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‫تحت رعاية‬

‫معالي الوزير األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬رضا حجازي‬

‫ورئيس االدارة المركزية لتطوير المناهج‬

‫األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬أكرم حسن‬

‫شرح مفصل وتمارين متنوعة‬

‫لمنهج اللغة االنجليزية !‪New Hello‬‬
‫للصف الثالث اإلعدادي – الوحدة الثامنة‬

‫ياسر صديق محمد شطا‬

‫محمد إبراهيم فرحات‬
‫رضا محمد الجوهري‬

‫تحت اشراف‬
‫أ‪ /‬إميان حممود يوسف‬
‫مستشار اللغة االنجليزية‬
Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

Unit (8) Protecting our planet ‫حماية كوكبنا‬

Lessons (1& 2) Key vocabulary
environmental problems ‫ مشاكل بيئية‬burn ‫يحرق‬
greenhouse gases ‫ غازات اإلحتباس الحراري‬climate change ‫تغير المناخ‬
planet ‫ كوكب‬waste plastic ‫نفايات بالستيكيه‬
protecting ‫ يحمى‬causes ‫يسبب‬
air pollution ‫ تلوث هواء‬droughts ‫جفاف‬
deforestation ‫ (قطع) إزالة الغابات‬Arctic ‫القطب الشمالي‬
melting ice ‫ ذوبان الثلوج‬fossil fuels ‫وقود حفرى‬
warmer seas ‫ البحار الدفيئة‬methane ‫الميثان‬
landfill sites ‫ مواقع دفن النفايات‬absorb ‫يمتص‬
seagrass ‫ أعشاب بحرية‬renewable energy ‫طاقة متجددة‬
project ‫ مشروع‬solar energy ‫الطاقة الشمسية‬
rubbish ‫ قمامة‬gases ‫غازات‬
recycle ‫ تدوير‬/ ‫ يعيد إستخدام‬slow down ‫ يحد من‬/ ‫يبطء‬
serious ‫ جاد‬/ ‫ خطير‬avoid ‫يتجنب‬
coral reefs ‫ شعاب مرجانية‬industry ‫صناعة‬
Reading (1)
Our planet is getting hotter and our weather is changing. There are more floods,
droughts ‫ جفاف‬and forest fires than at any time in history. One of the reasons for this is
climate change. Climate change ‫ تغير المناخ‬is caused by greenhouse gases ‫غازات اإلحتباس‬
‫ الحراري‬such as carbon dioxide. These are made when we burn fossil fuels ‫وقود حفرى‬
such as oil. Rubbish in landfill sites ‫ مواقع دفن النفايات‬makes a greenhouse gas called
methane. Deforestation also produces greenhouse gases. Trees absorb ‫ يمتص‬carbon
dioxide from the air. When we cut down trees, the carbon dioxide stays in the air. If
we keep burning fossil fuels, climate change will get worse. So, we need to use
cleaner renewable energy ‫ طاقة متجددة‬such as solar energy ‫ الطاقة الشمسية‬and wind power.
We must start recycling more rubbish and stop putting rubbish in landfill sites. If we
recycle more paper, we can avoid cutting down our forests. This will help slow down
‫ يحد من‬/ ‫ يبطء‬climate change.

Synonyms and antonyms

word ‫المعنى‬ synonym antonym ‫المعنى‬
protect ‫يحمي‬ save damage ‫يدمر‬
absorb ‫يمتص‬ take in give out ‫يخرج‬
start ‫يبدأ‬ begin finish ‫ينهي‬
Prefixes and suffixes
prefix ‫المعنى‬ suffix ‫المعنى‬
renewable ‫متجدد‬ changeable ‫متغير‬
nonrenewable ‫غير متجدد‬ happiness ‫السعادة‬
2 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

recycle ‫يعيد استخدام‬ useless ‫بال فائدة‬

Irregular verbs
give gave given ‫يعطي‬
cut cut cut ‫يقطع‬
make made made ‫يصنع‬
Words & definitions ‫كلمات وتعريفات‬
air pollution ‫تلوث الهواء‬ damage caused to the air by chemicals and waste
landfill sites ‫مواقع القمامة‬ a place where people leave rubbish on the land
a problem in the Arctic and Antarctic because of global
melting ice ‫ذوبان الجليد‬
deforestation ‫قطع الغابات‬ When all the trees in an area are cut down
warmer seas ‫المياة الدافئة‬ something that can kill coral reefs
melt ‫يذوب‬ to become liquid
air pollution ‫تلوث الهواء‬ damage caused to the air by chemicals and waste
1. Read and complete the text with words from the list :
getting change greenhouse gases get changing droughts
Our planet is (1) …..…………… hotter and our weather is changing. There are
more floods, (2) ………………. and forest fires than at any time in history. One of the
reasons for this is climate (3) …………………. Climate change is caused by (4)
………………… such as carbon dioxide.
2. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1. …………. is a place where people leave rubbish on the land.
a. Landfill site b. Deforestation c. Climate change d. Air pollution
2. ………….. is a problem in the Arctic and Antarctic because of global warming.
a. Air pollution b. Landfill c. Melting ice d. Deforestation
3. Drugs have become a serious problem. The word 'serious' means …………….
a. good b. dangerous c. attractive d. natural
4. ………… happens when all the trees in an area are cut down.
a. Farming b. Deforestation c. Climate d. Melting ice
5. We can get ………………….. energy from the sun.
a. chemical b. wind c. wave d. solar
6. To …………………. means to take in liquid or heat through a surface.
a melt b keep c absorb d form
7. ………………… is a greenhouse gas that is made from landfill sites.
a. Oxygen b. Methane c. Carbon dioxide d.Hydrogen
8. Forest fires are increasing. 'Increasing' means to become …………… in amount.
a smaller b happier c larger d nicer
9. ……………………… is a gas which we breathe in.
a.Carbon dioxide b. Oxygen c. Methane d. Nitrogen
10. It's bad to ………………… noise. It hurts other people
a. do b. have c. make d. turn
3 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

Language Notes
1. Use verb + to With verbs such as
need, plan, choose, decide , ask, arrange , help , plan , intend ,
(to) ‫ أفعال يأتى بعدها‬.1
ask, hope , decide, expect , refuse , want , offer, need ,
promise, learn.
We need to use cleaner renewable energy.
2. Use verb + -ing with verbs such as
keep, avoid, enjoy , avoid, feel like, mind , practise , go ,
(ing) ‫ أفعال يأتى بعدها‬.2
suggest , dislike , keep, enjoy , miss
We must avoid polluting the environment.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in

1. If we keep ………..…….. (burn) fossil fuels, climate change will get worse.
2. We need ……………….. (use) more renewable energy.
3. The government plans ….……. (plant) a lot of trees along the sides of streets.
4. You can choose ……………….. (recycle) your plastic bottles.
ing ‫ التعبيرات اآلتية يأتى بعدها‬: ‫ ملحوظة هامة جدا‬.3
(look forward to ‫ يتطلع إلى‬, object to , in addition to ‫ باإلضافة إلى‬, as well as) + V. ing
I am looking forward to visiting England.
In addition to reading, she likes playing games.
would (love - like - prefer) + to + ‫المصدر‬ Zad prefers having some tea.
(love - like - prefer) + V. ing I would prefer to have some tea.

4. Find out ‫ يعرف‬/ ‫ بمعنى يكتشف‬.4

Find out how much of the Amazon rainforest is lost each year.
5. women volunteers )‫ بمعنى (سيدات متطوعات‬.5
How many women volunteers are there?
6. do with )‫ بمعنى (يفعل ب‬.6
What will the volunteers do with the rubbish?

7. get + ‫صفة‬ .‫ بمعنى (يصبح) ويأتى بعدها صفة‬.7

Our planet is getting hotter.

8. reasons for ‫ أسباب‬/ causes of ‫أسباب‬ )‫ بمعنى (أسباب‬.8

There are many reasons for climate change. What is the cause of the accident?

9. weather ‫ الطقس‬/ climate ‫مناخ‬ )‫ (المناخ‬/ )‫ بمعنى (الطقس‬.9

What is the weather like today? Climate change is a dangerous problem.
4 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

10. If )‫ لو‬/ ‫ = بمعنى (إذا‬When )‫بمعنى (عندما‬ If / when + ‫ مضارع بسيط‬+ will + ‫المصدر‬
If / When he studies ‫ مضارع بسيط‬hard, he will get high marks.
He will get high marks if / when he studies ‫ مضارع بسيط‬hard.
If he doesn’t come ‫ مضارع بسيط‬early, the teacher will be angry.
If we recycle ‫ مضارع بسيط‬our rubbish, your environment will be cleaner.
Your environment will be cleaner if we recycle ‫ مضارع بسيط‬our rubbish.
(If) ‫( عكس‬unless) ‫( بمعنى (إذا لم) جملتها مثبتة فقط و‬unless) : ‫تذكر أن‬
1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If our seas become warmer, coral reefs ……….………. (die).
2. If we ……………….. (burns) plastic rubbish, we will pollute the air.
3. We ……………… ('ll) save water only when we take a lot of showers.
4. Climate change will get worse if we ………………. (not take) more action now.
5. If Zad gets a passport, she ……………….. (won’t) travel abroad.
2. Finish the following dialogue:
Adham is talking io a tourist at a hotel.
Adham : Are you visiting Egypt on business or on holiday?
Tourist : (1)……………………………….…………………….
Adham : (2) ……………..……………………..……………… ?
Tourist : I come from London.
Adham : (3) ……………………………………………………..?
Tourist : Big Ben. and the Queen's Palace are the most famous places London.
Adham : What interests you most in Egypt?
Tourist : (4) ………………….……………………………………
Adham : I hope you will enjoy your tour in our country.
Tourist : (5) ………………….…………….…………………….

3. Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on the following:

A review of the advantages of recycling"
Recycling is very important as it helps to save our planet. First, Recycling
materials is very important it saves energy. Secondly, it reduces the amount of waste
that is sent to landfill sites. When we leave waste on landfill sites for a long time, it
produces different kinds of greenhouse gases like methane. Thirdly, recycling paper
and wood saves millions of trees that breathe in carbon dioxide and make oxygen. So,
it helps our environment to be cleaner. Finally, recycling creates new jobs every year.
So, it helps people who don't have jobs to find work. Finally, I think recycling is the
best solution for helping our environment.
5 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

Unit (8) Protecting our planet

Lessons (3&4) Key vocabulary
ink ‫حبر‬ recycling ‫اعادة استخدام‬
cartridge ‫خرطوشة حبر‬ weaving ‫النسيج‬
loom ‫نول النسيج‬ threads ‫خيوط‬
volunteer ‫متطوع‬ fabric ‫قماش‬
magazines ‫مجالت‬ tradition ‫تقليد‬
throw away ‫يرمي‬ traditional ‫تقليدي‬
make into ‫يحول الى‬ weavers ‫نساجون‬
carpets ‫سجاد‬ connected ‫متصل‬
solution ‫حل‬ fishing nets ‫شبك الصيد‬
culture ‫ثقافة‬ materials ‫مواد‬
Hassan's blog
Weaving is an Egyptian tradition, but making old plastic bags into long threads,
there aren't many traditional weavers in which they could make into fabric on a
Egypt today. So I was surprised to see traditional loom. Then they used the
three weavers working on traditional plastic fabric to make colourful bags,
looms when I visited the Reform Studio in chairs and small carpets.
When Mariam Hazem and Hend Riad Today, their bags, chairs and carpets
were students at university, they wanted are sold in shops in Cairo and London.
to do something about plastic rubbish. This is a fantastic project because it is
They found a way of great for the environment and great for
one of our Egyptian traditions!

Reading Our school recycling project

The problem
Five classrooms in our school have a computer and a printer. At the moment, we
throw away the printer cartridges with the school rubbish. But the ink inside printer
cartridges is very bad for the environment. So we want to start a school recycling
What we are going to do
We have asked our head teacher Mr Hamdi, if we can start a recycling project,
and he said yes. He will let us put a recycling box in classrooms with printers. We
have written emails to all our teachers. We have asked them to put the old printer
cartridges in the recycling boxes.
How you can help us
We will take the recycling boxes to the recycling center every month. But we need
volunteers to help us. If you would like to be a volunteer, please write your name and
email below. Thank you Dalida and Sherifa
6 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

Words & definitions

weaving ‫النسيج‬ making cloth, a carpet, a basket etc by crossing threads
traditional ‫تقليدي‬ part of the traditions of a country or group of people
weavers ‫نساجون‬ people whose job is to weave cloth
loom ‫نول النسج‬ a machine on which thread is woven into cloth
threads ‫خيوط‬ long thin string of cotton, silk used to sew or weave cloth
fabric ‫قماش‬ cloth used for making clothes
ink ‫حبر‬ a coloured liquid used for writing or printing
cartridge a small container that has ink inside

Synonyms and antonyms

word ‫المعنى‬ synonym antonym ‫المعنى‬
agree ‫يقبل‬ accept refuse ‫يرفض‬
let ‫يسمح‬ allow prevent ‫يمنع‬
ask ‫يسأل‬ inquire answer / reply ‫يجيب‬
traditional ‫تقليدي‬ old new / modern ‫جديد‬

Prefixes and suffixes

prefix ‫المعنى‬ suffix ‫المعنى‬
recycling ‫اعادة استخدام‬ traditional ‫تقليدي‬
disadvantages ‫عيوب‬ colourful ‫ملون‬
unkind ‫غير طيب‬ weaver ‫نساج‬
Irregular verbs
weave wove woven ‫ينسج‬
put put put ‫يضع‬
see saw seen ‫يري‬
find found found ‫يجد‬
1. Complete the text with words from the list:
surprised visits Weaving visited surprising weavers
(1) ………….. is an Egyptian tradition, but there aren't many traditional (2)
………….. in Egypt today. So I was (3) ………….. to see three weavers working on
traditional looms when I (4) ………….. the Reform Studio in Cairo.

