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‫‪Ladies and Gentlemen we cordially invite you to be seated and we kindly ask you to‬‬
‫‪switch off your phone or kindly in silent mode as the agenda will be proceed in no‬‬

‫َنْظًر ا ِبَأَّن اْلَبْر َناَمَج َس ُيْبَد ُأ َعْن َقِر ْيٍب ُيْر َج ي ِم ْن َح َض َر اِتُك ُم اُهْلُد ْو ُء َو ااِل ْه ِتَم اُم َو ُش ْك ًر ا‬
‫ِد‬ ‫ِد‬
‫َاْلُم َك َّر ْم ُم ْيُر َم ْع َه َداِر الَّس اَل ْم ُك ْو ُنْتْو ْر‬
‫ِم ِة‬ ‫ِئ‬
‫َاْلُم َك َّر ْم َر ْيُس َج ا َع َداِر الَّس اَل ْم ُك ْو ْنُتْو ْر‬
‫َاْلُم َك َّر ْم َر ِئْيُس اَجْلاِم َعِة اِإل ْس اَل ِم َّيِة اْلَعاَلِم َّيِة َم اِلِز َيا‬

‫ُمْلَح ق ِد يِن ِلَس َف اَر ِة َم اِلِز َيا‬

‫َو َيا َأُّيَه ا اَحْلاِض ُر ْو َن َر َمِحُك ُم اهلل‬

‫ِبْس ِم اهلل الَّر ْح َم ِن الَّر ِح ْيِم‬

‫َالَّس اَل ُم َعَلْيُك ْم َو َر ْح َم ُة اِهلل َو َبَر َك اُتُه‬

‫‪Ladies and Gentlemen…We welcome all of you once again to‬‬
‫‪Friday, 2nd of August 2019 at University of Darussalam Gontor, the Fountain of‬‬
‫‪Wisdom, Indonesia.‬‬

‫‪َ ‬أُّيَه ا الَس اَدُة اُحلُضور‪َ .‬خ ْيُر َم ا َنْف َتِتُه ِبِه هَذ الَبْر َناَم ج ِتاَل َو ُة َاٍّي ِم َن الِّذ ْك ِر اَحْلِكْيِم ‪،‬‬
‫َيْتُلْو على مسامعنا الَّطاِلُب __________ الَو ْقُت ِإَّياه‪.‬‬
‫َص َد َق اهلل الَعِظ ْيِم َو َص َد َق َعلى َنِبَنْي الَك ِر مْي َو َعلى ذِلَك ِم َن الَّشاِهِدْين َو الَش اِكرْين‪.‬‬
‫‪َ ‬أُّيَه ا الَس اَدُة اُحلُضور‪ِ .‬إْيَذ اًنا ِبافْتِتَاِح َبْر َنِاجِم َنا َتَعاَلْو َنْق َر ْأ الَبْسَم َّلة‪.‬‬
‫‪ The National Anthem of Indonesia Raya, Malaysia and Hymne of Pondokku.‬‬
‫)‪(For all audiences kindly rise of your seats‬‬
‫)‪(For all audiences kindly have your seats back‬‬

‫‪ ‬اآلن‪ُ,‬ك ُّل َأَذاٍن اِغ ٍة ِلَن َتِم ِإىل َك ِل ٍة ِح ِب ٍة ِم ِم د ُك ِلَّية ُأ ُلِد ن اِم ِة‬
‫ُصْو ْي َجِب َع‬ ‫َم َتْر َي ْن َع ْي‬ ‫َص َي ْس َع‬ ‫َو‬
‫َداِر الَّس اَل ْم ُك ْو ْنُتْو ْر ‪ُ ,‬يْلِق ْيَه ا اُأْلْس َتاْذ ْمَشُس ل َه ِدي انتنج ‪َ .‬يَتَّك َر م َفِض ْيَلُتُه َم ْش ُك ْو ًر ا‪.‬‬
‫ َاُأْلْس َتاْذ َالُّد ْك ُتْو ْر َأَم ْل َفْتُح اهلل‬، ‫ َاْلَك ِلَم اْت ِم ْن َ رِئْيِس َج اِم َعِة َداِر الَّس اَل ْم ُك ْو ْنُتْو ْر‬
..‫ َيَتَّك َر م َفِض ْيَلُتُه َم ْش ُك ْو ًر ا‬.‫َز ْر َك ِش ي َمَع اِال ْفِتَتاِح َه َذ ا اْلَبْر َناَم ِج َر ِمْس ًّيا‬

