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1. Which Article in the Federal Constitution states that Islam is the religion of the Federation?

Article 3 in Federal Constitution that states that Islam is the religion of the Federation.

2. What happen if one state law is in conflict with the Federal Constitution?

In Article 75 of Federal Constitution, if any State law is in conflict with a Federal Constitution, the
Federal Constitution shall prevail and the State law shall be void.

3. Why do we need to have subsidiary legislations?

We need to have subsidiary legislation because subsidiary legislation deals with the details about
which legislature has neither the time nor the technical knowledge to enact laws. Legislature
merely lays down the basic and main laws, leaving the details to persons or bodies to whom they
delegate their legislative powers. For example: parking laws enacted by local councils.

4. Briefly explain what second reading is.

Second reading is when members debate the Bill. If accepted, the Bill is passed on for
consideration by committee of the house.

5. List down 3 jurisdictions of High Court.


6. A contract must have 13 elements. True or False?

False, a contract only has 9 elements to make a contract legally binding or valid.

7. An offer is made by an offeree. True or False?

False, the person making the proposal is called the offeror. The party accepting the proposal is
referred to an offeree.

8. There are two types of offer. True or False?

True, the first one is Specific which is made to one person or group of people. Then only that
particular person or group of people can accept. The second one is General. It is made to 'the
whole world' (the public at large), particularly seen ni the cases of rewards and other public

9. General offer is made to one particular person. True or False?


10. Offer can be made verbally. True or False?


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