2. Complete the text with words from the list:

thread found loom threads find university
When Mariam Hazem and Hend Riad were students at (1) ………….., they wanted
to do something about plastic rubbish. They (2) …………..a way of making old plastic
bags into long (3) ………….., which they could make into fabric on a traditional (4)
………….. Then they used the plastic fabric to make colourful bags, chairs and small
7 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

1. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

1. ………………. is a liquid used in pens or printers for writing.
a. Oil b. Loom c. Link d. Ink
2. A ………………. is a person who makes cloth by weaving.
a. weaver b. cleaner c. trainer d. player
3.A plastic football field was used in the World Cup. " Field " here means ……….….
a. competitor b. computer c. sports playground d. land
4. We should replace the …………… ink in the printer regularly.
a.cart b. cartridge c. carriage d. court
5. Don’t walk on that bridge. It's …………………..
a. connected b. broken c. attractive d. colourful
6. A ……………… is a machine used for weaving.
a wheel b loom c plane d truck
7. The ……………… is a long piece of cotton which people use to sew clothes.
a. thread b. ink c. needle d.reed
8. The printer is connected to the computer. "Connected " means ……..… together.
a. transported b. joined c. related d. phoned
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1. ............. means making cloth, a carpet, a basket etc by crossing threads.
a. Waving b. Weaving c. Cycling d. Recycling
2. .............. means part of the traditions of a country or group of people.
a. Habitat b. Traditional c. Solar d. Lunar
3. ........... are people whose job is to weave cloth.
a. Thieves b. Pilots c. Scientists d. Weavers
4. A............... is a machine on which thread is woven into cloth.
a. loom b. trumpet c. knife d. room
5. Long thin string of cotton, silk used to sew or weave cloth means ...............
a. treat b. deal c. threat d. thread
6. ............. means cloth used for making clothes.
a. Barbecue b. Fabric c. Statue d. Leather
7. .............. means a coloured liquid used for writing or printing.
a. Gas b. Coal c. Ink d. Sheets
8. A .................. is a small container that has ink inside.
a. trunk b. bank c. carriage d. cartridge
9. Our father allowed me ....................... the film.
a. watch b. watched c. to watch d. watching
10. Flour is made ..................... bread.
a. of b. from c. into d. off
11. The ................. of "let" is "allow".
a. synonym b. opposite c. antonym d. unlike
12. We form the name from "weave" we add the suffix ....................
a. ing b. less c. ful d. un
8 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

2. Finish the following dialogue:

Sarah and Reem are talking about their future predictions.
Sarah : Hi, Reem. How are things?
Reem : (1)......................................................... .
Sarah : (2) .....……………………………………....... ?
Reem : I think we will live in space.
Sarah : (3) ............………………………………………
Reem : Because we have the technology that will help us to do that.
Sarah : Do you think we will be able to live under the water one day?
Reem : (4) ....................…………………......
Sarah : Why don't you think so?
Reem : (5) ............……………………...........

2. Finish the following dialogue:

Esraa and Eman are talking about types of news.
Esraa : Hello, Eman. Would you like to work in the media?
Eman : (1) ...........………………………....
Esraa : (2) .........……………………….......?
Eman : I'd like to be a photographer.
Esraa : (3) ........………………………………..........?
Eman : Because I like taking photos.
Esraa : What type of media do you think is most interesting for news?
Eman : (4) ........……………..…………………………
Esraa : Well, I hope you will achieve your dreams.
Eman : (5) .....……………………………………………

"A review of weaving"

Egyptian handicrafts are popular for tourists. Weaving is one of the most
popular crafts Egypt. To weave, you need looms, threads and needles. A loom is a
machine that crosses threads under and over each other to make fabric. Weavers
can make very beautiful things. To encourage doing that traditional craft, the
government is planning to build four new schools to teach weaving in different cities.
These schools will have the best weavers all around Egypt. Their job is to teach
students how to weave. They also plan to do a recycling project which is connected
to weaving. I think weaving is very important for Egyptian economy.
9 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

Unit (8) Protecting our planet

Lessons (5,6&7) Key vocabulary
seagrass ‫عشب بحري‬ breathe ‫يتنفس‬
along ‫بطول‬ attractive ‫جذاب‬
including ‫يشمل‬ global warming ‫االحتباس الحراري‬
coast ‫الساحل‬ absorb ‫يمتص‬
herbs ‫أعشاب‬ familiar ‫مألوف‬
disappear ‫يختفي‬ transport ‫ المواصالت‬/ ‫النقل‬
rainforests ‫غابات استوائية‬ industry ‫الصناعة‬
diver ‫غواص‬ solutions ‫حلول‬
nevertheless ‫ومع ذلك‬ conclusion ‫خاتمة‬
conclude ‫يختم‬ take turns ‫يتبادل األدوار‬
speech ‫ حديث‬/ ‫خطبة‬ members ‫أعضاء‬
washing up ‫غسل األطباق‬ contrast ‫تناقض‬
spider plants ‫نباتات عنكبوتية‬ ocean ‫محيط‬
Seagrass is found in the sea along the coast of many countries. It is food for many
sea animals, including turtles. Baby fish and sea animals live in seagrass because it is
a safe place. Seagrass helps keep the sea healthy and it can help stop climate
change. This is because seagrass absorbs 10% of the ocean's carbon dioxide every
year. Seagrass absorbs carbon dioxide 35 times faster than rainforests. That is why
seagrass can help stop climate change.
About 90% of all seagrass has disappeared from the UK's coast in the last 100 years.
However, there is an environmental project in the UK that is growing new seagrass.
When the plants are big enough, divers will plant them along the coast. The plants will
still be quite small. Nevertheless, they will grow into 20,000 square metres of
1. Today I am going to talk about plants in the house. Not everyone has them, but I
think you should.
2. I'd like to start by saying that plants are very good for your health.
3. To begin with, plants breathe out oxygen, which is a gas that we need to breathe.
Also, plants often absorb pollution in the air, making it cleaner for us.
4. In the next part of my speech, I'd like to talk about where to put your plants. Some
plants smell nice, so I put these in my balcony. And you can eat the leaves of plants
called herbs, so put these in your kitchen! Spider plants look attractive, so I put them
in an open place, like the living room.
10 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

5. I'd like to finish by saying that it is best to choose plants that grow naturally in
Egypt. They will look better in your house since they will look familiar. Plants that
grow naturally in Egypt are easier to take care of.
Words & definitions
seagrass ‫عشب بحري‬ a plant which lives in the sea, usually near the coast
disappear ‫يختفي‬ to become impossible to see any longer
diver ‫غواص‬ someone who swims or works under water
speech ‫خطبة‬ is a formal talk about a particular subject
attractive ‫جذاب‬ beautiful and pleasant
naturally ‫بشكل طبيعي‬ in a way that is the result of nature
familiar ‫مألوف‬ well-known to you and easy to recognize
Synonyms and antonyms
word ‫المعنى‬ synonym antonym ‫المعنى‬
attractive ‫جذاب‬ beautiful ugly ‫قبيح‬
familiar ‫مألوف‬ known unfamiliar ‫غير مألوف‬
disappear ‫يختفي‬ vanish appear ‫يظهر‬
Prefixes and suffixes
prefix ‫المعنى‬ suffix ‫المعنى‬
unfamiliar ‫غير مألوف‬ attractive ‫جذاب‬
disappear ‫يختفي‬ beautiful ‫جميل‬
impossible ‫مستحيل‬ environmental ‫بيئي‬
Irregular verbs
find found found ‫يجد‬
keep kept kept ‫يحفظ‬
grow grew grown ‫ يزرع‬- ‫ينمو‬
1.Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1. The …………….. is a plant which lives in the sea, usually near the coast.
a. seawater b. sea view c. seagrass d. seashell
2. Suddenly, all the cats ran away, they ………………… .
a. reminded b. disappeared c. appeared d. showed
3. Most butterflies have many colours. They're …………………..
a. plain b. colourless c. regular d. colourful
4. Today, I'm going to give a ………………. about protecting the planet.
a. conversation b- speech c. beach d. reason
5. Some ……………… have a strong smell like mint.
a. corals b. palm trees c. hills d. herbs
6. Mum always tells me not to forget my homework. she ……………….. me.
a remembers b reminds c forgets d says
7. She writes a funny sentence at the end of the email. I like her funny ………….. .
a. introduction b. start c. conclusion d.beginning
11 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬
8. Coral reefs don’t like changes in …………… . Climate change can kill them.
a. colour b. temperature c. place d. text
2. Finish the following dialogue:
Mohamed is talking to a tourist
Mohamed : Are you visiting Egypt on business or on holiday?
Tourist : (1) …………………………………………………………………
Mohamed : (2)...............................................................................?
Tourist : I come from London.
Mohamed : (3) …………………………………………….…………..?
Tourist : Big Ben is the most famous place London.
Mohamed : What interests you most in Egypt?
Tourist : (4)……………………………………………………………
Mohamed : I hope you will enjoy your tour in our country.
Tourist : (5).........................................................................

3. Choose the correct answer from a, b c or d

1. A plant which lives in the sea, usually near the coast, is called ..................
a. seaside b. sailor c. sweet d. seagrass
2. ...................... is to become impossible to see any longer.
a. Appear b. Known c. Disappear d. Save
3. A ................... is someone who swims or works under water.
a. diver b. astronaut c. dyer d. diver
4. A ...................... is a formal talk about a particular subject.
a. email b. blog c. block d. speech
5. ...................... means beautiful and pleasant.
a. Ugly b. Dirty c. Attractive d. Noisy
6. ....................... means in a way that is the result of nature.
a. Naturally b. Industry c. Manually d. Artificially
7. Well-known to you and easy to recognize means .....................
a. familiar b. unfamiliar c. unknown d. difficult
8. Solar energy is a form of ....................... energy.
a. renewable b. ancient c. nonrenewable d. lazy
9. .................... warming is a serious problem.
a. Global b. Local c. Joker d. Poor
10. Trees. ...................... carbon dioxide. This means they take it in.
a. blow b. breath c. absorb d. produce
12 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

Test on Unit (8)

1. Finish the following dialogue:
Adham is talking to a tourist at a hotel.
Adham : Are you visiting Egypt on business or on holiday?
Tourist : (1)………………………………………………………………………… .
Adham : (2)………………………………………………………………………… ?
Tourist : I come from London.
Adham : (3)………………………………………………………………………… ?
Tourist : Big Ben and the Queen's Palace are the most famous places London.
Adham : What interests do you like most in Egypt?
Tourist : (4)………………………………………………………………………………… .
Adham : I hope you will enjoy your tour in our country.
Tourist : (5)………………………………………………………………………………… .

2 Read and complete the text with words from the list :
Look living herbs looks live speech
In the next part of my (1) ………….. , I'd like to talk about where to put your plants.
Some plants smell nice, so I put these in my balcony. And you can eat the leaves of
plants called (2) ……………. , so put these in your kitchen! Spider plants (3)
………………. attractive, so I put them in an open place, like the (4) ……………. room.
3. Read the following text, then answer the questions:
I am greatly interested in reading because it is very useful and necessary in our
daily life. So, it is my favourite hobby. We should read a lot of different books during
our free time to increase our knowledge. We can get much information that helps us
make our Life better and easier.
We should encourage our pupils to go to the school library to read and borrow
books. Although we are living in the age of modern technology, most people prefer
reading printed books which they can carry with them anywhere. We have
computers, laptops and the internet at homes and in our schools, but our best friend
is still the printed book. Books should be cheaper and school libraries must be open
during the summer holidays.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The underlined word “that” refers to ………..……. .
ⓐ information ⓑ reading ⓒ hobby ⓓ books
2. The word “age” in the second paragraph means ………..……. .
ⓐ old ⓑ time ⓒ place ⓓ history
3. the main idea in the second paragraph is ………………. .
ⓐ people no longer like reading ⓑ people still hate reading
ⓒ printed books are still popular ⓓ Printed books are going to disappear
13 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

Unit 8 Protecting our planet ‫الصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬
B ) Answer the following questions:
4. Why should you read books?

5. Summarize the text in one sentence.

6. Do you think that one day there will be no printed books? Why /Why not?

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1. …………. is a place where people leave rubbish on the land.
ⓐ Landfill site ⓑ Deforestation ⓒ Climate change ⓓ Air pollution
2. ……….. is a problem in the Arctic and Antarctic because of global warming.
ⓐ Air pollution ⓑ Landfill ⓒ Melting ice ⓓ Deforestation
3. You should avoid making bad things. The synonym of " avoid " is ………….
ⓐ keep ⓑ stop ⓒ pass ⓓ recycle
4. To make the noun form of the verb "farm" we add the suffix .
ⓐ -able ⓑ -ing ⓒ -al ⓓ -ous
5. To give the opposite of the word "renewable", we add the prefix …………….
ⓐ dis- ⓑ un- ⓒ non- ⓓ im-
6. There is a broken glass on the floor. The synonym of " broken" is ……………
ⓐ correct ⓑ incorrect ⓒ damaged ⓓ amazing

5.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in

1. If our seas become warmer, coral reefs ……….………. (die).
5. We can avoid ……….. (cut) down the trees by building the road in a different place.
2. We need ……………….. (use) more renewable energy.
5. If Zad gets a passport, she ……………….. (won’t) travel abroad.

6. Write a review of about (110) words on:

"A review of how to protect our planet"
14 Page

‫الكلمات و الشرح الوافى والقواعد وأسئلة اإلمتحان‬

‫تحتىرعاوةى ى‬
‫معالي الوزير األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬رضا حجازي‬

‫ىورئوسىاالدارةىالمركزوةىلتطوورىالمناهجى ى‬
‫األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬أكرم حسن‬

‫شرح مفصل وتمبرَه متىىعة‬

‫لمىهج اللغة االوجلُزَة !‪New Hello‬‬
‫للصف الثبلث اإلعدادٌ – الىحدة التبسعة‬

‫اعدادى ى‬
‫َبسر صدَق محمد شطب‬

‫محمد إبراهُم فرحبت‬
‫رضب محمد الجىهرٌ‬

‫تحتىاشرافى ى‬
‫أ‪ /‬إميان حممود يوسف‬
‫مستشبر اللغة االوجلُزَة‬
ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬

Unit (9) Build a greener world

Lessons (1&2) Key vocabulary
a greener world ‫ؾبٌُ طذيك ٌٍجيئخ‬ affect ‫يؤثش‬
sustainable products ‫ِٕزدبد ِؿّشح‬ forests ‫غبثبد‬
bamboo cup ْ‫ة ِٓ اٌخيشصا‬ٛ‫و‬ fewer floods ً‫فيضبٔبد أل‬
energy-saving light bulb ‫فش ٌٍطبلخ‬ِٛ ‫ِظجبذ‬ solve ً‫يس‬
rechargeable batteries ٓ‫ثطبسيبد لبثٍخ ٌٍشس‬ seawater ‫ِيبٖ اٌجسش‬
reusable shopping bag َ‫ق لبثٍخ إلؾبدح اإلسزخذا‬ٛ‫زمبئت رس‬ crops ً‫ِسبطي‬
the Red Sea coast ‫سبزً اٌجسش األزّش‬ protect ّٝ‫يس‬
electric toothbrush ‫شثيخ‬ٙ‫فششبح أسٕبْ و‬ provide ‫يّذ‬
waste ‫ ٔفبيبد‬/ ‫ذس‬ٙ‫ي‬ countries ‫ ثالد‬/ ‫ألطبس‬
rising sea levels ‫ة ِيبٖ اٌجسش‬ٛ‫إسرفبؼ ِٕس‬ storms ‫اطف‬ٛ‫ؾ‬
mangrove seedlings ‫ف‬ٚ‫شزالد شدشح إٌّدش‬ position ‫ضؽ‬ِٛ / ْ‫ِىب‬
carbon footprint ‫ٔيخ‬ٛ‫اٌجظّخ اٌىشث‬ give up ٓ‫ ؾ‬ٍٝ‫ يزخ‬/ ‫يمٍؽ‬
They provide homes for plants, fish and sea animals. If there were more
mangrove trees, there would be fewer floods. Now in Egypt, people are
growing thousands of mangrove seedlings to plant along the Red Sea coast.
The problems caused by rising sea levels could get worse if they didn't plant
new mangrove forests. So, they are going to plant 300,000 seedlings every
year. When they grow into mangrove forests, they will protect the coast from
rising sea levels. Climate change means that many countries have more floods
now because of rising sea levels. Most trees and plants can't live in seawater.
When seawater comes onto farms, the salt in the water kills the crops and
farmers can't grow anything for many years. So, people lose their farms and
their homes. However, in hot countries like Egypt, mangrove trees grow in the
sea along the coast. Mangrove forests protect farms and communities from
strong winds and storms.
Prefixes and suffixes
prefix ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬ suffix ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬
unsustainable ُ‫غيش ِسزذي‬ rechargeable ٓ‫لبثً ٌٍشس‬
recharge ٓ‫يؿيذ شس‬ sustainable ُ‫ِسزذي‬
reuse َ‫يؿيذ إسزخذا‬ reusable َ‫لبثً إلؾبدح اإلسزخذا‬

Synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬ antonyms ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬
sustainable ُ‫ِسزذي‬ unsustainable ُ‫غيش ِسزذي‬
find out ‫يىزشف‬ cover ٝ‫يغط‬
fewer )‫د‬ٚ‫ألً (ٌٍّؿذ‬ more ‫أوثش‬

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
Words and expressions
provide ……. for ‫يّذ ة‬ protect ….… from ِٓ ّٝ‫يس‬
thousands of ِٓ ‫آالف‬ want to ْ‫يشيذ أ‬
plant along ‫يضسؼ ثبِزذاد‬ get from ِٓ ً‫يسظ‬
caused by ‫اسطخ‬ٛ‫يسجت ث‬ give up ٓ‫ ؾ‬ٍٝ‫يزخ‬
get worse ‫أ‬ٛ‫يظجر أس‬ try to ْ‫ي أ‬ٚ‫يسب‬
grow into ٝ‫يضسؼ ف‬ bad for ‫ء ٌظبٌر‬ٝ‫سي‬
because of ‫ثسجت‬ on the Red Sea coast ‫ سبزً اٌجسش األزّش‬ٍٝ‫ؾ‬
salt in ٝ‫ِبٌر ف‬ need to ْ‫يسزبج أ‬
stop using َ‫لف ؾٓ إسزخذا‬ٛ‫يز‬ work together ‫يؿًّ ِؿب‬

Confusing words
used َ‫إسزخذ‬ used to ْ‫إؾزبد أ‬
usable َ‫لبثً ٌإلسزخذا‬ useful ‫ِفيذ‬
electric ٝ‫شث‬ٙ‫و‬ electronic ٝٔٚ‫إٌىزش‬
affect ‫يؤثش‬ effect ‫رأثيش‬
seedlings ‫صساؾخ اٌشزالد‬ seeds ‫س‬ٚ‫ثز‬
Irregular verbs
find out found out found out ‫يىزشف‬
rise rose risen ‫ رششق‬/ ‫يشرفؽ‬

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c , or d

1. "Reduce" and "increase" are ...............

a. similar b. synonyms c. antonyms d. the same
2. We add the prefix ''................" to get the opposite of ''active''.
a. in b. im c. dis d. il
3. "Lose" is the opposite of ......................
a. miss b. win c. fail d. fill
4. We couldn't cross the river. The word ''cross'' here is a / an ...............
a. verb b. noun c. adjective d. adverb
5. Sometimes I get very cross with my children. The word cross here means....
a. happy b. angry c. kind d. pleased
6. A ................... is a young plant or tree grown from a seed.
a. trunk b. crop c. seedling d. seed
7. To form the adjective from "coast" we add the suffix "................".
a. al b. ly c. il d. dis
8. "Very big" is the ..................... of enormous.
a. synonym b. opposite c. antonym d. different
9. To give the opposite of "expensive" we add the prefix "................"
a. im b. in c. dis d. miss
3 Page

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
1. used to + ‫ اٌّظذس‬/ didn't use to + ‫اٌّظذس‬

used to + ‫اٌّظذس‬ .ْ‫ٌُ رؿذ رسذس اآل‬ٚ ٝ‫ اٌّبض‬ٝ‫رؿجش ؾٓ أشيبء وبْ رسذس ف‬ٚ )ْ‫ (إؾزبد أ‬ٕٝ‫ثّؿ‬
I used to watch cartoon films. Now I don`t.
We used to get all our shopping in plastic bags.

Didn`t use to + ‫اٌّظذس‬ : ٝ‫إٌف‬

We didn't use to use energy-saving light bulbs, but we do now.

Did + ً‫ فبؾ‬+ use to + ‫? اٌّظذس‬ : ‫اٌسؤاي‬

Did you use to sleep late when you were young?
Complete the following sentences with the correct form:
1. In the past, people ……………… (use) energy-saving light bulbs.
2. We ……………… (waste) water, but now we try to save water.
3. I ……………… (have) an electric toothbrush, but now I've got one.
4. Mum ……(get) plastic bags at the supermarket, but now she gets paper ones.
5. Dad ……… (turn off) his computer at night, but he does now.

2. The second conditional ) ٌٛ / ‫اٌسبٌخ اٌثبٔيخ ٌمبؾذح (إرا‬

If + ‫ ثسيط‬ٝ‫ ِبض‬+ would + ‫اٌّظذس‬
If Mohamed Salah played , he would score a goal.
If there were more mangrove trees, there would be fewer floods.
The problems caused by rising sea levels would get worse if they didn't plant
new mangrove forests.
.ٝ‫ اٌّبض‬ٝ‫( ٌإلشبسح أٔٗ ِٓ اٌّّىٓ ٌٍفؿً أْ يسذس ف‬would) ِٓ ‫( ثذال‬could) َ‫لذ ٔسزخذ‬
The problems caused by rising sea levels could get worse if they didn't plant
new mangrove forests.
1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1. If we lived in Hurghada, we ………….... (go) to the beach every week.
2. Those farmers would move to a safer place if there ……... (are) another flood.
3. If we ………….... (have) more time, we would visit our cousins in the village.
4. We ………….... (will) have fewer storms if climate change stopped.
5. The volleyball team would win the match if they …….... (have) better players.

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. If they ………….... (not cut) so many trees, they would have bigger forests.
2. I planted more trees if I ................... (be) in your position.
3. What clothes would you wear if you ................... (live) in a cold country?
4. If she did not love nature, she .............. (not be) an environmental scientist.
4 Page

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
5. If there .............. (are) more mangrove trees along the coast, there would be
fewer floods.
6. If we had more money, we ...... (can) buy that new phone in the shop window.
7. What ................... (will) you do if you got a job in a different city?
8. Tarek would pass the test if he ................... (studies) harder.

3.Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

greener -- bamboo -- energy-saving light bulbs -- rechargeable batteries --
reusable -- sustainable
1. We cannot continue to use petrol for cars because it is not …………………
2. We can use that bag again. It is …………………
3. These ………………… use a lot less electricity than the ones we used to have.
4. Can I plug in these ………………… ? I need to charge them.

4.Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

can -- mangrove trees -- seedlings -- rising sea levels -- crops -- On
1. ………………… grow in seawater along the coast.
2. There are more floods in many countries because of …………………
3. ………………… are small, young plants.
4. Rice and vegetables are ………………… that we grow on farms.

5. Ahmed and Osman are talking about animal habitats.

Ahmed : Where were you yesterday?
Osman : (1) …………………….…………………………………
Ahmed : Gebel Elba !(2) ……………………………………… ?
Osman : It’s near the Red Sea.
Ahmed : (3) ……………………………………………………...?
Osman : You can see many animals and birds there.
Ahmed : (4) ………………………………………………..
Osman : You can come with me the next time.
Ahmed : When will you go?
Osman : (5) ………………………………………….
6. Write a review of about (110) words on:
An environmental problem that has been solved

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬

Unit (9) Build a greener world

Lessons (3&4) Key vocabulary
enormous air conditioning
ً‫ ٘بئ‬/ ُ‫ضخ‬ ‫اء‬ٛ٘ ‫رىييف‬
destroy solar panels
‫يذِش‬ ‫اذ شّسيخ‬ٌٛ‫أ‬
power waterwheels
‫ لذسح‬/ ‫ح‬ٛ‫ل‬ ‫اٌسبليخ‬
promise wind turbines
‫ؾذ‬ٚ / ‫ؾذ‬ٛ‫ي‬ ‫سثيٕبد اٌشيبذ‬ٛ‫ر‬
produce culture
‫يٕزح‬ ‫ زضبسح‬/ ‫ثمبفخ‬
factories totally
‫ِظبٔؽ‬ ‫ وٍيخ‬/ ‫رّبِب‬
damage superhero
‫ يضشس‬/ ‫يزٍف‬ ‫ثطً خبسق‬
repair roof
‫يظٍر‬ )ٕٝ‫سطر (ِج‬
cause electricity
‫يسجت‬ ‫شثبء‬ٙ‫اٌى‬
workers fossil fuels
‫ؾّبي‬ ٜ‫د اٌسفش‬ٛ‫ل‬ٌٛ‫ا‬
produce pollution absorb
‫س‬ٍٛ‫يٕزح ر‬ ‫يّزض‬
renewable energy burn
‫طبلخ ِزدذدح‬ ‫يسشق‬
Reading (1) The Iron Woman ‫اٌّشأح اٌسذيذيخ‬
One day, a girl called Lucy was surprised to see the Iron Woman. She was
enormous, with big red eyes. Lucy was frightened, but she found that the
woman wanted Lucy to help her. Lucy’s father worked at a factory and the Iron
Woman asked her where the factory was. Pollution from the factory was killing
all the fish in the river, so she wanted to destroy it. The Iron Woman had special
powers so that she was able to make all the factory workers become fish. The
workers all had to live in the river and started to understand how difficult life
was for the fish. Lucy wanted to help the Iron Woman, but she was worried
about her father.So after the Iron Woman left, Lucy called a boy called Hogarth.
He was friends with the Iron Man. ‘If you brought the Iron Man here,’ said Lucy,
‘we could find an answer to the problem.’ The next day, Lucy met Hogarth and
the Iron Man at the factory. When the Iron Woman arrived, the Iron Man told her
that he had a plan. Soon, the Iron Woman let them become again. They could
stay people if they promised that the factory would not produce any more
pollution. They all agreed, and the river became clean once more.
Reading (2)
A large factory in Denmark has an inexpensive way of producing renewable
energy. It burns rubbishl If the factory did not burn the rubbish, it would go to
landfill sites. By burning the rubbish, the factory produces enough electricity
for 150,000 homes. If the factory burned fossil fuels to make this electricity, it
would produce a lot more greenhouse gases. There is a garden on the roof of
the factory. The plants there absorb some of the air pollution that comes from
the factory. You can also ski down the roof! Isn't that amazing?

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
What do you do to help the environment?
Have you given up anything?
We're using the air conditioning less often. In summer when it's very hot, that's
difficult, especially at night, but you get used to it. We can't use our computer
less often, though, because we need it for work.
Dom and Julia Baldwin, USA

I always used to get the newest phone. I have stopped doing that now because
it isn't sustainable. Oh, and now I use rechargeable batteries for the TV remote
control and my computer mouse.
Sawsan, Egypt.

I live in the country and I need to have a car. I've bought an electric car
because it's greener. Also, I always take a reusable bag when I go shopping.
Greta, Australia

We are going to give up living in the city because we want to grow our own
vegetables and live a simpler life. If we stayed in the city, we wouldn't be able to
do that.
Luc and Emile, France

Words & definitions

enormous ً‫ ٘بئ‬/ ُ‫ضخ‬ very big in size or in amount = huge
to damage something so badly that it cannot be used
destroy ‫يذِش‬
or repaired
power ‫ لذسح‬/ ‫ح‬ٛ‫ل‬ the ability or right to control people or events
to tell someone that you will do something or that
promise ‫ؾذ‬ٛ‫ي‬
something will happen
produce ‫يٕزح‬ to cause or make
renewable ‫ِزدذد‬ make something continue to further period of time
fossil fuels ٜ‫د زفش‬ٛ‫ل‬ٚ such as oil or coal comes from decaying animals
sustainable ‫طذيك ٌٍجيئخ‬ good for the environment or continuous
Synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬ antonyms ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬
easy ًٙ‫س‬ difficult ‫طؿت‬
right ‫اة‬ٛ‫ط‬ wrong ‫خطأ‬
agree ‫افك‬ٛ‫ي‬ disagree ‫افك‬ٛ‫ال ي‬
repair ‫يظٍر‬ damage / destroy ‫ يزٍف‬/ ‫يذِش‬
near ‫لشيت‬ remote ٝ‫ ٔبئ‬/ ‫ثؿيذ‬

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
Prefixes and suffixes
prefix ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬ suffix ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬
disagree ‫افك‬ٛ‫ال ي‬ sadness ْ‫اٌسض‬
reusable ‫يّىٓ إؾبدح إسزخذاِخ‬ renewable ‫ِزدذد‬
inside ً‫ثذاخ‬ surprised ‫ِٕذ٘ش‬
outside ‫ثخبسج‬ worker ًِ‫ؾب‬
inexpensive ّٓ‫سخيض اٌث‬ amazing ‫ِذ٘ش‬

Words and expressions

get used to it. ٍٝ‫د ؾ‬ٛ‫ِزؿ‬ ski down ً‫يزضٌح ألسف‬
for work ًّ‫ِٓ أخً اٌؿ‬ uses about ٌٝ‫ا‬ٛ‫رسزخذَ ز‬
need to have ‫د أْ أِزٍه‬ٚ‫أ‬ want to save electricity ‫شاء‬ٙ‫فيش اٌى‬ٛ‫يشيذ ر‬
form of transport ‫اطالد‬ٌّٛ‫أشىبي ا‬ turn off ‫يفظً اٌزيبس‬
live a simpler life. ً‫يؿيش زيبح أفض‬ travel from ِٓ ‫يسبفش‬
stay in the city ‫ اٌّذيٕخ‬ٝ‫يميُ ف‬ one place to another ‫ آخش‬ٌٝ‫ِىبْ ِب إ‬
stopped doing ‫لف ؾٓ اٌميبَ ة‬ٛ‫ر‬ charge a phone ‫برف‬ٌٙ‫يشسٓ ا‬
move around ‫ي‬ٛ‫يزسشن ز‬ an inexpensive way ّٓ‫طشيمخ سخيظخ اٌث‬
look at the diagram ‫رج‬ٌّٕٛ‫ ا‬ٌٝ‫يٕػش إ‬ on the roof of ‫ سطر وزا‬ٍٝ‫ؾ‬

Confusing words
reduce ًٍ‫يم‬ produce ‫يٕزح‬
pollution ‫س‬ٍٛ‫ر‬ population ْ‫اٌسىب‬
mouse ‫فأس‬ mouth ُ‫ف‬
cool ‫ ٌطيف‬/ ‫دح‬ٚ‫ِبئً ٌٍجش‬ cold ‫ثبسد‬
electricity ‫شثبء‬ٙ‫اٌى‬ electric ٝ‫شث‬ٙ‫و‬
Irregular verbs
think thought thought ‫ يفىش‬/ ‫يؿزمذ‬
burn burnt burnt ‫ يسزشق‬/ ‫يسشق‬
keep kept kept ٍٝ‫ يسبفع ؾ‬/ ً‫يدؿ‬

Language Notes
‫برف؟‬ٌٙ‫ يّىٓ إسزخذاِٗ ٌشسٓ ا‬ٝ‫ ِٓ اآلر‬ٜ‫ أ‬ٕٝ‫ ثّؿ‬:‫آلزع ٘زا اٌزؿجيش خيذا‬
Which of these can you use to charge a phone? Rechargeable battery.
Which of these do you use to move around your computer screen? Computer mouse.
8 Page

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
Complete the following sentences with words from the list :
destroyed - enormous – promise – produce - powers - in
1. The elephant is really ……………….. . It's about three tons.
2. The truck …………………. the car totally. It was a horrible accident.
3. The story was about a superhero who had special …………………. .
4. Factories …………………. pollution. They should try to reduce it.
Language Notes
1. promise to + ‫ ِظذس‬/ promise that + ‫ خٍّخ وبٍِخ‬.........
He promised to help me. He promised that he would help me.

