Del Rosario,Gia Maureen N._FS 1_E PORTFOLIO

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Meneses Campus
TJS Matungao, Bulakan, Bulacan
(044) 796 2661

Knowledge Shared Is
Learning Carried

Prepared By:
Gia Maureen N. Del Rosario
BSED Science 3A
Field Study Student

Prepared For:
Mr. RS Wilson D. Constantino
Field Study Adviser


This portfolio is dedicated to all the people who go

with me throughout my journey. Above all, I would like to
dedicate this work to our Almighty God, for the guidance,
strength, and knowledge he provides in conducting this

Besides, I dedicate this accomplishment to my

parents. The two people that gave me that wonderful
opportunity. My source of strength when I'm about to
quit, I hope both of you are proud of me.

It would also be a pleasure to dedicate this to my

adviser, Sir RS Constantino.

Lastly, I dedicate this final work to myself as a reward

for not giving up.

I'd like to thank every individual who helped me
and inspired me to accomplish and make this portfolio
and finish my Field Study 1 Observation.

I also want to acknowledge the school principal of

my cooperating school Gen. Gregorio Del Pilar
Integrated School, Mr. Enrico O. Manaid, for letting us
be field study student observers and practice teachers
for letting us be part of the school as we gain new
experiences and ideas on how to be a teacher.

I want to acknowledge too my cooperating

teacher, Mrs. Khristine Marie L. Reyes for sharing his
ideas and knowledge regarding my future profession
and for allotting her time for teaching some techniques
and how to handle them, and also for allowing me to
observe and handle in her class. Also, gratitude to Sir
RS Constantino, my Field Study 1 professor, who gave
me this chance and inspired me to become a teacher.

Then, to my family for their undying support both
emotional and financial. Extend my gratitude to all the
students who help me experience how to be a teacher
and helped me to develop my weaknesses and improve
my strengths.

I also want to acknowledge all my classmates,

friends, and my fellow practice teachers especially
Ma’am Caila Canquin for the help, advice, and
support, she gave to me.

Lastly, I want to acknowledge the grace of our beloved

God for his guidance and for giving me those people
who help me to accomplish this work.

Table of Contents............................................................5
FSS Biography...................................................................9
Cooperating School.........................................................10
Cooperating Teacher.......................................................11
Beliefs on Teaching...........................................................12-14
Certificate of Completion................................................15
Completion of Worksheets..............................................16-51
Reflection on the
Field Study Observed.........................................................52-87
Evidence of Learning..........................................................88-91
Professional Readings......................................................92-95
Video Compilation on
Teaching and Learning.......................................................96
Interview with a Secondary School...............................97-99
Demonstration Teaching................................................100-105
Rating Scale.........................................................................106-110
My Goal as a Future Educator........................................111-113
Curriculum Vitae................................................................114

The curriculum requires pre-service teachers to
participate in field study courses. It is a subject that
emphasizes experiential learning and observation of
the field study student. The focus in field study classes
was on the individual experiences students gained
from handling real-world tasks and problems. In the
teaching and learning process, the student instructors
must deal with actual settings where the studied
concepts, principles, approaches, methodologies, and
strategies are put into practice. Students' first-hand
experiences assist them to improve and enhance their
learning as well as their understanding and
knowledge. Student observers will learn about the
learner's behavior throughout the various stages of
development, the school setting, and the school
community in Field Study 1. As they see the school's
organizational structure, its classrooms, its facilities,
its teachers, its parents, and its pupils, it provides
them with opportunities for career development.

They will have opportunities to improve their
communication skills as they interact with their
companion, cooperating teachers, students, and
parents during this observation course. The
interactions between instructors, students, parents,
and other stakeholders are part of this observation.
For a field study student like me, Field Study 1 offers
many educational opportunities. The purpose of Field
Study 1 is to assist Field Study students in confirming
the students ’ behavior in the actual learning
environment. Students can gather their personal data
during the field study, which also gives them the
opportunity to expand their classroom learning
through direct observation and experience. Designed
to identify the most effective teaching strategies while
considering the learner's different developmental
phases and situational relationships. During this
observation course, they will be able to communicate
more effectively as they improve student learning
outcomes to the cooperating teachers, students, and
parents. This observation includes the relationships
between the stakeholder owners, parents, and

Field studies are an instructional method that
makes learning more active by putting students to
work in real-world situations and utilizing their
current skills, knowledge, and positive attitudes. As
field study students, this is our first exposure. We
expect that it won't be simple at first since we need to
get along well with the students so that they can trust
us just as much as they trust their teachers, who will
serve as our cooperating teachers. Another thing I
anticipate is improving my comfort while dealing with
children when it comes to teaching and learning more
about the responsibilities of being a future teacher
with the help of my cooperating teacher, students, and
the cooperating school that I chose.


