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The ventilator (life support device) is a device used to support or stimulate the breathing process in

patients who cannot breathe adequately on their own. The device consists of several main parts and
each part has a specific function. Here are the components of the device and its working mechanism.

Respiratory system It is the device responsible for exchanging gases in all parts of the body, as it supplies
the body's cells with the oxygen necessary for their activities, and rids them of carbon dioxide. The lungs
are the main organs of breathing, and they are flexible structures within the chest cavity. Each lung
contains millions of air sacs or chambers called alveoli, and there is a network of tiny vessels called
capillaries between the walls of each alveolus. Other important structures of the respiratory system are
the chest wall and diaphragm. The chest wall includes the ribs that form a cage that protects the chest
cavity and the muscles between the ribs. The diaphragm consists of a dome-shaped sheet of muscle that
separates the chest and abdominal cavities.

Reasons for using artificial respiration

Artificial respiration is generally used in two situations:

1. Initial case: During major surgical operations that require general anesthesia and perhaps
intentional paralysis of the muscles, and thus the patient is unable to perform with breathing
functions, which requires the use of artificial respiration during the surgical operation, and in
some cases, heart and chest operations and major operations such as liver transplantation after
the patient leaves the operating room in the intensive care unit, until the patient regains full
consciousness and ability. Performing breathing functions without difficulty.
2. The second case: Failure of respiratory functions, that is, when normal breathing is not sufficient
to sustain life. In this case, the ventilator is a support for breathing and not a treatment, and this
support continues as long as it is needed, until the disease that led to the failure of lung
functions is cured.

The common reasons for using artificial respiration can be limited to the following reasons:

But the common reasons for using artificial respiration can be limited to the following reasons:

1. Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a serious, life-threatening condition in which lung tissue
becomes inflamed and fluid accumulates in the alveoli, leading to a dangerous drop in the level of
oxygen in the blood.

2. Apnea occurs when a patient stops breathing due to certain types of toxins or due to a neurological or
muscular disease such as a deep coma.

3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: It is a very common disease that is often caused by chronic

4.Cases of need for oxygen

5. Cases of circulatory insufficiency and shock: such as hemorrhagic shock, septic shock, and cardiogenic

6. Cases of high carbon dioxide levels

Ventilator sections

1. Negative pressure ventilator:

It is done through a device that helps suck air into the lungs (this form of breathing assistance is no
longer used currently).

2. Positive pressure ventilator

It is currently used exclusively, and there are many forms of providing positive pressure respiratory aids.
Choosing the most appropriate one for the patient’s condition depends on Many factors

Based on the previous factors, positive pressure ventilation is divided into:

1. Non-invasive artificial respiration

Where air (or a mixture of atmospheric air and pure oxygen) is forced into the mouth through a mask
tightly fixed to the patient’s face. It is used only in the case of the patient who is conscious and able to
protect his airway.

2. Penetrating artificial respiration

It is the most common, where air (or a mixture of atmospheric air and pure oxygen) is pushed into the
trachea through plastic tubes called an endotracheal tube that are inserted into the trachea. This tube is
inserted either through the mouth or through the nostril, or is made Direct surgical opening into the

Ventilator device parts

1. Control Unit

- Responsible for controlling device settings such as volume Respiration, respiratory rate, and air

2. Tubes or Circuit (Tubes)

- Delivery of air from the device to the patient and vice versa. Includes Inspiratory and exhalation tubes.

3. Filters

- Removes impurities and bacteria from the air before it reaches the air The patient and after his

4. Humidifiers Moisturizers

- Adds moisture to the air to avoid drying of the airways.

5. (Valves)

-Regulates airflow and prevents unwanted air leakage.

6. Masks or endotracheal tubes

- Delivering air directly into the patient's respiratory tract.

7. Sensors

- Measures and monitors various parameters such as air pressure, volume Breathing and oxygen levels.

How the ventilator device works

1. Enter device settings

- The doctor or specialist enters the appropriate settings for the patient’s condition, such as Tidal
Volume, Respiratory Rate, and Respiratory Rate.

2. Compressed air generation

- The device generates compressed air or a mixture of air and oxygen, depending on the device settings
and the patient’s needs.

3. Delivering air to the patient

- Compressed air is pumped through tubes to the mask or endotracheal tube connected to the patient,
which helps expand the lungs and gas exchange.

4. Monitor and control breathing

-Sensors are used to measure various breathing parameters, and the control unit adjusts airflow and
pressure according to the patient's need.

5. Remove exhaled air

- The used air is exhaled from the patient through exhalation tubes it passes through filters to remove
any impurities before leaving the system.

