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Lectures and Seminars

Summer Semester 2024

June 17 – July 5, 2024

English lectures and seminars 2

Ongoing online seminars before summer block 2024 27
Memorial Day 28
Special Events 29
Subjects Curriculum Analytical Psychotherapy 31
Schedule 35
General Business Conditions 41

Face to face events which are live/online are marked in


Mon 17.06. 08.30 – 09.30 250. Welcome Meeting for new students

(Max. 40 students)

Credits: 2 Lea-Sophie Richter, Dr. phil. Festsaal

Mon 17.06. 09.35 – 15.35 251. On the therapeutic use of images

and how to work with them during
the psychotherapeutic process
How to work with the symbolization process during the
psychotherapeutic session and how to make sense of the
pictures and images created. Drawings of patients will be

PP2, AP8, AP9 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 6 Peter Mai, MA, MD Sala Terrena

Mon 17.06. 11.20 – 15.35 253. Sand and Objects

The Expression of Different Layers of the Psyche in the

AP1, AP7, KJP6 (Max. 20 students)

Credits: 4 Carlo Paolo Ruffino, MD TBW1 and TBW2

Mon 17.06. 11.20 – 15.35 201. Lecture: Music & the Unconscious
Understanding of music phenomena from the perspective
of the unconscious & implications on the Jungian work with
children and adults.

AP1 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Nada O’Brien, PhD Festsaal


Mon 17.06. 15.50 – 19.35 252. The fundamental principles of

painting therapy in personal analysis
and in a group
The theory will be illustrated with paintings created by
patients both in personal and in group setting. Experiential
work on clinical material. The students are invited to bring
pictures from their clients.

PP2, PP5, AP6 (Max. 20 students)

Credits: 4 Elvira Valente Sala Terrena

Mon 17.06. 15.50 – 19.35 202. Lecture: Transgenerational trauma

and Jungian work with children &
PD1, PD2, KJP2, KJP8 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Nada O'Brien, PhD Festsaal

John O'Brien, M.Sc.

Tue 18.06. 09.35 – 15.35 254. Fundamentals of Analytical

Review and discussion of Jung's theories about the
structure and dynamics of the psyche, its energy, healing
and illness, ego, shadow, animus/a, self, complex, symbol,
archetype, individuation and dreams. Required reading
prior to class: Jung's "Two Essays on Analytical

AP1 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 6 Laura Horlacher-Semmes, M.A. Sala Terrena

Tue 18.06. 09.35 – 17.20 255. Music Dreams Group Work

Analysing dreams with any notion of music in Jungian
group dream framework. Understanding of music
phenomena from the perspective of the unconscious.

PP7, AP2 (Max. 20 training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 8 O'Brien Nada, PhD Kellersaal


Tue 18.06. 09.35 – 17.20 256. Clinical Block I

Topics such as the initial interview, anamnesis, diagnosis,
indications for therapy will be discussed together with
clinical material from the diploma candidates (if available).
It is mandatory to attend this seminar once during the
whole training.

PS1, PS2, PP1, PP2, PD1 (Max. 20 training and diploma candidates (from 3rd

Credits: 8 Verena Kast, Prof. Dr. phil. TBW2

Andreas Michel, Dr. phil.

Tue 18.06. 09.35 – 12.50 203. Lecture: A Genealogy of Child

In this introductory lecture I will begin to outline a few of the
different psychoanalytic approaches to child
psychoanalysis that have developed since Freud. Following
Michel Foucault’s understanding of the term “genealogy”, I
will approach child psychoanalysis not only as a method to
“help children”, but also as a political tool to (pre)constitute
knowledges and discourses.

KJP1, KJP2 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Gabriella Calchi Novati, PhD, Diploma Festsaal

CGJI Zurich, IAAP Analyst for Children,
Adolescents and Adults

Tue 18.06. 14.05 – 15.35 204. Lecture: A spiritual thirst of our

being for wholeness
C. G. Jung wrote that within the depth of the human psyche
there is a religious instinct that is just as strong and
important as the other instincts.

E1, E4 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Francisco Garcia, Analytical Psychologist, Festsaal

Diploma CGJI Zurich

Tue 18.06. 15.50 – 19.35 257. A spiritual thirst of our being for
C. G. Jung wrote that within the depth of the human psyche
there is a religious instinct that is just as strong and
important as the other instincts.

E1, E4 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 4 Francisco Garcia, Analytical Psychologist, Festsaal

Diploma CGJI Zurich

Wed 19.06. 09.35 – 17.20 258. Word Association Experiment

Examination Seminar
Group presentation of the candidates' accepted exam
document, discussion.

PD5 (Max. 10 Diploma candidates)

Credits: 8 Nada O'Brien, PhD TBW2

John O'Brien, M.Sc.

Wed 19.06. 09.35 – 11.05 205. Lecture: Freud and Jung. An

unexpected encounter. Working in a
clinical case of fetichism.
In this lecture I will show how, in a clinical case, tools from
different psychoanalytical theories can work together,
referring mainly to the clinical practice of Freud and Jung.
In the first two parts, I will present the description of a
clinical case and how, in a first stage, the patient was
treated in psychotherapy with an approach based on
Jungian analytic psychology. I will also show which
obstacles appeared in the process. In the third part of the
papers historically contextualized fictional story is
presented, that discusses Jung's and Freud's real cases.
Although Freud and Jung followed different paths after
1919, I understand that there was a strong common root
between them, so that they could never move apart from
each other. The myth built on the conflict, which took place
between them in 1919, exacerbated the differences and the
idea that their differences were impossible to be bridged.
From this historical moment, there was a need to split in
depth psychology. The fourth part shows what happens,
when I decided to go back to the clinical case with a more
Freudian clinical approach. What seemed to be stagnant
when treating it with Jungian tools, started to move again
and a new perspective opened. After working with two
different approaches, within in a period of sixteen months,
the different psychodynamic and understanding of the case
can be shown. This is described in the fifth part. The final
part presents the prognosis of the case and how I could
continue to work, integrating different theories of depth

PD1, PP2, AP1 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Claudio Mele, Diploma CGJI Zurich Festsaal

Wed 19.06. 09.35 – 11.05 206. Lecture: In Search of Jung's Mystics

On Jung's Sources from the traditions of Western
Mysticism and Philosophy, including Meister Eckhart,
Angelus Silesius and Friedrich Nietzsche.

AP1, E1 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 2 Amador Vega, PhD Kellersaal


Wed 19.06. 11.20 – 17.20 259. Culture contact - cognitive and

psychodynamic aspects
Cognitive clash, reinterpretation, apartheid reaction, culture
shock, reverse culture shock, transference etc.

E3, E4 (Max. 60 Students)

Credits: 6 Gerhard Kubik, Prof. Dr. phil. habil Festsaal

Wed 19.06. 11.20 – 17.20 260. Sandplay Therapy: Theory and

Theoretical Overview of Healing Dynamics and Therapeutic
Settings in Sandplay Therapy.