Hello! I'm Gia Maureen N. Del Rosario

21 years old. I was born October 2, 2001. I live
in 547 Bagio St. Bagumbayan, Bulakan, Bulacan. You can
watch my video presentation to know me more, just click the
Video or Link below. Enjoy!


The cooperating
school I have chosen
is Gen. Gregorio Del
Pilar Integrated
School. I'm glad
because I've learned
lot of new teaching

And I look forward to

gain more knowledge
at the school that I
was chosen to take
part in my field study

My cooperating teacher
is Mrs. Khristine Marie
L. Reyes, Teacher I at
Gen Gregorio Del Pilar
Integrated School

Mrs. Khristine L. Reyes


Since we've only been working together for about four months,
my cooperating teacher has been a great help to me in terms of
teaching and student supervision. And I'm grateful because even
in our brief moment together, we created happy memories. I
hope that in my next journey in Field Study 2 he will still be my
companion and I will grow even more with the things he can
share with me.
I believe that being a teacher is one of the hardest
and most passionate professions. Teaching is the most
desirable profession nowadays. The importance of the
Teaching Profession includes fun and learning
together. Being in the teaching profession doesn’t
mean you have to share your knowledge sometimes
teachers themselves learn something new through
teaching experiences. Teachers play a vital role in
student’s life by helping them achieve their goals.
Therefore, choosing the Teaching Profession offers
endless career opportunities. However, teaching is not
the only profession, since it depends on how dedicated
you are to your profession. Before I have my
observation for Field Study 1, I observed on the
primary level during my Immersion when I was in
Senior High School. There’s had wide disparity
because I observed preschool when I was a senior high
school student and now I am in grade 8 as a field study

When it comes to behavior, obedience, and how they
absorb what they have learned, it has a big difference.
In my heart, I've always wanted to be a teacher since
I was young because I thought that being a teacher was
easy, but being a teacher is not that easy. As I
experience observing for my Field Study there are a lot
of things that I realized. I think what I know before
about teaching strategy is right and some things that I
thought were right but should not be done or not
needed were changed because of the observation that
happened. A teacher must have a creative teaching
strategy for it will not just help students to learn but
also build their confidence and also they enjoyment. I
also believe that students learn best when actively
engaged. Since engaging students in creative teaching
requires demonstrating how the material covered in
the session links to their own lives and the wider
environment. Teachers can determine the most
appropriate teaching methods by getting to know their
students and their backgrounds.

Before, I believe being a teacher is a profession
where you earn money but entering my cooperating
school and also with the help of my cooperating
teacher and also my students I realized that being a
teacher is a most passionate profession and I learned
how to love and feel loved by your students also the
people around you. And lastly, students deserve a
positive environment to learn, due to having a positive
and good environment for a student, they will work
harder to study and learn, I think it is essential to
establish a comfortable and informal atmosphere
inside the classroom. Students' emotional and
behavioral management is encouraged, their attention
is boosted, and anxiety is decreased in a positive
learning environment. When teachers promote a
positive learning environment, students are more
likely to become more engaged, which produces
excellent learning outcomes. In addition, I learned
from my Field Study observation that it's important to
always reflect on and evaluate our teaching methods to
achieve good teaching standards.



Observation of Demo Teaching

Grade 8 Demonstration Teaching (Science - 7 E's Method):
Pseudo Demonstration Teaching “Minimizing Human
Impact on the Environment”.

Sir Neil begins by presenting the lesson's objectives,

which include the content standard, performance standard,
and learning competency. A greeting and a prayer began
the demonstration. He performs a song for his preliminary
activities as well. The next step is the attendance check,
then the classroom rules. Teacher Neil conducted an
activity that presented pictures and the students guess what
it is for the elicits or exploration part. He also gives
preliminary information and asks some questions as an
introduction to the topic. The student’s participation is
beneficial in assessing their prior knowledge about the
topic. Sir Neil also use engaging question for the class
which can lead to the proper lesson. Afterward, he
conducted an activity about Global Warming to further
understand the lesson where the students grouped into 4 to
answer the said activity given by Sir Neil. He introduced
first to the activity and what should the students do, he gave
four learning areas with different learning topics to be
observed, and after that wrote notes about what they

Additionally, it might be useful in showing the student's
talents and abilities, and areas of interest. I also
discovered that engaging students in learning activities
are a good method to explain and interpret the lesson.
Students can easily absorb the ideas and information
because they are engaged. “Learning by Doing”

Interview of Teacher on
Lesson Plan Preparation

Ms. Arrian Marie O. Bunda

Teacher I
Tonight, a few of my classmates and I conducted an
interview with Ms. Arrian Marie O. Bunda, Teacher 1 at
Gen Gregorio Del Pilar Integrated School, regarding the
preparation of lesson plans. He teaches science to students
in grade 8.
Video Link of interview:

