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Alota, Jasmine Flora G.

Baula, Lennie Rose Anne G.

Dalogdog, Mary Faith C.

Grubat, Bheny Jhay V.

Marcha, Clyde Christian L.

Orbino, Arby R.

A research paper presented to:

Pascualito M. Ilagan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Course

Environmental Science

Submitted this May 2024



The lifestyle of the 21st century and society’s need for convenient eating and drinking

on the go, facilitate the enormous production of single-use plastic products, causing a

tremendous environmental impact that influences both the marine environment, biodiversity,

and human health. Hence, several legislative policies and directives have been proposed and

implemented over the past decades to reduce society’s plastic footprint and the irresponsible

generation of single-use products (Xanthos and Walker, 2017, Pettipas et al., 2016.)

Between 19 and 23 million tons of plastic waste enter the environment each year

(Borrelle et al., 2020). Plastic is so prolific that sedimentary deposits are now recognized as a

geological proxy for the beginning of the Anthropocene (Brandon et al., 2019). Single-use

plastics are particularly problematic. First, they represent around a third of litter, which is

harmful to the environment and costly to clean (Ritch et al., 2009). Second, plastic breaks

down into microplastics which can cause more environmental harm by entering the food

chain (Lim, 2021; Rocha-Santos and Duarte, 2015). Third, single-use plastics are difficult to

recycle, often ending up in landfill (O'Farrell, 2018). As a result, after typically being used

only once, often for a few minutes, single-use plastics can remain in landfill or the

environment for hundreds of years (Cleary, 2014).

To address these problems, global transformative change is required (Borrelle et al.,

2020). To date, multiple solutions have been offered, predominantly from the EU – e.g. Leal

Filho et al. (2019) examine the role of extended producer responsibility (EPR) focusing on

plastics collection and recycling being incorporated in sustainable circular business models.

From this perspective, lack of harmonization across jurisdictions, exclusion of plastics

beyond those commonly used in packaging, design choices, and inadequate collection and

sorting services have been identified as priorities for action (Leal Filho et al., 2019).

According to Philippine News Agency, the Tacloban city government has been

spending 75 million pesos yearly for the collection and disposal of garbage. Many countries

and cities have implemented regulations such as the Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban. These

regulations aim to reduce the use of single-use plastic and encourage the use of sustainable

alternatives, such as reusable bags and straws. However, while some cities and countries have

implemented these regulations, others have not, highlighting the need for greater global

action to address the issue of single-use plastic (Ellen and Meyer, 2018).

The city of Tacloban, Philippines, banned the use of single-use plastic on January 1,

2024 (Gabieta, 2024). This ban was implemented as part of efforts to reduce plastic waste and

promote sustainable alternatives. The ban applies to the use of single-use plastic products,

such as plastic bags and straws, and requires businesses and individuals to switch to more

sustainable alternatives.

In this study, the researchers aim to determine the effectivity of the “Single-Use

Plastic Ban” policy in Tacloban, City─ particularly at Tacloban City Public Market, and

assess its effects on the environment. Single-use plastic products such as bags, bottles,

wrappers, packaging, straws, stirrers, cups, and lids), are the most common plastic waste

encountered in the marine and coastal environment all around the globe (Morales-Caselles et

al., 2021). Because of these, the researchers decided to conduct an environmental action

research that would investigate the current situation in regard to the continuous single-use

plastic in the city.

A. Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this action research is to know the effectiveness of the implementation

of single-use plastic ban in Tacloban City Public Market. More specifically, this aims to

answer the following questions:

1. Is the implemented, "Single-Use Plastic Ban" policy effective or not?

2. What are the key factors that contribute to the continuous consumption of

single-use plastic in Tacloban City Public Market?

3. What are the perceived effects of single-use plastic consumption, in the coastal

and terrestrial environment?

General Objective:

 To determine the effectiveness of the Single-Use Plastic Ban Policy in Tacloban City

and assess its effects on the environment.

Specific Objectives:

1. To assess the level of awareness among Tacloban City Public Market consumers and

producers regarding single-use plastic ban policy.

2. To identify challenges and barriers faced by the community in adhering to single-use

plastic ban policy.

3. To determine the environmental and societal impacts of single-use plastic


4. To recommend strategies for improving the effectiveness of single-use plastic ban,

based on the study’s findings.

B. Significance of the Study

To the merchants, the study's findings could be crucial for implementing sustainable

alternatives, maximizing production, and encouraging the adoption of eco-friendly practices.

It also has the potential to raise global awareness about the environmental impact of single-

use plastics, serving as a guide for future sustainable practices.

To the consumers, the conclusions of this research will enlighten consumers about

the environmental repercussions of single-use plastics and may motivate them to consider and

adopt sustainable alternatives, leading to reduced plastic pollution within the community.

To the students, this study will enhance students' understanding of environmental

issues, particularly the effects of single-use plastics. It will equip them with skills to

implement sustainable practices and alternatives, fostering interest in environmental


To the parents, the study's findings will aid parents in recognizing the significance of

sustainable practices often overlooked by manufacturers. It will raise awareness about the

environmental impact of single-use plastics and may encourage involvement in future

environmentally ethical initiatives.

