Daily Current Affairs 5 July, 2024 (1)

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Climate-Resilient Farming
● CRA reduces hunger and poverty in the

The Union government has planned to face of climate change for forthcoming

introduce a framework to promote generations.

climate-resilient agriculture in 50,000 ● The practice of climate-resilient

villages located in climatically- agriculture sustains agricultural

vulnerable districts. production from the local to the global

level in a sustainable manner.
4 R’s of Sustainability
What is Climate Resilient Agriculture?
● Reduce: Elimination of waste and
● Climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) is reduction of levels of consumption
an approach that includes sustainably ● Reuse: Use of a material or equipment
using existing natural resources again and again up to the maximum level
through crop and livestock production ● Recycle: Recycle of waste
systems. ● Rethink: Stop and think about how will
● It aims to achieve long-term higher your decisions impact the environment.
productivity and farm incomes under
climate variability.
Principles used in Sustainable Farming ● Solar Panels can be used to power
electric fences and wind turbines can be
● Conservation of Water
used to capture energy. Running rivers
● Promotion of Biodiversity of Local Plant
also provide a source of hydroelectric
and Animal life
● Reduction of Agricultural Waste and
● The government of India provides Solar
Pumps under the PM-Kusum Yojana to
● Promotion of Soil Health and Fertility
● Carbon Capture to Fight Climate
Change Natural Pest Management
● Promotion of Energy-Efficient Steps
● It is also termed integrated pest
● Decrease in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
management. This technique of farming
● Creation of Habitats for Beneficial
avoids artificial and chemical pesticides
Insect Species and Pollinators
and allows natural predators to control
Sustainable Farming Practices pest populations.
● Birds such as Sparrows, lizards and
insects can all play a role in keeping
pests at bay.

Hydroponics and Aquaponics Farming


● These are two innovative farming

techniques which can change the way
Renewable Energy Sources
crops are grown by removing the need
● Sustainable farming emphasizes the use for soil.
of renewable resources of energy such as ● Hydroponics Technique: In this
wind and solar energy. technique, nutrients are directly
provided to the plant through the water ● Pest Control: This farming practice also
that the roots are grown in. plays a role in pest control. Since certain
● In hydroponics farming systems, root pests are attracted to certain plants,
systems are placed directly in a changing plants alternatively prevents
specialized mineral solution, or pest populations from growing too fast
sometimes they are grown in gravel. The or getting out of control.
nutrients which are needed by the plant
are added to the irrigation water.
● Aquaponics Technique: Aquaponics ● Polycultures refers to growing multiple
combines raising aquatic animals with crops which complement each other in
the growing of hydroponic crops. the same field.
● The water from the animal waste which ● By growing multiple varieties farmers
contains nutrients is used to nourish the can better utilize available resources.
plants. Then the same water is recycled This agriculture technique improves
back into the system to be used once resilience and promotes soil health.
again by the fish.
Crop Rotation
● Permaculture is a deliberate system of
● Crop rotation is an important aspect of growing perennial crops such as fruit
organic farming and has serious trees, nut trees and shrubs.
sustainability benefits. ● This technique aims to build a local
● It is the practice of growing different ecosystem that mimics the way these
crops in each season, with the new crops species would be found in the wild.
being used to replenish the nutrients ● Permaculture aims to reduce waste,
the previous crops used. This practice reduce inputs and maximize growing
has been practised by humans for efficiency and crop yields.
thousands of years.
Biodynamic Farming
● Biodynamic Farming is the practice of indoor hydroponic farms and even
raising livestock alongside plants and warehouse farms where food can be
crops. The system manages the farm as produced on huge scales.
one intertwined system where the needs
of each species support the other.
● It promotes soil health and resilience, as ● Agroforestry is the practice of planting
they mimic the way plants and animals trees and shrubs amongst crops, to create
exist naturally. a favourable microclimate that maintains
● It emphasizes the importance of favourable temperature and soil
reducing the use of off-site inputs such humidity.
as importing soil fertility by generating ● At the same time, it protects the crops
the necessary health and soil fertility from wind or heavy rain. Trees play an
for food production onsite. important role in his type of farming
● This is achieved through the practice.
implementation of practices such as ● They stabilize soils, minimize nutrient
composting, application of animal runoff and improve soil structure thus
manure from farmed animals, cover sustainably increasing the soil’s
cropping or rotating complementary productivity.
Urban Agriculture
● The practice of mulching involves the
● The practice of urban agriculture has covering of the top layer of soil by
exploded in recent years, with organic wastes. It aims to reduce the
advancements in farming practices growth of weeds and conserve soil.
making at-home agriculture more ● It forms a natural weed suppressant
accessible than ever before. which can eliminate the need for
● It involves various practices such as herbicides and the most stubborn weeds.
rooftop gardens, community gardens,
● Wood chips, straw or grass clippings ● Both abiotic stress-tolerant varieties and
which are used as mulch also improve biotic stress-tolerant varieties have been
nutrient retention in soils and encourage produced by the ICAR.
the activity of soil microorganisms. ● The framework may include measures
● It helps to create a healthy aerated soil such as promoting less water-intensive
structure and reduces the need for tillage crops, conserving water sources in the
as soils are less compacted. respective areas and monitoring fertilizer
Current Step by Government to
Introduce Sustainable Agriculture Conclusion
The Indian Agriculture sector is currently
evolving rapidly with various government
● Central Government aims to promote
initiatives and changing climate. Climate
climate-resilient agriculture in 50,000
change has led to adoption of the Climate
villages located in climatically-
Resilient Agriculture. It has changed the
vulnerable districts.
rhythm of the monsoon coupled with longer
● It is part of a national programme on
periods of dry spells and uneven distribution
climate-resilient agriculture. The
of rainfall across the country. India must
government plans to promote climate-
move forward rapidly to check the menace of
resilient crop varieties in these 50,000
climate change by adopting climate-resilient
villages spread across 310 districts.
agriculture. It will help India to achieve
● Among these districts, Uttar Pradesh
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
accounted for the most districts (48),
such as No Hunger (SDG 2), Sustainable
followed by Rajasthan (27).
Consumption and Production (SDG 12) and
● Climate-resilient crop Varieties which
Climate Action (SDG 13).
have been produced by the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research will be Source: The Indian Express, The Hindu,
introduced in these villages. Down to Earth.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit

Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and

Recently, EAM Jaishankar attended the ● Reasons for its Formation: The

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation emergence of Extremist Religious

Summit held in Astana capital of Groups after math of collapse of the

Kazakhstan. former Soviet Union and its division into

15 countries led to Ethnic Tensions in
About SCO the region. The group was created for
cooperation on security matters.
● SCO was established on June 15, 2001,
consisting of the members of Shanghai
Five and the induction of Uzbekistan as
a sixth member.
● Current Membership: It has ten
members such as India, Iran, Kazakhstan,
China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia,
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and newly
inducted Belarus.
● Origin: The Shanghai Cooperation
● Observer States: Afghanistan and
Organization was initially called
Mongolia hold Observer Status in the
“Shanghai Five”. It was formed in 1996.

● Founding Members: The founding

members of the organization are China,
Significance of SCO

Asian Security

SCO deals with security issues of Asian

members. Russia and China have stressed its
position as an alternative to a “Western”
international order.

Against the USA’s Influence,

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization

along with the BRICS grouping with
members such as India, South Africa and
Brazil is seen positioning against US
influence in Asia.

Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)

SCOs act as RATs and assist members in the

preparation and staging of counter-terrorism
exercises, analyse key intelligence
information coming in from the member
states, and share information on terrorist
movements and drug trafficking.
1. Discuss the Various Techniques which 1) It aims to fight terrorism and ethnic
violence in the region
are used in Sustainable Farming
Practices. 2) It is the extension of Shanghai Five.

2. Consider the following statements 3) India was one of the founding members
of the organization.
with respect to Sustainable
Agriculture; Which of the following statements is/are
1) The Approach consists of sustainably
using existing natural resources through a. One Only

crop and livestock production systems. b. Two Only

2) The approach uses the 4 R’s of c. All Three
d. None
3) Integrated Pest Management and
Hydroponics are techniques used in Answer: B

Sustainable Agriculture Practices.

Which of the following statements is/are


a. One Only
b. Two Only
c. All Three
d. None

Answer: C

3. Consider the following statements with

respect to the Shanghai Cooperation

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