-service teachers in the tasks of the teachers like making lesson
plans, making instructional materials, teaching strategies
Pre-service teachers/ FS students 4. Refer to the students taking the field study courses.
Cooperating Teacher 5. Common name to a person that has the specific task in helping the Pre service
teacher inside the cooperating school

Final Requirement
What are your expectations when you meet the key person in your assigned Cooperating School?

My expectations for the important participant in my appointed collaborating She will guide us on
how to advance professionally, which is what education is all about. That she will demonstrate to us how to
create a lesson plan, employ various tactics, prepare teaching materials, and conduct a discussion. I hope she
would give us advice on how to be better teachers to our pupils as well as offer support and interest
whenever we ask them for help.

Lesson 3: Career Stages of the Philippine Standards for Teachers (PPST)

A. Activity
Relate pictures to identify the career stages of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

1. Beginning Teacher
2. Highly Proficient Teacher
3. Distinguished Teacher
4. Proficient Teacher

D. Application
For your future reference as a successful teacher, how do you apply the career stages of Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) in your teaching profession?

PPST will serve as my mentor while I work toward becoming a teacher.more and more successful
educators. It will serve as my guide for achieving the highest level of professionalism as a teacher, from the
beginning teacher all the way up to the most renowned educator, the distinguished teacher. Of course, you
must expand your education by pursuing degrees like a master's or a doctorate if you want to advance
through the many career stages of a professional teacher. To meet the requirements of each career level, you
must have the necessary credentials.

Write down your expectations for yourself and from your Cooperating teacher after you attended your
experiential learning course.

I anticipate that my prior teaching experience and learning will resemble learning in a different way
as I learned from the observation that I had made while present, as well as from my cooperation teacher. I'll
conduct myself and act in a teacher-like manner. I will become more adept at carrying out discussions,
which I shall do creating my lesson plan and selecting my learning materials. And I hope most of all that I
will have the courage and confidence to manage a class with a diverse group of students who different

Lesson 4: Expectations from the Beginning Teacher

A. Activity
What is meant by beginning teachers?

• Beginning educators are individuals who are qualified for the teaching profession and have a solid grasp of
the subject matter in which they have received training or specialization. They are the ones with at least five
but no more than fewer years of teaching experience.

Are you familiar with the domains of the 21st -century teachers? What
are those?
• Yes, those are the content knowledge and pedagogy, learning environment, diversity of learners,
curriculum and planning, assessment and reporting, community linkages and professional engagement and
personal growth and professional development.

Do you have expectations being a Beginning teacher?

• As a new teacher, I expect learning ever more so that it will aid in my personal growth as I gain more
experience in my line of work. In order to fully explore my potential and talents as a person and educator, I
anticipate experiencing more of what I set out to experience.

C. Application
How do the Philippine Professional Standards for Teacher’s expectations congruent or relevant to the seven
(7) domains of the 21st century teachers?

Because the teacher must satisfy and possess these seven domains in order to be in the first stage or
career in the teaching profession, which is the beginning teacher, the expectations of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers are pertinent to the seven domains of 21st century teachers. Each
domain has its own strands, which the teachers will employ to develop it in the specific places where they
must. She needs to be familiar with the rules and structure of the PPST as well as its domains. As long as the
instructor fully implements the domains of 21st century teachers, it may also improve the teaching and
learning process inside the learning environment.

Lesson 1: Classroom Facilities That Support Learning



Familiarize yourself with the numerous areas and services of the school. In order to indicate the
availability, check the column. Present a brief explanation of those that are available in the last

Facilities Available Not Description


Office of the Principal


Counseling Room



1. Want to teach in the school setting that you just observed? Why? Why not?
Yes, I do, as I want to gain more experience working with fresh students and environments.
Additionally, so I can understand how those kids behave when I am educating them in front of them.

2. What kind of campus is conducive to study?

It also seems to offer tools to support students of all backgrounds in their academic aspirations.
Along with intellectual development, it must offer a variety of learning opportunities in other areas,
including physical, emotional, and social development.

3. What type of classroom is conducive to study?

A comfortable built environment where children can sit comfortably, see and understand what
their teachers are saying, and interact with other students is one of the essential components of a conducive

4. How can you achieve your answer in number 3 in the future?

This can be done by having a successful classroom teaching style. Encourage children to ask questions,
work through problems as a team, and make an assumption about the causes of observations.
Information sensitivity should be avoided. It is often desirable for students to thoroughly consider a
small number of key concepts.
5. Write your additional learning and insights here.
Because in order to correctly instruct our pupils in the future, we must possess a variety of ways.


Medical Clinic

Audio Visual/Media Room

Reading Center

Speech Laboratory

Science Laboratory



Home Economics Room

Industrial Workshop Area

PTA Office

Comfort Room for Boys

Comfort Room for Girls

Others (Please specify)

Read the paragraphs below, write down your observation report on the provided space.

1. Describe the area where the school is located in.

It is located in Sta, Ana Bulakan, Bulacan

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of the building?

The colors of the campus is Green & Yellow and it is currently build.

3. Move through the halls, what are your observations of those offices?

I noticed that the faculties of the teachers are divided based on the grade level they teach.

4. Walk through the school halls, the library, the canteen. Inspect around to find out what things has
the school to provide.

Various signage can be seen in the school halls. In the canteen, you can see chairs and seats and
trash cans.

An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

Name of the School Observed
General Gregorio Del Pilar Integrated School

School Address
Sta. Ana Bulakan, Bulacan

Date of Visit: September 21, 2022


As you do research, be guided by these activities. Then perform matrix recording your information.