Pre- Observation

Post- Observation

It happened on December 16,2022, the last day of my Field

Study 1 Journey. On this day, I gave my cooperating teacher with a
certificate of appreciation and a small gesture of my gratitude for all
the knowledge and assistance he shared with me. On the same day, I
also received a certificate of completion, signifying the completion of
my Field Study 1 observation. I put in a lot of effort for over four
months, and my rating scale also contains grades for participation.
We also had a conversation with my cooperating teacher, and he told
me what he had noticed in terms of how I managed the students and
taught them. This made me glad because it meant that the students I
was teaching had also learned something from the experience. After
that, we headed to the principal's office to obtain Mr. Enrico O.
Manaid to sign our rating scale. And to be able to express our
gratitude to him for giving us the chance to participate in the school
of our choice. He also said that the school is always available for
those of us who aspire to become teachers during the little
Anecdotal Report Of
I will generalize my anecdotal observation report because
there was no problem on the days I entered and observed the
class. It's feasible that the only students I observed were
those in the high school department. Whereas not all of
them were rude and disrespectful, the majority of them were
noisy and difficult to scold. Also some of young students has
a boyfriend or girlfriend, which is not bad, but the only thing
I've noticed that's bad is that, whether they're in the
classroom or outside during free time or recess, they're
holding hands or, more frequently, hugging. This is bad
because they're in a public setting, and because they're
wearing uniforms, it's obvious which school they're going to
However, I could only see the attitudes of the students as I
entered in to classroom. I'm glad to see that many of the
students appreciate and pay attention to us, despite the fact
that there are still disparities between how the students
engage with us as field study students and the practice

Class Routines
Based on my observations of the class with Mrs.
Khristine Marie L. Reyes, my cooperating teacher, the
routines are clear. She starts with a Greeting followed by
Checking of Attendance of the class. Then she proceeds to
the lesson properly. I admire her dedication to teaching the
Science class. She is very active in her class. She explains
and elaborates on the topic by giving examples so that
students understand it well.

The routines are observable based on observation of the

class with Ms. Caila Canquin a Practice teacher. She usually
starts with Greetings. After the Greetings, Ms. Caquin
checks the Attendance of the class. Then afterward, she will
start by reviewing the previous lesson and sometimes
checking the assignment they had received at the previous

Her class is interactive, and when she presents the topic's

presentations, she briefly explains it with the use of topic-
related examples. She encourages her students to read the
presentation while also providing examples, using the index
card with their names on it. She will seek clarification
before formally ending the discussion. After that, she finally
starts assigning tasks.

Preparation of
Instructional Materials
Listed below are the learning materials of Practice
Teacher ,Ma'am Caila Canquin used:
PowerPoint Presentation
Chalk and Board
Index Card

Link of PowerPoint Presentations:

1st Quarter and 2nd Quarter

Class Activities
November 3, 2022
Experiment: It’s My Fault (S8ES-IIa- 14)





November 4,2022
Activity: Emergency Survival Kit (S8ES-IIa- 15)




November 10, 2022
Plickers Activity about Module 2 (S8ES-IIa- 15)


November 17, 2022
Activity: Epicenter, Focus, and Faults. (S8ES-IIa- 15)




Assessment Practices

Demonstration Teaching

Demonstration Teaching

November 28, 2022

Grade 8 Demonstration Teaching ( Science 8)

Typhoon Formation and Tropical Cyclone

Today, November 28, 2022. The Practice Teacher who was with me in the
field is now in the final demo, I know what he went through to get here was not
easy and I also know that I will also go through that when I am in my 4th year. In
all the preparations he has done until this day, I have learned a lot and picked up
methods on how to become a practice teacher.

So today, this is the day of her final demo, I was one of the lucky ones to
watch her final demo with the observers, Sir RS Wilson Constantino, our
supervisor in the field study and practice teachers, along with Sir Joselito Javier,
the Head teacher I of GGPIS and Ma'am Khristine L. Reyes is our Cooperating
Teacher and Science Coordinator.

Before Ma'am Caila started the demonstration she started with greetings and
prayers and gave classroom rules. Now Ma'am Caila started giving an example
that points the previous discussion towards the new lesson that will be discussed
today. And this is the game Picture Parade, here I noticed that the children
tested their thinking to form the jumbled letters, I think that is a good practice so
that from the very beginning of the discussion, the students are engaged and
they are already active immediately upon class participation, followed by
presenting the lesson's objectives, which include the content standard,
performance standard, and learning competency.