AP7, KJP6 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 6 Jeeyoun Kim, ISST Sandplay Therapist, Sala

Training Analyst and Clinical Psychologist Terrena

Wed 19.06. 11.20 – 15.35 261. In Search of Jung's Mystics

On Jung's Sources from the traditions of Western
Mysticism and Philosophy, including Meister Eckhart,
Angelus Silesius and Friedrich Nietzsche.

AP1, E1, E4 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 4 Amador Vega, PhD Kellersaal

Wed 19.06. 18.05 – 19.35 207. Lecture: Voices from the Past
The archetypal Repercussions of Scandals and odd
behaviors in families.

KJP2, KJP9 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Allan Guggenbühl, Prof. Dr. Festsaal


Thu 20.06. 09.35 – 15.35 262. The handling of transference,

countertransference and defense
PP1, PP2, PP7 (Max. 40 students)

Credits: 6 Gerold Roth-Greminger, Dr. med. Sala Terrena

Thu 20.06. 09.35 – 12.50 208. Lecture: Homosexuality and

Homophobia in a Jungian
Starting from Jung's thought on the subject, we will explore
their archetypal roots and the homophobia’s Action as a

PD1, PD2, PP4 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Carlo Paolo Ruffino, MD Festsaal

Thu 20.06. 14.05 – 17.20 263. Homosexuality and Homophobia in

the Consulting Room
How they interfere with the analytical relationship. An open

PD1, PD2, PP4 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 4 Carlo Paolo Ruffino, MD Festsaal

Thu 20.06. 14.05 – 17.20 264. Analyzing the Case of Little Hans
In this seminar we will practice a close reading of the well-
known Freudian case Little Hans so as to rethink together
the very fundamental text of Western child psychoanalysis.
The seminar will also analyse Freud’s way to write a “child
case report.

KJP1, KJP2 (Max. 12 Dipoloma Candidates)

Credits: 4 Gabriella Calchi Novati, PhD, Diploma Kellersaal

CGJI Zurich, IAAP Analyst for Children,
Adolescents and Adults

Thu 20.06. 18.05 – 19.35 209. Lecture: The One Self

AP1 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Prof. Adina Bezerita Festsaal

Fri 21.06. 14.05 – 19.35 267. Narcissism

Archetypal and Clinical Aspects.

PD1, PS1, PS2, PP1, PP2 (Max. 40 students)

Credits: 6 Renate Daniel, Dr. med. Sala Terrena

Fri 21.06. 09.35 – 12.50 265. The helpless therapist

PD1, PS1, PS2, PP1, PP2 (Max. 40 students)

Credits: 4 Renate Daniel, Dr. med. Sala Terrena

Fri 21.06. 09.35 – 12.50 210. Lecture: Analytic Social Psychology

Erich Fromm was first to describe a social character.
Opening the possibility to include higher level organizations
than the family in the psycho-analytic practice by means of
the concept of the social character. The higher-level
characteristics are of high value in both the analysis but
also treatment.

PP7, KJP9 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Veit Hailperin, B.Sc. Festsaal

Fri 21.06. 11.20 – 17.20 266. Self-harm as communication

What message the Self of persons enacting self-harm
behaviours is trying to communicate to the receivers
(family, therapist, society at large)? The content of the
message, although intentionally conveyed, is often
unintentional and unconscious. A clinical case will
exemplify how the need for intrapersonal and/or
interpersonal communication can be a major motivation for

PD1, PD2, PP2, KJP8 (Max. 30 training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 6 Maria Giovanna Bianchi, PhD Kellersaal


Fri 21.06. 14.05 – 15.35 211. Lecture: Group Therapy or Group as

Historical exploration of group therapy approaches and the
role of groups as therapy in themselves today. What can
Analytical Psychology offer?

PP1, PP7 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 2 Alessandra Di Montezemolo, MA Festsaal

Fri 21.06. 15.50 – 19.35 268. Group Therapy or Group as

Group exploration: sharing experiences of groups, dreams,
and images, expressing feelings and reflections within a
safe container.

PP1, PP7 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 4 Alessandra Di Montezemolo, MA Festsaal

Sat 22.06. 11.20 – 17.20 269. Active Imagination with Simple

both days Musical Instruments in Analysis
Sun 23.06. An experiential seminar presenting a unique model for
using music improvisation in analysis: no musical
background is necessary.

AP1, AP8, AP9 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 12 Patricia Skar, B. Mus., M.F.A., Dipl. Festsaal

Analytical Psych.

Sat 22.06. 11.20 – 19.35 270. Social Dreaming: developing the

traditional approach with an
Analytical Psychology lens
We will begin with an introduction to the origins of Social
Dreaming, followed by a live experience of the Social
Dreaming Matrix. The second part of the seminar is
dedicated to working together on what has emerged in the
matrix images and reflections.

AP1, AP3 (Max. 20 students)

Credits: 8 Alessandra di Montezemolo, MA TBW2

Elisabetta Pasini, MA Social Anthropology

Mon 24.06. 11.20 – 17.20 275. What does emotion speak out with
Lines, Color's, Forming of shapes
and Symbols?
For our better psychologically understanding of expression
in the pictures at Children and Adolescents. It is both
theory and self-experience seminar.

AP1, AP6 (Max. 18 Training- and Diploma candidates)

Credits: 6 Keiko Miyake, M.A. Human TBW1 and

Sciences TBW2

Mon 24.06. 09.35 – 17.20 272. Recognizing Archetypal Patterns in

Dreams and Fairy Tales
Being able to recognize Archetypal Patterns is essential in
analysis. It can be the difference from being lost or finding
the way for both Analyst and Analysand.

AP1, AP2, AP5 (Max. 12 students)

Credits: 8 Mara Lea Rosenbarger, Diploma CGJZ Kellersaal

Mon 24.06. 09.35 – 15.35 212. Lecture: Somatoform-psychosomatic

Physical symptoms which cannot be explained by physical
conditions, it's nature, how to recognize, explain and treat

PD1, PS1, PS2, PP1, PP2 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 6 Peter Mai, MD MA Festsaal


Mon 24.06. 11.20 – 17.20 274. Jung and Bion

Intersecting Vertices.

AP1 (Max. 40 Training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 6 Mark Winborn, PhD Sala Terrena

Mon 24.06. 18.05 – 19.35 213. Lecture: Baptism: The Alchemical

Waters of Life
The philosophical/baptismal water is nothing other than the
Philosopher's Stone, the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit.
Psychologically, it is the liquid version of the Self.

E1, E4 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Francisco Garcia, Analytical Psychologist, Festsaal

Diploma CGJI Zurich

Mon 24.06. 09.35 – 17.20 271. The hand puppet in Psychotherapy

Tue 25.06. 09.35 – 15.35 Creation of an own puppet and introduction into therapeutic
play. Self-experience and discussion. The seminar takes
place in Bern in my Atelier. Further details after enrollment.

(Max. 10 students)
PP2, AP1, AP9
Credits: 14 Hedwig Perriard-Maire, Jungian Analyst in Bern

Mon 24.06. every day on 273. Word Association Experiment:

09.35 – 11.05 Preparation Seminar (only for
Wed 26.06. training candidates)

Thu 27.06. Obligatory seminar for students taking intermediary exams.