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the Walls? What heroes, religious figures,
lessons visual aids, and announcement do you see posted?

What can be seen on the school wall are Lists of Class Officers, Opening and Closing Prayers,
some reminders and also some announcement.

2. Examine how they arranged furniture. Where is the table for teacher? How are the tables and
desks with chairs arranged?

The Teachers Table is in the middle in front of the blackboard and the students' seats are
arranged in pairs.

3. What learning materials/ equipment are present?

Visual Aids, PowerPoint Presentation, TV, Laptop

4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

Mostly of the classroom have 50+ students

5. Is the room well-lighted and well-ventilated?

Yes, it is well-lighted and ventilated.


Classroom Facilities (location, number, arrangement,

Around the classroom,

1. Wall Display

In front of the classroom,

2. Teachers Table

It is arranged in alternate boys and girls

3. Learners Desk

In front of the students

4. Blackboard

power point, visuals, board

5. Learning Materials
Lesson 2: Important Components of Classroom Management



Be driven by these questions as you make your classroom management observation. It is

advisable to remind the teacher for additional details so that we can evaluate your observations. Write
down your notes below; and then arrange the details in the following table.

1. Are there specific purpose areas in the classroom (storage of teaching aids, books, student
belongings supplies, etc)

inside the classroom they don't have a proper place to put their own things, it's scattered

2. Do the rules and procedures have been posted in the room?

Yes, it is posted in every room.

3. Have the students contributed to enforcing the decisions of the classroom?

Many students join us in every classroom rule that is implemented but many do not

4. What are the teacher's daily routines? (prayer, attendance, supervisory duties, warm-up tasks,
etc.) How are they done?
Praying and checking attendance is one of the first things a teacher does before class. After that, it
reviews the last discussion and opens a new lesson.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?

The seating arrangement is for boys and girls.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

The noise of High school students is really hard to rebuke. It can only be managed when they see a
teacher who is already angry.

Observation Sheet

Enable the Student-Teacher to observe you while using the strategies for providing timely,
accurate, and constructive feedback to improve learner performance. Let the ST accomplish the
observation sheet.

NAME OF ST: Ms. Caila Canquin

NAME OF CT: Mrs. Khristine Marie L. Reyes

DATE OF OBSERVATION: September 21, 2022



1. What methods or approaches does the teacher use to provide feedback?

They approach students directly who wish to impart their knowledge or ideas
2. What are the skills you observed that will help the learner's performance?
Perhaps the fact that you are content with what you are doing inspires the kids
3. If you were the teacher, what strategies are you going to use in providing feedback to help the learners
improve their performance?
Positive reinforcement of what students are doing in the classroom will increase their motivation to


1. Imagine getting your classroom planned in the future. What class/year level do you see
yourself in? What practices and procedures would you take into consideration for that level?
I will practice connecting with my future pupils when I imagine myself teaching grade 8 students
because, in my experience at GGPIS, some of them can be rather mature in their thinking and really in their
2. Create a list of the rules that you will definitely apply at this stage and are likely to implement at
this level. Why would you pick these rules?
Be punctual, considerate, and courteous. I wanted to implement these rules since, in my experience,
many of my students don't respect their peers or even the teachers they are learning from. For that reason, I
want these guidelines to be followed in my future classroom settings.
Lesson 3: Learners Behavior and Needs


Name of FS Student: Gia Maureen N. Del Rosario

Course: BSEd

Resource Teacher:

Year/Section: 3A


Use your activity form provided for you to document your observations.


Read the following paragraph below. Write down your observation report on the provided space.
If a more detailed observation is needed, your teacher can also recommend another checklist of
1. Observe their gross motor capabilities, how they are carrying themselves. How they are moving,
walking, running, going up the stairs, etc.
In my observation they are too mature for their age because others have an age that is not suitable for
their level of education
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
For me there are more smooth ones when it comes to their gross movement
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
Most of them can't really avoid being lazy in writing their lectures
1. Describe how teachers and other adults communicate.
They constantly take the time to hear each student's heart, which improves their company.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?
They are pure nonsense when they always talk because they are pure mischievousness
1. Describe the learner's emotional temperament of the learners (happy, sad, quick to cry, mood-shifts)
Mixed emotions
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
They can wait and wait together for what they want to get or do
3. How do they handle frustrations?
They talk to their adviser about their inner experiences
4. Describe their level of trust as seen in their actions.
As for the percentage, maybe 80 percent because they already have confidence
5. Describe their level of trust as seen in their actions, are they self-aware?
They know how far they can go and when they go too far, the teacher will stop them immediately
1. Describe their capacity to express their thoughts using words. Notice their mastery in the language.
If they really want to say something or answer, they are free so they can give me the answers I'm looking

2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of their thinking
They feel around them whether their behavior in school is still right

3. Were there opportunities for problem-solving? Describe how they showed problem- solving abilities.
They have unity to stop what should not be done in the classroom


1. When watching the learners, when you were their age, did you remember your own experiences?
What are your similarities or differences with the learners you have attended?
differences between my time and today. I remember when I was 13 to 16 years old, we were still chasing
each other on campus, now the kids that age have boyfriends and they are more advanced in their thinking.

2. For positive or negative reasons, think about a teacher that you can't forget. How did s/he support
you with the needs (physical, emotional, social, and mental)? How did it affect you?

I will never forget my teacher that I admire so much until now is Sir Kiko Burgos, his way is how he
handles us, how he disciplines us and how he teaches a lesson that you can really learn. And now in college,
I am very impressed with sir RS Constantino, at first I was under pressure because he is great until now, but
I admire him so much for his teaching that I wish I would be the same when I started teaching.

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