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G7 Narra & Kamagong: Nov 25&28

G7 Akle:November 25 & 29, 2016

Lesson 23: Multiplying Polynomials
Learning Competency 13: Multiplies and Divides Polynomial

a. Multiply polynomials
b. Solve problems involving multiplying polynomials
c. Apply multiplying polynomials in real life situation


Topic: Multiplying Polynomials
Materials: Flashcards
References: LM pages 134 - 139

A. Preliminaries
Developmental Activity
Recall the laws of exponent using flashcards by giving the product. It can be done
in a form of game to get the attention of the students.
 
1. x
5 6

2. 67  69
3. 3x 2   4 x3 

B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/ Modelling
Illustrative examples
Consider the following examples
a. (-8x2y3)(-9xy8) = 72x3y11
b. -5x2y3 (2x2y – 3x + 4y5) = -10x4y4 + 15x3y3 – 20x2y8

d. (x + 3)(x2 – 2x + 3) = x(x2 – 2x + 3) – 3(x2 – 2x + 3)

= x3 – 2x2 + 3x – 3x2 + 6x – 9

= x3 – 5x2 + 9x – 9
2. Analysis
Answer the following questions:
1. Using the examples how do we multiply polynomials?
a. monomial by another monomial
b. monomial by a polynomial
c. binomial by another binomial
d. polynomial by polynomial

3. Guided Practice
Fill in the missing term.

4. Independent Practice
Multiply the polynomials.
5. Generalization
Rules in Multiplying Polynomials

A. To multiply a monomial by another monomial, simply multiply the numerical

coefficients then multiply the literal coefficients by applying the basic laws of
B. To multiply monomial by a polynomial, simply apply the distributive property
and follow the rule in multiplying monomial by a monomial.
C. To multiply binomial by another binomial, simply distribute the first term of
the first binomial to each term of the other binomial then distribute the second
term to each term of the other binomial and simplify the results by combining
similar terms. This procedure is also known as the F-O-I-L method or Smile
method. Another way is the vertical way of multiplying which is the
conventional one.
D. To multiply a polynomial with more than one term by a polynomial with
three or more terms, simply distribute the first term of the first polynomial to
each term of the other polynomial. Repeat the procedure up to the last term
and simplify the results by combining similar terms.

6. Application
Think – Pair – Share
Match Column A to Column B. Show the complete solution.
__ 1. (4x + 2)(6x2 − x + 2) A. 35x2 + 12x − 36
__ 2. (5x + 6)(5x−5) B. 2x3+ 8x2− 32x + 16
__ 3. (6x + 3)(6x − 4) C. 48x2+ 4x − 4
__ 4. (6x + 5)(5x + 5) D. 25x2+ 5x − 30
__ 5. (6x + 8)(5x − 8) E. 6x2− 20x + 6
__ 6. (7x − 6)(5x + 6) F. 24x3+ 8x2+ 6x+4
__ 7. (8x + 1)(6x −3) G. 30x2 + 55x + 25
__ 8. (8x − 2)(6x + 2) H. 48x2 − 18x − 3
__ 9. (x + 6x −4)(2x−4) I. 30x2− 8x − 64
__ 10. (x−3)(6x−2) J. 36x2− 6x − 12

7. Assessment
Solve the following problems.
1) Give the product of each of the following.
a) (12x2y3z) (-13ax3z4)
b) 2x2(3x2 – 5x – 6)

2) What is the area of the square whose side measures (2x – 5) cm? (Hint:
Area of the square = s2)

3) Find the volume of the rectangular prism whose length, width and height are
(x + 3) meter, (x – 3) meter and (2x + 5) meter. (Hint: Volume of rectangular
prism = l x w x h)

4) If I bought (3x + 5) pencils which cost (5x – 1) pesos each, how much will I
pay for it?
1. Follow Up

2. Study
Division of Integers
Reference: Learners Module pp. 140 - 144

Electronic Sources:

Prepared by: ARLYN M. TORRES

San Jose Community High School

1. 17x
2. – 27x2
3. – 8s4
4. – 5a3
5. – 10 a2

1. – 3u4 + 3 u3 + 3u-3
2. – 30u2 – 9u – 3
3. – 9y5 – 27y3 – 81y2
4. – a4 – a3 + 6a2
5. – 2b5 + 8b3 + 6b2

1. F
2. D
3. J
4. G
5. I
6. A
7. H
8. C
9. B
10. E

1. a. – 156 ax5y3z5
b. 6x4 – 10x3 – 12x2
2. 4x2 – 20x + 25
3. 2x3 + 5x2 – 18x – 45
4. 15x + 22x – 5

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