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Metro bank-lvl'I'Al:-DqpEd Math ChaUenge 2Ol3

Third Year
Name: School: Score:
trnstruction; Wiite your &nswer on the space provided trefore each item. Giye a,ll fractions in Iowest terrns.
- Eliminate ne8ative exponents and rationalize denominators. Give equations of lin6'in Blope-intercept form.
A ll figrrrcs are not drawn to scale.

/ o--3^.4\ -?
1. SimplifS: L{=$J- (3r zo tra.
x"y_- ^
2. Simplifv: -]-4.
\/7 -2
Simplify: -Z^/75 + St/n- U/fi .

Sinrplifu: 6mna lGit& * 2*sn{ffiftr.

5. Sinrplifv: ry2/tdSf; -zy/Ff, +l,y3l+rsf, if z>0andsr>0.
12-Jr.28 * 16
' ' x213Jf.28'x2 49'
srmPtrtY: p
r-2 +
-;- (, F; zr. * 1s'
8. S_glve: ,(6n - 1): i2.
------tr y#: uru the
9s=Siod rrre equauon
equation or
of rne
r he lrne wiih r-tntercept
line wtth r-intercept J3 and gt-intercept -/.
g-rntercept -7.
1'1O. Find the equation of lhe Ine passing through (2,3) and perpendicular to 7c 5g: +0.
11. Find the constant s so that the lines (2s+4)xi_iy: T and (s + 4)r + 3y = s are par.allel.
12. I'ind the point of irrtersection of thc lines fu *2y = t6 and l0r - Jy = +6.
13. Find the supplement of an a.ngle measuring ?6f'.
L4. If ZX : (6 + 5e)" and lY = (158 , 3ft)' are supplementaxy, fiud the complernent of lX.
15. (Figure 1) Find :c.
16. iFigue 1) Find y.
------:----- 17. (Figrrre 2) E-ind. +S_
18. (Figu-re 2; Find PQ.

(2c + 10)"

2x - 10 rl7

Figure 1 Figure 2: MRll NS ll P?'ll QU, a:l.d Hf =27

19. The four points A{ 6, 2), -3. - 2), Clg.7) and l) foflu Recr angle ABC D. What are the coor-
dinates oI D?
20. How many circles of radius 9 cm can be cut from a r'ectangular sheet J.7 m by 1.0b m?
2t, Io Paral lelogram PARK- lP -- 7t", lA: (3r - 20)o. and lR : (Sy . I0).. W]at is r + g'l
The angles of a tria"ngle are in the ratio 11:12:13. Find the ureasure in degrees of its largest angle.
23. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 63"- Find the me.asurb of a base angle.
24. A regular polygon has 15 sides. t'ind the measure in degrees of each of its interior angles.
25. An equilateral tria"ngle has perimeter 27 cm. What is its area?
26. A ri8ht triangle has legs ay'E atd Zl5- How long is the hypotenuse?
27. Quadriiateral PQPS has right angles at, P end R. lf Pe:9, PS = t2 atd eR - 10, find RS.
2A- What is the area of quadrilateral PQI?S from the previous problem?
29. The shortest legs of two similar tria-ngles are 5 and 7.5. If the bigger triangle hzrs perimeter 33, fiid
the perimeter of the snraller tria.ngle. poge I o! P
30. (Iigure .3) Suppose FG :12, IJ.;ls &lit.J.Il 21. Find GII'
31, (Eit;ure 3) Suppose f'G = r- 3, IIf = x+5, IJ= r+3and fK=2o. Find c.
-.,..**--- 32. (Figure 3) Suppose the perimeters of AFG}/ and LIJK are 20 and '18, respectirely' If GE = 12'
tirrd iff.
3lt. ATOM is au isosceles trapezoid having bases AT arrd MO, with A? < MO' It AT : 72, TO - 6

,oil zTOM:45', find the perimeter ot ATOM,

34. !'ind the arca of ATOM from the prerious problem.
35. Ttie diagonals of a rhombus differ by 4. If its perimeter is 40, find its area.
36. Tfre diameter of a sphere ie the 6ame a8 the side of a cube. If the cube's volume is 512 cm3. find
Lhe sphere'c exact vo' ...,e.

