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JUANANG (148982)

1. This module will guide the teachers to teach History.
Subject: History
Theme: Nasionalisme Di Malaysia Sehingga Perang Dunia Kedua
Topic: Perjuangan Pemimpin Tempatan Menentang British

2. The teaching period is 1 hour, where 3 main objectives will be achieved throughout this
lesson are as follows:
i) Menyatakan sebab-sebab penentangan terhadap British
ii) Menghuraikan bentuk perjuangan pemimpin tempatan menentang British
iii) Menjelaskan kepentingan permuafakatan untuk mencapai matlamat sesuatu perjuangan
Objective 1 and 2: Teacher will show a YouTube video related to the topic of the lesson and
the teacher will introduce the reasons of fighting against British then do an activity related to
objective 2 which is mind-mapping.
Objective 3: Involves a game inspired by a card game, Uno called “Uno Sejarah”.
Game based learning activities will fulfill all learning objectives.

3. Learning activities:
i) Pengenalan Perjuangan Pemimpin Tempatan Menentang British. This will take around 20
minutes. The teacher will show a YouTube video related to the topic of the lesson. After the
video is over the teacher will explain more about the topic to increase the students’
understanding level.
ii) Mind-mapping. This activity will require the students to use “Coggle”. After watching the
video and listening to the teacher’s explanation, the students are required to make a mind map
on sebab-sebab penentangan terhadap British. Through this activity, the students will be able
to summarize the main points of this Objective 1.
iii) Game based learning will be conducted using a board game. Inspired by the Uno Game,
students will play Uno Sejarah (Uno History). Through this activity, students will be able to
understand and remember about the topic learnt as the board game is a comprehensive
assessment to help students recall and refresh the knowledge gained. This also involves the
Behaviorism Learning Theory because when the students are able to answer the questions, they
will receive points and win. This will motivate the students to understand the knowledge learnt.
4. Assessment activity
This is also another game-based learning. Students will be given a code to enter a Kahoot link.
Through this activity, the students will get to test how quick they are able to recall the

knowledge the learnt as each question will have the time limit. Here, the teacher will be able
to detect which question(s) the students are still weak at.
5. Assignment
For assignment, the students will be given 6 MCQ (objective questions) and 2 Higher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions. The questions in the form of essays which will enable them
to apply the knowledge they have learned for both students who both able to achieve the
learning objectives and does not achieve the learning objectives.
This is a lesson plan to teach Form 5 students on week 4. This lesson will take place for an

Diagram 1: Lesson plan

Diagram 2: Lesson plan
Activity 1- Induction set (10 minutes)
Pengenalan Perjuangan Pemimpin Tempatan Menentang British (Introduction to The Factors
Local Leaders Fight Against British)
i. The students are shown the video related to the topic taught.

Diagram 3: Screenshot of the video
ii. Students are requested to jot down the main points shown in the video to help them
understand the topic before answering the questions related in the next activity.

Activity 2 (15 minutes)

i. Students are required to go to the website to list down the sebab-sebab
penentangan pemimpin tempatan terhadap British

Diagram 4: An example of how the mind-map should look like

ii. Students will need to complete the mind map in a time given by the teacher. This is
important for the teacher to test out how fast the students are able to accept and transfer the
knowledge taught by the teacher.
Activity 3 (25 minutes)
Uno Sejarah (Card game)
This game is inspired by the Uno Game. Students are divided into 3-5 person each group.
Each group will randomly choose 3 cards and will need to answer the question on the card.
The group will acquire the marks based on the card chosen when answers given are correct.
Repeat the process for a few times until times up. Through this game, students’ understanding
on the topic can be reinforced as well as teaching the students on the importance of team
The follow shows an example how to play the game in detail:

• In the class of 30, the students will be divided into 5

persons per group so there will be 6 groups (group A, B,
C, D, E, F)
• Every group will get 3 cards randomly
• The teacher will draw one card randomly to start the
(example of the card • A representative from each group will play “rock,
drawn by the teacher) paper, scissors” to decide which group will go first.
• Winner of “rock, paper, scissors” is group D

Order Group • On the right column, that is an example of order how

1st D the game will go
2nd F
3rd B
4th E
5th A
6th C
• So, group D will start the game or 1st group in order.
• Group D will need to put down one of their cards and it
must be either a red card or wild card.
• They will need to answer the question on the 1st card
drawn by the teacher and card put down.
• For example, if group D doesn’t have any red card or
wild card, they will need to take topmost card from the
draw pile until they found the desired card(s).
• In this case, group D has a wild card where they can
choose another card with colour of choice.
• Here, they chose a yellow-coloured card
• Group D will gain marks or points by answering those 2

• The 2nd group in order (Group F) will put down a card
of the same colour or wild card.
• Here, we can see that the 2nd group put down a yellow
card but it has the Ø sign which means the next group in
order has to skip their turn
• The 3rd group in order (Group B) will lost their turn to
put down a card and answer a question
• Hence, making the 3rd group in order gain 0 points for
this round
• Since, the 3rd group in order (Group B) lost their turn,
now it’s the 4th group in order to put down a group.
• The 4th group (Group E) can either put down a yellow-
coloured card (as the previous card was yellow) or a
wild card.
• As we can see, Group E put down a wild card with a +4
sign and a card with colour of choice
• Group E will gain the points on the pink card while the
next group in order will have to take 4 extra topmost
cards from the draw pile
• This means group E will have to answer more questions
• These steps will be repeated until all the groups uses up
all their cards in their hand.
• The points will be counted by the number of cards with
questions successfully answered.
• So, even if a group finishes the card in their hands the
fastest but the total marks is lower than the one who
finishes late, they are not the winner.

Diagram 5: The template for Uno Sejarah

Diagram 6: The template for Uno Sejarah

Diagram 7: The template for Uno Sejarah

Diagram 8: Uno Sejarah after printed

Diagram 9: Uno Sejarah after printed

i. Students are required to answer a short quiz before ending the class using Kahoot

Diagram 10: Kahoot questions

Diagram 11: Kahoot questions
Game pin: 02847359
ii. Students will be tested quickly about the topic they learnt.
iii. Students will also be able to know what they already understand and what they need to
improve on.
Assignment (Homework)
i. Students will be given an assignment about the topic learnt.
ii. Questions will consist of 6 MCQ (objective questions) and 2 essay questions in Higher
Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to help students apply the knowledge learnt.
iii. The questions prepared are for students that able to master the learning objectives and
those who are unable to achieve the learning objectives

Diagram 12: Assigment questions (MCQ questions)

Diagram 13: Assignment questions (Essay questions)


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