2. give up + V + ing ..... ٓ‫ = يمٍؽ ؾ‬stop doing

My father gave up smoking a week ago.

3. let + ‫ي‬ٛ‫ ِفؿ‬+ ‫ ِظذس‬............‫يسّر ٌــ‬

The Iron Woman let them become people again.
4. special ‫ طجمخ‬ٚ‫ خبص ثفئخ ا‬/ private ‫ ؾبئٍخ‬ٚ‫ٍِه شخض أ‬
Nurses wear special uniforms. We have a private house with a garden.
5. with + ‫شيء‬. ......... ‫ يٍّه‬ٚ‫ = ٌذيٗ أ‬has / have
She was enormous with big red eyes.

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b c or d
1. .................... means very big in size or in amount
a. Small b. Tiny c. Enormous d. Thin
2. To damage something so badly means ...................
a. enjoy b. save c. rescue d. destroy
3. ............. is the ability or right to control people or events.
a. Flower b. Fire c. Flood d. Power
4. ................ is to create or make.
a. Introduce b. Produce c. Fuel d. Kill
5. ................. means to say that you will do something
a. Promise b. Damage c. Forget d. Reject
6. ............... means not near, far away.
a. Close b. Remote c. Silly d. Clear
7. Good for the environment or continuous means .....................
a. nonrenewable b. ended c. harmful d. sustainable

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
8. .................. means feeling afraid.
a. Kind b. Brave c. Frightened d. Famous
9. Very big is the .....................of enormous.
a. synonym b. opposite c. antonym d. different
10. To give the opposite of "expensive" we add the prefix "................"
a. im b. in c. dis d. miss
11. We get the ..................... of "amaze" by adding the suffix "ing".
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective
12. She promised ...................... help me.
a. that b. to c. of d. off
13. The room is hot, please turn on the air .......................
a. pollution b. conditioning c. line d. fun
14. I saw a girl with blue eyes. The word "with" here means she ...... blue eyes.
a. had b. got c. sold d. A & B

2. Read and complete the text with words from the list:

bad - sustainable - rechargeable - control - get - getting

I always used to (1) ....................... the newest phone. I have stopped doing
that now because it isn't (2) ................. Oh, and now I use (3) ...............
batteries for the TV remote (4).......................... and my computer mouse.


‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
Unit (9) Build a greener world
Lessons (5,6&7) Key vocabulary
region ‫ِٕطمخ‬ landscape ‫ِٕػش طجيؿي‬
desertification ‫اٌزظسش‬ initiative ‫ِجبدسح‬
creating ‫ خٍك‬/ ٓ‫ي‬ٛ‫رى‬ seedling ‫شزٍخ‬
energy - saving ‫فش ٌٍطبلخ‬ِٛ sustainable ُ‫ دائ‬/ ‫طذيك ٌٍجيئخ‬
drought ‫خفبف‬ living thing ‫وبئٓ زي‬
bamboo ْ‫خيضسا‬ crops ً‫ِسبطي‬
set up ‫ يؤسس‬/ ُ‫يمي‬ description ‫طف‬ٚ
solve ً‫يس‬ reduce ًٍ‫يم‬
Sahel region ً‫ِٕطمخ اٌسبز‬ protect ‫يسّي‬
growing ‫ ِزضايذ‬/ ‫ صيبدح‬/ ّٛٔ products ‫ِٕزدبد‬
wind turbine ‫سثيٕبد اٌشيبذ‬ٛ‫ر‬ survey ‫ازظبء‬
Reading The Great Green Wall
This report is about a green initiative in Africa called the Great Green Wall.
This initiative was set up in 2007 by the African Union to solve the problem of
desertification in the Sahel region of Africa.
Desertification happens when green land becomes desert. In the Sahel
region, this has happened because climate change is creating more droughts
every year and people do not always farm the land well. People cannot grow
food and they are losing their farms and homes.
The Great Green Wall initiative will plant millions of trees, seedlings and
plants across Africa from west to east, to create a growing, green landscape.
When it is finished, the wall will be 8,000 km long. It will be the biggest living
thing in the world. It will create jobs for 10 million people. The trees and plants
will improve the land for farming again, and people will be able to grow crops.
The Great Green Wall will improve the lives of everyone who lives in the
Sahel region. It will also help reduce the problems caused by climate change
for the whole world.
Reading (2)
There are many green initiatives across the world which are helping to
protect the environment. There are projects to build solar farms to create
green energy. There are projects to plant seedlings and trees to give us
cleaner air. At home, people are choosing to use rechargeable batteries and
energy-saving light bulbs. Some people are buying more made of bamboo
which is sustainable and doesn't cause pollution. Some people are even using
air conditioning less often because it uses so much energy. What can you do to

help protect the environment?


‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬

Words & definitions

region ‫ِٕطمخ‬ a large area of a country or of the world
desertification ‫اٌزظسش‬ when farm land changes into desert
landscape ‫ِٕػش طجيؿي‬ a view showing an area of land
creating ‫ خٍك‬/ ٓ‫ي‬ٛ‫رى‬ making or producing
farming ٗ‫اٌضساؾ‬ growing crops or keeping animals on a farm
improve ٓ‫يسس‬ to make something better, or to become better
an important plan to achieve an aim or solve
initiative ‫ِجبدسح‬
Synonyms and antonyms
word ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬ = synonym antonym ٕٝ‫اٌّؿ‬
grow ‫يضسؼ‬ plant harvest ‫يسظذ‬
finish ‫ي‬ٙ‫يٕز‬ end start ‫يجذأ‬
reduce ًٍ‫يم‬ decrease increase ‫د‬ٚ‫يض‬
Prefixes and suffixes
prefix ‫ثبدئخ‬ suffix ‫آلزمخ‬
unimportant ُِٙ ‫غيش‬ farming ‫اٌضساؾخ‬
inactive ‫غيش ٔشيط‬ pollution ‫س‬ٍٛ‫اٌز‬
Words and expressions
create jobs ‫غبئف‬ٚ ‫فش‬ٛ‫ي‬ become desert ‫يظجر طسشاء‬
for farming ‫ٌٍضساؾخ‬ reasons why ‫أسجبة‬
used to be ْٛ‫اؾزبد أْ يى‬ be able to ٍٝ‫لبدس ؾ‬
from west to east ‫ِٓ اٌغشة ٌٍششق‬ grow crops ً‫يضسؼ ِسبطي‬
cause pollution ‫س‬ٍٛ‫يسجت ر‬ for the whole world ٍٗ‫ٌٍؿبٌُ و‬
was set up ‫اليّذ‬ across the world ٌُ‫ؾجش اٌؿب‬
solve the problem ‫يسً اٌّشىٍخ‬ cause by ‫يسذس ثسجت‬
farm well ‫يضسؼ خيذا‬ improve the life of ‫يسسٓ زيبح‬
plant trees ‫يضسؼ أشدبس‬ reduce the problems ً‫يمًٍ اٌّشبو‬
on the map ‫ اٌخشيطخ‬ٍٝ‫ؾ‬ build solar farms ‫يجٕي ِضاسؼ طبلخ شّسيخ‬
south of ‫ة‬ٕٛ‫خ‬ write a list of ‫يىزت لبئّخ‬
Confusing words
across ‫ خالي‬/ ‫ؾجش‬ cross ‫يؿجش‬
well ‫خيذا‬ will ‫ف‬ٛ‫س‬
farm ٗ‫ِضسؾ‬ form ‫اسزّبسح‬
improve ٓ‫يسس‬ prove ٓ٘‫يجش‬
Irregular verbs

become became become ‫يظجر‬

lose lost lost ‫يفمذ‬

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
build built built ‫يجٕي‬
choose chose chosen ‫يخزبس‬
Language Notes
1. long ً‫ي‬ٛ‫ = ط‬in length ‫ال‬ٛ‫ط‬
The wall will be 8.000 km long. The wall will be 8.000 km in length.

2. from ........... to................. ٌٝ‫ ا‬.... ِٓ

They will plant trees across Africa from west to east.

3. create / provide jobs ‫غبئف‬ٚ ‫فش‬ٛ‫ي‬

This project will create jobs for 10 million people.

4. everyone + ‫فؿً ِفشد‬

Everyone is at home. Everyone has a seat.

5. 10 million people ْٛ‫ ٍِي‬01 / 40 thousand tourists ‫ أٌف‬01

‫ب ؾذد رأري ِفشد‬ٍٙ‫( ارا خبء لج‬million - thousand - hundred - billion) ً‫د ِث‬ٛ‫أٌفبظ اٌؿم‬
Ten million people have visited Egypt.
Two hundred pounds were spent yesterday.

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c , or d
1. A / An ................... is an important plan to achieve an aim or solve problems.
a. solution b. suggestion c. initiative d. thought
2. ..................... means making or producing.
a. Dying b. Disappearing c. Creating d. Throwing
3. A / an ................. is a view showing an area of land.
a. landscape b. landfill c. plate d. area
4. A large area of a country or of the world is a .....................
a. region b. season c. reason d. result
5. ................... means growing crops or keeping animals on a farm.
a. Recycling b. Forming c. Farming d. Harming
6. To make something better, or to become better means .................
a. disprove b. approve c. remove d. improve
7. ................ is when farm land changes into desert.
a. Civilization b. Infection c. Globalization d. Desertification
8. "Reduce" and "increase" are ...............
a. similar b. synonyms c. antonyms d. the same
9. We add the prefix ''................" to get the opposite of ''active''.

a. in b. im c. dis d. il

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
10. "Lose" is the opposite of ......................
a. miss b. win c. fail d. fill
11. We couldn't cross the river. The word ''cross'' here is a ...............
a. verb b. noun c. adjective d. adverb
12. Sometimes I get very cross with my children. The word cross here means....
a. happy b. angry c. kind d. pleased
13. A ................... is a young plant or tree grown from a seed.
a. trunks b. crops c. seedling d. seeds
14. To form the adjective from "coast" we add the suffix "................".
a. al b. ly c. il d. dis
15. Very big is the ..................... of enormous.
a. synonym b. opposite c. antonym d. different
16. To give the opposite of "expensive" we add the prefix "................"
a. im b. in c. dis d. miss
17. "Reduce" and "increase" are ...............
a. similar b. synonyms c. antonyms d. the same
18. Farmers always keep animals on their farms. The word "keep" means ........
a. kill b. sell c. buy d. raise

2. Complete the following sentences with the correct form.

1. We used to ...................... (getting) our shopping in bags.
2. He used to be lazy, but now she ........................ (doesn't) lazy.
3. If I .................... (am) rich, I would help the poor.
4. What ....................... (will) you do if you had money?
5. If he studied hard, .................. (he would) get high marks?
6. More land ................. (become) desert if there were more droughts.
7. We used ................... (waste) water, but now we try to save water.
8. If there ................... (are) more mangrove trees, there would be fewer floods.
9. Would you buy solar panels for your house if you ....... (have) enough money?
10. We ............. (don't) use to use energy-saving light bulbs, but we do now.

3. Read and complete the text with words from the list.

give - stay - stayed - grow - simpler - easier

We have lived in the city for many years. We are going to (1) .................. up
living in the city because we want to (2) ........................ our own vegetables and
live a (3) .......................... life. If we (4) ..................... in the city, we wouldn't be
able to do that.

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
Test on Unit (9)
1. Finish the following dialogue:
Ahmed : Where were you yesterday?
Ramy : (1) …………………….…………………………………
Ahmed : Gebel Elba !(2) ……………………………………… ?
Ramy : It’s near the Red Sea.
Ahmed : (3) ……………………………………………………...?
Ramy : You can see many animals and birds there.
Ahmed : (4) ………………………………………………..
Ramy : You can come with me the next time.
Ahmed : When will you go?
Ramy : (5) ………………………………………….
2.Read and Complete the text with words from the following list :

bad - sustainable - rechargeable - control - get - getting

I always used to (1) ....................... the newest phone. I have stopped doing
that now because it isn't (2) ................. Oh, and now I use (3) ...............
batteries for the TV remote (4).......................... and my computer mouse.
3. Read the following text, then answer the questions:
Egyptians have a wonderful history in the Olympic Games, yet we haven't won
any medals since 1984. During the last Olympic Games in Greece 2004, our
athletes changed the picture. They won five different medals. Those medals
brought smile and happiness to the people of Egypt. Egyptians in thousands
went out to welcome the winners at Cairo Airport. They did it because they had
something to be proud of. Winning a medal in the Olympics is not that easy. It
needs planning, money and much training. We should start working for the next
Olympic Games from now.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1. The Egyptian athletes won ……………… medals in 2004.
ⓐ four ⓑ five ⓒ three ⓓ six
2. The main idea of the passage is about…………………….
ⓐ the history of Olympic Games ⓑ the Egyptian athletes
ⓒ Egyptian scientists ⓓ the history of sport
3. The Olympic Games brought ........................ to the people of Egypt.
ⓐ love ⓑ money ⓒ luck ⓓ smile and happiness
B. Answer the following questions:
4. Will Egypt win more gold medals in the next Olympics ?
5. Infer from the text that winning a medal In the Olympics isn't easy.
6. Summarize the text in one sentence.

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. "................" is when farm land changes into desert.

a. Civilization b. Infection c. Globalization d. Desertification


‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

ٍ‫الفصل الدراسٍ الثبو‬ ‫الصف الثبلث اإلعدادي‬
2. "Reduce" and "increase" are ...............
a. similar b. synonyms c. antonyms d. the same
3. We add the prefix ''................" to get the opposite of ''active''.
a. in b. im c. dis d. il
4. "Lose" is the opposite of ......................
a. miss b. win c. fail d. fill
5. We couldn't cross the river. The word ''cross'' here is a ...............
a. verb b. noun c. adjective d. adverb
6. To form the adjective from "coast" we add the suffix "................".
a. al b. ly c. il d. dis
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
word(s) in brackets:
1. We used to ...................... (getting) our shopping in bags.
2. If I .................... (am) rich, I would help the poor.
3. Would you buy solar panels for your house if you ....... (have) enough money?
4. We ............. (don't) use to use energy-saving light bulbs, but we do now.
5. Soha ……………… (waste) water, but now she tries to save water.

