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Mains A Day

Day – 2
Q) "Education is not merely an injunction but an effective and pervasive
tool for the all-round development of an individual." In light of this
statement, critically analyse the recent incidents of student suicides in
India, exploring the underlying causes and suggesting measures to
address this crisis. (10 Marks, 150 Words)
• Introduce the issue of student suicides in India, pointing out the contrast between the ideal role of
education and the harsh realities faced by students.
• Explain Role of Education in an Individual’s Development.
• Provide underlying Causes of Student Suicides.
• Measures to Address the Crisis
• Conclusion

• Education is envisioned as a transformative tool that fosters the holistic development of an
individual. However, the rising incidents of student suicides in India starkly contrast this ideal.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2020 data, a student commits suicide
every 42 minutes, reflecting a severe crisis in our education system. These suicides highlight the
harsh realities faced by students, undermining the true purpose of education.

Education should play a critical role in the all-round development of an individual, which
• Cognitive Development: Enhances intellectual abilities, critical thinking, and problem-solving
skills, fostering rational decision-making.
• Emotional Development: Builds emotional intelligence, resilience, and empathy, helping
individuals manage stress and emotions effectively.
• Social Development: Fosters social skills, communication, and teamwork, preparing individuals for
collaborative environments and promoting sensitivity towards others.
• Moral Development: Instils ethical values, principles, and a sense of justice, guiding individuals to
make morally sound decisions.
However, the reality of the education system which many students have to face contradicts these
developmental expectations, leading to tragic outcomes like suicides.
Underlying Causes of Student Suicides
• High Expectations: Intense competition and high expectations from parents, teachers, and society
create immense pressure on students to excel academically. This environment lacks empathy and
sensitivity to the students' mental health.
• Entrance Exams Culture: The high stakes associated with entrance exams for prestigious institutions
exacerbate stress and anxiety among students. The focus on these exams often ignores the
importance of compassion and a balanced approach to learning.
• Lacking Ethics of Care: There is a significant lack of mental health resources and counselling services
in educational institutions.
• Stigma: Societal stigma surrounding mental health issues prevents students from seeking help,
further aggravating their distress.
• Over Valuing Success: The societal emphasis on academic success as a measure of self-worth and
family honour puts additional pressure on students.
• Insufficient Life Skills: Many students lack effective coping mechanisms and life skills such as
emotional intelligence to handle failure and stress.
• Isolation: The competitive environment which lacks supportiveness often leads to isolation and
alienation, with students feeling they cannot share their struggles.

Measures to Address the Crisis

• Integrate Mental Health Services: Educational institutions should integrate mental health resources
and counselling services into their systems, guided by the ethics of care and compassion.
• Awareness Programs: Regular mental health awareness programs and workshops should be
conducted for students, teachers, and parents to promote empathy and understanding.
• Continuous Evaluation: Shift from high-stakes exams to continuous and comprehensive evaluation
that focuses on overall development. This approach aligns with rational decision-making and a more
humane educational philosophy.
• Holistic Assessment: Assess students on various parameters, including creativity, critical thinking,
and emotional intelligence, rather than just academic performance. This reform promotes just and a
balanced view of student abilities.
• Realistic Expectations: Encourage parents to set realistic expectations and value the unique
strengths of their children. Respect for autonomy is key here, allowing students to pursue their own
• Curriculum Integration: Integrate life skills education into the curriculum to help students develop
coping mechanisms, resilience, and emotional intelligence.
• Peer Support: Establish peer support groups and mentorship programs to create a supportive
community for students. Empathy and supportiveness should be the foundation of these initiatives.
By creating a supportive and inclusive educational environment, we can ensure that education truly serves as
a transformative tool for individual and social development. As Albus Dumbledore wisely said, "Happiness
can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." By turning on the light
of compassion, understanding, and comprehensive support, we can guide our students towards a brighter and
more hopeful future.

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