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1 জেনেভা (Geneva)

WMO world metrological organization

UNCTD United Nations Conference on Trade and development
WTO World Trade organization
ICR International Committee of the Red Cross
WHO World health organization
ILO international labour organization

2 নেউইয়র্ক (USA)
UNO United nation organisation
UNW United nation women
UNICEF United nation children’s fund
UNPAF United nation population fund
UNDP United nation development program

3 ওয়ান িংটে নিনি (USA)

WB World Bank
IMF international monetary fund

4 প্যানিি (ফ্রান্স)
UNESCO United Nations education scientific and cultural organisation
OECD organisation for economic cooperation and development

5 নভনয়ো (অনিয়া)
OPEC organisation of petroleum exporting countries
IAA international atomic energy agency
UNIDO United Nations industrial development organisation

6 লন্ডে
IMO international Maritime organisation
CN commonwealth nation

7 LAUSANNE (িুইোিলযান্ড)
IOC international Olympic committee
IHF international hockey federation

নিনভন্ন আন্তেকানির্ িিংস্থাি িদি দপ্তি িমূহ িানলর্া

স্থাে িদি দপ্তি

এনেন্স (গ্রীি) World chess federation (WCF)
Zurich federation of international football association
Munich (Germany) international shooting sport federation
ROM (Italy) food and agriculture organisation (FAO)
Gland (Switzerland) world wide fund for nature
Singapore Asian Pacific economic corporation
Monaco international association of athletics federation
The Hauge (Netherland) international court of justice

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