After discussing the lesson objectives, there was an activity where the class
formed a group and they will make the cyclone tube tornado in a bottle and after
the activity they have a guide question to answer where the students will see a
clearer representation of the topic to be studied today. And now ma'am Caila
went to teach the lesson proper where she discussed typhoon, the difference
between typhoon, cyclone and hurricane where there is really no difference
between those three but they are called differently because of which place it will
form. And then the three parts of the typhoon were discussed. Effects of
landmasses and bodies of water to tropical cyclones was discussed next and
followed by how the typhoon is formed and the different stages of the typhoon. I
noticed throughout Ma'am Caila's discussion that the learning did not only come
from her but also from the students she taught, she became student centered
which is good because apart from the knowledge she can provide, there are also
ideas and knowledge that share the students, there was an interaction between
her and the children who were listening and learning from his discussion. After
the discussion, there was another activity where the developing mastery of the
children could be tested where there was data given and the students would stick
the name of the typhoon that is included in the wind speed of a typhoon. Before
the discussion ended, the recall of the topic followed by giving a question to be
answered by the children to determine if the students had learned anything, then
Ma'am Caila introduced a game, it was the Plickers game, it was fun. because
you will see the children more active because they have a card with a QR code
after showing the question they will raise it to show their answer and using the
other device will scan it and the students' answer will be generated. In this part, I
noticed that the children became more active and I also saw that they really
learned the discussion and they really enjoyed their correct answers. And before
the end of the lesson, Ma'am Caila gave an assignment for their additional
activities to measure the deeper learning of the day. He finished this day that the
children learned something and I also gained some days that will help me when
it's my turn to do Demonstration Teaching.

All I can say about the whole discussion and Ma'am Caila's teaching
ability is that she showed very well that she can do it even though her voice is
weak but her final demonstration was almost perfect

School Forms

Networking and Linkages


To view the answers to the Module in Field Study 1 from

Units 1 to 5, check out this link.


August 25, 2022

First meeting for Orientation of the

Subject Course Field Study 1 (EDUC 306)

For Orientation of the Subject Course Field Study 1 (EDUC
306), Sir RS Wilson D.R. Constantino and BSED Science 3A
will be meeting for the first time today. Use basic etiquette
upon entering the classroom, such as saying "Good morning,"
and then Sir RS will check how many participants are there for
the meeting today. Additionally, he reminds us to always
arrive on time, especially when we are going to deploy. He also
questioned us about whether we had already reviewed at our
academic records on the BulSU Portal.

Now, he started the main agenda of the meeting today

which is Orientation of the Subject Course Field Study 1
(EDUC 306).
Deployed physically with the Cooperating School of our
Checking of requirements for deployment.
Description of Field Study 1; Observation.
DO's and DONT's during the Observation.
Policies and guidelines on the deployment of pre- service
teachers for field study and teaching internship.
Explaining the Joint CHED DepED Memorandum Order.
Discussion of the entries in our E-Portfolio.

September 1, 2022

Curriculum, NCBTS ,PPST, and Teacher

Professional Framework

Sir RS needs to emphasize the importance of regular
attending at the meeting today. He also claims to have a lot of
information to update regarding the deployment of our
documentary attachments for the Field Study, including:
Phil health Number
Copy of Vaccination

And also today the main lesson is about the highlights of the
Curriculum; Curriculum of BSED Curriculum is an organized
plan on how the program should be implemented. Today's
meeting also focused on the following:
Content of Curriculum of BSED
CMO no. 20 s. of 2013
*General Education Subjects
*Professional Education Courses
*Differences between CHED and BulSU
The transition from NCBTS to PPST
Career Stages of PPST


(Special Meeting FS 1)

September 10, 2022 Clarification of

attachments for Field
Study 1

September 12-14, 2022


Bulacan State University- Meneses Campus conducted a
three day seminar for Field Study Student and Pre Service
Teachers. The seminar started September 12 to September
14, 2022. Giving the initial opening remarks was led by Dr.
Alberto Valenzuela, Dean of the Meneses Campus. He
started it by thanking the people behind the successful
program, which had a theme PRE- SERVICE AND
PINNING CEREMONY 2022 Transitioning to face-to-face
classes in the new normal: Fostering Education
Continuity, Safety Protocol, and Pedagogical Practices,
under the following programs BEED, BPED, BSED and
BTVTED. After that, the resource speakers who will be in
the coming days will be introduced. On the first day of the
seminar the assigned resource speakers are Ms. Analiza
Ramos, Teacher I from Obando Central School and Mr.
John Joshua P. Cudia, a Head Teacher I of Balite
Elementary School. On the second day Ms. Mischelle Abad,
Teacher III from Bangkal Elementary School and another
resource speaker is Ms. Kathlene Ruth C. Rabusa, RN from
DEPED, School Division of Bulacan. On the third day Prof.
Julius D. Somera Principal from Trinity University Of Asia
High School with Mrs. Ma. C Tigno, RGC head of CARDSIS

And one of the things that struck me the most was what Dr.
Alberto Valenzuela said that the most important domain of
learning is the Affective domain because knowledge and
skills are irrelevant if you don't have the proper attitude
and right values.