6.Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on the following:

"Renewable forms of energy"

‫الكلمبت و الشرح الىافً والقىاعد وأسئلة اإلمتحبن‬

‫تحتىرعاوةى ى‬
‫معالي الوزير األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬رضا حجازي‬

‫ىورئوسىاالدارةىالمركزوةىلتطوورىالمناهجى ى‬
‫األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬أكرم حسن‬

‫شرح مفصل وتمارين متنىعة‬

‫لمنهج اللغة االنجليزية !‪New Hello‬‬
‫للصف الثالث اإلعدادي – الىحدة العاشرة‬

‫اعدادى ى‬
‫ياسر صديق محمد شطا‬

‫محمد إبراهيم فرحات‬
‫رضا محمد الجىهري‬

‫تحتىاشرافى ى‬
‫أ‪ /‬إميان حممود يوسف‬
‫مستشار اللغة االنجليزية‬
Unit (10) To space and back
Lessons (1&2) Key vocabulary
timeline inventor
events Mars
space station transfer
astronaut graduate
telescope explore
competition jets
satellite attract
astronomer flood
spacecraft century
NASA orbit
gravity lenses
equipment publish
quiz solar system
lecturer objects
collect information researcher
Reading (1)
1957 : the first 1961 : the first man in space, 1963 : the first woman in
satellite, Sputnik 1 Yuri Gagarin space, Valentina Tereshkova

1969 : Neil 1990 : The world's first 1990 : the first telescope is
Armstrong becomes space station, Mir, goes into sent into space.
the first astronaut to space.
walk on the moon.

1998 : The 2001 : A new Egyptian

International Space Satellite.

Page 1
Reading (2)
Prize-winning Egyptian helps NASA
For many years, NASA has been trying to understand what it can do with the
rubbish that space journeys produce. Scientists have been looking for ways to solve
the problem of rubbish. Astronauts use a lot of plastic, paper and other waste on
their journeys to space. This can be a real problem. So NASA started a competition,
asking the world's best scientists to try and find a solution. Ayman Ragab is an
Egyptian scientist who has always been interested in space science. In 2019, he
entered NASA's competition and came second. Ayman suggested using jets of air to
make the waste smaller and then help to recycle it. Ayman is from the village of al-
Dababiya near Luxor and graduated in Engineering from Aswan University. He has
worked as a teaching assistant at the same university and now works as a researcher
for a university in Finland. Since he won his prize, he has worked on NASA's
Technology Transfer Project which looks at how to use the latest technology in
space, and he has recently found ways to save energy when there is little gravity.
Exploring space - past and present
The stars and the planets have always been important to us. In ancient times,
people knew what time of year it was by looking at where the stars were in the sky.
The Ancient Egyptians discovered that a star called Sirius appeared in the sky just
before the Nile flooded. An astronomer from the 2nd century, called Ptolemy, believed
that the sun orbited the Earth. It was a popular idea that people believed for many
centuries. Islamic astronomers in the 11th - 13th
centuries thought that the idea might be wrong. In 1532, the astronomer Nicolaus
Copernicus showed that the Earth orbited the sun, but he hadn't published his ideas
until just before he died. Copernicus hadn’t wanted people to know about his ideas
while he was alive, because he knew they would be unpopular. Before the beginning
of the 17th century, astronomers had only studied space with their own eyes. Then, in
1608, the telescope was invented. The Italian astronomer Galileo improved the
design. He made the lenses stronger so that he could study the planets in our solar
system. The modern age is an exciting time for space discovery. We can see objects
that are far away in space and look for life on other planets. What discoveries do you
think we will make in the future?

Complete the sentences with these words.

astronomer - lens - orbits - solar system- telescopes - orbited
1. Do you know that Mars is one of the eight planets in our …………………..?
2. Ali loves studying the stars and planets. She wants to be a / an …….………
3. The best cameras have a very good ………… that lets in the correct amount
of light.
4. The moon ……………… the Earth once every 27 days.

Page 2
Words & definitions
astronomer a scientist who studies the stars and planets
astronaut someone who travels and works in a spacecraft
a machine sent into space and goes around the
Earth, moon to do electronic communication
spacecraft a vehicle that is able to travel in space
the force that causes something to fall to the
ground or to be attracted to another planet
someone who has completed a university degree,
especially a first degree
flood to cover a place with water
orbit to travel around a larger object such as the Earth
Solar system the Sun and the planets that go around it
the part of a camera through which the light
travels before it reaches the film
Synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms antonyms
popular unpopular
specific / particular common / general
alive dead
ancient modern
right / correct wrong / incorrect
near / close far away / remote

Prefixes and suffixes

prefix suffix
unpopular Italian
discover Lately = recently
recycle assistant
improve scientist
disappeare Islamic
incorrect successfully

Page 3
Words and expressions
Study the planets Organize = arrange =
go into space interested in
the first astronaut to walk enter a competition
the moon orbits the earth work on a project
prepare for trips graduated in + Math
on space journeys helped to organise
take rubbish off dreaming of
use less energy retire at 60
invent= design A boat trip
do research looking for ways
came second an exciting time

Satellites orbit the earth Prize-winning

1.Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d

1. A /An ………..…… is a person who travels into space.
a. astrologer b. astronaut c. scientist d. astrologer
2. A ……………..… is a machine in space that goes round the Earth.
a. satellite b. dish c. storm d. star
3. The force that attracts things or people to the centre of the Earth is …….………
a. graffiti b. gravity c. love d. recycling
4. A …………..… station is a large spacecraft where people live and work.
a. space b. speed c. spoke d. sport
5. A / An …………..… is a piece of equipment you use to see things that are far away.
a. oven b. funnel c. telescope d. microscope
6. ……………..… means go round something.
a. Swim b. Dive c. Serve d. Orbit
7. A ……….….… is a long journey in a ship or spacecraft.
a. trip b. picnic c. voyage d. wander
8. The antonym of " dead" is ………………
a. die b. death c. life d. alive
9. We form the noun from "research" by adding the suffix"……………… "
a. or b. er c. est d. ed
10. The prefix "multi" means ………..………
a. little b. few c. funny d. many
11. They are happy. We can form the opposite by adding ………..……
a. in b. im c. un d. dis
12. Ahmed Zewail won the Nobel ………….…… for chemistry.
a. price b. prize c. souvenir d. reward
13. The Earth goes around the sun. This means …………
a. spins b. orbits c. storms d. kills

Page 4
Confusing words
competition composition
understand stand
centuries countries
planets plants
prepare repair
research search
flood blood
produce reduce

Irregular verbs
sweep swept swept
show showed shown
think thought thought

Language Notes
1. astronaut / Astronomer
An astronaut is someone who travels and works in a spacecraft.
An Astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars and planets.

2. so that can / could

He goes to school so that he can learn.
He went to school so that he could learn.

Read and complete the text with words from the list (4 M)
journeys - solve - rubbish - have - has - picnic
For many years, scientists (1) ………… been trying to understand what it
can do with the (2) ………… that space journeys produce. Scientists have
been looking for ways to (3) ………… the problem of rubbish. Astronauts use
a lot of plastic, paper and other waste on their (4) ………… to space. This can
be a real problem.

Page 5
The Present Perfect Tense
I / we / You / They / People / Doctors + have +
He/ She / It / Haneen / Zad / Ahmed + has +
We have played football. I have eaten Chinese food.
He has written English. Mona has read the story.
ever / never / since / for / already / just / yet :

Have you ever played handball?

I have never played handball.

He has played handball since 5 o`clock.

He has played handball for 5 hours.

already He has already played handball.


He has just played handball.

He hasn`t played handball yet. Has he played handball yet?
Important Notes

long time the age of
a /an )
a long time the last hour

Page 6
have/has been to
- I have never been to Japan.
- Have you been to Science Museum?

have/has gone to
He has gone to the market. Amr has gone to Cairo.

1. Complete the following with the correct form

1. ....................... (Is) she already taken the money?
2. They have lived here ................... (since) a year.
3. He has ..................... (be) to Aswan.
4. She ........................ (has) done homework yet.
5. He has ....................... (visiting) Canada.
6. Omar has ......................... (broke) the window.
7. I ........................ (have finished) my homework yet.
8. She has .................... (revised) for the exam.
9. They have studied .......................... (since) an hour.
10. Where have you ......................... (be)?

The Present Perfect Contiuous Tense

I / we / You / They / People / Doctors + have been + ing
He/ She / It / Haneen / Zad / Ahmed + has + been + ing

I have been running for a long time now. He has been sleeping since 2 o`clock.

for / since / all / how long / this week (month / year)

It has been raining all night, so the streets are very wet.

1. Complete the following with the correct form

1. She has been .......................... (revised) for the exam.
2. They have been studying .......................... (since) an hour.
3. Where have you .......................... (be) waiting?
4. For many years, I .......................... (be study) hard.
5. Huda 's been .......................... (helped) us this week.

Page 7
The Past Perfect
+ had + P.P.
After he had eaten, he watched TV.
He had eaten before he watched TV.

ed had + P.P

had + p.p
1. After After
- After I had played football , I scored a goal
- After playing football, I scored a goal.
2. As soon as As soon as he had eaten his lunch, he went to sleep.
3. Till / until till / until
I didn`t score a goal until I had played.
I wasn`t happy till I had bought the new IPhone.
4. Because / as Omar got high marks because he had studied hard.

1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form.

1. After the lesson had …………….. (start) , Mohamed entered the classroom.
2. As soon as she had arrived, his Dad …………….. (go) out.
3. After ……………… (written) the letter, he sent it.
4. I ……………… (don`t) travel to Cairo until I had had a ticket.

had + p.p
ing Before
1. Before
Before I scored a goal, I had played football.
Before scoring a goal, I had played football.
2. By the time I had sent an email by the time I phoned me.
3. So Omar had studied hard, so he got high marks.
4. When (when)
When we arrived at the station, the train had left.

Page 8
After I had played football , I scored a goal.
Before I scored a goal, I had played football.
Before By
By 2010, my father had built a house.
Before my last trip, I had bought a new mobile.

Having + ing Having played football , he scored a goal.

1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form.

1. We …………………… (has) lunch after we had visited the museum.
2. He …………………… (finish) his meal before he phoned his father.
3. I had eaten fish by the time I ……………..…… (play) tennis.

4. I ………………… (have) my breakfast before I got to school.

5. After Nada ...................... (has) bought the book, she read it.
6. They ...................... (eat) lunch after she had cooked it.
7. Having ......................... (reading) the questions, he began to answer.
8. Before ......................... (went) out, they had cleaned the room.
9. The storm destroyed the sandcastle after we ......................... (built) it.
10. When she went out to play, she ......................... (do) her homework.
11. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum ......................... (make).
12. The doctor took off the plaster that he ............... (put on) six weeks before.
13. The waiter brought a drink that I ................. (not / order).
14. I could not remember the poem we ................. (learn) the week before.

Page 9
Unit (10) To space and back
Lessons (3 & 4) Key vocabulary
satellite signals
helmet receiver
fellow reports
toiler storms
century in vain
GPS grain
braces seed
wireless wheat
sensor rhyme with
invention podcast
poet air bags
poem diplomat
Reading (1)
We couldn't live without satellite technology
Since the late 20th century, we have used satellite technology for many of
the things we do every day. Our lives would be very different without it. Here
are some of the things that we use satellites for. GPS - Before satellites were
invented, had always used maps to find their way. Now, most people use GPS,
which uses a system of satellites that work together. These send signals to
receivers on Earth, which work out where you are. We have GPS in cars, on
phones and even in some modern motorbike helmets!
Weather reports- Satellites allow us to study the weather all around the
world. They send photos of the Earth from space. When these are put together,
they show how clouds and storms are moving.
TV and the internet - Lots of people have satellite TV so that they can watch
their favourite shows and sports matches. The signal goes to a receiver on the
house. In some areas, satellites send signals to the internet, too. Mobile phones
- Have you ever had problems using your phone because the signal is bad?
Satellite phones can work anywhere in the world. They are very useful in places
far from cities, such as on mountains or in deserts.

Page 10
Reading Farouk El-Baz
Scientists had done a lot of research before the first person walked on the
moon in 1969, and one of the most important scientists was Farouk El-Baz. He
helped to plan where Apollo 11 should land on the moon. Farouk also taught
astronauts which rocks to take from the moon on later visits. After studying the
moon, Farouk started studying deserts on the Earth. He used satellites to find
rivers that were under the sand, and this work has helped Egypt and other
countries to find new water.
Day This poem was written by Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, a British diplomat born on
February 27, 1859.
I am busy,' said the sea. I am busy,' said the air.
I am busy. Think of me 'l am busy,' said the sun.
I making continents to be 'All my planets, every one,
I am busy,' said the sea. Know my work is never done.
I am busy said the rain. I am busy,' said the sun.
'When I fall it's not in vain; Sea and rain and air and sun,
I Wait and you will see the grain. Here's a fellow toiler - one,
I am busy,' said the rain. Whose task will soon be done.
I am busy,' said the air,
'Blowing here and blowing there,!
Up and down and everywhere.
Words & definitions
toiler someone who is working hard
continent large areas such as Africa and Asia
grain a seed or seeds of crops such as wheat,corn or rice.
fellow another word for a man
a piece of glass used in cameras or glasses to make
things look bigger
something which can measure small amounts of light,
heat, sound, etc.

wireless able to use the internet without wires

in vain unsuccessful or useless
signal information that is sent by sound, light etc

Page 11
Synonyms and antonyms
word synonym antonym
live survive die
many a lot of few
allow let / permit stop / prevent
send transmit receive
Prefixes and suffixes
prefix suffix
reuse invention
unsuccessful wirelss
unable useless
Words and expressions
send signals allow us to
take photos work anywhere
put together in vain
use for do a task
have problems with busy + V + ing
work together a fellow toiler
far from live without
the late 20th century to find the way
do work on Earth
Confusing words
fellow follow
signal single
grain green
satellite moon
continent content
Irregular verbs
send sent sent
show showed shown
find found found

Page 12
Finish the following dialogue:
Abeer : Good evening, Haneen. How are things?
Haneen : Good evening, Abeer (1) .................................................
Abeer : Have you heard about Dr Farouk El-baz ?
Haneen : (2) ...................................................
Abeer : (3) .........................................................?
Haneen : I heard that he helped the astronauts a lot using satellites.
Abeer : (4) .....................................................?
Haneen : Yes, he helped Egypt a lot.
Abeer : How did he help Egypt?
Haneen : (5) …………… in the Western Desert. It is really useful.

