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Bertrand Wong
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International Journal of
Automatic Control System
Vol. 5: Issue 2

On Quantum Entanglement
Bertrand Wong*
Research Scholar, Department of Science and Technology, Eurotech, Singapore Branch,

Quantum entanglement, a term coined by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935, is a mechanical
phenomenon at the quantum level wherein the quantum states of two (or more) particles have
to be described with reference to each other though these particles may be spatially
separated. This phenomenon leads to paradox and has puzzled us for a long time. The
behaviour of entangled particles is apparently inexplicable, incomprehensible and like magic
at work. Locality has been a reliable and fruitful principle which has guided us to the
triumphs of twentieth century physics. But the consequences of the local laws in quantum
theory could seem “spooky” and nonlocal, with some theorists questioning locality itself.
Could two subatomic particles on opposite sides of the universe be really instantaneously
connected? Is any theory which predicts such a connection essentially flawed or incomplete?
Are the results of experiments which demonstrate such a connection being misinterpreted?
These questions challenge our most basic concepts of spatial distance and time. Modern
physics is in the process of dismantling the space all around us and the universe will never be
the same. Quantum entanglement involves the utilisation of cutting edge technology and will
bring great benefits to society. This paper traces the development of quantum entanglement
and presents some possible explanations for the strange behaviour of entangled particles.
PACS 00–03.65. Ud.

Keywords: Bell’s theorem, carrier wave, Copenhagen interpretation, entangled,

electromagnetic, EPR paradox information, experimental evidence, many worlds, mini-
wormhole, mysterious force, nonlocality, programmed, qubits, superpositioned quantum
states, simultaneously controlled, tachyons, light switch

*Corresponding Author

INTRODUCTION discovered it, it has since been confirmed

Quantum entanglement had riled Einstein, as a true phenomenon without any
who had dubbed it “spooky action at a loophole.
distance”, as it appears to contradict the
basic tenet of the Special Theory of There are now much research activities on
Relativity, viz., the principle that no object the utilisation of quantum entanglement in
could exceed the velocity of light 186,000 communication and computation [1, 2, 3].
miles per second. This phenomenon also
appears to contradict the principle of cause ENTANGLED PARTICLES
and effect. Though initially it was thought Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon
that the phenomenon was due to some wherein the quantum properties of two (or
loophole in the experiments that more) particles become codependent, with

IJACS (2019) 1–7 © JournalsPub 2019. All Rights Reserved Page 1

On Quantum Entanglement Bertrand Wong

the properties of one being instantaneously weaknesses of quantum entanglement.

affected by measurements conducted on Einstein believed that everything in the
the other. world exists independently of us and that
no signals carrying information could
Entangled systems need special travel faster than the velocity of light. He
preparation, e.g., a pair of electrons having reasoned that the two particles in the
opposite spins, as is specified by the Pauli thought experiment must know already
exclusion principle, has to be created, with which state the other was in when they
the actual spin of each particle remaining separated and they carried that knowledge
in a state of quantum uncertainty (a with them and were not switching state
situation described as “entanglement of the simultaneously at faraway distances.
“wavefunction” by Erwin Schrodinger).”
On the separation of the pair of particles, However, the numerous quantum
even by a huge distance, and on measuring experiments over many decades had
one particle’s spin the other particle’s spin proven him wrong. Quantum entanglement
will automatically resolve itself in the does in fact happen and entangled particles
other direction. This effect occurs do appear to “communicate” with each
instantaneously, apparently breaching the other across space faster than the velocity
velocity of light and the rules of relativity, of light. Experiments with more than two
a phenomenon that Einstein referred to as entangled particles switching states
“spooky action at a distance”. together across many tens of kilometers
have already been conducted.
In quantum teleportation, a pair of
entangled particles are used to transmit A host of applications for new forms of
information about a third object remote communication, such as sending
instantaneously from one place to another. instant messages over vast reaches of
The original particle with information to space, has been made possible by quantum
be teleported is scanned. The scanning signaling at a distance. This makes it
process disrupts the original particle and possible for quantum computers to
modifies both the entangled particles, perform many calculations simultaneously
which are separated by a large distance, across the entire memory of the computer.
instantaneously. The treatment process
recreates the properties of the original
The units of quantum information are
particle. A “teleported” replica is thus
“quantum bits” or “qubits” (for short).
formed. [1, 4, 5, 6]
Qubits would adopt one of two quantum
DEVELOPMENT states, similar to the way computers use
Einstein thought that things in the universe binary code to transmit messages as long
exist in their own right and the sentences of 0’s and 1’s. But qubits are
uncertainties pertaining to quantum better in that they could also exist in a mix
mechanics indicated that something was of states thereby allowing computations to
not right with the theory and our be carried out in a way that we could only
interpretation of it. In 1935, Einstein and dream about, besides being able to
his colleagues, Boris Podolsky and Nathan communicate instantaneously (i.e., in
Rose, published a paper on an imaginary excess of the velocity of light) while the
experiment which resulted in a paradox binary code of the normal computer only
known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen or operates within the velocity of light and is
EPR paradox which exposes the thus slower.