 We now very pleased to invite the honorable moderator Al-Ustadz Adib

Fuadi Nuriz, Ph.D. He is a vice of Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin. He took
his doctor’s degree at National University of Malaysia. Please welcome to
the stage with a rounded applause. (Thank you for moderator and all
keynote speakers, Please kindly have your seats back)

.‫ َيَتَّك َر م َفِض ْيَلُتُه َم ْش ُك ْو ًر ا‬...................... ‫ الُد َعاء َيْتُلوُه َاُأْلْس َتاْذ‬,‫َيِلْيِه‬ 

Before closing we have a view announcement today.
 We would like to announce a places for taking lunch;
1. All rectors would take their lunch at the restaurant office,
2. All of the members of delegations and presenters and lectures would take
their lunch at the lobby of UNIDA Inn,
3. All female or male students, graduate and postgraduate would take lunch in
their rooms.
 And also with great pleasure we announce that the students of UNIDA have
made some stands at downstairs and some outlets of their own creation, so we
hope that you take the time to have a look around and to see what they
produce. Thank you very much.
‫فخريما خنتتم به هذالربنامج قراءة‬.‫وصلنا إىل هناية هذا احلفل‬.‫ َأيها السادة احلضور‬
‫احلمدلة وكفارة اجمللس‬
‫ شكرا لكم ونرجو للجميع التوفيق والنجاح‬

‫وَالَّس اَل ُم َعَلْيُك ْم َو َر ْح َم ُة اِهلل َو َبَر َك اُتُه‬

Ladies and Gentlemen we cordially invite you to be seated and we kindly ask you to
switch off your phone or kindly in silent mode as the agenda will be proceed in no
It is great honor to welcome…
The Head Master of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
The Rector of University of Darussalam Gontor
The Rector of International Islamic University of Malaysia
And all participants.
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Ladies and Gentlemen…We welcome all of you once again to
Friday, 2nd of August 2019 at University of Darussalam Gontor, the Fountain of
Wisdom, Indonesia.
1. Let us open this seminar by reciting the Basmalah (bismillahirrahmanirrahim)
2. Recitation of Al-Qur’an, will be recited by________________ time for him.
3. The National Anthem of Indonesia Raya, Malaysia and Hymne of Pondokku.
(For all audiences kindly rise of your seats)
(For all audiences kindly have your seats back)
4. Welcoming Speech from the Rector of University of Darussalam, Prof. Dr. Amal
Fathullah Zarkasyi, M.A. (the time for him).
5. Speech from Head Master of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, Al-Ustadz
K.H.Hasan Abdullah Sahal. (the time for him).
6. We now very pleased to invite the honorable moderator Adib Fuadi Nuriz, Ph.D.
He is a vice of Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin. He took his undergraduate degree
at Darussalam Institut of Islamic Studies Gontor, while his master’s degree at
International Islamic University of Pakistan, and his doctor’s degree at National
University of Malaysia. Please welcome to the stage with a rounded applause.
Before closing we have a view announcement today.
1. We would like to announce a places for taking lunch; .All female or male students,
graduate and postgraduate would take lunch in their rooms.
2. And also with great pleasure we announce that the students of UNIDA have made
some stands at downstairs and some outlets of their own creation, so we hope that
you take the time to have a look around and to see what they produce. Thank you
very much.
3. Distinguish ladies and gentlemen. We have come to the end of the program. We
would like to express a sincere appreciation also wish to convey our gratitude for
your participation. Syukron Jaziilan.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

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