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Submitted to Meet the Course Conversion Exam Requirements

at Faculty of Economics and Business, Jenderal Soedirman University












By :


NIM C1H020033

Approved for Conversion Exams

On : 03/07/2024


Ekaningtyas Widiastuti, S.E., M.Si.

NIP. 197901172006042003

Praise and gratitude are extended to Allah SWT for His blessings and grace, which have
enabled the author to complete the report titled "MSIB Internship as a Marketing and Sales
Assistant at PT. Pegadaian (Gonna Be Diamond Program)." The author acknowledges that
the completion of this internship report has been facilitated by the guidance, direction, and
prayers of many individuals, for which the author is deeply thankful. Therefore, the author
would like to express sincere thanks to:

1. Prof. Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, M.Sc., PhD, as Dean of the Faculty of Economics
and Business, Jenderal Soedirman University.
2. Ekaningtyas Widiastuti, S.E., M.Si, as the monitoring lecturer and the field supervisor
who has helped and guided the implementation of the internship.
3. M. Aries Aviani Nugroho as the Head of the Work Culture Division at PT Pegadaian,
concurrently holds the position of Chief Executive in the Gonna Be Diamond Program.
4. Sugito as the Head of PT Pegadaian Purbalingga Branch and all Pegadaian CP
Purbalingga members.
5. All mentors who have contributed both material and guidance.
6. Both Parents and family have given much encouragement so that they can complete this
Magang Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka activity.
7. All my friends who have inspiring me and encourage me.
8. All of the Magenta colleagues who have collaborated and encouraged me.

In the preparation of this final report, the authors recognize that there may still be certain
shortcomings and areas for improvement. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions
from all parties are highly encouraged and welcomed. Such feedback will be invaluable in
refining and enhancing the quality and comprehensiveness of this report. The authors are
committed to continuous improvement and view these inputs as essential for achieving a
higher standard of academic excellence.

Purwokerto, 3rd July 2024


A. Background

Kampus Merdeka is a policy initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and
Technology (Kemendikbudristek), granting students the right to take courses outside their
primary study program for one semester and participate in activities outside their university for
two semesters. This policy provides higher education institutions the flexibility to design
Kampus Merdeka activities that align with the needs and interests of their students, promoting
a more personalized and comprehensive educational experience.

One of the key components of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) initiative
is the Certified Internship and Independent Study Program (MSIB). This program aims to offer
students the opportunity to learn and develop by directly immersing themselves in real-world
industry or professional environments for one to two semesters. By integrating practical work
experience with academic learning, the MSIB program plays a crucial role in shaping students'
careers, particularly within the realms of education and employment.

As part of the MSIB program, the author had the privilege of interning at PT Pegadaian as
a Marketing and Sales Assistant (MSA). This internship provided me with the opportunity to
apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, thereby deepening my understanding of
marketing and sales operations within a prominent financial services company. Author’s
experience at PT Pegadaian equipped with essential skills and insights that are critical for both
author’s academic and professional development.

Kampus Merdeka initiative underscores the importance of experiential learning and

interdisciplinary education in developing well-rounded individuals. By allowing students to
explore diverse fields of study and gain hands-on professional experience, these programs
foster innovation, creativity, and personal growth. This holistic approach to education not only
benefits the students but also supports the broader goal of cultivating versatile and competent
professionals who are well-prepared to meet the evolving demands of the workforce.

This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the Kampus Merdeka
and MSIB programs, with a particular focus on my internship experience at PT Pegadaian.
Through this examination, author intend to highlight how these initiatives contribute to the
holistic development of students, preparing them to navigate and excel in the modern
professional landscape with confidence and competence.

B. MBKM Objectives

The primary aim of participating in the MSIB program is to enhance students' hard and soft
skills through experiential learning in a real-world professional environment. The specific
objectives to be achieved through this program are:

For Students:

a. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the roles and responsibilities within a marketing

team and the overall business processes of the organization.
b. Developing the ability to establish and maintain professional relationships and expand
business networks effectively.
c. Acquiring the skills to design and execute a digital marketing strategy tailored to the
company's goals.
d. Engaging in the creation and implementation of marketing and sales strategies to develop
participants' business insight and strategic thinking.

For Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED):

a. Enhancing practical skills for students to acquire practical skills and firsthand experience
in the marketing and sales domain, thereby bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge
and real-world application.
b. Professional development for students to foster professional growth by allowing students
to understand and perform the roles and responsibilities within a corporate environment,
preparing them for future career opportunities.
c. Strengthen and enhance the collaborative relationship between Universitas Jenderal
Soedirman and PT Pegadaian or various industries, fostering long-term partnerships that
benefit the institutions and the companies.
d. The exposure to real-world business environments encourages the university to develop
and adopt more innovative and practice-oriented teaching methods for university, fostering
a learning experience that is both engaging and relevant to current industry practices.

For the Company (PT Pegadaian):

a. To identify and nurture potential future employees by providing them with hands-on
experience and assessing their capabilities and fit within the company.
b. Facilitating the exchange of knowledge and fresh perspectives between students and the
organization, fostering innovation and the adoption of new ideas and approaches within PT
c. Strengthening and reinforce strategic partnerships with higher education institutions like
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, fostering collaboration that can lead to joint research,
development projects, and mutual growth.
d. Enhance PT Pegadaian's brand image among the academic community and future
workforce, positioning the company as a leading and desirable employer in the financial
services sector.

C. Benefits of the MBKM Program

The MSIB internship program, organized under the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka
(MBKM) initiative by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, offers a
range of distinct benefits:

For Students:

a. Allowing students to gain valuable work experience, enhancing their readiness for
professional careers in the future.
b. Improving the overall educational outcomes of higher education graduates by blending
practical industry experience with academic studies.
c. Enabling students to acquire specialized knowledge and practical skills in Marketing and
Sales Assistant, while adhering to the ethical principles of state-owned enterprises (BUMN)
at PT Pegadaian.
d. Providing students with an immersive understanding of the professional work environment,
particularly in the field of Marketing and Sales Assistant, and an in-depth comprehension
of the operational roles within different divisions.
e. Facilitating the development of critical soft and hard skills through direct involvement in
real-world tasks and responsibilities at PT Pegadaian.

For Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED):

a. Receiving valuable feedback from students' internship experiences to assess and improve
the relevance and effectiveness of the curriculum, ensuring it meets industry standards and
prepares students for real-world challenges.
b. Increasing the employability of graduates by providing them with practical, hands-on
experience in their field of study, making them more competitive in the job market.
c. Building and strengthening partnerships with leading organizations like PT Pegadaian,
fostering collaboration that can lead to joint research projects, guest lectures, and other
cooperative initiatives.
d. Enhancing the university's reputation and prestige by participating in nationally recognized
programs like MBKM, demonstrating a commitment to high-quality, comprehensive
education that prepares students for the future.

For the Company (PT Pegadaian):

a. Gaining early access to a pool of talented and motivated students, allowing PT Pegadaian
to identify and potentially recruit high-performing individuals for future employment.
b. Benefiting from the infusion of new ideas and contemporary knowledge brought by
students, which can inspire innovation and enhance problem-solving within the
c. Strengthening PT Pegadaian's reputation as a socially responsible organization committed
to supporting education and workforce development, which can improve public perception
and stakeholder relations.
d. Gaining insights into the latest academic trends and emerging industry practices through
direct interaction with students and academic institutions, keeping the company abreast of
new developments.


A. Profile of the MBKM Program Company

Picture 1. PT Pegadaian Logo


PT Pegadaian, a subsidiary of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, specializes in pawnshop services

and operates extensively across Indonesia with 12 regional offices, 61 area offices, 642 branch
offices, and 3,444 service units as of the end of 2022. As a non-bank financial institution,
Pegadaian offers pawnshop loans and financing, predominantly against movable collateral such
as jewelry and household items, utilizing both conventional and Sharia principles. The
company has adapted to evolving financial landscapes by expanding its service portfolio and
embracing digital transformation to enhance competitiveness in the contemporary market.
Through participation in initiatives like the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" program,
specifically the Certified Independent Study and Internship (MSIB), Pegadaian provides
students with opportunities to gain practical experience within real-world professional