September 12, 2022

On the first day, Session 1. Tackled about the
Classroom management, the do's and don'ts in face to face,
synchronous and blended learning to be led by Ms. Analiza
Ramos. Followed by session 2, held by Mr. John Joshua P.
Cudia introducing and sharing knowledge about enriching
instruction through education technology.

September 13, 2022

On the second day, led by Ms. Mischelle Abad the
topic of crafting the lesson plan and DLL in the new normal
in this session I learned a lot and picked up lessons on
techniques and ways to make a lesson plan. And in session
4, it's about guidelines on health and safety s.2022 CMO no
.6 s. 2022 taught by Ms. Kathlene C Rabusa, RN.

September 14, 2022
This is the last day of the seminar and on this day
Prof. Julius D. Somera gave information about
transitioning to face to face classes in the new normal:
fostering educational continuum, safety protocol, and
pedagogical practices. And for the last session, it was led by
Ma. Adora C Tigno, RGC about the Pre-Deployment


(Special Meeting FS 1)

September 25, 2022 Addressing concern

about the time and
schedule for Field Study 1


(Meeting with GGPIS)

Addressing concern and

requesting having a
Friday meeting for FS1
September 29, 2022
but Sir RS said that it is
not enough to return
without a request, one
must go through the


(Special Meeting FS1)

Addressing concers,
October 1, 2022
Answering data sheet for
Field Study Student for
requesting other day.


(Special Meeting FS1)

Preparation of
Certificate for
Cooperating Teacher,
October 8, 2022
Practice good rapport
with Cooperating
Teacher, Asking


(Special Meeting FS1)

Update with sir RS about
the experiences in Field
Study 1, Updating us about
the schedule of Final
Demo so we can watch the
November 5, 2022 Practice teacher because
this is one of our
requirements to be placed
in the e portfolio. Also
asking concers about the E


(Special Meeting FS1)

Addressing concerns
about content included in
E Portfolio, Modules and
we were updated on our
schedule for fs 2 which will
November 26, 2022 start in January and before
we start, sir also planned to
hold a seminar for the
upcoming fs 2 also asked if
it is possible to have the
same cooperating teacher
in fs 2.

September 21, 2022

Official Deployment, Orientation with Cooperating

Teacher and First day of Observation.

This was the day when our official deployment happened at
the Gen. Gregorio Del Pilar Integrated School, the school we
chose, since today is the first day of our observation as field
study students, I felt a mix of emotions and I'm excited to
learn new things, techniques and ways how to handle class,
make new friends. Also having good memories with the
students and teachers at GGPIS. Our Field Study professor, Sir
RS Wilson D.R Constantino, introduced us to the school
principal, Mr. Enrico O. Manaid, who made us feel very
welcome in our chosen school to gain knowledge as future
teachers. We were also introduced to Mr. Joselito Javier, a
master teacher I, and the Science coordinator, Mrs. Kristine L.
Reyes. Then, we draw lots and I got Mrs. Khristine L. Reyes,
grade 8 science teacher. I also got a partner, a Practice teacher
named Ms. Caila Canquin. I communicate with her and asked
her about her experiences in her FS 1. After the orientation
happened in the principal's office, we proceeded to Mrs. Reyes
faculty along with Ms. Caila Before we began on our
observation, my co-practice teacher and I attended an
orientation where Mrs. Khristine explained her teaching
schedule and the grade 8 topics she will cover from the first to
the fourth quarter. She created Group chat as well so we could
communicate there. I also requested permission to document
my observations daily with pictures. After that, my
cooperating teacher introduces us to the class as we enter the

From 9:30 to 10:30 class we observed Ma'am Khristine at
Grade 8 Arcturus. It started with greetings followed by
checking the attendance. Today's topic is Concept of Potential
and Kinetic Energy. Now that I observe ma'am Khristine's way
of teaching, in order to interact with the children, he would
ask questions related to the topic. She also gives an example
related to the topic, drawing of illustration so that the children
can better understand the concepts. One of the things that
stuck in my mind in the discussion of ma'am was that she gave
a representation where the kinetic was represented by the
slippers and the potential is the can in the game "tumbang
preso" After the discussion, he had the students copy the
lesson and it was also checked. Before ending class, Ma'am
Khristine informed the students that there will be a
celebration of mathematics and science. There have also been
events like quiz bees, scie-tokperiment, and essay writing
advertised for the celebration. And the Youth for Environment
in School Organization, or more commonly known as YES-O,
will also be carrying out an activity called the ECO-Modelo
2022. One of the requirements is that each section must have a
representative and that the attire will be made of recycled
materials. To win with the popularity increasing each section
of salable goods, there will be an elimination round and the
final will be held on October 7, 2022.