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International Journal of Automatic Control System
Vol. 5: Issue 2

However, the indeterminacy which gives intended receiver to read them. An

power to quantum signaling also implies eavesdropper would break the purity of the
that it is not possible to transmit a entanglement resulting in the message
complete set of information from one being ruined for good.
location to another as there would be a gap
somewhere in what we could know, which Einstein was understandably unhappy with
is in accordance with Heisenberg’s quantum entanglement; he evidently found
uncertainty principle. Thus human it hard to accept the universe as a web of
teleportation, as is depicted in science quantum connections with innumerable
fiction, is not possible. particles speaking to their distant twins.
However, the universe appears to be one
Though transmitting human atoms a la large quantum system.
human teleportation is not possible, it is
possible to use quantum teleportation to In the Schrodinger’s Cat thought
move information across space. For experiment, quantum states are
instance, two persons each holding one of superpositioned; both the cat and the
a pair of entangled particles could use atomic nucleus in the box are in two states
them to convey qubits by making simultaneously. If one opens the box, one
particular measurements. finds the cat either dead or alive and the
nucleus decayed or intact. In the terms of
These two persons have to first acquire a quantum mechanics, the cat and the atomic
pair of entangled particles, e.g., two nucleus are “entangled”.
entangled photons, each of them taking
one photon away. One person’s qubit Two identical particles created in one
might be in some state that he wants to process typically are entangled and remain
send to the other person. Even if the so even if separated by long distances, the
former does not know what that state is, he two particles being in a superposition of
could make the other person’s photon give two quantum states. However, if one
him that message. The former destroys his checks on one of them one’s measurement
photon when he makes a measurement of immediately affects the quantum state of
the photon. However, the other person’s the other particle.
photon now takes over and the other
person extracts the information by making Einstein and his colleagues Podolsky and
his own measurement. Rosen argued that if two particles remain
entangled over long distances messages
There is no teleportation of matter in this between them have to travel faster than
case as nothing actually travels anywhere. light, which contradicts the Special Theory
Apart from the first exchange of the two of Relativity. In 1964, John Bell, who was
photons during the process of also skeptical of quantum entanglement, in
entanglement, there is no direct his thought experiment produced a
communication between the two entangled measurement which enabled
photons. The first person’s original experimenters to distinguish between a
message is destroyed in the sending link which took place at the time of
process and its content is recreated at the measurement and one in which there were
location of the second person. “hidden variables” which set up the values
which would be measured before the
Entangled particles could also be used to particles separated, this distinguishing
send coded messages allowing only the factor being known as Bell’s inequality.

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On Quantum Entanglement Bertrand Wong

Bell was a theorist and did not know how various systems, e.g., within electric
this measurement could be put into circuits and between clouds of caesium
practice, though he had set a benchmark atoms. It is also considered for space
with what became known as “Bell’s exploration, e.g., for a global quantum
theorem” which made it possible to check communications network, teleporting to
the validity of the remarkable claims made orbiting satellites may be necessary [7, 8,
by quantum theory if experimental results 9, 10].
fell outside a certain range (known as
“Bell’s inequality”) then Bell’s theorem POSSIBLE EXPLANATIONS
was true and local reality was invalidated. The author proposes several possible
In 1984, Alan Aspect carried out such an interpretations or explanations for the
experiment on photons, obtaining the strange behaviour of entangled particles,
experimental proof of their entanglement. which are as follows.

In 2012, on a dark, moonless night, an First Interpretation

experiment on quantum teleportation was The two entangled particles may be linked
carried out using a laser to beam photons by some kind of electromagnetic
between different islands of the Canaries, “force/link”, the analog of which is the
setting the distance record for quantum mechanical system of two similar physical
teleportation of 89 miles, i.e., 144 objects, e.g., two similar balls or two
kilometers. These photons were intimately similar wheels, linked by a rod. For
linked to one another via the quantum instance, one of these two similar objects,
property of entanglement so that an action e.g., two similar balls, is directly joint,
made on one of the pair of photons connected, to one end of the rod while the
immediately affected its entangled partner other object (ball) is joint to the other end
however far apart. The team which was led of the rod through two similar interlocking
by Anton Zeilinger at the University of gears which are mechanically arranged in
Vienna sent one of an entangled pair of such a way that the turning of one of these
photons through the air to a detector which objects (balls) at one end of the rod by a
is on the next island. They then used that certain fraction of a revolution in one
pair as a quantum communication line to direction would result in the object (ball)
transmit information about another at the other end of the rod turning by the
quantum object, successfully same fraction of a revolution in the
reconstructing it at the other end of the opposite direction at the same instant (i.e.,
line. In fact, quantum teleportation instantaneously). What happens is that
between the Canary Islands had led to turning, e.g., the first object (ball) joint or
satellite links. connected directly to (one end of) the rod
would turn the rod in the same direction by
Quantum teleportation may appear like the same fraction of a revolution at the
science fiction. Thus, when computer same instant, the rod would turn the first
scientist Charles Bennett of IBM in New gear joint to it at its other end in the same
York and his colleagues first proposed direction by the same fraction of a
quantum teleportation in 1993 it attracted revolution at the same instant, this gear
immediate attention. Quantum would turn the similar gear interlocked
teleportation is now a serious area of with it in the opposite direction by the
research, having applications in quantum same fraction of a revolution at the same
technologies for telecommunications and instant, and, as the other object (ball) is
computing. It has been demonstrated in joint to this second gear that turns in the

