CS 6360 Fall 2011 Final Project

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CS 6360 Fall 2011 Final Project Group project: 3 to 4 students per group (preferable).

If you want to do individual project that is also acceptable. Due date: 12/16/2011 11:55 pm, must show demo to the TA. Note that last date to show Demo will be on Dec 17, 2011 (timing will be announced in the class). If you want to show demo earlier instead of Dec 17, 2011 that is possibleplease consult with TA. Please form groups of 3 to 4 students and choose one of the below projects or come up with your own project with Dr. Khans approval. You will need to submit the complete project files including source codes and short project design report (at most 3 pages) in eLearning. Please mention your group member names in the design report.

1. Online Malicious URL Detection: a. Extract all URLs from a web page and store in an XML file. b. Send the XML file to the server which will query a Database Table to get the URL rank and label (e.g. URL Malicious/Benign with confidence value). c. Output the rank and label to a new XML file and send back again to client. d. Client should display the rank and label of any URL on the page when the mouse moves over that URL. 2. Online Technical report management system a. Upload, list, search and view technical reports. 3. RSS feed aggregation a. Aggregate RSS feeds from a given list b. User should be able to create lists of RSS feeds to aggregate, view and search 4. DBMS Schema to XML Schema a. Read metadata of a database and create corresponding XML schema files b. Export data to XML file corresponding to created XSD c. Validate XML with XSD 5. XML Schema to DBMS a. Convert XML schema file to relational database schema b. Import data from XML file into created database 6. Online Banking system a. Create account, update account information, create and issue checks b. Deposit, withdraw, transfer using cash or checks c. Must ensure database consistency using transactions! 7. Online Car rental system a. Add and remove cars owned by the company

b. Create, update, cancel reservations c. Check-out and check-in cars 8. Online XML based music database a. Add, update, delete music information to XML file b. Search music information using XQuery 9. Friends finder a. Users can create profiles, specify information like interests, goals, experiences b. System suggests other profiles that are most similar c. Cluster groups of profiles that are most similar to each other 10. Job finder a. Employers submit job postings, defining requirements b. Job seekers post resumes/profiles, defining skills c. System suggests job-seekers to potential employers d. System suggests potential jobs to job seekers 11. Project management system a. Define project components, completion times and dependencies between them b. Show the project in a graph c. Find the topological ordering of the tasks d. Find which tasks can be worked in parallel e. Find earliest finishing time 12. Resource scheduling a. Define classrooms, courses, professors b. Assign courses to professors and class times c. Assign classrooms to courses or if impossible to schedule, suggest the smallest changes that would break the impasse 13. Payroll system a. Define employees (full time and hourly paid), hours, wages (including regular pay and overtime) b. Upload actual hours worked and system generates the months payroll statement 14. Publications database a. Define publication details b. Define student-supervisor relations c. Allow users to search database 15. Information Integration focusing on a particular company a. .Access and garner relevant pages or URL from Google for a particular company b. Access and garner relevant information from Yahoo Finance for the particular company c. Fuse all findings and present to the user

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