To the educators, the research outcomes will assist educators in designing activities

to engage students in practicing sustainable alternatives. It will enable them to offer guidance

for implementing eco-friendly alternatives, benefiting both the environment and consumers.

To the future researchers, this study will serve as a reference for future researchers

embarking on similar investigations. It will provide valuable insights and contribute to the

development of future research on the effectiveness of single-use plastic bans in


C. Scope and Limitations

This study is concentrated on the effectiveness of the implementation of single-use

plastic ban policy in Tacloban City for the year 2024. It aims to evaluate the community’s

adherence to these regulations and the subsequent environmental impact. The participants

selected for this research are consumers and producers from Tacloban City Public Market to

ensure a comprehensive understanding of the community’s practices and attitudes towards

single-use plastics.

The scope of this study is confined to the implementation and effectiveness of single-

use plastic regulations within the geographical boundaries of Tacloban City, particularly at

Tacloban City Public Market. It examines the environmental outcomes and economic

implications since the enactment of the regulations. The study utilized surveys as primary

method of data collection.

However, the study has its limitations. It does not extend to other forms of waste

management practices or recycling programs outside of single-use plastics.

D. Definition of Terms

Ban. A formalized restriction or prohibition imposed by governmental, organizational, or

authoritative entities, with the aim of curtailing or prohibiting specified activities, behaviors,

products, or practices.

Consumption. The action or process whereby goods, services, resources, or other

commodities are utilized to meet human needs or desires.

Effectiveness. The measure of the extent to which a particular action or strategy attains its

predetermined goals or yields the desired results with efficiency and efficacy.

Environment. The encompassing natural milieu comprising terrestrial, aquatic, and

atmospheric elements wherein organisms, including human beings, subsist.

Environmental Policy. Regulations formulated by governments, organizations, or authorities

to address environmental challenges, promote sustainability, and manage natural resources.

Single-Use Plastic. Disposable plastic commodities designed for transient or one-time

utilization prior to disposal.



Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to the marine environment, biodiversity,

human health, and the economy (FAO, 2021, Simantiris et al., 2023). In the terrestrial

environment, plastic debris is concentrated in urban environments (i.e. cities) and waste

processing factories (Barnes et al., 2009), and in rural areas, the presence of plastic debris is

associated with the agricultural industry (Briassoulis et al., 2013), and have negative impacts

to the soil. In the coastal environment, plastic pollution leads to aesthetic issues and harms

tourism, aquaculture, recreational activities, shipping, and fishing, and may lead to a

permanent impairment of the marine environment (Jang et al., 2014, Hardesty et al., 2015,

Cole et al., 2011, Sivan, 2011).

In the specific context of Tacloban City, Thiel et al. (2020) investigate the factors

contributing to waste generation and management challenges, shedding light on the city's

unique environmental landscape. Their findings underscore the need for targeted

interventions, including policy measures, to address plastic pollution effectively.

Furthermore, Nugroho et al. (2021) explore management strategies for plastic waste,

emphasizing the role of community engagement and stakeholder collaboration in policy

implementation. Their research underscores the importance of understanding local dynamics

and socio-economic factors in crafting effective environmental policies.

The implementation of the Single-Use Plastic Ban Policy in Tacloban City represents

a significant step towards mitigating plastic pollution and promoting sustainable practices.

However, empirical evidence evaluating the policy's effectiveness and its broader

environmental impacts remains limited.



This section presents the discussion of the research design, participants, research instrument,

data gathering procedure and data analysis to be applied in the conduct of the study.

Research Design

This study is mainly qualitative research. The study is phenomenological in nature for it

focuses on the central underlying meaning of the research participant’s experience.

Relatively, Leedy and Omrod (2001) stress that the purpose of a phenomenological study is

to understand an experience from the research participant’s point of view. And, the data

collected lead to identifying common themes in people’s perception of their experiences. In

the case of this study, the effectiveness of the Single-Use Plastic Ban Policy and its effects in

the environment will be known through conducting an online interview that consists of

research questions that explore the meaning of the experience being discussed in the study.

Participants of the Study

The respondents of this study are the ten (10) vendors or producers at Tacloban City Public

Market who are continuously using plastic as their packaging material, and ten (10)

consumers from the said market. The respondents are chosen through convenience sampling,

specifically a homogeneous sampling. Convenience sampling (also known as Haphazard

Sampling or Accidental Sampling) is a type of nonprobability or nonrandom sampling where

members of the target population that meet certain practical criteria, such as easy

accessibility, geographical proximity, availability at a given time, or the willingness to

participate are included for the purpose of the study (Dornyei, 2007). The main assumption

underlying convenience sampling is that the target population is homogeneous. That is, there

would be no difference in the research results obtained from a random sample, a nearby

sample, a co- operative sample, or a sample drawn from an inaccessible segment of the

population (Palinkas, Green, Wisdom, & Hoagwood, 2013).

