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Departments : All Departments Approval

PIC : Procurement Staff,Finance,Staff, teachers, GA Staff, HoDs

Scope : Procurement, maintenance, finance

Date / Code : 01.06.2019/23.09.2022
Purpose : Evaluate, Process and Delivery all school supplies for purchasing and payment of goods and services or projects

A. Types of Request Procedures

Request Time of Request Delivery Time Documents Budget

1. Routine Request
a. Users (staff/teacher) must submit a request by checked the request by The budget will be SR, PR, and evidence As the annual budget
Email/Memo to be approved by the immediate SMC every Thursday released a minimum of approved
supervisor/HoD and checked by SMC to submit to and submitted it to a week after requested
procurement staff to proceed. procurement staff.
b. After being checked by SMC, procurement will request
a budget to the HoD of Finance to start the
purchase/payment. If expenses are more than
budget, Head of Finance will discuss them with SMC

2. Project and Maintenance Request.

a. Users (staff/teacher) must submit a request by Minimum a month a. The budget will be Evaluation and As annual budget
Email/Memo to be approved by the immediate before the execution, released a minimum recommendation form, approval or if urgent,
supervisor/HoD, submitted to SMC and approved by for pre-order material of a week after the project detail information, as approval from BoD
BoD for design or layout or product specification/ should be submitted request or a and vendor
details. two months before maximum of 2 recommendations
execution. weeks after the (3 vendors minimum)
b. After approval by BoD, procurement will evaluate the
request if approved
vendors and budget, then discuss with HoD Finance
by BoD.
and HoD GA. After deciding on the vendor and final
b. If the urgent case
budget, procurement will process the budget, for
is, possibly could
purchase or payment. If expenses are more than
shorten the time to
budget, the Head of Finance will discuss it with SMC.
submit for request.
Request Time of Request Delivery Time Documents Budget
3. Termly Request/Department Request
a. Users (staff/teacher) must submit a request by One month before a. Maximum 3 weeks a. Please use SR a. Home Room Rp.
Email/Memo to be approved by the immediate delivery should be after received by (ATK/Material) for all 500.000/class/term
supervisor/HoD. submitted to HoD procurement. department requests, maximal
b. For rare/import/ b. For Special Subjects, b. Special Subjects
b. Procurement staff will compile the requests as
custom /PO items, academic projects, and depend on term
standard and report it to HoD Finance.
delivery time is as per new item requests please plan evaluation
c. HoD Finance will send the SR compilation to SMC. vendor availability. submit the term plan c. For non academic
For revision, SMC will contact HoD directly. SMC will needs evaluation form. will use approval
check SR compilation as final screening and send it c. Check also the standard budget standard by
to BoD for approval. guidelines for ATK & BoD
d. After approval by BoD, SMC will send the SR
compilation back to HoD Finance, and HoD Finance
send it to Accounting staff for estimation purchase
e. Procurement staff will start purchase maximum of 3
weeks before delivery date.

4. Replacement Request.
a. Users must submit a request by Email/Memo to be Submit every Thursday to a. After procurement staff SR, PR, chronology, and As the previous price
approved by the immediate supervisor/HoD and SMC or whenever it's find the right vendor, pictures as evidence, or the increment is no
checked by SMC. The request must include details of urgent to be replaced The user and HoD notification memo to PIC more than the
specifications. should check and sign Storage and Procurement Staff inflation rate
the item before
b. If available in-store stock, procurement staff will
procurement staff order
send the item to the requestee, after approved by
the item.
HoD Finance
b. The item Will be
c. If not available in-store stock, the procurement staff delivered as soon as
will find some vendors and purchase it after possible depending on
approved by SMC agreement with the
B. Class Room Pull Out.
1. Procurement will Pull Out all Academic ATK and material stock from classes every end of term 2 and 4 .
2. The good stationary or material will be re-used in term 2 and term 4.
3. Procurement staff will be helped by 2 (two) cleaning services during the pull out process
4. The Pull out report must be signed and checked by the class by Procurement staff, Home Room Teacher, Principal and HoD of Finance.
5. After all requested material delivery, procurement staff must submit the report of ATK and Material Pull out screening ke HoD of Finance.

C. End of Academic Year clearance handover

Teachers and procurement staff will have appointments to check the class room standard ATK & materials condition together at the end of the academic year before term
break, while GA staff will check furniture, locker, and mechanical electrical equipment. The teacher, procurement staff, GA staff (electronic and furniture), HoD GA, HoD
Finance, and Principal should sign the report on any lost or broken items, the teacher should be responsible for them.
1. Teacher will fill out G-Form for Clearance Schedule with procurement staff and GA Team
2. Teacher, Procurement staff and GA Team will check and sign together for the clearance process. The report form also will be checked and signed by principal and HoD
3. Principal will hand it over with the new teacher, both will sign for the clearance and hand over the form.
4. After the handover is over signed, principal must return the form back to HoD Finance.

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