September 22, 2022

Second Day of Field Study 1 Observation

As a first timer who has only recently had the opportunity to
interact with them and be exposed to this environment where
the students have different personalities that I still don't know
how to handle, I am still adjusting to how to approach the
students that I will be handling on this, my second day in the
field. Today I had the opportunity to meet two sections out of
five sections held by my Cooperating teacher. In the first
meeting from 7 in the morning to 8 am together with my
Cooperating teacher and the Practice teacher, we went to
Ma'am Khristine's advisory class, this is the Grade 8 Cepheus,
at first the students greeted the three of us and after that we
were introduced by Ma'am Khristine in the class and gave us
the opportunity to introduce myself in front. This is one of the
things I will never forget because it seems like I remember
introducing myself in front as a student in elementary, high
school and senior high school but now I introduce myself to
the students as a future teacher. After I introduced myself,
there was a meeting with Sir Enrico O. Manaid, the principal
of GGPIS, the urgent meeting was only about the rules and
advice shared with us and other Field Study Students. After
that, I immediately returned to Ma'am Khristine's room and
found that she was discussing the concept of Kinetic and
Potential Energy. And after the discussion from 8 am to 9:00
am, my Cooperating Teacher taught me how to make a
Contextualized Lesson Plan, this is what they use here at my
Cooperating School.

Today, from 9:30 to 10:30 in the morning, my Cooperating
teacher and I were in Grade 8 Arcturus and we had a quiz at
that time and Ma'am Khristine came down to the Faculty room
and I facilitated the class while doing the quiz. And I'm happy
because even though it's only my second day but I'm
immediately exposed to that opportunity, the day will come
when I'll be a teacher too and facilitate a class so that when I'm
there I won't have any trouble communicating to the students
and I can handle the class.

September 29, 2022

Checking and Recording of Quiz and Assignment

No Class at GGPIS

October 6, 2022

First observation on the teaching of Practice teacher

Ma'am Caila Canquin

Today from 7 am to 10:30 am I observed at GGPIS and today
what I observed was the practice teacher Ma'am Caila Canquin
in two sections that I observed Grade 8 Cepheus and Grade 8
Arcturus was started by Ma'am Cai in the class routine such as
greetings, checking attendance and also checking activity. And
continued with the lesson objectives and went to the lesson
proper of the discussion and the topic is about the Hierarchy
of Colors. The whole discussion was good and I also observed
that giving more examples to the students that he did was a
big help for the children to understand the topic better and he
also provided videos related to the topic for a more in-depth
understanding After the discussion, there was a generalization
of what the students learned today and afterwards there was a
quiz to further test if they had learned anything. One of the
things that I observed in Ma'am's teaching is that her voice is
weak, so you can't hear in the back, so the other students don't
listen, but Ma'am Caila's discussion the way of delivering and
giving information is good.

October 13, 2022

My first Discussion at My Cooperating School

13 October 2022, Even though the 13th is traditionally
unfortunate day for all, but for me this is my best day. If you're
asking why, there is just one reason. I am at my best when I
am doing what I love to do, which is teaching. I'm not sure
how I'll feel now; I wasn't particularly anxious to speak with
the students, but my heart was filled with happiness that I was
able to impart knowledge to the students, and I was grateful
that I had the opportunity to teach. I began with greetings,
followed by checking attendance, and concluded with a
discussion of the classroom rules. I've begun the actual lesson,
which is about heat and temperature. In order to ensure that
the class would not be boring, I aimed to engage the students
more during the discussion from the beginning. I also
explained the three different temperature scales: Kelvin,
Fahrenheit, and Celsius. In this section, I also began to teach
temperature conversion. This was challenging for some
students because of the different calculators being used and
their incapacity to follow along. Phase change was the final
topic I addressed. More examples in this part would have
helped the student understand the various types of phase
changes, which would have helped my discussion. In order for
them to engage more during the final presentation, I assess
what they have learnt from what I've taught them and what
area they have worked upon. I also gave them an assignment
to assist them in understanding what I discussed about more

October 20, 2022

Checking and Recording of Activity

Midterm Examination

October 27-28, 2022

Day 1 and Day 2 of First Periodical Examination

Today at Gen. Gregorio Del Pilar Integrated School is exam day,

First Periodical Examination conducted during two days in
October 27–28, 2022. I was also assigned inside the room to watch
the students who took the exam 4 subjects were taken on the first
day (English, Filipino, Science, and Araling Pilipino), and 4
subjects on the second day ( Mathematics, MAPEH, TLE and
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao). There are some students that finish
quickly and are not very serious about taking the exam, therefore
there are other pupils who are completely concentrated on their
exam, and I have also observed that several subjects, particularly
their subject of mathematics, are really challenging for them.