Pegadaian's vision is "to become the most valuable financial company in Indonesia and the
preferred financial inclusion agent for the community." This vision encapsulates the company's
commitment to achieving unparalleled value in the financial sector through excellence and
innovation. By striving to be the foremost financial institution in the country, Pegadaian aims
to set the standard for service quality, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Pegadaian's mission encompasses several key objectives that guide its operations and
strategic direction. The first objective is to provide optimal benefits and profits for all
stakeholders by developing core business activities. This ensures that the company's primary
services are continuously improved and expanded to generate sustainable growth and value.
The second objective is to expand the service outreach to micro, small, and medium enterprises
(MSMEs) through Ultra Micro synergy, which enhances value propositions for both customers
and stakeholders. The third objective focuses on delivering service excellence with a customer-
centric approach through:

1. Simplified and digital business processes

2. Reliable and state-of-the-art information technology
3. Strong risk management practices
4. A professional and performance-oriented workforce culture.

PT Pegadaian plays a vital role in promoting financial inclusion by offering accessible

credit options to underserved populations, thus fostering economic activity and
entrepreneurship. Its financial solutions support the growth of micro, small, and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) by providing essential capital for operations, expansion, and asset
acquisition. Pegadaian also ensures financial stability and security by offering regulated
pawnshop services, encouraging savings, and enhancing financial resilience among its clients.
Collaborating with the government, PT Pegadaian supports national economic policies and
educational initiatives, exemplified by programs like MSIB, which enhance the skills and
knowledge of future professionals, aligning with broader socio-economic development goals.

At Pegadaian offices, the primary business activities revolve around offering a wide range
of financial services. This includes providing pawnshop services where customers can pledge
valuable items such as jewelry and household goods to secure short-term loans. PT Pegadaian
also offers various financing products aimed at supporting MSMEs and individual customers.
Additionally, the company has diversified into savings products, allowing customers to invest
and save money securely. Digital transformation initiatives are continuously implemented to
streamline operations, improve customer service, and enhance the overall efficiency of business
processes. Through these activities, PT Pegadaian remains committed to delivering financial
solutions that meet the evolving needs of the Indonesian population.

PT Pegadaian actively participates in the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)

program through the Certified Independent Study and Internship (MSIB) initiative. This
program is designed to provide students with practical, hands-on experience in their chosen
fields. As part of this initiative, PT Pegadaian offers internship opportunities to students,
allowing them to gain valuable insights and real-world experience within the company. Author
had the opportunity to join PT Pegadaian as a Marketing & Sales Assistant through the MSIB
program. This experience not only allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in a professional
setting but also helped me develop essential skills in marketing and sales, contributing
significantly to my personal and professional growth.

In the sixth batch of the MSIB internship program, the author have the opportunity to be
placed at PT Pegadaian's Purbalingga branch. This branch operates with a well-defined
organizational structure that supports various operational and strategic functions. The
organizational structure of PT Pegadaian Purbalingga are:

Figure 2. Organizational Structure of PT Pegadaian Purbalingga Branch

B. MBKM Activities

The MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) activities at Pegadaian provide students
with a comprehensive and immersive learning experience in the financial sector. Interns engage
in various tasks that encompass the core operations of the company, such as customer service,
marketing and sales, and business process management. Through these activities, students gain
hands-on experience and practical insights into the daily functions and strategic initiatives of
Pegadaian. The program emphasizes the development of both hard and soft skills, enabling
students to apply their academic knowledge to real-world situations while working alongside
experienced professionals. This experience not only enhances their understanding of the
financial industry but also prepares them for future professional challenges, fostering a
seamless transition from academic learning to professional practice.

