Daily Current Affairs 9 July, 2024 (1)

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Science and Technology/Ethics (Mains)

Internet Archive and Backlash from Book Publishers

● Internet Archives digitized a great
Traditional publishers such as Hachette, number of books and uploaded them. It
Harper Collins, Wiley, and Penguin included historical sources, old classics,
Random House are suing Internet Archive. etc.
● Many traditional publishers have alleged
About that the Internet Archive violated their
copyrights and illegally made their books
● Internet Archive (IA) is a non-profit
available to the public by scanning
which aims to digitise, preserve, lend,
physical copies and distributing digital
and share multi-media content.
● It is embroiled in a major legal challenge
● Hachette vs Internet Archive, 2020: In
as it faces off against traditional
this case, traditional publishers Hachette,
publishers accusing it of copyright
HarperCollins, Wiley, and Penguin
Random House sued Internet Archive.
● The free digital library is fighting the
Although the district court ruled in favour
forced removal of around half a million
of the publisher, the court also held that
books from its platform. The platform
not all books on the Internet Archive were
aims to function like a free library.
Case Against Internet Archive ● National Emergency Library’ (NEL)
Initiative: The Internet Archive launched
this initiative during the pandemic when
physical libraries were inaccessible to
readers. Publishers also opposed this
initiative together.
Doctrine of Fair Use Although the judgment favoured the
publishers Internet Archives' free service
● Overall, IA uses a system known as during the Pandemic must be applauded.
“controlled digital lending” to limit the Further, this judgment also paved the way for
number of people who can access an e- Copyright violation laws on the Internet
book. which is on a surge with the advent of AI-led
● Hence, by offering free services during GPT.
the pandemic, the Internet Archive used
the doctrine of fair use to defend itself Source: The Hindu
in the case, but this did not hold up.
● However, the ruling led to the removal
of books from the ‘Internet Archives

Outcomes of the Judgement


● The judgment upholds the law and

publishers must be paid for the monetary
loss which they invest during the
publishing of a book.
● Internet Archive's free book initiative
was equivalent to book piracy as it hurt
the economic interests of publishers and


● Books are fundamental necessities for

millions of students who were
completing their tasks and homework
using Internet Archives free initiative.
● The ruling did not account for those
copyright violators who are engaged in
piracy on the internet.


Genome Editing Mission

● Lower Body Weight leads to lower
Context income for the farmers although the fish
is highly priced in the market.
Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean ● Pearl spots are sold in the retail market for
Studies (KUFOS) is preparing to launch a about ₹650 to ₹700 a kg which is among
genome editing mission to boost the the highest in the market as compared to
production of Pearl Spot Fish. other common fishes.
● Currently, Kerala produces only 2,000
About tonnes of pearl spots annually against the
market demand of 10,000 tonnes.
● Pearl spot fish is the State Fish of Kerala.
● If the mission becomes successful, it will
It is commonly known as “Karimeen” in
on the one hand ensure the increment in
productivity of the Pearl Spot while on
● It is an indigenous fish which is
the other hand will fulfill market demand.
extensively found along the east and
south-west coasts of Peninsular India. Source: The Hindu
● It is an important candidate species for
aquaculture in ponds which can be grown
both in both brackishwater and
freshwater environments.
● It is cultured in traditional ponds in
Kerala where it is considered a delicacy
fetching a high price of up to Rs. 150/ kg.

Issues with Current Pearl Spot Farming

● The low body weight of the fish is a major

cause of concern for farmers currently.
The fish can attain a weight of 300 to 400
grams in a year.

Naavu Manujaru Programme

● These sessions will be done in all
‘Naavu Manujaru’ Programme has government, aided, and unaided primary
been launched in Schools in Kerala to and high schools of the State.
inculcate social harmony among ● It will include one period of ‘Value
students. Education’ and two periods of ‘Socially
Useful Productive Work (SUPW)’.
Major Themes of Discussion
● Naavu Manujaru’ Programme is a
capacity-building program for students ● The Program will include discussions on
studying in Karnataka Schools. social harmony and its significance,
● Nodal Agency: Department of State based on local and national festivals,
Educational Research and Training folk games, sports etc.
(DSERT), ● It will also include a discussion on the
● The main objective of the program is to thoughts of social reformers, visiting
turn all educational institutions in the and sharing information on
State into centres of social harmony, outbound/local famous places, cottage
tolerance and scientific temper. industries, discussion on nuclear and
● The program aims to improve the non-nuclear families, discussion on
capacity of the students to think elimination of inequality and dialogue
independently, and rationally and on constitutional values like equality,
understand the pros and cons of every liberty and fraternity.
issue. It will also be helpful for the
Source: The Hindu
overall development of the students.

