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- — MBA-TECH (cs) r N D E xX | NAME: Yoshi Srivastoue ROLL NO. 0 7 owisec, A veLECT ‘ee Fomate “) Date Title B20 Rolle’ Theorem 20-B-20 Cagranges Mean Value Theasem - 20-820 Compakiison blw Roule'’s aud LMVT 24-820) LMT OT Arm 28-820) Cauchy's MVT_ 288-20 Taylor's Seseiea 318-20 | Maclaur'n's Theorem 29-20 | 5 Hemounaler 0H (S920. Prise illgen, \ | a svar erartryrk | 2 | Evisteute and J ontinatly op function >| Pantin! Dertivotinss a >| Compouti fume: FAW: 19-4:90 Max {wai fin tue variables - LIS: raat Logg alee maths IB 26-9.20| 18/087 20 ROLLE’S THEOREM TF OO a vA Wnhrusuy in Cab] > Ax f }=0 fas 7 ob 2) Ww bids y /. y= 9” dy = Loe) 22x = oe | at ae * Ix) ti dn Coenfe?= £0) af (Noa < Dob polar dies betuen Cab) than Rotle’s thoosenn us not peat =| f= x” = of Gy = Pace Ct) = = Bees) Ae poink 6_£ (=1,2,) | Rolle's Henan uv mar verified - Page No. [ | IMP Tf Qpation has given menus a > gu function( ‘Trigrati. oth thu dides) LAGRANGE’S THEOREM. M 1) Verity LM vt for $00 =O“) e-2) (4-3) 9 [0,4] Di FOO = 2C- Gx 1In-6 uohin is on algenraic F604 coutinuow Sa fo.4J tenction AH Gi) POUT Se 6x4t exdaty du (0,4) FOO 24 dufvable fir (0,4) 1 Thus, dhuee ai oO peut: ¢ bn (0,4) such thar — soz $0) flo) —O er DFO) = Bx SHAM $e) = Be? - Get fUb)= fluy= 6 4C0) =fto) = -6 bra = -4 D from eqn: @°: Bc la2ctil= 646 ac Bce7-lac+8=0 cz 124Nt44-36 c= 2d He 6 = o4 233 ECW) 3 Henee , LMVT Bo verified Oaatp Date ' LAGRANGE’ Comparison BETAIEEN fOLLE's AND RANGE’ stung aR ' foue's] [Locnan ors] a saute fies dieu condition | satisfies uo conditions - © £G0 Ss cominuous tu [016d | 6 £00 continuous Gu Ta,4} © $'O0 extaty Ju (a,b) © f OU exkata dn (ab). © £(a)=4Cb) a AU conditions satistied | ot condition ca41& Liecd . shun ¢ ofats such tho | thon c_extate such strok _ josie pes Feo ghpiow oe LMyT_ I_form : floth) =4 (a+ hf’ Caron) : fio 2c. _ CAucHy 3 MvtT: a) fO0= a Gorn am C29 ZW. fsa bola ore-cort frou Sa bled I gou= x gf ou= ue? - Bot. the conditions CMVT one ablapied - “Thus, thue exists a point e(,2) duc nor ee cy= fto)- Fla) -@ - te ge) -g@ tiv, f'qu=e* ji wists in (1,2) yo = 4e _ Yap - faye 2) -FW= 3_ - grb-ga= gr- gue 1S => From egn@ ,u hour c= zz kee ozs S/e - c= N52 é€ C2) 1 CRAVT_ vou ed. ExpanSion OF Series — Taylor's Series: AsSumtug tat fOcth) On be Mepdescuted expavded 9, ancundin power of hk: @ forth) = $00 + hf'Q0 ERA LC) +h? "OV # KY ony z B oe Thus sees 4a known ad TayLor's Sesued (b)_ Taterchonging x cud (ascending power’ of, $cth) Oho af G+ of" Maat 4 "ad “ai tz ond h joa: Repo “alhesnnn) = = fle ann ene $l) voiteysae a) + Goo FO) im in powers of (x-a) ° = An powow of h * Sou FOO +h OO + ws Oot: => ds pus % * Sth) = Fon) + mf W) +9 f "hte Gf wel (-o) * Hoga) = flare een a) f ca) + G0) “pay + 96) Some Stoudard Exphautlwa Ui) a x = eae wh ae te BE siuhn = wes 2h 4 eee 8 |E & . ty Leos = t= eh bo et a a ©& coh = + wha at tee e@ & € eee 2 3 dag (1-0) = a= Et 2 3 4 (vi) | town = et P at 3 = (0 = Tt rm + mle) palen =I) (onen)xe +" re B 0 Machoustin's Theorem * When to costien Da comvertd to Moctawnin's , A ts Suploced ° _ dov= $00) + o4'lo) +98 5) 2 "(0+ 3 y q ne taf © Taylors stheasem with tat lgrorge’s form og emodnclur poet) = FOl* he'a)+ nif) @ + bp a+eh) in Ly Theorem | — ae ©. Sep onal form 5 aan my oe t)= £0) + hf'Cateh Lagtang.s . , sratnd= 40)4 Wf POWs Flosing Coe AH Or ston & * Expand about n/6 > V/s) Taylor's and Moctowdin'’s Sexies uiith Lagroges form *} Rewatinolu Cath)= 4a) thf) 4ht f"(ad+-- W™§"(0+8h) § Hod thfta ee f a c Femoind Rn= hy” (at eh) UD set Gr Ci) 34 n=! , Togines stheotomn Suduices 2D CMV henson, And form - ie- fourh= fa) + ht! Ca+eh) cor (2) Tf asd ond h=x ue FO) = FD) + XFICO)+ WHO) + -. 4 204" (8x) & 6 whic Q [enown as Moactoustin's tanker ustth Lagrange fom oy Sowmod role Remainder shoud alway be found at (nt!) value,’ * Ss / Taylor's ound Mactourin’s Sorted with Lagrawges form Rowalnol : lath)= flay th fo) 4ht f(ad+--» hb §” (a +9h) f 4 f zt we 4 Remoindux Rn = pen (aroh) in 1= Gort) Th n=l, Toyior's thandoun suducet 1) LMY pang and fom: Oo ie- fOuh)= tors AN ral CL Ger (2) TE a=0 ond HEX ue £0) = LD) + 2F1CO)+ y24"(0) - em ae ; et ADE" (8x) a whidk 4, leroy 09 Mactoudin's thooddoua wlth Legg form % Sowmod robe UY R ——— = funaindr should Odusouye be found at (ni) vatue’ pare 5/04 / 20. INDETERMINATE FORM the, spuowieg found as Lindobenmtnati forms Os Wd 0: Wi) ao 0 ww 1 wv)_0° we vii) 0° ° tan $0 KO 9 Go $O) = Mnf) or X70 9 Oo) i a t = bw $f) yy 0 form HAO qm + ai = tw fou aw 2 form Aro "by _vauwshea he yw whens 2. vowashes ta the dosing porwr , Now 5 pnd — a” - G aatht ) : 6) 9} form te ty [foo)® KPO gow ker y= ov . 4ony = gu). tog FO0 Gn day =a Jog p(n) nt tt ers go? g Foe — 7 = dim —_09fG0 a mee Taw an =A (soy) a oO co 00 >» G+ 0. © 0 \~ > 0-m@—> oO. 00° + O.c~ 9 oo 2 o ° ° co ° e 6 7 Sea f OO 0-~ Pp @ Se & - oo ° 2 ae — Ganithi) Mayima | Minima 7 < Gugts Yosiable? Oder & = _ To fad oF nck ware] mila of G0 = _ lu = Fo) — god f= Se _ > Pr shtionapy pour fire dy <0 say, soliovery pout 2 0., 04,03 find poy \ dy] K=01 8 a hon, dhe port _oa p04 Waar aud wan: voluc us (ax) - th fob zo 6 (Ga) Thon, dhe pou Oy Js the wrorclionunr oud wox: pevabie ts -flad Sopprd dastvotine Seat patta cohen "ed =o Dr pug Code ophy fiest derivehon teat Date : } Locad Max» Min Pisat Dewivotime Test 8- SS ()) gavow 404) (o), Hud f'OO - (a). Fiud stationary points for F'Q0=0 and Soy amo, b C.