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Module: Patterns and Algebra

Lesson: Special Products

Learning Competency 14: Uses algebraic methods to find the product of a binomial and
A. Find algebraically the product of a binomial and trinomial of the form (x+y)(x2-xy+y2)
B. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new understanding.
Topic: Algebra
Sub-topic: Finding Product of Binomial and Trinomial
Materials: DLP, Chart, Activity Sheets
References: LM for GRADE 7 pages 150-151,Elementary Algebra Patterns Practicalities
pages 320-321 by Gladys Nieverra , MathTime Activity Sourcebook for G7
pages 27-28
A. Preliminaries
Which pairing is different from the others? Why?



 Do they follow special form or pattern?
 What algebraic expressions can you relate/associate in each pairing using
multiplication as the operation?
B. Lesson Proper
1.Teaching / Modeling
Developmental Activity: DO-PAIR-SHARE

Find the product of (x+y) (x2-xy+y2) individually,

compare your answers with your pair and decide with
your final answer. Choose your product below and
justify your answer.
a. x3-y3
b. x3+y3
c. x3+2xy+2xy2+y3

 If we multiply: x2- xy +y2

by x+y
X3 –x2y + xy2
+x2y- xy2 +y3
we arrive at x3 +y3

 Likewise, if we multiply:
x2 + xy + y2
by x-y
X3 + x2y + xy2
-x2 y - xy2 - y3
we arrive at x3 -y3

From the above multiplication, we can say that as long as the binomial is of the form (x+y)
and the trinomial is of the form (x2-xy+y2), then the product would simply be the cube of the
first term of the binomial plus the cube of the second term of the binomial. In the same
manner, if the binomial is of the form (x-y) and the trinomial is of the form (x2+ xy+y2), then
their product would be the cube of the first term of the binomial minus the cube of the
second term of the binomial. Take note that the trinomial is related to the binomial where the
first term is the square of the first term of the binomial, the second term is the
product of the two terms with the opposite sign, and the last term is the square of the
second term of the given binomial.
Illustrative Examples:
Find the producst of the following
1. ( x+1) (x2- x + 1) = x3 + 1 2. ( x-2 ) ( x2 + 2x +4)= x3 - 8
2. Analysis
a. How many terms are in the product?
b. What consists the first factor of the product??
c. How is the first factor related to the second factor of the product?
d. What trinomial should be multiplied to x-1 to get x3-1?
e. Using the methods outlined in the previous problems,what should be multiplied
to x+2 to ge x3+8?
3. Guided Practice
MATCHING TYPE: Match the factors in column A with their product in Column B
____1. ( x+2)(x2-2x+4) a. x3-64
____2. (2x+5)(4x2-10x+25) b.8x3-27
____3. ( x-4)(x +4x+16) c. x3+8
____4. (3x-1)(9x +3x+1) d. 27x3-1
____5. (2x-3)(4x2+6x+9) e. 8x3+125

4. Independent Practice
Find the product.
a. (x+3)(x2-3x+9)
b. (x-5)(x2+5x+25)
c. (2x+1)(4x2-2x+1)
d. ( m+7)(m2-7m+49)
e. (3a-2)(9a2+6a+4)

5. Generalization
The factors (x + y )( x2-xy +y2 ) have the following characteristics:
a. The first term of the trinomial is the square of the first term of the binomial
b. The second term of the trinomial is the additive inverse of the product of the
first and second terms of the binomial
c. The third term of the trinomial is the square of the second term of the binomial
ACTIVITY BY GROUP: What should be multiplied to the following to get a sum/difference
of two cubes?Give the product.
One Factor Other Factor Product
a. x-7
b. x+8
c. 4x+1
d. x2-11x+121
e. 100x2+30x+9

7. Assesment
Verify if the factors follow the special form.If they do,find the product.
a. (x+3)(x2+3x+9)
b. (4x-1)(16x2+4x+1)
c. (2x-5)(4x2+20x+25)
d. (6x+y)(36x2-6xy+y2)

1. Find the product of the following:
a. (x-10)(x2+10x+100)
b. (2m+4)(4m2-8m+16)
c. (3a-5)(9a2+15a+25)
d. (4x+2y)(16x2-8xy+4y2)
e. (6mn-5)(36m2n2+30mn+25)
2. Study Defining Linear Equation and Linear Inequality in One Variable


Electronic Sources:
Answer Key:
Developmental Activity

 Product of (x+y)(x2-xy+y2) is equl to x3+y3

Guided Practice
1. c
2. e
3. a
4. d
5. b

Independent Practice
1. x3+27
2. x3-125
3. 8x3-1
4. m3+343
5. 27a3-8


One Factor Other Factor Product

a. x-7 x2+7x+49 x3-343
b. x+8 x2-8x+64 x3+512
c. 4x+1 16x2-4x+1 64x3+1
d. x2-11x+121 x+11 x3+1331
e. 100x2+30x+9 10x-3 1000x3-27


a. No. The middle term of the trinomial should be negative

b. Yes. (4x-1)(16x2+4x+1) = (4x)3-(1)3
c. No. The middle term of the trinomial should be 10 not 20.

d. Yes. (6x+y)(36x2-6xy+y2)= (6x)3+(y)3

= 216x3+y3

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