Page 13
Unit (10) To space and back
Lessons (5 , 6 & 7) Key vocabulary
planetarium directions
exhibition orbit
station sources
space astronomer
vehicle flood
spacecraft communication
spacestation achievement
astronauts Bennu asteroid
Mars expressions
object railway
probe diary
preservance sailor
Spanish guide
circle Mediterranean

Reading (1)
The International Space Station
1. What is the International Space Station?
The International Space Station is a huge spacecraft 70 km above the Earth. It's
a place where astronauts live and work when they go into space. Most
astronauts stay on the Space Station for about six months.
2. How fast does it travel?
The Space Station orbits the Earth every day. It travels at 27,000 kilometres an
hour. That means that it goes around the Earth every 90 minutes! It's one of the
brightest objects in the sky and you can see it without using a telescope.
3. When was it built?
Lots of countries worked together to make the Space Station and astronauts
from all around the world have stayed on it. The first piece of the Space Station
went into space in 1998. Since the first astronauts arrived in 2000, more than
200 astronauts from 19 countries have stayed there.
4. What is life like on the space station?

Page 14
Life on the Space Station is different from life on Earth in many ways. In space,
washing, sleeping and eating can be difficult! But communication isn't a
problem. Astronauts can send emails or make phone calls to their families
back home.

Reading (2)
My trip to the planetarium By Hassan El-Sayed
Last year, I went to the planetarium in Alexandria with my cousin, Magdy. I
was really excited because I hadn't been to a planetarium before. Magdy lives
in Alexandria, so he had visited the planetarium a few times with his family.
We saw a really interesting film about Ancient Egypt. We learned about how the
Ancient Egyptians had studied the stars to find out when the Nile flooded. They
had even used the stars to help them build the Pyramids. After the film, we went
to an exhibition about Mars. Did you know a space robot had explored Mars
before the end of the 20th century? It landed on Mars in 1997. We had an
amazing time. We were there all morning, but when we left, we hadn't seen
everything I’d like to back there again one day.

Words & definitions

a building where lights show the movements of planets
and stars
asteroid one of the many small planets that move around the sun

explore to travel around an area in order to find out about it

ancient belonging to a time long ago in history

huge extremely large in size, amount, or degree
amazing very good or surprising

Synonyms and antonyms

word Synonyms antonyms
above over under - below
huge enormous small - tiny
difficult hard easy
stay remain leave
public common private

Page 15
Prefixes and suffixes
prefix suffix
telescope receiver
bilingual national
bicycle planetarium
international communication
amazing Russian
Japanese discovery

Words and expressions

above the Earth work together
go into space the end of
public transport piece of
for about six months arrived in
orbits the Earth hadn't been to
make travel easier learned about
goes around Include facts
send emails the Nile flooded
make phone call landed on Mars
exhibition about Mars motor vehicles
a flat area different from
Write in a diary make sure

Confusing words
Mars March
stars stairs
object subject
astronauts astronomer
piece peace

Page 16
Irregular verbs
leave left left
send sent sent
build built built

1. Read and complete the text with words from the list:
flooded - fires - hadn't - hasn't - planetarium - Ancient
Last year, I went to the (1) ............................. in Alexandria with my cousin,
Zad. I was really excited because I (2) ........................ been to a planetarium
before. Zad lives in Alexandria, so she had visited the planetarium a few times
with her family. We learned about how the (3) .......................... Egyptians had
studied the stars to find out when the Nile (4) ..............................

2. Complete the following sentences with the correct form:

1. How long .................... (did) they lived here before they moved to Port-said?
2. He didn’t eat until he ............................. (see) the match.
3. Having ............................. (write) the questions, he tried to read them.
4. After............................. (had done) homework, he slept.
5. Where have you ............................. (be) waiting?
3. Finish the following dialogue:
Zad meets her friend Salma after the English exam.
Zad : Hello, Salma. How was your English exam ?
Salma : It was perfect. In fact, it was easy. (1) ………………………………….?
Zad : I didn't do well.
Salma : (2) .......................................................................?
Zad : Because the test was really easy, but (3) ………………….……………
Salma : (4).............................................................?
Zad : I didn't get ready because my mum was sick.
Salma : And how's your mum now?
Zad : (5) ..............................................................
Salma : Anyway, you can do well in the next exam.

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. A/An …………….. is a person who travels into space.
a. writer b. astronaut c. astronomer d. astrologer
2. A piece of equipment you use to see things that are far away is called a …………..
a. telescope b. glasses c. wheel d. robot

Page 17
3. The space ………………… is a large spacecraft where people live and work.
a. robot b. telescope c. satellite d. station
4. The ……….…. is a force which attracts things or people to the centre of the Earth.
a. space b. gravity c. satellite d.jet
5. A …………….. is a machine in space that goes around the Earth.
a. plane b. spacecraft c. satellite d. comet
6. A/An ……………. is a person who studies something carefully.
a. player b. actor c. painter d. researcher
7. In 1608, the telescope was invented. That means that it was …………… .
a. moved b. encouraged c. designed d. showed
8. Nora helped to organise an important sports event. The word "organise" in the
sentence means …………. .
a. leave b. arrange c. arrive d. choose
9. You can make an adverb from the adjective "successful" by adding the Suffix …… .
a.-al b.-ly c.-er d.-y
10. I haven't been to the club recently. The word "recently" can be replaced by the
word ……………… .
a. early b. lately c. well d. hard
11. The prefix" ………….. " gives the opposite of the word "correct".
a. un - b. ir- c. im - d. in-
12. There is a cafe far away. The word "far away" can be replaced by" ………….. ".
a. near b. close c. remote d. nearby
13. We collect some money for a specific purpose. The synonym of the word
"specific" is" …………….. ".
a. common b. general c. particular d. Distant
14.A ………………. is a large spacecraft where people live and work.
a. satellite b. lens c. rocket d. space station
15.To get the adverb of the adjective "successful", we add the suffix ……………… .
a.-ly b. -ity c.-al d.-able
16. We add the suffix …………….. to get the noun from the word "Italy".
a.-er b.-ment c.-ian d.-ing

Page 18
Test on Unit (10)
1. Finish the following dialogue:
Mira hasn't seen her friend Nada for a long time.
Mira : Hi, Nada! How is it going?
Nada : (1) ………………………………………………………………………… .
Mira : I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been?
Nada : (2) ………………………………………………………………………… .
Mira : Wadi Al-Hitan! (3) ……………………………………………………… ?
Nada : To see the fossils of the whales there.
Mira : (4) ………………………………………………………………………… ?
Nada : I stayed there for two days.
Mira : Is it a nice place?
Nada : (5) ………………………………………………………………………… .

2.Read and Complete the text with words from the following list :

flooded - fires - hadn't - hasn't - planetarium - Ancient

Last year, I went to the (1) ............................. in Alexandria with my cousin,
Zad. I was really excited because I (2) ........................ been to a planetarium
before. Zad lives in Alexandria, so she had visited the planetarium a few times
with her family. We learned about how the (3) .......................... Egyptians had
studied the stars to find out when the Nile (4) ............................
3. Read the following text, then answer the questions:
We are much luckier than our grandfathers because we enjoy lots of things
which have made our life easier , more enjoyable and comfortable . Until a
short time ago , people had much trouble travelling from a village to the town ,
or making a long distance phone call . Now we enjoy modern means of
transport and communication. If you asked me which modern invention has
affected the world most , I'd certainly answer that the internet which I like most
. You can do many jobs using the internet in a faster , easier or cheaper way
than ever . Nowadays few people post letters which have been replaced by
emails . On other hand , fewer people go to libraries because they can get any
information they need online . We can also shop , pay pills , study or apply for
jobs on the internet .

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The underlined word " which " refers to ………………..……...
ⓐ jobs ⓑ libraries ⓒ letters ⓓ transport
2. We are lucky because we enjoy our life which became ………………..……..
ⓐ bad ⓑ hard ⓒ easier ⓓ harder
3. The word " few " in line 8 means ………………..……...
ⓐ a small number of ⓑ a large number of ⓒ more and more ⓓ so many

Page 19
B ) Answer the following questions:

4. Which invention does the writer like most ?

5. The internet has made life easier. Give two examples from the text.

6. Do you think that the internet has bad effects on reading ? Why ? / Why not ?

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. A …………..… is a piece of equipment you use to see things that are far away.
a. oven b. funnel c. telescope d. microscope
2. ……………..… means go round something.
a. Swim b. Dive c. Serve d. Orbit
3. A ……….….… is a long journey in a ship or spacecraft.
a. trip b. picnic c. voyage d. wander
4. The antonym of " dead" is ………………
a. die b. death c. life d. alive
5. We form the noun from "research" by adding the suffix"……………… "
a. or b. er c. est d. ed
6. The prefix "multi" means ………..………
a. little b. few c. funny d. many
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
word(s) in brackets:
1. ....................... (Is) Ali already taken the money?
2. He …………………… (finish) his meal before he phoned his father.
3. Having ......................... (reading) the questions, he began to answer.
4. Where have you .......................... (be) waiting?
5. Ahmed 's been .......................... (helped) us this week.

6.Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on the following:

"Your trip to the planetarium"

Page 20
‫تحتىرعاوةى ى‬
‫معالي الوزير األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬رضا حجازي‬

‫ىورئوسىاالدارةىالمركزوةىلتطوورىالمناهجى ى‬
‫األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬أكرم حسن‬

‫شرح مفصل وتمارين متنىعة‬

‫لمنهج اللغة االنجليزية !‪New Hello‬‬
‫للصف الثالث اإلعدادي – الىحدة الحادية عشرة‬

‫اعدادى ى‬
‫ياسر صديق محمد شطا‬

‫محمد إبراهيم فرحات‬
‫رضا محمد الجىهري‬

‫تحتىاشرافى ى‬
‫أ‪ /‬إميان حممود يوسف‬
‫مستشار اللغة االنجليزية‬
Unit (11) Media now and in the past
Lessons (1& 2) Key vocabulary
camera operator media
journalist editor
newsreader crosswords
photographer news articles
radio presenter flood
web designer injured
pipe burst accident
witness traffic
cross fix
replace fire
stuck experience
press city centre
trust warning
Reading (1)
The text is from a newspaper.
Wednesday 3rd May
Yesterday morning , apart of the city centre was underwater for more than
6 hours after a large water pipe burst. The road and all the shops in the
shopping centre were closed all day. A local witness said :" There was a lot of
water and the road and the shops. Some people were still trying to drive on the
road. I saw a man on a new, blue motorbike who was stuck. He was really
The water has now gone and the road is now open. They will replace the
pipes today with a new strong pipe. Some of the shops are still closed while the
owners clean their businesses.
The text is from a TV news programme
Newsreader: "Welcome to the lunchtime news. This is Mariam El-Shazly. This
morning at around 10 am, a water pipe burst outside the Shabana
Supermarket. The road is closed while workers try to fix the pipe. Some of the
local shops are flooded and some cars are stuck in the road.
Page 1
Police Officer: "An old water pipe in the city centre has burst. People are
working to fix it as quickly as possible and we hope to open the road soon.”
The text is from social media
WARNING! The street outside the shopping centre is closed! There is water
everywhere. A big, old, red car is stuck in the middle of the road.
Words & definitions
someone who writes news reports for
newspapers, magazines, television, or radio
newsreader someone who reads the news on television or radio
camera operator a person whose job is to film things
photographer a person whose job is to take photographs
radio presenter someone who talks on a radio programme
Someone who chooses what should be in a
newspaper , a magazine … etc

web designer a person whose job is to design web pages

Synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms antonyms
below under above - over
untypically -
normally ordinary unusually
trust confidence distrust - doubt
interesting wonderful boring
everywhere everyplace nowhere
Prefixes and suffixes

suffix suffix
presenter normally
designer completely
worker politely
photographer interesting
operator journalist

Page 2
Words and expressions
on a page give reasons for
in the media designing a website
get news on a new motorbike
at university work in the media
wants to study work in radio
on TV in the middle
replace …. with take away
break down likes taking photos
prefer to + rather than
interested in stuck in
trust + do on the media
Irregular verbs
steal stole stolen
hit hit hit
burst burst burst
drive drove driven
stick stuck stuck
wear wore worn
Past Simple Tense
There was + ‫ )إثبات( إسم مفرد‬Was there …..? (‫)سؤال‬ There wasn`t …… )‫)نفى‬
There was a party last night There was an accident last week.
There were + ‫ )إثبات( إسم جمع‬were there …..? (‫)سؤال‬ There weren`t …… )‫)نفى‬
There were some problems with the delivery last night.
There were three new cars in our street yesterday.

1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form

1. There ………… (was) a lot of people at the party.
2. …………(were) there a lot of food at the party? - Yes, there was.
3. ………………(were) there any water left? No, There wasn‟t
4. How many dogs …………….(was) there in the park?
5. How much water………… (were) there in your bottle?
6. There ………… (were) a lot of water in the road.

Page 3
2.Complete the sentences with these words.
arrived – can – hit – take – were – accident
There was a bad ……………(1) on the road to our school yesterday. A car
……………(2) a big tree, and the driver was injured. We were stuck and the police
…………..(3) quickly and moved the damaged car to the side of the road.
Unfortunately, we ………… (4) late for school!

3.Complete the following dialogue:

Dalia and Zad are taking about sustainable products.
Dalia : What do you do to help the environment?
Zad : (1) ..............................................................
Dalia : Paper bags!(2)..................................................?
Zad : Because plastic bags aren't sustainable.
Dalia : (3) ..........................................................?
Zad : You can use rechargeable batteries, too.
Dalia : How do you think we can save energy at home?
Zad : (4) ............................................................
Dalia : (5) ...................................................... You are right.
Zad : Don‟t forget that we have to save our planet.

Page 4
Unit (11) Media now and in the past
Lessons (3&4) Key vocabulary
linguist Arabic literature
graduate career
presenter noisy
retire tourism
female voice discuss
broadcaster century
broadcasting awards
witness early life
news report recently
tournament water park
governor guardian
literature faculty
specialise elementary

Reading (1)
The Mother of All Broadcasters
Egyptian radio broadcasting started in 1934. It was the first broadcast in
Africa and in the whole Arab world. Safia el Mohandes was the first female
voice on the radio. Safia was born in 1922 in Cairo. Her father was a famous
linguist. He encouraged Safia to read Arabic books and novels. Safia also
studied English literature at the university and graduated from the Faculty of
Arts in 1945.
In 1947, Safia joined the Egyptian radio, and she was the first female radio
presenter. Safia presented programmes for women and for children. Her most
famous programme, 'Housewives'. She presented news, educational advice
and drama for the whole Egyptian family. Safia was very kind and helpful to all
radio broadcasters. She helped everyone, and so she was called 'the mother of
all broadcasters'. Safia was head of the radio broadcasting from 1975 until she
retired in 1982.

Page 5
Farouk Shousha and a famous poet.
Farouk Shousha is a well-known radio presenter and a famous poet.
Shousha was born in Damietta in 1936. He went to a nearby elementary school.
He went to the local library at a very early age, and was able to read many
books in the Arabic language. Later on, Shousha went to Cairo University and
graduated from the Faculty of Dar al – Uluum. Shousha worked as a radio
presenter in 1958 and later on as a TV presenter too. He always liked poetry
and Arabic literature. He presented many programmes like `Our Beautiful
Language` on the radio, and `Cultural Evening`. In his programmes, Shousha
always talked about the beauty of the Arabic language and its rich literature.
For this reason, he was called „the guardian of the Arabic language‟. He won
the Nile Prize for Literature in 2016.