Required reading prior to class: V. Kast: The Association
Experiment in therapeutical Practice (digital and print
versions sold in library).

PD4 (Max. 15 students)

Credits: 6 Laura Horlacher-Semmes, M.A. TBW2


Tue 25.06. 09.35 – 15.35 276. The Analyst as Instrument

An Experiential Seminar of Patient-Analyst Interaction.

PP1, PP2, PP7 (Max. 12 Diploma candidates)

Credits: 6 Mark Winborn, PhD TBW2

Tue 25.06. 09.35 – 11.05 214. Lecture: The Unconscious and the
Several Ideas about the Beyond in Fairy Tales, Philosophy,
Theology and in Jungian Theories.

AP1 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 2 Robert Strubel, Dr. phil. & dipl. theol. Festsaal

Tue 25.06. 09.35 – 12.50 215. Lecture: Eco-Psychoanalysis: from

Jungian Psychoanalysis to
Anthropocene Studies and Back!
In this lecture, which is part of my wider research on the
topic, I instigate a dialogue between key concepts of
Jungian Psychoanalysis and Anthropocene Studies, to
unfold critical symbolic aspects of our collective Zeitgeist. I
believe that it is necessary that in times of climate change,
rising oceans, pandemics and conflicts we explore the
collective symbols and archetypes; the meaning of “life”;
shared anxieties and (im)possible temporalities.

E2, E4 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 4 Gabriella Calchi Novati, PhD, Diploma Kellersaal

CGJI Zurich, IAAP Analyst for Children,
Adolescents and Adults

Tue 25.06. 11.20 – 17.20 277. The Anima as the Great Goddess
Aphrodite and Helena, Carmen and Virgin Mary, Marilyn
Monroe, Lady Diana and many others. Jungian Ideas about
this powerful Archetype.

AP1, E1 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 6 Robert Strubel, Dr. phil. & dipl. theol. Festsaal


Tue 25.06. 11.20 – 17.20 278. Physics and Psyche: A Study of

Wolfgang's Pauli's Dreams
AP1, AP3 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 6 Janis Maxwell, PhD Sala Terrena

Tue 25.06. 14.05 – 17.20 279. Eco-Psychoanalysis in Our Everyday

In this interactive seminar we will analyze different cultural,
social, collective and /or individual instances via the critical
lens of Eco-Psychoanalysis. Eco-activism; collective
symptoms of eco-anxiety; new ways of relating to nature
and the more-than-human will be springboards to the
shared discussion.

E2, E4 (Max. 20 students)

Credits: 4 Gabriella Calchi Novati, PhD, Diploma Kellersaal

CGJI Zurich, IAAP Analyst for Children,
Adolescents and Adults

Tue 25.06. 14.05 – 19.35 280. Dialogues between art and analytical
Artistics Drawing Session (Self Experience).

AP1, AP6, E2 (Max. 10 Training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 6 Cristina Stein, Dipl. Fine arts, Jungian TBW1


Wed 26.06. 14.05 – 17.20 282. Dream Seminar

Practical examples and discussions to recapitulate, deepen
and explore Jung's attitudes towards dream interpretation
within the clinical setting.

PP2, AP2, AP3 (Max. 30 Training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 4 Andres Ocazionez, PHD Kellersaal


Wed 26.06. 09.35 – 11.05 216. Lecture: Unus Mundus and

Amazonia. Collective Shadow and
The concept of Unus Mundus shows great importance in
the present moment, and it is imperative to connect with
the Anima Mundi, looking at the planet as a living entity that
supports and gives continuity to individual and collective
processes. Global warming and attacks on the various
biomes by the modern version of the neoliberal capitalism
are a demonstration of the collective shadow that is
destroying the planet. The “Amazonia”, one of the most
important biomes of the world is being devastated with their
people, ancestral cultures, and myths. I will show one of
the many cases to approach and analyze the destructive
process from the perspective of a community affected by
the construction of a hydroelectric energy system in
“Amazonia”. The energy is taken from the region, not
respecting the nature and the people, to nourish the
financial centers so that the political, ideological, and
economic mechanisms continue to function. Observing the
community affected by this project, we can understand that
its resistance in maintaining its lifestyle connected to the
forest and its dynamics, is a way of fighting to persist in its
process of identity maintenance and individuation. I will
show in a psychological prospective based in the Jungian
psychology how the resistance through social activism as
the counterpoint to the dark and destructive global process,
aiming emancipation and equality, is a possibility for human
transformation. That is the way, as a community, to
reconnect with the Self, leading back to the course of
collective individuation, leaving the destructive direction.

AP1, AP9 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Claudio Mele, Diploma CGJI Zurich Festsaal

Wed 26.06. 11.20 – 17.20 281. Interpretation in Jungian Analysis

Art and Technique.

PP1, PP2 (Max. 40 Training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 6 Mark Winborn, PhD Sala Terrena

Wed 26.06. 11.20 – 15.35 217. Lecture: Initiation ritual in Korean

It's meaning in the light of Jungian psychology with the
video demonstration.

AP9, E2, E1 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Boseop Lee, M.A. Festsaal


Wed 26.06. 15.50 – 19.35 283. Creation Myths: Understanding the

Symbols of Creation in the Cultural
Myth and the Individual Dream
AP3, AP5 (Max. 50 students)

Credits: 4 Eileen Nemeth, MA Festsaal

Thu 27.06. 09.35 – 12.50 284. Acts of Prayer - an Ethnological

In his essay “La prière”, Marcel Mauss defines prayer as a
central part of religious life, as “the point of convergence of
a great number of religious phenomena.” He identifies it as
a social reality and “an institution fulfilling diverse
functions”, for both, individual people and their
communities. Taking Mauss’ essay as a point of departure,
in our seminar we will present and discuss acts of prayer
from different geographical and religious contexts.

E1, E2 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 4 Paola von Wyss-Giacosa, Dr. phil. I Sala

Andreas Isler, Dr. phil. I Terrena

Thu 27.06. 09.35 – 17.20 285. Schizoid personality and archetypal

PD1, PS2, PS1, PP1, PP2 (Max. 30 training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 8 Ursula Brasch, lic. phil. Kellersaal

Thu 27.06. 11.20 – 12.50 218. Lecture: Emotion and Imagination

Jung's ideas on emotion and imagination are compared
with contemporary neuroscientific studies on the subject.

AP1, PP2 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Verena Kast, Prof. Dr. phil. Festsaal


Thu 27.06. 11.20 – 12.50 219. Lecture: From Theory to Practice:

Understanding Sandplay Processes
over time
AP7, KJP6 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 2 Anita Horn, Dr. phil. TBW2

Thu 27.06. 14.05 – 17.20 286. Emotion and Imagination: Some

aspects in clinical work
AP1, PP2 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Verena Kast, Prof. Dr. phil. Festsaal

Thu 27.06. 14.05 – 17.20 287. From Theory to Practice:

Understanding Sandplay Processes
over time
Sandplay therapy as an Enhancement of the
Psychoanalytical Setting Picture series/case examples will
be provided for the purpose of the seminar.