+- - 979 $00 fet the values op x a ae’ for_values ae oalgty mo - ® ‘oy eh from tve, to —we Se he . coe. wax vobue ob x=Qe B94 $100 derge fom ve to He. st En Jncal win: Volue at “=Q. ee © YY ctoos not cee iy tan iso. pik of ui Couge fn cig 4 —> =ve (was) toca ~ve— s4ve (win) bowl Date Gi Gaatht, py - A dumction Sa daid to be coutinueus hor taint @,b) : Ou [Um bios stay Ci fo. W)\ = Bu Flo) xO ct a “ics gree ae fo ae yo i —— PARTIAL DERIVATIVE — > eu OH DYOZ = 3 [abwayn go from Sight todege] {but tore cur Be, / — thy, & Du oy dud thoy 24 Ere eo CoMPogiTE PUNCTION ~ ! aefOuy) : *=GU Ww) SSS y= YCuww a AS FU pf Coe Yu] oe 2 ds val fn 0p Ue acl B= Be ee Par es —— ee Boe ue 7 Bu —_ _ 22 = D2 - M4 Bz. BY, ee eT OMe a or By Br ee = ae Final — Ga aat AL ) Worcing RULE To SOLVE Max|Minl Ins VaRunguesa L 2= fOuy) seeps: > 92> 22 22 — v2 22 > fo oui, 02 Dndy Bye po 4 rs — + > Por max.|min : pr = = ne Sastre pints ; 3S 450 (usd Coe a), C693), > At (xi, ye) * () rtEstzo reo Mtntma (b) re-3?%O , r<0 > Maxima te) rhs ee , Saddle pint (Wy _rt-c* = ) doubtful case (NFT) - yt-s' 70 _ yt-$*<0 a y7o reo Minimum Max mum - ne Date LAGRANGES MULTPLLER METHOD * ° 2 vom x nl > v= Joy.) uinion to be fad Our maar: Jae Sg loyyya) = xt by tee Od AMIEL si, = 479 : > A a4 a. wisi ptt en udg te wings aut Ags =0 ———— ax Dee gu +A zoo —— vy Ya Oe _ Bu + AM zo — oe 3 Put th bok 0 tu cond gerne humeriod value 1 3 td te MY Ry . qrot volue is Wax — Owollur volun jy win ° Date _ Gradient and directional Mexivabie =n Lig onlay Scolar powr pune: 6 Ouy,2) Qu Sy with veekor point func: > F Ony,2) > G9 Huup ) nants > dana E> rebodty, displacomale , Pe 3 Un fatloutey umetiond of clixjemantind aheulus ? 4: Ag = 26 do + 28 -dy + Bde 2 dF = OF oe Ot BE ody + 26 az A fro. gc): - 7 — [: gonys 2) be oO “scalar fin bars” tun dg = Tg-d?¥ _ —-O - 7 ghuee we know that yr iae {at ka ye dy az Vor iad + foot hag ¥ te Vey oz i I ! P= xityjrck rose vo. Date __ Wis Aber yt ez 7 res ony 2” : df= dnit dy f tox _ row yr @ aa — dg = (ab ae Fae) Gis dy +dak) d= 26. dt dy adc TTowmectiosa DERIVATIVE 2 ype Phd dni ie dstion 2 ps a Yin ac lee) @| ay # : ~NE a bar. tal ae © bbuctiono! dutvatinn lua Aj — a ms tnedion of Ss Vf) a abe = Qwiectional durivertive da Wher dredipn - vps sf vs = Rog 4 change a _ 6 orl afte surface OF te. pdt =) o : Ob the pointe 7 Roly change of ¢ = 79-94 — = V¢-9fF : _ Ivf ~ bheetpice yt Vfl (dot produc) | RP cross products _ div’ = (sctar) | ant f= vector _ =— i jek —_wrl P=] Ax Yay rar [4 Ur Us — ee = oe ae Seam a is a Via dwt, i V-f =o tan f Ls solfrolal - TxP uh fy Ve 0, tun P fs trrotatfonal - ol gam fod OF — > 1u scab podeutial 2. ag= vs a @ compare so yud our 28, a 28 ow le a2 @. Lag = BB. tee ay + 29 de — Bl tata =

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