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International Journal of Automatic Control System
Vol. 5: Issue 2

opposite direction the other object (ball) Second Interpretation

itself also turns in the opposite direction by The two entangled particles may
the same fraction of a revolution at the theoretically be simultaneously controlled by
same instant (all these various actions a “brain” or “controller”. This
taking place at the same time, all at once, “brain/controller” may theoretically issue a
simultaneously). On the other hand, if the signal to both particles at the same instant
second object (ball) joint to the second causing them to act as they do at the same
interlocked gear were turned instead it instant. This is comparable, e.g., to a
would cause the first object (ball) joint computer issuing a command to two printers
directly to the rod at the other end to turn (or other equipment) at the same instant
in the opposite direction by the same causing the two printers to print at the same
fraction of a revolution at the same instant. instant (parallel processing comes to mind),
This analogous mechanical principle might with the two printers programmed to
apply to the behaviour of the two respond differently to the same command at
entangled particles, whose “spooky action the same instant (e.g., one printer prints blue
at a distance” is however abstract and ink in response to a command while the
invisible to the eyes unlike the above- other printer prints red ink in response to the
described mechanical action which is same command at the same instant).
visible to the eyes.
Third Interpretation
The following describes how the above- Information from one of the two entangled
stated mechanical principle might apply to particles may theoretically be carried to
the behaviour of the two entangled the other particle by an extremely fast
particles. Any spin motion (measured) in carrier wave that travels faster than the
one of the particles may theoretically velocity of light causing the other particle
cause instantaneous motion (e.g., spin or to act with an opposite spin at practically
vibratory) in the electromagnetic the same instant. (Note: Since the speed of
“force/link” that links this particle to the this carrier wave theoretically exceeds the
other particle (as per the case of the first velocity of light and light may be required
object (ball and the rod in the above- to detect it, it may be undetectable.) [11].
described mechanical example).) This
instantaneous motion of the Fourth Interpretation
electromagnetic “force/link” may There may theoretically be an unknown
theoretically effect instantaneous motion influence, a mysterious undiscovered
in the other particle (as per the case of the force, at work.
rod and the second object (ball) in the
above-described mechanical example) PROGRAMMING
which may spin in the opposite direction Equipment controlled by computers such
(as it has been conditioned to do so as robots have to be programmed to get
through the entanglement process in them to work in a certain way, e.g., one
accordance with the Pauli exclusion programming method involves walking the
principle). (Note Carefully: The motions robot through the operating sequence to
of the two entangled particles and the “teach” it the operating sequence.
electromagnetic “force/link” may Entanglement of two particles is rather
theoretically take place simultaneously, at similar to the programming of an
the same instant or instantaneously (as is equipment with a computer resulting in the
in the case of the moving objects/parts in two particles acting the way they are
the above-described mechanical example). expected or “programmed” to.

IJACS (2019) 1–7 © JournalsPub 2019. All Rights Reserved Page 5

On Quantum Entanglement Bertrand Wong

CONCLUSION what happens in one place depends on

As quantum entanglement may be the what happens elsewhere.
result of tachyons, i.e., faster than light
particles, at work, it may thus signify the Entanglement may also be likened to the
existence of tachyons, which is another case whereby a light switch controls two
outstanding challenge in physics. (or more) light bulbs such that when the
light switch is turned on the two (or
Also, according to the Copenhagen more) light bulbs are lighted
interpretation of quantum physics, which simultaneously.
many physicists accept, quantum
particles could be in more than one state The important question is whether one of
simultaneously and the probability wave the above-mentioned truly explains the
which predicts their position enables strange behaviour of entangled particles,
them to act as though they were in more wherein experimental evidence would
than one place. incontrovertibly validate the explanation.
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International Journal of Automatic Control System
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Cite this Article: Bertrand Wong. On Quantum Entanglement.

International Journal of Automatic Control System. 2019; 5(2): 1–7p.

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