AP7, KJP6 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 4 Anita Horn, Dr. phil. TBW1 and TBW2

Fri 28.06. 09.35 – 17.20 318. Student research day

Students will share their experience with the research.
Open to students and analysts.

(Max. 40 students)

Credits: 8 Claudio Mele, Diploma CGJI Zürich. Kellersaal

Fri 28.06. 11.20 – 15.35 289. The divorce of Eros and Psyche:
apathy and learning in children and
Clinical considerations in Developmental, in the light of the
Apuleius' Fairy Tale, commented by M. L. von Franz, J.
Hillmann und E. Neumann.

KJP2, KJP8 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 4 Roberto Grande, MD Festsaal


Fri 28.06. 09.35 – 17.20 288. Transference and

With systemic complex constellation.

PP1, PP2, PP7 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 8 Ursula Brasch, lic. phil. TBW2

Fri 28.06. 09.35 – 11.05 220. Lecture: The divorce of Eros and
Psyche: apathy and learning in
children and adolescents
Clinical considerations in Developmental, in the light of the
Apuleius' Fairy Tale, commented by M. L. von Franz, J.
Hillmann und E. Neumann.

KJP2, KJP4 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Roberto Grande, MD Festsaal

Fri 28.06. 14.05 – 17.20 221. Lecture: Gifts of Wounds and

Personality Disorders Traits
Personality disorders from a social point of view are
perceived as something dysfunctional. But perhaps they
were the driving force, which set many remarkable
individuals on their mission to contribute to the
development of our civilization.

PD1, PS1, PS2, PP2 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 4 Fiann Paul, M.Arch., CGeog, Hon. MM Sala Terrena

Fri 28.06. 15.50 – 19.35 222. Lecture: C. G. Jung: Prophet without

a Message?
Analytical Psychology: a new religion or an ingenious
approach to soul?

AP1, E3 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Allan Guggenbühl, Prof. Dr. Festsaal


Fri 28.06. 18.05 – 19.35 290. Self-experience seminar: Using

"Rumpelstilzchen" in analytical
Sat 29.06. 09.35 – 19.35 practice
Sun 30.06. 09.35 – 12.50 See flyer on page 29.

AP1, AP4, AP9, PP2 (Max. 20 students)

Credits: 16 Pater Otto Betler, OSB, Analyst Amden

Thomas Schneider, Dipl. Psychotherapeut,
Analyst, Training Analyst, Group Analyst

Sat 29.06. 09.35 – 17.20 291. Working with dreams

Thoughts and practice of mature Jung regarding dream-
work, enlightened by the insights of W. Giegerich in his
rigorous approach to a psychology "with soul".

AP1, AP3, AP2 (Max. 20 students)

Credits: 8 Gabriel Eckert, M.Sc. TBW2

Sun 30.06. 10.00 – 17.20 292. Visit to the "C. G. Jung Museum" and
the "Anima Mundi. Gallery and
Bookshop for the Fostering of
Analytical Psychology and the Work
of Marie-Louise von Franz."
Presentation and discussion on the theme "Barbara
Hannah's Search for Wholeness" (with emphasis on the
Conscious Unification of the Opposites).

Entrance fee for the museum CHF 12/person, to be paid at

the museum

AP1, PP2 (Max. 20 students)

Credits: 8 Emmanuel Kennedy, Dr. phil. Gommiswald

Mon 01.07. 09.35 – 12.50 293. The Inner and Outer Paradox of
Puella and Puer
AP1, AP9 (Max. 40 students)

Credits: 4 Susan Schwartz, Ph.D. Sala Terrena


Mon 01.07. 09.35 – 12.50 223. Lecture: From Abandonment to

The Bonds of Love and the Way of Individuation.

AP9 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Stefano Carpani, Ph.D., M. Phil. M.A. Festsaal

Mon 01.07. 11.20 – 17.20 294. Jungian Psychotherapy and Healing

Stories in the Bible
Healing, whole, holy: Religious and pragmatic Dimensions
of Healing.

AP1, AP9, E1, E4, E5 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 6 Robert Strubel, Dr. phil. & dipl. theol. TBW2

Mon 01.07. 14.05 – 15.35 225. Lecture: Jung, Margarita Luttichau,

Bill Wilson, AA & LSD
Jung affirmed the Spiritual nature of AA: Co-Founder of AA,
Bill Wilson wrote a secret letter to Jung about his personal
experience of using LSD and asked his advice about using
LSD to help alcoholics in denial. Jung died before replying.

PP4, E2 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 2 Ian Mc Cabe, PH.D., Psy.D Kellersaal

Mon 01.07. 14.05 – 17.20 295. The symbolic meaning of the Tarot
cards and their connection with
Jungian psychology
Self-experiencing seminar. Zoom link will be sent later.

E1, E2, E4 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 4 Dragomir Kojic, Diploma CGJI Zurich online


Mon 01.07. 14.05 – 17.20 224 Lecture: Anima & Animus Today
The development of the concept of Anima and Animus:
Jung, Last, Giegerich, Beebe and Carpani.

AP1, AP9 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4 Stefano Carpani, Ph.D., M. Phil. M.A. Festsaal

Mon 01.07. 18.05 – 19.35 316. Lecture: The Life and Ideas of James Hillman

Graduate and Jung-appointed first Director of Studies at Jung

Institute Zurich. Founder of Archetypal Psychology.

AP1, E2 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 4
Dick Russell, BA Humanities Festsaal

Tue 02.07. 09.35 – 11.05 296. The Problem of Self-Knowledge

(Max. 40 students)
AP1, AP9
Prof. Adina Bezerita Festsaal
Credits: 2

Tue 02.07. 09.35 – 19.35 317. The Biological Theory of Archetypes

From neurogenetics to mythic images.

AP1, AP3, PP2 (Max. 25 students)

Credits: 10 Erik Goodwyn, MD TBW2

Tue 02.07. 09.35 – 12.50 297. Psychology of dreams - the

theoretical and practical significance
of dreams in psychotherapy
Self-experiencing seminar. Zoom link will be sent later.

AP1, AP3, PP2 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 4 Dragomir Kojic, Diploma CGJI Zurich online


Tue 02.07. 09.35 – 11.05 226. Lecture: Transferences and the

Transcendent Function
Complexities of the Analytical Relationship.

PP2, PP1 (Max. 60 students)

Credits: 2 Susan Schwartz, Ph.D. Sala Terrena

Tue 02.07. 11.20 – 12.50 298.

Sons Longing for Fathers

Masculinity in Crisis?

(Max. 40 students)
E2, E4, E5
Susan Schwartz, Ph.D. Sala Terrena
Credits: 2

Tue 02.07. 11.20 – 17.20 227. Lecture: New Dimensions of Jungian

Theory and Practice in Light of
Contemporary Findings about Early
Trauma, Affect and Defense
AP1, PP2, PP4 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 6 Donald Kalsched, Ph.D. Festsaal

Tue 02.07. 14.05 – 17.20 299. Shamanism versus Jungian

Concepts and Worldview: similarities
and differences
With reference to selected texts, we attempt a dialogue
between experiences in the context of shamanism and in
Jungian analysis and, moreover, between concepts like
animism and participation mystique, the spirit-world,
complexes, initiation and individuation. Registered students
will receive information about recommended readings in
due time.