Discussion Sessions

• The program involves discussions and

dialogues for two hours per week with
three periods of 40 minutes.

HPV Vaccine
Context ● The Vaccination drive will be focused on
pre-puberty girls. It is based on the
Recently, there were discussions which Western notion that teenage girls
were directed towards the HPV Vaccines indulging in promiscuous physical
and their efficacy in the current scenario. relations and becoming carriers of the
virus are a huge risk factor for the entire
About adult population.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Notions against the HPV Vaccination

● Human papillomavirus (HPV) is
considered as one of the main reasons ● Scientific Base: Most of the men and
behind the Cervical Cancers and women who are HPV positive do not get
‘precancerous lesions’ in human beings. virus-induced cancer. Hence, HPV is not
● It infects both men and women. But in solely responsible for Cervical Cancer.
Women, its impact is more disastrous as ● Declining Trends of Cervical Cancer:
it causes Cervical Cancer. The Population Based Cancer Registries
● Most of the Women who have died due to (PBCR) of India and the International
Cervical Cancer have been found infected Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
with HPV. have acknowledged the declining trends
of cervical cancer prevalence in India and
Vaccination Among Teenage Girls the globe, regardless of vaccine coverage
or efficacy.
● An ethical issue has arisen as the
● Reflection of Patriarchal Society: Men
government is going for vaccination of
are also the carriers of the HPV. Then
the teen-age girls.
why should women alone targeted for
● The government has announced a
universal’ vaccination of girls against
● Promiscuous Physical Relations: In
HPV in order to reduce the mortality due
India, this idea is rarely prevalent and
to cervical cancer.
against the social norms. The idea of
● It is a ‘selective’ vaccination of high-risk
multiple sexual partners among teenage
groups as the virus transmits during
girls is a Western notion and its
sexual intercourse.
application in Indian society is not expenditure on health is among the highest in
justified. the world.

State of HPV Vaccination in India Source: The Hindu

● The Serum Institute of India (SII)

developed an HPV vaccine called
‘Cervavac’ and promoted it as an
indigenous and affordable vaccine.
● Cervavac uses similar techniques;
deploying virus-like particles (VLPs)
produced using Recombinant
Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (rDNA)
techniques to generate an immune
response against HPV infections.
● The Cervavac vaccine is currently
recommended universally under the
government vaccination programme for
girls between the ages of nine to 26 at a
price of ₹500 for two doses.
● For those who are not covered under the
government program, it can go up to
₹2,000 increasing the out-of-pocket
health expenditure.


The research conducted by premier institutes

has clearly shown the declining trend of HPV
infections and cervical cancers around the
world. Further, the efficacy of universal HPV
vaccination to prevent cervical cancer has not
been proven yet. The government must take
initiatives to prevent unethical vaccination in
light of research conducted on HPV
vaccination. It must ensure the necessity of
such Vaccination which is costly for a
country like India where out-of-pocket

1. Discuss the importance of Genome 2) It aims to improve the capacity of the

Editing in increasing the productivity students to think independently and
of the Livestock sector. rationally.
2. Discuss the ethical, scientific and 3) The program involves discussions
economic issues associated with the and dialogues for two hours per week.
HPV Vaccination Program in India.
3. Recently, a Genome Editing Mission Which of the following statements is/are

was launched to increase the Correct?

productivity of Pearl Spot Fish by

A. One Only
which of the following state
B. Two Only
C. All Three
A. Kerala
D. None
B. Rajasthan
C. West Bengal Answer: C
D. Andhra Pradesh

Answer: A

4. Consider the following statements with

reference to the ‘Naavu Manujaru
Programme’ launched by Karnataka:
1) It aims to turn all educational
institutions in the State into centres of
social harmony, tolerance and
scientific temper.

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