Figure 3 Fi;1rre 4 Figure 5

37. (Fignre a) If TQ = at/8 an<t ?,9 : 12v5, find ltf.

3E. (Figure a) If "RS : gv6 and 7,9 : 18. find 7'Q.
39. (Irigure 5) Find the perimeter of STUY,
.10. iFig"re 6) Fitd IAOB.
4'1. (l'iglrre 6) Fird IBEC.
42. (Fisure 7) F ind P.4.
44. (Figue 7) Find DC.

Figure 7: Pd is tangent to the circle at A.

Figure fi: Tlie circie has center O and diam-
eter .A{)C. C,E is tengent to the circle at C;
t:rrd 1C DB = 20' .

44. circler r4 a,rd D hare radii 5 and i, respectively, and the distence betwecn their centen: A and B
is 0. If the two circles inteBect at points M and N, find the le.ugth of the common chord ]]lfN
4C. W1lal is the l6th term of the arithmetic sequence 13, 19, 25. . . .?

46. what is the oum of the firot 21 tenns of the aritbmetic sequence from the previous problem?
47. tf f0 . 4k, 2k - 42 and 27 - 3k are three consecutive terms of an aril,hmetic sequeuce, find their
, orumon .lifierence.
48, A geometric $equence has first term 5, and fourth term 80y'2. What id its second term?
49, A geometric sequence of poaitive terms h3a fifth terur 24 ao.d ninth term 384. Find the sum of it6
first 0 terms.
EO. a ball rebounds 3 the distance it fsilb. If it is dropped from a height oI 2O m, how far does
it travel hefore mming to rest?
Page 2 af P--- .,'
Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Cballenge 2O13
Fburth Year
Name: School: Score:
Instructiou Write your atulwer on the epace provided before each item.
1. One of two complementary angle added to one-half the other yields 62". Find the measures
of the two an6les.
Find the anrplitude and period of the function y: -Ssin g,

Find the equation of the line passing through (3, -10) and whose slope is half the slope of
A closed rectangulax bo:r is of uniforrn thickness o inches. The boc has outer dimensions 6
ioches, 4 inches,. and 3 iuches and it has an inside volume of 30 cubic inches. Find c.
b. Find the center and radius of the circle # - qx+f * L4g +47: O.

6. Find the exact value of coe 75".

simprify (#)'
8. How rnany &digit even uumbers can be formed out of the digits 2, 4, 5, 8, and 9 (without
9. Find the inverse of the function g : log.(5r + 2).
10. In parallclogr au RSTII, Zn : (3x + y), ZS : (y - a), afi. lT : ( c - 8)'. F:lrrd ZU.
11. Suppose y'(i) = A.2o'02l repreeents the bacterio preemt in a culture f minutes from the staxt
of an Give an expression for the number of minutes needed for the bacteria to
12. One side bf a recta.ngle is 6 centimeters, and its adja.ent side measures onethird of the
rectangle's perimeter. FiDd the dimeruions of the rectatrgle.
13. If the area of a rectangle is 6t - 2sa + 4 and its width ia 2 - x, find iis leagth^
14. The dia.meter of a basketbali is 9 furches. If it is completely submerged in water, how much
water will be displaced? Give your answer irr terms of ll'.
15. Find all r e [{, r] such that 3 cog2 o * 10 sin c : 6.

solve the ineoualitv l?"

' 1 'i .
" l1-2xl- r.

Find the tno points that divide the segrnent joining (-2,5) and (a, -7) into three equal

18. rr / (=)
\o - r,/
: rt - z,6nd /(c).
19. Wbrkers / and B, working together. can finish a job in 8 hours. If they work together for
6 hpurq after whic.h Worker A leaves, then Worker B noede I more hourg to 6oiah the job.
How long does it take Worker A to do the job alone?
2fJ, Find tbe coefficient of the term involving c2 rg the expansion (r + 3x-2)8.
In the figure, arc .8,9: 1150, arc E": S0", and lO:5". Find a,rc ?U.