AP9, E1, E2 (Max. 25 training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 4 Ronald Bugge, lic. oec. Sala Terrena


Tue 02.07. 14.05 – 17.20 300. The understanding of body, soul,

spirit and god in Korea and it's
Wed 03.07. both days Jungian interpretation
Deep encounter of different cultures and initiation into
Jungian psychology.

E1, E2, E4, E5 (Max. 30 students and ISP)

Credits: 8 Boseop Lee, M.A. Kellersaal/Sala Terrena

Wed 03.07. 09.35 – 12.50 301. The Serpent Mysteries

AP1, AP9 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 4 Janis Maxwell, PhD Sala Terrena

Wed 03.07. 09.35 – 11.05 228. Lecture: Dreams and Rituals in

Treating Body, Mind and Culture with clinical examples.

PP2, AP3 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Erik Goodwyn, MD Festsaal

Wed 03.07. 11.20 – 17.20 302. For Heroines It's About Survival: It
Still is
The path of the heroine often means first, survival, then a
new beginning. Fary tales will show us how feminine
energies can and do find their way.

AP1, AP4, AP9 (Max. 12 students)

Credits: 6 Mara Lea Rosenbarger, Diploma CGJZ TBW1

Wed 03.07. 11.20 – 17.20 304. Working with dreams from the
personal unconscious
Working with dreams from the personal unconscious that
have little or no manifest symbolic content (self-experience
is involved).

AP1, AP3 (Max. 12 Training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 6 Arthur Funkhouser, DTSc Kellersaal


Wed 03.07. 11.20 – 17.20 229. Lecture: Encounters with the Human
and Archetypal Child in the
Psychotherapy of Early Trauma
PP2 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 6 Donald Kalsched, Ph.D. Festsaal

Wed 03.07. 18.05 – 19.35 230. Lecture: Binary and non-binary

Archetypal reflections as a contribution to current

PP6, AP1, PP2 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Renate Daniel, Festsaal

Thu 04.07. 09.35 – 17.20 305. The Archetypal Field in the Light of
Traditional Therapies
Symptom, Symbol, Ritual.

AP1, E1, E2, E4 (Max. 40 students)

Credits: 8 Adrian Navigante, Dr. phil. Festsaal

Thu 04.07. 09.35 – 17.20 306. Supervision

Fees of CHF 200.- have to be paid directly to

the lecturer. Registration with Institute.

(Max. 30 Diploma candidates)

Credits: 8 Donald Kalsched, Ph.D. Sala Terrena

Thu 04.07. 09.35 – 17.20 307. Histrionic Disorder and archetypal

PD1, PS1, PP1, PS2, PP2 (Max. 25 training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 8 Ursula Brasch, lic. phil. TBW2


Thu 04.07. 18.05 – 19.35 308. Lecture: "We've had a hundred

years of Psychotherapy" - what's
Claims are made that some single therapeutic psychedelic
experiences are equivalent to several years of
psychotherapeutic treatment. It would be easy to dismiss
such words as irresponsible exaggeration were they not
spoken by professional therapists.

PP4, E3, E4, E5 (Max. 100 students)

Credits: 2 Ian Mc Cabe, Ph.D., Psy. D Festsaal

Fri 05.07. 09.35 – 11.05 309. Crime and Punishment

Reflections on the nature of evil, using clinical material and
Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment.

E2, E3, E5 (Max. 40 training and diploma candidates)

Credits: 2 Cécile Buckenmeyer, M.Sc., Diploma CGJI Festsaal


Fri 05.07. 11.20 – 12.50 311. The Frankenstein complex - Love and
narcissism in online dating

How the longing for a relationship may turn into a

AP1, E3, E4, E5
(Max. 40 students) Festsaal
Credits: 2
Vicente de Moura, Ph.D.

Fri 05.07. 09.35 – 12.50 310. Jungian Psychology's Unique

Contribution to Psychedelic
Treatments and Integration
AP9, PP4, PP5 (Max. 30 students)

Credits: 4 Jerome Braun, M.A. Sala Terrena

Fri 05.07. 09.35 – 12.50

312. The Power of Stories
Introduction to Mythodrama: a Method in conflict management
in groups.
(Max. 40 students)
Credits: 4
Allan Guggenbühl, Prof. Dr. Kellersaal

Fri 05.07. 11.20 – 15.35 313. Analysing the pictures of the Red
"Exploring the Revolutionary Jungian Systemic Approach
via the Images in the Red Book.".

AP1, AP6, AP9 (Max. 25 Students)

Credits: 4 Pascal Chauvie, MAS TBW2

Fri 05.07. 14.05 – 17.20 314. Archetypes in Jungian Psychology

How can we understand the idea of archetypes in a Jungian

AP1, AP9 (Max. 20 Students)

Credits: 4 Marzia Santori, Diploma at CGJZ, MA in TBW1


Mon 08.04. 14.00 – 15.30 315. The Analyst at Work

A series of seminars exploring the
Mon 15.04. 14.00 – 15.30 fundamental elements of analytic
work. Each session will include a
Mon 22.04. 14.00 – 15.30
theoretical introduction followed by a
Mon 29.04. 14.00 – 15.30 discussion of pre-assigned readings
as well as relevant clinical material.
Mon 06.05. 14.00 – 15.30 The seminars are intended as a
clinically-oriented overview of the most
Mon 13.05. 14.00 – 15.30 important phenomena that unfold and
take shape when an analyst is in
Mon 27.05. 14.00 – 15.30 session as well as an introduction to
contemporary conceptualization of
Mon 03.06. 14.00 – 15.30 analytic work:
1. Setting the stage: the analytical
Mon 10.06. 14.00 – 15.30 attitude
2. The internal and external setting
3. The analyst’s professional novel
4. The analyst’s internal world
5. Forms of analytic contact
6. The intersubjective field
7. Field dynamics
8. Forms of analytic experience
9. Aesthetic experience and analytic

(Max. 15 only for students that are already working

with patients)

Credits: 18 Francesco Lucchini, PhD online


63rd Memorial in Zurich /

63. Memorial in Zürich

Complementary opposites and creative tension

The wisdom of I Ching for transformation and conflict

(Event. 411)

Ursula Brasch, lic. phil.

Thursday, 6th June 2024, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2024, 18:00 Uhr – 19:30 Uhr

Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich

The event will be held in English.

Die Veranstaltung findet in Englisch statt.

The general public is welcome to attend at no charge.

Registration required:
Zoom link will be sent 3 days prior to event.
Die Veranstaltung ist für das Publikum offen. Der Eintritt ist frei.
Anmeldung ist erforderlich:
Zoom Link wird 3 Tage vor dem Anlass gesendet.

Organization: C.G. Jung-Institut Zürich, Küsnacht (CGJI-ZH)

International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich (ISAPZURICH)

Self-experience seminar:
Friday, 28th – Sunday, 30th June 2024

Seminar 290

Self-experience seminar: Using "Rumpelstilzchen" in analytical


Archetypal constellation, active imagination, painting, and symbols are

ussed in analytical practice.