November 3, 2022

Experiment: It's My Fault

Ma'am Caila Canquin gave the students instructions on what they

should bring for the It's My Fault experiment. Each of the five
groups goes to their designated place independently. Ma'am Cai
delivers a discussion on the instructions for the activity as well as
the questions that each group answered and explained in front of
the class. She also gave the group the grading criteria. Each group
then began the task, and everyone started working to support each
other immediately

November 4, 2022

Activity: Emergency Survival Kit

We had to be ready when the quake happened. In in addition to

assigning me the task of creating an activity focused around the
emergency survival kit, my cooperating teacher asked me to
supervise the class. Then I go through the instructions and the
necessary drawings for the task, as well as the fact that after
drawing an emergency survival kit on the bond paper's backside,
students must explain why they will bring the items in the
drawing. I used a Rubric that I also gave to evaluate each drawing.

November 10, 2022

Plickers Activity about Module 2

Ma'am Caila Canquin introduces the interactive activity for today,

the Plickers Activity. For this activity, Ma'am Cai provided a sheet
of paper with a QR code printed on it. She now begins the activity
with questions chosen from Module 2's Epicenter, Focus, and
Faults. The pupils' level of engagement in that kind of activity
impressed me, and I think it will be helpful to me in the future.

November 17, 2022

Activity: Epicenter, Focus, and Faults

Ma'am Caila Canquin assigned the pupils a task today that

required them to design a future version of their house that they
considered would be safe and capable of surviving an earthquake.
On the back of the bond paper, they will also explain why they
constructed their house that way and how it can survive. I was the
one who supervised the next sections because Ma'am Cai preparing
her stuff for her final demo.

November 24, 2022

Preparation and Dry Run of Practice Teacher for her

Final Demonstration

Ma'am Caila had a dry run and preparation for her final demo today,
many changes need to be made because there are parts of the
discussion that are not engaging with the students and are too boring
that the children may not listen. But the way of teaching is fine that
while I watch and observe Ma'am Caila, I write my comments in the
notebook so that after her practice I can say the weak points just like
speaking uhm and ah, she needs it avoid and he also needs to
strengthen his voice because it is weak and cannot be heard in the back
and also needs to adjust time because there is a lack of time for
teaching the entire topic, he needs time management.


Environmental Awareness and Practices among High
School Students: Basis for Disaster Preparedness Program
Inhabitants of Mother Earth are now experiencing the
effects of climate change, global warming, ozone depletion,
pollution, species extinction, desertification and improper
waste management. This mundane phenomenon is global
and the Philippines is not exempted from these
environmental threats and challenges. Thus, this study was
conducted to determine the environmental awareness and
practices among high school students. To address this
problem, the researchers used descriptive-correlational
method utilizing the developed research instrument
administered to the 935 participants. Findings of the study
revealed that the extent of awareness and practices of the
high school students were great except in the greening of the
environment where the practices is only moderate. Likewise,
the same results were obtained when participants were
grouped according to the selected variables. However, when
grouped according to topography, the extent of awareness
and practices of those living in the coastal areas is moderate.

Findings also revealed that significant differences in the
environmental awareness and practices of the high
school students were observed on the greening of the
environment, elimination of pollutants, and maintaining
ecological balance. Likewise, the study shows that there
is a significant correlation between high school students
extent of awareness and practices. Along this line, the
study concludes that high school students are aware and
their awareness are related to their practices. The study
therefore, recommends that schools should advocate and
integrate environmental education with emphasis on the
greening of the environment.

Keywords: Environmental Awareness, Practices, High School

Students, Disaster Preparedness Program


We are aware that many people nowadays don't value

nature as much as they once did and frequently wonder
why there are issues like flooding. There are also the
many forms of pollution that we experience, and the
number of incidents is increasing as a result of our
carelessness with the environment. Our environment's
rapid degradation and the earth's resources' rapid
depletion are realities that cannot be denied any longer.
The water environment, farmland, and forested areas are
all damaged. These are major threats to both humans and
nature. Environmental degradation has a broad impact.
Due to man's complete disregard for the environment,
natural disasters have become worse. The quality of the
environment and its capacity to support life are currently
decreasing at an alarming pace due to a fast-growing
human population and advanced technologies.

As a future Science, Teacher natural disasters cannot

be avoided, but harm can be reduced if people are made
aware of their effects and the current environmental
conditions. Their awareness of environmental issues and
behaviors would assist moderate the impact of these
natural disasters.