22. In the 6gue, AABC is similer to AADB. lf AD :3 a.nd AB :8, 6ud /C.
23. In the figure, concentric circles with radii 4 and 5 have center .P. Fiud E, given that it is
tangent to the irmer circle a,ad is a chord of the outer circle.
Page 7 ol 2
24. lt tffied fiD timer, 6od the pobahility ihat err{ly three taoses ihotr heada.
sfa,fu coin is

25. Find the value of o eo thot the points (-1, -2), (6, a) aod (- 10, 2) lie on a straight line,
26. tr'ind the product of the roots of tbe quadratic equation 3o - 5C + I = 0.
Miraeds trained considcntly, so thst she cao finish 6 mse il I horu. Dtring the race, she
ran at the rate of 8 kph. Hoirerrer, upon rmnhirg the halfway point of the race, she realDed
ehe needed to rua faster so she ircreased her speed to 10 kph. If she reached her gpal jttst
in time, how long was the race?

6l; :
28. Solve for r ia terms of s, where t * r.
The expressioa cs + ad + 0a + 6 has the eane remainder when divided by r *1 or by 2- r'
If the remainder wheu the orpresgion b divided by c * 3 is -ffi, find a and D.
30. A square ie iffcribed inside a circle of radius 10 cm. Fiad the perirneter of the square.
31. Write (log3 ?)(loga 3xlog7 6) as e singl6 logarithm.
32. A bookshelf history books and 10 cooking bools. You will select l0 boo&s (2 history
has I
books sDd 8 cooking bools) to bring on a trip. How ma,ny choices are possible?
33. Factor coppletelV: Zcs +lf
-Bo4-l}/ .
34. In pa.rallelogr am ABOD, AC urrxrts BD at O. Suppoee tbat OA:3r -2, OC = 13-6o,
and OB:3c * 2, Fhd OD.
35. Solve for r: log(c - 4) + log(o Z) : t.
56. A (r/-r)4 = y'r =.16, find the pogsible value of c and g.

If /(c) : ,/D=laud g(r) : I 6nd the domain of (f o g9)(c)

a *l'-, )\n)-
38. The aogles of a quadrila,teral a,re in the ratio 4:2: 6:3. Find measure of the largest angle'
39. Suppose that P(c) ie a polynomial such that the remaiuder ol P(x) + (x * 2) is -5 wd
the remaiader of P(c) + (r- 3) is 7. Is it pcsible for P(c) to have (a) exactly one root
between 2 and 3? (b) two roots between 2 and 3? (c) no root between 2 and 3?

40. Simplify to a single fractiou:

##;5+ rd!#;S
41. The rliel 6q's coalinetion lock aontairs three wheels, a;h of whi& is lab€Ied with a iligt
froq 0 to 9. How rnnny poesible combinati,onr doee the lock Lare t di,gia may not be
42- Find and identily the asym.ptotes of the groph ol y - 4'-t *r.
sorve ror ,,
-:)' - (" - :) - r:,
I,et C be a circle of radius 8 incheo, haviag a chord of tengtU e i:nches. Find the central
angle opposite this chord.
45. Ifp: log 2, q : log 5 and r : lo8 7, ocprees log 50 * 21og70 -logr7 i^ terus of p, q, aod r'
46. -trf four-number codes are formed randornly frou the digil,s 0 to 9, what is the probability
that the two middle .digits the seme?
For what value/s of lc does the graph of g = ful - kt -l k have a minimum valw of 3?
48. Find the domain of the fimctioa f@ - \m
49' The c- and y-iutercepts of a line are -9 and 6, respectirrely. Find the point on the line
whoee ordinate is 5.
50' Suppae ao airplaoe clfunbs at 8rl angle of 30"' If its speed is mai'nJained at 550
kilometem per hour, how lolg will it ta,ke to reach a height of 15 kiiometers?

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