The seminar takes place at the Ferienhaus Alverna, Dorfstrasse 60, 8873
Amden, built as a vacation house for the Franciscan Menzinger Sisters.
Check-in at 17:00, Supper 18:00, Session 19:05

Accessible by public transportation, the house enjoys a breath-taking view

across the Walensee into the Glarner Alps, an excellent kitchen, and
gracious hospitality.
Full pension for two nights beginning with Friday supper and ending with
Sunday lunch is 230 CHF payable in cash at the beginning of the seminar;
please bring exact change.

Participants also bring a self-made costume of a character or object from

the fairytale “Rumpelstilzchen.”

Excursion to the C. G. Jung Museum and

Anima Mundi, Gommiswald
Sunday, June 30th, 2024
for matriculated students of the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich only

Seminar 292

Visit to the "C. G. Jung Museum" and the "Anima Mundi. Gallery and
Bookshop for the Fostering of Analytical Psychology and the Work
of Marie-Louise von Franz."
An event organized specially for the students of the C. G. Jung Institute
Presentation and discussion on the theme "Barbara Hannah's Search for
Wholeness" (with emphasis on the Conscious Unification of the

Short Name Title

Basic diagnostics

PD2 Anamnesis in children and adolescents

PD3 Projective Test procedures

PD4 Introduction into the Word Association Test

PD5 Examination-seminar Word Association Test

General concept of clinical disorder from the perspective of Depth

PS1 Psychology

PS2 Clinical Psychiatry

PP1 Fundamentals of psychotherapeutic practice

PP2 The psychotherapeutic practice in Analytical Psychology

PP3 Ethics, professional code of conduct and professional duties

PP4 Findings of psychotherapy research and its implications for the

practice of psychotherapy

PP5 Basics of other psychotherapeutic approaches and methods

PP6 Neurobiology and Neuropsychology

PP7 Setting and general conditions


Short Name Title

AP1 Fundamentals of Analytical Psychology

AP2 Understanding dreams in adults from the perspective of Depth


AP3 Clinical work with dreams in adults

AP4 Myths and fairy tales from the perspective of Depth Psychology

AP5 Clinical work with myths and fairy tales

AP6 Understanding pictures of adults in the context of clinical practice from

the perspective of Depth Psychology

AP7 Understanding adult sand-play in the context of clinical practice from

the perspective of Depth Psychology.

AP8 Imagination in a clinical practice

AP9 The individuatio- process and its symbols

AP10 Reading Seminar: Works of Analytical Psychology

AP11 Studies in the picture archive


Short Name Title

KJP1 Comparative Developmental Psychology

KJP2 Psychotherapeutic practice of Analytical Psychology with children and


KJP3 Dreams in children and adolescents from the perspective of Depth


KJP4 Clinical work with dreams in children and adolescents

KJP5 Understanding pictures in children and adolescents from the

perspective of Depth Psychology

KJP6 Understanding sandplay in children and adolescents from the

perspective of Depth Psychology

KJP7 Symbolism of the child's play

KJP8 Child- and adolescent-psychiatry

KJP9 Introduction to concepts of Family Therapy

KJP10 Private and extended social network

KJP11 Parent Work and Parent Support


Short Name Title

E1 Comparative Religious Studies and spirituality

E2 Cultural Anthropology

E3 Critical discussion of socio-political issues

E4 Existential questions of being human

E5 Recognize interdisciplinary approaches to existential issues and their

relevance in psychotherapy.

Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer,

Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No.
Day Time
Festsaal Sala Terrena Kellersaal TBW1 TBW2 Other

Thur 10:00 – 11:00 Richter 150
11.04 11:20 – 12:50 Daniel 101
14:05 – 15:35 Daniel 102
15:50 – 17:20 Daniel 103
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Péus 151
12.04 11:20 – 12:50 Roth 104
14:05 – 15:35 Roth 152
15:50 – 17:20 Roth 152
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Koch 153
13.04 11:20 – 12:50 Koch 153
14:05 – 15:35 Koch 153
Tur 09:35 – 11:05 Kessner 154
18.04 11:20 – 12:50 Kessner 154
14:05 – 15:35 Kessner 154
15:50 – 17:20 Kessner 154
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Kessner 154
19.04 11:20 – 12:50 Kessner 154 Müller 155
14:05 – 15:35 Kessner 154 Müller 155
15:50 – 17:20 Kessner 154 Müller 155
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Futscher & Schlegel 156
20.04 11:20 – 12:50 Futscher & Schlegel 156
14:05 – 15:35 Futscher & Schlegel 156
15:50 – 17:20 Futscher & Schlegel 156

Sun 09:35 – 11:05 Futscher & Schlegel 156

21.04 11:20 – 12:50 Futscher & Schlegel 156
14:05 – 15:35 Futscher & Schlegel 156
15:50 – 17:20 Futscher & Schlegel 156

Thur 09:35 – 11:05 Häne 157

25.04 11:20 – 12:50 Häne 157
14:05 – 15:35 Haitierin 105
15:50 – 17:20 Bruckner 191
18:05 – 19:35 Bruckner 191
Portmann-Meyer &
11:20 – 12:50 Dübendorfer-Büchler
Portmann-Meyer &
14:05 – 15:35 Dübendorfer-Büchler
Portmann-Meyer &
15:50 – 17:20 Dübendorfer-Büchler
18:05 – 19:35 Grözinger 106
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Meier & Roth 159 Meier & Roth 159
27.04 11:20 – 12:50 Meier & Roth 159 Meier & Roth 159
14:05 – 15:35 Meier & Roth 159 Meier & Roth 159
15:50 – 17:20 Meier & Roth 159 Meier & Roth 159
Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer,
Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No.
Day Time
Festsaal Sala Terrena Kellersaal TBW1 TBW2 Other

Thur 09:35 – 11:05 Faoro-Rupli 192
02.05 11:20 – 12:50 Faoro-Rupli 192
14:05 – 15:35 Faoro-Rupli 192
15:50 – 17:20 Faoro-Rupli 192 Barz 160
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Strubel 161
03.05 11:20 – 12:50 Strubel 161
14:05 – 15:35 Strubel 161
15:50 – 17:20 Daniel 108
18:05 – 19:35 Daniel 108
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Dübendorfer-Büchler 162
04.05 11:20 – 12:50 Dübendorfer-Büchler 162