These are the details author’s activities during the internship at PT Pegadaian:
Table 1. MBKM Activities

No. Time Activities Description of Knowledge

or Skills Acquired
1 Week 1, - Offline on boarding at OJK - Enhanced understanding
February 23 Purwokerto office of operational procedures,
– February - Induction at the Pegadaian product, services, and
29 2024 Purbalingga branch office by workflows through direct
observing employee tasks. observation during the
- Completing the IVT 1 task of induction.
creating the organizational - Strengthened abilities in
structure of the Pegadaian strategic content planning
Purbalingga branch. and execution for social
- Planning content creation for the media platforms.
social media accounts of the - Acquired customer
Pegadaian Purbalingga branch. retention strategies by
- Creating Instagram story content studying customer
for the Pegadaian Purbalingga behavior and preferences,
branch Instagram account. enhancing customer
- Assisting in compiling the daily relationship management
closing reports of the Pegadaian practices at Pegadaian
branch office. Purbalingga.
2 Week 2, - Replacement to the Pegadaian - Improved interpersonal
March 1 – 9 office at the Bukateja unit. skills through direct
March 2024 - Assisting in compiling the daily interaction with
closing reports of the Pegadaian customers, addressing
office at the Bukateja unit. their needs and assisting
- Assisting customers in data entry with transactions.
for pawning transactions. - Gained experience in
- Replacement to the Pegadaian managing projects from
Area office in Purwokerto. inception to completion,
- Assisting in the preparation for the particularly in the context
Pegadaian Festival Ramadan of event planning and
event at Rita SuperMall execution, ensuring all
Purwokerto. aspects were handled
- Designing attributes for the efficiently and
Pegadaian Festival Ramadan. effectively.
- Enhanced design skills by
creating visual materials,
such as banners and other
ensuring effective
communication and
3 Week 3, - Designing promotional materials - Improved communication
March 13 – for the Pegadaian Ramadan and interpersonal skills by
March 16 Festival. serving as a frontliner,
2024 - Serving as a frontliner and directly interacting with
Marketing Assistant at the festival attendees.
Pegadaian Ramadan Festival. - Enhanced understanding
- Creating Instagram content for the of social media marketing
Pegadaian Ramadan Festival. by creating Instagram
- Assisting in logistical preparations content tailored to engage
for the Pegadaian Ramadan the audience.
Festival. - Gained insights into
marketing strategies and
audience engagement by
assisting in marketing
activities at the festival.
4 Week 4, - Serving as a frontliner and - Gained experience in
March 18 – Marketing Assistant at the managing event publicity,
March 23 Pegadaian Ramadan Festival. learning how to promote
2024 - Preparing logistics for the main events effectively to
event of the Pegadaian Ramadan attract a larger audience.
Festival. - Developed skills in
- Designing materials and documenting events,
campaigns for the main event of including taking
the Pegadaian Ramadan Festival. photographs and writing
- Handling publicity, decoration, reports, ensuring accurate
and documentation for the main and comprehensive
event of the Pegadaian Ramadan records.
Festival. - Strengthened marketing
- Promoted Cicil Emas and and sales techniques by
Tabungan Emas products to promoting Pegadaian’s
visitors at the main event of the Cicil Emas and Tabungan
Pegadaian Ramadan Festival. Emas products to event
- Gained experience in
organizing and managing
logistical aspects for
large-scale events,
ensuring smooth
operations for the main
event of the Pegadaian
Ramadan Festival.
5 Week 5, - Assisting in compiling buyer - Developed marketing
March 25 – reports at the Pegadaian skills by participating
March 28 Ramadan Festival and in the creation of
2024 organizing festival attributes social media content
- Helping to create Instagram and promotional
content for Pegadaian Area materials.
Purwokerto - Improved proficiency
- Creating a template for pawn in using data
forms management
- Assisting with data entry for the software and tools for
Pegadaian Area Purwokerto business purposes.
database - Learned how to
accurately record and
track sales data for
effective event
6 Week 6, - Replacement to the Pegadaian - Learned about the
April 1 – Bukateja unit office. daily operations of
April 6 2024 - Entering daily pawn data for the the Pegadaian
Pegadaian Bukateja unit office. Bukateja unit,
- Assisting with pawn improving
transactions at the Pegadaian understanding of
Bukateja unit office. workplace dynamics.
- Planning content for the social - Gained experience in
media accounts of Pegadaian accurately entering
Purbalingga. daily pawn data,
- Designing event materials for enhancing data
the Pegadaian x BRI management skills.
Purbalingga auction. -
- Assisting with the execution of
the Pegadaian x BRI
Purbalingga auction event.

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