Words & definitions

linguist Someone who is specialises in languages.
presenter A person who presents programs on the radio or TV.
broadcaster someone who speaks on radio or television
retire to stop working at a certain age
governer the person in charge of governing a state
tournament A series of contests in sports (a competition).
An amusement park that has water slides and
water park
wimming pools.

Synonyms and antonyms

word Synonyms antonyms
quiet calm noisy
true fact- right false
nobody no one everyone
won succeeded lost – fail
start begin finish - end

Prefixes and suffixes
suffix suffix
guardian broadcasting
poetry presenter
cultural specialise
tournament educational
recycling governor

Words and expressions

for free encouraged …. to
on fire at the university
think about graduated from
doing sport helpful to
studying online head of
a job working nearby
in the whole Arabic language
on the radio Later on
For this reason won the Nile Prize for

Confusing words
bring brought brought
bear bore born
say said said
tell told told
leave left left

Page 7
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Air fills everywhere around us. The antonym of the word "everywhere" is …………
a.all around b. no longer c. nowhere d. well rounded
2.The synonym of the word "cross" is …………… .
a. calm b. angry c. tiny d. brave
3. She is still sick. She can't go home. The antonym of the word "still" is ………….
a. nothing b. no where c. no longer d. no way
4. We add the suffix ……………. to get the noun from the verb "design".
a. - ed b. – y c. - er d. - ly
5.To get the adjective of the verb "interest", we add the suffix ………… .
a.-ment b.-ive c.-ing d.-able
6. The synonym of the word "interesting" is ………….. .
a. fascinating b. boring c. uninteresting d. calm
7. We add the prefix"................." to mean do something again.
a. re b. ful c. ness d. dis
8. The antonym of "expensive" is ............................
a. inexpensive b. cheap c. ugly d. A & B
9. "Unfortunately" and "Unluckily" are ........................
a. antonyms b. synonyms c. opposite d. nouns
10. We add the suffix ".................." to for the noun from "govern".
a. ist b. al c. ly d. or
11. A ............... is a person who presents a programme.
a. witness b. spectator c. presenter d. interview
12. ................... is to leave a job or stop working because of old age.
a. Retire b. Inquire c. Acquire d. Trial
13. A person who specializes in languages is a........................
a. language b. linguist c. translator d. interviewer
14. .................... is to send a programme or some information by radio or TV.
a. Broadcast b. Waste c. Export d. Import
15. ................. means usual, not different.
a. Formal b. Informal c. Imaginative d. Normal

Page 8
Language Notes
Reported Speech

"The building is on fire!" said a witness.

A witness said that the building was on fire.

"Ahmed plays games!" says Haneen.

Haneen says that Ahmed plays games.

(plays) (says)

"Ahmed plays games!" said Haneen.

Haneen said that Ahmed played games.

(plays) (said)

said Said Said to told

say / says say / says say / says tell / tells
He says to me,” Ali will travel abroad.” He tells me that Ali will travel abroad.
He …………… (says) me that Ali will travel abroad. -----------------
(that) '' ''
She said to them, “He is watching TV.” She told them that he was watching TV.

Ali says to me,” They are playing football.”

Ali tells me that they are playing football.

Page 9
He said to them,” Ali has played football.”
He told them that Ali had played football.
told / said
said Ali said that he was in Cairo.
told Ali told me that he was in Cairo.

am – is – are was – were play/plays played

(am /is )are
Have / has had (Was)were playing
will would has / have played had played
have to – has to - must had to played had played
may might will play would play
can could have to play had to play
can play could play am playing was playing
may play might play had had had
do/does did did had done

this that next the following

these those tomorrow the following day
here there ago before
now then today that day
yesterday the day before last week the week before
She said to her mother, “ I am travelling next month.”
She told her mother that she was travelling the following month.
Heba said,” They did this quiz last week.”
Heba said that they had done that quiz the week before.

I he / she me him / her my his / her

you I / We you me / us your my / our
We they us them our their

Page 10
He said to them,” I have won the prize.” He told them that he had won the prize.
He said to them, “You can go out.” He told them that they could go out.

He said,” The sun is bigger than the moon.”

He said that the sun is bigger than the moon.
promise / admitted / explained
She said to me, " I will give you a present".
She promised me that she would give me a present.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s)in

1. A witness …………….. (told) that the building was on fire.
2. A witness said that the building …………….. (is) on fire.
3.The man ……... (said) us that the football tournament would start the next day.
4. The police said that lots of mobile phones ………….… (are) stolen that year.
5. The police said that lots of mobile phones ……. ( have) been stolen that year.
6.Tarek said that the red team ……………. (win) the match.
7. Heba said that they ……………. (don`t) go to the museum on Tuesday.
8. He said he …………… (has) worked as a waiter before becoming a chef.
9. He told me the baby …………… (is) sleeping.
10. Tarek said she …………… (`s) hurt his leg.
11. Hussein said that he …………… (enjoy) working in his garden.
12. Hussein said that he …………… (has) enjoyed working in his garden.

Unit (11) Media now and in the past
Lessons (5 , 6 & 7) Key vocabulary
teenagers hours
festival sports centre
serve sports star
traditional food response
volunteers spelling mistakes
phrase facts
apparently jewellery
skills act
path normally
cilmber summarise
nature reserve add
national news round

Reading (1)
I start my day early. We have a meeting at 8 am and we decide which new stories
we will put on the news that day. After that, I normally spend a long time on the
internet and talk to people on the phone. Then I go out with a camera operator and we
do some interviews and I write about what I‟m going to say like meeting different
people and finding out more about the world and the things that are happening in it.
At first, it was exciting to be on the TV, but it is normal for me now!
I don‟t like the long hours and sometimes we report on bad news and that can be
very difficult. I studied media and Arabic at university and then I worked for a
newspaper for a while. Someone at the newspaper thought that I would be good on
TV and told me about a job working in TV news.
I think you have to be interested in the world around you and also like meeting lots
of different people. You need to be good at listening and writing.

A new nature reserve

This weekend, a new nature reserve will open on the coast. The reserve will
protect many fish, birds and sea animals, including turtles. The nature reserve will be
a good place for families to walk and have a picnic. A scientist said, "We hope people
will visit it to learn more about the environment of our wonderful coast."

Page 12
Climbers found
Two men who got lost when climbing a mountain have been found. The climbers
took the wrong path by mistake and then one of them fell and broke his leg. They were
on the mountain for four days. A police officer said, "They are tired and hungry but
happy to be home."

Words & definitions

festival a time to celeberate something
apparently clearly and true to what you have heard
reserve an area of land in which animals and plants are protected

warning Something that tells you about dangers

meeting when a group of people get together to discuss something

Synonyms and antonyms

Word Synonyms antonyms
wonderful amazing bad - terrible
exciting interesting boring
normal usual abnormal - unusual
true right - correct false - wrong
hard difficult easy

Prefixes and suffixes

prefix suffix
unable warning
abnormal meeting
interviews cilmber
teenagers apparently

Words and expressions

talk about normal for me
according to have a meeting
think of spend a long time
tell about talk to / with

Page 13
respond to on the phone
remember from go out with
got lost do some interviews
on the coast write about

A report on bad news finding out about

by mistake on the mountain

need to happy to be home
trust to do easy to understand
work for get a job
give warning make a question

Language Notes

1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form

1. The newsreader said that a new sports centre ………… (is) opening this weekend.
2. Hassan's mum told me that there ………………… (will) be a lot of rain today.
3. The radio presenter said that there …………… (are) lots of cars waiting on the road.
4. The journalist said that two people ………………. (have) got lost in the desert.
5. Apparently, two men who got lost when climbing a mountain have ……. (be) found.

Page 14
Test on Unit (11)
1. Finish the following dialogue:
Samir and Ramy are taking about sustainable products.
Samir : What do you do to help the environment?
Ramy : (1) ......................................................................
Samir : Paper bags!(2)..................................................?
Ramy : Because plastic bags aren't sustainable.
Samir : (3) ....................................................................?
Ramy : You can use rechargeable batteries, too.
Samir : How do you think we can save energy at home?
Ramy : (4) .......................................................................
Samir : (5) ...................................................... You are right.
Ramy : Don‟t forget that we have to save our planet.

2.Read and Complete the text with words from the following list :

arrived – can – hit – take – were – accident

There was a bad (1) ………..……… on the road to our school yesterday. A
car (2) ………………… a big tree, and the driver was injured. We were stuck and
the police (3) ……………….. quickly and moved the damaged car to the side of
the road. Unfortunately, we (4) ………………… late for school!

3. Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

The sun is a star which is at the centre of the solar system. It is the source
of heat and light, every living being gets energy from the sun. Without it, life on
the earth wouldn't be possible, Scientists tell us that the sun has advantages
and disadvantages. Sunshine is good for you as it gives you energy, it is good
for plants, so many crops and fruits grow well in Egypt as it is sunny most of the
Tourists like to come to Egypt especially in winter to enjoy the sunshine.
On the other hand, it has some disadvantages sometimes burn your skin. The
sun can start fires, too. If it is too hot, some plants can't grow, and man can't
practise sports easily in the open air because the heat of the sun can harm him.

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The underlined word "start " means ………………..……..
ⓐ finish ⓑ cause ⓒ practise ⓓ enjoy
2. The great heat of the sun makes some plants ………..……..
ⓐ freeze ⓑ melt ⓒ erupt ⓓ die
3. The sun is a great………………..……..
ⓐ land ⓑ moon ⓒ star ⓓ planet

B ) Answer the following questions:
4. What is the main idea of the passage?

5. Summarise the first paragraph in one sentence.

6. Why do you think that life wouldn't be possible without the sun?

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. We add the suffix ……………. to get the noun from the verb "design".
a. - ed b. – y c. - er d. - ly
2.To get the adjective of the verb "interest", we add the suffix ………… .
a.-ment b.-ive c.-ing d.-able
3. The synonym of the word "interesting" is ………….. .
a. fascinating b. boring c. uninteresting d. calm
4. We add the prefix"................." to mean do something again.
a. re b. ful c. ness d. dis
5. The antonym of "expensive" is ............................
a. inexpensive c. cheap c. ugly d. A & B
6. "Unfortunately" and "Unluckily" are ........................
a. antonyms b. synonyms c. opposite d. nouns

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

word(s) in brackets:
1. Sarah …………….. (told) that the building was on fire.
2. A witness that the building …………….. (is) on fire.
3.The man ………….. (said) us that the football tournament would start the next
4. The police said that lots of mobile phones ………….… (are) stolen that year.
5. How much water…………(were) there in your bottle?

6.Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on the following:

"A short story you have read"

Page 16
‫تحتىرعاوةى ى‬
‫معالي الوزير األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬رضا حجازي‬

‫ىورئوسىاالدارةىالمركزوةىلتطوورىالمناهجى ى‬
‫األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬أكرم حسن‬

‫شرح مفصل وتمارين متنىعة‬

‫لمنهج اللغة االنجليزية !‪New Hello‬‬
‫للصف الثالث اإلعدادي – الىحدة الثانية عشرة‬

‫اعدادى ى‬
‫ياسر صديق محمد شطا‬

‫محمد إبراهيم فرحات‬
‫رضا محمد الجىهري‬

‫تحتىاشرافى ى‬
‫أ‪ /‬إميان حممود يوسف‬
‫مستشار اللغة االنجليزية‬
Unit (12) Into the future
Lessons (1&2) Key vocabulary
cycle lane fabric engineer
electric bus 3 D printer
Assistant virtual reality
definitely solar panels
floating farms device
driverless car temperature
solutions firefighters
presentation elecricity
percent challenge
e- sports prediction
robotics challenges
lane print
seal taste
pandemic rise
produce smell
Reading (1)
The Technology of Tomorrow
Here are three things that could be part of our lives in the future.
Floating farms
One of the biggest problems we will have in the future is how to feed the world.
As the population grows and sea levels rise , we won't be able to grow the food we
need on the farmland we have . One solution is to build floating farms on the sea. The
farms will have solar panels so they will be able to produce their own electricity.
Energy shirts
Have you heard of a shirt that can charge your phone? Scientists have made a
new fabric that produces electricity as it moves. This means that we'll be able to
charge our devices as we run or walk outside.
Robot assistants
When we go to hospital in the future, we may see doctor nurses and robots !
During the coronavirus pandemic, robot assistant worked in hospitals in Rwanda.
They checked people's temperatures, collected information and even reminded
people to wear masks ! More importantly, they helped to keep hospital workers safe.

Page 1
Words & definitions
3 D printer a machine that can make copies of whole objects
a machine or equipment for a particular job
electric equipment that can do a special job
e - sports player a player of online video games
online learning education or teaching that can have on the internet
robotics engineer a person whose job is to design or work with robots
a way to deal with or answer a puzzle or question
a way to solve a problem or answer a question
assistant Somebody who helps a person do their job
cycle lane a special place where people can cycle on rods
When a computer makes you think that you are in a real
virtual reality
place using pictures and sound
temperature how hot or cold something is

Prefixes and suffixes

Prefix & suffix function Examples
- able renewable
- ment equipment
dis - disappear
- ly importantly
- er player
- ic heroic
- ant assistant

Words and expressions

collect information in about a year's time
do talks in the correct order
move up in tall buildings

save … from keep people safe
give reasons produce electricity
in different ways waste less food
in the same way on the farmland
around one third of by 2040
apply for find solution to

Language Notes
The Future Simple Tense
1. (will / won`t + )

It will be a nice day tomorrow. I think Brazil will win the World Cup.

It will not be a nice day tomorrow. I think Brazil won`t win the World Cup.

Will It be a nice day tomorrow? Will Brazil win the World Cup?
1 . I think it will rain tomorrow. (prediction)
2 . If you get high mark, I will buy you a mobile. (promise)
3 . There is no sugar, I will buy some. (quick decision)
4 . My brother will be 30 next year. (future facts)
5. I'm sure you will enjoy the film. (certainity)
think , next , sure , tomorrow , hope , future , expect , probable , perhaps
1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form
1. I think I'll ……………….…. (goes) to that party next week.
2. The economy will ………..………. (getting) better soon.
3. Yes, I ………………. (would) come with you.
4. I will ……………….. (went) to the cinema tonight.

2. (will / won`t + be able to )

I will be able to stay in Cairo. I will be able to concentrate more easily.

I hope you 'll be able to attend. We 'll be able to email you sooner.
Who will be able to come with me next Sunday?

Page 3
1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form
1. And you 'll be able to …………… (travelled).
2. Talia speaks Japanese, so she …………… (apply) for the job in Tokyo.
3. I …………… (would) be able to swim, but I can't, because my skin is damaged.
4. They will never be able to ……………. (been) in peace.
5. I 'll be able to ………………. (wrote) it.
6. I 'll be able to ………………. (drawn) the picture.
7. You will be able to ………………. (compared) the notes later.