Types of ventilation and device operating modes in the ventilator device

a. (Volume-Controlled Ventilation)

- The device determines the volume of air sent to the patient with each breath.

b. Pressure-Controlled Ventilation

- The device determines the air pressure sent to the patient with each breath.
c. Assisted Ventilation

- The device supports the patient's normal breathing by supplying air when needed.

d. Spontaneous Ventilation

- The device allows the patient to breathe naturally while saving additional support when needed.

e. Volume-controlled ventilation (VCV)

-In this mode, the device supplies the patient with a constant volume of air with each breath regardless
of the pressure needed to achieve this. This position is usually used to ensure that the patient gets a
Sufficient volume of air

f. Pressure-Controlled Ventilation, PCV

-In this mode, the device provides the patient with a constant pressure of air with each breath, which
means that the volume of air can change based on the demands of the lungs. This position is used to
protect the lungs from high-pressure damage.

g. Spontaneous Ventilation

-This position allows the patient to breathe normally while presenting the device provides additional
support if necessary.

h. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

-delivers continuous pressure into the airway to prevent airway obstruction respiratory.

i. Pressure Support Ventilation

-Provides compression support with every breath taken by the patient.

j. Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV).

-This position provides guaranteed breaths at a specified rate and volume but allows the patient to take
his or her breaths between guaranteed breaths. this mode helps reduce dependence on the device.

k. Adaptive Support (Ventilation, ASV).

-This mode automatically adjusts ventilation settings based on the patient's need and condition
improvement. It aims to achieve the perfect balance between respiratory support and comfort.

l. Positive End-Expiratory Pressure, PEEP

-Ventilation with positive air pressure at the end of expiration. This position maintains positive pressure
in the lungs at the end of exhalation to prevent the collapse of the alveoli, which improves oxygen

m. Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (BIPAP) ventilation

-This position provides two-level positive pressure, providing higher pressure during inhalation and lower
pressure during exhalation, which helps in improving the breathing process.

n. Volume controlled ventilation with pressure support (VG-PS).

-This mode combines the features of volume control and pressure support, ensuring that a specific
volume of air is delivered with reduced airflow respiratory effort of the patient.

o. Pressure-controlled ventilation with volume support (Pressure (Guaranteed Volume Control, PG-

-This mode controls pressure to deliver a specific volume of air, protecting the lungs from damage
caused by high pressure.

p. High-Frequency Ventilation (HFV).

-This mode uses a very high respiratory rate with small air volumes and is commonly used in certain
conditions such as severe pulmonary trauma.

Choosing the appropriate position depends on the patient's specific condition and treatment goals.
Doctors adjust ventilation settings based on the patient's response to ensure the best respiratory
support possible.


1. Air Leak

Symptoms: Decrease in transmitted air pressure, difficulty achieving required breathing volume.
Causes: Damage to the pipes, lack of tight connections to the device, or leakage around the catch tube.

2. (Tube Obstruction) Blockage of tubes

Symptoms: Difficulty in the patient's breathing, warnings of high blood pressure.

Causes: Obstruction due to the accumulation of fluid, mucus, or folding of the tubes.

3. Pressure Sensor (Failure) Malfunction in the pressure sensors

Symptoms: inaccurate air pressure readings, constant alerts.

Causes Sensors are damaged or not calibrated properly.

4. (Power Failure) Power failure

Symptoms: The device stops working, and ventilation is interrupted.

Causes Faulty power supply, and empty spare batteries.

5. Display or Interface Issues

Symptoms: not displaying information correctly, difficulty in edit setup.

Reasons: Technical defect in the screen or controller.

6. High/Low Airway (Pressure).

Symptoms: Alerts of high or low air pressure.

Causes: Blocked tubes, air leakage, lung problems such as enlargement or collapse of the alveoli.

7. (Humidifier Malfunction) Malfunction in the humidification system

Symptoms: dryness in the respiratory tract, fluid accumulation in pipes.

Reasons: Defect in the humidification unit or not being set up properly correct.

8. Valve Malfunction

Symptoms: irregular airflow, difficulty breathing.

Causes: Mechanical damage or blockage of the valves.

9. Software Errors

Symptoms: device freezes, automatic reboot.

Reasons: Software problems or system not being updated regularly.

10. Control Unit Malfunction

Symptoms: inability to change settings, unresponsive true to user commands.

Causes: Damage to the electronic control unit or problems with wires.

11. Filter Problems

Symptoms: Insufficient airflow, air quality alerts.

Causes: Filters are clogged or not replaced properly cyclic.

12. Pump malfunction

Symptoms: insufficient air pressure, weak alarms Ventilation.

Causes Mechanical damage to the pump or engine problems the pump.

