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List of students who

achieved an athletic
School scholarship
10 Education

Scholarship ID Athlete Name Athlete First Name Official last name Official first name
CA-02 goldstein hugh GOLDSTEIN Hugh
CA-03 eckert katie ECKERT Katie
CA-04 bergerin marianne BERGERIN Marianne
CA-05 zadro jean ZADRO Jean
CA-06 kadri shawn KADRI Shawn
CA-07 marner lan MARNER Lan
CA-08 reilly larry REILLY Larry
CA-09 anderson ashewin ANDERSON Ashewin
CA-10 matthews cleta MATTHEWS Cleta
CA-11 gardiner joyce GARDINER Joyce
CA-12 lee ahjamu LEE Ahjamu
CA-13 kapenen ryan KAPENEN Ryan
CA-14 belfour austin BELFOUR Austin
CA-15 hardy caitlin HARDY Caitlin
CA-16 dutton nicole DUTTON Nicole
CA-17 prince oscar PRINCE Oscar
CA-18 elrahab stephen ELRAHAB Stephen
CA-19 larson dana LARSON Dana
CA-20 grant ginette GRANT Ginette
CA-21 sharp lisa SHARP Lisa
CA-22 fernandes moe FERNANDES Moe
CA-23 sundin jalprit SUNDIN Jalprit
CA-24 gilmour khrysinka GILMOUR Khrysinka
CA-25 clark curtis CLARK Curtis
10 Education

Scholarship ID Email Address Campus Sport Amount Term

CA-02 Southeast Swimming 10000 1 year
CA-03 Southeast Diving 8000 1 year
CA-04 Northwest Volleyball 10000 2 years
CA-05 Southwest Softball 20000 2 years
CA-06 Northwest Basketball 30000 2 years
CA-07 Southeast Swimming 15000 1 year
CA-08 Southeast Swimming 10000 1 year
CA-09 Northeast Football 40000 2 years
CA-10 Northeast Golf 25000 1 year
CA-11 Southeast Track 8000 2 years
CA-12 Northwest Basketball 27000 2 years
CA-13 Southwest Baseball 20000 2 years
CA-14 Northeast Football 30000 2 years
CA-15 Southeast Track 12000 1 year
CA-16 Northeast Golf 18000 1 year
CA-17 Northeast Football 41000 2 years
CA-18 Northwest Basketball 26000 2 years
CA-19 Southeast Track 9000 1 year
CA-20 Northwest Basketball 23000 2 years
CA-21 Northeast Golf 20000 2 years
CA-22 Northwest Basketball 26000 2 years
CA-23 Northeast Football 35000 2 years
CA-24 Southwest Softball 15000 1 year
CA-25 Southwest Baseball 20000 2 years
10 Education

Scholarship ID School fee

CA-02 ¥18,000.000
CA-03 ¥50,400.000
CA-04 ¥58,700.000
CA-05 ¥45,200.000
CA-06 ¥26,000.000
CA-07 ¥100,000.000
CA-08 ¥90,500.000
CA-09 ¥39,100.000
CA-10 ¥62,400.000
CA-11 ¥95,100.000
CA-12 ¥85,900.000
CA-13 ¥34,300.000
CA-14 ¥87,500.000
CA-15 ¥24,900.000
CA-16 ¥98,200.000
CA-17 ¥82,500.000
CA-18 ¥48,200.000
CA-19 ¥81,600.000
CA-20 ¥93,600.000
CA-21 ¥77,200.000
CA-22 ¥71,800.000
CA-23 ¥97,800.000
CA-24 ¥79,100.000
CA-25 ¥62,400.000
ID Customer CityorProvince Region Production Order Date Groups
1001 Roting Hanoi Bac May tinh 42771 Thiet bi van phong
1002 Roting Hatinh Trung Giay A4 43089 Thiet bi van phong
1003 Hong Quan Camau Nam May tinh 42884 Thiet bi van phong
1004 My Linh Hochiminh Nam May in 42973 Thiet bi van phong
1005 Marry Thainguyen Bac May khoan 42127 Do gia dung
1006 Tony Haiduong Bac Bep dien 42305 dien tu, dien lanh
1007 Tony Haiduong Bac May tinh 42400 Thiet bi van phong
1008 Tony Namdinh Bac May in 42093 Thiet bi van phong
1009 John Haiduong Bac Tu lanh 43046 dien tu, dien lanh
1010 John Haiduong Bac Tu lanh 43046 dien tu, dien lanh
1011 John Haiduong Bac Tu lanh 43046 dien tu, dien lanh
1012 Hong Quan Hanoi Bac Giay A4 42022 Thiet bi van phong
1013 Smith Haiphong Bac May in 42864 Thiet bi van phong
1014 Bubu Quangbinh Trung May giat 42381 dien tu, dien lanh
1001 Yugi Haiduong Bac May tinh 42687 Thiet bi van phong
1002 My Linh Camau Nam May tinh 42627 Thiet bi van phong
1003 Tony Quangbinh Trung Quat 42936 dien tu, dien lanh
1004 Bubu Hochiminh Nam May khoan 42305 Do gia dung
1005 Alexander Namdinh Bac Giay A4 42432 Thiet bi van phong
1006 Bubu Camau Nam May khoan 42786 Do gia dung
1007 Smith Namdinh Bac Giay A4 43033 Thiet bi van phong
1008 Jim Namdinh Bac May in 42372 Thiet bi van phong
1009 Bubu Hanoi Bac Bep dien 42626 dien tu, dien lanh
1010 Yugi Thaibinh Bac May in 42294 Thiet bi van phong
1011 Terry Hatinh Trung May han 43015 Do gia dung
1012 Marry Camau Nam Bep dien 42772 dien tu, dien lanh
1013 John Thainguyen Bac May khoan 42875 Do gia dung
1014 Hong Quan Hatinh Trung May khoan 42224 Do gia dung
Order Quantity Order Amount
455 45200 Customer Quantity
257 40700 Roting 2
387 51300 Hong Quan 3
120 64500 My Linh 2
305 64100 Marry 2
199 52200 Tony 4
433 82300 John 4
313 69300 Smith 2
234 73800 Bubu 4
234 73800 Yugi 2
234 73800 Alexander 1
196 50200 Jim 1
140 71000 Terry 1
345 34700
333 32100
123 56400
280 46300
251 34300
446 58700
111 42300
119 38900
210 30600
205 81100
379 46800
247 37500
416 55000
184 56700
307 41500
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