2.Complete the following dialogue:

Nabil is talking to a tourist from England .
Nabil : Where are you from ?
Tourist : ( 1) ………………………………………………………………………………
Nabil : ( 2 )………………………………………………………………………………..?
Tourist : I came here with my family .
Nabil : ( 3) ………………………………………………………………………………..?
Tourist : I 'd like to visit the Egyptian Museum and the pyramids .
Nabil : How long will you stay here ?
Tourist : ( 4 ) ………………………………………………………………………………..
Nabil : Have a nice holiday .
Tourist : (5) ………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Complete the sentences with these words.

Arabic – electric – heroic – robotic – to – farm
1. The toy moves like a robot. It is (1) ……………….
2. The train does not use oil. It is (2) ………………..
3. Our teacher can speak English, Spanish and (3) ……………….
4. The firefighters saved a family from a fire. They were very (4) ……………….

4. Adham is telling his father about his calculator that was lost at school.
Father : How are you, Adham ?
Adham : I'm fine.
Father : Adham, you look sad. What's the matter?
Adham : (1) ………………………………….…… .
Father : (2) ………………………………….…… ?
Adham : It was hot, so I went to wash my face. When I came back, I didn't find it.
Father : (3) ………………………………….…… ?
Adham : Yes, I looked for it under the desk. What should I do, dad?
Father : (4) ………………… . If you don't find it, I'll get you another one.
Adham : (5) ………………………………….…… .

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d
1. He hates loud music. The antonym of "hates" is .....................
a. dislikes b. opposes c. objects d. likes
2. We add the prefix"................." to mean do something again.
a. re b. ful c. ness d. dis
3. To get the adjective from "administrate" we add the suffix "...............".
a. ive b. ion c. ness d. ly
4. The antonym of ".........................." is "ugly"
a. beautiful b. enormous c. tiny d. hard
5. The"....................."of ''woman" is "female".
a. antonym b. opposite c. synonym d. verb
6. They were able to mend the pipe. We can replace "mend" with ......................
a. mix b. oxen c. fix d. prepare
7. Shahd did a successful experiment in the lab and found a new cure. She is a/an ……
a. journalist b. mathematician c. scientist d. explorer
8. I enjoyed talking to you Mr Hatem. It was a useful ………….. .
a. article b. map c. photo d. conversation
9.The suffix ……………. can form the noun from the verb "recycle".
a.-ed b.-ing c.-al d.-ment
10.We add the suffix …………. to get the adjective from the noun "education".
a.-ing b.-ly c.-al d.-tion
11.The synonym of the word "noisy" is …………… .
a. loud b. busy c. quiet d. pleased
12.The synonym of the word "true" is …………… .
a. delighted b. displeased c. correct d. false
13.There was nobody in the theatre. The antonym of the word "nobody" is ……
a. no one b. everyone c. none d. nothing
14.The junior team won the final match. The antonym of the word "won" is ……
a. lost b. succeeded c. passed d. followed
15.Talia can finish the race in 2.5 minutes. The antonym of the word "finish" is
a. end b. complete c. start d. close
16. The ……………… is a day or time for people to celebrate something.
a. competition b. interview c. meeting d. festival
17. A ………… is a situation when groups of people meet to discuss something.
a. festival b. meeting c. show d. exhibition
18. A …………… is something that tells you about something dangerous or bad that
might happen.
a. invitation b. festival c. warning d. review
19. The synonym of the word "true" is ………………
a. possible b. wrong c. false d. right
20. The test was really hard. The antonym of the word "hard" is………………
a. right b. difficult c. far d. easy

Unit (12) Into the future
Lessons (3&4) Key vocabulary
goal achieve
intership architect
marathon apartment
cashless engineering
monorail business person
distance capital
professional rainwater
qualification public transport
set up disability
explore smart
improve population
ambitions east
train roofs
charity expert
blog wind turbine
Reading (1)
My goals for the future By Hussein
I love maths and science, so when I leave Preparatory school, I'd like to go to a
technology school. My dream is to become a robotics engineer. Robotics engineers
can create anything from machines for hospitals to robots that go into space.
Technology schools help students with the skills that I will need to work well with this
technology, although it won't be easy. You need to pass a test to get into a technical
school. Students who are successful often work in factories and businesses to get
experience, and often get jobs there when they leave school. Sport is also a big part
of my life. I like playing handball and football, but my favourite sport is running. I'm in
a local team and we usually run 10 kilometres per day, but we're going to train to run
longer distances. I'd love to do the Egyptian marathon when I'm old enough. Finally, I
want to do something to help other people. When I'm older, I'm going to work as a
volunteer at weekends. There is a children's hospital near my apartment. Volunteers
go to the hospital to read to the children and play games with them. I think that would
be a great thing to do, so I'm going to ask how I can help.

Page 6
Africa's population is growing quickly. Experts believe " that by 2050, there will
be twice as many people in Africa as there are today. Many African countries are
planning exciting new cities,where people can live,work and study. What will these
cities of the future be like? My country is planning for a new administrative capital in
the desert, east of Cairo. The New Administrative Capital is going to have modern
universities, offices and hotels. There will be a monorail passing through the business
districts. Electric trains will link the city to other cities around Egypt.The city is
designed to work with smart technology. Roofs will be covered in solar panels.The
shops will be cashless, and they will have more green spaces to walk round in the
city. Dalia,15,Egypt
My country is planning an amazing new city: Diamniado Lake City. It will have
modern apartments, offices, hotels, shopping centres and sports stadiums. There will
be schools and universities. A new train will connect the new city with our capital
city,Dakar,so people will be able to travel between the cities easily.
I live in the capital city of Rwanda,Kigali. It's a beautiful city and a lot of people
come here to live. Now, there is a plan to create a new part of the city:Green City
Kigali.The buildings will use renewable energy and reuse rainwater. There will be
cycle lanes and good public transport, but it will also be easy to walk around the city.I
think there will be lots of cities like this in Africa one day.

Synonyms and antonyms

word Synonyms antonyms
modern new old - ancient
improve develop damage
professional expert amateur
set up start finish

Prefixes and suffixes

prefix suffix
redo quickly
rewrite professional
replay accountant
reuse driverless
improve cashless
monorail pollution

Page 7
Words and expressions
I'd like to part of
covered in reuse rainwater
plan to create between the cities
work with Administrative Capital
designed to Electric trains
connect with link the city to
Irregular verbs
set up set up set up
throw threw thrown

1.Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. ................ reality is when a computer makes you think that you are in a real place
using pictures and sounds.
a. Virtual b. Social c. Popular d. Solar
2. The prefix".................." means one.
a. tri b. bi c. mono d. er
3. We add the suffix ................... to "cash" to form the adjective.
a. il b. less c. er d. ment
4. The antonym of "amateur" is ...................
a. free b. professional c. unpaid d. cashless
5. "Protect" and ...................... are synonyms.
a. save b. kill c. destroy d. damage
3. When you work, often without pay, to learn about a job means ...................
a. friendship b. shipping c. shopping d. internship
4. ................. learning means learning that you can have on the internet.
a. Home b. Offline c. Disconnected d. Online
5. A ................. is a running race of around 42 kilometers.
a. Marathon b. Falcon c. Trek d. quiz
6. ................. means how much space is between two things.
a. Pollution b. Population c. Distance d. Affection
7. A railway system that uses a single rail, usually high above the ground is ………...
a. airway b. subway c. highway d. monorail
8. A .................... is an area of a town, city or the countryside.
a. Brick b. Strike c. Effect d. District
9. ....................... means done without using money you can hold.
a. Cashless b. Free c. Expensive d. Cheap
10. ................... is the ability to do something well.
a. Smell b. Sell c. Skill d. Skull

Page 8
Unit (12) Into the future
Lessons (5 , 6 & 7) Key vocabulary
spacecraft electric
solarsystem disagree
planets smart apartments
driverless cars busier
experts perhaps
laws effect
engine company
road signs completely safe
difinitely land
likely race
make drone develop
flying cars answer
passenger do testing
controls match
device positive

Reading (1)
A technology that will change our lives By Munir Osman
In future, driverless cars will change all of our lives. We will be able to travel any
where without touching the controls or even looking at the road! Driverless cars will
also be better for the environment because they will be electric. However, there are
still some problems. Car companies will have to do lots of testing to make sure that
the cars are completely safe.We will also have to make new laws and we might even
have to change some of our road signs so that the cars' computers can read them.
Some experts believe that we will have to wait until 2030. It's impossible to know who
is correct, but we can be sure at the earliest. Others think that driverless cars will be
here much sooner, but we may still need people at the controls to begin with. So when
will we be able to travel in driverless cars? Of one thing driverless cars will be part of
our future. I'm looking forward to taking my first journey in one.

Page 9
Synonyms and antonyms
Word Synonyms antonyms
impossible unbelievable possible
definitely certainly probably
agree accept diagree
land come down take off

Prefixes and suffixes

prefix suffix
disagree driverless
impossible noisy
unbelievable probably

Words and expressions

I'm sure that better for
send into looking forward to
too far away driverless cars
wait until make new laws
have to change impossible to
to begin with without touching
worry about take off
less pollution introduce you
the answer to make sure
get better / improve without doubt
Irregular verbs
make made made
get got got
take took taken
Language Notes
1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form
1. In the future, do you think that everyone will …………. (went) to university?
2. Do you think that all cars ……………. (would) be driverless?
3. Do you think that all our energy will ……………… (is) from the sun?

Page 10
2. Choose the correct answer:
1. I don't like poets. I think they're boring. The antonym of the word "boring" is ………
a. lazy b. usual c. exciting d. similar
2. This project is wonderful. It 'II help develop the village. The synonym of the word
"wonderful" is ………………
a. awesome b. similar c. usual d. boring
3. These bags are all different. Which one is yours ? The antonym of the word
"different" is ……………
a. similar b. false c. interesting d. exciting
4. She is a famous artist. The antonym of the word "famous" is ……….……..
a. unknown b. great c. same d. right
5. We add the suffix ………………to get the noun from the verb "meet".
a.-ment b.-ed c.-ly d.-ing
6. The suffix ……………… can be used to get the noun from the verb "pollute".
a.-ment b.-ion c.-ed d.-ly
7. We add the suffix ……………… to get the noun from the verb "climb".
a.-ed b.-er c.-est d.-ful
8.We use the suffix ……………… to get the noun from the verb "warn"
a.-ing b. –ly c.-or d.-ion
9. An ..................... player is a player of online video games.
a. e-book b. e-mail c. e-sport d. website
10. ................... means probably going to happen or probably true.
a. Unlikely b. Impossible c. Imaginary d. Likely
11. A / An................ engineer is a person whose job is to design or work with robots.
a. antibiotic b. robotic c. toiler d. untidy
12. A / An..................... is a machine that can make copies of whole objects.
a. Mp3 b. 3D glasses c. 3D printer d. keyboards
13. ...................... means how hot or cold something is.
a. Pollution b. Temperature c. Drought d. Flood
14. ..................... is to prepare for a sports event by exercising.
a. Train b. Pick c. Treat d. Tie
15. You can make an adjective from the noun "noise" by adding the suffix"................"
a.-ful b.-er c.-y d. -ly

4. Choose the correct answer:

1. We add "ly" to form the ...................''likely".
a. verb b. adjective c. adverb d. noun
2. He achieved his goal and became a doctor. "Goal" here means .....................
a. ambition b. epidemic c. sight d. weight
3. He lives in a flat overlooking the Nile. We can replace "flat" with ...................
a. department b. important c. villa d. apartment
4. Drones are driverless. They use ......................... drivers.
a. skilled b. lazy c. educated d. no

Page 11
Test on Unit (12)
1. Finish the following dialogue:
Nabil is talking to a tourist from England
Nabil : Where are you from ?
Tourist : (1) …………………………………………………………..…………
Nabil : (2)………………………………………………..……………………..?
Tourist : I came here with my family.
Nabil : (3) ………………………………………………..……………………..?
Tourist : I 'd like to visit the Egyptian Museum and the pyramids .
Nabil : How long will you stay here ?
Tourist : (4) ………………………………………………………………………..
Nabil : Have a nice holiday.
Tourist : (5) ………………………………………………………………………….

2.Read and Complete the text with words from the following list :

Hotel – name – way – car – find – found

The police in Australia have (1) ………………. a name who was lost in the
desert for 18 days. Robert Webber, who is 58 has driven from his (2)
………………… in the morning of January 2nd. He was not able to move his (3)
……………. after he went down a small farm road. He tried to walk back to his
hotel , but he couldn't remember the (4) ………….

3. Read the following text, then answer the questions:

Life was quite different in the past. Everything was not as it is now. Let's talk
about just one thing. The railway has been one of the most important means of
transport. This system provides cheap transport for both people and goods. Before
trains were invented, people used to ride horses and camels for journeys across a
country. During those days, the roads were poor and journeys which now take only a
few hours, could take several days or even weeks. Moreover, trains could carry
heavier things compared to horses and camels. There are many kinds of trains. The
stopping train stops at every station, so it is slow. If you want the fastest journey, take
the express train. You can sleep in the sleeper train as there are comfortable beds. All
of the express trains have got air conditioning. You can also buy food and drinks on
the train. Some people make rail cards to save their money. Trains are the cheapest
and most comfortable means of transport.
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The underlined word " poor " means ………………..……..
ⓐ not rich ⓑ wide ⓒ difficult ⓓ clear

Page 12
2. Before trains were invented, people travelled ………………..……..
ⓐ on animals' back ⓑ on birds' back ⓒ by air ⓓ by bus
3. Trains are the ………………..…….. and most comfortable means of transport.
ⓐ cheap ⓑ a cheap ⓒ cheapest ⓓ cheaper
B ) Answer the following questions:
4. Give a suitable title for the passage.
5. Why, do you think, the railway is the most important means of transport?
6. Would you have a rail card when you travel by trains? Why?

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. He hates loud music. The antonym of "hates" is .....................
a. dislikes b. opposes c. objects d. likes
2. We add the prefix"................." to mean do something again.
a. re b. ful c. ness d. dis
3. The antonym of ".........................." is "ugly"
a. beautiful b. enormous c. tiny d. hard
4. Shahd did a successful experiment in the lab and found a new cure. She is a/an ……
a. journalist b. mathematician c. scientist d. explorer
5.The suffix ……………. can form the noun from the verb "recycle".
a.-ed b.-ing c.-al d.-ment
6.The junior team won the final match. The antonym of the word "won" is ……
a. lost b. succeeded c. passed d. followed

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

word(s) in brackets:
1. You 'll be able to …………… (travelled) in the future.
2. Dina speaks Japanese, so she …………… (apply) for the job in Tokyo.
3. Hamid can't find his passport. He …. (travel) on business in England tomorrow.
4. You 'll ………………. (been) able to buy this car.
5. Yes, I ………………. (would) come with you next week.

6.Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on the following:

'' How to keep our environment clean ''

Page 13

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