Research Instrument

In order to the effectiveness of the Single-Use Plastic Ban Policy in Tacloban City and assess

its effects on the environment, the study utilized an open-ended questionnaire through the use

of surveys. The questions inquire about the consumers’ and producers’ experiences and

thoughts regarding the policy implemented by the City government last January 1, 2024.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data is collected through a face-to-face survey. In this method, research participants are

prodded to share about their experiences and outlooks in regard to the newly implemented

policy─ Single-Use Plastic Ban. The said interview takes the form of unstructured interview

with the use of open- ended questions which the interviewee or research participants answers
freely. Producers and Consumers who were willing to participate in the study are asked to fill

out the questionnaire, and then return it to the researcher immediately. Before the conduct of

the pilot study, the necessary consent and permissions is obtained from the participants to

consider ethical issues. After obtaining consents and permissions, the questionnaires are

given to the selected participants, and they were given 30 minutes to answer the questions.

Transcription of the data and coding will be used. They will be guided by the researchers in

answering the questionnaire which is composed of 10 items. The data gathering served as a

basis for further enhancing the research too and served as to test its validity and reliability.

Only participants who had answered the questionnaires entirely were included in the

definitive sample.

Data Analysis

The data collected will be analyzed through thematic analysis. As qualitative research

becomes more recognized and valued, it is critical that it be conducted rigorously and

methodically in order to produce meaningful and useful results. To be considered credible,

the researchers ensured to demonstrate the data analysis, performed precisely, consistently,

and exhaustively by recording, systematizing, and disclosing the methods of analysis in

sufficient detail to allow the reader to determine whether the process is credible. Thematic

Analysis allow for a systematic way of seeing, as well as processing qualitative information

using “coding” (Braun and Clarke, 2016). Also, the responses of the participants will be

categorized into themes depending on the responses of participants in every question.

Relatively, this study uses the analysis of significant statements, the generalization of

meaning units, and the development of an “essence” description as it is considered as

phenomenological research.


Based on the objectives outlined in this study, the results obtained from interviews

indicate that most participants are aware of the single-use plastic regulations in the city.

However, some stores and merchants are still using single-use plastics. For ethical reasons,

the anonymity of these entities will be maintained.

The data collected shows that many sectors, especially major corporations and

businesses, are following the regulations regarding single-use plastic. However, in residential

areas and small businesses like convenience stores, some are not complying due to less

monitoring. Again, to protect privacy, the names of these businesses will not be disclosed.

The information gathered suggests that waste and pollution levels in Tacloban City

have decreased since the single-use plastic regulations were put in place. This is because

many big businesses have switched to biodegradable alternatives, like paper bags and

wooden utensils, which are less harmful to the environment.

The findings reveal adverse economic effects following the implementation of single-

use plastic regulations, primarily affecting consumers. They are often compelled to bring

their own bags or purchase them from stores, particularly when buying groceries in large

quantities. Paper bags, sometimes insufficient to accommodate their purchases, lead to

increased expenditure.

A significant challenge faced by the community in adhering to single-use plastic

regulations is the efficacy and adequacy of alternative options provided by most stores. Paper

bags lacking handles and durability are unable to withstand heavy loads, posing a challenge

for transportation. One potential solution involves offering more durable paper bags to

prevent tearing, although this increases the burden on consumers.

Based on the data collected, the majority of participants recommend the adoption of

sturdier paper bags, equipped with handles, by stores employing paper-based packaging,

especially grocery stores. Additionally, given that some participants were unaware of the new

regulations, efforts to disseminate information are crucial for enhancing compliance.

Implementing signage outside shops, at checkout counters, or entrances can effectively raise

awareness about the new regulations concerning single-use plastics.



The results of this study reveal a varied level of adherence to single-use plastic

regulations within Tacloban City. While there is a high level of awareness among

participants, a notable portion of businesses persists in using single-use plastics.

Nevertheless, it is promising to note that many major corporations and enterprises are

complying with the regulations, leading to a reduction in waste and pollution levels

throughout the city.

Despite these positive developments, challenges persist, particularly concerning the adverse

economic impact on consumers and the inadequacy of alternative options provided by most

businesses. Consumers often face increased expenses and inconvenience when purchasing

goods, and the durability and usability of alternative packaging remain problematic.

To address these challenges, several recommendations are proposed. Firstly, there is a

need for enhanced monitoring and enforcement of single-use plastic regulations, especially in

residential areas and small businesses where compliance is lower. This could involve

increased oversight and support from local authorities.

Secondly, efforts should be made to improve the accessibility and quality of

alternative packaging options, such as sturdier paper bags with handles. This would not only

alleviate the burden on consumers but also encourage greater adoption of eco-friendly

alternatives by businesses.

Lastly, there is a crucial need for public awareness campaigns to educate residents and

businesses about the single-use plastic regulations. Implementing signage at prominent

locations, such as outside shops and at checkout counters, would help raise awareness and

improve compliance with the regulations.


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