The purpose of this study is to determine the
environmental awareness and practices among high
school students as the basis for disaster preparedness
programs. Specifically, this research determined
environmental awareness and practices in terms of the
greening of the environment, proper waste disposal,
elimination of pollutants, environmental education and
accountability, and maintaining ecological balance. The
most effective approach is to begin educating the young
because they will get more benefits from it.


This video contains some videos and pictures while

completing and working on my portfolio


Mrs. Khristine Marie L. Reyes

Cooperating Teacher/ Science Coordinator at GGPIS

1. How do you prepare your instructional materials?

One factor to make learning successful is good instructional
materials, and for me I need to use adequate instructional
materials and it is vital to apply a variety of them in order to
enhance the quality of learning.

2. What characteristics do students want their teachers to

In my opinion, students want a teacher who will not only impart
knowledge but also have an impact on their life.

3. What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing
today’s education system?
Regarding the various challenges we are facing in the education
industry, there is the post- COVID lockdown scenario. The
primary challenge is the imbalance between the efficiency, the
pace of learning, quality, and overall learning experience in offline
and online classes.

4. What qualities make a great teacher?

Being a great teacher has patience, empathy, there's a drive for
self improvement and also being an adaptable.

5. How do you motivate your students to become active

learners in your classroom?
One way to encourage students and teach them responsibility is
to get them involved in the classroom. Make participating fun by
giving each student a job to do.

6. What coping mechanisms do you have in hand since we

are back in on-site learning from online learning?
The first step is to acknowledge these feelings and then take
small but tangible actions to work through them.

7. What are the various types of assessment methods that

you often use?
Diagnostic Assessment, Formative Assessment, and Summative

8. How do you use technology in the classroom?
Integrating simple technologies like PowerPoint, games,
internet homework or assignments or online grading system can
be difference makers in student growth in the classroom.

9. How was your experience being a cooperating teacher

about coaching/mentoring pre-service teachers for the
first time?
I am happy to guide the new teachers with curriculum ,
teaching strategies, and communication skills. My favorite part
of it is providing encouragement, advice and examples.

10. What best advice can you give pre-service teachers who
aspire to be in the profession someday?
Smile every day. Greet students with warmth. Be flexible. Just
because you plan for something doesn't mean that's the way it
should happen. Remember that you will never know everything,
so just enjoy the learning process.









Before, when I was a child my dream was to become a
teacher not because my parents wanted that for me, nor
because most of my relatives were teachers and had a
grandmother who was a former principal. They say being
a teacher runs in our blood. But in my heart, I've always
wanted to be a teacher since I was young because I
thought that being a teacher was easy, but being a teacher
is not as easy as my childhood imagination. However,
here I am in 3rd year of college taking a Bachelor of
Secondary Education Major in Sciences. Every time I ask
myself, are you sure about your course? because maybe
shortly that's your profession, and you can't refuse or give
up. Also, there are many what-if questions in my mind,
what if teaching is not really for me? What am I in the
future? What will be my profession? those kinds of what-
if questions disturb me. But now I'm here, close to the
reality of teaching. As a future educator, it is very
important to know what your purpose is. I’m Gia
Maureen N. Del Rosario and these are my goals when I
become a teacher.

My first goal is to develop myself and of course, to achieve
my goal of becoming a future educator, I plan to successfully
finish this course. After graduation, I plan to teach in a private
school for me to gain experience. This will also be a good
opportunity for me to review and prepare because my ultimate
goal is to pass the LET exam and be able to pass it in one take,
with God’s mercy. I am manifesting that I will pass it. After, I
plan to continue teaching whether in private or public school.
I know I will be needing a lot of strength in accomplishing all
of this. And I would also have a lot of time to gain more
knowledge and wisdom along the way. Now, let’s talk about
my plan and goals as a future teacher. I ensure positive
reinforcement, include as many interactive and engaging
lessons in my teaching, and ensure fairness for rules and
expectations for all students and classes. Because of having a
good and positive environment. The students learned more
when the class is fun but there are still lessons to be learned
that will make the class more lively and not boring because
even as a student, I learn more when the class is fun and
entertaining. I wanted them to feel that my class and our
classroom is their safe place where they can express
themselves freely. Another goal of mine as a future educator is
to have equal love for each student because I have observed
that not all children have the same ability and intelligence. by
showing them the same love and sympathy no one is left
behind, it is indeed difficult to study.

So as future educator by showing them equality they
will feel that it is difficult to study but it will be easy if the
people around you see your value.
I've always wanted all of this, so one of my goals is to
never get tired of dreaming for myself as a future
educator. I will continue to crave a good future and my
desire to be able to teach. To my future teacher, I’m so
proud of you.







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