Preventive maintenance

Daily maintenance

1. Visual inspection of the device:

 Ensure that there is no damage or corrosion in the pipes. and connections.
 Ensure that there are no air or fluid leaks.

2. Cleaning the device.

 Wipe the external surfaces of the device using a suitable disinfectant.
 Clean the user interface and screen to prevent dust accumulation.

3. Check filters.
 Check the filters and replace them if they are dirty or damaged.
4. Make sure to connect.
 Ensure that all electrical connections and pipes are tight and connected properly.

Weekly maintenance

1. Test the device's functions.

 Turn on the device and perform a comprehensive functionality test to ensure that all modes
work properly.
 Check device settings and compare them to specifications recommended by the

2. Mechanical systems inspection.

 Check the integrity of the valves and mechanical movements in the device.

3. Cleaning filters.
 If the filters are reusable, they are cleaned. dry it well before reinstalling it.

Monthly maintenance

1. Check the batteries.

 Ensure that spare batteries are safe and fully charged

2. Inspection of humidification units.

 Ensure that humidification units are working properly and provide the necessary
humidification of the air.

3. Calibrate the device.

 Check the device calibration and adjust if necessary to ensure accuracy of measurements.

4. Sensor testing.
 Check the various sensors to make sure they are working correctly and provide accurate

Annual maintenance

1. Professional maintenance.
 Perform comprehensive maintenance by a certified technician or by the manufacturer. This
maintenance includes checking all components device and software update if necessary.

2. Replace parts.
 Replace parts that are damaged or show signs of wear such as valves, pipes and control

3. Security check.
 Ensure that all security systems are working properly, including: alert and precaution

General tips:

1. Documentation.
 Record all maintenance and repair operations in the device’s maintenance log.
 Track preventive maintenance dates and schedule regular follow-up appointments.

2. Training
 Training medical staff and technicians on how to perform maintenance preventive measures and
dealing with minor malfunctions.
 Provide periodic training to update their knowledge and confirm their commitment with
preventive measures.

3. Adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations.

 Follow the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions carefully to ensure keep the
device in the best possible condition.

Choose specifications

Ventilation Modes

Multi-pattern: The device must support a variety of VCV PCV SIMV CPAP BiPAP ventilation patterns such
as and others. Automatic and controlled ventilation ability to switch between automatic and controlled
ventilation according to the patient's condition.

Ventilation Settings
Tidal Volume: The ability to adjust the volume air sent to the patient precisely.

Respiratory Rate: Controlling the number of breaths the device delivers per minute.

Pressure Settings: The ability to adjust different pressure levels such as PEEP and PS

Oxygen ratio (FiO2) controls the percentage of oxygen provided to the patient.

User Interface

Ease of use: Intuitive and easy user interface use with clear display.

Remote Control: Some devices offer remote control capabilities to facilitate the monitoring and setup

Sensors and Monitoring

Precise monitoring: Precise sensors to monitor pressure, volume and respiratory rate.

Alarms and warnings: Advanced alarm systems to alert when an event occurs problems such as air
leakage or clogged pipes.


Size and weight of the device: A lightweight device that is easy to transport, especially for use in
emergencies or in transport between hospitals.

Backup Batteries: Long battery life and working capacity for long periods without an external power

Humidification and Heating Systems

Efficient Humidification: Built-in humidifier to deliver humidified air to avoid dryness of the respiratory

Temperature control system: To control temperature air provided to the patient.

Maintenance and Updates

Easy maintenance: Easy access to procedure components maintenance and repairs.

Software Updates: The ability to update the device software to improve performance and add new
Manufacturer Reliability

Company reputation: Choose a device from a company with a good reputation and a reliable history in
the manufacture of respirators.

Customer Service: Provides technical support and outstanding customer service.

Operational and Maintenance Costs

Initial cost: The cost of purchasing the device.

Maintenance Cost: Costs associated with device maintenance and replacement parts.

Energy-saving devices: that consume energy efficiently effective to reduce operating costs.

Safety and Quality Standards

Certifications: The device must be certified necessary from recognized bodies such as FDA or CE.

Quality Tests: The device passes quality tests and standards safety to ensure optimal performance.

Integration with other systems

Compatibility: Ability to integrate with other hospital systems such as patient monitoring systems.

Connectivity: Connectivity options such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth for transfer data smoothly.

Accessories and Additional Components

Availability of accessories: Availability of necessary accessories such as tubes replacement filters and

Ability to expand: Possibility of adding new components or features as needed.

Choosing the appropriate device requires a comprehensive evaluation of these specifications based on
the needs of the hospital or clinic and the requirements of patients.

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