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Ed (4 years) Elementary Education

2nd Semester
Art, Craft and Calligraphy
Presented by
Abida Kaleem

 A Puppet is an

 Puppets are
inanimate figure being used for
moved by a fun and are great
puppeteer to for
convey emotion, imagination; they
character and free one from self-
story. consciousness.
 Puppets are  Puppet is a toy in
inanimate (not the shape of
alive)e objects a person or anim
and one of the al that you
most ancient can move with str
forms of ings or by
entertainment in putting your han
the world. d inside
Puppetry: Introduction

 Puppetry as an art form; many believed it started in
China with the introduction of the shadow puppet.
 Puppetry is famous form of performing arts.
 Puppetry has developed into a powerful medium of
communication as well.
 It is still, one of the safest ways to act out, act up,
entertain, educate, commiserate (express or feel
sympathy), wonder out loud, un-burden yourself or
release your feelings.
 Puppetry, the making and manipulation of puppets
for use in some kind of theatrical show. A puppet is
a figure—human, animal, or abstract in form—that
is moved by human, and not mechanical, aid.
Puppetry: Introduction

 Puppetry is an old, traditional art, which is still active in
almost every culture, used in many different contexts/
situations, for spiritual, cultural and educational
 As puppetry is primarily a visual art, it can
communicate to people who are not literate or who do not
understand spoken language.
 Puppetry is a very ancient art form, thought to have
originated about 3000 years ago.
 Puppetry is used in almost all human societies both as
an entertainment – in performance – and ceremonially in
rituals and celebrations such as carnivals.
 Most puppetry involves storytelling.
 Puppetry appeals Young children and old both.
Puppetry: types

 The simplest puppets are finger puppets, which are tiny
puppets that fit onto a single finger, and sock puppets,
which are formed from a sock and operated by inserting
one's hand inside the sock, with the opening and closing
of the hand simulating the movement of the puppet's
 The most important types may be classified as follows:
 Hand or Glove Puppets
 Rod Puppets
 Marionettes or String Puppets
 Flat figures
 Shadow figures
Puppetry: Importance/Benefits
Puppets As An Educational Tool

 Learning by playing and learning by fun among children can be
achieved through puppetry.
 Puppetry not only entertain the kids but also arouse the
creativity, imagination, and curiously.
 Puppetry helps in emotional and social development of kids. It
also improves the vocabulary (pronounciation) and assists in
language development.
 It teaches ethics (good and bad) and conveys moral values e.g.
tolerance, kindness to kids.
 It enhances observation skill, communication skills(listening,
speaking skill) and motor skills(eye hand coordination).
 Puppetry can be used as a great tool to seek children's attention
in learning in classroom
Puppetry: Importance/Benefits
Puppets As An Educational Tool

 According to Jean Piaget theory, puppet play/show helps
young children develop creative and cognitive skills by
forcing them to use their imaginations. They make up the
roles, the rules, the situations and the solutions.
 It is through imaginative play that children come to
understand the differences between fantasy and reality. The
real world becomes more real to children who have
opportunities to pretend.
 Any puppet can encourage the quietest of children to start
talking. Puppets can break down barriers and provide an
effective means to initiate (begin) communication.
 The young child trusts the puppet and doesn’t feel
threatened by it. The child can express thoughts, fears and
feelings through the puppet that they might otherwise find
difficult to voice to an adult.
Puppetry: Importance/Benefits
Puppets As An Educational Tool

 Research has shown that motivation is high when using
puppets in the classroom and help teachers and students
reach their curriculum goals.
(Brezigar, 2010)
 According to a number of research studies, puppets
(1) increase and improve classroom talk,
(2) increase communication by creating a relaxed
atmosphere, and
(3) establish teacher-student and student-student
(Hackling, Smith, & Murcia, 2011; Korošec, 2013; Maharani,




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