14:05 – 15:35 Dübendorfer-Büchler 162

Fri 11:20 – 12:50 Brasch 163

10.05 14:05 – 15:35 Brasch 163
15:50 – 17:20 Brasch 163
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Koch 164
11.05 11:20 – 12:50 Brasch 163 Koch 164
14:05 – 15:35 Brasch 163 Koch 401
15:50 – 17:20 Brasch 163 Koch 401
Thur 09:35 – 11:05 Frey& Prezewowsky 165
16.05 11:20 – 12:50 Frey& Prezewowsky 165
14:05 – 15:35 Frey& Prezewowsky 165
15:50 – 17:20 Frey& Prezewowsky 165
18:05 – 19:35 Meister-Notter 109
Fri 09:35 – 11:05
17.05 11:20 – 12:50
14:05 – 15:35 Vogel 166
15:50 – 17:20 Vogel 166
18:05 – 19:35 Sutter-Stickel 110
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Vogel 166
18.05 11:20 – 12:50 Vogel 166 Sutter-Stickel 185
14:05 – 15:35 Vogel 166 Sutter-Stickel 185
15:50 – 17:20 Vogel 166 Sutter-Stickel 185
Thur 09:35 – 11:05 Meister-Notter 167
23.05 11:20 – 12:50 Meister-Notter 167
14:05 – 15:35 Briendl 111
15:50 – 17:20 3 Briendl 168
0 &
18:05 – 20:30 Beeler 112
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Titze 171
24.05 11:20 – 12:50 Brasch 170 Portmann-Meyer 169 Titze 171
14:05 – 15:35 Brasch 170 Portmann-Meyer 169 Titze 171
15:50 – 17:20 Brasch 170 Portmann-Meyer 169
18:05 – 19:35
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Burda 113
25.05 11:20 – 12:50 Burda 113
11:20 – 12:50
Thur 14:05 – 15:35 Meister-Notter 172
30.05 15:50 – 17:20 Meister-Notter 172
18:05 – 19:35 Meister-Notter 115
Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Event
Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. No.
Day Time
Festsaal Sala Terrena Kellersaal TBW1 TBW2 Other
09:35 – 11:05 Meister-Notter 173
Kaschützke &
11:20 – 12:50 von Ballmoos 174
Fri Kaschützke &
14:05 – 15:35 von Ballmoos 174
Kaschützke &
15:50 – 17:20 von Ballmoos 174
18:05 – 19:35 Horn 116

Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Koch 175
01.06 11:20 – 12:50 Koch 175 Horn 177
14:05 – 15:35 Koch 176 Horn 177
15:50 – 17:20 Koch 176
Thur 11:20 – 12:50 Daniel 184
06.06 14:05 – 15:35 Daniel 184
15:50 – 17:20 Riedel 117
18:05 – 19:35 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
19:35 – 21:20 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
07.06 11:20 – 12:50 Von Flüe 179 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
14:05 – 15:35 Von Flüe 179 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
15:50 – 17:20 Von Flüe 179 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
18:05 – 19:35 Guggenbühl 118 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
08.06 11:20 – 12:50 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
14:05 – 15:35 Henzler 178 Henzler 178
Thur 09:35 – 11:05 Walch 119
13.06 11:20 – 12:50 Walch 180
14:05 – 15:35 Walch 180
15:50 – 17:20 Walch 180
18:05 – 19:35 Wolter 121 Wang 120
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Wolter 181
14.06 11:20 – 12:50 Wolter 181
14:05 – 15:35 Liard 122 Nowidi 124
15:50 – 17:20 Liard 123 Nowidi 182
18:05 – 19:35 Nowidi 182
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Winkler 183
15.06 11:20 – 12:50 Winkler 183
14:05 – 15:35 Winkler 183
15:50 – 17:20 Winkler 183
Mon 08:30 – 09:30 Richter 250
17.06 09:35 – 11:05 Mai 251
11:20 – 12:50 O’Brien 201 Mai 251 Ruffino 253 Ruffino 253
14:05 – 15:35 O’Brien 201 Mai 251 Ruffino 253 Ruffino 253
15:50 – 17:20 O’Brien & O’Brien 202 Valente 252
18:05 – 19:35 O’Brien & O’Brien 202 Valente 252
Tue 09:35 – 11:05 Calchi Novati 203 Horlacher-Semmes 254 O’Brien 255 Kast & Michel 256
18.06 11:20 – 12:50 Calchi Novati 203 Horlacher-Semmes 254 O’Brien 255 Kast & Michel 256
14:05 – 15:35 Garcia 204 Horlacher-Semmes 254 O’Brien 255 Kast & Michel 256
15:50 – 17:20 Garcia 257 O’Brien 255 Kast & Michel 256
18:05 – 19:35 Garcia 257
Wed 09:35 – 11:05 Mele 205 Vega 206 O’Brien & O’Brien 258
19.06 11:20 – 12:50 Kubik 259 Kim 260 Vega 261 O’Brien & O’Brien 258
14:05 – 15:35 Kubik 259 Kim 260 Vega 261 O’Brien & O’Brien 258
15:50 – 17:20 Kubik 259 Kim 260 O’Brien & O’Brien 258
18:05 – 19:35 Guggenbühl 207
Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer,
Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No.
Day Time
Festsaal Sala Terrena Kellersaal TBW1 TBW2 Other
Thur 09:35 – 11:05 Ruffino 208 Roth 262
20.06 11:20 – 12:50 Ruffino 208 Roth 262 Diegelmann 186
14:05 – 15:35 Ruffino 263 Roth 262 Calchi Novati 264 Diegelmann 186
15:50 – 17:20 Ruffino 263 Calchi Novati 264 Diegelmann 186
18:05 – 19:35 Bezerita 209
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Hailperin 210 Daniel 265
21.06 11:20 – 12:50 Hailperin 210 Daniel 265 Bianchi 266 Walch 187
14:05 – 15:35 Di Montezemolo 211 Daniel 267 Bianchi 266 Walch 187
15:50 – 17:20 Di Montezemolo 268 Daniel 267 Bianchi 266 Walch 187
18:05 – 19:35 Di Montezemolo 268 Daniel 267
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 McQuillen 188
22.06 Di Montezemolo &
11:20 – 12:50 Skar 269 McQuillen 188 Pasini 270
14:05 – 15:35 Skar 269 McQuillen 188
Di Montezemolo &
Pasini 270
15:50 – 17:20 Skar 269 Di Montezemolo &
Pasini 270
Di Montezemolo &
18:05 – 19:35 Pasini 270
Sun 11:20 – 12:50 Skar 269
23.06 14:05 – 15:35 Skar 269
15:50 – 17:20 Skar 269
Mon 09:35 – 11:05 Mai 212 Rosenbarger 272 Horlacher-Semmes 273
Perriard-Maire 271,
11:20 – 12:50 Mai 212 Winborn 274 Rosenbarger 272 Miyake 275 Miyake 275
Perriard-Maire 271,
14:05 – 15:35 Mai 212 Winborn 274 Rosenbarger 272 Miyake 275 Miyake 275
Perriard-Maire 271,
Perriard-Maire 271,
15:50 – 17:20 Winborn 274 Rosenbarger 272 Miyake 275 Miyake 275 Bern
18:05 – 19:35 Garcia 213
Tue 09:35 – 11:05 Strubel 214 Calchi Novati 215 Winborn 276
Perriard-Maire 271,
11:20 – 12:50 Strubel 277 Maxwell 278 Calchi Novati 215 Winborn 276
Perriard-Maire 271,
14:05 – 15:35 Strubel 277 Maxwell 278 Calchi Novati 279 Stein 280 Winborn 276
Perriard-Maire 271,
15:50 – 17:20 Strubel 277 Maxwell 278 Calchi Novati 279 Stein 280
18:05 – 19:35 Stein 280
Wed 09:35 – 11:05 Mele 216 Horlacher-Semmes 273
26.06 11:20 – 12:50 Lee 217 Winborn 281
14:05 – 15:35 Lee 217 Winborn 281 Ocazionez 282
15:50 – 17:20 Nemeth 283 Winborn 281 Ocazionez 282
18:05 – 19:35 Nemeth 283
Wyss-Giacosa & Isler
Thur 09:35 – 11:05 284 Brasch 285 Horlacher-Semmes 273
11:20 – 12:50 Kast 218 Wyss-Giacosa & Isler
Brasch 285 Horn 219
14:05 – 15:35 Kast 286 Bongartz 189 Brasch 285 Horn 287 Horn 287
15:50 – 17:20 Kast 286 Bongartz 189 Brasch 285 Horn 287 Horn 287
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Grande 220 Bongartz 189 Mele 318 Brasch 288
28.06 11:20 – 12:50 Grande 289 Bongartz 189 Mele 318 Brasch 288
14:05 – 15:35 Grande 289 Paul 221 Mele 318 Brasch 288
15:50 – 17:20 Guggenbühl 222 Paul 221 Mele 318 Brasch 288
18:05 – 19:35 Guggenbühl 222 Betler & Schneider 290,
Betler & Schneider 290,
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 Eckert 291 Amden
29.06 Betler & Schneider 290,
11:20 – 12:50 Eckert 291 Amden
Betler & Schneider 290,
14:05 – 15:35 Eckert 291 Amden
Betler & Schneider 290,
15:50 – 17:20 Eckert 291 Amden
Betler & Schneider 290,
18:05 – 19:35 Amden
Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer,
Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No. Event No.
Day Time
Festsaal Sala Terrena Kellersaal TBW1 TBW2 Other
Betler & Schneider 290,
09:35 – 11:05 Amden / Kennedy 292,
Betler & Schneider 290,
11:20 – 12:50 Amden / Kennedy 292,
Kennedy 292,
14:05 – 15:35 Gommiswald
Kennedy 291,
15:50 – 17:20 Gommiswald

Mo 09:35 – 11:05 Carpani 223 Schwartz 293
11:20 – 12:50 Carpani 223 Schwartz 293 Strubel 294
14:05 – 15:35 Carpani 224 McCabe 225 Strubel 294 Kojic 295
15:50 – 17:20 Carpani 224 Strubel 294 Kojic 295
18:05 – 19:35 Russell 316
Tue 09:35 – 11:05 Bezerita 296 Schwartz 226 Goodwyn 317 Kojic 297
02.07 11:20 – 12:50 Kalsched 227 Schwartz 298 Goodwyn 317 Kojic 297
14:05 – 15:35 Kalsched 227 Bugge 299 Lee 300 Goodwyn 317
15:50 – 17:20 Kalsched 227 Bugge 299 Lee 300 Goodwyn 317
18:05 – 19:35 Goodwyn 317
Wed Perriard-Maire 190,
09:35 – 11:05 Goodwyn 228 Maxwell 301 Bern
Perriard-Maire 190,
11:20 – 12:50 Kalsched 229 Maxwell 301 Funkhouser 304 Rosenbarger 302 Bern
Perriard-Maire 190,
14:05 – 15:35 Kalsched 229 Lee 300 Funkhouser 304 Rosenbarger 302 Bern
Perriard-Maire 190,
15:50 – 17:20 Kalsched 229 Lee 300 Funkhouser 304 Rosenbarger 302 Bern
18:05 – 19:35 Daniel 230
Thur 09:35 – 11:05 Navigante 305 Kalsched 306 Brasch 307 Perriard-Maire 190,
04.07 Bern
11:20 – 12:50 Navigante 305 Kalsched 306 Brasch 307 Perriard-Maire 190,
14:05 – 15:35 Navigante 305 Kalsched 306 Brasch 307 Perriard-Maire 190,
15:50 – 17:20 Navigante 305 Kalsched 306 Brasch 307
18:05 – 19:35 McCabe 308
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 Buckenmeyer 309 Braun 310 Guggenbühl 312
05.07 11:20 – 12:50 De Moura 311 Braun 310 Guggenbühl 312 Chauvie 313
14:05 – 15:35 Santori 314 Chauvie 313
15:50 – 17:20 Santori 314

Fri 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 27.1 Daniel
23.08 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 27.1 Daniel
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 27.1 Daniel
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 27.1 Daniel
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 27.1 Grözinger
24.08 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 27.1 Grözinger
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 27.1 Roth
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 27.1 Roth
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 2/3 Brasch
30.08 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 2/3 Brasch
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 2/3 Brasch
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 2/3 Brasch
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 2/3 Roth
31.08 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 2/3 Roth
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 2/3 Roth
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 2/3 Roth

Fri 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 27.1 Horlacher
13.09 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 27.1 Horlacher
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 27.1 Horlacher
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 27.1 Horlacher
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 27.1 Brasch
14.09 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 27.1 Brasch
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 27.1 Brasch
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 27.1 Brasch
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 2/3 Roth
27.09 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 2/3 Roth
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 2/3 Grözinger
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 2/3 Grözinger
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 2/3 Grözinger
28.09 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 2/3 Grözinger
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 2/3 Grözinger
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 2/3 Grözinger

Fri 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 27.1 Koch
11.10 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 27.1 Koch
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 27.1 De Moura
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 27.1 De Moura
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 27.1 Roth
12.10 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 27.1 Roth
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 27.1 Roth
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 27.1 Roth
Fri 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 2/3 De Moura
18.10 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 2/3 De Moura
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 2/3 Hauler
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 2/3 Hauler
Sat 09:35 – 11:05 FMH 2/3 Hauler
19.10 11:20 – 12:50 FMH 2/3 Hauler
14:05 – 15:35 FMH 2/3 Hauler
15:50 – 17:20 FMH 2/3 Hauler

2.1 Registration
Registration for all special events must be submitted in writing.
2.2 Cancellation
Cancellation of a registration must occur in writing.
2.2.1 Summer Intensive Study Program / Winter Intensive Study Program
In case of notice to drop studies, the following fees will be refunded:
• If cancellation occurs at least three weeks before the start of courses: 50 %
• Later cancellation: no refund.
• If a medical certificate is submitted: 100 % refund less a CHF 200.00
processing fee.
• After the first day of the course, no reimbursement of the tuition fee.
2.2.2 Meetings, symposia
• In case of notice to cancel attendance submitted at least seven days before
the beginning of an event, a processing fee of CHF 60.00 will be charged.
• If the notice to cancel attendance occurs later than seven days before the
event begins or the student fails to attend, we will charge the entire amount.
• After the first day of the course, no reimbursement of the tuition fee.

Participants are responsible for their own insurance. The C.G. Jung Institute accepts
no liability for any damage, accident, or injury.

All bank charges shall be borne by the customer.


All fees must be paid by bank transfer or electronic payment.

This agreement is subject to Swiss substantive law. In case of litigation arising from
this agreement, Zurich is the court of jurisdiction.

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